--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit cmake-utils desktop
+DESCRIPTION="An open source chat client for Threema-style end-to-end encrypted chat networks"
+# git-archive-all.sh snapshot of https://github.com/blizzard4591/openMittsu.git
+LICENSE="GPL-2+ BitstreamVera OFL-1.1 Apache-2.0 CC0-1.0 MIT BSD"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ >=dev-libs/libsodium-1.0.11:=
+ >=dev-qt/qtcore-5.7.1:5=
+ >=dev-qt/qtgui-5.7.1:5=
+ >=dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.7.1:5=[widgets]
+ >=dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.7.1:5=[ssl]
+ >=dev-qt/qtsql-5.7.1:5=[sqlite]
+ >=dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.7.1:5=
+ >=media-gfx/qrencode-3.4.4-r1:="
+ test? ( >=dev-cpp/gtest-1.8.0 )"
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
+ Example-client-configuration-file.ini
+ Example-contacts-file.txt
+src_configure() {
+ local mycmakeargs=(
+ # set version manually, since autodetection works only with git
+ )
+ cmake-utils_src_configure
+src_test() {
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ ./openMittsuTests || die
+src_install() {
+ local my_pn="openMittsu"
+ cmake-utils_src_install
+ newicon resources/icon.png ${my_pn}.png
+ make_desktop_entry ${my_pn} ${my_pn} ${my_pn}
+ rm "${ED}"/usr/bin/${my_pn}VersionInfo || die
+ rm -f "${ED}"/usr/bin/${my_pn}Tests || die