--- /dev/null
+Unfolding experiment procedure:
+At the ipython command line (use -pylab option for easy plotting)
+>>> import unfold
+>>> u = unfold.unfold(controlTemp=False)
+Approach the surface
+>>> u.stepApproach(setpoint=1.0)
+Hold down during approach to keep O-ring from lifting the
+head. Diagnose by watching under video-microscope: head movement
+shifts picture. Alternatively, use the flexible S-crossectioned
+"o-rings" or scrunchies to clamp head on tighter ;).
+Wiggle for interference just off the surface
+>>> u.stepAway(); u.stepAway(); u.stepAway()
+>>> import z_piezo_utils
+>>> z_piezo_utils.wiggleForInterferenceMin(u.zp, wig_freq=1.0)
+>>> import calibcant.calibrate
+>>> calibcant.config.DEFAULT_TEMP = 25 # degrees C
+>>> calibcant.calibrate.calib(stepper=u.step, zpiezo=u.zp, push_depth=90)
+push_depth is in nm. There are a host of other keyword arguments to
+calib. See them all with
+>>> calibcant.calibrate.calib._kwargs(calibcant.calibrate.calib)
+Tweak coarse surface position (these are stepper-backlash protected functions)
+>>> u.stepCloser()
+>>> u.stepAway()
+Unfold a protein
+>>> u.unfold(rel_setpoint=2, nmDist=1400,...)
+There's also a convenience function `loop_rates`
+>>> rates = [250, 500, 750, 1000]
+>>> unfold.loop_rates(u, rates=rates, num_loops=10, die_file="~/die",
+ rel_setpoint=1, nmDist=800, sBindTime=2, ...)
+which unfolds at each rate 10 times, unless ~/die exist, in which case
+it stops nicely. rel_setpoint, nmDist, sBindTime, and other additional
+options are just passed on to unfold.unfold().
+Modules :
+see unfold.png
+>>> help(whatever)
+is your friend in Python, and
+$ man whatever
+$ whatever --help
+are your friends in a shell.