# License along with Hooke. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import string
-from .. import curve as lhc
-class DataChunk(list):
- #Dummy class to provide ext and ret methods to the data list.
- def ext(self):
- halflen=(len(self)/2)
- return self[0:halflen]
- def ret(self):
- halflen=(len(self)/2)
- return self[halflen:]
-class jpkDriver(lhc.Driver):
- def __init__(self, filename):
- self.filename=filename #self.filename can always be useful, and should be defined
- self.filedata = open(filename,'r') #We open the file
- self.filelines=self.filedata.readlines()
- self.filedata.close()
- '''These are two strings that can be used by Hooke commands/plugins to understand what they are looking at. They have no other
- meaning. They have to be somehow defined however - commands often look for those variables.
- self.filetype should contain the name of the exact filetype defined by the driver (so that filetype-specific commands can know
- if they're dealing with the correct filetype)
- self.experiment should contain instead the type of data involved (for example, various drivers can be used for force-clamp experiments,
- but hooke commands could like to know if we're looking at force clamp data, regardless of their origin, and not other
- kinds of data)
- Of course, all other variables you like can be defined in the class.
- '''
- self.filetype = 'jpk'
- self.experiment = 'smfs'
- def __del__(self):
- self.filedata.close()
- def is_me(self):
- '''
- we define our magic heuristic for jpk files
- '''
- myfile=file(self.filename)
- headerlines=myfile.readlines()[0:3]
- myfile.close()
- if headerlines[0][0:11]=='# xPosition' and headerlines[1][0:11]=='# yPosition':
- return True
+"""Driver for JPK ForceRobot's velocity clamp data format.
+import logging
+import os.path
+import pprint
+import zipfile
+import numpy
+from .. import curve as curve
+from .. import experiment as experiment
+from . import Driver as Driver
+class JPKDriver (Driver):
+ """Handle JPK ForceRobot's data format.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(JPKDriver, self).__init__(name='jpk')
+ def is_me(self, path):
+ if zipfile.is_zipfile(path): # JPK file versions since at least 0.5
+ f = h = None
+ try:
+ f = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r')
+ if 'header.properties' not in f.namelist():
+ return False
+ h = f.open('header.properties')
+ if 'jpk-data-file' in h.read():
+ return True
+ finally:
+ if h != None:
+ h.close()
+ if f != None:
+ f.close()
- return False
- def close_all(self):
- self.filedata.close()
- def _read_data_segment(self):
- #routine that actually reads the data
- height_ms=[]
- height_m=[]
- height=[]
- v_deflection=[]
- h_deflection=[]
- self.springconstant=0 #if we don't meet any spring constant, use deflection...
- for line in self.filelines:
- #we meet the segment defining the order of data columns
- if line[0:9]=='# columns':
- splitline=line.split()[2:]
- height_ms_index=splitline.index('smoothedStrainGaugeHeight')
- height_m_index=splitline.index('strainGaugeHeight')
- height_index=splitline.index('height')
- v_deflection_index=splitline.index('vDeflection')
- #h_deflection=splitline.index('hDeflection')
- if line[0:16]=='# springConstant':
- self.springconstant=float(line.split()[2])
- if line[0] != '#' and len(line.split())>1:
- dataline=line.split()
- height_ms.append(float(dataline[height_ms_index]))
- height_m.append(float(dataline[height_m_index]))
- height.append(float(dataline[height_index]))
- v_deflection.append(float(dataline[v_deflection_index]))
- #h_deflection.append(float(dataline[h_deflection_index]))
- if self.springconstant != 0:
- force=[item*self.springconstant for item in v_deflection]
- else: #we have measured no spring constant :(
- force=v_deflection
- height_ms=DataChunk([item*-1 for item in height_ms])
- height_m=DataChunk([item*-1 for item in height_m])
- height=DataChunk([item*-1 for item in height])
- deflection=DataChunk(v_deflection)
- force=DataChunk(force)
- return height_ms,height_m,height,deflection,force
- def deflection(self):
- height_ms,height_m,height,deflection,force=self._read_data_segment()
- deflection_ext=deflection.ext()
- deflection_ret=deflection.ret()
- deflection_ret.reverse()
- return deflection_ext,deflection_ret
- def default_plots(self):
- height_ms,height_m,height,deflection,force=self._read_data_segment()
- height_ms_ext=height_ms.ext()
- height_ms_ret=height_ms.ret()
- force_ext=force.ext()
- force_ret=force.ret()
- #reverse the return data, to make it coherent with hooke standard
- height_ms_ret.reverse()
- force_ret.reverse()
- main_plot=lhc.PlotObject()
- main_plot.add_set(height_ms_ext,force_ext)
- main_plot.add_set(height_ms_ret,force_ret)
- if self.springconstant != 0:
- main_plot.units=['meters','force']
+ f = None
+ try:
+ f = open(path, 'r')
+ headlines = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ headlines.append(f.readline())
+ if headlines[0].startswith('# xPosition') \
+ and headlines[1].startswith('# yPosition'):
+ return True
+ finally:
+ if f != None:
+ f.close()
+ return False
+ def read(self, path):
+ if zipfile.is_zipfile(path): # JPK file versions since at least 0.5
+ return self._read_zip(path)
- main_plot.units=['meters','meters']
- main_plot.normalize_vectors()
- main_plot.destination=0
- main_plot.title=self.filename
- return [main_plot]
+ return self._read_old(path)
+ def _read_zip(self, path):
+ f = None
+ try:
+ f = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r')
+ f.path = path
+ info = self._zip_info(f)
+ approach = self._zip_segment(f, info, 0)
+ retract = self._zip_segment(f, info, 1)
+ assert approach.info['name'] == 'approach', approach.info['name']
+ assert retract.info['name'] == 'retract', retract.info['name']
+ return ([approach, retract],
+ self._zip_translate_params(info, retract.info['raw info']))
+ finally:
+ if f != None:
+ f.close()
+ def _zip_info(self, zipfile):
+ h = None
+ try:
+ h = zipfile.open('header.properties')
+ info = self._parse_params(h.readlines())
+ return info
+ finally:
+ if h != None:
+ h.close()
+ def _zip_segment(self, zipfile, info, index):
+ prop_file = zipfile.open(os.path.join(
+ 'segments', str(index), 'segment-header.properties'))
+ prop = self._parse_params(prop_file.readlines())
+ prop_file.close()
+ expected_shape = (int(prop['force-segment-header']['num-points']),)
+ channels = []
+ for chan in prop['channels']['list']:
+ chan_info = prop['channel'][chan]
+ channels.append(self._zip_channel(zipfile, index, chan, chan_info))
+ if channels[-1].shape != expected_shape:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'Channel %d:%s in %s has strange shape %s != %s'
+ % (index, chan, zipfile.path,
+ channels[-1].shape, expected_shape))
+ d = curve.Data(
+ shape=(len(channels[0]), len(channels)),
+ dtype=channels[0].dtype,
+ info=self._zip_translate_segment_params(prop))
+ for i,chan in enumerate(channels):
+ d[:,i] = chan
+ return self._zip_scale_segment(d)
+ def _zip_channel(self, zipfile, segment_index, channel_name, chan_info):
+ f = zipfile.open(os.path.join(
+ 'segments', str(segment_index),
+ chan_info['data']['file']['name']), 'r')
+ assert chan_info['data']['file']['format'] == 'raw', \
+ 'Non-raw data format:\n%s' % pprint.pformat(chan_info)
+ assert chan_info['data']['type'] == 'float-data', \
+ 'Non-float data format:\n%s' % pprint.pformat(chan_info)
+ data = numpy.frombuffer(
+ buffer(f.read()),
+ dtype=numpy.dtype(numpy.float32).newbyteorder('>'),
+ # Is JPK data always big endian? I can't find a config
+ # setting. The ForceRobot brochure
+ # http://www.jpk.com/forcerobot300-1.download.6d694150f14773dc76bc0c3a8a6dd0e8.pdf
+ # lists a PowerPC chip on page 4, under Control
+ # electronics, and PPCs are usually big endian.
+ # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerPC#Endian_modes
+ )
+ f.close()
+ return data
+ def _zip_translate_params(self, params, chan_info):
+ info = {
+ 'raw info':params,
+ #'time':self._time_from_TODO(raw_info[]),
+ }
+ force_unit = chan_info['channel']['vDeflection']['conversion-set']['conversion']['force']['scaling']['unit']['unit']
+ assert force_unit == 'N', force_unit
+ force_base = chan_info['channel']['vDeflection']['conversion-set']['conversion']['force']['base-calibration-slot']
+ assert force_base == 'distance', force_base
+ dist_unit = chan_info['channel']['vDeflection']['conversion-set']['conversion']['distance']['scaling']['unit']['unit']
+ assert dist_unit == 'm', dist_unit
+ force_mult = float(
+ chan_info['channel']['vDeflection']['conversion-set']['conversion']['force']['scaling']['multiplier'])
+ info['spring constant (N/m)'] = force_mult
+ return info
+ def _zip_translate_segment_params(self, params):
+ info = {
+ 'raw info':params,
+ 'columns':list(params['channels']['list']),
+ 'name':params['force-segment-header']['name']['name'],
+ }
+ if info['name'] == 'extend-spm':
+ info['name'] = 'approach'
+ elif info['name'] == 'retract-spm':
+ info['name'] = 'retract'
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'Unrecognized segment type %s' % info['name'])
+ return info
+ def _zip_scale_segment(self, segment):
+ data = curve.Data(
+ shape=segment.shape,
+ dtype=segment.dtype,
+ info={})
+ data[:,:] = segment
+ segment.info['raw data'] = data
+ # raw column indices
+ channels = segment.info['raw info']['channels']['list']
+ z_col = channels.index('height')
+ d_col = channels.index('vDeflection')
+ segment = self._zip_scale_channel(segment, z_col, 'calibrated')
+ segment = self._zip_scale_channel(segment, d_col, 'distance')
+ assert segment.info['columns'][z_col] == 'height (m)', \
+ segment.info['columns'][z_col]
+ assert segment.info['columns'][d_col] == 'vDeflection (m)', \
+ segment.info['columns'][d_col]
+ # scaled column indices same as raw column indices,
+ # because columns is a copy of channels.list
+ segment.info['columns'][z_col] = 'z piezo (m)'
+ segment.info['columns'][d_col] = 'deflection (m)'
+ return segment
+ def _zip_scale_channel(self, segment, channel, conversion):
+ channel_name = segment.info['raw info']['channels']['list'][channel]
+ conversion_set = segment.info['raw info']['channel'][channel_name]['conversion-set']
+ conversion_info = conversion_set['conversion'][conversion]
+ if conversion_info['base-calibration-slot'] \
+ != conversion_set['conversions']['base']:
+ # Our conversion is stacked on a previous conversion. Do
+ # the previous conversion first.
+ segment = self._zip_scale_channel(
+ segment, channel, conversion_info['base-calibration-slot'])
+ if conversion_info['type'] == 'file':
+ if os.path.exists(conversion_info['file']):
+ raise NotImplementedError('No calibration files were available for testing')
+ else:
+ log = logging.getLogger('hooke')
+ log.warn(
+ 'Skipping %s -> %s calibration for %s channel. Calibration file %s not found'
+ % (conversion_info['base-calibration-slot'],
+ conversion, channel_name, conversion_info['file']))
+ else:
+ assert conversion_info['type'] == 'simple', conversion_info['type']
+ assert conversion_info['scaling']['type'] == 'linear', \
+ conversion_info['scaling']['type']
+ assert conversion_info['scaling']['style'] == 'offsetmultiplier', \
+ conversion_info['scaling']['style']
+ multiplier = float(conversion_info['scaling']['multiplier'])
+ offset = float(conversion_info['scaling']['offset'])
+ unit = conversion_info['scaling']['unit']['unit']
+ segment[:,channel] = segment[:,channel] * multiplier + offset
+ segment.info['columns'][channel] = '%s (%s)' % (channel_name, unit)
+ return segment
+ def _parse_params(self, lines):
+ info = {}
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ else:
+ # e.g.: force-segment-header.type=xy-position-segment-header
+ fields = line.split('=', 1)
+ assert len(fields) == 2, line
+ setting = fields[0].split('.')
+ sub_info = info # drill down, e.g. info['force-s..']['type']
+ for s in setting[:-1]:
+ if s not in sub_info:
+ sub_info[s] = {}
+ sub_info = sub_info[s]
+ if setting[-1] == 'list': # split a space-delimited list
+ sub_info[setting[-1]] = fields[1].split(' ')
+ else:
+ sub_info[setting[-1]] = fields[1]
+ return info
+ def _read_old(self, path):
+ raise NotImplementedError('No old-style JPK files were available for testing, please send us yours: %s' % path)