Namespace sanitizing, step 1
authorMarius Mauch <>
Thu, 25 Jan 2007 15:49:26 +0000 (15:49 -0000)
committerMarius Mauch <>
Thu, 25 Jan 2007 15:49:26 +0000 (15:49 -0000)
svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=5778

70 files changed:
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/portage/ [moved from pym/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/cache/ [moved from pym/cache/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/elog_modules/ [moved from pym/elog_modules/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/elog_modules/ [moved from pym/elog_modules/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/elog_modules/ [moved from pym/elog_modules/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/elog_modules/ [moved from pym/elog_modules/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/elog_modules/ [moved from pym/elog_modules/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/elog_modules/ [moved from pym/elog_modules/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/elog_modules/ [moved from pym/elog_modules/ with 100% similarity]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/ [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]
pym/ [changed from file to symlink]

deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 30f143cd869dc082460d50490ef43eef2c7a0e6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-# -- cvs tree utilities
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-import os,time,sys,re
-from stat import *
-# [D]/Name/Version/Date/Flags/Tags
-def pathdata(entries, path):
-       """(entries,path)
-       Returns the data(dict) for a specific file/dir at the path specified."""
-       mysplit=path.split("/")
-       myentries=entries
-       mytarget=mysplit[-1]
-       mysplit=mysplit[:-1]
-       for mys in mysplit:
-               if myentries["dirs"].has_key(mys):
-                       myentries=myentries["dirs"][mys]
-               else:
-                       return None
-       if myentries["dirs"].has_key(mytarget):
-               return myentries["dirs"][mytarget]
-       elif myentries["files"].has_key(mytarget):
-               return myentries["files"][mytarget]
-       else:
-               return None
-def fileat(entries, path):
-       return pathdata(entries,path)
-def isadded(entries, path):
-       """(entries,path)
-       Returns true if the path exists and is added to the cvs tree."""
-       mytarget=pathdata(entries, path)
-       if mytarget:
-               if "cvs" in mytarget["status"]:
-                       return 1
-       basedir=os.path.dirname(path)
-       filename=os.path.basename(path)
-       try:
-               myfile=open(basedir+"/CVS/Entries","r")
-       except IOError:
-               return 0
-       mylines=myfile.readlines()
-       myfile.close()
-       rep=re.compile("^\/"+re.escape(filename)+"\/");
-       for x in mylines:
-               if
-                       return 1
-       return 0
-def findnew(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
-       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
-       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that have been added but
-       have not yet been committed. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended
-       with a basedir."""
-       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
-               basedir=basedir+"/"
-       mylist=[]
-       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
-               if "cvs" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                       if "0" == entries["files"][myfile]["revision"]:
-                               mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
-       if recursive:
-               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
-                       mylist+=findnew(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
-       return mylist
-def findchanged(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
-       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
-       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that exist in the cvs tree
-       and differ from the committed version. Returns a list of paths, optionally
-       prepended with a basedir."""
-       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
-               basedir=basedir+"/"
-       mylist=[]
-       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
-               if "cvs" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                       if "current" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                               if "exists" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                                       if entries["files"][myfile]["revision"]!="0":
-                                               mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
-       if recursive:
-               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
-                       mylist+=findchanged(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
-       return mylist
-def findmissing(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
-       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
-       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are listed in the cvs
-       tree but do not exist on the filesystem. Returns a list of paths,
-       optionally prepended with a basedir."""
-       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
-               basedir=basedir+"/"
-       mylist=[]
-       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
-               if "cvs" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                       if "exists" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                               if "removed" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                                       mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
-       if recursive:
-               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
-                       mylist+=findmissing(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
-       return mylist
-def findunadded(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
-       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
-       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are in valid cvs
-       directories but are not part of the cvs tree. Returns a list of paths,
-       optionally prepended with a basedir."""
-       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
-               basedir=basedir+"/"
-       mylist=[]
-       #ignore what cvs ignores.
-       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
-               if "cvs" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                       mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
-       if recursive:
-               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
-                       mylist+=findunadded(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
-       return mylist
-def findremoved(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
-       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
-       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are in flagged for cvs
-       deletions. Returns a list of paths,     optionally prepended with a basedir."""
-       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
-               basedir=basedir+"/"
-       mylist=[]
-       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
-               if "removed" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
-                       mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
-       if recursive:
-               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
-                       mylist+=findremoved(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
-       return mylist
-def findall(entries, recursive=0, basedir=""):
-       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
-       Recurses the entries tree to find all new, changed, missing, and unadded
-       entities. Returns a 4 element list of lists as returned from each find*()."""
-       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
-               basedir=basedir+"/"
-       mynew     = findnew(entries,recursive,basedir)
-       mychanged = findchanged(entries,recursive,basedir)
-       mymissing = findmissing(entries,recursive,basedir)
-       myunadded = findunadded(entries,recursive,basedir)
-       myremoved = findremoved(entries,recursive,basedir)
-       return [mynew, mychanged, mymissing, myunadded, myremoved]
-ignore_list = re.compile("(^|/)(RCS(|LOG)|SCCS|CVS(|\.adm)|cvslog\..*|tags|TAGS|\.(make\.state|nse_depinfo)|.*~|(\.|)#.*|,.*|_$.*|.*\$|\.del-.*|.*\.(old|BAK|bak|orig|rej|a|olb|o|obj|so|exe|Z|elc|ln)|core)$")
-def apply_cvsignore_filter(list):
-       x=0
-       while x < len(list):
-               if ignore_list.match(list[x].split("/")[-1]):
-                       list.pop(x)
-               else:
-                       x+=1
-       return list
-def getentries(mydir,recursive=0):
-       """(basedir,recursive=0)
-       Scans the given directory and returns an datadict of all the entries in
-       the directory seperated as a dirs dict and a files dict."""
-       myfn=mydir+"/CVS/Entries"
-       # entries=[dirs, files]
-       entries={"dirs":{},"files":{}}
-       if not os.path.exists(mydir):
-               return entries
-       try:
-               myfile=open(myfn, "r")
-               mylines=myfile.readlines()
-               myfile.close()
-       except SystemExit, e:
-               raise
-       except:
-               mylines=[]
-       for line in mylines:
-               if line and line[-1]=="\n":
-                       line=line[:-1]
-               if not line:
-                       continue
-               if line=="D": # End of entries file
-                       break
-               mysplit=line.split("/")
-               if len(mysplit)!=6:
-                       print "Confused:",mysplit
-                       continue
-               if mysplit[0]=="D":
-                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]={"dirs":{},"files":{},"status":[]}
-                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["status"]=["cvs"]
-                       if os.path.isdir(mydir+"/"+mysplit[1]):
-                               entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["status"]+=["exists"]
-                               entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["flags"]=mysplit[2:]
-                               if recursive:
-                                       rentries=getentries(mydir+"/"+mysplit[1],recursive)
-                                       #print rentries.keys()
-                                       #print entries["files"].keys()
-                                       #print entries["files"][mysplit[1]]
-                                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["dirs"]=rentries["dirs"]
-                                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["files"]=rentries["files"]
-               else:
-                       # [D]/Name/revision/Date/Flags/Tags
-                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]={}
-                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["revision"]=mysplit[2]
-                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["date"]=mysplit[3]
-                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["flags"]=mysplit[4]
-                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["tags"]=mysplit[5]
-                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["status"]=["cvs"]
-                       if entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["revision"][0]=="-":
-                               entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["status"]+=["removed"]
-       for file in apply_cvsignore_filter(os.listdir(mydir)):
-               if file=="CVS":
-                       continue
-               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                       print mydir,file
-               if os.path.isdir(mydir+"/"+file):
-                       if not entries["dirs"].has_key(file):
-                               entries["dirs"][file]={"dirs":{},"files":{}}
-                       if entries["dirs"][file].has_key("status"):
-                               if "exists" not in entries["dirs"][file]["status"]:
-                                       entries["dirs"][file]["status"]+=["exists"]
-                       else:
-                               entries["dirs"][file]["status"]=["exists"]
-               elif os.path.isfile(mydir+"/"+file):
-                       if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                               print "isfile"
-                       if not entries["files"].has_key(file):
-                               entries["files"][file]={"revision":"","date":"","flags":"","tags":""}
-                       if entries["files"][file].has_key("status"):
-                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                                       print "has status"
-                               if "exists" not in entries["files"][file]["status"]:
-                                       if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                                               print "no exists in status"
-                                       entries["files"][file]["status"]+=["exists"]
-                       else:
-                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                                       print "no status"
-                               entries["files"][file]["status"]=["exists"]
-                       try:
-                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                                       print "stat'ing"
-                               mystat=os.stat(mydir+"/"+file)
-                               mytime=time.asctime(time.gmtime(mystat[ST_MTIME]))
-                               if not entries["files"][file].has_key("status"):
-                                       if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                                               print "status not set"
-                                       entries["files"][file]["status"]=[]
-                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                                       print "date:",entries["files"][file]["date"]
-                                       print "sdate:",mytime
-                               if mytime==entries["files"][file]["date"]:
-                                       entries["files"][file]["status"]+=["current"]
-                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
-                                       print "stat done"
-                               del mystat
-                       except SystemExit, e:
-                               raise
-                       except Exception, e:
-                               print "failed to stat",file
-                               print e
-                               return
-               else:
-                       print
-                       print "File of unknown type:",mydir+"/"+file
-                       print
-       return entries
-#class cvstree:
-#      def __init__(self,basedir):
-#              self.refdir=os.cwd()
-#              self.basedir=basedir
-#              self.entries={}
-#              self.entries["dirs"]={}
-#              self.entries["files"]={}
-#              self.entries["dirs"][self.basedir]=getentries(self.basedir)
-#              self.getrealdirs(self.dirs, self.files)
-#      def getrealdirs(self,dirs,files):
-#              for mydir in dirs.keys():
-#                      list = os.listdir(
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64d929425529a48286b5a6c3e9856ae10c82176a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 690772bf85a6c201b439811de7e0c3e8eaec0199..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# -- functionality common to archive-conf and dispatch-conf
-# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-# Library by Wayne Davison <>, derived from code
-# written by Jeremy Wohl (
-from stat import *
-import os, sys, commands, shutil
-import portage
-RCS_BRANCH = '1.1.1'
-RCS_LOCK = 'rcs -ko -M -l'
-RCS_PUT = 'ci -t-"Archived config file." -m"dispatch-conf update."'
-RCS_GET = 'co'
-RCS_MERGE = 'rcsmerge -p -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' %s >%s'
-DIFF3_MERGE = 'diff3 -mE %s %s %s >%s'
-def read_config(mandatory_opts):
-    try:
-        opts = portage.getconfig('/etc/dispatch-conf.conf')
-    except:
-        opts = None
-    if not opts:
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error reading /etc/dispatch-conf.conf; fatal'
-        sys.exit(1)
-    for key in mandatory_opts:
-        if not opts.has_key(key):
-            if key == "merge":
-                opts["merge"] = "sdiff --suppress-common-lines --output=%s %s %s"
-            else:
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Missing option "%s" in /etc/dispatch-conf.conf; fatal' % (key,)
-    if not os.path.exists(opts['archive-dir']):
-        os.mkdir(opts['archive-dir'])
-    elif not os.path.isdir(opts['archive-dir']):
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Config archive dir [%s] must exist; fatal' % (opts['archive-dir'],)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return opts
-def rcs_archive(archive, curconf, newconf, mrgconf):
-    """Archive existing config in rcs (on trunk). Then, if mrgconf is
-    specified and an old branch version exists, merge the user's changes
-    and the distributed changes and put the result into mrgconf.  Lastly,
-    if newconf was specified, leave it in the archive dir with a
-    suffix along with the last 1.1.1 branch version with a .dist suffix."""
-    try:
-        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(archive))
-    except:
-        pass
-    try:
-        shutil.copy2(curconf, archive)
-    except(IOError, os.error), why:
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
-              (curconf, archive, str(why))
-    if os.path.exists(archive + ',v'):
-        os.system(RCS_LOCK + ' ' + archive)
-    os.system(RCS_PUT + ' ' + archive)
-    ret = 0
-    if newconf != '':
-        os.system(RCS_GET + ' -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
-        has_branch = os.path.exists(archive)
-        if has_branch:
-            os.rename(archive, archive + '.dist')
-        try:
-            shutil.copy2(newconf, archive)
-        except(IOError, os.error), why:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
-                  (newconf, archive, str(why))
-        if has_branch:
-            if mrgconf != '':
-                # This puts the results of the merge into mrgconf.
-                ret = os.system(RCS_MERGE % (archive, mrgconf))
-                mystat = os.lstat(newconf)
-                os.chmod(mrgconf, mystat[ST_MODE])
-                os.chown(mrgconf, mystat[ST_UID], mystat[ST_GID])
-        os.rename(archive, archive + '')
-    return ret
-def file_archive(archive, curconf, newconf, mrgconf):
-    """Archive existing config to the archive-dir, bumping old versions
-    out of the way into .# versions (log-rotate style). Then, if mrgconf
-    was specified and there is a .dist version, merge the user's changes
-    and the distributed changes and put the result into mrgconf.  Lastly,
-    if newconf was specified, archive it as a version (which
-    gets moved to the .dist version at the end of the processing)."""
-    try:
-        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(archive))
-    except:
-        pass
-    # Archive the current config file if it isn't already saved
-    if os.path.exists(archive) \
-     and len(commands.getoutput('diff -aq %s %s' % (curconf,archive))) != 0:
-        suf = 1
-        while suf < 9 and os.path.exists(archive + '.' + str(suf)):
-            suf += 1
-        while suf > 1:
-            os.rename(archive + '.' + str(suf-1), archive + '.' + str(suf))
-            suf -= 1
-        os.rename(archive, archive + '.1')
-    try:
-        shutil.copy2(curconf, archive)
-    except(IOError, os.error), why:
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
-              (curconf, archive, str(why))
-    if newconf != '':
-        # Save off new config file in the archive dir with suffix
-        try:
-            shutil.copy2(newconf, archive + '')
-        except(IOError, os.error), why:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
-                  (newconf, archive + '', str(why))
-        ret = 0
-        if mrgconf != '' and os.path.exists(archive + '.dist'):
-            # This puts the results of the merge into mrgconf.
-            ret = os.system(DIFF3_MERGE % (curconf, archive + '.dist', newconf, mrgconf))
-            mystat = os.lstat(newconf)
-            os.chmod(mrgconf, mystat[ST_MODE])
-            os.chown(mrgconf, mystat[ST_UID], mystat[ST_GID])
-        return ret
-def rcs_archive_post_process(archive):
-    """Check in the archive file with the suffix on the branch
-    and remove the one with the .dist suffix."""
-    os.rename(archive + '', archive)
-    if os.path.exists(archive + '.dist'):
-        # Commit the last-distributed version onto the branch.
-        os.system(RCS_LOCK + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
-        os.system(RCS_PUT + ' -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
-        os.unlink(archive + '.dist')
-    else:
-        # Forcefully commit the last-distributed version onto the branch.
-        os.system(RCS_PUT + ' -f -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
-def file_archive_post_process(archive):
-    """Rename the archive file with the suffix to a .dist suffix"""
-    os.rename(archive + '', archive + '.dist')
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12dcece7ef133bab1a7bd4432bad808d08679f0b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 91b98fec5902ff3df18f1754682d97b78b78017f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: 2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Author(s): Nicholas Carpaski (, Brian Harring (
-# License: GPL2
-# $Id$
-from portage_util import normalize_path, writemsg
-import os, sys
-from portage_data import portage_gid
-class cache:
-       """
-       Maintains the cache information about eclasses used in ebuild.
-       """
-       def __init__(self, porttree_root, overlays=[]):
-               self.porttree_root = porttree_root
-               self.eclasses = {} # {"Name": ("location","_mtime_")}
-               self._eclass_locations = {}
-               # screw with the porttree ordering, w/out having bash inherit match it, and I'll hurt you.
-               # ~harring
-               self.porttrees = [self.porttree_root]+overlays
-               self.porttrees = tuple(map(normalize_path, self.porttrees))
-               self._master_eclass_root = os.path.join(self.porttrees[0],"eclass")
-               self.update_eclasses()
-       def close_caches(self):
-               import traceback
-               traceback.print_stack()
-               print "%s close_cache is deprecated" % self.__class__
-               self.eclasses.clear()
-       def flush_cache(self):
-               import traceback
-               traceback.print_stack()
-               print "%s flush_cache is deprecated" % self.__class__
-               self.update_eclasses()
-       def update_eclasses(self):
-               self.eclasses = {}
-               self._eclass_locations = {}
-               eclass_len = len(".eclass")
-               for x in [normalize_path(os.path.join(y,"eclass")) for y in self.porttrees]:
-                       if not os.path.isdir(x):
-                               continue
-                       for y in [y for y in os.listdir(x) if y.endswith(".eclass")]:
-                               try:
-                                       mtime = long(os.stat(os.path.join(x, y)).st_mtime)
-                               except OSError:
-                                       continue
-                               ys=y[:-eclass_len]
-                               self.eclasses[ys] = (x, long(mtime))
-                               self._eclass_locations[ys] = x
-       def is_eclass_data_valid(self, ec_dict):
-               if not isinstance(ec_dict, dict):
-                       return False
-               for eclass, tup in ec_dict.iteritems():
-                       cached_data = self.eclasses.get(eclass, None)
-                       """ Only use the mtime for validation since the probability of a
-                       collision is small and, depending on the cache implementation, the
-                       path may not be specified (cache from rsync mirrors, for example).
-                       """
-                       if cached_data is None or tup[1] != cached_data[1]:
-                               return False
-               return True
-       def get_eclass_data(self, inherits, from_master_only=False):
-               ec_dict = {}
-               for x in inherits:
-                       try:
-                               ec_dict[x] = self.eclasses[x]
-                       except KeyError:
-                               print "ec=",ec_dict
-                               print "inherits=",inherits
-                               raise
-                       if from_master_only and \
-                               self._eclass_locations[x] != self._master_eclass_root:
-                               return None
-               return ec_dict
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7d7db2ca1a6ca3df4aed64e112dbaf55dfe0215
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 373e0bf444e40ae33604b8aede53460cc01feb22..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-import os,sys
-from output import bold, turquoise, green
-def shorthelp():
-       print
-       print
-       print bold("Usage:")
-       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+turquoise("ebuildfile")+" | "+turquoise("tbz2file")+" | "+turquoise("dependency")+" ] [ ... ]"
-       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] < "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" >"
-       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" < "+turquoise("--sync")+" | "+turquoise("--metadata")+" | "+turquoise("--info")+" >"
-       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--resume")+" [ "+green("--pretend")+" | "+green("--ask")+" | "+green("--skipfirst")+" ]"
-       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--help")+" [ "+green("system")+" | "+green("world")+" | "+green("config")+" | "+green("--sync")+" ] "
-       print bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhikKlnNoOpqPsStuvV")+"] ["+green("--oneshot")+"] ["+green("--newuse")+"] ["+green("--noconfmem")+"]"
-       print      "                                          [ " + green("--color")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >  ] [ "+green("--columns")+" ]"
-       print      "                                                                 ["+green("--nospinner")+"]"
-       print "                                          [ "+green("--deep")+"  ] [" + green("--with-bdeps")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" > ]"
-       print bold("Actions:")+" [ "+green("--clean")+" | "+green("--depclean")+" | "+green("--prune")+" | "+green("--regen")+" | "+green("--search")+" | "+green("--unmerge")+" ]"
-       print
-def help(myaction,myopts,havecolor=1):
-       if not myaction and ("--help" not in myopts):
-               shorthelp()
-               print
-               print "   For more help try 'emerge --help' or consult the man page."
-               print
-       elif not myaction:
-               shorthelp()
-               print
-               print turquoise("Help (this screen):")
-               print "       "+green("--help")+" ("+green("-h")+" short option)"
-               print "              Displays this help; an additional argument (see above) will tell"
-               print "              emerge to display detailed help."
-               print
-               print turquoise("Actions:")
-               print "       "+green("--clean")+" ("+green("-c")+" short option)"
-               print "              Cleans the system by removing outdated packages which will not"
-               print "              remove functionalities or prevent your system from working."
-               print "              The arguments can be in several different formats :"
-               print "              * world "
-               print "              * system or"
-               print "              * 'dependency specification' (in single quotes is best.)"
-               print "              Here are a few examples of the dependency specification format:"
-               print "              "+bold("binutils")+" matches"
-               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
-               print "              "+bold("sys-devel/binutils")+" matches"
-               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
-               print "              "+bold(">sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
-               print "                  binutils-"
-               print "              "+bold(">=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
-               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
-               print "              "+bold("<=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
-               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--config")
-               print "              Runs package-specific operations that must be executed after an"
-               print "              emerge process has completed.  This usually entails configuration"
-               print "              file setup or other similar setups that the user may wish to run."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--depclean")
-               print "              Cleans the system by removing packages that are not associated"
-               print "              with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works by creating the"
-               print "              full dependency tree from the system list and the world file,"
-               print "              then comparing it to installed packages. Packages installed, but"
-               print "              not associated with an explicit merge are listed as candidates"
-               print "              for unmerging."+turquoise(" WARNING: This can seriously affect your system by")
-               print "              "+turquoise("removing packages that may have been linked against, but due to")
-               print "              "+turquoise("changes in USE flags may no longer be part of the dep tree. Use")
-               print "              "+turquoise("caution when employing this feature.")
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--info")
-               print "              Displays important portage variables that will be exported to"
-               print "     when performing merges. This information is useful"
-               print "              for bug reports and verification of settings. All settings in"
-               print "              make.{conf,globals,defaults} and the environment show up if"
-               print "              run with the '--verbose' flag."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--metadata")
-               print "              Transfers metadata cache from ${PORTDIR}/metadata/cache/ to"
-               print "              /var/cache/edb/dep/ as is normally done on the tail end of an"
-               print "              rsync update using " + bold("emerge --sync") + ". This process populates the"
-               print "              cache database that portage uses for pre-parsed lookups of"
-               print "              package data.  It does not populate cache for the overlays"
-               print "              listed in PORTDIR_OVERLAY.  In order to generate cache for"
-               print "              overlays, use " + bold("--regen") + "."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--prune")+" ("+green("-P")+" short option)"
-               print "              "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!")
-               print "              Removes all but the most recently installed version of a package"
-               print "              from your system. This action doesn't verify the possible binary"
-               print "              compatibility between versions and can thus remove essential"
-               print "              dependencies from your system."
-               print "              The argument format is the same as for the "+bold("--clean")+" action."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--regen")
-               print "              Causes portage to check and update the dependency cache of all"
-               print "              ebuilds in the portage tree. This is not recommended for rsync"
-               print "              users as rsync updates the cache using server-side caches."
-               print "              Rsync users should simply 'emerge --sync' to regenerate."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--resume")
-               print "              Resumes the last merge operation. It can be treated just like a"
-               print "              regular emerge: --pretend and other options work alongside it."
-               print "              'emerge --resume' only returns an error on failure. When there is"
-               print "              nothing to do, it exits with a message and a success condition."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--search")+" ("+green("-s")+" short option)"
-               print "              Searches for matches of the supplied string in the current local"
-               print "              portage tree. By default emerge uses a case-insensitive simple "
-               print "              search, but you can enable a regular expression search by "
-               print "              prefixing the search string with %."
-               print "              Prepending the expression with a '@' will cause the category to"
-               print "              be included in the search."
-               print "              A few examples:"
-               print "              "+bold("emerge --search libc")
-               print "                  list all packages that contain libc in their name"
-               print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%^kde'")
-               print "                  list all packages starting with kde"
-               print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%gcc$'")
-               print "                  list all packages ending with gcc"
-               print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%@^dev-java.*jdk'")
-               print "                  list all available Java JDKs"
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--searchdesc")+" ("+green("-S")+" short option)"
-               print "              Matches the search string against the description field as well"
-               print "              the package's name. Take caution as the descriptions are also"
-               print "              matched as regular expressions."
-               print "                emerge -S html"
-               print "                emerge -S applet"
-               print "                emerge -S 'perl.*module'"
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--unmerge")+" ("+green("-C")+" short option)"
-               print "              "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!")
-               print "              Removes all matching packages "+bold("completely")+" from"
-               print "              your system. Specify arguments using the dependency specification"
-               print "              format described in the "+bold("--clean")+" action above."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--update")+" ("+green("-u")+" short option)"
-               print "              Updates packages to the best version available, which may not"
-               print "              always be the highest version number due to masking for testing"
-               print "              and development. This will also update direct dependencies which"
-               print "              may not what you want. Package atoms specified on the command line"
-               print "              are greedy, meaning that unspecific atoms may match multiple"
-               print "              installed versions of slotted packages."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--version")+" ("+green("-V")+" short option)"
-               print "              Displays the currently installed version of portage along with"
-               print "              other information useful for quick reference on a system. See"
-               print "              "+bold("emerge info")+" for more advanced information."
-               print
-               print turquoise("Options:")
-               print "       "+green("--alphabetical")
-               print "              When displaying USE and other flag output, combines the enabled"
-               print "              and disabled flags into a single list and sorts it alphabetically."
-               print "              With this option, output such as USE=\"dar -bar -foo\" will instead"
-               print "              be displayed as USE=\"-bar dar -foo\""
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--ask")+" ("+green("-a")+" short option)"
-               print "              before performing the merge, display what ebuilds and tbz2s will"
-               print "              be installed, in the same format as when using --pretend; then"
-               print "              ask whether to continue with the merge or abort. Using --ask is"
-               print "              more efficient than using --pretend and then executing the same"
-               print "              command without --pretend, as dependencies will only need to be"
-               print "              calculated once. WARNING: If the \"Enter\" key is pressed at the"
-               print "              prompt (with no other input), it is interpreted as acceptance of"
-               print "              the first choice.  Note that the input buffer is not cleared prior"
-               print "              to the prompt, so an accidental press of the \"Enter\" key at any"
-               print "              time prior to the prompt will be interpreted as a choice!"
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--buildpkg")+" ("+green("-b")+" short option)"
-               print "              Tell emerge to build binary packages for all ebuilds processed"
-               print "              (in addition to actually merging the packages.  Useful for"
-               print "              maintainers or if you administrate multiple Gentoo Linux"
-               print "              systems (build once, emerge tbz2s everywhere) as well as disaster"
-               print "              recovery."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--buildpkgonly")+" ("+green("-B")+" short option)"
-               print "              Creates a binary package, but does not merge it to the"
-               print "              system. This has the restriction that unsatisfied dependencies"
-               print "              must not exist for the desired package as they cannot be used if"
-               print "              they do not exist on the system."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--changelog")+" ("+green("-l")+" short option)"
-               print "              When pretending, also display the ChangeLog entries for packages"
-               print "              that will be upgraded."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--color") + " < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >"
-               print "              Enable or disable color output. This option will override NOCOLOR"
-               print "              (see make.conf(5)) and may also be used to force color output when"
-               print "              stdout is not a tty (by default, color is disabled unless stdout"
-               print "              is a tty)."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--columns")
-               print "              Display the pretend output in a tabular form. Versions are"
-               print "              aligned vertically."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--debug")+" ("+green("-d")+" short option)"
-               print "              Tell emerge to run the ebuild command in --debug mode. In this"
-               print "              mode, the bash build environment will run with the -x option,"
-               print "              causing it to output verbose debug information print to stdout."
-               print "              --debug is great for finding bash syntax errors as providing"
-               print "              very verbose information about the dependency and build process."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--deep")+" ("+green("-D")+" short option)"
-               print "              This flag forces emerge to consider the entire dependency tree of"
-               print "              packages, instead of checking only the immediate dependencies of"
-               print "              the packages. As an example, this catches updates in libraries"
-               print "              that are not directly listed in the dependencies of a package."
-               print "              Also see --with-bdeps for behavior with respect to build time"
-               print "              dependencies that are not strictly required."
-               print 
-               print "       "+green("--emptytree")+" ("+green("-e")+" short option)"
-               print "              Virtually tweaks the tree of installed packages to contain"
-               print "              nothing. This is great to use together with --pretend. This makes"
-               print "              it possible for developers to get a complete overview of the"
-               print "              complete dependency tree of a certain package."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--fetchonly")+" ("+green("-f")+" short option)"
-               print "              Instead of doing any package building, just perform fetches for"
-               print "              all packages (main package as well as all dependencies.) When"
-               print "              used in combination with --pretend all the SRC_URIs will be"
-               print "              displayed multiple mirrors per line, one line per file."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--fetch-all-uri")+" ("+green("-F")+" short option)"
-               print "              Same as --fetchonly except that all package files, including those"
-               print "              not required to build the package, will be processed."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--getbinpkg")+" ("+green("-g")+" short option)"
-               print "              Using the server and location defined in PORTAGE_BINHOST, portage"
-               print "              will download the information from each binary file there and it"
-               print "              will use that information to help build the dependency list. This"
-               print "              option implies '-k'. (Use -gK for binary-only merging.)"
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--getbinpkgonly")+" ("+green("-G")+" short option)"
-               print "              This option is identical to -g, as above, except it will not use"
-               print "              ANY information from the local machine. All binaries will be"
-               print "              downloaded from the remote server without consulting packages"
-               print "              existing in the packages directory."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--newuse")+" ("+green("-N")+" short option)"
-               print "              Tells emerge to include installed packages where USE flags have "
-               print "              changed since installation."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--noconfmem")
-               print "              Portage keeps track of files that have been placed into"
-               print "              CONFIG_PROTECT directories, and normally it will not merge the"
-               print "              same file more than once, as that would become annoying. This"
-               print "              can lead to problems when the user wants the file in the case"
-               print "              of accidental deletion. With this option, files will always be"
-               print "              merged to the live fs instead of silently dropped."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--nodeps")+" ("+green("-O")+" short option)"
-               print "              Merge specified packages, but don't merge any dependencies."
-               print "              Note that the build may fail if deps aren't satisfied."
-               print 
-               print "       "+green("--noreplace")+" ("+green("-n")+" short option)"
-               print "              Skip the packages specified on the command-line that have"
-               print "              already been installed.  Without this option, any packages,"
-               print "              ebuilds, or deps you specify on the command-line *will* cause"
-               print "              Portage to remerge the package, even if it is already installed."
-               print "              Note that Portage won't remerge dependencies by default."
-               print 
-               print "       "+green("--nospinner")
-               print "              Disables the spinner regardless of terminal type."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--oneshot")+" ("+green("-1")+" short option)"
-               print "              Emerge as normal, but don't add packages to the world profile."
-               print "              This package will only be updated if it is depended upon by"
-               print "              another package."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--onlydeps")+" ("+green("-o")+" short option)"
-               print "              Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies of the"
-               print "              specified packages, not the packages themselves."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--pretend")+" ("+green("-p")+" short option)"
-               print "              Instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what"
-               print "              ebuilds and tbz2s *would* have been installed if --pretend"
-               print "              weren't used.  Using --pretend is strongly recommended before"
-               print "              installing an unfamiliar package.  In the printout, N = new,"
-               print "              U = updating, R = replacing, F = fetch  restricted, B = blocked"
-               print "              by an already installed package, D = possible downgrading,"
-               print "              S = slotted install. --verbose causes affecting use flags to be"
-               print "              printed out accompanied by a '+' for enabled and a '-' for"
-               print "              disabled USE flags."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--quiet")+" ("+green("-q")+" short option)"
-               print "              Effects vary, but the general outcome is a reduced or condensed"
-               print "              output from portage's displays."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--skipfirst")
-               print "              This option is only valid in a resume situation. It removes the"
-               print "              first package in the resume list so that a merge may continue in"
-               print "              the presence of an uncorrectable or inconsequential error. This"
-               print "              should only be used in cases where skipping the package will not"
-               print "              result in failed dependencies."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--tree")+" ("+green("-t")+" short option)"
-               print "              Shows the dependency tree using indentation for dependencies."
-               print "              The packages are also listed in reverse merge order so that"
-               print "              a package's dependencies follow the package. Only really useful"
-               print "              in combination with --emptytree, --update or --deep."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--usepkg")+" ("+green("-k")+" short option)"
-               print "              Tell emerge to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if they are"
-               print "              available, thus possibly avoiding some time-consuming compiles."
-               print "              This option is useful for CD installs; you can export"
-               print "              PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then use this option to have"
-               print "              emerge \"pull\" binary packages from the CD in order to satisfy" 
-               print "              dependencies."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--usepkgonly")+" ("+green("-K")+" short option)"
-               print "              Like --usepkg above, except this only allows the use of binary"
-               print "              packages, and it will abort the emerge if the package is not"
-               print "              available at the time of dependency calculation."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--verbose")+" ("+green("-v")+" short option)"
-               print "              Effects vary, but the general outcome is an increased or expanded"
-               print "              display of content in portage's displays."
-               print
-               print "       "+green("--with-bdeps")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >"
-               print "              In dependency calculations, pull in build time dependencies that"
-               print "              are not strictly required. This defaults to 'n' for installation"
-               print "              actions and 'y' for the --depclean action. This setting can be"
-               print "              added to EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS (see make.conf(5)) and later"
-               print "              overridden via the command line."
-               print
-       elif myaction == "sync":
-               print
-               print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--sync")
-               print
-               print "       'emerge --sync' tells emerge to update the Portage tree as specified in"
-               print "       The SYNC variable found in /etc/make.conf.  By default, SYNC instructs"
-               print "       emerge to perform an rsync-style update with"
-               print
-               print "       'emerge-webrsync' exists as a helper app to emerge --sync, providing a"
-               print "       method to receive the entire portage tree as a tarball that can be"
-               print "       extracted and used. First time syncs would benefit greatly from this."
-               print
-               print "       "+turquoise("WARNING:")
-               print "       If using our rsync server, emerge will clean out all files that do not"
-               print "       exist on it, including ones that you may have created. The exceptions"
-               print "       to this are the distfiles, local and packages directories."
-               print
-       elif myaction=="system":
-               print
-               print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("system")
-               print
-               print "       \"emerge system\" is the Portage system update command.  When run, it"
-               print "       will scan the etc/make.profile/packages file and determine what"
-               print "       packages need to be installed so that your system meets the minimum"
-               print "       requirements of your current system profile.  Note that this doesn't"
-               print "       necessarily bring your system up-to-date at all; instead, it just"
-               print "       ensures that you have no missing parts.  For example, if your system"
-               print "       profile specifies that you should have sys-apps/iptables installed"
-               print "       and you don't, then \"emerge system\" will install it (the most"
-               print "       recent version that matches the profile spec) for you.  It's always a"
-               print "       good idea to do an \"emerge --pretend system\" before an \"emerge"
-               print "       system\", just so you know what emerge is planning to do."
-               print
-       elif myaction=="world":
-               print
-               print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("world")
-               print
-               print "       'emerge world' is the Portage command for completely updating your"
-               print "       system.  The normal procedure is to first do an 'emerge --sync' and"
-               print "       then an 'emerge --update --deep world'.  The first command brings your"
-               print "       local Portage tree up-to-date with the latest version information and"
-               print "       ebuilds.  The second command then rebuilds all packages for which newer"
-               print "       versions or newer ebuilds have become available since you last did a"
-               print "       sync and update."
-               print
-       elif myaction=="config":
-               outstuff=green("Config file management support (preliminary)")+"""
-Portage has a special feature called "config file protection".  The purpose of
-this feature is to prevent new package installs from clobbering existing
-configuration files.  By default, config file protection is turned on for /etc
-and the KDE configuration dirs; more may be added in the future.
-When Portage installs a file into a protected directory tree like /etc, any
-existing files will not be overwritten.  If a file of the same name already
-exists, Portage will change the name of the to-be-installed file from 'foo' to
-'._cfg0000_foo'.  If '._cfg0000_foo' already exists, this name becomes
-'._cfg0001_foo', etc.  In this way, existing files are not overwritten,
-allowing the administrator to manually merge the new config files and avoid any
-unexpected changes.
-In addition to protecting overwritten files, Portage will not delete any files
-from a protected directory when a package is unmerged.  While this may be a
-little bit untidy, it does prevent potentially valuable config files from being
-deleted, which is of paramount importance.
-Protected directories are set using the CONFIG_PROTECT variable, normally
-defined in /etc/make.globals.  Directory exceptions to the CONFIG_PROTECTed
-directories can be specified using the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable.  To find
-files that need to be updated in /etc, type:
-# find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*'
-You can disable this feature by setting CONFIG_PROTECT="-*" in /etc/make.conf.
-Then, Portage will mercilessly auto-update your config files.  Alternatively,
-you can leave Config File Protection on but tell Portage that it can overwrite
-files in certain specific /etc subdirectories.  For example, if you wanted
-Portage to automatically update your rc scripts and your wget configuration,
-but didn't want any other changes made without your explicit approval, you'd
-add this to /etc/make.conf:
-CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/wget /etc/rc.d"
-Tools such as dispatch-conf, cfg-update, and etc-update are also available to
-aid in the merging of these files. They provide interactive merging and can
-auto-merge trivial changes.
-               print outstuff
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3d29019d3e65b8c383f8455e371462f6169c71c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 462da429d27ae766ec9f65183c44eaf53a3a5d60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
-# -- Portage binary-package helper functions
-# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
-       from sets import Set as set
-from output import red, yellow, green
-import htmllib,HTMLParser,formatter,sys,os,xpak,time,tempfile,base64,urllib2
-       import cPickle
-except ImportError:
-       import pickle as cPickle
-       import ftplib
-except SystemExit, e:
-       raise
-except Exception, e:
-       sys.stderr.write(red("!!! CANNOT IMPORT FTPLIB: ")+str(e)+"\n")
-       import httplib
-except SystemExit, e:
-       raise
-except Exception, e:
-       sys.stderr.write(red("!!! CANNOT IMPORT HTTPLIB: ")+str(e)+"\n")
-def make_metadata_dict(data):
-       myid,myglob = data
-       mydict = {}
-       for x in xpak.getindex_mem(myid):
-               mydict[x] = xpak.getitem(data,x)
-       return mydict
-class ParseLinks(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
-       """Parser class that overrides HTMLParser to grab all anchors from an html
-       page and provide suffix and prefix limitors"""
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.PL_anchors = []
-               HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
-       def get_anchors(self):
-               return self.PL_anchors
-       def get_anchors_by_prefix(self,prefix):
-               newlist = []
-               for x in self.PL_anchors:
-                       if x.startswith(prefix):
-                               if x not in newlist:
-                                       newlist.append(x[:])
-               return newlist
-       def get_anchors_by_suffix(self,suffix):
-               newlist = []
-               for x in self.PL_anchors:
-                       if x.endswith(suffix):
-                               if x not in newlist:
-                                       newlist.append(x[:])
-               return newlist
-       def     handle_endtag(self,tag):
-               pass
-       def     handle_starttag(self,tag,attrs):
-               if tag == "a":
-                       for x in attrs:
-                               if x[0] == 'href':
-                                       if x[1] not in self.PL_anchors:
-                                               self.PL_anchors.append(urllib2.unquote(x[1]))
-def create_conn(baseurl,conn=None):
-       """(baseurl,conn) --- Takes a protocol://site:port/address url, and an
-       optional connection. If connection is already active, it is passed on.
-       baseurl is reduced to address and is returned in tuple (conn,address)"""
-       parts = baseurl.split("://",1)
-       if len(parts) != 2:
-               raise ValueError, "Provided URL does not contain protocol identifier. '%s'" % baseurl
-       protocol,url_parts = parts
-       del parts
-       host,address = url_parts.split("/",1)
-       del url_parts
-       address = "/"+address
-       userpass_host = host.split("@",1)
-       if len(userpass_host) == 1:
-               host = userpass_host[0]
-               userpass = ["anonymous"]
-       else:
-               host = userpass_host[1]
-               userpass = userpass_host[0].split(":")
-       del userpass_host
-       if len(userpass) > 2:
-               raise ValueError, "Unable to interpret username/password provided."
-       elif len(userpass) == 2:
-               username = userpass[0]
-               password = userpass[1]
-       elif len(userpass) == 1:
-               username = userpass[0]
-               password = None
-       del userpass
-       http_headers = {}
-       http_params = {}
-       if username and password:
-               http_headers = {
-                       "Authorization": "Basic %s" %
-                         base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (username, password)).replace(
-                           "\012",
-                           ""
-                         ),
-               }
-       if not conn:
-               if protocol == "https":
-                       conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)
-               elif protocol == "http":
-                       conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
-               elif protocol == "ftp":
-                       passive = 1
-                       if(host[-1] == "*"):
-                               passive = 0
-                               host = host[:-1]
-                       conn = ftplib.FTP(host)
-                       if password:
-                               conn.login(username,password)
-                       else:
-                               sys.stderr.write(yellow(" * No password provided for username")+" '"+str(username)+"'\n\n")
-                               conn.login(username)
-                       conn.set_pasv(passive)
-                       conn.set_debuglevel(0)
-               else:
-                       raise NotImplementedError, "%s is not a supported protocol." % protocol
-       return (conn,protocol,address, http_params, http_headers)
-def make_ftp_request(conn, address, rest=None, dest=None):
-       """(conn,address,rest) --- uses the conn object to request the data
-       from address and issuing a rest if it is passed."""
-       try:
-               if dest:
-                       fstart_pos = dest.tell()
-               conn.voidcmd("TYPE I")
-               fsize = conn.size(address)
-               if (rest != None) and (rest < 0):
-                       rest = fsize+int(rest)
-               if rest < 0:
-                       rest = 0
-               if rest != None:
-                       mysocket = conn.transfercmd("RETR "+str(address), rest)
-               else:
-                       mysocket = conn.transfercmd("RETR "+str(address))
-               mydata = ""
-               while 1:
-                       somedata = mysocket.recv(8192)
-                       if somedata:
-                               if dest:
-                                       dest.write(somedata)
-                               else:
-                                       mydata = mydata + somedata
-                       else:
-                               break
-               if dest:
-                       data_size = fstart_pos - dest.tell()
-               else:
-                       data_size = len(mydata)
-               mysocket.close()
-               conn.voidresp()
-               conn.voidcmd("TYPE A")
-               return mydata,not (fsize==data_size),""
-       except ValueError, e:
-               return None,int(str(e)[:4]),str(e)
-def make_http_request(conn, address, params={}, headers={}, dest=None):
-       """(conn,address,params,headers) --- uses the conn object to request
-       the data from address, performing Location forwarding and using the
-       optional params and headers."""
-       rc = 0
-       response = None
-       while (rc == 0) or (rc == 301) or (rc == 302):
-               try:
-                       if (rc != 0):
-                               conn,ignore,ignore,ignore,ignore = create_conn(address)
-                       conn.request("GET", address, params, headers)
-               except SystemExit, e:
-                       raise
-               except Exception, e:
-                       return None,None,"Server request failed: "+str(e)
-               response = conn.getresponse()
-               rc = response.status
-               # 301 means that the page address is wrong.
-               if ((rc == 301) or (rc == 302)):
-                       ignored_data =
-                       del ignored_data
-                       for x in str(response.msg).split("\n"):
-                               parts = x.split(": ",1)
-                               if parts[0] == "Location":
-                                       if (rc == 301):
-                                               sys.stderr.write(red("Location has moved: ")+str(parts[1])+"\n")
-                                       if (rc == 302):
-                                               sys.stderr.write(red("Location has temporarily moved: ")+str(parts[1])+"\n")
-                                       address = parts[1]
-                                       break
-       if (rc != 200) and (rc != 206):
-               sys.stderr.write(str(response.msg)+"\n")
-               sys.stderr.write("\n")
-               sys.stderr.write("address: "+address+"\n")
-               return None,rc,"Server did not respond successfully ("+str(response.status)+": "+str(response.reason)+")"
-       if dest:
-               dest.write(
-               return "",0,""
-       return,0,""
-def match_in_array(array, prefix="", suffix="", match_both=1, allow_overlap=0):
-       myarray = []
-       if not (prefix and suffix):
-               match_both = 0
-       for x in array:
-               add_p = 0
-               if prefix and (len(x) >= len(prefix)) and (x[:len(prefix)] == prefix):
-                       add_p = 1
-               if match_both:
-                       if prefix and not add_p: # Require both, but don't have first one.
-                               continue
-               else:
-                       if add_p:     # Only need one, and we have it.
-                               myarray.append(x[:])
-                               continue
-               if not allow_overlap: # Not allow to overlap prefix and suffix
-                       if len(x) >= (len(prefix)+len(suffix)):
-                               y = x[len(prefix):]
-                       else:
-                               continue          # Too short to match.
-               else:
-                       y = x               # Do whatever... We're overlapping.
-               if suffix and (len(x) >= len(suffix)) and (x[-len(suffix):] == suffix):
-                       myarray.append(x)   # It matches
-               else:
-                       continue            # Doesn't match.
-       return myarray
-def dir_get_list(baseurl,conn=None):
-       """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
-       URL should be in the for <proto>://<site>[:port]<path>
-       Connection is used for persistent connection instances."""
-       if not conn:
-               keepconnection = 0
-       else:
-               keepconnection = 1
-       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
-       listing = None
-       if protocol in ["http","https"]:
-               page,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn,address,params,headers)
-               if page:
-                       parser = ParseLinks()
-                       parser.feed(page)
-                       del page
-                       listing = parser.get_anchors()
-               else:
-                       raise Exception, "Unable to get listing: %s %s" % (rc,msg)
-       elif protocol in ["ftp"]:
-               if address[-1] == '/':
-                       olddir = conn.pwd()
-                       conn.cwd(address)
-                       listing = conn.nlst()
-                       conn.cwd(olddir)
-                       del olddir
-               else:
-                       listing = conn.nlst(address)
-       else:
-               raise TypeError, "Unknown protocol. '%s'" % protocol
-       if not keepconnection:
-               conn.close()
-       return listing
-def file_get_metadata(baseurl,conn=None, chunk_size=3000):
-       """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
-       URL should be in the for <proto>://<site>[:port]<path>
-       Connection is used for persistent connection instances."""
-       if not conn:
-               keepconnection = 0
-       else:
-               keepconnection = 1
-       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
-       if protocol in ["http","https"]:
-               headers["Range"] = "bytes=-"+str(chunk_size)
-               data,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn, address, params, headers)
-       elif protocol in ["ftp"]:
-               data,rc,msg = make_ftp_request(conn, address, -chunk_size)
-       else:
-               raise TypeError, "Unknown protocol. '%s'" % protocol
-       if data:
-               xpaksize = xpak.decodeint(data[-8:-4])
-               if (xpaksize+8) > chunk_size:
-                       myid = file_get_metadata(baseurl, conn, (xpaksize+8))
-                       if not keepconnection:
-                               conn.close()
-                       return myid
-               else:
-                       xpak_data = data[len(data)-(xpaksize+8):-8]
-               del data
-               myid = xpak.xsplit_mem(xpak_data)
-               if not myid:
-                       myid = None,None
-               del xpak_data
-       else:
-               myid = None,None
-       if not keepconnection:
-               conn.close()
-       return myid
-def file_get(baseurl,dest,conn=None,fcmd=None):
-       """(baseurl,dest,fcmd=) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
-       URL should be in the for <proto>://[user[:pass]@]<site>[:port]<path>"""
-       if not fcmd:
-               return file_get_lib(baseurl,dest,conn)
-       fcmd = fcmd.replace("${DISTDIR}",dest)
-       fcmd = fcmd.replace("${URI}", baseurl)
-       fcmd = fcmd.replace("${FILE}", os.path.basename(baseurl))
-       mysplit = fcmd.split()
-       mycmd   = mysplit[0]
-       myargs  = [os.path.basename(mycmd)]+mysplit[1:]
-       mypid=os.fork()
-       if mypid == 0:
-               try:
-                       os.execv(mycmd,myargs)
-               except OSError:
-                       pass
-               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to spawn fetcher.\n")
-               sys.stderr.flush()
-               os._exit(1)
-       retval=os.waitpid(mypid,0)[1]
-       if (retval & 0xff) == 0:
-               retval = retval >> 8
-       else:
-               sys.stderr.write("Spawned processes caught a signal.\n")
-               sys.exit(1)
-       if retval != 0:
-               sys.stderr.write("Fetcher exited with a failure condition.\n")
-               return 0
-       return 1
-def file_get_lib(baseurl,dest,conn=None):
-       """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
-       URL should be in the for <proto>://<site>[:port]<path>
-       Connection is used for persistent connection instances."""
-       if not conn:
-               keepconnection = 0
-       else:
-               keepconnection = 1
-       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
-       sys.stderr.write("Fetching '"+str(os.path.basename(address)+"'\n"))
-       if protocol in ["http","https"]:
-               data,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn, address, params, headers, dest=dest)
-       elif protocol in ["ftp"]:
-               data,rc,msg = make_ftp_request(conn, address, dest=dest)
-       else:
-               raise TypeError, "Unknown protocol. '%s'" % protocol
-       if not keepconnection:
-               conn.close()
-       return rc
-def dir_get_metadata(baseurl, conn=None, chunk_size=3000, verbose=1, usingcache=1, makepickle=None):
-       """(baseurl,conn,chunk_size,verbose) -- 
-       """
-       if not conn:
-               keepconnection = 0
-       else:
-               keepconnection = 1
-       if makepickle is None:
-               makepickle = "/var/cache/edb/metadata.idx.most_recent"
-       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
-       filedict = {}
-       try:
-               metadatafile = open("/var/cache/edb/remote_metadata.pickle")
-               metadata = cPickle.load(metadatafile)
-               sys.stderr.write("Loaded metadata pickle.\n")
-               metadatafile.close()
-       except (cPickle.UnpicklingError, OSError, IOError, EOFError):
-               metadata = {}
-       if not metadata.has_key(baseurl):
-               metadata[baseurl]={}
-       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("indexname"):
-               metadata[baseurl]["indexname"]=""
-       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("timestamp"):
-               metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"]=0
-       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("unmodified"):
-               metadata[baseurl]["unmodified"]=0
-       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("data"):
-               metadata[baseurl]["data"]={}
-       filelist = dir_get_list(baseurl, conn)
-       tbz2list = match_in_array(filelist, suffix=".tbz2")
-       metalist = match_in_array(filelist, prefix="metadata.idx")
-       del filelist
-       # Determine if our metadata file is current.
-       metalist.sort()
-       metalist.reverse() # makes the order new-to-old.
-       havecache=0
-       for mfile in metalist:
-               if usingcache and \
-                  ((metadata[baseurl]["indexname"] != mfile) or \
-                         (metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] < int(time.time()-(60*60*24)))):
-                       # Try to download new cache until we succeed on one.
-                       data=""
-                       for trynum in [1,2,3]:
-                               mytempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
-                               try:
-                                       file_get(baseurl+"/"+mfile, mytempfile, conn)
-                                       if mytempfile.tell() > len(data):
-                                               data =
-                               except ValueError, e:
-                                       sys.stderr.write("--- "+str(e)+"\n")
-                                       if trynum < 3:
-                                               sys.stderr.write("Retrying...\n")
-                                       mytempfile.close()
-                                       continue
-                               if match_in_array([mfile],suffix=".gz"):
-                                       sys.stderr.write("gzip'd\n")
-                                       try:
-                                               import gzip
-                                               gzindex = gzip.GzipFile(mfile[:-3],'rb',9,mytempfile)
-                                               data =
-                                       except SystemExit, e:
-                                               raise
-                                       except Exception, e:
-                                               mytempfile.close()
-                                               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to use gzip: "+str(e)+"\n")
-                                       mytempfile.close()
-                               try:
-                                       metadata[baseurl]["data"] = cPickle.loads(data)
-                                       del data
-                                       metadata[baseurl]["indexname"] = mfile
-                                       metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] = int(time.time())
-                                       metadata[baseurl]["modified"]  = 0 # It's not, right after download.
-                                       sys.stderr.write("Pickle loaded.\n")
-                                       break
-                               except SystemExit, e:
-                                       raise
-                               except Exception, e:
-                                       sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to read data from index: "+str(mfile)+"\n")
-                                       sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n")
-                       try:
-                               metadatafile = open("/var/cache/edb/remote_metadata.pickle", "w+")
-                               cPickle.dump(metadata,metadatafile)
-                               metadatafile.close()
-                       except SystemExit, e:
-                               raise
-                       except Exception, e:
-                               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to write binary metadata to disk!\n")
-                               sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n")
-                       break
-       # We may have metadata... now we run through the tbz2 list and check.
-       sys.stderr.write(yellow("cache miss: 'x'")+" --- "+green("cache hit: 'o'")+"\n")
-       binpkg_filenames = set()
-       for x in tbz2list:
-               x = os.path.basename(x)
-               binpkg_filenames.add(x)
-               if ((not metadata[baseurl]["data"].has_key(x)) or \
-                   (x not in metadata[baseurl]["data"].keys())):
-                       sys.stderr.write(yellow("x"))
-                       metadata[baseurl]["modified"] = 1
-                       myid = None
-                       for retry in xrange(3):
-                               try:
-                                       myid = file_get_metadata(
-                                               "/".join((baseurl.rstrip("/"), x.lstrip("/"))),
-                                               conn, chunk_size)
-                                       break
-                               except httplib.BadStatusLine:
-                                       # Sometimes this error is thrown from conn.getresponse() in
-                                       # make_http_request().  The docstring for this error in
-                                       # says "Presumably, the server closed the
-                                       # connection before sending a valid response".
-                                       conn, protocol, address, params, headers = create_conn(
-                                               baseurl)
-                       if myid and myid[0]:
-                               metadata[baseurl]["data"][x] = make_metadata_dict(myid)
-                       elif verbose:
-                               sys.stderr.write(red("!!! Failed to retrieve metadata on: ")+str(x)+"\n")
-               else:
-                       sys.stderr.write(green("o"))
-       # Cleanse stale cache for files that don't exist on the server anymore.
-       stale_cache = set(metadata[baseurl]["data"]).difference(binpkg_filenames)
-       if stale_cache:
-               for x in stale_cache:
-                       del metadata[baseurl]["data"][x]
-               metadata[baseurl]["modified"] = 1
-       del stale_cache
-       del binpkg_filenames
-       sys.stderr.write("\n")
-       try:
-               if metadata[baseurl].has_key("modified") and metadata[baseurl]["modified"]:
-                       metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] = int(time.time())
-                       metadatafile = open("/var/cache/edb/remote_metadata.pickle", "w+")
-                       cPickle.dump(metadata,metadatafile)
-                       metadatafile.close()
-               if makepickle:
-                       metadatafile = open(makepickle, "w")
-                       cPickle.dump(metadata[baseurl]["data"],metadatafile)
-                       metadatafile.close()
-       except SystemExit, e:
-               raise
-       except Exception, e:
-               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to write binary metadata to disk!\n")
-               sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n")
-       if not keepconnection:
-               conn.close()
-       return metadata[baseurl]["data"]
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89c090948bd6db72d6b55a22650c287778e346cb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 62ec975fef2a2c308d00387684913eb7872e2ccc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-__docformat__ = "epytext"
-import commands,errno,os,re,shlex,sys
-from portage_const import COLOR_MAP_FILE
-from portage_util import writemsg
-from portage_exception import PortageException, ParseError, PermissionDenied, FileNotFound
-esc_seq = "\x1b["
-g_attr = {}
-g_attr["normal"]       =  0
-g_attr["bold"]         =  1
-g_attr["faint"]        =  2
-g_attr["standout"]     =  3
-g_attr["underline"]    =  4
-g_attr["blink"]        =  5
-g_attr["overline"]     =  6  # Why is overline actually useful?
-g_attr["reverse"]      =  7
-g_attr["invisible"]    =  8
-g_attr["no-attr"]      = 22
-g_attr["no-standout"]  = 23
-g_attr["no-underline"] = 24
-g_attr["no-blink"]     = 25
-g_attr["no-overline"]  = 26
-g_attr["no-reverse"]   = 27
-# 28 isn't defined?
-# 29 isn't defined?
-g_attr["black"]        = 30
-g_attr["red"]          = 31
-g_attr["green"]        = 32
-g_attr["yellow"]       = 33
-g_attr["blue"]         = 34
-g_attr["magenta"]      = 35
-g_attr["cyan"]         = 36
-g_attr["white"]        = 37
-# 38 isn't defined?
-g_attr["default"]      = 39
-g_attr["bg_black"]     = 40
-g_attr["bg_red"]       = 41
-g_attr["bg_green"]     = 42
-g_attr["bg_yellow"]    = 43
-g_attr["bg_blue"]      = 44
-g_attr["bg_magenta"]   = 45
-g_attr["bg_cyan"]      = 46
-g_attr["bg_white"]     = 47
-g_attr["bg_default"]   = 49
-# make_seq("blue", "black", "normal")
-def color(fg, bg="default", attr=["normal"]):
-       mystr = esc_seq[:] + "%02d" % g_attr[fg]
-       for x in [bg]+attr:
-               mystr += ";%02d" % g_attr[x]
-       return mystr+"m"
-codes["reset"]     = esc_seq + "39;49;00m"
-codes["bold"]      = esc_seq + "01m"
-codes["faint"]     = esc_seq + "02m"
-codes["standout"]  = esc_seq + "03m"
-codes["underline"] = esc_seq + "04m"
-codes["blink"]     = esc_seq + "05m"
-codes["overline"]  = esc_seq + "06m"  # Who made this up? Seriously.
-ansi_color_codes = []
-for x in xrange(30, 38):
-       ansi_color_codes.append("%im" % x)
-       ansi_color_codes.append("%i;01m" % x)
-rgb_ansi_colors = ['0x000000', '0x555555', '0xAA0000', '0xFF5555', '0x00AA00',
-       '0x55FF55', '0xAA5500', '0xFFFF55', '0x0000AA', '0x5555FF', '0xAA00AA',
-       '0xFF55FF', '0x00AAAA', '0x55FFFF', '0xAAAAAA', '0xFFFFFF']
-for x in xrange(len(rgb_ansi_colors)):
-       codes[rgb_ansi_colors[x]] = esc_seq + ansi_color_codes[x]
-del x
-codes["black"]     = codes["0x000000"]
-codes["darkgray"]  = codes["0x555555"]
-codes["red"]       = codes["0xFF5555"]
-codes["darkred"]   = codes["0xAA0000"]
-codes["green"]     = codes["0x55FF55"]
-codes["darkgreen"] = codes["0x00AA00"]
-codes["yellow"]    = codes["0xFFFF55"]
-codes["brown"]     = codes["0xAA5500"]
-codes["blue"]      = codes["0x5555FF"]
-codes["darkblue"]  = codes["0x0000AA"]
-codes["fuchsia"]   = codes["0xFF55FF"]
-codes["purple"]    = codes["0xAA00AA"]
-codes["turquoise"] = codes["0x55FFFF"]
-codes["teal"]      = codes["0x00AAAA"]
-codes["white"]     = codes["0xFFFFFF"]
-codes["lightgray"] = codes["0xAAAAAA"]
-codes["darkteal"]   = codes["turquoise"]
-codes["darkyellow"] = codes["brown"]
-codes["fuscia"]     = codes["fuchsia"]
-codes["white"]      = codes["bold"]
-# Colors from /sbin/
-codes["GOOD"]       = codes["green"]
-codes["WARN"]       = codes["yellow"]
-codes["BAD"]        = codes["red"]
-codes["HILITE"]     = codes["teal"]
-codes["BRACKET"]    = codes["blue"]
-# Portage functions
-codes["INFORM"] = codes["darkgreen"]
-codes["UNMERGE_WARN"] = codes["red"]
-codes["MERGE_LIST_PROGRESS"] = codes["yellow"]
-def parse_color_map():
-       myfile = COLOR_MAP_FILE
-       ansi_code_pattern = re.compile("^[0-9;]*m$")
-       def strip_quotes(token, quotes):
-               if token[0] in quotes and token[0] == token[-1]:
-                       token = token[1:-1]
-               return token
-       try:
-               s = shlex.shlex(open(myfile))
-               s.wordchars = s.wordchars + ";" # for ansi codes
-               d = {}
-               while True:
-                       k, o, v = s.get_token(), s.get_token(), s.get_token()
-                       if k is s.eof:
-                               break
-                       if o != "=":
-                               raise ParseError("%s%s'%s'" % (s.error_leader(myfile, s.lineno), "expected '=' operator: ", o))
-                       k = strip_quotes(k, s.quotes)
-                       v = strip_quotes(v, s.quotes)
-                       if ansi_code_pattern.match(v):
-                               codes[k] = esc_seq + v
-                       else:
-                               if v in codes:
-                                       codes[k] = codes[v]
-                               else:
-                                       raise ParseError("%s%s'%s'" % (s.error_leader(myfile, s.lineno), "Undefined: ", v))
-       except (IOError, OSError), e:
-               if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                       raise FileNotFound(myfile)
-               elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                       raise PermissionDenied(myfile)
-               raise
-       parse_color_map()
-except FileNotFound, e:
-       pass
-except PortageException, e:
-       writemsg("%s\n" % str(e))
-def nc_len(mystr):
-       tmp = re.sub(esc_seq + "^m]+m", "", mystr);
-       return len(tmp)
-def xtermTitle(mystr, raw=False):
-       if havecolor and dotitles and os.environ.has_key("TERM") and sys.stderr.isatty():
-               myt=os.environ["TERM"]
-               legal_terms = ["xterm","Eterm","aterm","rxvt","screen","kterm","rxvt-unicode","gnome"]
-               for term in legal_terms:
-                       if myt.startswith(term):
-                               if not raw:
-                                       mystr = "\x1b]0;%s\x07" % mystr
-                               sys.stderr.write(mystr)
-                               sys.stderr.flush()
-                               break
-default_xterm_title = None
-def xtermTitleReset():
-       global default_xterm_title
-       if default_xterm_title is None:
-               prompt_command = os.getenv('PROMPT_COMMAND')
-               if prompt_command == "":
-                       default_xterm_title = ""
-               elif prompt_command is not None:
-                       default_xterm_title = commands.getoutput(prompt_command)
-               else:
-                       pwd = os.getenv('PWD','')
-                       home = os.getenv('HOME', '')
-                       if home != '' and pwd.startswith(home):
-                               pwd = '~' + pwd[len(home):]
-                       default_xterm_title = '\x1b]0;%s@%s:%s\x07' % (
-                               os.getenv('LOGNAME', ''), os.getenv('HOSTNAME', '').split('.', 1)[0], pwd)
-       xtermTitle(default_xterm_title, raw=True)
-def notitles():
-       "turn off title setting"
-       dotitles=0
-def nocolor():
-       "turn off colorization"
-       global havecolor
-       havecolor=0
-def resetColor():
-       return codes["reset"]
-def colorize(color_key, text):
-       global havecolor
-       if havecolor:
-               return codes[color_key] + text + codes["reset"]
-       else:
-               return text
-compat_functions_colors = ["bold","white","teal","turquoise","darkteal",
-       "fuscia","fuchsia","purple","blue","darkblue","green","darkgreen","yellow",
-       "brown","darkyellow","red","darkred"]
-def create_color_func(color_key):
-       def derived_func(*args):
-               newargs = list(args)
-               newargs.insert(0, color_key)
-               return colorize(*newargs)
-       return derived_func
-for c in compat_functions_colors:
-       setattr(sys.modules[__name__], c, create_color_func(c))
-class EOutput:
-       """
-       Performs fancy terminal formatting for status and informational messages.
-       The provided methods produce identical terminal output to the eponymous
-       functions in the shell script C{/sbin/} and also accept
-       identical parameters.
-       This is not currently a drop-in replacement however, as the output-related
-       functions in C{/sbin/} are oriented for use mainly by system
-       init scripts and ebuilds and their output can be customized via certain
-       C{RC_*} environment variables (see C{/etc/conf.d/rc}). B{EOutput} is not
-       customizable in this manner since it's intended for more general uses.
-       Likewise, no logging is provided.
-       @ivar quiet: Specifies if output should be silenced.
-       @type quiet: BooleanType
-       @ivar term_columns: Width of terminal in characters. Defaults to the value
-               specified by the shell's C{COLUMNS} variable, else to the queried tty
-               size, else to C{80}.
-       @type term_columns: IntType
-       """
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.__last_e_cmd = ""
-               self.__last_e_len = 0
-               self.quiet = False
-               columns = 0
-               try:
-                       columns = int(os.getenv("COLUMNS", 0))
-               except ValueError:
-                       pass
-               if columns <= 0:
-                       try:
-                               columns = int(commands.getoutput(
-                                       'set -- `stty size 2>/dev/null` ; echo "$2"'))
-                       except ValueError:
-                               pass
-               if columns <= 0:
-                       columns = 80
-               self.term_columns = columns
-       def __eend(self, caller, errno, msg):
-               if errno == 0:
-                       status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("GOOD", "ok") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]")
-               else:
-                       status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("BAD", "!!") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]")
-                       if msg:
-                               if caller == "eend":
-                                       self.eerror(msg[0])
-                               elif caller == "ewend":
-                                       self.ewarn(msg[0])
-               if self.__last_e_cmd != "ebegin":
-                       self.__last_e_len = 0
-               print "%*s%s" % ((self.term_columns - self.__last_e_len - 6), "", status_brackets)
-               sys.stdout.flush()
-       def ebegin(self, msg):
-               """
-               Shows a message indicating the start of a process.
-               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) description of the
-                       starting process.
-               @type msg: StringType
-               """
-               msg += " ..."
-               if not self.quiet:
-                       self.einfon(msg)
-               self.__last_e_len = len(msg) + 4
-               self.__last_e_cmd = "ebegin"
-       def eend(self, errno, *msg):
-               """
-               Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message
-               via L{eerror} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}.
-               @param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon
-                       exit.
-               @type errno: IntType
-               @param msg: I{(optional)} An error message, typically a standard UNIX
-                       error string corresponding to C{errno}.
-               @type msg: StringType
-               """
-               if not self.quiet:
-                       self.__eend("eend", errno, msg)
-               self.__last_e_cmd = "eend"
-       def eerror(self, msg):
-               """
-               Shows an error message.
-               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) error message.
-               @type msg: StringType
-               """
-               if not self.quiet:
-                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
-                       print colorize("BAD", " * ") + msg
-                       sys.stdout.flush()
-               self.__last_e_cmd = "eerror"
-       def einfo(self, msg):
-               """
-               Shows an informative message terminated with a newline.
-               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message.
-               @type msg: StringType
-               """
-               if not self.quiet:
-                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
-                       print colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg
-                       sys.stdout.flush()
-               self.__last_e_cmd = "einfo"
-       def einfon(self, msg):
-               """
-               Shows an informative message terminated without a newline.
-               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message.
-               @type msg: StringType
-               """
-               if not self.quiet:
-                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
-                       print colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg ,
-                       sys.stdout.flush()
-               self.__last_e_cmd = "einfon"
-       def ewarn(self, msg):
-               """
-               Shows a warning message.
-               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) warning message.
-               @type msg: StringType
-               """
-               if not self.quiet:
-                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
-                       print colorize("WARN", " * ") + msg
-                       sys.stdout.flush()
-               self.__last_e_cmd = "ewarn"
-       def ewend(self, errno, *msg):
-               """
-               Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message
-               via L{ewarn} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}.
-               @param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon
-                       exit.
-               @type errno: IntType
-               @param msg: I{(optional)} A warning message, typically a standard UNIX
-                       error string corresponding to C{errno}.
-               @type msg: StringType
-               """
-               if not self.quiet:
-                       self.__eend("ewend", errno, msg)
-               self.__last_e_cmd = "ewend"
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f99c2257f92e19852e3f4b6e327652b0dbad74f8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
similarity index 100%
rename from pym/
rename to pym/portage/
similarity index 100%
rename from pym/cache/
rename to pym/portage/cache/
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7f1a89c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# -- core Portage functionality
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os
+import errno
+import shutil
+import stat
+import portage_exception
+import portage_exec
+import portage_util
+import portage_locks
+import commands
+import sha
+# actual hash functions first
+#dict of all available hash functions
+hashfunc_map = {}
+# We _try_ to load this module. If it fails we do the slightly slower fallback.
+       import fchksum
+       def md5hash(filename):
+               return fchksum.fmd5t(filename)
+except ImportError:
+       import md5
+       def md5hash(filename):
+               return pyhash(filename, md5)
+hashfunc_map["MD5"] = md5hash
+def sha1hash(filename):
+       return pyhash(filename, sha)
+hashfunc_map["SHA1"] = sha1hash
+# Keep pycrypto optional for now, there are no internal fallbacks for these
+       import Crypto.Hash.SHA256
+       def sha256hash(filename):
+               return pyhash(filename, Crypto.Hash.SHA256)
+       hashfunc_map["SHA256"] = sha256hash
+except ImportError:
+       pass
+       import Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD
+       def rmd160hash(filename):
+               return pyhash(filename, Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD)
+       hashfunc_map["RMD160"] = rmd160hash
+except ImportError:
+       pass
+def getsize(filename):
+       size = os.stat(filename).st_size
+       return (size, size)
+hashfunc_map["size"] = getsize
+# end actual hash functions
+prelink_capable = False
+if os.path.exists(PRELINK_BINARY):
+       results = commands.getstatusoutput(PRELINK_BINARY+" --version > /dev/null 2>&1")
+       if (results[0] >> 8) == 0:
+               prelink_capable=1
+       del results
+def perform_md5(x, calc_prelink=0):
+       return perform_checksum(x, "MD5", calc_prelink)[0]
+def perform_all(x, calc_prelink=0):
+       mydict = {}
+       for k in hashfunc_map.keys():
+               mydict[k] = perform_checksum(x, hashfunc_map[k], calc_prelink)[0]
+       return mydict
+def get_valid_checksum_keys():
+       return hashfunc_map.keys()
+def verify_all(filename, mydict, calc_prelink=0, strict=0):
+       """
+       Verify all checksums against a file.
+       @param filename: File to run the checksums against
+       @type filename: String
+       @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
+       @type calc_prelink: Integer
+       @param strict: Enable/Disable strict checking (which stops exactly at a checksum failure and throws an exception)
+       @type strict: Integer
+       @rtype: Tuple
+       @return: Result of the checks and possible message:
+               1) If size fails, False, and a tuple containing a message, the given size, and the actual size
+               2) If there is an os error, False, and a tuple containing the system error followed by 2 nulls
+               3) If a checksum fails, False and a tuple containing a message, the given hash, and the actual hash
+               4) If all checks succeed, return True and a fake reason
+       """
+       # Dict relates to single file only.
+       # returns: (passed,reason)
+       file_is_ok = True
+       reason     = "Reason unknown"
+       try:
+               mysize = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_SIZE]
+               if mydict["size"] != mysize:
+                       return False,("Filesize does not match recorded size", mysize, mydict["size"])
+       except OSError, e:
+               if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                       raise portage_exception.FileNotFound(filename)
+               return False, (str(e), None, None)
+       for x in mydict.keys():
+               if   x == "size":
+                       continue
+               elif x in hashfunc_map.keys():
+                       myhash = perform_checksum(filename, x, calc_prelink=calc_prelink)[0]
+                       if mydict[x] != myhash:
+                               if strict:
+                                       raise portage_exception.DigestException, "Failed to verify '$(file)s' on checksum type '%(type)s'" % {"file":filename, "type":x}
+                               else:
+                                       file_is_ok = False
+                                       reason     = (("Failed on %s verification" % x), myhash,mydict[x])
+                                       break
+       return file_is_ok,reason
+def pyhash(filename, hashobject):
+       """
+       Run a checksum against a file.
+       @param filename: File to run the checksum against
+       @type filename: String
+       @param hashname: The hash object that will execute the checksum on the file
+       @type hashname: Object
+       @return: The hash and size of the data
+       """
+       f = open(filename, 'rb')
+       blocksize = HASHING_BLOCKSIZE
+       data =
+       size = 0L
+       sum =
+       while data:
+               sum.update(data)
+               size = size + len(data)
+               data =
+       f.close()
+       return (sum.hexdigest(), size)
+def perform_checksum(filename, hashname="MD5", calc_prelink=0):
+       """
+       Run a specific checksum against a file.
+       @param filename: File to run the checksum against
+       @type filename: String
+       @param hashname: The type of hash function to run
+       @type hashname: String
+       @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
+       @type calc_prelink: Integer
+       @rtype: Tuple
+       @return: The hash and size of the data
+       """
+       myfilename      = filename[:]
+       prelink_tmpfile = os.path.join("/", PRIVATE_PATH, "prelink-checksum.tmp." + str(os.getpid()))
+       mylock          = None
+       try:
+               if calc_prelink and prelink_capable:
+                       mylock = portage_locks.lockfile(prelink_tmpfile, wantnewlockfile=1)
+                       # Create non-prelinked temporary file to checksum.
+                       # Files rejected by prelink are summed in place.
+                       retval = portage_exec.spawn([PRELINK_BINARY, "--undo", "-o",
+                               prelink_tmpfile, filename], fd_pipes={})
+                       if retval == os.EX_OK:
+                               myfilename = prelink_tmpfile
+               try:
+                       if hashname not in hashfunc_map:
+                               raise portage_exception.DigestException(hashname + \
+                                       " hash function not available (needs dev-python/pycrypto)")
+                       myhash, mysize = hashfunc_map[hashname](myfilename)
+               except (OSError, IOError), e:
+                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                               raise portage_exception.FileNotFound(myfilename)
+                       raise
+               if calc_prelink and prelink_capable:
+                       try:
+                               os.unlink(prelink_tmpfile)
+                       except OSError, e:
+                               if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                                       raise
+                               del e
+               return myhash, mysize
+       finally:
+               if mylock:
+                       portage_locks.unlockfile(mylock)
+def perform_multiple_checksums(filename, hashes=["MD5"], calc_prelink=0):
+       """
+       Run a group of checksums against a file.
+       @param filename: File to run the checksums against
+       @type filename: String
+       @param hashes: A list of checksum functions to run against the file
+       @type hashname: List
+       @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
+       @type calc_prelink: Integer
+       @rtype: Tuple
+       @return: A dictionary in the form:
+               return_value[hash_name] = (hash_result,size)
+               for each given checksum
+       """
+       rVal = {}
+       for x in hashes:
+               if x not in hashfunc_map:
+                       raise portage_exception.DigestException, x+" hash function not available (needs dev-python/pycrypto)"
+               rVal[x] = perform_checksum(filename, x, calc_prelink)[0]
+       return rVal
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e1af7cb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# portage: Constants
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# ===========================================================================
+# ===========================================================================
+import os
+VDB_PATH                = "var/db/pkg"
+PRIVATE_PATH            = "var/lib/portage"
+CACHE_PATH              = "/var/cache/edb"
+DEPCACHE_PATH           = CACHE_PATH+"/dep"
+USER_CONFIG_PATH        = "/etc/portage"
+#PORTAGE_BASE_PATH       = "/usr/lib/portage"
+PORTAGE_BASE_PATH       = os.path.join(os.sep, os.sep.join(__file__.split(os.sep)[:-2]))
+NEWS_LIB_PATH           = "/var/lib/gentoo"
+PROFILE_PATH            = "/etc/make.profile"
+SANDBOX_BINARY          = "/usr/bin/sandbox"
+BASH_BINARY             = "/bin/bash"
+MOVE_BINARY             = "/bin/mv"
+PRELINK_BINARY          = "/usr/sbin/prelink"
+WORLD_FILE              = PRIVATE_PATH + "/world"
+MAKE_CONF_FILE          = "/etc/make.conf"
+MAKE_DEFAULTS_FILE      = PROFILE_PATH + "/make.defaults"
+INVALID_ENV_FILE        = "/etc/spork/is/not/valid/profile.env"
+REPO_NAME_FILE         = "repo_name"
+REPO_NAME_LOC          = "profiles" + "/" + REPO_NAME_FILE
+EBUILD_PHASES           = ["setup", "unpack", "compile", "test", "install",
+                          "preinst", "postinst", "prerm", "postrm", "other"]
+EAPI = 0
+HASHING_BLOCKSIZE        = 32768
+# ===========================================================================
+# ===========================================================================
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..30f143c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# -- cvs tree utilities
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os,time,sys,re
+from stat import *
+# [D]/Name/Version/Date/Flags/Tags
+def pathdata(entries, path):
+       """(entries,path)
+       Returns the data(dict) for a specific file/dir at the path specified."""
+       mysplit=path.split("/")
+       myentries=entries
+       mytarget=mysplit[-1]
+       mysplit=mysplit[:-1]
+       for mys in mysplit:
+               if myentries["dirs"].has_key(mys):
+                       myentries=myentries["dirs"][mys]
+               else:
+                       return None
+       if myentries["dirs"].has_key(mytarget):
+               return myentries["dirs"][mytarget]
+       elif myentries["files"].has_key(mytarget):
+               return myentries["files"][mytarget]
+       else:
+               return None
+def fileat(entries, path):
+       return pathdata(entries,path)
+def isadded(entries, path):
+       """(entries,path)
+       Returns true if the path exists and is added to the cvs tree."""
+       mytarget=pathdata(entries, path)
+       if mytarget:
+               if "cvs" in mytarget["status"]:
+                       return 1
+       basedir=os.path.dirname(path)
+       filename=os.path.basename(path)
+       try:
+               myfile=open(basedir+"/CVS/Entries","r")
+       except IOError:
+               return 0
+       mylines=myfile.readlines()
+       myfile.close()
+       rep=re.compile("^\/"+re.escape(filename)+"\/");
+       for x in mylines:
+               if
+                       return 1
+       return 0
+def findnew(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
+       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
+       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that have been added but
+       have not yet been committed. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended
+       with a basedir."""
+       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
+               basedir=basedir+"/"
+       mylist=[]
+       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
+               if "cvs" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                       if "0" == entries["files"][myfile]["revision"]:
+                               mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
+       if recursive:
+               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
+                       mylist+=findnew(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
+       return mylist
+def findchanged(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
+       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
+       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that exist in the cvs tree
+       and differ from the committed version. Returns a list of paths, optionally
+       prepended with a basedir."""
+       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
+               basedir=basedir+"/"
+       mylist=[]
+       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
+               if "cvs" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                       if "current" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                               if "exists" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                                       if entries["files"][myfile]["revision"]!="0":
+                                               mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
+       if recursive:
+               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
+                       mylist+=findchanged(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
+       return mylist
+def findmissing(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
+       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
+       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are listed in the cvs
+       tree but do not exist on the filesystem. Returns a list of paths,
+       optionally prepended with a basedir."""
+       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
+               basedir=basedir+"/"
+       mylist=[]
+       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
+               if "cvs" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                       if "exists" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                               if "removed" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                                       mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
+       if recursive:
+               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
+                       mylist+=findmissing(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
+       return mylist
+def findunadded(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
+       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
+       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are in valid cvs
+       directories but are not part of the cvs tree. Returns a list of paths,
+       optionally prepended with a basedir."""
+       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
+               basedir=basedir+"/"
+       mylist=[]
+       #ignore what cvs ignores.
+       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
+               if "cvs" not in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                       mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
+       if recursive:
+               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
+                       mylist+=findunadded(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
+       return mylist
+def findremoved(entries,recursive=0,basedir=""):
+       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
+       Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are in flagged for cvs
+       deletions. Returns a list of paths,     optionally prepended with a basedir."""
+       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
+               basedir=basedir+"/"
+       mylist=[]
+       for myfile in entries["files"].keys():
+               if "removed" in entries["files"][myfile]["status"]:
+                       mylist.append(basedir+myfile)
+       if recursive:
+               for mydir in entries["dirs"].keys():
+                       mylist+=findremoved(entries["dirs"][mydir],recursive,basedir+mydir)
+       return mylist
+def findall(entries, recursive=0, basedir=""):
+       """(entries,recursive=0,basedir="")
+       Recurses the entries tree to find all new, changed, missing, and unadded
+       entities. Returns a 4 element list of lists as returned from each find*()."""
+       if basedir and basedir[-1]!="/":
+               basedir=basedir+"/"
+       mynew     = findnew(entries,recursive,basedir)
+       mychanged = findchanged(entries,recursive,basedir)
+       mymissing = findmissing(entries,recursive,basedir)
+       myunadded = findunadded(entries,recursive,basedir)
+       myremoved = findremoved(entries,recursive,basedir)
+       return [mynew, mychanged, mymissing, myunadded, myremoved]
+ignore_list = re.compile("(^|/)(RCS(|LOG)|SCCS|CVS(|\.adm)|cvslog\..*|tags|TAGS|\.(make\.state|nse_depinfo)|.*~|(\.|)#.*|,.*|_$.*|.*\$|\.del-.*|.*\.(old|BAK|bak|orig|rej|a|olb|o|obj|so|exe|Z|elc|ln)|core)$")
+def apply_cvsignore_filter(list):
+       x=0
+       while x < len(list):
+               if ignore_list.match(list[x].split("/")[-1]):
+                       list.pop(x)
+               else:
+                       x+=1
+       return list
+def getentries(mydir,recursive=0):
+       """(basedir,recursive=0)
+       Scans the given directory and returns an datadict of all the entries in
+       the directory seperated as a dirs dict and a files dict."""
+       myfn=mydir+"/CVS/Entries"
+       # entries=[dirs, files]
+       entries={"dirs":{},"files":{}}
+       if not os.path.exists(mydir):
+               return entries
+       try:
+               myfile=open(myfn, "r")
+               mylines=myfile.readlines()
+               myfile.close()
+       except SystemExit, e:
+               raise
+       except:
+               mylines=[]
+       for line in mylines:
+               if line and line[-1]=="\n":
+                       line=line[:-1]
+               if not line:
+                       continue
+               if line=="D": # End of entries file
+                       break
+               mysplit=line.split("/")
+               if len(mysplit)!=6:
+                       print "Confused:",mysplit
+                       continue
+               if mysplit[0]=="D":
+                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]={"dirs":{},"files":{},"status":[]}
+                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["status"]=["cvs"]
+                       if os.path.isdir(mydir+"/"+mysplit[1]):
+                               entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["status"]+=["exists"]
+                               entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["flags"]=mysplit[2:]
+                               if recursive:
+                                       rentries=getentries(mydir+"/"+mysplit[1],recursive)
+                                       #print rentries.keys()
+                                       #print entries["files"].keys()
+                                       #print entries["files"][mysplit[1]]
+                                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["dirs"]=rentries["dirs"]
+                                       entries["dirs"][mysplit[1]]["files"]=rentries["files"]
+               else:
+                       # [D]/Name/revision/Date/Flags/Tags
+                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]={}
+                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["revision"]=mysplit[2]
+                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["date"]=mysplit[3]
+                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["flags"]=mysplit[4]
+                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["tags"]=mysplit[5]
+                       entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["status"]=["cvs"]
+                       if entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["revision"][0]=="-":
+                               entries["files"][mysplit[1]]["status"]+=["removed"]
+       for file in apply_cvsignore_filter(os.listdir(mydir)):
+               if file=="CVS":
+                       continue
+               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                       print mydir,file
+               if os.path.isdir(mydir+"/"+file):
+                       if not entries["dirs"].has_key(file):
+                               entries["dirs"][file]={"dirs":{},"files":{}}
+                       if entries["dirs"][file].has_key("status"):
+                               if "exists" not in entries["dirs"][file]["status"]:
+                                       entries["dirs"][file]["status"]+=["exists"]
+                       else:
+                               entries["dirs"][file]["status"]=["exists"]
+               elif os.path.isfile(mydir+"/"+file):
+                       if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                               print "isfile"
+                       if not entries["files"].has_key(file):
+                               entries["files"][file]={"revision":"","date":"","flags":"","tags":""}
+                       if entries["files"][file].has_key("status"):
+                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                                       print "has status"
+                               if "exists" not in entries["files"][file]["status"]:
+                                       if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                                               print "no exists in status"
+                                       entries["files"][file]["status"]+=["exists"]
+                       else:
+                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                                       print "no status"
+                               entries["files"][file]["status"]=["exists"]
+                       try:
+                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                                       print "stat'ing"
+                               mystat=os.stat(mydir+"/"+file)
+                               mytime=time.asctime(time.gmtime(mystat[ST_MTIME]))
+                               if not entries["files"][file].has_key("status"):
+                                       if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                                               print "status not set"
+                                       entries["files"][file]["status"]=[]
+                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                                       print "date:",entries["files"][file]["date"]
+                                       print "sdate:",mytime
+                               if mytime==entries["files"][file]["date"]:
+                                       entries["files"][file]["status"]+=["current"]
+                               if file=="digest-framerd-2.4.3":
+                                       print "stat done"
+                               del mystat
+                       except SystemExit, e:
+                               raise
+                       except Exception, e:
+                               print "failed to stat",file
+                               print e
+                               return
+               else:
+                       print
+                       print "File of unknown type:",mydir+"/"+file
+                       print
+       return entries
+#class cvstree:
+#      def __init__(self,basedir):
+#              self.refdir=os.cwd()
+#              self.basedir=basedir
+#              self.entries={}
+#              self.entries["dirs"]={}
+#              self.entries["files"]={}
+#              self.entries["dirs"][self.basedir]=getentries(self.basedir)
+#              self.getrealdirs(self.dirs, self.files)
+#      def getrealdirs(self,dirs,files):
+#              for mydir in dirs.keys():
+#                      list = os.listdir(
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..707c76b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# -- Calculated/Discovered Data Values
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
+       from sets import Set as set
+import os,pwd,grp
+from portage_util import writemsg
+from output import green,red
+from output import create_color_func
+bad = create_color_func("BAD")
+lchown = None
+if ostype=="Linux" or ostype.lower().endswith("gnu"):
+       userland="GNU"
+       os.environ["XARGS"]="xargs -r"
+elif ostype == "Darwin":
+       userland="Darwin"
+       os.environ["XARGS"]="xargs"
+       def lchown(*pos_args, **key_args):
+               pass
+elif ostype.endswith("BSD") or ostype =="DragonFly":
+       userland="BSD"
+       os.environ["XARGS"]="xargs"
+       writemsg(red("Operating system")+" \""+ostype+"\" "+red("currently unsupported. Exiting.")+"\n")
+       sys.exit(1)
+if not lchown:
+       if "lchown" in dir(os):
+               # Included in python-2.3
+               lchown = os.lchown
+       else:
+               try:
+                       import missingos
+                       lchown = missingos.lchown
+               except ImportError:
+                       def lchown(*pos_args, **key_args):
+                               writemsg(red("!!!") + " It seems that os.lchown does not" + \
+                                       " exist.  Please rebuild python.\n", noiselevel=-1)
+                       lchown()
+def portage_group_warning():
+       warn_prefix = bad("*** WARNING ***  ")
+       mylines = [
+               "For security reasons, only system administrators should be",
+               "allowed in the portage group.  Untrusted users or processes",
+               "can potentially exploit the portage group for attacks such as",
+               "local privilege escalation."
+       ]
+       for x in mylines:
+               writemsg(warn_prefix, noiselevel=-1)
+               writemsg(x, noiselevel=-1)
+               writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1)
+       writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1)
+# Portage has 3 security levels that depend on the uid and gid of the main
+# process and are assigned according to the following table:
+# Privileges  secpass  uid    gid
+# normal      0        any    any
+# group       1        any    portage_gid
+# super       2        0      any
+# If the "wheel" group does not exist then wheelgid falls back to 0.
+# If the "portage" group does not exist then portage_uid falls back to wheelgid.
+if uid==0:
+       secpass=2
+       wheelgid=grp.getgrnam("wheel")[2]
+except KeyError:
+       writemsg("portage initialization: your system doesn't have a 'wheel' group.\n")
+       writemsg("Please fix this as it is a normal system requirement. 'wheel' is GID 10\n")
+       writemsg("`emerge baselayout` and a config update with dispatch-conf, etc-update\n")
+       writemsg("or cfg-update should remedy this problem.\n")
+       pass
+#Discover the uid and gid of the portage user/group
+       portage_uid=pwd.getpwnam("portage")[2]
+       portage_gid=grp.getgrnam("portage")[2]
+       if secpass < 1 and portage_gid in os.getgroups():
+               secpass=1
+except KeyError:
+       portage_uid=0
+       portage_gid=0
+       writemsg("\n")
+       writemsg(  red("portage: 'portage' user or group missing. Please update baselayout\n"))
+       writemsg(  red("         and merge portage user(250) and group(250) into your passwd\n"))
+       writemsg(  red("         and group files. Non-root compilation is disabled until then.\n"))
+       writemsg(      "         Also note that non-root/wheel users will need to be added to\n")
+       writemsg(      "         the portage group to do portage commands.\n")
+       writemsg("\n")
+       writemsg(      "         For the defaults, line 1 goes into passwd, and 2 into group.\n")
+       writemsg(green("         portage:x:250:250:portage:/var/tmp/portage:/bin/false\n"))
+       writemsg(green("         portage::250:portage\n"))
+       writemsg("\n")
+       portage_group_warning()
+userpriv_groups = [portage_gid]
+if secpass >= 2:
+       # Get a list of group IDs for the portage user.  Do not use grp.getgrall()
+       # since it is known to trigger spurious SIGPIPE problems with nss_ldap.
+       from commands import getstatusoutput
+       mystatus, myoutput = getstatusoutput("id -G portage")
+       if mystatus == os.EX_OK:
+               for x in myoutput.split():
+                       try:
+                               userpriv_groups.append(int(x))
+                       except ValueError:
+                               pass
+                       del x
+               userpriv_groups = list(set(userpriv_groups))
+       del getstatusoutput, mystatus, myoutput
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2ee8bcf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+import os, sys, threading
+import portage_const
+from portage_util import writemsg
+def set_trace(on=True):
+       if on:
+               t = trace_handler()
+               threading.settrace(t.event_handler)
+               sys.settrace(t.event_handler)
+       else:
+               sys.settrace(None)
+               threading.settrace(None)
+class trace_handler(object):
+       def __init__(self):
+               python_system_paths = []
+               for x in sys.path:
+                       if os.path.basename(x).startswith("python2."):
+                               python_system_paths.append(x)
+               self.ignore_prefixes = []
+               for x in python_system_paths:
+                       self.ignore_prefixes.append(x + os.sep)
+               self.trim_filename = prefix_trimmer(os.path.join(portage_const.PORTAGE_BASE_PATH, "pym") + os.sep).trim
+               self.show_local_lines = False
+               self.max_repr_length = 200
+       def event_handler(self, *args):
+               frame, event, arg = args
+               if "line" == event:
+                       if self.show_local_lines:
+                               self.trace_line(*args)
+               else:
+                       if not self.ignore_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename):
+                               self.trace_event(*args)
+                               return self.event_handler
+       def trace_event(self, frame, event, arg):
+               writemsg("%s line=%d name=%s event=%s %slocals=%s\n" % \
+               (self.trim_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename),
+               frame.f_lineno,
+               frame.f_code.co_name,
+               event,
+               self.arg_repr(frame, event, arg),
+               self.locals_repr(frame, event, arg)))
+       def arg_repr(self, frame, event, arg):
+               my_repr = None
+               if "return" == event:
+                       my_repr = repr(arg)
+                       if len(my_repr) > self.max_repr_length:
+                               my_repr = "'omitted'"
+                       return "value=%s " % my_repr
+               elif "exception" == event:
+                       my_repr = repr(arg[1])
+                       if len(my_repr) > self.max_repr_length:
+                               my_repr = "'omitted'"
+                       return "type=%s value=%s " % (arg[0], my_repr)
+               return ""
+       def trace_line(self, frame, event, arg):
+               writemsg("%s line=%d\n" % (self.trim_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename), frame.f_lineno))
+       def ignore_filename(self, filename):
+               if filename:
+                       for x in self.ignore_prefixes:
+                               if filename.startswith(x):
+                                       return True
+               return False
+       def locals_repr(self, frame, event, arg):
+               """Create a representation of the locals dict that is suitable for
+               tracing output."""
+               my_locals = frame.f_locals.copy()
+               # prevent unsafe  __repr__ call on self when __init__ is called
+               # (method calls aren't safe until after __init__  has completed).
+               if frame.f_code.co_name == "__init__" and "self" in my_locals:
+                       my_locals["self"] = "omitted"
+               # We omit items that will lead to unreasonable bloat of the trace
+               # output (and resulting log file).
+               for k, v in my_locals.iteritems():
+                       my_repr = repr(v)
+                       if len(my_repr) > self.max_repr_length:
+                               my_locals[k] = "omitted"
+               return my_locals
+class prefix_trimmer(object):
+       def __init__(self, prefix):
+               self.prefix = prefix
+               self.cut_index = len(prefix)
+               self.previous = None
+               self.previous_trimmed = None
+       def trim(self, s):
+               """Remove a prefix from the string and return the result.
+               The previous result is automatically cached."""
+               if s == self.previous:
+                       return self.previous_trimmed
+               else:
+                       if s.startswith(self.prefix):
+                               self.previous_trimmed = s[self.cut_index:]
+                       else:
+                               self.previous_trimmed = s
+                       return self.previous_trimmed
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bf40452
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+# -- Portage dependency resolution functions
+# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# 'use?' only affects the immediately following word!
+# Nesting is the only legal way to form multiple '[!]use?' requirements.
+# Where: 'a' and 'b' are use flags, and 'z' is a depend atom.
+# "a? z"           -- If 'a' in [use], then b is valid.
+# "a? ( z )"       -- Syntax with parenthesis.
+# "a? b? z"        -- Deprecated.
+# "a? ( b? z )"    -- Valid
+# "a? ( b? ( z ) ) -- Valid
+import re,  sys, types
+import portage_exception
+from portage_exception import InvalidData
+from portage_versions import catpkgsplit, catsplit, pkgcmp, pkgsplit, ververify
+def cpvequal(cpv1, cpv2):
+       split1 = catpkgsplit(cpv1)
+       split2 = catpkgsplit(cpv2)
+       if not split1 or not split2:
+               raise portage_exception.PortageException("Invalid data '%s, %s', parameter was not a CPV" % (cpv1, cpv2))
+       if split1[0] != split2[0]:
+               return False
+       return (pkgcmp(split1[1:], split2[1:]) == 0)
+def strip_empty(myarr):
+       """
+       Strip all empty elements from an array
+       @param myarr: The list of elements
+       @type myarr: List
+       @rtype: Array
+       @return: The array with empty elements removed
+       """
+       for x in range(len(myarr)-1, -1, -1):
+               if not myarr[x]:
+                       del myarr[x]
+       return myarr
+def paren_reduce(mystr,tokenize=1):
+       """
+       Take a string and convert all paren enclosed entities into sublists, optionally
+       futher splitting the list elements by spaces.
+       Example usage:
+               >>> paren_reduce('foobar foo ( bar baz )',1)
+               ['foobar', 'foo', ['bar', 'baz']]
+               >>> paren_reduce('foobar foo ( bar baz )',0)
+               ['foobar foo ', [' bar baz ']]
+       @param mystr: The string to reduce
+       @type mystr: String
+       @param tokenize: Split on spaces to produces further list breakdown
+       @type tokenize: Integer
+       @rtype: Array
+       @return: The reduced string in an array
+       """
+       mylist = []
+       while mystr:
+               if ("(" not in mystr) and (")" not in mystr):
+                       freesec = mystr
+                       subsec = None
+                       tail = ""
+               elif mystr[0] == ")":
+                       return [mylist,mystr[1:]]
+               elif ("(" in mystr) and (mystr.index("(") < mystr.index(")")):
+                       freesec,subsec = mystr.split("(",1)
+                       subsec,tail = paren_reduce(subsec,tokenize)
+               else:
+                       subsec,tail = mystr.split(")",1)
+                       if tokenize:
+                               subsec = strip_empty(subsec.split(" "))
+                               return [mylist+subsec,tail]
+                       return mylist+[subsec],tail
+               mystr = tail
+               if freesec:
+                       if tokenize:
+                               mylist = mylist + strip_empty(freesec.split(" "))
+                       else:
+                               mylist = mylist + [freesec]
+               if subsec is not None:
+                       mylist = mylist + [subsec]
+       return mylist
+def paren_enclose(mylist):
+       """
+       Convert a list to a string with sublists enclosed with parens.
+       Example usage:
+               >>> test = ['foobar','foo',['bar','baz']]
+               >>> paren_enclose(test)
+               'foobar foo ( bar baz )'
+       @param mylist: The list
+       @type mylist: List
+       @rtype: String
+       @return: The paren enclosed string
+       """
+       mystrparts = []
+       for x in mylist:
+               if isinstance(x, list):
+                       mystrparts.append("( "+paren_enclose(x)+" )")
+               else:
+                       mystrparts.append(x)
+       return " ".join(mystrparts)
+# This is just for use by emerge so that it can enable a backward compatibility
+# mode in order to gracefully deal with installed packages that have invalid
+# atoms or dep syntax.
+_dep_check_strict = True
+def use_reduce(deparray, uselist=[], masklist=[], matchall=0, excludeall=[]):
+       """
+       Takes a paren_reduce'd array and reduces the use? conditionals out
+       leaving an array with subarrays
+       @param deparray: paren_reduce'd list of deps
+       @type deparray: List
+       @param uselist: List of use flags
+       @type uselist: List
+       @param masklist: List of masked flags
+       @type masklist: List
+       @param matchall: Resolve all conditional deps unconditionally.  Used by repoman
+       @type matchall: Integer
+       @rtype: List
+       @return: The use reduced depend array
+       """
+       # Quick validity checks
+       for x in range(len(deparray)):
+               if deparray[x] in ["||","&&"]:
+                       if len(deparray) - 1 == x or not isinstance(deparray[x+1], list):
+                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString(deparray[x]+" missing atom list in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
+       if deparray and deparray[-1] and deparray[-1][-1] == "?":
+               raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString("Conditional without target in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
+       global _dep_check_strict
+       mydeparray = deparray[:]
+       rlist = []
+       while mydeparray:
+               head = mydeparray.pop(0)
+               if type(head) == types.ListType:
+                       additions = use_reduce(head, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall)
+                       if additions:
+                               rlist.append(additions)
+                       elif rlist and rlist[-1] == "||":
+                       #XXX: Currently some DEPEND strings have || lists without default atoms.
+                       #       raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString("No default atom(s) in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
+                               rlist.append([])
+               else:
+                       if head[-1] == "?": # Use reduce next group on fail.
+                               # Pull any other use conditions and the following atom or list into a separate array
+                               newdeparray = [head]
+                               while isinstance(newdeparray[-1], str) and newdeparray[-1][-1] == "?":
+                                       if mydeparray:
+                                               newdeparray.append(mydeparray.pop(0))
+                                       else:
+                                               raise ValueError, "Conditional with no target."
+                               # Deprecation checks
+                               warned = 0
+                               if len(newdeparray[-1]) == 0:
+                                       sys.stderr.write("Note: Empty target in string. (Deprecated)\n")
+                                       warned = 1
+                               if len(newdeparray) != 2:
+                                       sys.stderr.write("Note: Nested use flags without parenthesis (Deprecated)\n")
+                                       warned = 1
+                               if warned:
+                                       sys.stderr.write("  --> "+" ".join(map(str,[head]+newdeparray))+"\n")
+                               # Check that each flag matches
+                               ismatch = True
+                               for head in newdeparray[:-1]:
+                                       head = head[:-1]
+                                       if head[0] == "!":
+                                               head_key = head[1:]
+                                               if not matchall and head_key in uselist or \
+                                                       head_key in excludeall:
+                                                       ismatch = False
+                                                       break
+                                       elif head not in masklist:
+                                               if not matchall and head not in uselist:
+                                                       ismatch = False
+                                                       break
+                                       else:
+                                               ismatch = False
+                               # If they all match, process the target
+                               if ismatch:
+                                       target = newdeparray[-1]
+                                       if isinstance(target, list):
+                                               additions = use_reduce(target, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall)
+                                               if additions:
+                                                       rlist.append(additions)
+                                       elif not _dep_check_strict:
+                                               # The old deprecated behavior.
+                                               rlist.append(target)
+                                       else:
+                                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString(
+                                                       "Conditional without parenthesis: '%s?'" % head)
+                       else:
+                               rlist += [head]
+       return rlist
+def dep_opconvert(deplist):
+       """
+       Iterate recursively through a list of deps, if the
+       dep is a '||' or '&&' operator, combine it with the
+       list of deps that follows..
+       Example usage:
+               >>> test = ["blah", "||", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
+               >>> dep_opconvert(test)
+               ['blah', ['||', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']]
+       @param deplist: A list of deps to format
+       @type mydep: List
+       @rtype: List
+       @return:
+               The new list with the new ordering
+       """
+       retlist = []
+       x = 0
+       while x != len(deplist):
+               if isinstance(deplist[x], list):
+                       retlist.append(dep_opconvert(deplist[x]))
+               elif deplist[x] == "||" or deplist[x] == "&&":
+                       retlist.append([deplist[x]] + dep_opconvert(deplist[x+1]))
+                       x += 1
+               else:
+                       retlist.append(deplist[x])
+               x += 1
+       return retlist
+def get_operator(mydep):
+       """
+       Return the operator used in a depstring.
+       Example usage:
+               >>> from portage_dep import *
+               >>> get_operator(">=test-1.0")
+               '>='
+       @param mydep: The dep string to check
+       @type mydep: String
+       @rtype: String
+       @return: The operator. One of:
+               '~', '=', '>', '<', '=*', '>=', or '<='
+       """
+       if mydep[0] == "~":
+               operator = "~"
+       elif mydep[0] == "=":
+               if mydep[-1] == "*":
+                       operator = "=*"
+               else:
+                       operator = "="
+       elif mydep[0] in "><":
+               if len(mydep) > 1 and mydep[1] == "=":
+                       operator = mydep[0:2]
+               else:
+                       operator = mydep[0]
+       else:
+               operator = None
+       return operator
+_dep_getcpv_cache = {}
+def dep_getcpv(mydep):
+       """
+       Return the category-package-version with any operators/slot specifications stripped off
+       Example usage:
+               >>> dep_getcpv('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
+               'media-libs/test-3.0'
+       @param mydep: The depstring
+       @type mydep: String
+       @rtype: String
+       @return: The depstring with the operator removed
+       """
+       global _dep_getcpv_cache
+       retval = _dep_getcpv_cache.get(mydep, None)
+       if retval is not None:
+               return retval
+       mydep_orig = mydep
+       if mydep and mydep[0] == "*":
+               mydep = mydep[1:]
+       if mydep and mydep[-1] == "*":
+               mydep = mydep[:-1]
+       if mydep and mydep[0] == "!":
+               mydep = mydep[1:]
+       if mydep[:2] in [">=", "<="]:
+               mydep = mydep[2:]
+       elif mydep[:1] in "=<>~":
+               mydep = mydep[1:]
+       colon = mydep.rfind(":")
+       if colon != -1:
+               mydep = mydep[:colon]
+       _dep_getcpv_cache[mydep_orig] = mydep
+       return mydep
+def dep_getslot(mydep):
+       """
+       Retrieve the slot on a depend.
+       Example usage:
+               >>> dep_getslot('app-misc/test:3')
+               '3'
+       @param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the slot of
+       @type mydep: String
+       @rtype: String
+       @return: The slot
+       """
+       colon = mydep.rfind(":")
+       if colon != -1:
+               return mydep[colon+1:]
+       return None
+_invalid_atom_chars_regexp = re.compile("[()|?]")
+def isvalidatom(atom, allow_blockers=False):
+       """
+       Check to see if a depend atom is valid
+       Example usage:
+               >>> isvalidatom('media-libs/test-3.0')
+               0
+               >>> isvalidatom('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
+               1
+       @param atom: The depend atom to check against
+       @type atom: String
+       @rtype: Integer
+       @return: One of the following:
+               1) 0 if the atom is invalid
+               2) 1 if the atom is valid
+       """
+       global _invalid_atom_chars_regexp
+       if
+               return 0
+       if allow_blockers and atom.startswith("!"):
+               atom = atom[1:]
+       try:
+               mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(dep_getcpv(atom))
+       except InvalidData:
+               return 0
+       operator = get_operator(atom)
+       if operator:
+               if operator[0] in "<>" and atom[-1] == "*":
+                       return 0
+               if mycpv_cps and mycpv_cps[0] != "null":
+                       # >=cat/pkg-1.0
+                       return 1
+               else:
+                       # >=cat/pkg or >=pkg-1.0 (no category)
+                       return 0
+       if mycpv_cps:
+               # cat/pkg-1.0
+               return 0
+       if (len(atom.split('/')) == 2):
+               # cat/pkg
+               return 1
+       else:
+               return 0
+def isjustname(mypkg):
+       """
+       Checks to see if the depstring is only the package name (no version parts)
+       Example usage:
+               >>> isjustname('media-libs/test-3.0')
+               0
+               >>> isjustname('test')
+               1
+               >>> isjustname('media-libs/test')
+               1
+       @param mypkg: The package atom to check
+       @param mypkg: String
+       @rtype: Integer
+       @return: One of the following:
+               1) 0 if the package string is not just the package name
+               2) 1 if it is
+       """
+       myparts = mypkg.split('-')
+       for x in myparts:
+               if ververify(x):
+                       return 0
+       return 1
+iscache = {}
+def isspecific(mypkg):
+       """
+       Checks to see if a package is in category/package-version or package-version format,
+       possibly returning a cached result.
+       Example usage:
+               >>> isspecific('media-libs/test')
+               0
+               >>> isspecific('media-libs/test-3.0')
+               1
+       @param mypkg: The package depstring to check against
+       @type mypkg: String
+       @rtype: Integer
+       @return: One of the following:
+               1) 0 if the package string is not specific
+               2) 1 if it is
+       """
+       try:
+               return iscache[mypkg]
+       except KeyError:
+               pass
+       mysplit = mypkg.split("/")
+       if not isjustname(mysplit[-1]):
+                       iscache[mypkg] = 1
+                       return 1
+       iscache[mypkg] = 0
+       return 0
+def dep_getkey(mydep):
+       """
+       Return the category/package-name of a depstring.
+       Example usage:
+               >>> dep_getkey('media-libs/test-3.0')
+               'media-libs/test'
+       @param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the category/package-name of
+       @type mydep: String
+       @rtype: String
+       @return: The package category/package-version
+       """
+       mydep = dep_getcpv(mydep)
+       if mydep and isspecific(mydep):
+               mysplit = catpkgsplit(mydep)
+               if not mysplit:
+                       return mydep
+               return mysplit[0] + "/" + mysplit[1]
+       else:
+               return mydep
+def match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
+       """
+       Searches list for entries that matches the package.
+       @param mypkg: The package atom to match
+       @type mypkg: String
+       @param mylist: The list of package atoms to compare against
+       @param mylist: List
+       @rtype: List
+       @return: A unique list of package atoms that match the given package atom
+       """
+       matches = []
+       for x in mylist:
+               if match_from_list(x, [mypkg]):
+                       if x not in matches:
+                               matches.append(x)
+       return matches
+def best_match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
+       """
+       Returns the most specific entry that matches the package given.
+       @param mypkg: The package atom to check
+       @type mypkg: String
+       @param mylist: The list of package atoms to check against
+       @type mylist: List
+       @rtype: String
+       @return: The package atom which best matches given the following ordering:
+               - =cpv      6
+               - ~cpv      5
+               - =cpv*     4
+               - cp:slot   3
+               - >cpv      2
+               - <cpv      2
+               - >=cpv     2
+               - <=cpv     2
+               - cp        1
+       """
+       operator_values = {'=':6, '~':5, '=*':4,
+               '>':2, '<':2, '>=':2, '<=':2, None:1}
+       maxvalue = 0
+       bestm  = None
+       for x in match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
+               if dep_getslot(x) is not None:
+                       if maxvalue < 3:
+                               maxvalue = 3
+                               bestm = x
+                       continue
+               op_val = operator_values[get_operator(x)]
+               if op_val > maxvalue:
+                       maxvalue = op_val
+                       bestm  = x
+       return bestm
+_match_from_list_cache = {}
+def match_from_list(mydep, candidate_list):
+       """
+       Searches list for entries that matches the package.
+       @param mydep: The package atom to match
+       @type mydep: String
+       @param candidate_list: The list of package atoms to compare against
+       @param candidate_list: List
+       @rtype: List
+       @return: A list of package atoms that match the given package atom
+       """
+       global _match_from_list_cache
+       cache_key = (mydep, tuple(candidate_list))
+       mylist = _match_from_list_cache.get(cache_key, None)
+       if mylist is not None:
+               return mylist[:]
+       from portage_util import writemsg
+       if mydep[0] == "!":
+               mydep = mydep[1:]
+       mycpv     = dep_getcpv(mydep)
+       mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(mycpv) # Can be None if not specific
+       slot      = None
+       if not mycpv_cps:
+               cat, pkg = catsplit(mycpv)
+               ver      = None
+               rev      = None
+               slot = dep_getslot(mydep)
+       else:
+               cat, pkg, ver, rev = mycpv_cps
+               if mydep == mycpv:
+                       raise KeyError("Specific key requires an operator" + \
+                               " (%s) (try adding an '=')" % (mydep))
+       if ver and rev:
+               operator = get_operator(mydep)
+               if not operator:
+                       writemsg("!!! Invalid atom: %s\n" % mydep, noiselevel=-1)
+                       return []
+       else:
+               operator = None
+       mylist = []
+       if operator is None:
+               for x in candidate_list:
+                       xs = pkgsplit(x)
+                       if xs is None:
+                               xcpv = dep_getcpv(x)
+                               if slot is not None:
+                                       xslot = dep_getslot(x)
+                                       if xslot is not None and xslot != slot:
+                                               """  This function isn't given enough information to
+                                               reject atoms based on slot unless *both* compared atoms
+                                               specify slots."""
+                                               continue
+                               if xcpv != mycpv:
+                                       continue
+                       elif xs[0] != mycpv:
+                               continue
+                       mylist.append(x)
+       elif operator == "=": # Exact match
+               mylist = [cpv for cpv in candidate_list if cpvequal(cpv, mycpv)]
+       elif operator == "=*": # glob match
+               # XXX: Nasty special casing for leading zeros
+               # Required as =* is a literal prefix match, so can't 
+               # use vercmp
+               mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
+               myver = mysplit[2].lstrip("0")
+               if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
+                       myver = "0"+myver
+               mycpv = mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]+"-"+myver
+               for x in candidate_list:
+                       xs = catpkgsplit(x)
+                       myver = xs[2].lstrip("0")
+                       if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
+                               myver = "0"+myver
+                       xcpv = xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+myver
+                       if xcpv.startswith(mycpv):
+                               mylist.append(x)
+       elif operator == "~": # version, any revision, match
+               for x in candidate_list:
+                       xs = catpkgsplit(x)
+                       if xs is None:
+                               raise InvalidData(x)
+                       if not cpvequal(xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+xs[2], mycpv_cps[0]+"/"+mycpv_cps[1]+"-"+mycpv_cps[2]):
+                               continue
+                       if xs[2] != ver:
+                               continue
+                       mylist.append(x)
+       elif operator in [">", ">=", "<", "<="]:
+               mysplit = ["%s/%s" % (cat, pkg), ver, rev]
+               for x in candidate_list:
+                       try:
+                               result = pkgcmp(pkgsplit(x), mysplit)
+                       except ValueError: # pkgcmp may return ValueError during int() conversion
+                               writemsg("\nInvalid package name: %s\n" % x, noiselevel=-1)
+                               raise
+                       if result is None:
+                               continue
+                       elif operator == ">":
+                               if result > 0:
+                                       mylist.append(x)
+                       elif operator == ">=":
+                               if result >= 0:
+                                       mylist.append(x)
+                       elif operator == "<":
+                               if result < 0:
+                                       mylist.append(x)
+                       elif operator == "<=":
+                               if result <= 0:
+                                       mylist.append(x)
+                       else:
+                               raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep)
+       else:
+               raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep)
+       _match_from_list_cache[cache_key] = mylist
+       return mylist
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..690772b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# -- functionality common to archive-conf and dispatch-conf
+# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# Library by Wayne Davison <>, derived from code
+# written by Jeremy Wohl (
+from stat import *
+import os, sys, commands, shutil
+import portage
+RCS_BRANCH = '1.1.1'
+RCS_LOCK = 'rcs -ko -M -l'
+RCS_PUT = 'ci -t-"Archived config file." -m"dispatch-conf update."'
+RCS_GET = 'co'
+RCS_MERGE = 'rcsmerge -p -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' %s >%s'
+DIFF3_MERGE = 'diff3 -mE %s %s %s >%s'
+def read_config(mandatory_opts):
+    try:
+        opts = portage.getconfig('/etc/dispatch-conf.conf')
+    except:
+        opts = None
+    if not opts:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error reading /etc/dispatch-conf.conf; fatal'
+        sys.exit(1)
+    for key in mandatory_opts:
+        if not opts.has_key(key):
+            if key == "merge":
+                opts["merge"] = "sdiff --suppress-common-lines --output=%s %s %s"
+            else:
+                print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Missing option "%s" in /etc/dispatch-conf.conf; fatal' % (key,)
+    if not os.path.exists(opts['archive-dir']):
+        os.mkdir(opts['archive-dir'])
+    elif not os.path.isdir(opts['archive-dir']):
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Config archive dir [%s] must exist; fatal' % (opts['archive-dir'],)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return opts
+def rcs_archive(archive, curconf, newconf, mrgconf):
+    """Archive existing config in rcs (on trunk). Then, if mrgconf is
+    specified and an old branch version exists, merge the user's changes
+    and the distributed changes and put the result into mrgconf.  Lastly,
+    if newconf was specified, leave it in the archive dir with a
+    suffix along with the last 1.1.1 branch version with a .dist suffix."""
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(archive))
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        shutil.copy2(curconf, archive)
+    except(IOError, os.error), why:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
+              (curconf, archive, str(why))
+    if os.path.exists(archive + ',v'):
+        os.system(RCS_LOCK + ' ' + archive)
+    os.system(RCS_PUT + ' ' + archive)
+    ret = 0
+    if newconf != '':
+        os.system(RCS_GET + ' -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
+        has_branch = os.path.exists(archive)
+        if has_branch:
+            os.rename(archive, archive + '.dist')
+        try:
+            shutil.copy2(newconf, archive)
+        except(IOError, os.error), why:
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
+                  (newconf, archive, str(why))
+        if has_branch:
+            if mrgconf != '':
+                # This puts the results of the merge into mrgconf.
+                ret = os.system(RCS_MERGE % (archive, mrgconf))
+                mystat = os.lstat(newconf)
+                os.chmod(mrgconf, mystat[ST_MODE])
+                os.chown(mrgconf, mystat[ST_UID], mystat[ST_GID])
+        os.rename(archive, archive + '')
+    return ret
+def file_archive(archive, curconf, newconf, mrgconf):
+    """Archive existing config to the archive-dir, bumping old versions
+    out of the way into .# versions (log-rotate style). Then, if mrgconf
+    was specified and there is a .dist version, merge the user's changes
+    and the distributed changes and put the result into mrgconf.  Lastly,
+    if newconf was specified, archive it as a version (which
+    gets moved to the .dist version at the end of the processing)."""
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(archive))
+    except:
+        pass
+    # Archive the current config file if it isn't already saved
+    if os.path.exists(archive) \
+     and len(commands.getoutput('diff -aq %s %s' % (curconf,archive))) != 0:
+        suf = 1
+        while suf < 9 and os.path.exists(archive + '.' + str(suf)):
+            suf += 1
+        while suf > 1:
+            os.rename(archive + '.' + str(suf-1), archive + '.' + str(suf))
+            suf -= 1
+        os.rename(archive, archive + '.1')
+    try:
+        shutil.copy2(curconf, archive)
+    except(IOError, os.error), why:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
+              (curconf, archive, str(why))
+    if newconf != '':
+        # Save off new config file in the archive dir with suffix
+        try:
+            shutil.copy2(newconf, archive + '')
+        except(IOError, os.error), why:
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'dispatch-conf: Error copying %s to %s: %s; fatal' % \
+                  (newconf, archive + '', str(why))
+        ret = 0
+        if mrgconf != '' and os.path.exists(archive + '.dist'):
+            # This puts the results of the merge into mrgconf.
+            ret = os.system(DIFF3_MERGE % (curconf, archive + '.dist', newconf, mrgconf))
+            mystat = os.lstat(newconf)
+            os.chmod(mrgconf, mystat[ST_MODE])
+            os.chown(mrgconf, mystat[ST_UID], mystat[ST_GID])
+        return ret
+def rcs_archive_post_process(archive):
+    """Check in the archive file with the suffix on the branch
+    and remove the one with the .dist suffix."""
+    os.rename(archive + '', archive)
+    if os.path.exists(archive + '.dist'):
+        # Commit the last-distributed version onto the branch.
+        os.system(RCS_LOCK + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
+        os.system(RCS_PUT + ' -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
+        os.unlink(archive + '.dist')
+    else:
+        # Forcefully commit the last-distributed version onto the branch.
+        os.system(RCS_PUT + ' -f -r' + RCS_BRANCH + ' ' + archive)
+def file_archive_post_process(archive):
+    """Rename the archive file with the suffix to a .dist suffix"""
+    os.rename(archive + '', archive + '.dist')
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..91b98fe
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright: 2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Author(s): Nicholas Carpaski (, Brian Harring (
+# License: GPL2
+# $Id$
+from portage_util import normalize_path, writemsg
+import os, sys
+from portage_data import portage_gid
+class cache:
+       """
+       Maintains the cache information about eclasses used in ebuild.
+       """
+       def __init__(self, porttree_root, overlays=[]):
+               self.porttree_root = porttree_root
+               self.eclasses = {} # {"Name": ("location","_mtime_")}
+               self._eclass_locations = {}
+               # screw with the porttree ordering, w/out having bash inherit match it, and I'll hurt you.
+               # ~harring
+               self.porttrees = [self.porttree_root]+overlays
+               self.porttrees = tuple(map(normalize_path, self.porttrees))
+               self._master_eclass_root = os.path.join(self.porttrees[0],"eclass")
+               self.update_eclasses()
+       def close_caches(self):
+               import traceback
+               traceback.print_stack()
+               print "%s close_cache is deprecated" % self.__class__
+               self.eclasses.clear()
+       def flush_cache(self):
+               import traceback
+               traceback.print_stack()
+               print "%s flush_cache is deprecated" % self.__class__
+               self.update_eclasses()
+       def update_eclasses(self):
+               self.eclasses = {}
+               self._eclass_locations = {}
+               eclass_len = len(".eclass")
+               for x in [normalize_path(os.path.join(y,"eclass")) for y in self.porttrees]:
+                       if not os.path.isdir(x):
+                               continue
+                       for y in [y for y in os.listdir(x) if y.endswith(".eclass")]:
+                               try:
+                                       mtime = long(os.stat(os.path.join(x, y)).st_mtime)
+                               except OSError:
+                                       continue
+                               ys=y[:-eclass_len]
+                               self.eclasses[ys] = (x, long(mtime))
+                               self._eclass_locations[ys] = x
+       def is_eclass_data_valid(self, ec_dict):
+               if not isinstance(ec_dict, dict):
+                       return False
+               for eclass, tup in ec_dict.iteritems():
+                       cached_data = self.eclasses.get(eclass, None)
+                       """ Only use the mtime for validation since the probability of a
+                       collision is small and, depending on the cache implementation, the
+                       path may not be specified (cache from rsync mirrors, for example).
+                       """
+                       if cached_data is None or tup[1] != cached_data[1]:
+                               return False
+               return True
+       def get_eclass_data(self, inherits, from_master_only=False):
+               ec_dict = {}
+               for x in inherits:
+                       try:
+                               ec_dict[x] = self.eclasses[x]
+                       except KeyError:
+                               print "ec=",ec_dict
+                               print "inherits=",inherits
+                               raise
+                       if from_master_only and \
+                               self._eclass_locations[x] != self._master_eclass_root:
+                               return None
+               return ec_dict
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..373e0bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os,sys
+from output import bold, turquoise, green
+def shorthelp():
+       print
+       print
+       print bold("Usage:")
+       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+turquoise("ebuildfile")+" | "+turquoise("tbz2file")+" | "+turquoise("dependency")+" ] [ ... ]"
+       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+green("action")+" ] < "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" >"
+       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" < "+turquoise("--sync")+" | "+turquoise("--metadata")+" | "+turquoise("--info")+" >"
+       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--resume")+" [ "+green("--pretend")+" | "+green("--ask")+" | "+green("--skipfirst")+" ]"
+       print "   "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--help")+" [ "+green("system")+" | "+green("world")+" | "+green("config")+" | "+green("--sync")+" ] "
+       print bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhikKlnNoOpqPsStuvV")+"] ["+green("--oneshot")+"] ["+green("--newuse")+"] ["+green("--noconfmem")+"]"
+       print      "                                          [ " + green("--color")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >  ] [ "+green("--columns")+" ]"
+       print      "                                                                 ["+green("--nospinner")+"]"
+       print "                                          [ "+green("--deep")+"  ] [" + green("--with-bdeps")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" > ]"
+       print bold("Actions:")+" [ "+green("--clean")+" | "+green("--depclean")+" | "+green("--prune")+" | "+green("--regen")+" | "+green("--search")+" | "+green("--unmerge")+" ]"
+       print
+def help(myaction,myopts,havecolor=1):
+       if not myaction and ("--help" not in myopts):
+               shorthelp()
+               print
+               print "   For more help try 'emerge --help' or consult the man page."
+               print
+       elif not myaction:
+               shorthelp()
+               print
+               print turquoise("Help (this screen):")
+               print "       "+green("--help")+" ("+green("-h")+" short option)"
+               print "              Displays this help; an additional argument (see above) will tell"
+               print "              emerge to display detailed help."
+               print
+               print turquoise("Actions:")
+               print "       "+green("--clean")+" ("+green("-c")+" short option)"
+               print "              Cleans the system by removing outdated packages which will not"
+               print "              remove functionalities or prevent your system from working."
+               print "              The arguments can be in several different formats :"
+               print "              * world "
+               print "              * system or"
+               print "              * 'dependency specification' (in single quotes is best.)"
+               print "              Here are a few examples of the dependency specification format:"
+               print "              "+bold("binutils")+" matches"
+               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
+               print "              "+bold("sys-devel/binutils")+" matches"
+               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
+               print "              "+bold(">sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
+               print "                  binutils-"
+               print "              "+bold(">=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
+               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
+               print "              "+bold("<=sys-devel/binutils-")+" matches"
+               print "                  binutils- and binutils-"
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--config")
+               print "              Runs package-specific operations that must be executed after an"
+               print "              emerge process has completed.  This usually entails configuration"
+               print "              file setup or other similar setups that the user may wish to run."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--depclean")
+               print "              Cleans the system by removing packages that are not associated"
+               print "              with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works by creating the"
+               print "              full dependency tree from the system list and the world file,"
+               print "              then comparing it to installed packages. Packages installed, but"
+               print "              not associated with an explicit merge are listed as candidates"
+               print "              for unmerging."+turquoise(" WARNING: This can seriously affect your system by")
+               print "              "+turquoise("removing packages that may have been linked against, but due to")
+               print "              "+turquoise("changes in USE flags may no longer be part of the dep tree. Use")
+               print "              "+turquoise("caution when employing this feature.")
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--info")
+               print "              Displays important portage variables that will be exported to"
+               print "     when performing merges. This information is useful"
+               print "              for bug reports and verification of settings. All settings in"
+               print "              make.{conf,globals,defaults} and the environment show up if"
+               print "              run with the '--verbose' flag."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--metadata")
+               print "              Transfers metadata cache from ${PORTDIR}/metadata/cache/ to"
+               print "              /var/cache/edb/dep/ as is normally done on the tail end of an"
+               print "              rsync update using " + bold("emerge --sync") + ". This process populates the"
+               print "              cache database that portage uses for pre-parsed lookups of"
+               print "              package data.  It does not populate cache for the overlays"
+               print "              listed in PORTDIR_OVERLAY.  In order to generate cache for"
+               print "              overlays, use " + bold("--regen") + "."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--prune")+" ("+green("-P")+" short option)"
+               print "              "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!")
+               print "              Removes all but the most recently installed version of a package"
+               print "              from your system. This action doesn't verify the possible binary"
+               print "              compatibility between versions and can thus remove essential"
+               print "              dependencies from your system."
+               print "              The argument format is the same as for the "+bold("--clean")+" action."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--regen")
+               print "              Causes portage to check and update the dependency cache of all"
+               print "              ebuilds in the portage tree. This is not recommended for rsync"
+               print "              users as rsync updates the cache using server-side caches."
+               print "              Rsync users should simply 'emerge --sync' to regenerate."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--resume")
+               print "              Resumes the last merge operation. It can be treated just like a"
+               print "              regular emerge: --pretend and other options work alongside it."
+               print "              'emerge --resume' only returns an error on failure. When there is"
+               print "              nothing to do, it exits with a message and a success condition."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--search")+" ("+green("-s")+" short option)"
+               print "              Searches for matches of the supplied string in the current local"
+               print "              portage tree. By default emerge uses a case-insensitive simple "
+               print "              search, but you can enable a regular expression search by "
+               print "              prefixing the search string with %."
+               print "              Prepending the expression with a '@' will cause the category to"
+               print "              be included in the search."
+               print "              A few examples:"
+               print "              "+bold("emerge --search libc")
+               print "                  list all packages that contain libc in their name"
+               print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%^kde'")
+               print "                  list all packages starting with kde"
+               print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%gcc$'")
+               print "                  list all packages ending with gcc"
+               print "              "+bold("emerge --search '%@^dev-java.*jdk'")
+               print "                  list all available Java JDKs"
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--searchdesc")+" ("+green("-S")+" short option)"
+               print "              Matches the search string against the description field as well"
+               print "              the package's name. Take caution as the descriptions are also"
+               print "              matched as regular expressions."
+               print "                emerge -S html"
+               print "                emerge -S applet"
+               print "                emerge -S 'perl.*module'"
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--unmerge")+" ("+green("-C")+" short option)"
+               print "              "+turquoise("WARNING: This action can remove important packages!")
+               print "              Removes all matching packages "+bold("completely")+" from"
+               print "              your system. Specify arguments using the dependency specification"
+               print "              format described in the "+bold("--clean")+" action above."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--update")+" ("+green("-u")+" short option)"
+               print "              Updates packages to the best version available, which may not"
+               print "              always be the highest version number due to masking for testing"
+               print "              and development. This will also update direct dependencies which"
+               print "              may not what you want. Package atoms specified on the command line"
+               print "              are greedy, meaning that unspecific atoms may match multiple"
+               print "              installed versions of slotted packages."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--version")+" ("+green("-V")+" short option)"
+               print "              Displays the currently installed version of portage along with"
+               print "              other information useful for quick reference on a system. See"
+               print "              "+bold("emerge info")+" for more advanced information."
+               print
+               print turquoise("Options:")
+               print "       "+green("--alphabetical")
+               print "              When displaying USE and other flag output, combines the enabled"
+               print "              and disabled flags into a single list and sorts it alphabetically."
+               print "              With this option, output such as USE=\"dar -bar -foo\" will instead"
+               print "              be displayed as USE=\"-bar dar -foo\""
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--ask")+" ("+green("-a")+" short option)"
+               print "              before performing the merge, display what ebuilds and tbz2s will"
+               print "              be installed, in the same format as when using --pretend; then"
+               print "              ask whether to continue with the merge or abort. Using --ask is"
+               print "              more efficient than using --pretend and then executing the same"
+               print "              command without --pretend, as dependencies will only need to be"
+               print "              calculated once. WARNING: If the \"Enter\" key is pressed at the"
+               print "              prompt (with no other input), it is interpreted as acceptance of"
+               print "              the first choice.  Note that the input buffer is not cleared prior"
+               print "              to the prompt, so an accidental press of the \"Enter\" key at any"
+               print "              time prior to the prompt will be interpreted as a choice!"
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--buildpkg")+" ("+green("-b")+" short option)"
+               print "              Tell emerge to build binary packages for all ebuilds processed"
+               print "              (in addition to actually merging the packages.  Useful for"
+               print "              maintainers or if you administrate multiple Gentoo Linux"
+               print "              systems (build once, emerge tbz2s everywhere) as well as disaster"
+               print "              recovery."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--buildpkgonly")+" ("+green("-B")+" short option)"
+               print "              Creates a binary package, but does not merge it to the"
+               print "              system. This has the restriction that unsatisfied dependencies"
+               print "              must not exist for the desired package as they cannot be used if"
+               print "              they do not exist on the system."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--changelog")+" ("+green("-l")+" short option)"
+               print "              When pretending, also display the ChangeLog entries for packages"
+               print "              that will be upgraded."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--color") + " < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >"
+               print "              Enable or disable color output. This option will override NOCOLOR"
+               print "              (see make.conf(5)) and may also be used to force color output when"
+               print "              stdout is not a tty (by default, color is disabled unless stdout"
+               print "              is a tty)."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--columns")
+               print "              Display the pretend output in a tabular form. Versions are"
+               print "              aligned vertically."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--debug")+" ("+green("-d")+" short option)"
+               print "              Tell emerge to run the ebuild command in --debug mode. In this"
+               print "              mode, the bash build environment will run with the -x option,"
+               print "              causing it to output verbose debug information print to stdout."
+               print "              --debug is great for finding bash syntax errors as providing"
+               print "              very verbose information about the dependency and build process."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--deep")+" ("+green("-D")+" short option)"
+               print "              This flag forces emerge to consider the entire dependency tree of"
+               print "              packages, instead of checking only the immediate dependencies of"
+               print "              the packages. As an example, this catches updates in libraries"
+               print "              that are not directly listed in the dependencies of a package."
+               print "              Also see --with-bdeps for behavior with respect to build time"
+               print "              dependencies that are not strictly required."
+               print 
+               print "       "+green("--emptytree")+" ("+green("-e")+" short option)"
+               print "              Virtually tweaks the tree of installed packages to contain"
+               print "              nothing. This is great to use together with --pretend. This makes"
+               print "              it possible for developers to get a complete overview of the"
+               print "              complete dependency tree of a certain package."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--fetchonly")+" ("+green("-f")+" short option)"
+               print "              Instead of doing any package building, just perform fetches for"
+               print "              all packages (main package as well as all dependencies.) When"
+               print "              used in combination with --pretend all the SRC_URIs will be"
+               print "              displayed multiple mirrors per line, one line per file."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--fetch-all-uri")+" ("+green("-F")+" short option)"
+               print "              Same as --fetchonly except that all package files, including those"
+               print "              not required to build the package, will be processed."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--getbinpkg")+" ("+green("-g")+" short option)"
+               print "              Using the server and location defined in PORTAGE_BINHOST, portage"
+               print "              will download the information from each binary file there and it"
+               print "              will use that information to help build the dependency list. This"
+               print "              option implies '-k'. (Use -gK for binary-only merging.)"
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--getbinpkgonly")+" ("+green("-G")+" short option)"
+               print "              This option is identical to -g, as above, except it will not use"
+               print "              ANY information from the local machine. All binaries will be"
+               print "              downloaded from the remote server without consulting packages"
+               print "              existing in the packages directory."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--newuse")+" ("+green("-N")+" short option)"
+               print "              Tells emerge to include installed packages where USE flags have "
+               print "              changed since installation."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--noconfmem")
+               print "              Portage keeps track of files that have been placed into"
+               print "              CONFIG_PROTECT directories, and normally it will not merge the"
+               print "              same file more than once, as that would become annoying. This"
+               print "              can lead to problems when the user wants the file in the case"
+               print "              of accidental deletion. With this option, files will always be"
+               print "              merged to the live fs instead of silently dropped."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--nodeps")+" ("+green("-O")+" short option)"
+               print "              Merge specified packages, but don't merge any dependencies."
+               print "              Note that the build may fail if deps aren't satisfied."
+               print 
+               print "       "+green("--noreplace")+" ("+green("-n")+" short option)"
+               print "              Skip the packages specified on the command-line that have"
+               print "              already been installed.  Without this option, any packages,"
+               print "              ebuilds, or deps you specify on the command-line *will* cause"
+               print "              Portage to remerge the package, even if it is already installed."
+               print "              Note that Portage won't remerge dependencies by default."
+               print 
+               print "       "+green("--nospinner")
+               print "              Disables the spinner regardless of terminal type."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--oneshot")+" ("+green("-1")+" short option)"
+               print "              Emerge as normal, but don't add packages to the world profile."
+               print "              This package will only be updated if it is depended upon by"
+               print "              another package."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--onlydeps")+" ("+green("-o")+" short option)"
+               print "              Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies of the"
+               print "              specified packages, not the packages themselves."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--pretend")+" ("+green("-p")+" short option)"
+               print "              Instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what"
+               print "              ebuilds and tbz2s *would* have been installed if --pretend"
+               print "              weren't used.  Using --pretend is strongly recommended before"
+               print "              installing an unfamiliar package.  In the printout, N = new,"
+               print "              U = updating, R = replacing, F = fetch  restricted, B = blocked"
+               print "              by an already installed package, D = possible downgrading,"
+               print "              S = slotted install. --verbose causes affecting use flags to be"
+               print "              printed out accompanied by a '+' for enabled and a '-' for"
+               print "              disabled USE flags."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--quiet")+" ("+green("-q")+" short option)"
+               print "              Effects vary, but the general outcome is a reduced or condensed"
+               print "              output from portage's displays."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--skipfirst")
+               print "              This option is only valid in a resume situation. It removes the"
+               print "              first package in the resume list so that a merge may continue in"
+               print "              the presence of an uncorrectable or inconsequential error. This"
+               print "              should only be used in cases where skipping the package will not"
+               print "              result in failed dependencies."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--tree")+" ("+green("-t")+" short option)"
+               print "              Shows the dependency tree using indentation for dependencies."
+               print "              The packages are also listed in reverse merge order so that"
+               print "              a package's dependencies follow the package. Only really useful"
+               print "              in combination with --emptytree, --update or --deep."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--usepkg")+" ("+green("-k")+" short option)"
+               print "              Tell emerge to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if they are"
+               print "              available, thus possibly avoiding some time-consuming compiles."
+               print "              This option is useful for CD installs; you can export"
+               print "              PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then use this option to have"
+               print "              emerge \"pull\" binary packages from the CD in order to satisfy" 
+               print "              dependencies."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--usepkgonly")+" ("+green("-K")+" short option)"
+               print "              Like --usepkg above, except this only allows the use of binary"
+               print "              packages, and it will abort the emerge if the package is not"
+               print "              available at the time of dependency calculation."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--verbose")+" ("+green("-v")+" short option)"
+               print "              Effects vary, but the general outcome is an increased or expanded"
+               print "              display of content in portage's displays."
+               print
+               print "       "+green("--with-bdeps")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" >"
+               print "              In dependency calculations, pull in build time dependencies that"
+               print "              are not strictly required. This defaults to 'n' for installation"
+               print "              actions and 'y' for the --depclean action. This setting can be"
+               print "              added to EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS (see make.conf(5)) and later"
+               print "              overridden via the command line."
+               print
+       elif myaction == "sync":
+               print
+               print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--sync")
+               print
+               print "       'emerge --sync' tells emerge to update the Portage tree as specified in"
+               print "       The SYNC variable found in /etc/make.conf.  By default, SYNC instructs"
+               print "       emerge to perform an rsync-style update with"
+               print
+               print "       'emerge-webrsync' exists as a helper app to emerge --sync, providing a"
+               print "       method to receive the entire portage tree as a tarball that can be"
+               print "       extracted and used. First time syncs would benefit greatly from this."
+               print
+               print "       "+turquoise("WARNING:")
+               print "       If using our rsync server, emerge will clean out all files that do not"
+               print "       exist on it, including ones that you may have created. The exceptions"
+               print "       to this are the distfiles, local and packages directories."
+               print
+       elif myaction=="system":
+               print
+               print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("system")
+               print
+               print "       \"emerge system\" is the Portage system update command.  When run, it"
+               print "       will scan the etc/make.profile/packages file and determine what"
+               print "       packages need to be installed so that your system meets the minimum"
+               print "       requirements of your current system profile.  Note that this doesn't"
+               print "       necessarily bring your system up-to-date at all; instead, it just"
+               print "       ensures that you have no missing parts.  For example, if your system"
+               print "       profile specifies that you should have sys-apps/iptables installed"
+               print "       and you don't, then \"emerge system\" will install it (the most"
+               print "       recent version that matches the profile spec) for you.  It's always a"
+               print "       good idea to do an \"emerge --pretend system\" before an \"emerge"
+               print "       system\", just so you know what emerge is planning to do."
+               print
+       elif myaction=="world":
+               print
+               print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("world")
+               print
+               print "       'emerge world' is the Portage command for completely updating your"
+               print "       system.  The normal procedure is to first do an 'emerge --sync' and"
+               print "       then an 'emerge --update --deep world'.  The first command brings your"
+               print "       local Portage tree up-to-date with the latest version information and"
+               print "       ebuilds.  The second command then rebuilds all packages for which newer"
+               print "       versions or newer ebuilds have become available since you last did a"
+               print "       sync and update."
+               print
+       elif myaction=="config":
+               outstuff=green("Config file management support (preliminary)")+"""
+Portage has a special feature called "config file protection".  The purpose of
+this feature is to prevent new package installs from clobbering existing
+configuration files.  By default, config file protection is turned on for /etc
+and the KDE configuration dirs; more may be added in the future.
+When Portage installs a file into a protected directory tree like /etc, any
+existing files will not be overwritten.  If a file of the same name already
+exists, Portage will change the name of the to-be-installed file from 'foo' to
+'._cfg0000_foo'.  If '._cfg0000_foo' already exists, this name becomes
+'._cfg0001_foo', etc.  In this way, existing files are not overwritten,
+allowing the administrator to manually merge the new config files and avoid any
+unexpected changes.
+In addition to protecting overwritten files, Portage will not delete any files
+from a protected directory when a package is unmerged.  While this may be a
+little bit untidy, it does prevent potentially valuable config files from being
+deleted, which is of paramount importance.
+Protected directories are set using the CONFIG_PROTECT variable, normally
+defined in /etc/make.globals.  Directory exceptions to the CONFIG_PROTECTed
+directories can be specified using the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable.  To find
+files that need to be updated in /etc, type:
+# find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*'
+You can disable this feature by setting CONFIG_PROTECT="-*" in /etc/make.conf.
+Then, Portage will mercilessly auto-update your config files.  Alternatively,
+you can leave Config File Protection on but tell Portage that it can overwrite
+files in certain specific /etc subdirectories.  For example, if you wanted
+Portage to automatically update your rc scripts and your wget configuration,
+but didn't want any other changes made without your explicit approval, you'd
+add this to /etc/make.conf:
+CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/wget /etc/rc.d"
+Tools such as dispatch-conf, cfg-update, and etc-update are also available to
+aid in the merging of these files. They provide interactive merging and can
+auto-merge trivial changes.
+               print outstuff
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4be72cf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+class PortageException(Exception):
+       """General superclass for portage exceptions"""
+       def __init__(self,value):
+               self.value = value[:]
+       def __str__(self):
+               if isinstance(self.value, basestring):
+                       return self.value
+               else:
+                       return repr(self.value)
+class CorruptionError(PortageException):
+       """Corruption indication"""
+class InvalidDependString(PortageException):
+       """An invalid depend string has been encountered"""
+class InvalidVersionString(PortageException):
+       """An invalid version string has been encountered"""
+class SecurityViolation(PortageException):
+       """An incorrect formatting was passed instead of the expected one"""
+class IncorrectParameter(PortageException):
+       """A parameter of the wrong type was passed"""
+class MissingParameter(PortageException):
+       """A parameter is required for the action requested but was not passed"""
+class ParseError(PortageException):
+       """An error was generated while attempting to parse the request"""
+class InvalidData(PortageException):
+       """An incorrect formatting was passed instead of the expected one"""
+class InvalidDataType(PortageException):
+       """An incorrect type was passed instead of the expected one"""
+class InvalidLocation(PortageException):
+       """Data was not found when it was expected to exist or was specified incorrectly"""
+class FileNotFound(InvalidLocation):
+       """A file was not found when it was expected to exist"""
+class DirectoryNotFound(InvalidLocation):
+       """A directory was not found when it was expected to exist"""
+class OperationNotPermitted(PortageException):
+       """An operation was not permitted operating system"""
+class PermissionDenied(PortageException):
+       """Permission denied"""
+class ReadOnlyFileSystem(PortageException):
+       """Read-only file system"""
+class CommandNotFound(PortageException):
+       """A required binary was not available or executable"""
+class PortagePackageException(PortageException):
+       """Malformed or missing package data"""
+class PackageNotFound(PortagePackageException):
+       """Missing Ebuild or Binary"""
+class InvalidPackageName(PortagePackageException):
+       """Malformed package name"""
+class InvalidAtom(PortagePackageException):
+       """Malformed atom spec"""
+class UnsupportedAPIException(PortagePackageException):
+       """Unsupported API"""
+       def __init__(self, cpv, eapi):
+               self.cpv, self.eapi = cpv, eapi
+       def __str__(self):
+               return "Unable to do any operations on '%s', due to the fact it's EAPI is higher then this portage versions.  Please upgrade to a portage version that supports EAPI %s" % (self.cpv, self.eapi)
+class SignatureException(PortageException):
+       """Signature was not present in the checked file"""
+class DigestException(SignatureException):
+       """A problem exists in the digest"""
+class MissingSignature(SignatureException):
+       """Signature was not present in the checked file"""
+class InvalidSignature(SignatureException):
+       """Signature was checked and was not a valid, current, nor trusted signature"""
+class UntrustedSignature(SignatureException):
+       """Signature was not certified to the desired security level"""
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..252fed2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# -- core Portage functionality
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os, atexit, signal, sys
+import portage_data
+from portage_util import dump_traceback
+from portage_const import BASH_BINARY, SANDBOX_BINARY
+       import resource
+       max_fd_limit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0]
+except ImportError:
+       max_fd_limit = 256
+if os.path.isdir("/proc/%i/fd" % os.getpid()):
+       def get_open_fds():
+               return map(int, [fd for fd in os.listdir("/proc/%i/fd" % os.getpid()) if fd.isdigit()])
+       def get_open_fds():
+               return xrange(max_fd_limit)
+sandbox_capable = (os.path.isfile(SANDBOX_BINARY) and
+                   os.access(SANDBOX_BINARY, os.X_OK))
+def spawn_bash(mycommand, debug=False, opt_name=None, **keywords):
+       """
+       Spawns a bash shell running a specific commands
+       @param mycommand: The command for bash to run
+       @type mycommand: String
+       @param debug: Turn bash debugging on (set -x)
+       @type debug: Boolean
+       @param opt_name: Name of the spawned process (detaults to binary name)
+       @type opt_name: String
+       @param keywords: Extra Dictionary arguments to pass to spawn
+       @type keywords: Dictionary
+       """
+       args = [BASH_BINARY]
+       if not opt_name:
+               opt_name = os.path.basename(mycommand.split()[0])
+       if debug:
+               # Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
+               args.append("-x")
+       args.append("-c")
+       args.append(mycommand)
+       return spawn(args, opt_name=opt_name, **keywords)
+def spawn_sandbox(mycommand, opt_name=None, **keywords):
+       if not sandbox_capable:
+               return spawn_bash(mycommand, opt_name=opt_name, **keywords)
+       args=[SANDBOX_BINARY]
+       if not opt_name:
+               opt_name = os.path.basename(mycommand.split()[0])
+       args.append(mycommand)
+       return spawn(args, opt_name=opt_name, **keywords)
+_exithandlers = []
+def atexit_register(func, *args, **kargs):
+       """Wrapper around atexit.register that is needed in order to track
+       what is registered.  For example, when portage restarts itself via
+       os.execv, the atexit module does not work so we have to do it
+       manually by calling the run_exitfuncs() function in this module."""
+       _exithandlers.append((func, args, kargs))
+def run_exitfuncs():
+       """This should behave identically to the routine performed by
+       the atexit module at exit time.  It's only necessary to call this
+       function when atexit will not work (because of os.execv, for
+       example)."""
+       # This function is a copy of the private atexit._run_exitfuncs()
+       # from the python 2.4.2 sources.  The only difference from the
+       # original function is in the output to stderr.
+       exc_info = None
+       while _exithandlers:
+               func, targs, kargs = _exithandlers.pop()
+               try:
+                       func(*targs, **kargs)
+               except SystemExit:
+                       exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+               except: # No idea what they called, so we need this broad except here.
+                       dump_traceback("Error in portage_exec.run_exitfuncs", noiselevel=0)
+                       exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+       if exc_info is not None:
+               raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+# We need to make sure that any processes spawned are killed off when
+# we exit. spawn() takes care of adding and removing pids to this list
+# as it creates and cleans up processes.
+spawned_pids = []
+def cleanup():
+       while spawned_pids:
+               pid = spawned_pids.pop()
+               try:
+                       if os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) == (0, 0):
+                               os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+                               os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+               except OSError:
+                       # This pid has been cleaned up outside
+                       # of spawn().
+                       pass
+def spawn(mycommand, env={}, opt_name=None, fd_pipes=None, returnpid=False,
+          uid=None, gid=None, groups=None, umask=None, logfile=None,
+          path_lookup=True):
+       """
+       Spawns a given command.
+       @param mycommand: the command to execute
+       @type mycommand: String or List (Popen style list)
+       @param env: A dict of Key=Value pairs for env variables
+       @type env: Dictionary
+       @param opt_name: an optional name for the spawn'd process (defaults to the binary name)
+       @type opt_name: String
+       @param fd_pipes: A dict of mapping for pipes, { '0': stdin, '1': stdout } for example
+       @type fd_pipes: Dictionary
+       @param returnpid: Return the Process IDs for a successful spawn.
+       NOTE: This requires the caller clean up all the PIDs, otherwise spawn will clean them.
+       @type returnpid: Boolean
+       @param uid: User ID to spawn as; useful for dropping privilages
+       @type uid: Integer
+       @param gid: Group ID to spawn as; useful for dropping privilages
+       @type gid: Integer
+       @param groups: Group ID's to spawn in: useful for having the process run in multiple group contexts.
+       @type groups: List
+       @param umask: An integer representing the umask for the process (see man chmod for umask details)
+       @type umask: Integer
+       @param logfile: name of a file to use for logging purposes
+       @type logfile: String
+       @param path_lookup: If the binary is not fully specified then look for it in PATH
+       @type path_lookup: Boolean
+       logfile requires stdout and stderr to be assigned to this process (ie not pointed
+          somewhere else.)
+       """
+       # mycommand is either a str or a list
+       if isinstance(mycommand, str):
+               mycommand = mycommand.split()
+       # If an absolute path to an executable file isn't given
+       # search for it unless we've been told not to.
+       binary = mycommand[0]
+       if (not os.path.isabs(binary) or not os.path.isfile(binary)
+           or not os.access(binary, os.X_OK)):
+               binary = path_lookup and find_binary(binary) or None
+               if not binary:
+                       return -1
+       # If we haven't been told what file descriptors to use
+       # default to propogating our stdin, stdout and stderr.
+       if fd_pipes is None:
+               fd_pipes = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2}
+       # mypids will hold the pids of all processes created.
+       mypids = []
+       if logfile:
+               # Using a log file requires that stdout and stderr
+               # are assigned to the process we're running.
+               if 1 not in fd_pipes or 2 not in fd_pipes:
+                       raise ValueError(fd_pipes)
+               # Create a pipe
+               (pr, pw) = os.pipe()
+               # Create a tee process, giving it our stdout and stderr
+               # as well as the read end of the pipe.
+               mypids.extend(spawn(('tee', '-i', '-a', logfile),
+                             returnpid=True, fd_pipes={0:pr,
+                             1:fd_pipes[1], 2:fd_pipes[2]}))
+               # We don't need the read end of the pipe, so close it.
+               os.close(pr)
+               # Assign the write end of the pipe to our stdout and stderr.
+               fd_pipes[1] = pw
+               fd_pipes[2] = pw
+       pid = os.fork()
+       if not pid:
+               try:
+                       _exec(binary, mycommand, opt_name, fd_pipes,
+                             env, gid, groups, uid, umask)
+               except Exception, e:
+                       # We need to catch _any_ exception so that it doesn't
+                       # propogate out of this function and cause exiting
+                       # with anything other than os._exit()
+                       sys.stderr.write("%s:\n   %s\n" % (e, " ".join(mycommand)))
+                       sys.stderr.flush()
+                       os._exit(1)
+       # Add the pid to our local and the global pid lists.
+       mypids.append(pid)
+       spawned_pids.append(pid)
+       # If we started a tee process the write side of the pipe is no
+       # longer needed, so close it.
+       if logfile:
+               os.close(pw)
+       # If the caller wants to handle cleaning up the processes, we tell
+       # it about all processes that were created.
+       if returnpid:
+               return mypids
+       # Otherwise we clean them up.
+       while mypids:
+               # Pull the last reader in the pipe chain. If all processes
+               # in the pipe are well behaved, it will die when the process
+               # it is reading from dies.
+               pid = mypids.pop(0)
+               # and wait for it.
+               retval = os.waitpid(pid, 0)[1]
+               # When it's done, we can remove it from the
+               # global pid list as well.
+               spawned_pids.remove(pid)
+               if retval:
+                       # If it failed, kill off anything else that
+                       # isn't dead yet.
+                       for pid in mypids:
+                               if os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) == (0,0):
+                                       os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+                                       os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+                               spawned_pids.remove(pid)
+                       # If it got a signal, return the signal that was sent.
+                       if (retval & 0xff):
+                               return ((retval & 0xff) << 8)
+                       # Otherwise, return its exit code.
+                       return (retval >> 8)
+       # Everything succeeded
+       return 0
+def _exec(binary, mycommand, opt_name, fd_pipes, env, gid, groups, uid, umask):
+       """
+       Execute a given binary with options
+       @param binary: Name of program to execute
+       @type binary: String
+       @param mycommand: Options for program
+       @type mycommand: String
+       @param opt_name: Name of process (defaults to binary)
+       @type opt_name: String
+       @param fd_pipes: Mapping pipes to destination; { 0:0, 1:1, 2:2 }
+       @type fd_pipes: Dictionary
+       @param env: Key,Value mapping for Environmental Variables
+       @type env: Dictionary
+       @param gid: Group ID to run the process under
+       @type gid: Integer
+       @param groups: Groups the Process should be in.
+       @type groups: Integer
+       @param uid: User ID to run the process under
+       @type uid: Integer
+       @param umask: an int representing a unix umask (see man chmod for umask details)
+       @type umask: Integer
+       @rtype: None
+       @returns: Never returns (calls os.execve)
+       """
+       # If the process we're creating hasn't been given a name
+       # assign it the name of the executable.
+       if not opt_name:
+               opt_name = os.path.basename(binary)
+       # Set up the command's argument list.
+       myargs = [opt_name]
+       myargs.extend(mycommand[1:])
+       # Set up the command's pipes.
+       my_fds = {}
+       # To protect from cases where direct assignment could
+       # clobber needed fds ({1:2, 2:1}) we first dupe the fds
+       # into unused fds.
+       for fd in fd_pipes:
+               my_fds[fd] = os.dup(fd_pipes[fd])
+       # Then assign them to what they should be.
+       for fd in my_fds:
+               os.dup2(my_fds[fd], fd)
+       # Then close _all_ fds that haven't been explictly
+       # requested to be kept open.
+       for fd in get_open_fds():
+               if fd not in my_fds:
+                       try:
+                               os.close(fd)
+                       except OSError:
+                               pass
+       # Set requested process permissions.
+       if gid:
+               os.setgid(gid)
+       if groups:
+               os.setgroups(groups)
+       if uid:
+               os.setuid(uid)
+       if umask:
+               os.umask(umask)
+       # And switch to the new process.
+       os.execve(binary, myargs, env)
+def find_binary(binary):
+       """
+       Given a binary name, find the binary in PATH
+       @param binary: Name of the binary to find
+       @type string
+       @rtype: None or string
+       @returns: full path to binary or None if the binary could not be located.
+       """
+       for path in os.getenv("PATH", "").split(":"):
+               filename = "%s/%s" % (path, binary)
+               if os.access(filename, os.X_OK) and os.path.isfile(filename):
+                       return filename
+       return None
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..462da42
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+# -- Portage binary-package helper functions
+# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
+       from sets import Set as set
+from output import red, yellow, green
+import htmllib,HTMLParser,formatter,sys,os,xpak,time,tempfile,base64,urllib2
+       import cPickle
+except ImportError:
+       import pickle as cPickle
+       import ftplib
+except SystemExit, e:
+       raise
+except Exception, e:
+       sys.stderr.write(red("!!! CANNOT IMPORT FTPLIB: ")+str(e)+"\n")
+       import httplib
+except SystemExit, e:
+       raise
+except Exception, e:
+       sys.stderr.write(red("!!! CANNOT IMPORT HTTPLIB: ")+str(e)+"\n")
+def make_metadata_dict(data):
+       myid,myglob = data
+       mydict = {}
+       for x in xpak.getindex_mem(myid):
+               mydict[x] = xpak.getitem(data,x)
+       return mydict
+class ParseLinks(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
+       """Parser class that overrides HTMLParser to grab all anchors from an html
+       page and provide suffix and prefix limitors"""
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.PL_anchors = []
+               HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+       def get_anchors(self):
+               return self.PL_anchors
+       def get_anchors_by_prefix(self,prefix):
+               newlist = []
+               for x in self.PL_anchors:
+                       if x.startswith(prefix):
+                               if x not in newlist:
+                                       newlist.append(x[:])
+               return newlist
+       def get_anchors_by_suffix(self,suffix):
+               newlist = []
+               for x in self.PL_anchors:
+                       if x.endswith(suffix):
+                               if x not in newlist:
+                                       newlist.append(x[:])
+               return newlist
+       def     handle_endtag(self,tag):
+               pass
+       def     handle_starttag(self,tag,attrs):
+               if tag == "a":
+                       for x in attrs:
+                               if x[0] == 'href':
+                                       if x[1] not in self.PL_anchors:
+                                               self.PL_anchors.append(urllib2.unquote(x[1]))
+def create_conn(baseurl,conn=None):
+       """(baseurl,conn) --- Takes a protocol://site:port/address url, and an
+       optional connection. If connection is already active, it is passed on.
+       baseurl is reduced to address and is returned in tuple (conn,address)"""
+       parts = baseurl.split("://",1)
+       if len(parts) != 2:
+               raise ValueError, "Provided URL does not contain protocol identifier. '%s'" % baseurl
+       protocol,url_parts = parts
+       del parts
+       host,address = url_parts.split("/",1)
+       del url_parts
+       address = "/"+address
+       userpass_host = host.split("@",1)
+       if len(userpass_host) == 1:
+               host = userpass_host[0]
+               userpass = ["anonymous"]
+       else:
+               host = userpass_host[1]
+               userpass = userpass_host[0].split(":")
+       del userpass_host
+       if len(userpass) > 2:
+               raise ValueError, "Unable to interpret username/password provided."
+       elif len(userpass) == 2:
+               username = userpass[0]
+               password = userpass[1]
+       elif len(userpass) == 1:
+               username = userpass[0]
+               password = None
+       del userpass
+       http_headers = {}
+       http_params = {}
+       if username and password:
+               http_headers = {
+                       "Authorization": "Basic %s" %
+                         base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (username, password)).replace(
+                           "\012",
+                           ""
+                         ),
+               }
+       if not conn:
+               if protocol == "https":
+                       conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)
+               elif protocol == "http":
+                       conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
+               elif protocol == "ftp":
+                       passive = 1
+                       if(host[-1] == "*"):
+                               passive = 0
+                               host = host[:-1]
+                       conn = ftplib.FTP(host)
+                       if password:
+                               conn.login(username,password)
+                       else:
+                               sys.stderr.write(yellow(" * No password provided for username")+" '"+str(username)+"'\n\n")
+                               conn.login(username)
+                       conn.set_pasv(passive)
+                       conn.set_debuglevel(0)
+               else:
+                       raise NotImplementedError, "%s is not a supported protocol." % protocol
+       return (conn,protocol,address, http_params, http_headers)
+def make_ftp_request(conn, address, rest=None, dest=None):
+       """(conn,address,rest) --- uses the conn object to request the data
+       from address and issuing a rest if it is passed."""
+       try:
+               if dest:
+                       fstart_pos = dest.tell()
+               conn.voidcmd("TYPE I")
+               fsize = conn.size(address)
+               if (rest != None) and (rest < 0):
+                       rest = fsize+int(rest)
+               if rest < 0:
+                       rest = 0
+               if rest != None:
+                       mysocket = conn.transfercmd("RETR "+str(address), rest)
+               else:
+                       mysocket = conn.transfercmd("RETR "+str(address))
+               mydata = ""
+               while 1:
+                       somedata = mysocket.recv(8192)
+                       if somedata:
+                               if dest:
+                                       dest.write(somedata)
+                               else:
+                                       mydata = mydata + somedata
+                       else:
+                               break
+               if dest:
+                       data_size = fstart_pos - dest.tell()
+               else:
+                       data_size = len(mydata)
+               mysocket.close()
+               conn.voidresp()
+               conn.voidcmd("TYPE A")
+               return mydata,not (fsize==data_size),""
+       except ValueError, e:
+               return None,int(str(e)[:4]),str(e)
+def make_http_request(conn, address, params={}, headers={}, dest=None):
+       """(conn,address,params,headers) --- uses the conn object to request
+       the data from address, performing Location forwarding and using the
+       optional params and headers."""
+       rc = 0
+       response = None
+       while (rc == 0) or (rc == 301) or (rc == 302):
+               try:
+                       if (rc != 0):
+                               conn,ignore,ignore,ignore,ignore = create_conn(address)
+                       conn.request("GET", address, params, headers)
+               except SystemExit, e:
+                       raise
+               except Exception, e:
+                       return None,None,"Server request failed: "+str(e)
+               response = conn.getresponse()
+               rc = response.status
+               # 301 means that the page address is wrong.
+               if ((rc == 301) or (rc == 302)):
+                       ignored_data =
+                       del ignored_data
+                       for x in str(response.msg).split("\n"):
+                               parts = x.split(": ",1)
+                               if parts[0] == "Location":
+                                       if (rc == 301):
+                                               sys.stderr.write(red("Location has moved: ")+str(parts[1])+"\n")
+                                       if (rc == 302):
+                                               sys.stderr.write(red("Location has temporarily moved: ")+str(parts[1])+"\n")
+                                       address = parts[1]
+                                       break
+       if (rc != 200) and (rc != 206):
+               sys.stderr.write(str(response.msg)+"\n")
+               sys.stderr.write("\n")
+               sys.stderr.write("address: "+address+"\n")
+               return None,rc,"Server did not respond successfully ("+str(response.status)+": "+str(response.reason)+")"
+       if dest:
+               dest.write(
+               return "",0,""
+       return,0,""
+def match_in_array(array, prefix="", suffix="", match_both=1, allow_overlap=0):
+       myarray = []
+       if not (prefix and suffix):
+               match_both = 0
+       for x in array:
+               add_p = 0
+               if prefix and (len(x) >= len(prefix)) and (x[:len(prefix)] == prefix):
+                       add_p = 1
+               if match_both:
+                       if prefix and not add_p: # Require both, but don't have first one.
+                               continue
+               else:
+                       if add_p:     # Only need one, and we have it.
+                               myarray.append(x[:])
+                               continue
+               if not allow_overlap: # Not allow to overlap prefix and suffix
+                       if len(x) >= (len(prefix)+len(suffix)):
+                               y = x[len(prefix):]
+                       else:
+                               continue          # Too short to match.
+               else:
+                       y = x               # Do whatever... We're overlapping.
+               if suffix and (len(x) >= len(suffix)) and (x[-len(suffix):] == suffix):
+                       myarray.append(x)   # It matches
+               else:
+                       continue            # Doesn't match.
+       return myarray
+def dir_get_list(baseurl,conn=None):
+       """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
+       URL should be in the for <proto>://<site>[:port]<path>
+       Connection is used for persistent connection instances."""
+       if not conn:
+               keepconnection = 0
+       else:
+               keepconnection = 1
+       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
+       listing = None
+       if protocol in ["http","https"]:
+               page,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn,address,params,headers)
+               if page:
+                       parser = ParseLinks()
+                       parser.feed(page)
+                       del page
+                       listing = parser.get_anchors()
+               else:
+                       raise Exception, "Unable to get listing: %s %s" % (rc,msg)
+       elif protocol in ["ftp"]:
+               if address[-1] == '/':
+                       olddir = conn.pwd()
+                       conn.cwd(address)
+                       listing = conn.nlst()
+                       conn.cwd(olddir)
+                       del olddir
+               else:
+                       listing = conn.nlst(address)
+       else:
+               raise TypeError, "Unknown protocol. '%s'" % protocol
+       if not keepconnection:
+               conn.close()
+       return listing
+def file_get_metadata(baseurl,conn=None, chunk_size=3000):
+       """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
+       URL should be in the for <proto>://<site>[:port]<path>
+       Connection is used for persistent connection instances."""
+       if not conn:
+               keepconnection = 0
+       else:
+               keepconnection = 1
+       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
+       if protocol in ["http","https"]:
+               headers["Range"] = "bytes=-"+str(chunk_size)
+               data,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn, address, params, headers)
+       elif protocol in ["ftp"]:
+               data,rc,msg = make_ftp_request(conn, address, -chunk_size)
+       else:
+               raise TypeError, "Unknown protocol. '%s'" % protocol
+       if data:
+               xpaksize = xpak.decodeint(data[-8:-4])
+               if (xpaksize+8) > chunk_size:
+                       myid = file_get_metadata(baseurl, conn, (xpaksize+8))
+                       if not keepconnection:
+                               conn.close()
+                       return myid
+               else:
+                       xpak_data = data[len(data)-(xpaksize+8):-8]
+               del data
+               myid = xpak.xsplit_mem(xpak_data)
+               if not myid:
+                       myid = None,None
+               del xpak_data
+       else:
+               myid = None,None
+       if not keepconnection:
+               conn.close()
+       return myid
+def file_get(baseurl,dest,conn=None,fcmd=None):
+       """(baseurl,dest,fcmd=) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
+       URL should be in the for <proto>://[user[:pass]@]<site>[:port]<path>"""
+       if not fcmd:
+               return file_get_lib(baseurl,dest,conn)
+       fcmd = fcmd.replace("${DISTDIR}",dest)
+       fcmd = fcmd.replace("${URI}", baseurl)
+       fcmd = fcmd.replace("${FILE}", os.path.basename(baseurl))
+       mysplit = fcmd.split()
+       mycmd   = mysplit[0]
+       myargs  = [os.path.basename(mycmd)]+mysplit[1:]
+       mypid=os.fork()
+       if mypid == 0:
+               try:
+                       os.execv(mycmd,myargs)
+               except OSError:
+                       pass
+               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to spawn fetcher.\n")
+               sys.stderr.flush()
+               os._exit(1)
+       retval=os.waitpid(mypid,0)[1]
+       if (retval & 0xff) == 0:
+               retval = retval >> 8
+       else:
+               sys.stderr.write("Spawned processes caught a signal.\n")
+               sys.exit(1)
+       if retval != 0:
+               sys.stderr.write("Fetcher exited with a failure condition.\n")
+               return 0
+       return 1
+def file_get_lib(baseurl,dest,conn=None):
+       """(baseurl[,connection]) -- Takes a base url to connect to and read from.
+       URL should be in the for <proto>://<site>[:port]<path>
+       Connection is used for persistent connection instances."""
+       if not conn:
+               keepconnection = 0
+       else:
+               keepconnection = 1
+       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
+       sys.stderr.write("Fetching '"+str(os.path.basename(address)+"'\n"))
+       if protocol in ["http","https"]:
+               data,rc,msg = make_http_request(conn, address, params, headers, dest=dest)
+       elif protocol in ["ftp"]:
+               data,rc,msg = make_ftp_request(conn, address, dest=dest)
+       else:
+               raise TypeError, "Unknown protocol. '%s'" % protocol
+       if not keepconnection:
+               conn.close()
+       return rc
+def dir_get_metadata(baseurl, conn=None, chunk_size=3000, verbose=1, usingcache=1, makepickle=None):
+       """(baseurl,conn,chunk_size,verbose) -- 
+       """
+       if not conn:
+               keepconnection = 0
+       else:
+               keepconnection = 1
+       if makepickle is None:
+               makepickle = "/var/cache/edb/metadata.idx.most_recent"
+       conn,protocol,address,params,headers = create_conn(baseurl, conn)
+       filedict = {}
+       try:
+               metadatafile = open("/var/cache/edb/remote_metadata.pickle")
+               metadata = cPickle.load(metadatafile)
+               sys.stderr.write("Loaded metadata pickle.\n")
+               metadatafile.close()
+       except (cPickle.UnpicklingError, OSError, IOError, EOFError):
+               metadata = {}
+       if not metadata.has_key(baseurl):
+               metadata[baseurl]={}
+       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("indexname"):
+               metadata[baseurl]["indexname"]=""
+       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("timestamp"):
+               metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"]=0
+       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("unmodified"):
+               metadata[baseurl]["unmodified"]=0
+       if not metadata[baseurl].has_key("data"):
+               metadata[baseurl]["data"]={}
+       filelist = dir_get_list(baseurl, conn)
+       tbz2list = match_in_array(filelist, suffix=".tbz2")
+       metalist = match_in_array(filelist, prefix="metadata.idx")
+       del filelist
+       # Determine if our metadata file is current.
+       metalist.sort()
+       metalist.reverse() # makes the order new-to-old.
+       havecache=0
+       for mfile in metalist:
+               if usingcache and \
+                  ((metadata[baseurl]["indexname"] != mfile) or \
+                         (metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] < int(time.time()-(60*60*24)))):
+                       # Try to download new cache until we succeed on one.
+                       data=""
+                       for trynum in [1,2,3]:
+                               mytempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+                               try:
+                                       file_get(baseurl+"/"+mfile, mytempfile, conn)
+                                       if mytempfile.tell() > len(data):
+                                               data =
+                               except ValueError, e:
+                                       sys.stderr.write("--- "+str(e)+"\n")
+                                       if trynum < 3:
+                                               sys.stderr.write("Retrying...\n")
+                                       mytempfile.close()
+                                       continue
+                               if match_in_array([mfile],suffix=".gz"):
+                                       sys.stderr.write("gzip'd\n")
+                                       try:
+                                               import gzip
+                                               gzindex = gzip.GzipFile(mfile[:-3],'rb',9,mytempfile)
+                                               data =
+                                       except SystemExit, e:
+                                               raise
+                                       except Exception, e:
+                                               mytempfile.close()
+                                               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to use gzip: "+str(e)+"\n")
+                                       mytempfile.close()
+                               try:
+                                       metadata[baseurl]["data"] = cPickle.loads(data)
+                                       del data
+                                       metadata[baseurl]["indexname"] = mfile
+                                       metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] = int(time.time())
+                                       metadata[baseurl]["modified"]  = 0 # It's not, right after download.
+                                       sys.stderr.write("Pickle loaded.\n")
+                                       break
+                               except SystemExit, e:
+                                       raise
+                               except Exception, e:
+                                       sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to read data from index: "+str(mfile)+"\n")
+                                       sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n")
+                       try:
+                               metadatafile = open("/var/cache/edb/remote_metadata.pickle", "w+")
+                               cPickle.dump(metadata,metadatafile)
+                               metadatafile.close()
+                       except SystemExit, e:
+                               raise
+                       except Exception, e:
+                               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to write binary metadata to disk!\n")
+                               sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n")
+                       break
+       # We may have metadata... now we run through the tbz2 list and check.
+       sys.stderr.write(yellow("cache miss: 'x'")+" --- "+green("cache hit: 'o'")+"\n")
+       binpkg_filenames = set()
+       for x in tbz2list:
+               x = os.path.basename(x)
+               binpkg_filenames.add(x)
+               if ((not metadata[baseurl]["data"].has_key(x)) or \
+                   (x not in metadata[baseurl]["data"].keys())):
+                       sys.stderr.write(yellow("x"))
+                       metadata[baseurl]["modified"] = 1
+                       myid = None
+                       for retry in xrange(3):
+                               try:
+                                       myid = file_get_metadata(
+                                               "/".join((baseurl.rstrip("/"), x.lstrip("/"))),
+                                               conn, chunk_size)
+                                       break
+                               except httplib.BadStatusLine:
+                                       # Sometimes this error is thrown from conn.getresponse() in
+                                       # make_http_request().  The docstring for this error in
+                                       # says "Presumably, the server closed the
+                                       # connection before sending a valid response".
+                                       conn, protocol, address, params, headers = create_conn(
+                                               baseurl)
+                       if myid and myid[0]:
+                               metadata[baseurl]["data"][x] = make_metadata_dict(myid)
+                       elif verbose:
+                               sys.stderr.write(red("!!! Failed to retrieve metadata on: ")+str(x)+"\n")
+               else:
+                       sys.stderr.write(green("o"))
+       # Cleanse stale cache for files that don't exist on the server anymore.
+       stale_cache = set(metadata[baseurl]["data"]).difference(binpkg_filenames)
+       if stale_cache:
+               for x in stale_cache:
+                       del metadata[baseurl]["data"][x]
+               metadata[baseurl]["modified"] = 1
+       del stale_cache
+       del binpkg_filenames
+       sys.stderr.write("\n")
+       try:
+               if metadata[baseurl].has_key("modified") and metadata[baseurl]["modified"]:
+                       metadata[baseurl]["timestamp"] = int(time.time())
+                       metadatafile = open("/var/cache/edb/remote_metadata.pickle", "w+")
+                       cPickle.dump(metadata,metadatafile)
+                       metadatafile.close()
+               if makepickle:
+                       metadatafile = open(makepickle, "w")
+                       cPickle.dump(metadata[baseurl]["data"],metadatafile)
+                       metadatafile.close()
+       except SystemExit, e:
+               raise
+       except Exception, e:
+               sys.stderr.write("!!! Failed to write binary metadata to disk!\n")
+               sys.stderr.write("!!! "+str(e)+"\n")
+       if not keepconnection:
+               conn.close()
+       return metadata[baseurl]["data"]
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..04ed600
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# -- core Portage functionality
+# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os
+import copy
+import types
+import commands
+import portage_exception
+import portage_checksum
+GPG_BINARY       = "/usr/bin/gpg"
+GPG_OPTIONS      = " --lock-never --no-random-seed-file --no-greeting --no-sig-cache "
+GPG_VERIFY_FLAGS = " --verify "
+GPG_KEYDIR       = " --homedir '%s' "
+GPG_KEYRING      = " --keyring '%s' "
+def fileStats(filepath):
+       mya = []
+       for x in os.stat(filepath):
+               mya.append(x)
+       mya.append(portage_checksum.perform_checksum(filepath))
+       return mya
+class FileChecker:
+       def __init__(self,keydir=None,keyring=None,requireSignedRing=False,minimumTrust=EXISTS):
+               self.minimumTrust     = TRUSTED  # Default we require trust. For rings.
+               self.keydir           = None
+               self.keyring          = None
+               self.keyringPath      = None
+               self.keyringStats     = None
+               self.keyringIsTrusted = False
+               if (keydir != None):
+                       # Verify that the keydir is valid.
+                       if type(keydir) != types.StringType:
+                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, "keydir argument: %s" % keydir
+                       if not os.path.isdir(keydir):
+                               raise portage_exception.DirectoryNotFound, "keydir: %s" % keydir
+                       self.keydir = copy.deepcopy(keydir)
+               if (keyring != None):
+                       # Verify that the keyring is a valid filename and exists.
+                       if type(keyring) != types.StringType:
+                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, "keyring argument: %s" % keyring
+                       if keyring.find("/") != -1:
+                               raise portage_exception.InvalidData, "keyring: %s" % keyring
+                       pathname = ""
+                       if keydir:
+                               pathname = keydir + "/" + keyring
+                       if not os.path.isfile(pathname):
+                               raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, "keyring missing: %s (" % pathname
+               keyringPath = keydir+"/"+keyring
+               if not keyring or not keyringPath and requireSignedRing:
+                       raise portage_exception.MissingParameter
+               self.keyringStats = fileStats(keyringPath)
+               self.minimumTrust = TRUSTED
+               if not self.verify(keyringPath, keyringPath+".asc"):
+                       self.keyringIsTrusted = False
+                       if requireSignedRing:
+                               raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, "Required keyring verification: "+keyringPath
+               else:
+                       self.keyringIsTrusted = True
+               self.keyring      = copy.deepcopy(keyring)
+               self.keyringPath  = self.keydir+"/"+self.keyring
+               self.minimumTrust = minimumTrust
+       def _verifyKeyring(self):
+               if self.keyringStats and self.keyringPath:
+                       new_stats = fileStats(self.keyringPath)
+                       if new_stats != self.keyringStats:
+                               raise portage_exception.SecurityViolation, "GPG keyring changed!"
+       def verify(self, filename, sigfile=None):
+               """Uses minimumTrust to determine if it is Valid/True or Invalid/False"""
+               self._verifyKeyring()
+               if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+                       raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, filename
+               if sigfile and not os.path.isfile(sigfile):
+                       raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, sigfile
+               if self.keydir and not os.path.isdir(self.keydir):
+                       raise portage_exception.DirectoryNotFound, filename
+               if self.keyringPath:
+                       if not os.path.isfile(self.keyringPath):
+                               raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, self.keyringPath
+               if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+                       raise portage_exception.CommandNotFound, filename
+               command = GPG_BINARY + GPG_VERIFY_FLAGS + GPG_OPTIONS
+               if self.keydir:
+                       command += GPG_KEYDIR % (self.keydir)
+               if self.keyring:
+                       command += GPG_KEYRING % (self.keyring)
+               if sigfile:
+                       command += " '"+sigfile+"'"
+               command += " '"+filename+"'"
+               result,output = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
+               signal = result & 0xff
+               result = (result >> 8)
+               if signal:
+                       raise SignalCaught, "Signal: %d" % (signal)
+               trustLevel     = UNTRUSTED
+               if result == 0:
+                       trustLevel   = TRUSTED
+                       #if output.find("WARNING") != -1:
+                       #       trustLevel = MARGINAL
+                       if output.find("BAD") != -1:
+                               raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, filename
+               elif result == 1:
+                       trustLevel   = EXISTS
+                       if output.find("BAD") != -1:
+                               raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, filename
+               elif result == 2:
+                       trustLevel   = UNTRUSTED
+                       if output.find("could not be verified") != -1:
+                               raise portage_exception.MissingSignature, filename
+                       if output.find("public key not found") != -1:
+                               if self.keyringIsTrusted: # We trust the ring, but not the key specifically.
+                                       trustLevel = MARGINAL
+                               else:
+                                       raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, filename+" (Unknown Signature)"
+               else:
+                       raise portage_exception.UnknownCondition, "GPG returned unknown result: %d" % (result)
+               if trustLevel >= self.minimumTrust:
+                       return True
+               return False
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..59ccea7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# -- Code to manage/help portage localization.
+# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# We define this to make the transition easier for us.
+def _(mystr):
+       return mystr
+def localization_example():
+       # Dict references allow translators to rearrange word order.
+       print _("You can use this string for translating.")
+       print _("Strings can be formatted with %(mystr)s like this.") % {"mystr": "VALUES"}
+       a_value = "value.of.a"
+       b_value = 123
+       c_value = [1,2,3,4]
+       print _("A: %(a)s -- B: %(b)s -- C: %(c)s") % {"a":a_value,"b":b_value,"c":c_value}
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..28042e2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# portage: Lock management code
+# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import errno, os, stat, time, types
+from portage_exception import InvalidData, DirectoryNotFound, FileNotFound
+from portage_data import portage_gid
+from portage_util import writemsg
+from portage_localization import _
+def lockdir(mydir):
+       return lockfile(mydir,wantnewlockfile=1)
+def unlockdir(mylock):
+       return unlockfile(mylock)
+def lockfile(mypath,wantnewlockfile=0,unlinkfile=0):
+       """Creates all dirs upto, the given dir. Creates a lockfile
+       for the given directory as the file: directoryname+'.portage_lockfile'."""
+       import fcntl
+       if not mypath:
+               raise InvalidData, "Empty path given"
+       if type(mypath) == types.StringType and mypath[-1] == '/':
+               mypath = mypath[:-1]
+       if type(mypath) == types.FileType:
+               mypath = mypath.fileno()
+       if type(mypath) == types.IntType:
+               lockfilename    = mypath
+               wantnewlockfile = 0
+               unlinkfile      = 0
+       elif wantnewlockfile:
+               base, tail = os.path.split(mypath)
+               lockfilename = os.path.join(base, "." + tail + ".portage_lockfile")
+               del base, tail
+               unlinkfile   = 1
+       else:
+               lockfilename = mypath
+       if type(mypath) == types.StringType:
+               if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(mypath)):
+                       raise DirectoryNotFound, os.path.dirname(mypath)
+               if not os.path.exists(lockfilename):
+                       old_mask=os.umask(000)
+                       myfd =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR,0660)
+                       try:
+                               if os.stat(lockfilename).st_gid != portage_gid:
+                                       os.chown(lockfilename,os.getuid(),portage_gid)
+                       except OSError, e:
+                               if e[0] == 2: # No such file or directory
+                                       return lockfile(mypath,wantnewlockfile,unlinkfile)
+                               else:
+                                       writemsg("Cannot chown a lockfile. This could cause inconvenience later.\n");
+                       os.umask(old_mask)
+               else:
+                       myfd =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR,0660)
+       elif type(mypath) == types.IntType:
+               myfd = mypath
+       else:
+               raise ValueError, "Unknown type passed in '%s': '%s'" % (type(mypath),mypath)
+       # try for a non-blocking lock, if it's held, throw a message
+       # we're waiting on lockfile and use a blocking attempt.
+       locking_method = fcntl.lockf
+       try:
+               fcntl.lockf(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB)
+       except IOError, e:
+               if "errno" not in dir(e):
+                       raise
+               if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
+                       # resource temp unavailable; eg, someone beat us to the lock.
+                       if type(mypath) == types.IntType:
+                               print "waiting for lock on fd %i" % myfd
+                       else:
+                               print "waiting for lock on %s" % lockfilename
+                       # try for the exclusive lock now.
+                       fcntl.lockf(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+               elif e.errno == errno.ENOLCK:
+                       # We're not allowed to lock on this FS.
+                       os.close(myfd)
+                       link_success = False
+                       if lockfilename == str(lockfilename):
+                               if wantnewlockfile:
+                                       try:
+                                               if os.stat(lockfilename)[stat.ST_NLINK] == 1:
+                                                       os.unlink(lockfilename)
+                                       except OSError:
+                                               pass
+                                       link_success = hardlink_lockfile(lockfilename)
+                       if not link_success:
+                               raise
+                       locking_method = None
+                       myfd = HARDLINK_FD
+               else:
+                       raise
+       if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType and \
+               myfd != HARDLINK_FD and os.fstat(myfd).st_nlink == 0:
+               # The file was deleted on us... Keep trying to make one...
+               os.close(myfd)
+               writemsg("lockfile recurse\n",1)
+               lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method = lockfile(mypath,wantnewlockfile,unlinkfile)
+       writemsg(str((lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile))+"\n",1)
+       return (lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method)
+def unlockfile(mytuple):
+       import fcntl
+       #XXX: Compatability hack.
+       if len(mytuple) == 3:
+               lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile = mytuple
+               locking_method = fcntl.flock
+       elif len(mytuple) == 4:
+               lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method = mytuple
+       else:
+               raise InvalidData
+       if(myfd == HARDLINK_FD):
+               unhardlink_lockfile(lockfilename)
+               return True
+       # myfd may be None here due to myfd = mypath in lockfile()
+       if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType and not os.path.exists(lockfilename):
+               writemsg("lockfile does not exist '%s'\n" % lockfilename,1)
+               if myfd is not None:
+                       os.close(myfd)
+               return False
+       try:
+               if myfd is None:
+                       myfd =, os.O_WRONLY,0660)
+                       unlinkfile = 1
+               locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+       except OSError:
+               if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType:
+                       os.close(myfd)
+               raise IOError, "Failed to unlock file '%s'\n" % lockfilename
+       try:
+               # This sleep call was added to allow other processes that are
+               # waiting for a lock to be able to grab it before it is deleted.
+               # lockfile() already accounts for this situation, however, and
+               # the sleep here adds more time than is saved overall, so am
+               # commenting until it is proved necessary.
+               #time.sleep(0.0001)
+               if unlinkfile:
+                       locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB)
+                       # We won the lock, so there isn't competition for it.
+                       # We can safely delete the file.
+                       writemsg("Got the lockfile...\n",1)
+                       if os.fstat(myfd).st_nlink == 1:
+                               os.unlink(lockfilename)
+                               writemsg("Unlinked lockfile...\n",1)
+                               locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+                       else:
+                               writemsg("lockfile does not exist '%s'\n" % lockfilename,1)
+                               os.close(myfd)
+                               return False
+       except Exception, e:
+               writemsg("Failed to get lock... someone took it.\n",1)
+               writemsg(str(e)+"\n",1)
+       # why test lockfilename?  because we may have been handed an
+       # fd originally, and the caller might not like having their
+       # open fd closed automatically on them.
+       if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType:
+               os.close(myfd)
+       return True
+def hardlock_name(path):
+       return path+".hardlock-"+os.uname()[1]+"-"+str(os.getpid())
+def hardlink_is_mine(link,lock):
+       try:
+               return os.stat(link).st_nlink == 2
+       except OSError:
+               return False
+def hardlink_lockfile(lockfilename, max_wait=14400):
+       """Does the NFS, hardlink shuffle to ensure locking on the disk.
+       We create a PRIVATE lockfile, that is just a placeholder on the disk.
+       Then we HARDLINK the real lockfile to that private file.
+       If our file can 2 references, then we have the lock. :)
+       Otherwise we lather, rise, and repeat.
+       We default to a 4 hour timeout.
+       """
+       start_time = time.time()
+       myhardlock = hardlock_name(lockfilename)
+       reported_waiting = False
+       while(time.time() < (start_time + max_wait)):
+               # We only need it to exist.
+               myfd =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR,0660)
+               os.close(myfd)
+               if not os.path.exists(myhardlock):
+                       raise FileNotFound, _("Created lockfile is missing: %(filename)s") % {"filename":myhardlock}
+               try:
+                       res =, lockfilename)
+               except OSError:
+                       pass
+               if hardlink_is_mine(myhardlock, lockfilename):
+                       # We have the lock.
+                       if reported_waiting:
+                               print
+                       return True
+               if reported_waiting:
+                       writemsg(".")
+               else:
+                       reported_waiting = True
+                       print
+                       print "Waiting on (hardlink) lockfile: (one '.' per 3 seconds)"
+                       print "This is a feature to prevent distfiles corruption."
+                       print "/usr/lib/portage/bin/clean_locks can fix stuck locks."
+                       print "Lockfile: " + lockfilename
+               time.sleep(3)
+       os.unlink(myhardlock)
+       return False
+def unhardlink_lockfile(lockfilename):
+       myhardlock = hardlock_name(lockfilename)
+       if hardlink_is_mine(myhardlock, lockfilename):
+               # Make sure not to touch lockfilename unless we really have a lock.
+               try:
+                       os.unlink(lockfilename)
+               except OSError:
+                       pass
+       try:
+               os.unlink(myhardlock)
+       except OSError:
+               pass
+def hardlock_cleanup(path, remove_all_locks=False):
+       mypid  = str(os.getpid())
+       myhost = os.uname()[1]
+       mydl = os.listdir(path)
+       results = []
+       mycount = 0
+       mylist = {}
+       for x in mydl:
+               if os.path.isfile(path+"/"+x):
+                       parts = x.split(".hardlock-")
+                       if len(parts) == 2:
+                               filename = parts[0]
+                               hostpid  = parts[1].split("-")
+                               host  = "-".join(hostpid[:-1])
+                               pid   = hostpid[-1]
+                               if not mylist.has_key(filename):
+                                       mylist[filename] = {}
+                               if not mylist[filename].has_key(host):
+                                       mylist[filename][host] = []
+                               mylist[filename][host].append(pid)
+                               mycount += 1
+       results.append("Found %(count)s locks" % {"count":mycount})
+       for x in mylist.keys():
+               if mylist[x].has_key(myhost) or remove_all_locks:
+                       mylockname = hardlock_name(path+"/"+x)
+                       if hardlink_is_mine(mylockname, path+"/"+x) or \
+                          not os.path.exists(path+"/"+x) or \
+                                remove_all_locks:
+                               for y in mylist[x].keys():
+                                       for z in mylist[x][y]:
+                                               filename = path+"/"+x+".hardlock-"+y+"-"+z
+                                               if filename == mylockname:
+                                                       continue
+                                               try:
+                                                       # We're sweeping through, unlinking everyone's locks.
+                                                       os.unlink(filename)
+                                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + filename)
+                                               except OSError:
+                                                       pass
+                               try:
+                                       os.unlink(path+"/"+x)
+                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + path+"/"+x)
+                                       os.unlink(mylockname)
+                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + mylockname)
+                               except OSError:
+                                       pass
+                       else:
+                               try:
+                                       os.unlink(mylockname)
+                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + mylockname)
+                               except OSError:
+                                       pass
+       return results
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..99ed77f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# -- core Portage functionality
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id: 3483 2006-06-10 21:40:40Z genone $
+import portage_exception, socket, smtplib, os, sys, time
+from email.MIMEText import MIMEText as TextMessage
+from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart as MultipartMessage
+from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase as BaseMessage
+def create_message(sender, recipient, subject, body, attachments=None):
+       if attachments == None:
+               mymessage = TextMessage(body)
+       else:
+               mymessage = MultipartMessage()
+               mymessage.attach(TextMessage(body))
+               for x in attachments:
+                       if isinstance(x, BaseMessage):
+                               mymessage.attach(x)
+                       elif isinstance(x, str):
+                               mymessage.attach(TextMessage(x))
+                       else:
+                               raise portage_exception.PortageException("Can't handle type of attachment: %s" % type(x))
+       mymessage.set_unixfrom(sender)
+       mymessage["To"] = recipient
+       mymessage["From"] = sender
+       mymessage["Subject"] = subject
+       mymessage["Date"] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
+       return mymessage
+def send_mail(mysettings, message):
+       mymailhost = "localhost"
+       mymailport = 25
+       mymailuser = ""
+       mymailpasswd = ""
+       myrecipient = "root@localhost"
+       # Syntax for PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI (if defined):
+       # adress [[user:passwd@]mailserver[:port]]
+       # where adress:     recipient adress
+       #       user:       username for smtp auth (defaults to none)
+       #       passwd:     password for smtp auth (defaults to none)
+       #       mailserver: smtp server that should be used to deliver the mail (defaults to localhost)
+       #                                       alternatively this can also be the absolute path to a sendmail binary if you don't want to use smtp
+       #       port:       port to use on the given smtp server (defaults to 25, values > 100000 indicate that starttls should be used on (port-100000))
+       if " " in mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"]:
+               myrecipient, mymailuri = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"].split()
+               if "@" in mymailuri:
+                       myauthdata, myconndata = mymailuri.rsplit("@", 1)
+                       try:
+                               mymailuser,mymailpasswd = myauthdata.split(":")
+                       except ValueError:
+                               print "!!! invalid SMTP AUTH configuration, trying unauthenticated ..."
+               else:
+                       myconndata = mymailuri
+               if ":" in myconndata:
+                       mymailhost,mymailport = myconndata.split(":")
+               else:
+                       mymailhost = myconndata
+       else:
+               myrecipient = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"]
+       myfrom = message.get("From")
+       # user wants to use a sendmail binary instead of smtp
+       if mymailhost[0] == os.sep and os.path.exists(mymailhost):
+               fd = os.popen(mymailhost+" -f "+myfrom+" "+myrecipient, "w")
+               fd.write(message.as_string())
+               if fd.close() != None:
+                       sys.stderr.write("!!! %s returned with a non-zero exit code. This generally indicates an error.\n" % mymailhost)
+       else:
+               try:
+                       if int(mymailport) > 100000:
+                               myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, int(mymailport) - 100000)
+                               myconn.starttls()
+                       else:
+                               myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, mymailport)
+                       if mymailuser != "" and mymailpasswd != "":
+                               myconn.login(mymailuser, mymailpasswd)
+                       myconn.sendmail(myfrom, myrecipient, message.as_string())
+                       myconn.quit()
+               except smtplib.SMTPException, e:
+                       raise portage_exception.PortageException("!!! An error occured while trying to send logmail:\n"+str(e))
+               except socket.error, e:
+                       raise portage_exception.PortageException("!!! A network error occured while trying to send logmail:\n"+str(e)+"\nSure you configured PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI correctly?")
+       return
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e621606
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+import errno, os, sets
+if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
+       from sets import Set as set
+import portage_exception, portage_versions, portage_const
+from portage_checksum import *
+from portage_exception import *
+from portage_util import write_atomic
+class FileNotInManifestException(PortageException):
+       pass
+def manifest2AuxfileFilter(filename):
+       filename = filename.strip(os.sep)
+       mysplit = filename.split(os.path.sep)
+       if "CVS" in mysplit:
+               return False
+       for x in mysplit:
+               if x.startswith("."):
+                       return False
+       return not filename.startswith("digest-")
+def manifest2MiscfileFilter(filename):
+       filename = filename.strip(os.sep)
+       return not (filename in ["CVS", ".svn", "files", "Manifest"] or filename.endswith(".ebuild"))
+def guessManifestFileType(filename):
+       """ Perform a best effort guess of which type the given filename is, avoid using this if possible """
+       if filename.startswith("files" + os.sep + "digest-"):
+               return None
+       if filename.startswith("files" + os.sep):
+               return "AUX"
+       elif filename.endswith(".ebuild"):
+               return "EBUILD"
+       elif filename in ["ChangeLog", "metadata.xml"]:
+               return "MISC"
+       else:
+               return "DIST"
+def parseManifest2(mysplit):
+       myentry = None
+       if len(mysplit) > 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
+               mytype = mysplit[0]
+               myname = mysplit[1]
+               mysize = int(mysplit[2])
+               myhashes = dict(zip(mysplit[3::2], mysplit[4::2]))
+               myhashes["size"] = mysize
+               myentry = Manifest2Entry(type=mytype, name=myname, hashes=myhashes)
+       return myentry
+def parseManifest1(mysplit):
+       myentry = None
+       if len(mysplit) == 4 and mysplit[0] in ["size"] + portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
+               myname = mysplit[2]
+               mytype = None
+               mytype = guessManifestFileType(myname)
+               if mytype == "AUX":
+                       if myname.startswith("files" + os.path.sep):
+                               myname = myname[6:]
+               mysize = int(mysplit[3])
+               myhashes = {mysplit[0]: mysplit[1]}
+               myhashes["size"] = mysize
+               myentry = Manifest1Entry(type=mytype, name=myname, hashes=myhashes)
+       return myentry
+class ManifestEntry(object):
+       __slots__ = ("type", "name", "hashes")
+       def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+               for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
+                       setattr(self, k, v)
+       def __cmp__(self, other):
+               if str(self) == str(other):
+                       return 0
+               return 1
+class Manifest1Entry(ManifestEntry):
+       def __str__(self):
+               myhashkeys = self.hashes.keys()
+               for hashkey in myhashkeys:
+                       if hashkey != "size":
+                               break
+               hashvalue = self.hashes[hashkey]
+               myname =
+               if self.type == "AUX" and not myname.startswith("files" + os.sep):
+                       myname = os.path.join("files", myname)
+               return " ".join([hashkey, str(hashvalue), myname, str(self.hashes["size"])])
+class Manifest2Entry(ManifestEntry):
+       def __str__(self):
+               myline = " ".join([self.type,, str(self.hashes["size"])])
+               myhashkeys = self.hashes.keys()
+               myhashkeys.remove("size")
+               myhashkeys.sort()
+               for h in myhashkeys:
+                       myline += " " + h + " " + str(self.hashes[h])
+               return myline
+class Manifest(object):
+       parsers = (parseManifest2, parseManifest1)
+       def __init__(self, pkgdir, distdir, fetchlist_dict=None,
+               manifest1_compat=True, from_scratch=False):
+               """ create new Manifest instance for package in pkgdir
+                   and add compability entries for old portage versions if manifest1_compat == True.
+                   Do not parse Manifest file if from_scratch == True (only for internal use)
+                       The fetchlist_dict parameter is required only for generation of
+                       a Manifest (not needed for parsing and checking sums)."""
+               self.pkgdir = pkgdir.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
+               self.fhashdict = {}
+               self.hashes = portage_const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS[:]
+               self.hashes.append("size")
+               if manifest1_compat:
+                       self.hashes.extend(portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS)
+               self.hashes = sets.Set(self.hashes)
+               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
+                       self.fhashdict[t] = {}
+               if not from_scratch:
+                       self._read()
+               self.compat = manifest1_compat
+               if fetchlist_dict != None:
+                       self.fetchlist_dict = fetchlist_dict
+               else:
+                       self.fetchlist_dict = {}
+               self.distdir = distdir
+               self.guessType = guessManifestFileType
+       def getFullname(self):
+               """ Returns the absolute path to the Manifest file for this instance """
+               return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "Manifest")
+       def getDigests(self):
+               """ Compability function for old digest/manifest code, returns dict of filename:{hashfunction:hashvalue} """
+               rval = {}
+               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
+                       rval.update(self.fhashdict[t])
+               return rval
+       def getTypeDigests(self, ftype):
+               """ Similar to getDigests(), but restricted to files of the given type. """
+               return self.fhashdict[ftype]
+       def _readDigests(self, myhashdict=None):
+               """ Parse old style digest files for this Manifest instance """
+               if myhashdict is None:
+                       myhashdict = {}
+               try:
+                       for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files")):
+                               if d.startswith("digest-"):
+                                       self._readManifest(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", d), mytype="DIST",
+                                               myhashdict=myhashdict)
+               except (IOError, OSError), e:
+                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                               pass
+                       else:
+                               raise
+               return myhashdict
+       def _readManifest(self, file_path, myhashdict=None, **kwargs):
+               """Parse a manifest or an old style digest.  If myhashdict is given
+               then data will be added too it.  Otherwise, a new dict will be created
+               and returned."""
+               try:
+                       fd = open(file_path, "r")
+                       if myhashdict is None:
+                               myhashdict = {}
+                       self._parseDigests(fd, myhashdict=myhashdict, **kwargs)
+                       fd.close()
+                       return myhashdict
+               except (OSError, IOError), e:
+                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                               raise FileNotFound(file_path)
+                       else:
+                               raise
+       def _read(self):
+               """ Parse Manifest file for this instance """
+               try:
+                       self._readManifest(self.getFullname(), myhashdict=self.fhashdict)
+               except FileNotFound:
+                       pass
+               self._readDigests(myhashdict=self.fhashdict)
+       def _parseManifestLines(self, mylines):
+               """Parse manifest lines and return a list of manifest entries."""
+               for myline in mylines:
+                       myentry = None
+                       mysplit = myline.split()
+                       for parser in self.parsers:
+                               myentry = parser(mysplit)
+                               if myentry is not None:
+                                       yield myentry
+                                       break # go to the next line
+       def _parseDigests(self, mylines, myhashdict=None, mytype=None):
+               """Parse manifest entries and store the data in myhashdict.  If mytype
+               is specified, it will override the type for all parsed entries."""
+               if myhashdict is None:
+                       myhashdict = {}
+               for myentry in self._parseManifestLines(mylines):
+                       if mytype is None:
+                               myentry_type = myentry.type
+                       else:
+                               myentry_type = mytype
+                       myhashdict.setdefault(myentry_type, {})
+                       myhashdict[myentry_type].setdefault(, {})
+                       myhashdict[myentry_type][].update(myentry.hashes)
+               return myhashdict
+       def _writeDigests(self, force=False):
+               """ Create old style digest files for this Manifest instance """
+               cpvlist = [os.path.join(self._pkgdir_category(), x[:-7]) for x in os.listdir(self.pkgdir) if x.endswith(".ebuild")]
+               rval = []
+               try:
+                       os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files"))
+               except OSError, oe:
+                       if oe.errno == errno.EEXIST:
+                               pass
+                       else:
+                               raise
+               for cpv in cpvlist:
+                       dname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", "digest-%s" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1])
+                       distlist = self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv)
+                       missing_digests = set()
+                       for f in distlist:
+                               if f not in self.fhashdict["DIST"] or len(self.fhashdict["DIST"][f]) == 0:
+                                       missing_digests.add(f)
+                       if missing_digests:
+                               # This allows us to force remove of stale digests for the
+                               # ebuild --force digest option.
+                               distlist = [f for f in distlist if f not in missing_digests]
+                       update_digest = True
+                       if not force:
+                               try:
+                                       f = open(dname, "r")
+                                       old_data = self._parseDigests(f)
+                                       f.close()
+                                       if len(old_data) == 1 and "DIST" in old_data:
+                                               new_data = self._getDigestData(distlist)
+                                               if "DIST" in new_data:
+                                                       for myfile in new_data["DIST"]:
+                                                               for hashname in \
+                                                                       new_data["DIST"][myfile].keys():
+                                                                       if hashname != "size" and hashname not in \
+                                                                               portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
+                                                                               del new_data["DIST"][myfile][hashname]
+                                                       if new_data["DIST"] == old_data["DIST"]:
+                                                               update_digest = False
+                               except (IOError, OSError), e:
+                                       if errno.ENOENT == e.errno:
+                                               pass
+                                       else:
+                                               raise
+                       if update_digest:
+                               mylines = self._createDigestLines1(distlist, self.fhashdict)
+                               if mylines:
+                                       mylines = "\n".join(mylines) + "\n"
+                               else:
+                                       mylines = ""
+                               write_atomic(dname, mylines)
+                       rval.append(dname)
+               return rval
+       def _getDigestData(self, distlist):
+               """create a hash dict for a specific list of files"""
+               myhashdict = {}
+               for myname in distlist:
+                       for mytype in self.fhashdict:
+                               if myname in self.fhashdict[mytype]:
+                                       myhashdict.setdefault(mytype, {})
+                                       myhashdict[mytype].setdefault(myname, {})
+                                       myhashdict[mytype][myname].update(self.fhashdict[mytype][myname])
+               return myhashdict
+       def _createDigestLines1(self, distlist, myhashdict):
+               """ Create an old style digest file."""
+               mylines = []
+               myfiles = myhashdict["DIST"].keys()
+               myfiles.sort()
+               for f in myfiles:
+                       if f in distlist:
+                               myhashkeys = myhashdict["DIST"][f].keys()
+                               myhashkeys.sort()
+                               for h in myhashkeys:
+                                       if h not in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
+                                               continue
+                                       myline = " ".join([h, str(myhashdict["DIST"][f][h]), f, str(myhashdict["DIST"][f]["size"])])
+                                       mylines.append(myline)
+               return mylines
+       def _addDigestsToManifest(self, digests, fd):
+               """ Add entries for old style digest files to Manifest file """
+               mylines = []
+               for dname in digests:
+                       myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(dname, portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS+["size"])
+                       for h in myhashes:
+                               mylines.append((" ".join([h, str(myhashes[h]), os.path.join("files", os.path.basename(dname)), str(myhashes["size"])])))
+               fd.write("\n".join(mylines))
+               fd.write("\n")
+       def _createManifestEntries(self):
+               mytypes = self.fhashdict.keys()
+               mytypes.sort()
+               for t in mytypes:
+                       myfiles = self.fhashdict[t].keys()
+                       myfiles.sort()
+                       for f in myfiles:
+                               myentry = Manifest2Entry(
+                                       type=t, name=f, hashes=self.fhashdict[t][f].copy())
+                               myhashkeys = myentry.hashes.keys()
+                               for h in myhashkeys:
+                                       if h not in ["size"] + portage_const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
+                                               del myentry.hashes[h]
+                               yield myentry
+                               if self.compat and t != "DIST":
+                                       mysize = self.fhashdict[t][f]["size"]
+                                       myhashes = self.fhashdict[t][f]
+                                       for h in myhashkeys:
+                                               if h not in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
+                                                       continue
+                                               yield Manifest1Entry(
+                                                       type=t, name=f, hashes={"size":mysize, h:myhashes[h]})
+               if self.compat:
+                       cvp_list = self.fetchlist_dict.keys()
+                       cvp_list.sort()
+                       for cpv in cvp_list:
+                               digest_path = os.path.join("files", "digest-%s" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1])
+                               dname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, digest_path)
+                               try:
+                                       myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(dname, portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS+["size"])
+                                       myhashkeys = myhashes.keys()
+                                       myhashkeys.sort()
+                                       for h in myhashkeys:
+                                               if h in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
+                                                       yield Manifest1Entry(type="AUX", name=digest_path,
+                                                               hashes={"size":myhashes["size"], h:myhashes[h]})
+                               except FileNotFound:
+                                       pass
+       def write(self, sign=False, force=False):
+               """ Write Manifest instance to disk, optionally signing it """
+               try:
+                       if self.compat:
+                               self._writeDigests()
+                       myentries = list(self._createManifestEntries())
+                       update_manifest = True
+                       if not force:
+                               try:
+                                       f = open(self.getFullname(), "r")
+                                       oldentries = list(self._parseManifestLines(f))
+                                       f.close()
+                                       if len(oldentries) == len(myentries):
+                                               update_manifest = False
+                                               for i in xrange(len(oldentries)):
+                                                       if oldentries[i] != myentries[i]:
+                                                               update_manifest = True
+                                                               break
+                               except (IOError, OSError), e:
+                                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                                               pass
+                                       else:
+                                               raise
+                       if update_manifest:
+                               fd = open(self.getFullname(), "w")
+                               for myentry in myentries:
+                                       fd.write("%s\n" % str(myentry))
+                               fd.close()
+                       if sign:
+                               self.sign()
+               except (IOError, OSError), e:
+                       if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                               raise PermissionDenied(str(e))
+                       raise
+       def sign(self):
+               """ Sign the Manifest """
+               raise NotImplementedError()
+       def validateSignature(self):
+               """ Validate signature on Manifest """
+               raise NotImplementedError()
+       def addFile(self, ftype, fname, hashdict=None, ignoreMissing=False):
+               """ Add entry to Manifest optionally using hashdict to avoid recalculation of hashes """
+               if ftype == "AUX" and not fname.startswith("files/"):
+                       fname = os.path.join("files", fname)
+               if not os.path.exists(self.pkgdir+fname) and not ignoreMissing:
+                       raise FileNotFound(fname)
+               if not ftype in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
+                       raise InvalidDataType(ftype)
+               if ftype == "AUX" and fname.startswith("files"):
+                       fname = fname[6:]
+               self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] = {}
+               if hashdict != None:
+                       self.fhashdict[ftype][fname].update(hashdict)
+               if not portage_const.MANIFEST2_REQUIRED_HASH in self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]:
+                       self.updateFileHashes(ftype, fname, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissing)
+       def removeFile(self, ftype, fname):
+               """ Remove given entry from Manifest """
+               del self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]
+       def hasFile(self, ftype, fname):
+               """ Return wether the Manifest contains an entry for the given type,filename pair """
+               return (fname in self.fhashdict[ftype])
+       def findFile(self, fname):
+               """ Return entrytype of the given file if present in Manifest or None if not present """
+               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
+                       if fname in self.fhashdict[t]:
+                               return t
+               return None
+       def create(self, checkExisting=False, assumeDistHashesSometimes=False,
+               assumeDistHashesAlways=False, requiredDistfiles=[]):
+               """ Recreate this Manifest from scratch.  This will not use any
+               existing checksums unless assumeDistHashesSometimes or
+               assumeDistHashesAlways is true (assumeDistHashesSometimes will only
+               cause DIST checksums to be reused if the file doesn't exist in
+               DISTDIR).  The requiredDistfiles parameter specifies a list of
+               distfiles to raise a FileNotFound exception for (if no file or existing
+               checksums are available), and defaults to all distfiles when not
+               specified."""
+               if checkExisting:
+                       self.checkAllHashes()
+               if assumeDistHashesSometimes or assumeDistHashesAlways:
+                       distfilehashes = self.fhashdict["DIST"]
+               else:
+                       distfilehashes = {}
+               self.__init__(self.pkgdir, self.distdir,
+                       fetchlist_dict=self.fetchlist_dict, from_scratch=True)
+               for pkgdir, pkgdir_dirs, pkgdir_files in os.walk(self.pkgdir):
+                       break
+               for f in pkgdir_files:
+                       if f.endswith(".ebuild"):
+                               mytype = "EBUILD"
+                       elif manifest2MiscfileFilter(f):
+                               mytype = "MISC"
+                       else:
+                               continue
+                       self.fhashdict[mytype][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(self.pkgdir+f, self.hashes)
+               recursive_files = []
+               cut_len = len(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files") + os.sep)
+               for parentdir, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files")):
+                       for f in files:
+                               full_path = os.path.join(parentdir, f)
+                               recursive_files.append(full_path[cut_len:])
+               for f in recursive_files:
+                       if not manifest2AuxfileFilter(f):
+                               continue
+                       self.fhashdict["AUX"][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(
+                               os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", f.lstrip(os.sep)), self.hashes)
+               cpvlist = [os.path.join(self._pkgdir_category(), x[:-7]) for x in os.listdir(self.pkgdir) if x.endswith(".ebuild")]
+               distlist = set()
+               for cpv in cpvlist:
+                       distlist.update(self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv))
+               if requiredDistfiles is None:
+                       # This allows us to force removal of stale digests for the
+                       # ebuild --force digest option (no distfiles are required).
+                       requiredDistfiles = set()
+               elif len(requiredDistfiles) == 0:
+                       # repoman passes in an empty list, which implies that all distfiles
+                       # are required.
+                       requiredDistfiles = distlist.copy()
+               for f in distlist:
+                       fname = os.path.join(self.distdir, f)
+                       mystat = None
+                       try:
+                               mystat = os.stat(fname)
+                       except OSError:
+                               pass
+                       if f in distfilehashes and \
+                               ((assumeDistHashesSometimes and mystat is None) or \
+                               (assumeDistHashesAlways and mystat is None) or \
+                               (assumeDistHashesAlways and mystat is not None and \
+                               len(distfilehashes[f]) == len(self.hashes) and \
+                               distfilehashes[f]["size"] == mystat.st_size)):
+                               self.fhashdict["DIST"][f] = distfilehashes[f]
+                       else:
+                               try:
+                                       self.fhashdict["DIST"][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(fname, self.hashes)
+                               except FileNotFound:
+                                       if f in requiredDistfiles:
+                                               raise
+       def _pkgdir_category(self):
+               return self.pkgdir.rstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep)[-2]
+       def _getAbsname(self, ftype, fname):
+               if ftype == "DIST":
+                       absname = os.path.join(self.distdir, fname)
+               elif ftype == "AUX":
+                       absname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", fname)
+               else:
+                       absname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, fname)
+               return absname  
+       def checkAllHashes(self, ignoreMissingFiles=False):
+               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
+                       self.checkTypeHashes(t, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
+       def checkTypeHashes(self, idtype, ignoreMissingFiles=False):
+               for f in self.fhashdict[idtype]:
+                       self.checkFileHashes(idtype, f, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissingFiles)
+       def checkFileHashes(self, ftype, fname, ignoreMissing=False):
+               myhashes = self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]
+               try:
+                       ok,reason = verify_all(self._getAbsname(ftype, fname), self.fhashdict[ftype][fname])
+                       if not ok:
+                               raise DigestException(tuple([self._getAbsname(ftype, fname)]+list(reason)))
+                       return ok, reason
+               except FileNotFound, e:
+                       if not ignoreMissing:
+                               raise
+                       return False, "File Not Found: '%s'" % str(e)
+       def checkCpvHashes(self, cpv, checkDistfiles=True, onlyDistfiles=False, checkMiscfiles=False):
+               """ check the hashes for all files associated to the given cpv, include all
+               AUX files and optionally all MISC files. """
+               if not onlyDistfiles:
+                       self.checkTypeHashes("AUX", ignoreMissingFiles=False)
+                       if checkMiscfiles:
+                               self.checkTypeHashes("MISC", ignoreMissingFiles=False)
+                       ebuildname = "%s.ebuild" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1]
+                       self.checkFileHashes("EBUILD", ebuildname, ignoreMissing=False)
+               if checkDistfiles or onlyDistfiles:
+                       for f in self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv):
+                               self.checkFileHashes("DIST", f, ignoreMissing=False)
+       def _getCpvDistfiles(self, cpv):
+               """ Get a list of all DIST files associated to the given cpv """
+               return self.fetchlist_dict[cpv]
+       def getDistfilesSize(self, fetchlist):
+               total_bytes = 0
+               for f in fetchlist:
+                       total_bytes += int(self.fhashdict["DIST"][f]["size"])
+               return total_bytes
+       def updateFileHashes(self, ftype, fname, checkExisting=True, ignoreMissing=True, reuseExisting=False):
+               """ Regenerate hashes for the given file """
+               if checkExisting:
+                       self.checkFileHashes(ftype, fname, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissing)
+               if not ignoreMissing and not self.fhashdict[ftype].has_key(fname):
+                       raise FileNotInManifestException(fname)
+               if not self.fhashdict[ftype].has_key(fname):
+                       self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] = {}
+               myhashkeys = list(self.hashes)
+               if reuseExisting:
+                       for k in [h for h in self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] if h in myhashkeys]:
+                               myhashkeys.remove(k)
+               myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(self._getAbsname(ftype, fname), myhashkeys)
+               self.fhashdict[ftype][fname].update(myhashes)
+       def updateTypeHashes(self, idtype, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
+               """ Regenerate all hashes for all files of the given type """
+               for fname in self.fhashdict[idtype]:
+                       self.updateFileHashes(idtype, fname, checkExisting)
+       def updateAllHashes(self, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
+               """ Regenerate all hashes for all files in this Manifest. """
+               for ftype in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
+                       self.updateTypeHashes(idtype, fname, checkExisting)
+       def updateCpvHashes(self, cpv, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
+               """ Regenerate all hashes associated to the given cpv (includes all AUX and MISC
+               files)."""
+               self.updateTypeHashes("AUX", ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
+               self.updateTypeHashes("MISC", ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
+               ebuildname = "%s.ebuild" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1]
+               self.updateFileHashes("EBUILD", ebuildname, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
+               for f in self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv):
+                       self.updateFileHashes("DIST", f, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
+       def updateHashesGuessType(self, fname, *args, **kwargs):
+               """ Regenerate hashes for the given file (guesses the type and then
+               calls updateFileHashes)."""
+               mytype = self.guessType(fname)
+               if mytype == "AUX":
+                       fname = fname[len("files" + os.sep):]
+               elif mytype is None:
+                       return
+               myrealtype = self.findFile(fname)
+               if myrealtype is not None:
+                       mytype = myrealtype
+               return self.updateFileHashes(mytype, fname, *args, **kwargs)
+       def getFileData(self, ftype, fname, key):
+               """ Return the value of a specific (type,filename,key) triple, mainly useful
+               to get the size for distfiles."""
+               return self.fhashdict[ftype][fname][key]
+       def getVersions(self):
+               """ Returns a list of manifest versions present in the manifest file. """
+               rVal = []
+               mfname = self.getFullname()
+               if not os.path.exists(mfname):
+                       return rVal
+               myfile = open(mfname, "r")
+               lines = myfile.readlines()
+               myfile.close()
+               for l in lines:
+                       mysplit = l.split()
+                       if len(mysplit) == 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS and not 1 in rVal:
+                               rVal.append(1)
+                       elif len(mysplit) > 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS and ((len(mysplit) - 3) % 2) == 0 and not 2 in rVal:
+                               rVal.append(2)
+               return rVal
+       def _catsplit(self, pkg_key):
+               """Split a category and package, returning a list of [cat, pkg].
+               This is compatible with portage.catsplit()"""
+               return pkg_key.split("/", 1)
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b54261d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# portage: news management code
+# Copyright 2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+from portage_const import INCREMENTALS, PROFILE_PATH, NEWS_LIB_PATH
+from portage import config, vartree, vardbapi, portdbapi
+from portage_util import ensure_dirs, apply_permissions
+from portage_data import portage_gid
+from portage_locks import lockfile, unlockfile, lockdir, unlockdir
+from portage_exception import FileNotFound
+import os, re
+class NewsManager(object):
+       """
+       This object manages GLEP 42 style news items.  It will cache news items
+       that have previously shown up and notify users when there are relevant news
+       items that apply to their packages that the user has not previously read.
+       Creating a news manager requires:
+       root - typically ${ROOT} see man make.conf and man emerge for details
+       NEWS_PATH - path to news items; usually $REPODIR/metadata/news
+       UNREAD_PATH - path to the news.repoid.unread file; this helps us track news items
+       """
+       TIMESTAMP_FILE = "news-timestamp"
+       def __init__( self, root, NEWS_PATH, UNREAD_PATH, LANGUAGE_ID='en' ):
+               self.NEWS_PATH = NEWS_PATH
+               self.UNREAD_PATH = UNREAD_PATH
+               self.TIMESTAMP_PATH = os.path.join( root, NEWS_LIB_PATH, NewsManager.TIMESTAMP_FILE )
+               self.target_root = root
+               self.LANGUAGE_ID = LANGUAGE_ID
+               self.config = config( config_root = os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT", "/"),
+                               target_root = root, config_incrementals = INCREMENTALS)
+               self.vdb = vardbapi( settings = self.config, root = root,
+                       vartree = vartree( root = root, settings = self.config ) )
+               self.portdb = portdbapi( porttree_root = self.config["PORTDIR"], mysettings = self.config )
+               # Ensure that the unread path exists and is writable.
+               dirmode  = 02070
+               modemask =    02
+               ensure_dirs(self.UNREAD_PATH, mode=dirmode, mask=modemask, gid=portage_gid)
+       def updateItems( self, repoid ):
+               """
+               Figure out which news items from NEWS_PATH are both unread and relevant to
+               the user (according to the GLEP 42 standards of relevancy).  Then add these
+               items into the news.repoid.unread file.
+               """
+               repos = self.portdb.getRepositories()
+               if repoid not in repos:
+                       raise ValueError("Invalid repoID: %s" % repoid)
+               timestamp_file = self.TIMESTAMP_PATH + repoid
+               if os.path.exists(timestamp_file):
+                       # Make sure the timestamp has correct permissions.
+                       apply_permissions( filename=timestamp_file, 
+                               uid=self.config["PORTAGE_INST_UID"], gid=portage_gid, mode=664 )
+                       timestamp = os.stat(timestamp_file).st_mtime
+               else:
+                       timestamp = 0
+               path = os.path.join( self.portdb.getRepositoryPath( repoid ), self.NEWS_PATH )
+               newsdir_lock = None
+               try:
+                       newsdir_lock = lockdir( self.portdb.getRepositoryPath(repoid) )
+                       # Skip reading news for repoid if the news dir does not exist.  Requested by
+                       # NightMorph :)
+                       if not os.path.exists( path ):
+                               return None
+                       news = os.listdir( path )
+                       updates = []
+                       for item in news:
+                               try:
+                                       file = os.path.join( path, item, item + "." + self.LANGUAGE_ID + ".txt")
+                                       tmp = NewsItem( file , timestamp )
+                               except TypeError:
+                                       continue
+                               if tmp.isRelevant( profile=os.readlink(PROFILE_PATH), config=config, vardb=self.vdb):
+                                       updates.append( tmp )
+               finally:
+                       if newsdir_lock:
+                               unlockdir(newsdir_lock)
+               del path
+               path = os.path.join( self.UNREAD_PATH, "news-" + repoid + ".unread" )
+               try:
+                       unread_lock = lockfile( path )
+                       if not os.path.exists( path ):
+                               #create the file if it does not exist
+                               open( path, "w" )
+                       # Ensure correct perms on the unread file.
+                       apply_permissions( filename=path,
+                               uid=self.config["PORTAGE_INST_UID"], gid=portage_gid, mode=664 )
+                       # Make sure we have the correct permissions when created
+                       unread_file = open( path, "a" )
+                       for item in updates:
+                               unread_file.write( item.path + "\n" )
+                       unread_file.close()
+               finally:
+                       unlockfile(unread_lock)
+               # Touch the timestamp file
+               f = open(timestamp_file, "w")
+               f.close()
+       def getUnreadItems( self, repoid, update=False ):
+               """
+               Determine if there are unread relevant items in news.repoid.unread.
+               If there are unread items return their number.
+               If update is specified, updateNewsItems( repoid ) will be called to
+               check for new items.
+               """
+               if update:
+                       self.updateItems( repoid )
+               unreadfile = os.path.join( self.UNREAD_PATH, "news-"+ repoid +".unread" )
+               try:
+                       try:
+                               unread_lock = lockfile(unreadfile)
+                               # Set correct permissions on the news-repoid.unread file
+                               apply_permissions( filename=unreadfile,
+                                       uid=int(self.config["PORTAGE_INST_UID"]), gid=portage_gid, mode=0664 )
+                               if os.path.exists( unreadfile ):
+                                       unread = open( unreadfile ).readlines()
+                                       if len(unread):
+                                               return len(unread)
+                       except FileNotFound:
+                               pass # unread file may not exist
+               finally:
+                       if unread_lock:
+                               unlockfile(unread_lock)
+_installedRE = re.compile("Display-If-Installed:(.*)\n")
+_profileRE = re.compile("Display-If-Profile:(.*)\n")
+_keywordRE = re.compile("Display-If-Keyword:(.*)\n")
+class NewsItem(object):
+       """
+       This class encapsulates a GLEP 42 style news item.
+       It's purpose is to wrap parsing of these news items such that portage can determine
+       whether a particular item is 'relevant' or not.  This requires parsing the item
+       and determining 'relevancy restrictions'; these include "Display if Installed" or
+       "display if arch: x86" and so forth.
+       Creation of a news item involves passing in the path to the particular news item.
+       """
+       def __init__( self, path, cache_mtime = 0 ):
+               """ 
+               For a given news item we only want if it path is a file and it's 
+               mtime is newer than the cache'd timestamp.
+               """
+               if not os.path.isfile( path ):
+                       raise TypeError
+               if not os.stat( path ).st_mtime > cache_mtime:
+                       raise TypeError
+               self.path = path
+               self._parsed = False
+       def isRelevant( self, vardb, config, profile ):
+               """
+               This function takes a dict of keyword arguments; one should pass in any
+               objects need to do to lookups (like what keywords we are on, what profile,
+               and a vardb so we can look at installed packages).
+               Each restriction will pluck out the items that are required for it to match
+               or raise a ValueError exception if the required object is not present.
+               """
+               if not len(self.restrictions):
+                       return True # no restrictions to match means everyone should see it
+               kwargs = { 'vardb' : vardb,
+                          'config' : config,
+                          'profile' : profile }
+               for restriction in self.restrictions:
+                       if restriction.checkRestriction( **kwargs ):
+                               return True
+               return False # No restrictions were met; thus we aren't relevant :(
+       def parse( self ):
+               lines = open(self.path).readlines()
+               self.restrictions = []
+               for line in lines:
+                       #Optimization to ignore regex matchines on lines that
+                       #will never match
+                       if not line.startswith("D"):
+                               continue
+                       restricts = {  _installedRE : DisplayInstalledRestriction,
+                                       _profileRE : DisplayProfileRestriction,
+                                       _keywordRE : DisplayKeywordRestriction }
+                       for regex, restriction in restricts.iteritems():
+                               match = regex.match(line)
+                               if match:
+                                       self.restrictions.append( restriction( match.groups()[0].strip() ) )
+                                       continue
+               self._parsed = True
+       def __getattr__( self, attr ):
+               if not self._parsed:
+                       self.parse()
+               return self.__dict__[attr]
+class DisplayRestriction(object):
+       """
+       A base restriction object representing a restriction of display.
+       news items may have 'relevancy restrictions' preventing them from
+       being important.  In this case we need a manner of figuring out if
+       a particular item is relevant or not.  If any of it's restrictions
+       are met, then it is displayed
+       """
+       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+               raise NotImplementedError("Derived class should over-ride this method")
+class DisplayProfileRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
+       """
+       A profile restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
+       if the user is running a specific profile.
+       """
+       def __init__( self, profile ):
+               self.profile = profile
+       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+               if self.profile == kwargs['profile']:
+                       return True
+               return False
+class DisplayKeywordRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
+       """
+       A keyword restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
+       if the user is running a specific keyword.
+       """
+       def __init__( self, keyword ):
+               self.keyword = keyword
+       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+               if kwargs['config']["ARCH"] == self.keyword:
+                       return True
+               return False
+class DisplayInstalledRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
+       """
+       An Installation restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
+       if the user has that item installed.
+       """
+       def __init__( self, cpv ):
+               self.cpv = cpv
+       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
+               vdb = kwargs['vardb']
+               if vdb.match( self.cpv ):
+                       return True
+               return False
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..62ec975
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
+import commands,errno,os,re,shlex,sys
+from portage_const import COLOR_MAP_FILE
+from portage_util import writemsg
+from portage_exception import PortageException, ParseError, PermissionDenied, FileNotFound
+esc_seq = "\x1b["
+g_attr = {}
+g_attr["normal"]       =  0
+g_attr["bold"]         =  1
+g_attr["faint"]        =  2
+g_attr["standout"]     =  3
+g_attr["underline"]    =  4
+g_attr["blink"]        =  5
+g_attr["overline"]     =  6  # Why is overline actually useful?
+g_attr["reverse"]      =  7
+g_attr["invisible"]    =  8
+g_attr["no-attr"]      = 22
+g_attr["no-standout"]  = 23
+g_attr["no-underline"] = 24
+g_attr["no-blink"]     = 25
+g_attr["no-overline"]  = 26
+g_attr["no-reverse"]   = 27
+# 28 isn't defined?
+# 29 isn't defined?
+g_attr["black"]        = 30
+g_attr["red"]          = 31
+g_attr["green"]        = 32
+g_attr["yellow"]       = 33
+g_attr["blue"]         = 34
+g_attr["magenta"]      = 35
+g_attr["cyan"]         = 36
+g_attr["white"]        = 37
+# 38 isn't defined?
+g_attr["default"]      = 39
+g_attr["bg_black"]     = 40
+g_attr["bg_red"]       = 41
+g_attr["bg_green"]     = 42
+g_attr["bg_yellow"]    = 43
+g_attr["bg_blue"]      = 44
+g_attr["bg_magenta"]   = 45
+g_attr["bg_cyan"]      = 46
+g_attr["bg_white"]     = 47
+g_attr["bg_default"]   = 49
+# make_seq("blue", "black", "normal")
+def color(fg, bg="default", attr=["normal"]):
+       mystr = esc_seq[:] + "%02d" % g_attr[fg]
+       for x in [bg]+attr:
+               mystr += ";%02d" % g_attr[x]
+       return mystr+"m"
+codes["reset"]     = esc_seq + "39;49;00m"
+codes["bold"]      = esc_seq + "01m"
+codes["faint"]     = esc_seq + "02m"
+codes["standout"]  = esc_seq + "03m"
+codes["underline"] = esc_seq + "04m"
+codes["blink"]     = esc_seq + "05m"
+codes["overline"]  = esc_seq + "06m"  # Who made this up? Seriously.
+ansi_color_codes = []
+for x in xrange(30, 38):
+       ansi_color_codes.append("%im" % x)
+       ansi_color_codes.append("%i;01m" % x)
+rgb_ansi_colors = ['0x000000', '0x555555', '0xAA0000', '0xFF5555', '0x00AA00',
+       '0x55FF55', '0xAA5500', '0xFFFF55', '0x0000AA', '0x5555FF', '0xAA00AA',
+       '0xFF55FF', '0x00AAAA', '0x55FFFF', '0xAAAAAA', '0xFFFFFF']
+for x in xrange(len(rgb_ansi_colors)):
+       codes[rgb_ansi_colors[x]] = esc_seq + ansi_color_codes[x]
+del x
+codes["black"]     = codes["0x000000"]
+codes["darkgray"]  = codes["0x555555"]
+codes["red"]       = codes["0xFF5555"]
+codes["darkred"]   = codes["0xAA0000"]
+codes["green"]     = codes["0x55FF55"]
+codes["darkgreen"] = codes["0x00AA00"]
+codes["yellow"]    = codes["0xFFFF55"]
+codes["brown"]     = codes["0xAA5500"]
+codes["blue"]      = codes["0x5555FF"]
+codes["darkblue"]  = codes["0x0000AA"]
+codes["fuchsia"]   = codes["0xFF55FF"]
+codes["purple"]    = codes["0xAA00AA"]
+codes["turquoise"] = codes["0x55FFFF"]
+codes["teal"]      = codes["0x00AAAA"]
+codes["white"]     = codes["0xFFFFFF"]
+codes["lightgray"] = codes["0xAAAAAA"]
+codes["darkteal"]   = codes["turquoise"]
+codes["darkyellow"] = codes["brown"]
+codes["fuscia"]     = codes["fuchsia"]
+codes["white"]      = codes["bold"]
+# Colors from /sbin/
+codes["GOOD"]       = codes["green"]
+codes["WARN"]       = codes["yellow"]
+codes["BAD"]        = codes["red"]
+codes["HILITE"]     = codes["teal"]
+codes["BRACKET"]    = codes["blue"]
+# Portage functions
+codes["INFORM"] = codes["darkgreen"]
+codes["UNMERGE_WARN"] = codes["red"]
+codes["MERGE_LIST_PROGRESS"] = codes["yellow"]
+def parse_color_map():
+       myfile = COLOR_MAP_FILE
+       ansi_code_pattern = re.compile("^[0-9;]*m$")
+       def strip_quotes(token, quotes):
+               if token[0] in quotes and token[0] == token[-1]:
+                       token = token[1:-1]
+               return token
+       try:
+               s = shlex.shlex(open(myfile))
+               s.wordchars = s.wordchars + ";" # for ansi codes
+               d = {}
+               while True:
+                       k, o, v = s.get_token(), s.get_token(), s.get_token()
+                       if k is s.eof:
+                               break
+                       if o != "=":
+                               raise ParseError("%s%s'%s'" % (s.error_leader(myfile, s.lineno), "expected '=' operator: ", o))
+                       k = strip_quotes(k, s.quotes)
+                       v = strip_quotes(v, s.quotes)
+                       if ansi_code_pattern.match(v):
+                               codes[k] = esc_seq + v
+                       else:
+                               if v in codes:
+                                       codes[k] = codes[v]
+                               else:
+                                       raise ParseError("%s%s'%s'" % (s.error_leader(myfile, s.lineno), "Undefined: ", v))
+       except (IOError, OSError), e:
+               if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                       raise FileNotFound(myfile)
+               elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                       raise PermissionDenied(myfile)
+               raise
+       parse_color_map()
+except FileNotFound, e:
+       pass
+except PortageException, e:
+       writemsg("%s\n" % str(e))
+def nc_len(mystr):
+       tmp = re.sub(esc_seq + "^m]+m", "", mystr);
+       return len(tmp)
+def xtermTitle(mystr, raw=False):
+       if havecolor and dotitles and os.environ.has_key("TERM") and sys.stderr.isatty():
+               myt=os.environ["TERM"]
+               legal_terms = ["xterm","Eterm","aterm","rxvt","screen","kterm","rxvt-unicode","gnome"]
+               for term in legal_terms:
+                       if myt.startswith(term):
+                               if not raw:
+                                       mystr = "\x1b]0;%s\x07" % mystr
+                               sys.stderr.write(mystr)
+                               sys.stderr.flush()
+                               break
+default_xterm_title = None
+def xtermTitleReset():
+       global default_xterm_title
+       if default_xterm_title is None:
+               prompt_command = os.getenv('PROMPT_COMMAND')
+               if prompt_command == "":
+                       default_xterm_title = ""
+               elif prompt_command is not None:
+                       default_xterm_title = commands.getoutput(prompt_command)
+               else:
+                       pwd = os.getenv('PWD','')
+                       home = os.getenv('HOME', '')
+                       if home != '' and pwd.startswith(home):
+                               pwd = '~' + pwd[len(home):]
+                       default_xterm_title = '\x1b]0;%s@%s:%s\x07' % (
+                               os.getenv('LOGNAME', ''), os.getenv('HOSTNAME', '').split('.', 1)[0], pwd)
+       xtermTitle(default_xterm_title, raw=True)
+def notitles():
+       "turn off title setting"
+       dotitles=0
+def nocolor():
+       "turn off colorization"
+       global havecolor
+       havecolor=0
+def resetColor():
+       return codes["reset"]
+def colorize(color_key, text):
+       global havecolor
+       if havecolor:
+               return codes[color_key] + text + codes["reset"]
+       else:
+               return text
+compat_functions_colors = ["bold","white","teal","turquoise","darkteal",
+       "fuscia","fuchsia","purple","blue","darkblue","green","darkgreen","yellow",
+       "brown","darkyellow","red","darkred"]
+def create_color_func(color_key):
+       def derived_func(*args):
+               newargs = list(args)
+               newargs.insert(0, color_key)
+               return colorize(*newargs)
+       return derived_func
+for c in compat_functions_colors:
+       setattr(sys.modules[__name__], c, create_color_func(c))
+class EOutput:
+       """
+       Performs fancy terminal formatting for status and informational messages.
+       The provided methods produce identical terminal output to the eponymous
+       functions in the shell script C{/sbin/} and also accept
+       identical parameters.
+       This is not currently a drop-in replacement however, as the output-related
+       functions in C{/sbin/} are oriented for use mainly by system
+       init scripts and ebuilds and their output can be customized via certain
+       C{RC_*} environment variables (see C{/etc/conf.d/rc}). B{EOutput} is not
+       customizable in this manner since it's intended for more general uses.
+       Likewise, no logging is provided.
+       @ivar quiet: Specifies if output should be silenced.
+       @type quiet: BooleanType
+       @ivar term_columns: Width of terminal in characters. Defaults to the value
+               specified by the shell's C{COLUMNS} variable, else to the queried tty
+               size, else to C{80}.
+       @type term_columns: IntType
+       """
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.__last_e_cmd = ""
+               self.__last_e_len = 0
+               self.quiet = False
+               columns = 0
+               try:
+                       columns = int(os.getenv("COLUMNS", 0))
+               except ValueError:
+                       pass
+               if columns <= 0:
+                       try:
+                               columns = int(commands.getoutput(
+                                       'set -- `stty size 2>/dev/null` ; echo "$2"'))
+                       except ValueError:
+                               pass
+               if columns <= 0:
+                       columns = 80
+               self.term_columns = columns
+       def __eend(self, caller, errno, msg):
+               if errno == 0:
+                       status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("GOOD", "ok") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]")
+               else:
+                       status_brackets = colorize("BRACKET", "[ ") + colorize("BAD", "!!") + colorize("BRACKET", " ]")
+                       if msg:
+                               if caller == "eend":
+                                       self.eerror(msg[0])
+                               elif caller == "ewend":
+                                       self.ewarn(msg[0])
+               if self.__last_e_cmd != "ebegin":
+                       self.__last_e_len = 0
+               print "%*s%s" % ((self.term_columns - self.__last_e_len - 6), "", status_brackets)
+               sys.stdout.flush()
+       def ebegin(self, msg):
+               """
+               Shows a message indicating the start of a process.
+               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) description of the
+                       starting process.
+               @type msg: StringType
+               """
+               msg += " ..."
+               if not self.quiet:
+                       self.einfon(msg)
+               self.__last_e_len = len(msg) + 4
+               self.__last_e_cmd = "ebegin"
+       def eend(self, errno, *msg):
+               """
+               Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message
+               via L{eerror} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}.
+               @param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon
+                       exit.
+               @type errno: IntType
+               @param msg: I{(optional)} An error message, typically a standard UNIX
+                       error string corresponding to C{errno}.
+               @type msg: StringType
+               """
+               if not self.quiet:
+                       self.__eend("eend", errno, msg)
+               self.__last_e_cmd = "eend"
+       def eerror(self, msg):
+               """
+               Shows an error message.
+               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) error message.
+               @type msg: StringType
+               """
+               if not self.quiet:
+                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
+                       print colorize("BAD", " * ") + msg
+                       sys.stdout.flush()
+               self.__last_e_cmd = "eerror"
+       def einfo(self, msg):
+               """
+               Shows an informative message terminated with a newline.
+               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message.
+               @type msg: StringType
+               """
+               if not self.quiet:
+                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
+                       print colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg
+                       sys.stdout.flush()
+               self.__last_e_cmd = "einfo"
+       def einfon(self, msg):
+               """
+               Shows an informative message terminated without a newline.
+               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) informative message.
+               @type msg: StringType
+               """
+               if not self.quiet:
+                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
+                       print colorize("GOOD", " * ") + msg ,
+                       sys.stdout.flush()
+               self.__last_e_cmd = "einfon"
+       def ewarn(self, msg):
+               """
+               Shows a warning message.
+               @param msg: A very brief (shorter than one line) warning message.
+               @type msg: StringType
+               """
+               if not self.quiet:
+                       if self.__last_e_cmd == "ebegin": print
+                       print colorize("WARN", " * ") + msg
+                       sys.stdout.flush()
+               self.__last_e_cmd = "ewarn"
+       def ewend(self, errno, *msg):
+               """
+               Indicates the completion of a process, optionally displaying a message
+               via L{ewarn} if the process's exit status isn't C{0}.
+               @param errno: A standard UNIX C{errno} code returned by processes upon
+                       exit.
+               @type errno: IntType
+               @param msg: I{(optional)} A warning message, typically a standard UNIX
+                       error string corresponding to C{errno}.
+               @type msg: StringType
+               """
+               if not self.quiet:
+                       self.__eend("ewend", errno, msg)
+               self.__last_e_cmd = "ewend"
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e4d80fa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+import selinux
+from selinux import is_selinux_enabled
+from selinux_aux import setexec, secure_symlink, secure_rename, \
+       secure_copy, secure_mkdir, getcontext, get_sid, get_lsid
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1a2a1d8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+import errno, os, re, sys
+from portage_util import ConfigProtect, grabfile, new_protect_filename, \
+       normalize_path, write_atomic, writemsg
+from portage_exception import DirectoryNotFound, PortageException
+from portage_versions import ververify
+from portage_dep import dep_getkey, get_operator, isvalidatom, isjustname
+from portage_const import USER_CONFIG_PATH, WORLD_FILE
+ignored_dbentries = ("CONTENTS", "environment.bz2")
+def update_dbentry(update_cmd, mycontent):
+       if update_cmd[0] == "move":
+               old_value, new_value = update_cmd[1], update_cmd[2]
+               if mycontent.count(old_value):
+                       old_value = re.escape(old_value);
+                       mycontent = re.sub(old_value+"(:|$|\\s)", new_value+"\\1", mycontent)
+                       def myreplace(matchobj):
+                               if ververify(
+                                       return "%s-%s" % (new_value,
+                               else:
+                                       return "".join(matchobj.groups())
+                       mycontent = re.sub("(%s-)(\\S*)" % old_value, myreplace, mycontent)
+       elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove" and get_operator(update_cmd[1]) is None:
+               pkg, origslot, newslot = update_cmd[1:]
+               old_value = "%s:%s" % (pkg, origslot)
+               if mycontent.count(old_value):
+                       old_value = re.escape(old_value)
+                       new_value = "%s:%s" % (pkg, newslot)
+                       mycontent = re.sub(old_value+"($|\\s)", new_value+"\\1", mycontent)
+       return mycontent
+def update_dbentries(update_iter, mydata):
+       """Performs update commands and returns a
+       dict containing only the updated items."""
+       updated_items = {}
+       for k, mycontent in mydata.iteritems():
+               if k not in ignored_dbentries:
+                       orig_content = mycontent
+                       for update_cmd in update_iter:
+                               mycontent = update_dbentry(update_cmd, mycontent)
+                       if mycontent != orig_content:
+                               updated_items[k] = mycontent
+       return updated_items
+def fixdbentries(update_iter, dbdir):
+       """Performs update commands which result in search and replace operations
+       for each of the files in dbdir (excluding CONTENTS and environment.bz2).
+       Returns True when actual modifications are necessary and False otherwise."""
+       mydata = {}
+       for myfile in [f for f in os.listdir(dbdir) if f not in ignored_dbentries]:
+               file_path = os.path.join(dbdir, myfile)
+               f = open(file_path, "r")
+               mydata[myfile] =
+               f.close()
+       updated_items = update_dbentries(update_iter, mydata)
+       for myfile, mycontent in updated_items.iteritems():
+               file_path = os.path.join(dbdir, myfile)
+               write_atomic(file_path, mycontent)
+       return len(updated_items) > 0
+def grab_updates(updpath, prev_mtimes=None):
+       """Returns all the updates from the given directory as a sorted list of
+       tuples, each containing (file_path, statobj, content).  If prev_mtimes is
+       given then only updates with differing mtimes are considered."""
+       try:
+               mylist = os.listdir(updpath)
+       except OSError, oe:
+               if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                       raise DirectoryNotFound(updpath)
+               raise
+       if prev_mtimes is None:
+               prev_mtimes = {}
+       # validate the file name (filter out CVS directory, etc...)
+       mylist = [myfile for myfile in mylist if len(myfile) == 7 and myfile[1:3] == "Q-"]
+       if len(mylist) == 0:
+               return []
+       # update names are mangled to make them sort properly
+       mylist = [myfile[3:]+"-"+myfile[:2] for myfile in mylist]
+       mylist.sort()
+       mylist = [myfile[5:]+"-"+myfile[:4] for myfile in mylist]
+       update_data = []
+       for myfile in mylist:
+               file_path = os.path.join(updpath, myfile)
+               mystat = os.stat(file_path)
+               if file_path not in prev_mtimes or \
+               long(prev_mtimes[file_path]) != long(mystat.st_mtime):
+                       f = open(file_path)
+                       content =
+                       f.close()
+                       update_data.append((file_path, mystat, content))
+       return update_data
+def parse_updates(mycontent):
+       """Valid updates are returned as a list of split update commands."""
+       myupd = []
+       errors = []
+       mylines = mycontent.splitlines()
+       for myline in mylines:
+               mysplit = myline.split()
+               if len(mysplit) == 0:
+                       continue
+               if mysplit[0] not in ("move", "slotmove"):
+                       errors.append("ERROR: Update type not recognized '%s'" % myline)
+                       continue
+               if mysplit[0] == "move":
+                       if len(mysplit) != 3:
+                               errors.append("ERROR: Update command invalid '%s'" % myline)
+                               continue
+                       orig_value, new_value = mysplit[1], mysplit[2]
+                       for cp in (orig_value, new_value):
+                               if not (isvalidatom(cp) and isjustname(cp)):
+                                       errors.append(
+                                               "ERROR: Malformed update entry '%s'" % myline)
+                                       continue
+               if mysplit[0] == "slotmove":
+                       if len(mysplit)!=4:
+                               errors.append("ERROR: Update command invalid '%s'" % myline)
+                               continue
+                       pkg, origslot, newslot = mysplit[1], mysplit[2], mysplit[3]
+                       if not isvalidatom(pkg):
+                               errors.append("ERROR: Malformed update entry '%s'" % myline)
+                               continue
+               # The list of valid updates is filtered by continue statements above.
+               myupd.append(mysplit)
+       return myupd, errors
+def update_config_files(config_root, protect, protect_mask, update_iter):
+       """Perform global updates on /etc/portage/package.* and the world file.
+       config_root - location of files to update
+       protect - list of paths from CONFIG_PROTECT
+       protect_mask - list of paths from CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK
+       update_iter - list of update commands as returned from parse_updates()"""
+       config_root = normalize_path(config_root)
+       update_files = {}
+       file_contents = {}
+       myxfiles = ["package.mask", "package.unmask", \
+               "package.keywords", "package.use"]
+       myxfiles += [os.path.join("profile", x) for x in myxfiles]
+       abs_user_config = os.path.join(config_root,
+               USER_CONFIG_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+       recursivefiles = []
+       for x in myxfiles:
+               config_file = os.path.join(abs_user_config, x)
+               if os.path.isdir(config_file):
+                       for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(config_file):
+                               for y in dirs:
+                                       if y.startswith("."):
+                                               dirs.remove(y)
+                               for y in files:
+                                       if y.startswith("."):
+                                               continue
+                                       recursivefiles.append(
+                                               os.path.join(parent, y)[len(abs_user_config) + 1:])
+               else:
+                       recursivefiles.append(x)
+       myxfiles = recursivefiles
+       for x in myxfiles:
+               try:
+                       myfile = open(os.path.join(abs_user_config, x),"r")
+                       file_contents[x] = myfile.readlines()
+                       myfile.close()
+               except IOError:
+                       if file_contents.has_key(x):
+                               del file_contents[x]
+                       continue
+       worldlist = grabfile(os.path.join(config_root, WORLD_FILE))
+       for update_cmd in update_iter:
+               if update_cmd[0] == "move":
+                       old_value, new_value = update_cmd[1], update_cmd[2]
+                       #update world entries:
+                       for x in range(0,len(worldlist)):
+                               #update world entries, if any.
+                               worldlist[x] = \
+                                       dep_transform(worldlist[x], old_value, new_value)
+                       #update /etc/portage/packages.*
+                       for x in file_contents:
+                               for mypos in range(0,len(file_contents[x])):
+                                       line = file_contents[x][mypos]
+                                       if line[0] == "#" or not line.strip():
+                                               continue
+                                       myatom = line.split()[0]
+                                       if myatom.startswith("-"):
+                                               # package.mask supports incrementals
+                                               myatom = myatom[1:]
+                                       if not isvalidatom(myatom):
+                                               continue
+                                       key = dep_getkey(myatom)
+                                       if key == old_value:
+                                               file_contents[x][mypos] = \
+                                                       line.replace(old_value, new_value)
+                                               update_files[x] = 1
+                                               sys.stdout.write("p")
+                                               sys.stdout.flush()
+       write_atomic(os.path.join(config_root, WORLD_FILE), "\n".join(worldlist))
+       protect_obj = ConfigProtect(
+               config_root, protect, protect_mask)
+       for x in update_files:
+               updating_file = os.path.join(abs_user_config, x)
+               if protect_obj.isprotected(updating_file):
+                       updating_file = new_protect_filename(updating_file)
+               try:
+                       write_atomic(updating_file, "".join(file_contents[x]))
+               except PortageException, e:
+                       writemsg("\n!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+                       writemsg("!!! An error occured while updating a config file:" + \
+                               " '%s'\n" % updating_file, noiselevel=-1)
+                       continue
+def dep_transform(mydep, oldkey, newkey):
+       if dep_getkey(mydep) == oldkey:
+               return mydep.replace(oldkey, newkey, 1)
+       return mydep
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cc5a566
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+from portage_exception import PortageException, FileNotFound, \
+       OperationNotPermitted, PermissionDenied, ReadOnlyFileSystem
+import portage_exception
+from portage_dep import isvalidatom
+import os, errno, shlex, stat, string, sys
+       import cPickle
+except ImportError:
+       import pickle as cPickle
+if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
+       from sets import Set as set
+noiselimit = 0
+def writemsg(mystr,noiselevel=0,fd=None):
+       """Prints out warning and debug messages based on the noiselimit setting"""
+       global noiselimit
+       if fd is None:
+               fd = sys.stderr
+       if noiselevel <= noiselimit:
+               fd.write(mystr)
+               fd.flush()
+def writemsg_stdout(mystr,noiselevel=0):
+       """Prints messages stdout based on the noiselimit setting"""
+       writemsg(mystr, noiselevel=noiselevel, fd=sys.stdout)
+def normalize_path(mypath):
+       """ 
+       os.path.normpath("//foo") returns "//foo" instead of "/foo"
+       We dislike this behavior so we create our own normpath func
+       to fix it.
+       """
+       if mypath.startswith(os.path.sep):
+               # posixpath.normpath collapses 3 or more leading slashes to just 1.
+               return os.path.normpath(2*os.path.sep + mypath)
+       else:
+               return os.path.normpath(mypath)
+def grabfile(myfilename, compat_level=0, recursive=0):
+       """This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a list; if a line
+       begins with a #, it is ignored, as are empty lines"""
+       mylines=grablines(myfilename, recursive)
+       newlines=[]
+       for x in mylines:
+               #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line
+               #into single spaces.
+               myline=" ".join(x.split())
+               if not len(myline):
+                       continue
+               if myline[0]=="#":
+                       # Check if we have a compat-level string. BC-integration data.
+                       # '##COMPAT==>N<==' 'some string attached to it'
+                       mylinetest = myline.split("<==",1)
+                       if len(mylinetest) == 2:
+                               myline_potential = mylinetest[1]
+                               mylinetest = mylinetest[0].split("##COMPAT==>")
+                               if len(mylinetest) == 2:
+                                       if compat_level >= int(mylinetest[1]):
+                                               # It's a compat line, and the key matches.
+                                               newlines.append(myline_potential)
+                               continue
+                       else:
+                               continue
+               newlines.append(myline)
+       return newlines
+def map_dictlist_vals(func,myDict):
+       """Performs a function on each value of each key in a dictlist.
+       Returns a new dictlist."""
+       new_dl = {}
+       for key in myDict.keys():
+               new_dl[key] = []
+               new_dl[key] = map(func,myDict[key])
+       return new_dl
+def stack_dictlist(original_dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0):
+       """
+       Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or
+       overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->list.
+       Returns a single dict. Higher index in lists is preferenced.
+       Example usage:
+          >>> from portage_util import stack_dictlist
+               >>> print stack_dictlist( [{'a':'b'},{'x':'y'}])
+               >>> {'a':'b','x':'y'}
+               >>> print stack_dictlist( [{'a':'b'},{'a':'c'}], incremental = True )
+               >>> {'a':['b','c'] }
+               >>> a = {'KEYWORDS':['x86','alpha']}
+               >>> b = {'KEYWORDS':['-x86']}
+               >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b] )
+               >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['x86','alpha','-x86']}
+               >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b], incremental=True)
+               >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['alpha'] }
+               >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b], incrementals=['KEYWORDS'])
+               >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['alpha'] }
+       @param original_dicts a list of (dictionary objects or None)
+       @type list
+       @param incremental True or false depending on whether new keys should overwrite
+          keys which already exist.
+       @type boolean
+       @param incrementals A list of items that should be incremental (-foo removes foo from
+          the returned dict).
+       @type list
+       @param ignore_none Appears to be ignored, but probably was used long long ago.
+       @type boolean
+       """
+       final_dict = {}
+       for mydict in original_dicts:
+               if mydict is None:
+                       continue
+               for y in mydict.keys():
+                       if not y in final_dict:
+                               final_dict[y] = []
+                       for thing in mydict[y]:
+                               if thing:
+                                       if incremental or y in incrementals:
+                                               if thing == "-*":
+                                                       final_dict[y] = []
+                                                       continue
+                                               elif thing.startswith("-"):
+                                                       try:
+                                                               final_dict[y].remove(thing[1:])
+                                                       except ValueError:
+                                                               pass
+                                                       continue
+                                       if thing not in final_dict[y]:
+                                               final_dict[y].append(thing)
+                       if y in final_dict and not final_dict[y]:
+                               del final_dict[y]
+       return final_dict
+def stack_dicts(dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0):
+       """Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or
+       overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->string.
+       Returns a single dict."""
+       final_dict = None
+       for mydict in dicts:
+               if mydict is None:
+                       if ignore_none:
+                               continue
+                       else:
+                               return None
+               if final_dict is None:
+                       final_dict = {}
+               for y in mydict.keys():
+                       if mydict[y]:
+                               if final_dict.has_key(y) and (incremental or (y in incrementals)):
+                                       final_dict[y] += " "+mydict[y][:]
+                               else:
+                                       final_dict[y]  = mydict[y][:]
+                       mydict[y] = " ".join(mydict[y].split()) # Remove extra spaces.
+       return final_dict
+def stack_lists(lists, incremental=1):
+       """Stacks an array of list-types into one array. Optionally removing
+       distinct values using '-value' notation. Higher index is preferenced.
+       all elements must be hashable."""
+       new_list = {}
+       for x in lists:
+               for y in filter(None, x):
+                       if incremental:
+                               if y == "-*":
+                                       new_list.clear()
+                               elif y.startswith("-"):
+                                       new_list.pop(y[1:], None)
+                               else:
+                                       new_list[y] = True
+                       else:
+                               new_list[y] = True
+       return new_list.keys()
+def grabdict(myfilename, juststrings=0, empty=0, recursive=0, incremental=1):
+       """
+       This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a dictionary
+       @param myfilename: file to process
+       @type myfilename: string (path)
+       @param juststrings: only return strings
+       @type juststrings: Boolean (integer)
+       @param empty: Ignore certain lines
+       @type empty: Boolean (integer)
+       @param recursive: Recursively grab ( support for /etc/portage/package.keywords/* and friends )
+       @type recursive: Boolean (integer)
+       @param incremental: Append to the return list, don't overwrite
+       @type incremental: Boolean (integer)
+       @rtype: Dictionary
+       @returns:
+       1.  Returns the lines in a file in a dictionary, for example:
+               'sys-apps/portage x86 amd64 ppc'
+               would return
+               { "sys-apps/portage" : [ 'x86', 'amd64', 'ppc' ]
+               the line syntax is key : [list of values]
+       """
+       newdict={}
+       for x in grablines(myfilename, recursive):
+               #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line
+               #into single spaces.
+               if x[0] == "#":
+                       continue
+               myline=x.split()
+               if len(myline) < 2 and empty == 0:
+                       continue
+               if len(myline) < 1 and empty == 1:
+                       continue
+               if incremental:
+                       newdict.setdefault(myline[0], []).extend(myline[1:])
+               else:
+                       newdict[myline[0]] = myline[1:]
+       if juststrings:
+               for k, v in newdict.iteritems():
+                       newdict[k] = " ".join(v)
+       return newdict
+def grabdict_package(myfilename, juststrings=0, recursive=0):
+       pkgs=grabdict(myfilename, juststrings, empty=1, recursive=recursive)
+       # We need to call keys() here in order to avoid the possibility of
+       # "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration"
+       # when an invalid atom is deleted.
+       for x in pkgs.keys():
+               if not isvalidatom(x):
+                       del(pkgs[x])
+                       writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, x),
+                               noiselevel=-1)
+       return pkgs
+def grabfile_package(myfilename, compatlevel=0, recursive=0):
+       pkgs=grabfile(myfilename, compatlevel, recursive=recursive)
+       for x in range(len(pkgs)-1, -1, -1):
+               pkg = pkgs[x]
+               if pkg[0] == "-":
+                       pkg = pkg[1:]
+               if pkg[0] == "*": # Kill this so we can deal the "packages" file too
+                       pkg = pkg[1:]
+               if not isvalidatom(pkg):
+                       writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, pkgs[x]),
+                               noiselevel=-1)
+                       del(pkgs[x])
+       return pkgs
+def grablines(myfilename,recursive=0):
+       mylines=[]
+       if recursive and os.path.isdir(myfilename):
+               if myfilename in ["RCS", "CVS", "SCCS"]:
+                       return mylines
+               dirlist = os.listdir(myfilename)
+               dirlist.sort()
+               for f in dirlist:
+                       if not f.startswith(".") and not f.endswith("~"):
+                               mylines.extend(grablines(
+                                       os.path.join(myfilename, f), recursive))
+       else:
+               try:
+                       myfile = open(myfilename, "r")
+                       mylines = myfile.readlines()
+                       myfile.close()
+               except IOError:
+                       pass
+       return mylines
+def writedict(mydict,myfilename,writekey=True):
+       """Writes out a dict to a file; writekey=0 mode doesn't write out
+       the key and assumes all values are strings, not lists."""
+       myfile = None
+       try:
+               myfile = atomic_ofstream(myfilename)
+               if not writekey:
+                       for x in mydict.values():
+                               myfile.write(x+"\n")
+               else:
+                       for x in mydict.keys():
+                               myfile.write("%s %s\n" % (x, " ".join(mydict[x])))
+               myfile.close()
+       except IOError:
+               if myfile is not None:
+                       myfile.abort()
+               return 0
+       return 1
+def getconfig(mycfg, tolerant=0, allow_sourcing=False, expand=True):
+       mykeys={}
+       try:
+               f=open(mycfg,'r')
+       except IOError, e:
+               if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                       raise
+               return None
+       try:
+               lex = shlex.shlex(f, posix=True)
+               lex.wordchars=string.digits+string.letters+"~!@#$%*_\:;?,./-+{}"     
+               lex.quotes="\"'"
+               if allow_sourcing:
+                       lex.source="source"
+               while 1:
+                       key=lex.get_token()
+                       if key == "export":
+                               key = lex.get_token()
+                       if key is None:
+                               #normal end of file
+                               break;
+                       equ=lex.get_token()
+                       if (equ==''):
+                               #unexpected end of file
+                               #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
+                               if not tolerant:
+                                       writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n",
+                                               noiselevel=-1)
+                                       raise Exception("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": on/before line "+str(lex.lineno))
+                               else:
+                                       return mykeys
+                       elif (equ!='='):
+                               #invalid token
+                               #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
+                               if not tolerant:
+                                       writemsg("!!! Invalid token (not \"=\") "+str(equ)+"\n",
+                                               noiselevel=-1)
+                                       raise Exception("ParseError: Invalid token (not '='): "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno))
+                               else:
+                                       return mykeys
+                       val=lex.get_token()
+                       if val is None:
+                               #unexpected end of file
+                               #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
+                               if not tolerant:
+                                       writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n",
+                                               noiselevel=-1)
+                                       raise portage_exception.CorruptionError("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno))
+                               else:
+                                       return mykeys
+                       if expand:
+                               mykeys[key] = varexpand(val, mykeys)
+                       else:
+                               mykeys[key] = val
+       except SystemExit, e:
+               raise
+       except Exception, e:
+               raise portage_exception.ParseError(str(e)+" in "+mycfg)
+       return mykeys
+#cache expansions of constant strings
+def varexpand(mystring,mydict={}):
+       newstring = cexpand.get(" "+mystring, None)
+       if newstring is not None:
+               return newstring
+       """
+       new variable expansion code.  Removes quotes, handles \n, etc.
+       This code is used by the configfile code, as well as others (parser)
+       This would be a good bunch of code to port to C.
+       """
+       numvars=0
+       mystring=" "+mystring
+       #in single, double quotes
+       insing=0
+       indoub=0
+       pos=1
+       newstring=" "
+       while (pos<len(mystring)):
+               if (mystring[pos]=="'") and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
+                       if (indoub):
+                               newstring=newstring+"'"
+                       else:
+                               insing=not insing
+                       pos=pos+1
+                       continue
+               elif (mystring[pos]=='"') and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
+                       if (insing):
+                               newstring=newstring+'"'
+                       else:
+                               indoub=not indoub
+                       pos=pos+1
+                       continue
+               if (not insing): 
+                       #expansion time
+                       if (mystring[pos]=="\n"):
+                               #convert newlines to spaces
+                               newstring=newstring+" "
+                               pos=pos+1
+                       elif (mystring[pos]=="\\"):
+                               #backslash expansion time
+                               if (pos+1>=len(mystring)):
+                                       newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
+                                       break
+                               else:
+                                       a=mystring[pos+1]
+                                       pos=pos+2
+                                       if a=='a':
+                                               newstring=newstring+chr(007)
+                                       elif a=='b':
+                                               newstring=newstring+chr(010)
+                                       elif a=='e':
+                                               newstring=newstring+chr(033)
+                                       elif (a=='f') or (a=='n'):
+                                               newstring=newstring+chr(012)
+                                       elif a=='r':
+                                               newstring=newstring+chr(015)
+                                       elif a=='t':
+                                               newstring=newstring+chr(011)
+                                       elif a=='v':
+                                               newstring=newstring+chr(013)
+                                       elif a!='\n':
+                                               #remove backslash only, as bash does: this takes care of \\ and \' and \" as well
+                                               newstring=newstring+mystring[pos-1:pos]
+                                               continue
+                       elif (mystring[pos]=="$") and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
+                               pos=pos+1
+                               if mystring[pos]=="{":
+                                       pos=pos+1
+                                       braced=True
+                               else:
+                                       braced=False
+                               myvstart=pos
+                               validchars=string.ascii_letters+string.digits+"_"
+                               while mystring[pos] in validchars:
+                                       if (pos+1)>=len(mystring):
+                                               if braced:
+                                                       cexpand[mystring]=""
+                                                       return ""
+                                               else:
+                                                       pos=pos+1
+                                                       break
+                                       pos=pos+1
+                               myvarname=mystring[myvstart:pos]
+                               if braced:
+                                       if mystring[pos]!="}":
+                                               cexpand[mystring]=""
+                                               return ""
+                                       else:
+                                               pos=pos+1
+                               if len(myvarname)==0:
+                                       cexpand[mystring]=""
+                                       return ""
+                               numvars=numvars+1
+                               if mydict.has_key(myvarname):
+                                       newstring=newstring+mydict[myvarname] 
+                       else:
+                               newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
+                               pos=pos+1
+               else:
+                       newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
+                       pos=pos+1
+       if numvars==0:
+               cexpand[mystring]=newstring[1:]
+       return newstring[1:]    
+def pickle_write(data,filename,debug=0):
+       import os
+       try:
+               myf=open(filename,"w")
+               cPickle.dump(data,myf,-1)
+               myf.flush()
+               myf.close()
+               writemsg("Wrote pickle: "+str(filename)+"\n",1)
+               os.chown(myefn,uid,portage_gid)
+               os.chmod(myefn,0664)
+       except SystemExit, e:
+               raise
+       except Exception, e:
+               return 0
+       return 1
+def pickle_read(filename,default=None,debug=0):
+       import os
+       if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
+               writemsg("pickle_read(): File not readable. '"+filename+"'\n",1)
+               return default
+       data = None
+       try:
+               myf = open(filename)
+               mypickle = cPickle.Unpickler(myf)
+               mypickle.find_global = None
+               data = mypickle.load()
+               myf.close()
+               del mypickle,myf
+               writemsg("pickle_read(): Loaded pickle. '"+filename+"'\n",1)
+       except SystemExit, e:
+               raise
+       except Exception, e:
+               writemsg("!!! Failed to load pickle: "+str(e)+"\n",1)
+               data = default
+       return data
+def dump_traceback(msg, noiselevel=1):
+       import sys, traceback
+       info = sys.exc_info()
+       if not info[2]:
+               stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1]
+               error = None
+       else:
+               stack = traceback.extract_tb(info[2])
+               error = str(info[1])
+       writemsg("\n====================================\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
+       writemsg("%s\n\n" % msg, noiselevel=noiselevel)
+       for line in traceback.format_list(stack):
+               writemsg(line, noiselevel=noiselevel)
+       if error:
+               writemsg(error+"\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
+       writemsg("====================================\n\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
+def unique_array(s):
+       """lifted from python cookbook, credit: Tim Peters
+       Return a list of the elements in s in arbitrary order, sans duplicates"""
+       n = len(s)
+       # assume all elements are hashable, if so, it's linear
+       try:
+               return list(set(s))
+       except TypeError:
+               pass
+       # so much for linear.  abuse sort.
+       try:
+               t = list(s)
+               t.sort()
+       except TypeError:
+               pass
+       else:
+               assert n > 0
+               last = t[0]
+               lasti = i = 1
+               while i < n:
+                       if t[i] != last:
+                               t[lasti] = last = t[i]
+                               lasti += 1
+                       i += 1
+               return t[:lasti]
+       # blah.  back to original portage.unique_array
+       u = []
+       for x in s:
+               if x not in u:
+                       u.append(x)
+       return u
+def apply_permissions(filename, uid=-1, gid=-1, mode=-1, mask=-1,
+       stat_cached=None, follow_links=True):
+       """Apply user, group, and mode bits to a file if the existing bits do not
+       already match.  The default behavior is to force an exact match of mode
+       bits.  When mask=0 is specified, mode bits on the target file are allowed
+       to be a superset of the mode argument (via logical OR).  When mask>0, the
+       mode bits that the target file is allowed to have are restricted via
+       logical XOR.
+       Returns True if the permissions were modified and False otherwise."""
+       modified = False
+       if stat_cached is None:
+               try:
+                       if follow_links:
+                               stat_cached = os.stat(filename)
+                       else:
+                               stat_cached = os.lstat(filename)
+               except OSError, oe:
+                       func_call = "stat('%s')" % filename
+                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
+                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
+                       else:
+                               raise
+       if      (uid != -1 and uid != stat_cached.st_uid) or \
+               (gid != -1 and gid != stat_cached.st_gid):
+               try:
+                       if follow_links:
+                               os.chown(filename, uid, gid)
+                       else:
+                               import portage_data
+                               portage_data.lchown(filename, uid, gid)
+                       modified = True
+               except OSError, oe:
+                       func_call = "chown('%s', %i, %i)" % (filename, uid, gid)
+                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
+                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
+                               raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
+                       else:
+                               raise
+       new_mode = -1
+       st_mode = stat_cached.st_mode & 07777 # protect from unwanted bits
+       if mask >= 0:
+               if mode == -1:
+                       mode = 0 # Don't add any mode bits when mode is unspecified.
+               else:
+                       mode = mode & 07777
+               if      (mode & st_mode != mode) or \
+                       ((mask ^ st_mode) & st_mode != st_mode):
+                       new_mode = mode | st_mode
+                       new_mode = (mask ^ new_mode) & new_mode
+       elif mode != -1:
+               mode = mode & 07777 # protect from unwanted bits
+               if mode != st_mode:
+                       new_mode = mode
+       # The chown system call may clear S_ISUID and S_ISGID
+       # bits, so those bits are restored if necessary.
+       if modified and new_mode == -1 and \
+               (st_mode & stat.S_ISUID or st_mode & stat.S_ISGID):
+               if mode == -1:
+                       new_mode = st_mode
+               else:
+                       mode = mode & 07777
+                       if mask >= 0:
+                               new_mode = mode | st_mode
+                               new_mode = (mask ^ new_mode) & new_mode
+                       else:
+                               new_mode = mode
+                       if not (new_mode & stat.S_ISUID or new_mode & stat.S_ISGID):
+                               new_mode = -1
+       if not follow_links and stat.S_ISLNK(stat_cached.st_mode):
+               # Mode doesn't matter for symlinks.
+               new_mode = -1
+       if new_mode != -1:
+               try:
+                       os.chmod(filename, new_mode)
+                       modified = True
+               except OSError, oe:
+                       func_call = "chmod('%s', %s)" % (filename, oct(new_mode))
+                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
+                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
+                               raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
+                       raise
+       return modified
+def apply_stat_permissions(filename, newstat, **kwargs):
+       """A wrapper around apply_secpass_permissions that gets
+       uid, gid, and mode from a stat object"""
+       return apply_secpass_permissions(filename, uid=newstat.st_uid, gid=newstat.st_gid,
+       mode=newstat.st_mode, **kwargs)
+def apply_recursive_permissions(top, uid=-1, gid=-1,
+       dirmode=-1, dirmask=-1, filemode=-1, filemask=-1, onerror=None):
+       """A wrapper around apply_secpass_permissions that applies permissions
+       recursively.  If optional argument onerror is specified, it should be a
+       function; it will be called with one argument, a PortageException instance.
+       Returns True if all permissions are applied and False if some are left
+       unapplied."""
+       if onerror is None:
+               # Default behavior is to dump errors to stderr so they won't
+               # go unnoticed.  Callers can pass in a quiet instance.
+               def onerror(e):
+                       if isinstance(e, OperationNotPermitted):
+                               writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n" % str(e),
+                                       noiselevel=-1)
+                       elif isinstance(e, FileNotFound):
+                               writemsg("File Not Found: '%s'\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+                       else:
+                               raise
+       all_applied = True
+       for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top):
+               try:
+                       applied = apply_secpass_permissions(dirpath,
+                               uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=dirmode, mask=dirmask)
+                       if not applied:
+                               all_applied = False
+               except PortageException, e:
+                       all_applied = False
+                       onerror(e)
+               for name in filenames:
+                       try:
+                               applied = apply_secpass_permissions(os.path.join(dirpath, name),
+                                       uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=filemode, mask=filemask)
+                               if not applied:
+                                       all_applied = False
+                       except PortageException, e:
+                               all_applied = False
+                               onerror(e)
+       return all_applied
+def apply_secpass_permissions(filename, uid=-1, gid=-1, mode=-1, mask=-1,
+       stat_cached=None, follow_links=True):
+       """A wrapper around apply_permissions that uses secpass and simple
+       logic to apply as much of the permissions as possible without
+       generating an obviously avoidable permission exception. Despite
+       attempts to avoid an exception, it's possible that one will be raised
+       anyway, so be prepared.
+       Returns True if all permissions are applied and False if some are left
+       unapplied."""
+       if stat_cached is None:
+               try:
+                       if follow_links:
+                               stat_cached = os.stat(filename)
+                       else:
+                               stat_cached = os.lstat(filename)
+               except OSError, oe:
+                       func_call = "stat('%s')" % filename
+                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
+                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
+                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
+                       else:
+                               raise
+       all_applied = True
+       import portage_data # not imported globally because of circular dep
+       if portage_data.secpass < 2:
+               if uid != -1 and \
+               uid != stat_cached.st_uid:
+                       all_applied = False
+                       uid = -1
+               if gid != -1 and \
+               gid != stat_cached.st_gid and \
+               gid not in os.getgroups():
+                       all_applied = False
+                       gid = -1
+       apply_permissions(filename, uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=mode, mask=mask,
+               stat_cached=stat_cached, follow_links=follow_links)
+       return all_applied
+class atomic_ofstream(file):
+       """Write a file atomically via os.rename().  Atomic replacement prevents
+       interprocess interference and prevents corruption of the target
+       file when the write is interrupted (for example, when an 'out of space'
+       error occurs)."""
+       def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', follow_links=True, **kargs):
+               """Opens a temporary in the same directory as filename."""
+               self._aborted = False
+               if follow_links:
+                       canonical_path = os.path.realpath(filename)
+                       self._real_name = canonical_path
+                       tmp_name = "%s.%i" % (canonical_path, os.getpid())
+                       try:
+                               super(atomic_ofstream, self).__init__(tmp_name, mode=mode, **kargs)
+                               return
+                       except (OSError, IOError), e:
+                               if canonical_path == filename:
+                                       raise
+                               writemsg("!!! Failed to open file: '%s'\n" % tmp_name,
+                                       noiselevel=-1)
+                               writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
+               self._real_name = filename
+               tmp_name = "%s.%i" % (filename, os.getpid())
+               super(atomic_ofstream, self).__init__(tmp_name, mode=mode, **kargs)
+       def close(self):
+               """Closes the temporary file, copies permissions (if possible),
+               and performs the atomic replacement via os.rename().  If the abort()
+               method has been called, then the temp file is closed and removed."""
+               if not self.closed:
+                       try:
+                               super(atomic_ofstream, self).close()
+                               if not self._aborted:
+                                       try:
+                                               apply_stat_permissions(, os.stat(self._real_name))
+                                       except OperationNotPermitted:
+                                               pass
+                                       except FileNotFound:
+                                               pass
+                                       except OSError, oe: # from the above os.stat call
+                                               if oe.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EPERM):
+                                                       pass
+                                               else:
+                                                       raise
+                                       os.rename(, self._real_name)
+                       finally:
+                               # Make sure we cleanup the temp file
+                               # even if an exception is raised.
+                               try:
+                                       os.unlink(
+                               except OSError, oe:
+                                       pass
+       def abort(self):
+               """If an error occurs while writing the file, the user should
+               call this method in order to leave the target file unchanged.
+               This will call close() automatically."""
+               if not self._aborted:
+                       self._aborted = True
+                       self.close()
+       def __del__(self):
+               """If the user does not explicitely call close(), it is
+               assumed that an error has occurred, so we abort()."""
+               if not self.closed:
+                       self.abort()
+               # ensure destructor from the base class is called
+               base_destructor = getattr(super(atomic_ofstream, self), '__del__', None)
+               if base_destructor is not None:
+                       base_destructor()
+def write_atomic(file_path, content):
+       f = None
+       try:
+               f = atomic_ofstream(file_path)
+               f.write(content)
+               f.close()
+       except (IOError, OSError), e:
+               if f:
+                       f.abort()
+               func_call = "write_atomic('%s')" % file_path
+               if e.errno == errno.EPERM:
+                       raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
+               elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                       raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
+               elif e.errno == errno.EROFS:
+                       raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
+               elif e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                       raise FileNotFound(file_path)
+               else:
+                       raise
+def ensure_dirs(dir_path, *args, **kwargs):
+       """Create a directory and call apply_permissions.
+       Returns True if a directory is created or the permissions needed to be
+       modified, and False otherwise."""
+       created_dir = False
+       try:
+               os.makedirs(dir_path)
+               created_dir = True
+       except OSError, oe:
+               func_call = "makedirs('%s')" % dir_path
+               if errno.EEXIST == oe.errno:
+                       pass
+               elif oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
+                       raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
+               elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                       raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
+               elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
+                       raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
+               else:
+                       raise
+       perms_modified = apply_permissions(dir_path, *args, **kwargs)
+       return created_dir or perms_modified
+class LazyItemsDict(dict):
+       """A mapping object that behaves like a standard dict except that it allows
+       for lazy initialization of values via callable objects.  Lazy items can be
+       overwritten and deleted just as normal items."""
+       def __init__(self, initial_items=None):
+               dict.__init__(self)
+               self.lazy_items = {}
+               if initial_items is not None:
+                       self.update(initial_items)
+       def addLazyItem(self, item_key, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
+               """Add a lazy item for the given key.  When the item is requested,
+               value_callable will be called with *pargs and **kwargs arguments."""
+               self.lazy_items[item_key] = (value_callable, pargs, kwargs)
+               # make it show up in self.keys(), etc...
+               dict.__setitem__(self, item_key, None)
+       def addLazySingleton(self, item_key, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
+               """This is like addLazyItem except value_callable will only be called
+               a maximum of 1 time and the result will be cached for future requests."""
+               class SingletonItem(object):
+                       def __init__(self, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
+                               self._callable = value_callable
+                               self._pargs = pargs
+                               self._kwargs = kwargs
+                               self._called = False
+                       def __call__(self):
+                               if not self._called:
+                                       self._called = True
+                                       self._value = self._callable(*self._pargs, **self._kwargs)
+                               return self._value
+               self.addLazyItem(item_key, SingletonItem(value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs))
+       def update(self, map_obj):
+               if isinstance(map_obj, LazyItemsDict):
+                       for k in map_obj:
+                               if k in map_obj.lazy_items:
+                                       dict.__setitem__(self, k, None)
+                               else:
+                                       dict.__setitem__(self, k, map_obj[k])
+                       self.lazy_items.update(map_obj.lazy_items)
+               else:
+                       dict.update(self, map_obj)
+       def __getitem__(self, item_key):
+               if item_key in self.lazy_items:
+                       value_callable, pargs, kwargs = self.lazy_items[item_key]
+                       return value_callable(*pargs, **kwargs)
+               else:
+                       return dict.__getitem__(self, item_key)
+       def __setitem__(self, item_key, value):
+               if item_key in self.lazy_items:
+                       del self.lazy_items[item_key]
+               dict.__setitem__(self, item_key, value)
+       def __delitem__(self, item_key):
+               if item_key in self.lazy_items:
+                       del self.lazy_items[item_key]
+               dict.__delitem__(self, item_key)
+class ConfigProtect(object):
+       def __init__(self, myroot, protect_list, mask_list):
+               self.myroot = myroot
+               self.protect_list = protect_list
+               self.mask_list = mask_list
+               self.updateprotect()
+       def updateprotect(self):
+               """Update internal state for isprotected() calls.  Nonexistent paths
+               are ignored."""
+               self.protect = []
+               self._dirs = set()
+               for x in self.protect_list:
+                       ppath = normalize_path(
+                               os.path.join(self.myroot, x.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
+                       mystat = None
+                       try:
+                               if stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(ppath).st_mode):
+                                       self._dirs.add(ppath)
+                               self.protect.append(ppath)
+                       except OSError:
+                               # If it doesn't exist, there's no need to protect it.
+                               pass
+               self.protectmask = []
+               for x in self.mask_list:
+                       ppath = normalize_path(
+                               os.path.join(self.myroot, x.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
+                       mystat = None
+                       try:
+                               """Use lstat so that anything, even a broken symlink can be
+                               protected."""
+                               if stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(ppath).st_mode):
+                                       self._dirs.add(ppath)
+                               self.protectmask.append(ppath)
+                               """Now use stat in case this is a symlink to a directory."""
+                               if stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(ppath).st_mode):
+                                       self._dirs.add(ppath)
+                       except OSError:
+                               # If it doesn't exist, there's no need to mask it.
+                               pass
+       def isprotected(self, obj):
+               """Returns True if obj is protected, False otherwise.  The caller must
+               ensure that obj is normalized with a single leading slash.  A trailing
+               slash is optional for directories."""
+               masked = 0
+               protected = 0
+               sep = os.path.sep
+               for ppath in self.protect:
+                       if len(ppath) > masked and obj.startswith(ppath):
+                               if ppath in self._dirs:
+                                       if obj != ppath and not obj.startswith(ppath + sep):
+                                               # /etc/foo does not match /etc/foobaz
+                                               continue
+                               elif obj != ppath:
+                                       # force exact match when CONFIG_PROTECT lists a
+                                       # non-directory
+                                       continue
+                               protected = len(ppath)
+                               #config file management
+                               for pmpath in self.protectmask:
+                                       if len(pmpath) >= protected and obj.startswith(pmpath):
+                                               if pmpath in self._dirs:
+                                                       if obj != pmpath and \
+                                                               not obj.startswith(pmpath + sep):
+                                                               # /etc/foo does not match /etc/foobaz
+                                                               continue
+                                               elif obj != pmpath:
+                                                       # force exact match when CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK lists
+                                                       # a non-directory
+                                                       continue
+                                               #skip, it's in the mask
+                                               masked = len(pmpath)
+               return protected > masked
+def new_protect_filename(mydest, newmd5=None):
+       """Resolves a config-protect filename for merging, optionally
+       using the last filename if the md5 matches.
+       (dest,md5) ==> 'string'            --- path_to_target_filename
+       (dest)     ==> ('next', 'highest') --- next_target and most-recent_target
+       """
+       # config protection filename format:
+       # ._cfg0000_foo
+       # 0123456789012
+       prot_num = -1
+       last_pfile = ""
+       if not os.path.exists(mydest):
+               return mydest
+       real_filename = os.path.basename(mydest)
+       real_dirname  = os.path.dirname(mydest)
+       for pfile in os.listdir(real_dirname):
+               if pfile[0:5] != "._cfg":
+                       continue
+               if pfile[10:] != real_filename:
+                       continue
+               try:
+                       new_prot_num = int(pfile[5:9])
+                       if new_prot_num > prot_num:
+                               prot_num = new_prot_num
+                               last_pfile = pfile
+               except ValueError:
+                       continue
+       prot_num = prot_num + 1
+       new_pfile = normalize_path(os.path.join(real_dirname,
+               "._cfg" + str(prot_num).zfill(4) + "_" + real_filename))
+       old_pfile = normalize_path(os.path.join(real_dirname, last_pfile))
+       if last_pfile and newmd5:
+               import portage_checksum
+               if portage_checksum.perform_md5(
+                       os.path.join(real_dirname, last_pfile)) == newmd5:
+                       return old_pfile
+       return new_pfile
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..63d69ba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# -- core Portage functionality
+# Copyright 1998-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import re
+ver_regexp = re.compile("^(cvs\\.)?(\\d+)((\\.\\d+)*)([a-z]?)((_(pre|p|beta|alpha|rc)\\d*)*)(-r(\\d+))?$")
+suffix_regexp = re.compile("^(alpha|beta|rc|pre|p)(\\d*)$")
+suffix_value = {"pre": -2, "p": 0, "alpha": -4, "beta": -3, "rc": -1}
+endversion_keys = ["pre", "p", "alpha", "beta", "rc"]
+from portage_exception import InvalidData
+def ververify(myver, silent=1):
+       if ver_regexp.match(myver):
+               return 1
+       else:
+               if not silent:
+                       print "!!! syntax error in version: %s" % myver
+               return 0
+vercmp_cache = {}
+def vercmp(ver1, ver2, silent=1):
+       """
+       Compare two versions
+       Example usage:
+               >>> from portage_versions import vercmp
+               >>> vercmp('1.0-r1','1.2-r3')
+               negative number
+               >>> vercmp('1.3','1.2-r3')
+               positive number
+               >>> vercmp('1.0_p3','1.0_p3')
+               0
+       @param pkg1: version to compare with (see ver_regexp in
+       @type pkg1: string (example: "2.1.2-r3")
+       @param pkg2: version to compare againts (see ver_regexp in
+       @type pkg2: string (example: "2.1.2_rc5")
+       @rtype: None or float
+       @return:
+       1. positive if ver1 is greater than ver2
+       2. negative if ver1 is less than ver2 
+       3. 0 if ver1 equals ver2
+       4. None if ver1 or ver2 are invalid (see ver_regexp in
+       """
+       if ver1 == ver2:
+               return 0
+       mykey=ver1+":"+ver2
+       try:
+               return vercmp_cache[mykey]
+       except KeyError:
+               pass
+       match1 = ver_regexp.match(ver1)
+       match2 = ver_regexp.match(ver2)
+       # checking that the versions are valid
+       if not match1 or not match1.groups():
+               if not silent:
+                       print "!!! syntax error in version: %s" % ver1
+               return None
+       if not match2 or not match2.groups():
+               if not silent:
+                       print "!!! syntax error in version: %s" % ver2
+               return None
+       # shortcut for cvs ebuilds (new style)
+       if and not
+               vercmp_cache[mykey] = 1
+               return 1
+       elif and not
+               vercmp_cache[mykey] = -1
+               return -1
+       # building lists of the version parts before the suffix
+       # first part is simple
+       list1 = [int(]
+       list2 = [int(]
+       # this part would greatly benefit from a fixed-length version pattern
+       if len( or len(
+               vlist1 =[1:].split(".")
+               vlist2 =[1:].split(".")
+               for i in range(0, max(len(vlist1), len(vlist2))):
+                       # Implcit .0 is given a value of -1, so that 1.0.0 > 1.0, since it
+                       # would be ambiguous if two versions that aren't literally equal
+                       # are given the same value (in sorting, for example).
+                       if len(vlist1) <= i or len(vlist1[i]) == 0:
+                               list1.append(-1)
+                               list2.append(int(vlist2[i]))
+                       elif len(vlist2) <= i or len(vlist2[i]) == 0:
+                               list1.append(int(vlist1[i]))
+                               list2.append(-1)
+                       # Let's make life easy and use integers unless we're forced to use floats
+                       elif (vlist1[i][0] != "0" and vlist2[i][0] != "0"):
+                               list1.append(int(vlist1[i]))
+                               list2.append(int(vlist2[i]))
+                       # now we have to use floats so 1.02 compares correctly against 1.1
+                       else:
+                               list1.append(float("0."+vlist1[i]))
+                               list2.append(float("0."+vlist2[i]))
+       # and now the final letter
+       if len(
+               list1.append(ord(
+       if len(
+               list2.append(ord(
+       for i in range(0, max(len(list1), len(list2))):
+               if len(list1) <= i:
+                       vercmp_cache[mykey] = -1
+                       return -1
+               elif len(list2) <= i:
+                       vercmp_cache[mykey] = 1
+                       return 1
+               elif list1[i] != list2[i]:
+                       vercmp_cache[mykey] = list1[i] - list2[i]
+                       return list1[i] - list2[i]
+       # main version is equal, so now compare the _suffix part
+       list1 ="_")[1:]
+       list2 ="_")[1:]
+       for i in range(0, max(len(list1), len(list2))):
+               if len(list1) <= i:
+                       s1 = ("p","0")
+               else:
+                       s1 = suffix_regexp.match(list1[i]).groups()
+               if len(list2) <= i:
+                       s2 = ("p","0")
+               else:
+                       s2 = suffix_regexp.match(list2[i]).groups()
+               if s1[0] != s2[0]:
+                       return suffix_value[s1[0]] - suffix_value[s2[0]]
+               if s1[1] != s2[1]:
+                       # it's possible that the s(1|2)[1] == ''
+                       # in such a case, fudge it.
+                       try:                    r1 = int(s1[1])
+                       except ValueError:      r1 = 0
+                       try:                    r2 = int(s2[1])
+                       except ValueError:      r2 = 0
+                       return r1 - r2
+       # the suffix part is equal to, so finally check the revision
+       if
+               r1 = int(
+       else:
+               r1 = 0
+       if
+               r2 = int(
+       else:
+               r2 = 0
+       vercmp_cache[mykey] = r1 - r2
+       return r1 - r2
+def pkgcmp(pkg1, pkg2):
+       """
+       Compare 2 package versions created in pkgsplit format.
+       Example usage:
+               >>> from portage_versions import *
+               >>> pkgcmp(pkgsplit('test-1.0-r1'),pkgsplit('test-1.2-r3'))
+               -1
+               >>> pkgcmp(pkgsplit('test-1.3'),pkgsplit('test-1.2-r3'))
+               1
+       @param pkg1: package to compare with
+       @type pkg1: list (example: ['test', '1.0', 'r1'])
+       @param pkg2: package to compare againts
+       @type pkg2: list (example: ['test', '1.0', 'r1'])
+       @rtype: None or integer
+       @return: 
+               1. None if package names are not the same
+               2. 1 if pkg1 is greater than pkg2
+               3. -1 if pkg1 is less than pkg2 
+               4. 0 if pkg1 equals pkg2
+       """
+       if pkg1[0] != pkg2[0]:
+               return None
+       mycmp=vercmp(pkg1[1],pkg2[1])
+       if mycmp>0:
+               return 1
+       if mycmp<0:
+               return -1
+       r1=float(pkg1[2][1:])
+       r2=float(pkg2[2][1:])
+       if r1>r2:
+               return 1
+       if r2>r1:
+               return -1
+       return 0
+def pkgsplit(mypkg,silent=1):
+       try:
+               if not pkgcache[mypkg]:
+                       return None
+               return pkgcache[mypkg][:]
+       except KeyError:
+               pass
+       myparts=mypkg.split("-")
+       if len(myparts)<2:
+               if not silent:
+                       print "!!! Name error in",mypkg+": missing a version or name part."
+               pkgcache[mypkg]=None
+               return None
+       for x in myparts:
+               if len(x)==0:
+                       if not silent:
+                               print "!!! Name error in",mypkg+": empty \"-\" part."
+                       pkgcache[mypkg]=None
+                       return None
+       #verify rev
+       revok=0
+       myrev=myparts[-1]
+       if len(myrev) and myrev[0]=="r":
+               try:
+                       int(myrev[1:])
+                       revok=1
+               except ValueError: # from int()
+                       pass
+       if revok:
+               verPos = -2
+               revision = myparts[-1]
+       else:
+               verPos = -1
+               revision = "r0"
+       if ververify(myparts[verPos]):
+               if len(myparts)== (-1*verPos):
+                       pkgcache[mypkg]=None
+                       return None
+               else:
+                       for x in myparts[:verPos]:
+                               if ververify(x):
+                                       pkgcache[mypkg]=None
+                                       return None
+                                       #names can't have versiony looking parts
+                       myval=["-".join(myparts[:verPos]),myparts[verPos],revision]
+                       pkgcache[mypkg]=myval
+                       return myval
+       else:
+               pkgcache[mypkg]=None
+               return None
+_valid_category = re.compile("^\w[\w-]*")
+def catpkgsplit(mydata,silent=1):
+       """
+       Takes a Category/Package-Version-Rev and returns a list of each.
+       @param mydata: Data to split
+       @type mydata: string 
+       @param silent: suppress error messages
+       @type silent: Boolean (integer)
+       @rype: list
+       @return:
+       1.  If each exists, it returns [cat, pkgname, version, rev]
+       2.  If cat is not specificed in mydata, cat will be "null"
+       3.  if rev does not exist it will be '-r0'
+       4.  If cat is invalid (specified but has incorrect syntax)
+               an InvalidData Exception will be thrown
+       """
+       # Categories may contain a-zA-z0-9+_- but cannot start with -
+       global _valid_category
+       import portage_dep
+       try:
+               if not catcache[mydata]:
+                       return None
+               return catcache[mydata][:]
+       except KeyError:
+               pass
+       mysplit=mydata.split("/")
+       p_split=None
+       if len(mysplit)==1:
+               retval=["null"]
+               p_split=pkgsplit(mydata,silent=silent)
+       elif len(mysplit)==2:
+               if portage_dep._dep_check_strict and \
+                       not _valid_category.match(mysplit[0]):
+                       raise InvalidData("Invalid category in %s" %mydata )
+               retval=[mysplit[0]]
+               p_split=pkgsplit(mysplit[1],silent=silent)
+       if not p_split:
+               catcache[mydata]=None
+               return None
+       retval.extend(p_split)
+       catcache[mydata]=retval
+       return retval
+def catsplit(mydep):
+        return mydep.split("/", 1)
+def best(mymatches):
+       """Accepts None arguments; assumes matches are valid."""
+       if mymatches is None:
+               return ""
+       if not len(mymatches):
+               return ""
+       bestmatch = mymatches[0]
+       p2 = catpkgsplit(bestmatch)[1:]
+       for x in mymatches[1:]:
+               p1 = catpkgsplit(x)[1:]
+               if pkgcmp(p1, p2) > 0:
+                       bestmatch = x
+                       p2 = catpkgsplit(bestmatch)[1:]
+       return bestmatch
diff --git a/pym/portage/ b/pym/portage/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b7ef582
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# Copyright 2001-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# The format for a tbz2/xpak:
+#  tbz2: tar.bz2 + xpak + (xpak_offset) + "STOP"
+#  xpak: "XPAKPACK" + (index_len) + (data_len) + index + data + "XPAKSTOP"
+# index: (pathname_len) + pathname + (data_offset) + (data_len)
+#        index entries are concatenated end-to-end.
+#  data: concatenated data chunks, end-to-end.
+# (integer) == encodeint(integer)  ===> 4 characters (big-endian copy)
+# '+' means concatenate the fields ===> All chunks are strings
+import sys,os,shutil,errno
+from stat import *
+def addtolist(mylist,curdir):
+       """(list, dir) --- Takes an array(list) and appends all files from dir down
+       the directory tree. Returns nothing. list is modified."""
+       for x in os.listdir("."):
+               if os.path.isdir(x):
+                       os.chdir(x)
+                       addtolist(mylist,curdir+x+"/")
+                       os.chdir("..")
+               else:
+                       if curdir+x not in mylist:
+                               mylist.append(curdir+x)
+def encodeint(myint):
+       """Takes a 4 byte integer and converts it into a string of 4 characters.
+       Returns the characters in a string."""
+       part1=chr((myint >> 24 ) & 0x000000ff)
+       part2=chr((myint >> 16 ) & 0x000000ff)
+       part3=chr((myint >> 8 ) & 0x000000ff)
+       part4=chr(myint & 0x000000ff)
+       return part1+part2+part3+part4
+def decodeint(mystring):
+       """Takes a 4 byte string and converts it into a 4 byte integer.
+       Returns an integer."""
+       myint=0
+       myint=myint+ord(mystring[3])
+       myint=myint+(ord(mystring[2]) << 8)
+       myint=myint+(ord(mystring[1]) << 16)
+       myint=myint+(ord(mystring[0]) << 24)
+       return myint
+def xpak(rootdir,outfile=None):
+       """(rootdir,outfile) -- creates an xpak segment of the directory 'rootdir'
+       and under the name 'outfile' if it is specified. Otherwise it returns the
+       xpak segment."""
+       try:
+               origdir=os.getcwd()
+       except SystemExit, e:
+               raise
+       except:
+               os.chdir("/")
+               origdir="/"
+       os.chdir(rootdir)
+       mylist=[]
+       addtolist(mylist,"")
+       mylist.sort()
+       mydata = {}
+       for x in mylist:
+               a = open(x, "r")
+               mydata[x] =
+               a.close()
+       os.chdir(origdir)
+       xpak_segment = xpak_mem(mydata)
+       if outfile:
+               outf = open(outfile, "w")
+               outf.write(xpak_segment)
+               outf.close()
+       else:
+               return xpak_segment
+def xpak_mem(mydata):
+       """Create an xpack segement from a map object."""
+       indexglob=""
+       indexpos=0
+       dataglob=""
+       datapos=0
+       for x, newglob in mydata.iteritems():
+               mydatasize=len(newglob)
+               indexglob=indexglob+encodeint(len(x))+x+encodeint(datapos)+encodeint(mydatasize)
+               indexpos=indexpos+4+len(x)+4+4
+               dataglob=dataglob+newglob
+               datapos=datapos+mydatasize
+       return "XPAKPACK" \
+       + encodeint(len(indexglob)) \
+       + encodeint(len(dataglob)) \
+       + indexglob \
+       + dataglob \
+       + "XPAKSTOP"
+def xsplit(infile):
+       """(infile) -- Splits the infile into two files.
+       'infile.index' contains the index segment.
+       'infile.dat' contails the data segment."""
+       myfile=open(infile,"r")
+       myfile.close()
+       splits = xsplit_mem(mydat)
+       if not splits:
+               return False
+       myfile=open(infile+".index","w")
+       myfile.write(splits[0])
+       myfile.close()
+       myfile=open(infile+".dat","w")
+       myfile.write(splits[1])
+       myfile.close()
+       return True
+def xsplit_mem(mydat):
+       if mydat[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
+               return None
+       if mydat[-8:]!="XPAKSTOP":
+               return None
+       indexsize=decodeint(mydat[8:12])
+       datasize=decodeint(mydat[12:16])
+       return (mydat[16:indexsize+16], mydat[indexsize+16:-8])
+def getindex(infile):
+       """(infile) -- grabs the index segment from the infile and returns it."""
+       myfile=open(infile,"r")
+       if myheader[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
+               myfile.close()
+               return
+       indexsize=decodeint(myheader[8:12])
+       myfile.close()
+       return myindex
+def getboth(infile):
+       """(infile) -- grabs the index and data segments from the infile.
+       Returns an array [indexSegment,dataSegment]"""
+       myfile=open(infile,"r")
+       if myheader[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
+               myfile.close()
+               return
+       indexsize=decodeint(myheader[8:12])
+       datasize=decodeint(myheader[12:16])
+       myfile.close()
+       return myindex, mydata
+def listindex(myindex):
+       """Print to the terminal the filenames listed in the indexglob passed in."""
+       for x in getindex_mem(myindex):
+               print x
+def getindex_mem(myindex):
+       """Returns the filenames listed in the indexglob passed in."""
+       myindexlen=len(myindex)
+       startpos=0
+       myret=[]
+       while ((startpos+8)<myindexlen):
+               mytestlen=decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos+4])
+               myret=myret+[myindex[startpos+4:startpos+4+mytestlen]]
+               startpos=startpos+mytestlen+12
+       return myret
+def searchindex(myindex,myitem):
+       """(index,item) -- Finds the offset and length of the file 'item' in the
+       datasegment via the index 'index' provided."""
+       mylen=len(myitem)
+       myindexlen=len(myindex)
+       startpos=0
+       while ((startpos+8)<myindexlen):
+               mytestlen=decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos+4])
+               if mytestlen==mylen:
+                       if myitem==myindex[startpos+4:startpos+4+mytestlen]:
+                               #found
+                               datapos=decodeint(myindex[startpos+4+mytestlen:startpos+8+mytestlen]);
+                               datalen=decodeint(myindex[startpos+8+mytestlen:startpos+12+mytestlen]);
+                               return datapos, datalen
+               startpos=startpos+mytestlen+12
+def getitem(myid,myitem):
+       myindex=myid[0]
+       mydata=myid[1]
+       myloc=searchindex(myindex,myitem)
+       if not myloc:
+               return None
+       return mydata[myloc[0]:myloc[0]+myloc[1]]
+def xpand(myid,mydest):
+       myindex=myid[0]
+       mydata=myid[1]
+       try:
+               origdir=os.getcwd()
+       except SystemExit, e:
+               raise
+       except:
+               os.chdir("/")
+               origdir="/"
+       os.chdir(mydest)
+       myindexlen=len(myindex)
+       startpos=0
+       while ((startpos+8)<myindexlen):
+               namelen=decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos+4])
+               datapos=decodeint(myindex[startpos+4+namelen:startpos+8+namelen]);
+               datalen=decodeint(myindex[startpos+8+namelen:startpos+12+namelen]);
+               myname=myindex[startpos+4:startpos+4+namelen]
+               dirname=os.path.dirname(myname)
+               if dirname:
+                       if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+                               os.makedirs(dirname)
+               mydat=open(myname,"w")
+               mydat.write(mydata[datapos:datapos+datalen])
+               mydat.close()
+               startpos=startpos+namelen+12
+       os.chdir(origdir)
+class tbz2:
+       def __init__(self,myfile):
+               self.file=myfile
+               self.filestat=None
+               self.index=""
+               self.infosize=0
+               self.xpaksize=0
+               self.indexsize=None
+               self.datasize=None
+               self.indexpos=None
+               self.datapos=None
+               self.scan()
+       def decompose(self,datadir,cleanup=1):
+               """Alias for unpackinfo() --- Complement to recompose() but optionally
+               deletes the destination directory. Extracts the xpak from the tbz2 into
+               the directory provided. Raises IOError if scan() fails.
+               Returns result of upackinfo()."""
+               if not self.scan():
+                       raise IOError
+               if cleanup:
+                       self.cleanup(datadir)
+               if not os.path.exists(datadir):
+                       os.makedirs(datadir)
+               return self.unpackinfo(datadir)
+       def compose(self,datadir,cleanup=0):
+               """Alias for recompose()."""
+               return recompose(datadir,cleanup)
+       def recompose(self,datadir,cleanup=0):
+               """Creates an xpak segment from the datadir provided, truncates the tbz2
+               to the end of regular data if an xpak segment already exists, and adds
+               the new segment to the file with terminating info."""
+               xpdata = xpak(datadir)
+               self.recompose_mem(xpdata)
+               if cleanup:
+                       self.cleanup(datadir)
+       def recompose_mem(self, xpdata):
+               self.scan() # Don't care about condition... We'll rewrite the data anyway.
+               myfile=open(self.file,"a+")
+               if not myfile:
+                       raise IOError
+     ,2) # 0,2 or -0,2 just mean EOF.
+               myfile.truncate()
+               myfile.write(xpdata+encodeint(len(xpdata))+"STOP")
+               myfile.flush()
+               myfile.close()
+               return 1
+       def cleanup(self, datadir):
+               datadir_split = os.path.split(datadir)
+               if len(datadir_split) >= 2 and len(datadir_split[1]) > 0:
+                       # This is potentially dangerous,
+                       # thus the above sanity check.
+                       try:
+                               shutil.rmtree(datadir)
+                       except OSError, oe:
+                               if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                                       pass
+                               else:
+                                       raise oe
+       def scan(self):
+               """Scans the tbz2 to locate the xpak segment and setup internal values.
+               This function is called by relevant functions already."""
+               try:
+                       mystat=os.stat(self.file)
+                       if self.filestat:
+                               changed=0
+                               for x in [ST_SIZE, ST_MTIME, ST_CTIME]:
+                                       if mystat[x] != self.filestat[x]:
+                                               changed=1
+                               if not changed:
+                                       return 1
+                       self.filestat=mystat
+                       a=open(self.file,"r")
+             ,2)
+                       self.infosize=0
+                       self.xpaksize=0
+                       if trailer[-4:]!="STOP":
+                               a.close()
+                               return 0
+                       if trailer[0:8]!="XPAKSTOP":
+                               a.close()
+                               return 0
+                       self.infosize=decodeint(trailer[8:12])
+                       self.xpaksize=self.infosize+8
+             ,2)
+                       if header[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
+                               a.close()
+                               return 0
+                       self.indexsize=decodeint(header[8:12])
+                       self.datasize=decodeint(header[12:16])
+                       self.indexpos=a.tell()
+                       self.datapos=a.tell()
+                       a.close()
+                       return 2
+               except SystemExit, e:
+                       raise
+               except:
+                       return 0
+       def filelist(self):
+               """Return an array of each file listed in the index."""
+               if not self.scan():
+                       return None
+               return getindex_mem(self.index)
+       def getfile(self,myfile,mydefault=None):
+               """Finds 'myfile' in the data segment and returns it."""
+               if not self.scan():
+                       return None
+               myresult=searchindex(self.index,myfile)
+               if not myresult:
+                       return mydefault
+               a=open(self.file,"r")
+     [0],0)
+     [1])
+               a.close()
+               return myreturn
+       def getelements(self,myfile):
+               """A split/array representation of tbz2.getfile()"""
+               mydat=self.getfile(myfile)
+               if not mydat:
+                       return []
+               return mydat.split()
+       def unpackinfo(self,mydest):
+               """Unpacks all the files from the dataSegment into 'mydest'."""
+               if not self.scan():
+                       return 0
+               try:
+                       origdir=os.getcwd()
+               except SystemExit, e:
+                       raise
+               except:
+                       os.chdir("/")
+                       origdir="/"
+               a=open(self.file,"r")
+               if not os.path.exists(mydest):
+                       os.makedirs(mydest)
+               os.chdir(mydest)
+               startpos=0
+               while ((startpos+8)<self.indexsize):
+                       namelen=decodeint(self.index[startpos:startpos+4])
+                       datapos=decodeint(self.index[startpos+4+namelen:startpos+8+namelen]);
+                       datalen=decodeint(self.index[startpos+8+namelen:startpos+12+namelen]);
+                       myname=self.index[startpos+4:startpos+4+namelen]
+                       dirname=os.path.dirname(myname)
+                       if dirname:
+                               if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+                                       os.makedirs(dirname)
+                       mydat=open(myname,"w")
+                       mydat.write(
+                       mydat.close()
+                       startpos=startpos+namelen+12
+               a.close()
+               os.chdir(origdir)
+               return 1
+       def get_data(self):
+               """Returns all the files from the dataSegment as a map object."""
+               if not self.scan():
+                       return 0
+               a = open(self.file, "r")
+               mydata = {}
+               startpos=0
+               while ((startpos+8)<self.indexsize):
+                       namelen=decodeint(self.index[startpos:startpos+4])
+                       datapos=decodeint(self.index[startpos+4+namelen:startpos+8+namelen]);
+                       datalen=decodeint(self.index[startpos+8+namelen:startpos+12+namelen]);
+                       myname=self.index[startpos+4:startpos+4+namelen]
+                       mydata[myname] =
+                       startpos=startpos+namelen+12
+               a.close()
+               return mydata
+       def getboth(self):
+               """Returns an array [indexSegment,dataSegment]"""
+               if not self.scan():
+                       return None
+               a = open(self.file,"r")
+               mydata
+               a.close()
+               return self.index, mydata
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f1a89c8e913cba289d9270cf2dc7993ac55ab11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# -- core Portage functionality
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-import os
-import errno
-import shutil
-import stat
-import portage_exception
-import portage_exec
-import portage_util
-import portage_locks
-import commands
-import sha
-# actual hash functions first
-#dict of all available hash functions
-hashfunc_map = {}
-# We _try_ to load this module. If it fails we do the slightly slower fallback.
-       import fchksum
-       def md5hash(filename):
-               return fchksum.fmd5t(filename)
-except ImportError:
-       import md5
-       def md5hash(filename):
-               return pyhash(filename, md5)
-hashfunc_map["MD5"] = md5hash
-def sha1hash(filename):
-       return pyhash(filename, sha)
-hashfunc_map["SHA1"] = sha1hash
-# Keep pycrypto optional for now, there are no internal fallbacks for these
-       import Crypto.Hash.SHA256
-       def sha256hash(filename):
-               return pyhash(filename, Crypto.Hash.SHA256)
-       hashfunc_map["SHA256"] = sha256hash
-except ImportError:
-       pass
-       import Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD
-       def rmd160hash(filename):
-               return pyhash(filename, Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD)
-       hashfunc_map["RMD160"] = rmd160hash
-except ImportError:
-       pass
-def getsize(filename):
-       size = os.stat(filename).st_size
-       return (size, size)
-hashfunc_map["size"] = getsize
-# end actual hash functions
-prelink_capable = False
-if os.path.exists(PRELINK_BINARY):
-       results = commands.getstatusoutput(PRELINK_BINARY+" --version > /dev/null 2>&1")
-       if (results[0] >> 8) == 0:
-               prelink_capable=1
-       del results
-def perform_md5(x, calc_prelink=0):
-       return perform_checksum(x, "MD5", calc_prelink)[0]
-def perform_all(x, calc_prelink=0):
-       mydict = {}
-       for k in hashfunc_map.keys():
-               mydict[k] = perform_checksum(x, hashfunc_map[k], calc_prelink)[0]
-       return mydict
-def get_valid_checksum_keys():
-       return hashfunc_map.keys()
-def verify_all(filename, mydict, calc_prelink=0, strict=0):
-       """
-       Verify all checksums against a file.
-       @param filename: File to run the checksums against
-       @type filename: String
-       @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
-       @type calc_prelink: Integer
-       @param strict: Enable/Disable strict checking (which stops exactly at a checksum failure and throws an exception)
-       @type strict: Integer
-       @rtype: Tuple
-       @return: Result of the checks and possible message:
-               1) If size fails, False, and a tuple containing a message, the given size, and the actual size
-               2) If there is an os error, False, and a tuple containing the system error followed by 2 nulls
-               3) If a checksum fails, False and a tuple containing a message, the given hash, and the actual hash
-               4) If all checks succeed, return True and a fake reason
-       """
-       # Dict relates to single file only.
-       # returns: (passed,reason)
-       file_is_ok = True
-       reason     = "Reason unknown"
-       try:
-               mysize = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_SIZE]
-               if mydict["size"] != mysize:
-                       return False,("Filesize does not match recorded size", mysize, mydict["size"])
-       except OSError, e:
-               if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                       raise portage_exception.FileNotFound(filename)
-               return False, (str(e), None, None)
-       for x in mydict.keys():
-               if   x == "size":
-                       continue
-               elif x in hashfunc_map.keys():
-                       myhash = perform_checksum(filename, x, calc_prelink=calc_prelink)[0]
-                       if mydict[x] != myhash:
-                               if strict:
-                                       raise portage_exception.DigestException, "Failed to verify '$(file)s' on checksum type '%(type)s'" % {"file":filename, "type":x}
-                               else:
-                                       file_is_ok = False
-                                       reason     = (("Failed on %s verification" % x), myhash,mydict[x])
-                                       break
-       return file_is_ok,reason
-def pyhash(filename, hashobject):
-       """
-       Run a checksum against a file.
-       @param filename: File to run the checksum against
-       @type filename: String
-       @param hashname: The hash object that will execute the checksum on the file
-       @type hashname: Object
-       @return: The hash and size of the data
-       """
-       f = open(filename, 'rb')
-       blocksize = HASHING_BLOCKSIZE
-       data =
-       size = 0L
-       sum =
-       while data:
-               sum.update(data)
-               size = size + len(data)
-               data =
-       f.close()
-       return (sum.hexdigest(), size)
-def perform_checksum(filename, hashname="MD5", calc_prelink=0):
-       """
-       Run a specific checksum against a file.
-       @param filename: File to run the checksum against
-       @type filename: String
-       @param hashname: The type of hash function to run
-       @type hashname: String
-       @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
-       @type calc_prelink: Integer
-       @rtype: Tuple
-       @return: The hash and size of the data
-       """
-       myfilename      = filename[:]
-       prelink_tmpfile = os.path.join("/", PRIVATE_PATH, "prelink-checksum.tmp." + str(os.getpid()))
-       mylock          = None
-       try:
-               if calc_prelink and prelink_capable:
-                       mylock = portage_locks.lockfile(prelink_tmpfile, wantnewlockfile=1)
-                       # Create non-prelinked temporary file to checksum.
-                       # Files rejected by prelink are summed in place.
-                       retval = portage_exec.spawn([PRELINK_BINARY, "--undo", "-o",
-                               prelink_tmpfile, filename], fd_pipes={})
-                       if retval == os.EX_OK:
-                               myfilename = prelink_tmpfile
-               try:
-                       if hashname not in hashfunc_map:
-                               raise portage_exception.DigestException(hashname + \
-                                       " hash function not available (needs dev-python/pycrypto)")
-                       myhash, mysize = hashfunc_map[hashname](myfilename)
-               except (OSError, IOError), e:
-                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                               raise portage_exception.FileNotFound(myfilename)
-                       raise
-               if calc_prelink and prelink_capable:
-                       try:
-                               os.unlink(prelink_tmpfile)
-                       except OSError, e:
-                               if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-                                       raise
-                               del e
-               return myhash, mysize
-       finally:
-               if mylock:
-                       portage_locks.unlockfile(mylock)
-def perform_multiple_checksums(filename, hashes=["MD5"], calc_prelink=0):
-       """
-       Run a group of checksums against a file.
-       @param filename: File to run the checksums against
-       @type filename: String
-       @param hashes: A list of checksum functions to run against the file
-       @type hashname: List
-       @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
-       @type calc_prelink: Integer
-       @rtype: Tuple
-       @return: A dictionary in the form:
-               return_value[hash_name] = (hash_result,size)
-               for each given checksum
-       """
-       rVal = {}
-       for x in hashes:
-               if x not in hashfunc_map:
-                       raise portage_exception.DigestException, x+" hash function not available (needs dev-python/pycrypto)"
-               rVal[x] = perform_checksum(filename, x, calc_prelink)[0]
-       return rVal
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90dfb342cf82e306b5690802279e7fc02de6d1aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e1af7cb442060e6b9a135251774f83104dd58692..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# portage: Constants
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
-import os
-VDB_PATH                = "var/db/pkg"
-PRIVATE_PATH            = "var/lib/portage"
-CACHE_PATH              = "/var/cache/edb"
-DEPCACHE_PATH           = CACHE_PATH+"/dep"
-USER_CONFIG_PATH        = "/etc/portage"
-#PORTAGE_BASE_PATH       = "/usr/lib/portage"
-PORTAGE_BASE_PATH       = os.path.join(os.sep, os.sep.join(__file__.split(os.sep)[:-2]))
-NEWS_LIB_PATH           = "/var/lib/gentoo"
-PROFILE_PATH            = "/etc/make.profile"
-SANDBOX_BINARY          = "/usr/bin/sandbox"
-BASH_BINARY             = "/bin/bash"
-MOVE_BINARY             = "/bin/mv"
-PRELINK_BINARY          = "/usr/sbin/prelink"
-WORLD_FILE              = PRIVATE_PATH + "/world"
-MAKE_CONF_FILE          = "/etc/make.conf"
-MAKE_DEFAULTS_FILE      = PROFILE_PATH + "/make.defaults"
-INVALID_ENV_FILE        = "/etc/spork/is/not/valid/profile.env"
-REPO_NAME_FILE         = "repo_name"
-REPO_NAME_LOC          = "profiles" + "/" + REPO_NAME_FILE
-EBUILD_PHASES           = ["setup", "unpack", "compile", "test", "install",
-                          "preinst", "postinst", "prerm", "postrm", "other"]
-EAPI = 0
-HASHING_BLOCKSIZE        = 32768
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aac7e46cd38718d0a5336f79d6d9ebf0fa10603e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 707c76b2dfecce74c6e4c701a0d3f4f2dc37be76..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# -- Calculated/Discovered Data Values
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
-       from sets import Set as set
-import os,pwd,grp
-from portage_util import writemsg
-from output import green,red
-from output import create_color_func
-bad = create_color_func("BAD")
-lchown = None
-if ostype=="Linux" or ostype.lower().endswith("gnu"):
-       userland="GNU"
-       os.environ["XARGS"]="xargs -r"
-elif ostype == "Darwin":
-       userland="Darwin"
-       os.environ["XARGS"]="xargs"
-       def lchown(*pos_args, **key_args):
-               pass
-elif ostype.endswith("BSD") or ostype =="DragonFly":
-       userland="BSD"
-       os.environ["XARGS"]="xargs"
-       writemsg(red("Operating system")+" \""+ostype+"\" "+red("currently unsupported. Exiting.")+"\n")
-       sys.exit(1)
-if not lchown:
-       if "lchown" in dir(os):
-               # Included in python-2.3
-               lchown = os.lchown
-       else:
-               try:
-                       import missingos
-                       lchown = missingos.lchown
-               except ImportError:
-                       def lchown(*pos_args, **key_args):
-                               writemsg(red("!!!") + " It seems that os.lchown does not" + \
-                                       " exist.  Please rebuild python.\n", noiselevel=-1)
-                       lchown()
-def portage_group_warning():
-       warn_prefix = bad("*** WARNING ***  ")
-       mylines = [
-               "For security reasons, only system administrators should be",
-               "allowed in the portage group.  Untrusted users or processes",
-               "can potentially exploit the portage group for attacks such as",
-               "local privilege escalation."
-       ]
-       for x in mylines:
-               writemsg(warn_prefix, noiselevel=-1)
-               writemsg(x, noiselevel=-1)
-               writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1)
-       writemsg("\n", noiselevel=-1)
-# Portage has 3 security levels that depend on the uid and gid of the main
-# process and are assigned according to the following table:
-# Privileges  secpass  uid    gid
-# normal      0        any    any
-# group       1        any    portage_gid
-# super       2        0      any
-# If the "wheel" group does not exist then wheelgid falls back to 0.
-# If the "portage" group does not exist then portage_uid falls back to wheelgid.
-if uid==0:
-       secpass=2
-       wheelgid=grp.getgrnam("wheel")[2]
-except KeyError:
-       writemsg("portage initialization: your system doesn't have a 'wheel' group.\n")
-       writemsg("Please fix this as it is a normal system requirement. 'wheel' is GID 10\n")
-       writemsg("`emerge baselayout` and a config update with dispatch-conf, etc-update\n")
-       writemsg("or cfg-update should remedy this problem.\n")
-       pass
-#Discover the uid and gid of the portage user/group
-       portage_uid=pwd.getpwnam("portage")[2]
-       portage_gid=grp.getgrnam("portage")[2]
-       if secpass < 1 and portage_gid in os.getgroups():
-               secpass=1
-except KeyError:
-       portage_uid=0
-       portage_gid=0
-       writemsg("\n")
-       writemsg(  red("portage: 'portage' user or group missing. Please update baselayout\n"))
-       writemsg(  red("         and merge portage user(250) and group(250) into your passwd\n"))
-       writemsg(  red("         and group files. Non-root compilation is disabled until then.\n"))
-       writemsg(      "         Also note that non-root/wheel users will need to be added to\n")
-       writemsg(      "         the portage group to do portage commands.\n")
-       writemsg("\n")
-       writemsg(      "         For the defaults, line 1 goes into passwd, and 2 into group.\n")
-       writemsg(green("         portage:x:250:250:portage:/var/tmp/portage:/bin/false\n"))
-       writemsg(green("         portage::250:portage\n"))
-       writemsg("\n")
-       portage_group_warning()
-userpriv_groups = [portage_gid]
-if secpass >= 2:
-       # Get a list of group IDs for the portage user.  Do not use grp.getgrall()
-       # since it is known to trigger spurious SIGPIPE problems with nss_ldap.
-       from commands import getstatusoutput
-       mystatus, myoutput = getstatusoutput("id -G portage")
-       if mystatus == os.EX_OK:
-               for x in myoutput.split():
-                       try:
-                               userpriv_groups.append(int(x))
-                       except ValueError:
-                               pass
-                       del x
-               userpriv_groups = list(set(userpriv_groups))
-       del getstatusoutput, mystatus, myoutput
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55990ebc469f7aeb2200de76419b2eca30aa10f2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2ee8bcf28fb3ef4e25b85f02849b781668ad55a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-import os, sys, threading
-import portage_const
-from portage_util import writemsg
-def set_trace(on=True):
-       if on:
-               t = trace_handler()
-               threading.settrace(t.event_handler)
-               sys.settrace(t.event_handler)
-       else:
-               sys.settrace(None)
-               threading.settrace(None)
-class trace_handler(object):
-       def __init__(self):
-               python_system_paths = []
-               for x in sys.path:
-                       if os.path.basename(x).startswith("python2."):
-                               python_system_paths.append(x)
-               self.ignore_prefixes = []
-               for x in python_system_paths:
-                       self.ignore_prefixes.append(x + os.sep)
-               self.trim_filename = prefix_trimmer(os.path.join(portage_const.PORTAGE_BASE_PATH, "pym") + os.sep).trim
-               self.show_local_lines = False
-               self.max_repr_length = 200
-       def event_handler(self, *args):
-               frame, event, arg = args
-               if "line" == event:
-                       if self.show_local_lines:
-                               self.trace_line(*args)
-               else:
-                       if not self.ignore_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename):
-                               self.trace_event(*args)
-                               return self.event_handler
-       def trace_event(self, frame, event, arg):
-               writemsg("%s line=%d name=%s event=%s %slocals=%s\n" % \
-               (self.trim_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename),
-               frame.f_lineno,
-               frame.f_code.co_name,
-               event,
-               self.arg_repr(frame, event, arg),
-               self.locals_repr(frame, event, arg)))
-       def arg_repr(self, frame, event, arg):
-               my_repr = None
-               if "return" == event:
-                       my_repr = repr(arg)
-                       if len(my_repr) > self.max_repr_length:
-                               my_repr = "'omitted'"
-                       return "value=%s " % my_repr
-               elif "exception" == event:
-                       my_repr = repr(arg[1])
-                       if len(my_repr) > self.max_repr_length:
-                               my_repr = "'omitted'"
-                       return "type=%s value=%s " % (arg[0], my_repr)
-               return ""
-       def trace_line(self, frame, event, arg):
-               writemsg("%s line=%d\n" % (self.trim_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename), frame.f_lineno))
-       def ignore_filename(self, filename):
-               if filename:
-                       for x in self.ignore_prefixes:
-                               if filename.startswith(x):
-                                       return True
-               return False
-       def locals_repr(self, frame, event, arg):
-               """Create a representation of the locals dict that is suitable for
-               tracing output."""
-               my_locals = frame.f_locals.copy()
-               # prevent unsafe  __repr__ call on self when __init__ is called
-               # (method calls aren't safe until after __init__  has completed).
-               if frame.f_code.co_name == "__init__" and "self" in my_locals:
-                       my_locals["self"] = "omitted"
-               # We omit items that will lead to unreasonable bloat of the trace
-               # output (and resulting log file).
-               for k, v in my_locals.iteritems():
-                       my_repr = repr(v)
-                       if len(my_repr) > self.max_repr_length:
-                               my_locals[k] = "omitted"
-               return my_locals
-class prefix_trimmer(object):
-       def __init__(self, prefix):
-               self.prefix = prefix
-               self.cut_index = len(prefix)
-               self.previous = None
-               self.previous_trimmed = None
-       def trim(self, s):
-               """Remove a prefix from the string and return the result.
-               The previous result is automatically cached."""
-               if s == self.previous:
-                       return self.previous_trimmed
-               else:
-                       if s.startswith(self.prefix):
-                               self.previous_trimmed = s[self.cut_index:]
-                       else:
-                               self.previous_trimmed = s
-                       return self.previous_trimmed
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52af90d3df5867c52e0dc6a21cd9aa4fae99a000
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bf40452ac6c5158a54361e56fa198cd96c4430b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-# -- Portage dependency resolution functions
-# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-# 'use?' only affects the immediately following word!
-# Nesting is the only legal way to form multiple '[!]use?' requirements.
-# Where: 'a' and 'b' are use flags, and 'z' is a depend atom.
-# "a? z"           -- If 'a' in [use], then b is valid.
-# "a? ( z )"       -- Syntax with parenthesis.
-# "a? b? z"        -- Deprecated.
-# "a? ( b? z )"    -- Valid
-# "a? ( b? ( z ) ) -- Valid
-import re,  sys, types
-import portage_exception
-from portage_exception import InvalidData
-from portage_versions import catpkgsplit, catsplit, pkgcmp, pkgsplit, ververify
-def cpvequal(cpv1, cpv2):
-       split1 = catpkgsplit(cpv1)
-       split2 = catpkgsplit(cpv2)
-       if not split1 or not split2:
-               raise portage_exception.PortageException("Invalid data '%s, %s', parameter was not a CPV" % (cpv1, cpv2))
-       if split1[0] != split2[0]:
-               return False
-       return (pkgcmp(split1[1:], split2[1:]) == 0)
-def strip_empty(myarr):
-       """
-       Strip all empty elements from an array
-       @param myarr: The list of elements
-       @type myarr: List
-       @rtype: Array
-       @return: The array with empty elements removed
-       """
-       for x in range(len(myarr)-1, -1, -1):
-               if not myarr[x]:
-                       del myarr[x]
-       return myarr
-def paren_reduce(mystr,tokenize=1):
-       """
-       Take a string and convert all paren enclosed entities into sublists, optionally
-       futher splitting the list elements by spaces.
-       Example usage:
-               >>> paren_reduce('foobar foo ( bar baz )',1)
-               ['foobar', 'foo', ['bar', 'baz']]
-               >>> paren_reduce('foobar foo ( bar baz )',0)
-               ['foobar foo ', [' bar baz ']]
-       @param mystr: The string to reduce
-       @type mystr: String
-       @param tokenize: Split on spaces to produces further list breakdown
-       @type tokenize: Integer
-       @rtype: Array
-       @return: The reduced string in an array
-       """
-       mylist = []
-       while mystr:
-               if ("(" not in mystr) and (")" not in mystr):
-                       freesec = mystr
-                       subsec = None
-                       tail = ""
-               elif mystr[0] == ")":
-                       return [mylist,mystr[1:]]
-               elif ("(" in mystr) and (mystr.index("(") < mystr.index(")")):
-                       freesec,subsec = mystr.split("(",1)
-                       subsec,tail = paren_reduce(subsec,tokenize)
-               else:
-                       subsec,tail = mystr.split(")",1)
-                       if tokenize:
-                               subsec = strip_empty(subsec.split(" "))
-                               return [mylist+subsec,tail]
-                       return mylist+[subsec],tail
-               mystr = tail
-               if freesec:
-                       if tokenize:
-                               mylist = mylist + strip_empty(freesec.split(" "))
-                       else:
-                               mylist = mylist + [freesec]
-               if subsec is not None:
-                       mylist = mylist + [subsec]
-       return mylist
-def paren_enclose(mylist):
-       """
-       Convert a list to a string with sublists enclosed with parens.
-       Example usage:
-               >>> test = ['foobar','foo',['bar','baz']]
-               >>> paren_enclose(test)
-               'foobar foo ( bar baz )'
-       @param mylist: The list
-       @type mylist: List
-       @rtype: String
-       @return: The paren enclosed string
-       """
-       mystrparts = []
-       for x in mylist:
-               if isinstance(x, list):
-                       mystrparts.append("( "+paren_enclose(x)+" )")
-               else:
-                       mystrparts.append(x)
-       return " ".join(mystrparts)
-# This is just for use by emerge so that it can enable a backward compatibility
-# mode in order to gracefully deal with installed packages that have invalid
-# atoms or dep syntax.
-_dep_check_strict = True
-def use_reduce(deparray, uselist=[], masklist=[], matchall=0, excludeall=[]):
-       """
-       Takes a paren_reduce'd array and reduces the use? conditionals out
-       leaving an array with subarrays
-       @param deparray: paren_reduce'd list of deps
-       @type deparray: List
-       @param uselist: List of use flags
-       @type uselist: List
-       @param masklist: List of masked flags
-       @type masklist: List
-       @param matchall: Resolve all conditional deps unconditionally.  Used by repoman
-       @type matchall: Integer
-       @rtype: List
-       @return: The use reduced depend array
-       """
-       # Quick validity checks
-       for x in range(len(deparray)):
-               if deparray[x] in ["||","&&"]:
-                       if len(deparray) - 1 == x or not isinstance(deparray[x+1], list):
-                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString(deparray[x]+" missing atom list in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
-       if deparray and deparray[-1] and deparray[-1][-1] == "?":
-               raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString("Conditional without target in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
-       global _dep_check_strict
-       mydeparray = deparray[:]
-       rlist = []
-       while mydeparray:
-               head = mydeparray.pop(0)
-               if type(head) == types.ListType:
-                       additions = use_reduce(head, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall)
-                       if additions:
-                               rlist.append(additions)
-                       elif rlist and rlist[-1] == "||":
-                       #XXX: Currently some DEPEND strings have || lists without default atoms.
-                       #       raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString("No default atom(s) in \""+paren_enclose(deparray)+"\"")
-                               rlist.append([])
-               else:
-                       if head[-1] == "?": # Use reduce next group on fail.
-                               # Pull any other use conditions and the following atom or list into a separate array
-                               newdeparray = [head]
-                               while isinstance(newdeparray[-1], str) and newdeparray[-1][-1] == "?":
-                                       if mydeparray:
-                                               newdeparray.append(mydeparray.pop(0))
-                                       else:
-                                               raise ValueError, "Conditional with no target."
-                               # Deprecation checks
-                               warned = 0
-                               if len(newdeparray[-1]) == 0:
-                                       sys.stderr.write("Note: Empty target in string. (Deprecated)\n")
-                                       warned = 1
-                               if len(newdeparray) != 2:
-                                       sys.stderr.write("Note: Nested use flags without parenthesis (Deprecated)\n")
-                                       warned = 1
-                               if warned:
-                                       sys.stderr.write("  --> "+" ".join(map(str,[head]+newdeparray))+"\n")
-                               # Check that each flag matches
-                               ismatch = True
-                               for head in newdeparray[:-1]:
-                                       head = head[:-1]
-                                       if head[0] == "!":
-                                               head_key = head[1:]
-                                               if not matchall and head_key in uselist or \
-                                                       head_key in excludeall:
-                                                       ismatch = False
-                                                       break
-                                       elif head not in masklist:
-                                               if not matchall and head not in uselist:
-                                                       ismatch = False
-                                                       break
-                                       else:
-                                               ismatch = False
-                               # If they all match, process the target
-                               if ismatch:
-                                       target = newdeparray[-1]
-                                       if isinstance(target, list):
-                                               additions = use_reduce(target, uselist, masklist, matchall, excludeall)
-                                               if additions:
-                                                       rlist.append(additions)
-                                       elif not _dep_check_strict:
-                                               # The old deprecated behavior.
-                                               rlist.append(target)
-                                       else:
-                                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString(
-                                                       "Conditional without parenthesis: '%s?'" % head)
-                       else:
-                               rlist += [head]
-       return rlist
-def dep_opconvert(deplist):
-       """
-       Iterate recursively through a list of deps, if the
-       dep is a '||' or '&&' operator, combine it with the
-       list of deps that follows..
-       Example usage:
-               >>> test = ["blah", "||", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
-               >>> dep_opconvert(test)
-               ['blah', ['||', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']]
-       @param deplist: A list of deps to format
-       @type mydep: List
-       @rtype: List
-       @return:
-               The new list with the new ordering
-       """
-       retlist = []
-       x = 0
-       while x != len(deplist):
-               if isinstance(deplist[x], list):
-                       retlist.append(dep_opconvert(deplist[x]))
-               elif deplist[x] == "||" or deplist[x] == "&&":
-                       retlist.append([deplist[x]] + dep_opconvert(deplist[x+1]))
-                       x += 1
-               else:
-                       retlist.append(deplist[x])
-               x += 1
-       return retlist
-def get_operator(mydep):
-       """
-       Return the operator used in a depstring.
-       Example usage:
-               >>> from portage_dep import *
-               >>> get_operator(">=test-1.0")
-               '>='
-       @param mydep: The dep string to check
-       @type mydep: String
-       @rtype: String
-       @return: The operator. One of:
-               '~', '=', '>', '<', '=*', '>=', or '<='
-       """
-       if mydep[0] == "~":
-               operator = "~"
-       elif mydep[0] == "=":
-               if mydep[-1] == "*":
-                       operator = "=*"
-               else:
-                       operator = "="
-       elif mydep[0] in "><":
-               if len(mydep) > 1 and mydep[1] == "=":
-                       operator = mydep[0:2]
-               else:
-                       operator = mydep[0]
-       else:
-               operator = None
-       return operator
-_dep_getcpv_cache = {}
-def dep_getcpv(mydep):
-       """
-       Return the category-package-version with any operators/slot specifications stripped off
-       Example usage:
-               >>> dep_getcpv('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
-               'media-libs/test-3.0'
-       @param mydep: The depstring
-       @type mydep: String
-       @rtype: String
-       @return: The depstring with the operator removed
-       """
-       global _dep_getcpv_cache
-       retval = _dep_getcpv_cache.get(mydep, None)
-       if retval is not None:
-               return retval
-       mydep_orig = mydep
-       if mydep and mydep[0] == "*":
-               mydep = mydep[1:]
-       if mydep and mydep[-1] == "*":
-               mydep = mydep[:-1]
-       if mydep and mydep[0] == "!":
-               mydep = mydep[1:]
-       if mydep[:2] in [">=", "<="]:
-               mydep = mydep[2:]
-       elif mydep[:1] in "=<>~":
-               mydep = mydep[1:]
-       colon = mydep.rfind(":")
-       if colon != -1:
-               mydep = mydep[:colon]
-       _dep_getcpv_cache[mydep_orig] = mydep
-       return mydep
-def dep_getslot(mydep):
-       """
-       Retrieve the slot on a depend.
-       Example usage:
-               >>> dep_getslot('app-misc/test:3')
-               '3'
-       @param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the slot of
-       @type mydep: String
-       @rtype: String
-       @return: The slot
-       """
-       colon = mydep.rfind(":")
-       if colon != -1:
-               return mydep[colon+1:]
-       return None
-_invalid_atom_chars_regexp = re.compile("[()|?]")
-def isvalidatom(atom, allow_blockers=False):
-       """
-       Check to see if a depend atom is valid
-       Example usage:
-               >>> isvalidatom('media-libs/test-3.0')
-               0
-               >>> isvalidatom('>=media-libs/test-3.0')
-               1
-       @param atom: The depend atom to check against
-       @type atom: String
-       @rtype: Integer
-       @return: One of the following:
-               1) 0 if the atom is invalid
-               2) 1 if the atom is valid
-       """
-       global _invalid_atom_chars_regexp
-       if
-               return 0
-       if allow_blockers and atom.startswith("!"):
-               atom = atom[1:]
-       try:
-               mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(dep_getcpv(atom))
-       except InvalidData:
-               return 0
-       operator = get_operator(atom)
-       if operator:
-               if operator[0] in "<>" and atom[-1] == "*":
-                       return 0
-               if mycpv_cps and mycpv_cps[0] != "null":
-                       # >=cat/pkg-1.0
-                       return 1
-               else:
-                       # >=cat/pkg or >=pkg-1.0 (no category)
-                       return 0
-       if mycpv_cps:
-               # cat/pkg-1.0
-               return 0
-       if (len(atom.split('/')) == 2):
-               # cat/pkg
-               return 1
-       else:
-               return 0
-def isjustname(mypkg):
-       """
-       Checks to see if the depstring is only the package name (no version parts)
-       Example usage:
-               >>> isjustname('media-libs/test-3.0')
-               0
-               >>> isjustname('test')
-               1
-               >>> isjustname('media-libs/test')
-               1
-       @param mypkg: The package atom to check
-       @param mypkg: String
-       @rtype: Integer
-       @return: One of the following:
-               1) 0 if the package string is not just the package name
-               2) 1 if it is
-       """
-       myparts = mypkg.split('-')
-       for x in myparts:
-               if ververify(x):
-                       return 0
-       return 1
-iscache = {}
-def isspecific(mypkg):
-       """
-       Checks to see if a package is in category/package-version or package-version format,
-       possibly returning a cached result.
-       Example usage:
-               >>> isspecific('media-libs/test')
-               0
-               >>> isspecific('media-libs/test-3.0')
-               1
-       @param mypkg: The package depstring to check against
-       @type mypkg: String
-       @rtype: Integer
-       @return: One of the following:
-               1) 0 if the package string is not specific
-               2) 1 if it is
-       """
-       try:
-               return iscache[mypkg]
-       except KeyError:
-               pass
-       mysplit = mypkg.split("/")
-       if not isjustname(mysplit[-1]):
-                       iscache[mypkg] = 1
-                       return 1
-       iscache[mypkg] = 0
-       return 0
-def dep_getkey(mydep):
-       """
-       Return the category/package-name of a depstring.
-       Example usage:
-               >>> dep_getkey('media-libs/test-3.0')
-               'media-libs/test'
-       @param mydep: The depstring to retrieve the category/package-name of
-       @type mydep: String
-       @rtype: String
-       @return: The package category/package-version
-       """
-       mydep = dep_getcpv(mydep)
-       if mydep and isspecific(mydep):
-               mysplit = catpkgsplit(mydep)
-               if not mysplit:
-                       return mydep
-               return mysplit[0] + "/" + mysplit[1]
-       else:
-               return mydep
-def match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
-       """
-       Searches list for entries that matches the package.
-       @param mypkg: The package atom to match
-       @type mypkg: String
-       @param mylist: The list of package atoms to compare against
-       @param mylist: List
-       @rtype: List
-       @return: A unique list of package atoms that match the given package atom
-       """
-       matches = []
-       for x in mylist:
-               if match_from_list(x, [mypkg]):
-                       if x not in matches:
-                               matches.append(x)
-       return matches
-def best_match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
-       """
-       Returns the most specific entry that matches the package given.
-       @param mypkg: The package atom to check
-       @type mypkg: String
-       @param mylist: The list of package atoms to check against
-       @type mylist: List
-       @rtype: String
-       @return: The package atom which best matches given the following ordering:
-               - =cpv      6
-               - ~cpv      5
-               - =cpv*     4
-               - cp:slot   3
-               - >cpv      2
-               - <cpv      2
-               - >=cpv     2
-               - <=cpv     2
-               - cp        1
-       """
-       operator_values = {'=':6, '~':5, '=*':4,
-               '>':2, '<':2, '>=':2, '<=':2, None:1}
-       maxvalue = 0
-       bestm  = None
-       for x in match_to_list(mypkg, mylist):
-               if dep_getslot(x) is not None:
-                       if maxvalue < 3:
-                               maxvalue = 3
-                               bestm = x
-                       continue
-               op_val = operator_values[get_operator(x)]
-               if op_val > maxvalue:
-                       maxvalue = op_val
-                       bestm  = x
-       return bestm
-_match_from_list_cache = {}
-def match_from_list(mydep, candidate_list):
-       """
-       Searches list for entries that matches the package.
-       @param mydep: The package atom to match
-       @type mydep: String
-       @param candidate_list: The list of package atoms to compare against
-       @param candidate_list: List
-       @rtype: List
-       @return: A list of package atoms that match the given package atom
-       """
-       global _match_from_list_cache
-       cache_key = (mydep, tuple(candidate_list))
-       mylist = _match_from_list_cache.get(cache_key, None)
-       if mylist is not None:
-               return mylist[:]
-       from portage_util import writemsg
-       if mydep[0] == "!":
-               mydep = mydep[1:]
-       mycpv     = dep_getcpv(mydep)
-       mycpv_cps = catpkgsplit(mycpv) # Can be None if not specific
-       slot      = None
-       if not mycpv_cps:
-               cat, pkg = catsplit(mycpv)
-               ver      = None
-               rev      = None
-               slot = dep_getslot(mydep)
-       else:
-               cat, pkg, ver, rev = mycpv_cps
-               if mydep == mycpv:
-                       raise KeyError("Specific key requires an operator" + \
-                               " (%s) (try adding an '=')" % (mydep))
-       if ver and rev:
-               operator = get_operator(mydep)
-               if not operator:
-                       writemsg("!!! Invalid atom: %s\n" % mydep, noiselevel=-1)
-                       return []
-       else:
-               operator = None
-       mylist = []
-       if operator is None:
-               for x in candidate_list:
-                       xs = pkgsplit(x)
-                       if xs is None:
-                               xcpv = dep_getcpv(x)
-                               if slot is not None:
-                                       xslot = dep_getslot(x)
-                                       if xslot is not None and xslot != slot:
-                                               """  This function isn't given enough information to
-                                               reject atoms based on slot unless *both* compared atoms
-                                               specify slots."""
-                                               continue
-                               if xcpv != mycpv:
-                                       continue
-                       elif xs[0] != mycpv:
-                               continue
-                       mylist.append(x)
-       elif operator == "=": # Exact match
-               mylist = [cpv for cpv in candidate_list if cpvequal(cpv, mycpv)]
-       elif operator == "=*": # glob match
-               # XXX: Nasty special casing for leading zeros
-               # Required as =* is a literal prefix match, so can't 
-               # use vercmp
-               mysplit = catpkgsplit(mycpv)
-               myver = mysplit[2].lstrip("0")
-               if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
-                       myver = "0"+myver
-               mycpv = mysplit[0]+"/"+mysplit[1]+"-"+myver
-               for x in candidate_list:
-                       xs = catpkgsplit(x)
-                       myver = xs[2].lstrip("0")
-                       if not myver or not myver[0].isdigit():
-                               myver = "0"+myver
-                       xcpv = xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+myver
-                       if xcpv.startswith(mycpv):
-                               mylist.append(x)
-       elif operator == "~": # version, any revision, match
-               for x in candidate_list:
-                       xs = catpkgsplit(x)
-                       if xs is None:
-                               raise InvalidData(x)
-                       if not cpvequal(xs[0]+"/"+xs[1]+"-"+xs[2], mycpv_cps[0]+"/"+mycpv_cps[1]+"-"+mycpv_cps[2]):
-                               continue
-                       if xs[2] != ver:
-                               continue
-                       mylist.append(x)
-       elif operator in [">", ">=", "<", "<="]:
-               mysplit = ["%s/%s" % (cat, pkg), ver, rev]
-               for x in candidate_list:
-                       try:
-                               result = pkgcmp(pkgsplit(x), mysplit)
-                       except ValueError: # pkgcmp may return ValueError during int() conversion
-                               writemsg("\nInvalid package name: %s\n" % x, noiselevel=-1)
-                               raise
-                       if result is None:
-                               continue
-                       elif operator == ">":
-                               if result > 0:
-                                       mylist.append(x)
-                       elif operator == ">=":
-                               if result >= 0:
-                                       mylist.append(x)
-                       elif operator == "<":
-                               if result < 0:
-                                       mylist.append(x)
-                       elif operator == "<=":
-                               if result <= 0:
-                                       mylist.append(x)
-                       else:
-                               raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep)
-       else:
-               raise KeyError("Unknown operator: %s" % mydep)
-       _match_from_list_cache[cache_key] = mylist
-       return mylist
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e16bb2a7c159d2f1a091ea3c987c7ed5da72b2f0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4be72cf965e0f3616dcf76e3c625f84cf8b65842..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-class PortageException(Exception):
-       """General superclass for portage exceptions"""
-       def __init__(self,value):
-               self.value = value[:]
-       def __str__(self):
-               if isinstance(self.value, basestring):
-                       return self.value
-               else:
-                       return repr(self.value)
-class CorruptionError(PortageException):
-       """Corruption indication"""
-class InvalidDependString(PortageException):
-       """An invalid depend string has been encountered"""
-class InvalidVersionString(PortageException):
-       """An invalid version string has been encountered"""
-class SecurityViolation(PortageException):
-       """An incorrect formatting was passed instead of the expected one"""
-class IncorrectParameter(PortageException):
-       """A parameter of the wrong type was passed"""
-class MissingParameter(PortageException):
-       """A parameter is required for the action requested but was not passed"""
-class ParseError(PortageException):
-       """An error was generated while attempting to parse the request"""
-class InvalidData(PortageException):
-       """An incorrect formatting was passed instead of the expected one"""
-class InvalidDataType(PortageException):
-       """An incorrect type was passed instead of the expected one"""
-class InvalidLocation(PortageException):
-       """Data was not found when it was expected to exist or was specified incorrectly"""
-class FileNotFound(InvalidLocation):
-       """A file was not found when it was expected to exist"""
-class DirectoryNotFound(InvalidLocation):
-       """A directory was not found when it was expected to exist"""
-class OperationNotPermitted(PortageException):
-       """An operation was not permitted operating system"""
-class PermissionDenied(PortageException):
-       """Permission denied"""
-class ReadOnlyFileSystem(PortageException):
-       """Read-only file system"""
-class CommandNotFound(PortageException):
-       """A required binary was not available or executable"""
-class PortagePackageException(PortageException):
-       """Malformed or missing package data"""
-class PackageNotFound(PortagePackageException):
-       """Missing Ebuild or Binary"""
-class InvalidPackageName(PortagePackageException):
-       """Malformed package name"""
-class InvalidAtom(PortagePackageException):
-       """Malformed atom spec"""
-class UnsupportedAPIException(PortagePackageException):
-       """Unsupported API"""
-       def __init__(self, cpv, eapi):
-               self.cpv, self.eapi = cpv, eapi
-       def __str__(self):
-               return "Unable to do any operations on '%s', due to the fact it's EAPI is higher then this portage versions.  Please upgrade to a portage version that supports EAPI %s" % (self.cpv, self.eapi)
-class SignatureException(PortageException):
-       """Signature was not present in the checked file"""
-class DigestException(SignatureException):
-       """A problem exists in the digest"""
-class MissingSignature(SignatureException):
-       """Signature was not present in the checked file"""
-class InvalidSignature(SignatureException):
-       """Signature was checked and was not a valid, current, nor trusted signature"""
-class UntrustedSignature(SignatureException):
-       """Signature was not certified to the desired security level"""
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
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index 252fed2a0f5fa476d561785107c0fc16eaf462ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-# -- core Portage functionality
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-import os, atexit, signal, sys
-import portage_data
-from portage_util import dump_traceback
-from portage_const import BASH_BINARY, SANDBOX_BINARY
-       import resource
-       max_fd_limit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0]
-except ImportError:
-       max_fd_limit = 256
-if os.path.isdir("/proc/%i/fd" % os.getpid()):
-       def get_open_fds():
-               return map(int, [fd for fd in os.listdir("/proc/%i/fd" % os.getpid()) if fd.isdigit()])
-       def get_open_fds():
-               return xrange(max_fd_limit)
-sandbox_capable = (os.path.isfile(SANDBOX_BINARY) and
-                   os.access(SANDBOX_BINARY, os.X_OK))
-def spawn_bash(mycommand, debug=False, opt_name=None, **keywords):
-       """
-       Spawns a bash shell running a specific commands
-       @param mycommand: The command for bash to run
-       @type mycommand: String
-       @param debug: Turn bash debugging on (set -x)
-       @type debug: Boolean
-       @param opt_name: Name of the spawned process (detaults to binary name)
-       @type opt_name: String
-       @param keywords: Extra Dictionary arguments to pass to spawn
-       @type keywords: Dictionary
-       """
-       args = [BASH_BINARY]
-       if not opt_name:
-               opt_name = os.path.basename(mycommand.split()[0])
-       if debug:
-               # Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
-               args.append("-x")
-       args.append("-c")
-       args.append(mycommand)
-       return spawn(args, opt_name=opt_name, **keywords)
-def spawn_sandbox(mycommand, opt_name=None, **keywords):
-       if not sandbox_capable:
-               return spawn_bash(mycommand, opt_name=opt_name, **keywords)
-       args=[SANDBOX_BINARY]
-       if not opt_name:
-               opt_name = os.path.basename(mycommand.split()[0])
-       args.append(mycommand)
-       return spawn(args, opt_name=opt_name, **keywords)
-_exithandlers = []
-def atexit_register(func, *args, **kargs):
-       """Wrapper around atexit.register that is needed in order to track
-       what is registered.  For example, when portage restarts itself via
-       os.execv, the atexit module does not work so we have to do it
-       manually by calling the run_exitfuncs() function in this module."""
-       _exithandlers.append((func, args, kargs))
-def run_exitfuncs():
-       """This should behave identically to the routine performed by
-       the atexit module at exit time.  It's only necessary to call this
-       function when atexit will not work (because of os.execv, for
-       example)."""
-       # This function is a copy of the private atexit._run_exitfuncs()
-       # from the python 2.4.2 sources.  The only difference from the
-       # original function is in the output to stderr.
-       exc_info = None
-       while _exithandlers:
-               func, targs, kargs = _exithandlers.pop()
-               try:
-                       func(*targs, **kargs)
-               except SystemExit:
-                       exc_info = sys.exc_info()
-               except: # No idea what they called, so we need this broad except here.
-                       dump_traceback("Error in portage_exec.run_exitfuncs", noiselevel=0)
-                       exc_info = sys.exc_info()
-       if exc_info is not None:
-               raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
-# We need to make sure that any processes spawned are killed off when
-# we exit. spawn() takes care of adding and removing pids to this list
-# as it creates and cleans up processes.
-spawned_pids = []
-def cleanup():
-       while spawned_pids:
-               pid = spawned_pids.pop()
-               try:
-                       if os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) == (0, 0):
-                               os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-                               os.waitpid(pid, 0)
-               except OSError:
-                       # This pid has been cleaned up outside
-                       # of spawn().
-                       pass
-def spawn(mycommand, env={}, opt_name=None, fd_pipes=None, returnpid=False,
-          uid=None, gid=None, groups=None, umask=None, logfile=None,
-          path_lookup=True):
-       """
-       Spawns a given command.
-       @param mycommand: the command to execute
-       @type mycommand: String or List (Popen style list)
-       @param env: A dict of Key=Value pairs for env variables
-       @type env: Dictionary
-       @param opt_name: an optional name for the spawn'd process (defaults to the binary name)
-       @type opt_name: String
-       @param fd_pipes: A dict of mapping for pipes, { '0': stdin, '1': stdout } for example
-       @type fd_pipes: Dictionary
-       @param returnpid: Return the Process IDs for a successful spawn.
-       NOTE: This requires the caller clean up all the PIDs, otherwise spawn will clean them.
-       @type returnpid: Boolean
-       @param uid: User ID to spawn as; useful for dropping privilages
-       @type uid: Integer
-       @param gid: Group ID to spawn as; useful for dropping privilages
-       @type gid: Integer
-       @param groups: Group ID's to spawn in: useful for having the process run in multiple group contexts.
-       @type groups: List
-       @param umask: An integer representing the umask for the process (see man chmod for umask details)
-       @type umask: Integer
-       @param logfile: name of a file to use for logging purposes
-       @type logfile: String
-       @param path_lookup: If the binary is not fully specified then look for it in PATH
-       @type path_lookup: Boolean
-       logfile requires stdout and stderr to be assigned to this process (ie not pointed
-          somewhere else.)
-       """
-       # mycommand is either a str or a list
-       if isinstance(mycommand, str):
-               mycommand = mycommand.split()
-       # If an absolute path to an executable file isn't given
-       # search for it unless we've been told not to.
-       binary = mycommand[0]
-       if (not os.path.isabs(binary) or not os.path.isfile(binary)
-           or not os.access(binary, os.X_OK)):
-               binary = path_lookup and find_binary(binary) or None
-               if not binary:
-                       return -1
-       # If we haven't been told what file descriptors to use
-       # default to propogating our stdin, stdout and stderr.
-       if fd_pipes is None:
-               fd_pipes = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2}
-       # mypids will hold the pids of all processes created.
-       mypids = []
-       if logfile:
-               # Using a log file requires that stdout and stderr
-               # are assigned to the process we're running.
-               if 1 not in fd_pipes or 2 not in fd_pipes:
-                       raise ValueError(fd_pipes)
-               # Create a pipe
-               (pr, pw) = os.pipe()
-               # Create a tee process, giving it our stdout and stderr
-               # as well as the read end of the pipe.
-               mypids.extend(spawn(('tee', '-i', '-a', logfile),
-                             returnpid=True, fd_pipes={0:pr,
-                             1:fd_pipes[1], 2:fd_pipes[2]}))
-               # We don't need the read end of the pipe, so close it.
-               os.close(pr)
-               # Assign the write end of the pipe to our stdout and stderr.
-               fd_pipes[1] = pw
-               fd_pipes[2] = pw
-       pid = os.fork()
-       if not pid:
-               try:
-                       _exec(binary, mycommand, opt_name, fd_pipes,
-                             env, gid, groups, uid, umask)
-               except Exception, e:
-                       # We need to catch _any_ exception so that it doesn't
-                       # propogate out of this function and cause exiting
-                       # with anything other than os._exit()
-                       sys.stderr.write("%s:\n   %s\n" % (e, " ".join(mycommand)))
-                       sys.stderr.flush()
-                       os._exit(1)
-       # Add the pid to our local and the global pid lists.
-       mypids.append(pid)
-       spawned_pids.append(pid)
-       # If we started a tee process the write side of the pipe is no
-       # longer needed, so close it.
-       if logfile:
-               os.close(pw)
-       # If the caller wants to handle cleaning up the processes, we tell
-       # it about all processes that were created.
-       if returnpid:
-               return mypids
-       # Otherwise we clean them up.
-       while mypids:
-               # Pull the last reader in the pipe chain. If all processes
-               # in the pipe are well behaved, it will die when the process
-               # it is reading from dies.
-               pid = mypids.pop(0)
-               # and wait for it.
-               retval = os.waitpid(pid, 0)[1]
-               # When it's done, we can remove it from the
-               # global pid list as well.
-               spawned_pids.remove(pid)
-               if retval:
-                       # If it failed, kill off anything else that
-                       # isn't dead yet.
-                       for pid in mypids:
-                               if os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) == (0,0):
-                                       os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
-                                       os.waitpid(pid, 0)
-                               spawned_pids.remove(pid)
-                       # If it got a signal, return the signal that was sent.
-                       if (retval & 0xff):
-                               return ((retval & 0xff) << 8)
-                       # Otherwise, return its exit code.
-                       return (retval >> 8)
-       # Everything succeeded
-       return 0
-def _exec(binary, mycommand, opt_name, fd_pipes, env, gid, groups, uid, umask):
-       """
-       Execute a given binary with options
-       @param binary: Name of program to execute
-       @type binary: String
-       @param mycommand: Options for program
-       @type mycommand: String
-       @param opt_name: Name of process (defaults to binary)
-       @type opt_name: String
-       @param fd_pipes: Mapping pipes to destination; { 0:0, 1:1, 2:2 }
-       @type fd_pipes: Dictionary
-       @param env: Key,Value mapping for Environmental Variables
-       @type env: Dictionary
-       @param gid: Group ID to run the process under
-       @type gid: Integer
-       @param groups: Groups the Process should be in.
-       @type groups: Integer
-       @param uid: User ID to run the process under
-       @type uid: Integer
-       @param umask: an int representing a unix umask (see man chmod for umask details)
-       @type umask: Integer
-       @rtype: None
-       @returns: Never returns (calls os.execve)
-       """
-       # If the process we're creating hasn't been given a name
-       # assign it the name of the executable.
-       if not opt_name:
-               opt_name = os.path.basename(binary)
-       # Set up the command's argument list.
-       myargs = [opt_name]
-       myargs.extend(mycommand[1:])
-       # Set up the command's pipes.
-       my_fds = {}
-       # To protect from cases where direct assignment could
-       # clobber needed fds ({1:2, 2:1}) we first dupe the fds
-       # into unused fds.
-       for fd in fd_pipes:
-               my_fds[fd] = os.dup(fd_pipes[fd])
-       # Then assign them to what they should be.
-       for fd in my_fds:
-               os.dup2(my_fds[fd], fd)
-       # Then close _all_ fds that haven't been explictly
-       # requested to be kept open.
-       for fd in get_open_fds():
-               if fd not in my_fds:
-                       try:
-                               os.close(fd)
-                       except OSError:
-                               pass
-       # Set requested process permissions.
-       if gid:
-               os.setgid(gid)
-       if groups:
-               os.setgroups(groups)
-       if uid:
-               os.setuid(uid)
-       if umask:
-               os.umask(umask)
-       # And switch to the new process.
-       os.execve(binary, myargs, env)
-def find_binary(binary):
-       """
-       Given a binary name, find the binary in PATH
-       @param binary: Name of the binary to find
-       @type string
-       @rtype: None or string
-       @returns: full path to binary or None if the binary could not be located.
-       """
-       for path in os.getenv("PATH", "").split(":"):
-               filename = "%s/%s" % (path, binary)
-               if os.access(filename, os.X_OK) and os.path.isfile(filename):
-                       return filename
-       return None
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a56f3dbc3b71ef880d0e8f14057f2d8439bb04d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 04ed600460ace813a787ad35a433a1f985d0f312..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# -- core Portage functionality
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-import os
-import copy
-import types
-import commands
-import portage_exception
-import portage_checksum
-GPG_BINARY       = "/usr/bin/gpg"
-GPG_OPTIONS      = " --lock-never --no-random-seed-file --no-greeting --no-sig-cache "
-GPG_VERIFY_FLAGS = " --verify "
-GPG_KEYDIR       = " --homedir '%s' "
-GPG_KEYRING      = " --keyring '%s' "
-def fileStats(filepath):
-       mya = []
-       for x in os.stat(filepath):
-               mya.append(x)
-       mya.append(portage_checksum.perform_checksum(filepath))
-       return mya
-class FileChecker:
-       def __init__(self,keydir=None,keyring=None,requireSignedRing=False,minimumTrust=EXISTS):
-               self.minimumTrust     = TRUSTED  # Default we require trust. For rings.
-               self.keydir           = None
-               self.keyring          = None
-               self.keyringPath      = None
-               self.keyringStats     = None
-               self.keyringIsTrusted = False
-               if (keydir != None):
-                       # Verify that the keydir is valid.
-                       if type(keydir) != types.StringType:
-                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, "keydir argument: %s" % keydir
-                       if not os.path.isdir(keydir):
-                               raise portage_exception.DirectoryNotFound, "keydir: %s" % keydir
-                       self.keydir = copy.deepcopy(keydir)
-               if (keyring != None):
-                       # Verify that the keyring is a valid filename and exists.
-                       if type(keyring) != types.StringType:
-                               raise portage_exception.InvalidDataType, "keyring argument: %s" % keyring
-                       if keyring.find("/") != -1:
-                               raise portage_exception.InvalidData, "keyring: %s" % keyring
-                       pathname = ""
-                       if keydir:
-                               pathname = keydir + "/" + keyring
-                       if not os.path.isfile(pathname):
-                               raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, "keyring missing: %s (" % pathname
-               keyringPath = keydir+"/"+keyring
-               if not keyring or not keyringPath and requireSignedRing:
-                       raise portage_exception.MissingParameter
-               self.keyringStats = fileStats(keyringPath)
-               self.minimumTrust = TRUSTED
-               if not self.verify(keyringPath, keyringPath+".asc"):
-                       self.keyringIsTrusted = False
-                       if requireSignedRing:
-                               raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, "Required keyring verification: "+keyringPath
-               else:
-                       self.keyringIsTrusted = True
-               self.keyring      = copy.deepcopy(keyring)
-               self.keyringPath  = self.keydir+"/"+self.keyring
-               self.minimumTrust = minimumTrust
-       def _verifyKeyring(self):
-               if self.keyringStats and self.keyringPath:
-                       new_stats = fileStats(self.keyringPath)
-                       if new_stats != self.keyringStats:
-                               raise portage_exception.SecurityViolation, "GPG keyring changed!"
-       def verify(self, filename, sigfile=None):
-               """Uses minimumTrust to determine if it is Valid/True or Invalid/False"""
-               self._verifyKeyring()
-               if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-                       raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, filename
-               if sigfile and not os.path.isfile(sigfile):
-                       raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, sigfile
-               if self.keydir and not os.path.isdir(self.keydir):
-                       raise portage_exception.DirectoryNotFound, filename
-               if self.keyringPath:
-                       if not os.path.isfile(self.keyringPath):
-                               raise portage_exception.FileNotFound, self.keyringPath
-               if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-                       raise portage_exception.CommandNotFound, filename
-               command = GPG_BINARY + GPG_VERIFY_FLAGS + GPG_OPTIONS
-               if self.keydir:
-                       command += GPG_KEYDIR % (self.keydir)
-               if self.keyring:
-                       command += GPG_KEYRING % (self.keyring)
-               if sigfile:
-                       command += " '"+sigfile+"'"
-               command += " '"+filename+"'"
-               result,output = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
-               signal = result & 0xff
-               result = (result >> 8)
-               if signal:
-                       raise SignalCaught, "Signal: %d" % (signal)
-               trustLevel     = UNTRUSTED
-               if result == 0:
-                       trustLevel   = TRUSTED
-                       #if output.find("WARNING") != -1:
-                       #       trustLevel = MARGINAL
-                       if output.find("BAD") != -1:
-                               raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, filename
-               elif result == 1:
-                       trustLevel   = EXISTS
-                       if output.find("BAD") != -1:
-                               raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, filename
-               elif result == 2:
-                       trustLevel   = UNTRUSTED
-                       if output.find("could not be verified") != -1:
-                               raise portage_exception.MissingSignature, filename
-                       if output.find("public key not found") != -1:
-                               if self.keyringIsTrusted: # We trust the ring, but not the key specifically.
-                                       trustLevel = MARGINAL
-                               else:
-                                       raise portage_exception.InvalidSignature, filename+" (Unknown Signature)"
-               else:
-                       raise portage_exception.UnknownCondition, "GPG returned unknown result: %d" % (result)
-               if trustLevel >= self.minimumTrust:
-                       return True
-               return False
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd5c10655333e7c78941d29d376be90957fe6729
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-# -- Code to manage/help portage localization.
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-# We define this to make the transition easier for us.
-def _(mystr):
-       return mystr
-def localization_example():
-       # Dict references allow translators to rearrange word order.
-       print _("You can use this string for translating.")
-       print _("Strings can be formatted with %(mystr)s like this.") % {"mystr": "VALUES"}
-       a_value = "value.of.a"
-       b_value = 123
-       c_value = [1,2,3,4]
-       print _("A: %(a)s -- B: %(b)s -- C: %(c)s") % {"a":a_value,"b":b_value,"c":c_value}
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
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index 28042e2fb712e00a776ed8c2c430c852001791a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-# portage: Lock management code
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-import errno, os, stat, time, types
-from portage_exception import InvalidData, DirectoryNotFound, FileNotFound
-from portage_data import portage_gid
-from portage_util import writemsg
-from portage_localization import _
-def lockdir(mydir):
-       return lockfile(mydir,wantnewlockfile=1)
-def unlockdir(mylock):
-       return unlockfile(mylock)
-def lockfile(mypath,wantnewlockfile=0,unlinkfile=0):
-       """Creates all dirs upto, the given dir. Creates a lockfile
-       for the given directory as the file: directoryname+'.portage_lockfile'."""
-       import fcntl
-       if not mypath:
-               raise InvalidData, "Empty path given"
-       if type(mypath) == types.StringType and mypath[-1] == '/':
-               mypath = mypath[:-1]
-       if type(mypath) == types.FileType:
-               mypath = mypath.fileno()
-       if type(mypath) == types.IntType:
-               lockfilename    = mypath
-               wantnewlockfile = 0
-               unlinkfile      = 0
-       elif wantnewlockfile:
-               base, tail = os.path.split(mypath)
-               lockfilename = os.path.join(base, "." + tail + ".portage_lockfile")
-               del base, tail
-               unlinkfile   = 1
-       else:
-               lockfilename = mypath
-       if type(mypath) == types.StringType:
-               if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(mypath)):
-                       raise DirectoryNotFound, os.path.dirname(mypath)
-               if not os.path.exists(lockfilename):
-                       old_mask=os.umask(000)
-                       myfd =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR,0660)
-                       try:
-                               if os.stat(lockfilename).st_gid != portage_gid:
-                                       os.chown(lockfilename,os.getuid(),portage_gid)
-                       except OSError, e:
-                               if e[0] == 2: # No such file or directory
-                                       return lockfile(mypath,wantnewlockfile,unlinkfile)
-                               else:
-                                       writemsg("Cannot chown a lockfile. This could cause inconvenience later.\n");
-                       os.umask(old_mask)
-               else:
-                       myfd =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR,0660)
-       elif type(mypath) == types.IntType:
-               myfd = mypath
-       else:
-               raise ValueError, "Unknown type passed in '%s': '%s'" % (type(mypath),mypath)
-       # try for a non-blocking lock, if it's held, throw a message
-       # we're waiting on lockfile and use a blocking attempt.
-       locking_method = fcntl.lockf
-       try:
-               fcntl.lockf(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB)
-       except IOError, e:
-               if "errno" not in dir(e):
-                       raise
-               if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
-                       # resource temp unavailable; eg, someone beat us to the lock.
-                       if type(mypath) == types.IntType:
-                               print "waiting for lock on fd %i" % myfd
-                       else:
-                               print "waiting for lock on %s" % lockfilename
-                       # try for the exclusive lock now.
-                       fcntl.lockf(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX)
-               elif e.errno == errno.ENOLCK:
-                       # We're not allowed to lock on this FS.
-                       os.close(myfd)
-                       link_success = False
-                       if lockfilename == str(lockfilename):
-                               if wantnewlockfile:
-                                       try:
-                                               if os.stat(lockfilename)[stat.ST_NLINK] == 1:
-                                                       os.unlink(lockfilename)
-                                       except OSError:
-                                               pass
-                                       link_success = hardlink_lockfile(lockfilename)
-                       if not link_success:
-                               raise
-                       locking_method = None
-                       myfd = HARDLINK_FD
-               else:
-                       raise
-       if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType and \
-               myfd != HARDLINK_FD and os.fstat(myfd).st_nlink == 0:
-               # The file was deleted on us... Keep trying to make one...
-               os.close(myfd)
-               writemsg("lockfile recurse\n",1)
-               lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method = lockfile(mypath,wantnewlockfile,unlinkfile)
-       writemsg(str((lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile))+"\n",1)
-       return (lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method)
-def unlockfile(mytuple):
-       import fcntl
-       #XXX: Compatability hack.
-       if len(mytuple) == 3:
-               lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile = mytuple
-               locking_method = fcntl.flock
-       elif len(mytuple) == 4:
-               lockfilename,myfd,unlinkfile,locking_method = mytuple
-       else:
-               raise InvalidData
-       if(myfd == HARDLINK_FD):
-               unhardlink_lockfile(lockfilename)
-               return True
-       # myfd may be None here due to myfd = mypath in lockfile()
-       if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType and not os.path.exists(lockfilename):
-               writemsg("lockfile does not exist '%s'\n" % lockfilename,1)
-               if myfd is not None:
-                       os.close(myfd)
-               return False
-       try:
-               if myfd is None:
-                       myfd =, os.O_WRONLY,0660)
-                       unlinkfile = 1
-               locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-       except OSError:
-               if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType:
-                       os.close(myfd)
-               raise IOError, "Failed to unlock file '%s'\n" % lockfilename
-       try:
-               # This sleep call was added to allow other processes that are
-               # waiting for a lock to be able to grab it before it is deleted.
-               # lockfile() already accounts for this situation, however, and
-               # the sleep here adds more time than is saved overall, so am
-               # commenting until it is proved necessary.
-               #time.sleep(0.0001)
-               if unlinkfile:
-                       locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB)
-                       # We won the lock, so there isn't competition for it.
-                       # We can safely delete the file.
-                       writemsg("Got the lockfile...\n",1)
-                       if os.fstat(myfd).st_nlink == 1:
-                               os.unlink(lockfilename)
-                               writemsg("Unlinked lockfile...\n",1)
-                               locking_method(myfd,fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-                       else:
-                               writemsg("lockfile does not exist '%s'\n" % lockfilename,1)
-                               os.close(myfd)
-                               return False
-       except Exception, e:
-               writemsg("Failed to get lock... someone took it.\n",1)
-               writemsg(str(e)+"\n",1)
-       # why test lockfilename?  because we may have been handed an
-       # fd originally, and the caller might not like having their
-       # open fd closed automatically on them.
-       if type(lockfilename) == types.StringType:
-               os.close(myfd)
-       return True
-def hardlock_name(path):
-       return path+".hardlock-"+os.uname()[1]+"-"+str(os.getpid())
-def hardlink_is_mine(link,lock):
-       try:
-               return os.stat(link).st_nlink == 2
-       except OSError:
-               return False
-def hardlink_lockfile(lockfilename, max_wait=14400):
-       """Does the NFS, hardlink shuffle to ensure locking on the disk.
-       We create a PRIVATE lockfile, that is just a placeholder on the disk.
-       Then we HARDLINK the real lockfile to that private file.
-       If our file can 2 references, then we have the lock. :)
-       Otherwise we lather, rise, and repeat.
-       We default to a 4 hour timeout.
-       """
-       start_time = time.time()
-       myhardlock = hardlock_name(lockfilename)
-       reported_waiting = False
-       while(time.time() < (start_time + max_wait)):
-               # We only need it to exist.
-               myfd =, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR,0660)
-               os.close(myfd)
-               if not os.path.exists(myhardlock):
-                       raise FileNotFound, _("Created lockfile is missing: %(filename)s") % {"filename":myhardlock}
-               try:
-                       res =, lockfilename)
-               except OSError:
-                       pass
-               if hardlink_is_mine(myhardlock, lockfilename):
-                       # We have the lock.
-                       if reported_waiting:
-                               print
-                       return True
-               if reported_waiting:
-                       writemsg(".")
-               else:
-                       reported_waiting = True
-                       print
-                       print "Waiting on (hardlink) lockfile: (one '.' per 3 seconds)"
-                       print "This is a feature to prevent distfiles corruption."
-                       print "/usr/lib/portage/bin/clean_locks can fix stuck locks."
-                       print "Lockfile: " + lockfilename
-               time.sleep(3)
-       os.unlink(myhardlock)
-       return False
-def unhardlink_lockfile(lockfilename):
-       myhardlock = hardlock_name(lockfilename)
-       if hardlink_is_mine(myhardlock, lockfilename):
-               # Make sure not to touch lockfilename unless we really have a lock.
-               try:
-                       os.unlink(lockfilename)
-               except OSError:
-                       pass
-       try:
-               os.unlink(myhardlock)
-       except OSError:
-               pass
-def hardlock_cleanup(path, remove_all_locks=False):
-       mypid  = str(os.getpid())
-       myhost = os.uname()[1]
-       mydl = os.listdir(path)
-       results = []
-       mycount = 0
-       mylist = {}
-       for x in mydl:
-               if os.path.isfile(path+"/"+x):
-                       parts = x.split(".hardlock-")
-                       if len(parts) == 2:
-                               filename = parts[0]
-                               hostpid  = parts[1].split("-")
-                               host  = "-".join(hostpid[:-1])
-                               pid   = hostpid[-1]
-                               if not mylist.has_key(filename):
-                                       mylist[filename] = {}
-                               if not mylist[filename].has_key(host):
-                                       mylist[filename][host] = []
-                               mylist[filename][host].append(pid)
-                               mycount += 1
-       results.append("Found %(count)s locks" % {"count":mycount})
-       for x in mylist.keys():
-               if mylist[x].has_key(myhost) or remove_all_locks:
-                       mylockname = hardlock_name(path+"/"+x)
-                       if hardlink_is_mine(mylockname, path+"/"+x) or \
-                          not os.path.exists(path+"/"+x) or \
-                                remove_all_locks:
-                               for y in mylist[x].keys():
-                                       for z in mylist[x][y]:
-                                               filename = path+"/"+x+".hardlock-"+y+"-"+z
-                                               if filename == mylockname:
-                                                       continue
-                                               try:
-                                                       # We're sweeping through, unlinking everyone's locks.
-                                                       os.unlink(filename)
-                                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + filename)
-                                               except OSError:
-                                                       pass
-                               try:
-                                       os.unlink(path+"/"+x)
-                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + path+"/"+x)
-                                       os.unlink(mylockname)
-                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + mylockname)
-                               except OSError:
-                                       pass
-                       else:
-                               try:
-                                       os.unlink(mylockname)
-                                       results.append(_("Unlinked: ") + mylockname)
-                               except OSError:
-                                       pass
-       return results
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58fef066052923b95d7a77babb28288f7ff2896b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 99ed77fda1640cbe9a629ba6d758cea36d864e17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# -- core Portage functionality
-# Copyright 1998-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: 3483 2006-06-10 21:40:40Z genone $
-import portage_exception, socket, smtplib, os, sys, time
-from email.MIMEText import MIMEText as TextMessage
-from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart as MultipartMessage
-from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase as BaseMessage
-def create_message(sender, recipient, subject, body, attachments=None):
-       if attachments == None:
-               mymessage = TextMessage(body)
-       else:
-               mymessage = MultipartMessage()
-               mymessage.attach(TextMessage(body))
-               for x in attachments:
-                       if isinstance(x, BaseMessage):
-                               mymessage.attach(x)
-                       elif isinstance(x, str):
-                               mymessage.attach(TextMessage(x))
-                       else:
-                               raise portage_exception.PortageException("Can't handle type of attachment: %s" % type(x))
-       mymessage.set_unixfrom(sender)
-       mymessage["To"] = recipient
-       mymessage["From"] = sender
-       mymessage["Subject"] = subject
-       mymessage["Date"] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
-       return mymessage
-def send_mail(mysettings, message):
-       mymailhost = "localhost"
-       mymailport = 25
-       mymailuser = ""
-       mymailpasswd = ""
-       myrecipient = "root@localhost"
-       # Syntax for PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI (if defined):
-       # adress [[user:passwd@]mailserver[:port]]
-       # where adress:     recipient adress
-       #       user:       username for smtp auth (defaults to none)
-       #       passwd:     password for smtp auth (defaults to none)
-       #       mailserver: smtp server that should be used to deliver the mail (defaults to localhost)
-       #                                       alternatively this can also be the absolute path to a sendmail binary if you don't want to use smtp
-       #       port:       port to use on the given smtp server (defaults to 25, values > 100000 indicate that starttls should be used on (port-100000))
-       if " " in mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"]:
-               myrecipient, mymailuri = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"].split()
-               if "@" in mymailuri:
-                       myauthdata, myconndata = mymailuri.rsplit("@", 1)
-                       try:
-                               mymailuser,mymailpasswd = myauthdata.split(":")
-                       except ValueError:
-                               print "!!! invalid SMTP AUTH configuration, trying unauthenticated ..."
-               else:
-                       myconndata = mymailuri
-               if ":" in myconndata:
-                       mymailhost,mymailport = myconndata.split(":")
-               else:
-                       mymailhost = myconndata
-       else:
-               myrecipient = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"]
-       myfrom = message.get("From")
-       # user wants to use a sendmail binary instead of smtp
-       if mymailhost[0] == os.sep and os.path.exists(mymailhost):
-               fd = os.popen(mymailhost+" -f "+myfrom+" "+myrecipient, "w")
-               fd.write(message.as_string())
-               if fd.close() != None:
-                       sys.stderr.write("!!! %s returned with a non-zero exit code. This generally indicates an error.\n" % mymailhost)
-       else:
-               try:
-                       if int(mymailport) > 100000:
-                               myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, int(mymailport) - 100000)
-                               myconn.starttls()
-                       else:
-                               myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, mymailport)
-                       if mymailuser != "" and mymailpasswd != "":
-                               myconn.login(mymailuser, mymailpasswd)
-                       myconn.sendmail(myfrom, myrecipient, message.as_string())
-                       myconn.quit()
-               except smtplib.SMTPException, e:
-                       raise portage_exception.PortageException("!!! An error occured while trying to send logmail:\n"+str(e))
-               except socket.error, e:
-                       raise portage_exception.PortageException("!!! A network error occured while trying to send logmail:\n"+str(e)+"\nSure you configured PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI correctly?")
-       return
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c88fcdced61edddd9d98288bd5580fc35d498a86
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e621606c1ec1b251844e4536decc4c85143f5170..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-import errno, os, sets
-if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
-       from sets import Set as set
-import portage_exception, portage_versions, portage_const
-from portage_checksum import *
-from portage_exception import *
-from portage_util import write_atomic
-class FileNotInManifestException(PortageException):
-       pass
-def manifest2AuxfileFilter(filename):
-       filename = filename.strip(os.sep)
-       mysplit = filename.split(os.path.sep)
-       if "CVS" in mysplit:
-               return False
-       for x in mysplit:
-               if x.startswith("."):
-                       return False
-       return not filename.startswith("digest-")
-def manifest2MiscfileFilter(filename):
-       filename = filename.strip(os.sep)
-       return not (filename in ["CVS", ".svn", "files", "Manifest"] or filename.endswith(".ebuild"))
-def guessManifestFileType(filename):
-       """ Perform a best effort guess of which type the given filename is, avoid using this if possible """
-       if filename.startswith("files" + os.sep + "digest-"):
-               return None
-       if filename.startswith("files" + os.sep):
-               return "AUX"
-       elif filename.endswith(".ebuild"):
-               return "EBUILD"
-       elif filename in ["ChangeLog", "metadata.xml"]:
-               return "MISC"
-       else:
-               return "DIST"
-def parseManifest2(mysplit):
-       myentry = None
-       if len(mysplit) > 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
-               mytype = mysplit[0]
-               myname = mysplit[1]
-               mysize = int(mysplit[2])
-               myhashes = dict(zip(mysplit[3::2], mysplit[4::2]))
-               myhashes["size"] = mysize
-               myentry = Manifest2Entry(type=mytype, name=myname, hashes=myhashes)
-       return myentry
-def parseManifest1(mysplit):
-       myentry = None
-       if len(mysplit) == 4 and mysplit[0] in ["size"] + portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
-               myname = mysplit[2]
-               mytype = None
-               mytype = guessManifestFileType(myname)
-               if mytype == "AUX":
-                       if myname.startswith("files" + os.path.sep):
-                               myname = myname[6:]
-               mysize = int(mysplit[3])
-               myhashes = {mysplit[0]: mysplit[1]}
-               myhashes["size"] = mysize
-               myentry = Manifest1Entry(type=mytype, name=myname, hashes=myhashes)
-       return myentry
-class ManifestEntry(object):
-       __slots__ = ("type", "name", "hashes")
-       def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-               for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
-                       setattr(self, k, v)
-       def __cmp__(self, other):
-               if str(self) == str(other):
-                       return 0
-               return 1
-class Manifest1Entry(ManifestEntry):
-       def __str__(self):
-               myhashkeys = self.hashes.keys()
-               for hashkey in myhashkeys:
-                       if hashkey != "size":
-                               break
-               hashvalue = self.hashes[hashkey]
-               myname =
-               if self.type == "AUX" and not myname.startswith("files" + os.sep):
-                       myname = os.path.join("files", myname)
-               return " ".join([hashkey, str(hashvalue), myname, str(self.hashes["size"])])
-class Manifest2Entry(ManifestEntry):
-       def __str__(self):
-               myline = " ".join([self.type,, str(self.hashes["size"])])
-               myhashkeys = self.hashes.keys()
-               myhashkeys.remove("size")
-               myhashkeys.sort()
-               for h in myhashkeys:
-                       myline += " " + h + " " + str(self.hashes[h])
-               return myline
-class Manifest(object):
-       parsers = (parseManifest2, parseManifest1)
-       def __init__(self, pkgdir, distdir, fetchlist_dict=None,
-               manifest1_compat=True, from_scratch=False):
-               """ create new Manifest instance for package in pkgdir
-                   and add compability entries for old portage versions if manifest1_compat == True.
-                   Do not parse Manifest file if from_scratch == True (only for internal use)
-                       The fetchlist_dict parameter is required only for generation of
-                       a Manifest (not needed for parsing and checking sums)."""
-               self.pkgdir = pkgdir.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
-               self.fhashdict = {}
-               self.hashes = portage_const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS[:]
-               self.hashes.append("size")
-               if manifest1_compat:
-                       self.hashes.extend(portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS)
-               self.hashes = sets.Set(self.hashes)
-               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
-                       self.fhashdict[t] = {}
-               if not from_scratch:
-                       self._read()
-               self.compat = manifest1_compat
-               if fetchlist_dict != None:
-                       self.fetchlist_dict = fetchlist_dict
-               else:
-                       self.fetchlist_dict = {}
-               self.distdir = distdir
-               self.guessType = guessManifestFileType
-       def getFullname(self):
-               """ Returns the absolute path to the Manifest file for this instance """
-               return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "Manifest")
-       def getDigests(self):
-               """ Compability function for old digest/manifest code, returns dict of filename:{hashfunction:hashvalue} """
-               rval = {}
-               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
-                       rval.update(self.fhashdict[t])
-               return rval
-       def getTypeDigests(self, ftype):
-               """ Similar to getDigests(), but restricted to files of the given type. """
-               return self.fhashdict[ftype]
-       def _readDigests(self, myhashdict=None):
-               """ Parse old style digest files for this Manifest instance """
-               if myhashdict is None:
-                       myhashdict = {}
-               try:
-                       for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files")):
-                               if d.startswith("digest-"):
-                                       self._readManifest(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", d), mytype="DIST",
-                                               myhashdict=myhashdict)
-               except (IOError, OSError), e:
-                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                               pass
-                       else:
-                               raise
-               return myhashdict
-       def _readManifest(self, file_path, myhashdict=None, **kwargs):
-               """Parse a manifest or an old style digest.  If myhashdict is given
-               then data will be added too it.  Otherwise, a new dict will be created
-               and returned."""
-               try:
-                       fd = open(file_path, "r")
-                       if myhashdict is None:
-                               myhashdict = {}
-                       self._parseDigests(fd, myhashdict=myhashdict, **kwargs)
-                       fd.close()
-                       return myhashdict
-               except (OSError, IOError), e:
-                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                               raise FileNotFound(file_path)
-                       else:
-                               raise
-       def _read(self):
-               """ Parse Manifest file for this instance """
-               try:
-                       self._readManifest(self.getFullname(), myhashdict=self.fhashdict)
-               except FileNotFound:
-                       pass
-               self._readDigests(myhashdict=self.fhashdict)
-       def _parseManifestLines(self, mylines):
-               """Parse manifest lines and return a list of manifest entries."""
-               for myline in mylines:
-                       myentry = None
-                       mysplit = myline.split()
-                       for parser in self.parsers:
-                               myentry = parser(mysplit)
-                               if myentry is not None:
-                                       yield myentry
-                                       break # go to the next line
-       def _parseDigests(self, mylines, myhashdict=None, mytype=None):
-               """Parse manifest entries and store the data in myhashdict.  If mytype
-               is specified, it will override the type for all parsed entries."""
-               if myhashdict is None:
-                       myhashdict = {}
-               for myentry in self._parseManifestLines(mylines):
-                       if mytype is None:
-                               myentry_type = myentry.type
-                       else:
-                               myentry_type = mytype
-                       myhashdict.setdefault(myentry_type, {})
-                       myhashdict[myentry_type].setdefault(, {})
-                       myhashdict[myentry_type][].update(myentry.hashes)
-               return myhashdict
-       def _writeDigests(self, force=False):
-               """ Create old style digest files for this Manifest instance """
-               cpvlist = [os.path.join(self._pkgdir_category(), x[:-7]) for x in os.listdir(self.pkgdir) if x.endswith(".ebuild")]
-               rval = []
-               try:
-                       os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files"))
-               except OSError, oe:
-                       if oe.errno == errno.EEXIST:
-                               pass
-                       else:
-                               raise
-               for cpv in cpvlist:
-                       dname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", "digest-%s" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1])
-                       distlist = self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv)
-                       missing_digests = set()
-                       for f in distlist:
-                               if f not in self.fhashdict["DIST"] or len(self.fhashdict["DIST"][f]) == 0:
-                                       missing_digests.add(f)
-                       if missing_digests:
-                               # This allows us to force remove of stale digests for the
-                               # ebuild --force digest option.
-                               distlist = [f for f in distlist if f not in missing_digests]
-                       update_digest = True
-                       if not force:
-                               try:
-                                       f = open(dname, "r")
-                                       old_data = self._parseDigests(f)
-                                       f.close()
-                                       if len(old_data) == 1 and "DIST" in old_data:
-                                               new_data = self._getDigestData(distlist)
-                                               if "DIST" in new_data:
-                                                       for myfile in new_data["DIST"]:
-                                                               for hashname in \
-                                                                       new_data["DIST"][myfile].keys():
-                                                                       if hashname != "size" and hashname not in \
-                                                                               portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
-                                                                               del new_data["DIST"][myfile][hashname]
-                                                       if new_data["DIST"] == old_data["DIST"]:
-                                                               update_digest = False
-                               except (IOError, OSError), e:
-                                       if errno.ENOENT == e.errno:
-                                               pass
-                                       else:
-                                               raise
-                       if update_digest:
-                               mylines = self._createDigestLines1(distlist, self.fhashdict)
-                               if mylines:
-                                       mylines = "\n".join(mylines) + "\n"
-                               else:
-                                       mylines = ""
-                               write_atomic(dname, mylines)
-                       rval.append(dname)
-               return rval
-       def _getDigestData(self, distlist):
-               """create a hash dict for a specific list of files"""
-               myhashdict = {}
-               for myname in distlist:
-                       for mytype in self.fhashdict:
-                               if myname in self.fhashdict[mytype]:
-                                       myhashdict.setdefault(mytype, {})
-                                       myhashdict[mytype].setdefault(myname, {})
-                                       myhashdict[mytype][myname].update(self.fhashdict[mytype][myname])
-               return myhashdict
-       def _createDigestLines1(self, distlist, myhashdict):
-               """ Create an old style digest file."""
-               mylines = []
-               myfiles = myhashdict["DIST"].keys()
-               myfiles.sort()
-               for f in myfiles:
-                       if f in distlist:
-                               myhashkeys = myhashdict["DIST"][f].keys()
-                               myhashkeys.sort()
-                               for h in myhashkeys:
-                                       if h not in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
-                                               continue
-                                       myline = " ".join([h, str(myhashdict["DIST"][f][h]), f, str(myhashdict["DIST"][f]["size"])])
-                                       mylines.append(myline)
-               return mylines
-       def _addDigestsToManifest(self, digests, fd):
-               """ Add entries for old style digest files to Manifest file """
-               mylines = []
-               for dname in digests:
-                       myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(dname, portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS+["size"])
-                       for h in myhashes:
-                               mylines.append((" ".join([h, str(myhashes[h]), os.path.join("files", os.path.basename(dname)), str(myhashes["size"])])))
-               fd.write("\n".join(mylines))
-               fd.write("\n")
-       def _createManifestEntries(self):
-               mytypes = self.fhashdict.keys()
-               mytypes.sort()
-               for t in mytypes:
-                       myfiles = self.fhashdict[t].keys()
-                       myfiles.sort()
-                       for f in myfiles:
-                               myentry = Manifest2Entry(
-                                       type=t, name=f, hashes=self.fhashdict[t][f].copy())
-                               myhashkeys = myentry.hashes.keys()
-                               for h in myhashkeys:
-                                       if h not in ["size"] + portage_const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
-                                               del myentry.hashes[h]
-                               yield myentry
-                               if self.compat and t != "DIST":
-                                       mysize = self.fhashdict[t][f]["size"]
-                                       myhashes = self.fhashdict[t][f]
-                                       for h in myhashkeys:
-                                               if h not in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
-                                                       continue
-                                               yield Manifest1Entry(
-                                                       type=t, name=f, hashes={"size":mysize, h:myhashes[h]})
-               if self.compat:
-                       cvp_list = self.fetchlist_dict.keys()
-                       cvp_list.sort()
-                       for cpv in cvp_list:
-                               digest_path = os.path.join("files", "digest-%s" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1])
-                               dname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, digest_path)
-                               try:
-                                       myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(dname, portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS+["size"])
-                                       myhashkeys = myhashes.keys()
-                                       myhashkeys.sort()
-                                       for h in myhashkeys:
-                                               if h in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
-                                                       yield Manifest1Entry(type="AUX", name=digest_path,
-                                                               hashes={"size":myhashes["size"], h:myhashes[h]})
-                               except FileNotFound:
-                                       pass
-       def write(self, sign=False, force=False):
-               """ Write Manifest instance to disk, optionally signing it """
-               try:
-                       if self.compat:
-                               self._writeDigests()
-                       myentries = list(self._createManifestEntries())
-                       update_manifest = True
-                       if not force:
-                               try:
-                                       f = open(self.getFullname(), "r")
-                                       oldentries = list(self._parseManifestLines(f))
-                                       f.close()
-                                       if len(oldentries) == len(myentries):
-                                               update_manifest = False
-                                               for i in xrange(len(oldentries)):
-                                                       if oldentries[i] != myentries[i]:
-                                                               update_manifest = True
-                                                               break
-                               except (IOError, OSError), e:
-                                       if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                                               pass
-                                       else:
-                                               raise
-                       if update_manifest:
-                               fd = open(self.getFullname(), "w")
-                               for myentry in myentries:
-                                       fd.write("%s\n" % str(myentry))
-                               fd.close()
-                       if sign:
-                               self.sign()
-               except (IOError, OSError), e:
-                       if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                               raise PermissionDenied(str(e))
-                       raise
-       def sign(self):
-               """ Sign the Manifest """
-               raise NotImplementedError()
-       def validateSignature(self):
-               """ Validate signature on Manifest """
-               raise NotImplementedError()
-       def addFile(self, ftype, fname, hashdict=None, ignoreMissing=False):
-               """ Add entry to Manifest optionally using hashdict to avoid recalculation of hashes """
-               if ftype == "AUX" and not fname.startswith("files/"):
-                       fname = os.path.join("files", fname)
-               if not os.path.exists(self.pkgdir+fname) and not ignoreMissing:
-                       raise FileNotFound(fname)
-               if not ftype in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
-                       raise InvalidDataType(ftype)
-               if ftype == "AUX" and fname.startswith("files"):
-                       fname = fname[6:]
-               self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] = {}
-               if hashdict != None:
-                       self.fhashdict[ftype][fname].update(hashdict)
-               if not portage_const.MANIFEST2_REQUIRED_HASH in self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]:
-                       self.updateFileHashes(ftype, fname, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissing)
-       def removeFile(self, ftype, fname):
-               """ Remove given entry from Manifest """
-               del self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]
-       def hasFile(self, ftype, fname):
-               """ Return wether the Manifest contains an entry for the given type,filename pair """
-               return (fname in self.fhashdict[ftype])
-       def findFile(self, fname):
-               """ Return entrytype of the given file if present in Manifest or None if not present """
-               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
-                       if fname in self.fhashdict[t]:
-                               return t
-               return None
-       def create(self, checkExisting=False, assumeDistHashesSometimes=False,
-               assumeDistHashesAlways=False, requiredDistfiles=[]):
-               """ Recreate this Manifest from scratch.  This will not use any
-               existing checksums unless assumeDistHashesSometimes or
-               assumeDistHashesAlways is true (assumeDistHashesSometimes will only
-               cause DIST checksums to be reused if the file doesn't exist in
-               DISTDIR).  The requiredDistfiles parameter specifies a list of
-               distfiles to raise a FileNotFound exception for (if no file or existing
-               checksums are available), and defaults to all distfiles when not
-               specified."""
-               if checkExisting:
-                       self.checkAllHashes()
-               if assumeDistHashesSometimes or assumeDistHashesAlways:
-                       distfilehashes = self.fhashdict["DIST"]
-               else:
-                       distfilehashes = {}
-               self.__init__(self.pkgdir, self.distdir,
-                       fetchlist_dict=self.fetchlist_dict, from_scratch=True)
-               for pkgdir, pkgdir_dirs, pkgdir_files in os.walk(self.pkgdir):
-                       break
-               for f in pkgdir_files:
-                       if f.endswith(".ebuild"):
-                               mytype = "EBUILD"
-                       elif manifest2MiscfileFilter(f):
-                               mytype = "MISC"
-                       else:
-                               continue
-                       self.fhashdict[mytype][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(self.pkgdir+f, self.hashes)
-               recursive_files = []
-               cut_len = len(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files") + os.sep)
-               for parentdir, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files")):
-                       for f in files:
-                               full_path = os.path.join(parentdir, f)
-                               recursive_files.append(full_path[cut_len:])
-               for f in recursive_files:
-                       if not manifest2AuxfileFilter(f):
-                               continue
-                       self.fhashdict["AUX"][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(
-                               os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", f.lstrip(os.sep)), self.hashes)
-               cpvlist = [os.path.join(self._pkgdir_category(), x[:-7]) for x in os.listdir(self.pkgdir) if x.endswith(".ebuild")]
-               distlist = set()
-               for cpv in cpvlist:
-                       distlist.update(self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv))
-               if requiredDistfiles is None:
-                       # This allows us to force removal of stale digests for the
-                       # ebuild --force digest option (no distfiles are required).
-                       requiredDistfiles = set()
-               elif len(requiredDistfiles) == 0:
-                       # repoman passes in an empty list, which implies that all distfiles
-                       # are required.
-                       requiredDistfiles = distlist.copy()
-               for f in distlist:
-                       fname = os.path.join(self.distdir, f)
-                       mystat = None
-                       try:
-                               mystat = os.stat(fname)
-                       except OSError:
-                               pass
-                       if f in distfilehashes and \
-                               ((assumeDistHashesSometimes and mystat is None) or \
-                               (assumeDistHashesAlways and mystat is None) or \
-                               (assumeDistHashesAlways and mystat is not None and \
-                               len(distfilehashes[f]) == len(self.hashes) and \
-                               distfilehashes[f]["size"] == mystat.st_size)):
-                               self.fhashdict["DIST"][f] = distfilehashes[f]
-                       else:
-                               try:
-                                       self.fhashdict["DIST"][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(fname, self.hashes)
-                               except FileNotFound:
-                                       if f in requiredDistfiles:
-                                               raise
-       def _pkgdir_category(self):
-               return self.pkgdir.rstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep)[-2]
-       def _getAbsname(self, ftype, fname):
-               if ftype == "DIST":
-                       absname = os.path.join(self.distdir, fname)
-               elif ftype == "AUX":
-                       absname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", fname)
-               else:
-                       absname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, fname)
-               return absname  
-       def checkAllHashes(self, ignoreMissingFiles=False):
-               for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
-                       self.checkTypeHashes(t, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
-       def checkTypeHashes(self, idtype, ignoreMissingFiles=False):
-               for f in self.fhashdict[idtype]:
-                       self.checkFileHashes(idtype, f, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissingFiles)
-       def checkFileHashes(self, ftype, fname, ignoreMissing=False):
-               myhashes = self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]
-               try:
-                       ok,reason = verify_all(self._getAbsname(ftype, fname), self.fhashdict[ftype][fname])
-                       if not ok:
-                               raise DigestException(tuple([self._getAbsname(ftype, fname)]+list(reason)))
-                       return ok, reason
-               except FileNotFound, e:
-                       if not ignoreMissing:
-                               raise
-                       return False, "File Not Found: '%s'" % str(e)
-       def checkCpvHashes(self, cpv, checkDistfiles=True, onlyDistfiles=False, checkMiscfiles=False):
-               """ check the hashes for all files associated to the given cpv, include all
-               AUX files and optionally all MISC files. """
-               if not onlyDistfiles:
-                       self.checkTypeHashes("AUX", ignoreMissingFiles=False)
-                       if checkMiscfiles:
-                               self.checkTypeHashes("MISC", ignoreMissingFiles=False)
-                       ebuildname = "%s.ebuild" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1]
-                       self.checkFileHashes("EBUILD", ebuildname, ignoreMissing=False)
-               if checkDistfiles or onlyDistfiles:
-                       for f in self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv):
-                               self.checkFileHashes("DIST", f, ignoreMissing=False)
-       def _getCpvDistfiles(self, cpv):
-               """ Get a list of all DIST files associated to the given cpv """
-               return self.fetchlist_dict[cpv]
-       def getDistfilesSize(self, fetchlist):
-               total_bytes = 0
-               for f in fetchlist:
-                       total_bytes += int(self.fhashdict["DIST"][f]["size"])
-               return total_bytes
-       def updateFileHashes(self, ftype, fname, checkExisting=True, ignoreMissing=True, reuseExisting=False):
-               """ Regenerate hashes for the given file """
-               if checkExisting:
-                       self.checkFileHashes(ftype, fname, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissing)
-               if not ignoreMissing and not self.fhashdict[ftype].has_key(fname):
-                       raise FileNotInManifestException(fname)
-               if not self.fhashdict[ftype].has_key(fname):
-                       self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] = {}
-               myhashkeys = list(self.hashes)
-               if reuseExisting:
-                       for k in [h for h in self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] if h in myhashkeys]:
-                               myhashkeys.remove(k)
-               myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(self._getAbsname(ftype, fname), myhashkeys)
-               self.fhashdict[ftype][fname].update(myhashes)
-       def updateTypeHashes(self, idtype, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
-               """ Regenerate all hashes for all files of the given type """
-               for fname in self.fhashdict[idtype]:
-                       self.updateFileHashes(idtype, fname, checkExisting)
-       def updateAllHashes(self, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
-               """ Regenerate all hashes for all files in this Manifest. """
-               for ftype in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
-                       self.updateTypeHashes(idtype, fname, checkExisting)
-       def updateCpvHashes(self, cpv, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
-               """ Regenerate all hashes associated to the given cpv (includes all AUX and MISC
-               files)."""
-               self.updateTypeHashes("AUX", ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
-               self.updateTypeHashes("MISC", ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
-               ebuildname = "%s.ebuild" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1]
-               self.updateFileHashes("EBUILD", ebuildname, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
-               for f in self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv):
-                       self.updateFileHashes("DIST", f, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
-       def updateHashesGuessType(self, fname, *args, **kwargs):
-               """ Regenerate hashes for the given file (guesses the type and then
-               calls updateFileHashes)."""
-               mytype = self.guessType(fname)
-               if mytype == "AUX":
-                       fname = fname[len("files" + os.sep):]
-               elif mytype is None:
-                       return
-               myrealtype = self.findFile(fname)
-               if myrealtype is not None:
-                       mytype = myrealtype
-               return self.updateFileHashes(mytype, fname, *args, **kwargs)
-       def getFileData(self, ftype, fname, key):
-               """ Return the value of a specific (type,filename,key) triple, mainly useful
-               to get the size for distfiles."""
-               return self.fhashdict[ftype][fname][key]
-       def getVersions(self):
-               """ Returns a list of manifest versions present in the manifest file. """
-               rVal = []
-               mfname = self.getFullname()
-               if not os.path.exists(mfname):
-                       return rVal
-               myfile = open(mfname, "r")
-               lines = myfile.readlines()
-               myfile.close()
-               for l in lines:
-                       mysplit = l.split()
-                       if len(mysplit) == 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS and not 1 in rVal:
-                               rVal.append(1)
-                       elif len(mysplit) > 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS and ((len(mysplit) - 3) % 2) == 0 and not 2 in rVal:
-                               rVal.append(2)
-               return rVal
-       def _catsplit(self, pkg_key):
-               """Split a category and package, returning a list of [cat, pkg].
-               This is compatible with portage.catsplit()"""
-               return pkg_key.split("/", 1)
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f6c0e9c2a1e9585404871feb0b0a7c653359d22
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b54261d927ef7fa99b579c4d8b296b4a56bb0123..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-# portage: news management code
-# Copyright 2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-from portage_const import INCREMENTALS, PROFILE_PATH, NEWS_LIB_PATH
-from portage import config, vartree, vardbapi, portdbapi
-from portage_util import ensure_dirs, apply_permissions
-from portage_data import portage_gid
-from portage_locks import lockfile, unlockfile, lockdir, unlockdir
-from portage_exception import FileNotFound
-import os, re
-class NewsManager(object):
-       """
-       This object manages GLEP 42 style news items.  It will cache news items
-       that have previously shown up and notify users when there are relevant news
-       items that apply to their packages that the user has not previously read.
-       Creating a news manager requires:
-       root - typically ${ROOT} see man make.conf and man emerge for details
-       NEWS_PATH - path to news items; usually $REPODIR/metadata/news
-       UNREAD_PATH - path to the news.repoid.unread file; this helps us track news items
-       """
-       TIMESTAMP_FILE = "news-timestamp"
-       def __init__( self, root, NEWS_PATH, UNREAD_PATH, LANGUAGE_ID='en' ):
-               self.NEWS_PATH = NEWS_PATH
-               self.UNREAD_PATH = UNREAD_PATH
-               self.TIMESTAMP_PATH = os.path.join( root, NEWS_LIB_PATH, NewsManager.TIMESTAMP_FILE )
-               self.target_root = root
-               self.LANGUAGE_ID = LANGUAGE_ID
-               self.config = config( config_root = os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT", "/"),
-                               target_root = root, config_incrementals = INCREMENTALS)
-               self.vdb = vardbapi( settings = self.config, root = root,
-                       vartree = vartree( root = root, settings = self.config ) )
-               self.portdb = portdbapi( porttree_root = self.config["PORTDIR"], mysettings = self.config )
-               # Ensure that the unread path exists and is writable.
-               dirmode  = 02070
-               modemask =    02
-               ensure_dirs(self.UNREAD_PATH, mode=dirmode, mask=modemask, gid=portage_gid)
-       def updateItems( self, repoid ):
-               """
-               Figure out which news items from NEWS_PATH are both unread and relevant to
-               the user (according to the GLEP 42 standards of relevancy).  Then add these
-               items into the news.repoid.unread file.
-               """
-               repos = self.portdb.getRepositories()
-               if repoid not in repos:
-                       raise ValueError("Invalid repoID: %s" % repoid)
-               timestamp_file = self.TIMESTAMP_PATH + repoid
-               if os.path.exists(timestamp_file):
-                       # Make sure the timestamp has correct permissions.
-                       apply_permissions( filename=timestamp_file, 
-                               uid=self.config["PORTAGE_INST_UID"], gid=portage_gid, mode=664 )
-                       timestamp = os.stat(timestamp_file).st_mtime
-               else:
-                       timestamp = 0
-               path = os.path.join( self.portdb.getRepositoryPath( repoid ), self.NEWS_PATH )
-               newsdir_lock = None
-               try:
-                       newsdir_lock = lockdir( self.portdb.getRepositoryPath(repoid) )
-                       # Skip reading news for repoid if the news dir does not exist.  Requested by
-                       # NightMorph :)
-                       if not os.path.exists( path ):
-                               return None
-                       news = os.listdir( path )
-                       updates = []
-                       for item in news:
-                               try:
-                                       file = os.path.join( path, item, item + "." + self.LANGUAGE_ID + ".txt")
-                                       tmp = NewsItem( file , timestamp )
-                               except TypeError:
-                                       continue
-                               if tmp.isRelevant( profile=os.readlink(PROFILE_PATH), config=config, vardb=self.vdb):
-                                       updates.append( tmp )
-               finally:
-                       if newsdir_lock:
-                               unlockdir(newsdir_lock)
-               del path
-               path = os.path.join( self.UNREAD_PATH, "news-" + repoid + ".unread" )
-               try:
-                       unread_lock = lockfile( path )
-                       if not os.path.exists( path ):
-                               #create the file if it does not exist
-                               open( path, "w" )
-                       # Ensure correct perms on the unread file.
-                       apply_permissions( filename=path,
-                               uid=self.config["PORTAGE_INST_UID"], gid=portage_gid, mode=664 )
-                       # Make sure we have the correct permissions when created
-                       unread_file = open( path, "a" )
-                       for item in updates:
-                               unread_file.write( item.path + "\n" )
-                       unread_file.close()
-               finally:
-                       unlockfile(unread_lock)
-               # Touch the timestamp file
-               f = open(timestamp_file, "w")
-               f.close()
-       def getUnreadItems( self, repoid, update=False ):
-               """
-               Determine if there are unread relevant items in news.repoid.unread.
-               If there are unread items return their number.
-               If update is specified, updateNewsItems( repoid ) will be called to
-               check for new items.
-               """
-               if update:
-                       self.updateItems( repoid )
-               unreadfile = os.path.join( self.UNREAD_PATH, "news-"+ repoid +".unread" )
-               try:
-                       try:
-                               unread_lock = lockfile(unreadfile)
-                               # Set correct permissions on the news-repoid.unread file
-                               apply_permissions( filename=unreadfile,
-                                       uid=int(self.config["PORTAGE_INST_UID"]), gid=portage_gid, mode=0664 )
-                               if os.path.exists( unreadfile ):
-                                       unread = open( unreadfile ).readlines()
-                                       if len(unread):
-                                               return len(unread)
-                       except FileNotFound:
-                               pass # unread file may not exist
-               finally:
-                       if unread_lock:
-                               unlockfile(unread_lock)
-_installedRE = re.compile("Display-If-Installed:(.*)\n")
-_profileRE = re.compile("Display-If-Profile:(.*)\n")
-_keywordRE = re.compile("Display-If-Keyword:(.*)\n")
-class NewsItem(object):
-       """
-       This class encapsulates a GLEP 42 style news item.
-       It's purpose is to wrap parsing of these news items such that portage can determine
-       whether a particular item is 'relevant' or not.  This requires parsing the item
-       and determining 'relevancy restrictions'; these include "Display if Installed" or
-       "display if arch: x86" and so forth.
-       Creation of a news item involves passing in the path to the particular news item.
-       """
-       def __init__( self, path, cache_mtime = 0 ):
-               """ 
-               For a given news item we only want if it path is a file and it's 
-               mtime is newer than the cache'd timestamp.
-               """
-               if not os.path.isfile( path ):
-                       raise TypeError
-               if not os.stat( path ).st_mtime > cache_mtime:
-                       raise TypeError
-               self.path = path
-               self._parsed = False
-       def isRelevant( self, vardb, config, profile ):
-               """
-               This function takes a dict of keyword arguments; one should pass in any
-               objects need to do to lookups (like what keywords we are on, what profile,
-               and a vardb so we can look at installed packages).
-               Each restriction will pluck out the items that are required for it to match
-               or raise a ValueError exception if the required object is not present.
-               """
-               if not len(self.restrictions):
-                       return True # no restrictions to match means everyone should see it
-               kwargs = { 'vardb' : vardb,
-                          'config' : config,
-                          'profile' : profile }
-               for restriction in self.restrictions:
-                       if restriction.checkRestriction( **kwargs ):
-                               return True
-               return False # No restrictions were met; thus we aren't relevant :(
-       def parse( self ):
-               lines = open(self.path).readlines()
-               self.restrictions = []
-               for line in lines:
-                       #Optimization to ignore regex matchines on lines that
-                       #will never match
-                       if not line.startswith("D"):
-                               continue
-                       restricts = {  _installedRE : DisplayInstalledRestriction,
-                                       _profileRE : DisplayProfileRestriction,
-                                       _keywordRE : DisplayKeywordRestriction }
-                       for regex, restriction in restricts.iteritems():
-                               match = regex.match(line)
-                               if match:
-                                       self.restrictions.append( restriction( match.groups()[0].strip() ) )
-                                       continue
-               self._parsed = True
-       def __getattr__( self, attr ):
-               if not self._parsed:
-                       self.parse()
-               return self.__dict__[attr]
-class DisplayRestriction(object):
-       """
-       A base restriction object representing a restriction of display.
-       news items may have 'relevancy restrictions' preventing them from
-       being important.  In this case we need a manner of figuring out if
-       a particular item is relevant or not.  If any of it's restrictions
-       are met, then it is displayed
-       """
-       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
-               raise NotImplementedError("Derived class should over-ride this method")
-class DisplayProfileRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
-       """
-       A profile restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
-       if the user is running a specific profile.
-       """
-       def __init__( self, profile ):
-               self.profile = profile
-       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
-               if self.profile == kwargs['profile']:
-                       return True
-               return False
-class DisplayKeywordRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
-       """
-       A keyword restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
-       if the user is running a specific keyword.
-       """
-       def __init__( self, keyword ):
-               self.keyword = keyword
-       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
-               if kwargs['config']["ARCH"] == self.keyword:
-                       return True
-               return False
-class DisplayInstalledRestriction(DisplayRestriction):
-       """
-       An Installation restriction where a particular item shall only be displayed
-       if the user has that item installed.
-       """
-       def __init__( self, cpv ):
-               self.cpv = cpv
-       def checkRestriction( self, **kwargs ):
-               vdb = kwargs['vardb']
-               if vdb.match( self.cpv ):
-                       return True
-               return False
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..166e3ce0312dd43b9182567622880acaa82910a3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e4d80fa1e42640645124873627eb0b2d23b04681..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-import selinux
-from selinux import is_selinux_enabled
-from selinux_aux import setexec, secure_symlink, secure_rename, \
-       secure_copy, secure_mkdir, getcontext, get_sid, get_lsid
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c7a71ca8587d4c5426ca1ea68aa7d0339f1dc82
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1a2a1d8841ed5c697f4fbaedb01f875aa1978561..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-import errno, os, re, sys
-from portage_util import ConfigProtect, grabfile, new_protect_filename, \
-       normalize_path, write_atomic, writemsg
-from portage_exception import DirectoryNotFound, PortageException
-from portage_versions import ververify
-from portage_dep import dep_getkey, get_operator, isvalidatom, isjustname
-from portage_const import USER_CONFIG_PATH, WORLD_FILE
-ignored_dbentries = ("CONTENTS", "environment.bz2")
-def update_dbentry(update_cmd, mycontent):
-       if update_cmd[0] == "move":
-               old_value, new_value = update_cmd[1], update_cmd[2]
-               if mycontent.count(old_value):
-                       old_value = re.escape(old_value);
-                       mycontent = re.sub(old_value+"(:|$|\\s)", new_value+"\\1", mycontent)
-                       def myreplace(matchobj):
-                               if ververify(
-                                       return "%s-%s" % (new_value,
-                               else:
-                                       return "".join(matchobj.groups())
-                       mycontent = re.sub("(%s-)(\\S*)" % old_value, myreplace, mycontent)
-       elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove" and get_operator(update_cmd[1]) is None:
-               pkg, origslot, newslot = update_cmd[1:]
-               old_value = "%s:%s" % (pkg, origslot)
-               if mycontent.count(old_value):
-                       old_value = re.escape(old_value)
-                       new_value = "%s:%s" % (pkg, newslot)
-                       mycontent = re.sub(old_value+"($|\\s)", new_value+"\\1", mycontent)
-       return mycontent
-def update_dbentries(update_iter, mydata):
-       """Performs update commands and returns a
-       dict containing only the updated items."""
-       updated_items = {}
-       for k, mycontent in mydata.iteritems():
-               if k not in ignored_dbentries:
-                       orig_content = mycontent
-                       for update_cmd in update_iter:
-                               mycontent = update_dbentry(update_cmd, mycontent)
-                       if mycontent != orig_content:
-                               updated_items[k] = mycontent
-       return updated_items
-def fixdbentries(update_iter, dbdir):
-       """Performs update commands which result in search and replace operations
-       for each of the files in dbdir (excluding CONTENTS and environment.bz2).
-       Returns True when actual modifications are necessary and False otherwise."""
-       mydata = {}
-       for myfile in [f for f in os.listdir(dbdir) if f not in ignored_dbentries]:
-               file_path = os.path.join(dbdir, myfile)
-               f = open(file_path, "r")
-               mydata[myfile] =
-               f.close()
-       updated_items = update_dbentries(update_iter, mydata)
-       for myfile, mycontent in updated_items.iteritems():
-               file_path = os.path.join(dbdir, myfile)
-               write_atomic(file_path, mycontent)
-       return len(updated_items) > 0
-def grab_updates(updpath, prev_mtimes=None):
-       """Returns all the updates from the given directory as a sorted list of
-       tuples, each containing (file_path, statobj, content).  If prev_mtimes is
-       given then only updates with differing mtimes are considered."""
-       try:
-               mylist = os.listdir(updpath)
-       except OSError, oe:
-               if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                       raise DirectoryNotFound(updpath)
-               raise
-       if prev_mtimes is None:
-               prev_mtimes = {}
-       # validate the file name (filter out CVS directory, etc...)
-       mylist = [myfile for myfile in mylist if len(myfile) == 7 and myfile[1:3] == "Q-"]
-       if len(mylist) == 0:
-               return []
-       # update names are mangled to make them sort properly
-       mylist = [myfile[3:]+"-"+myfile[:2] for myfile in mylist]
-       mylist.sort()
-       mylist = [myfile[5:]+"-"+myfile[:4] for myfile in mylist]
-       update_data = []
-       for myfile in mylist:
-               file_path = os.path.join(updpath, myfile)
-               mystat = os.stat(file_path)
-               if file_path not in prev_mtimes or \
-               long(prev_mtimes[file_path]) != long(mystat.st_mtime):
-                       f = open(file_path)
-                       content =
-                       f.close()
-                       update_data.append((file_path, mystat, content))
-       return update_data
-def parse_updates(mycontent):
-       """Valid updates are returned as a list of split update commands."""
-       myupd = []
-       errors = []
-       mylines = mycontent.splitlines()
-       for myline in mylines:
-               mysplit = myline.split()
-               if len(mysplit) == 0:
-                       continue
-               if mysplit[0] not in ("move", "slotmove"):
-                       errors.append("ERROR: Update type not recognized '%s'" % myline)
-                       continue
-               if mysplit[0] == "move":
-                       if len(mysplit) != 3:
-                               errors.append("ERROR: Update command invalid '%s'" % myline)
-                               continue
-                       orig_value, new_value = mysplit[1], mysplit[2]
-                       for cp in (orig_value, new_value):
-                               if not (isvalidatom(cp) and isjustname(cp)):
-                                       errors.append(
-                                               "ERROR: Malformed update entry '%s'" % myline)
-                                       continue
-               if mysplit[0] == "slotmove":
-                       if len(mysplit)!=4:
-                               errors.append("ERROR: Update command invalid '%s'" % myline)
-                               continue
-                       pkg, origslot, newslot = mysplit[1], mysplit[2], mysplit[3]
-                       if not isvalidatom(pkg):
-                               errors.append("ERROR: Malformed update entry '%s'" % myline)
-                               continue
-               # The list of valid updates is filtered by continue statements above.
-               myupd.append(mysplit)
-       return myupd, errors
-def update_config_files(config_root, protect, protect_mask, update_iter):
-       """Perform global updates on /etc/portage/package.* and the world file.
-       config_root - location of files to update
-       protect - list of paths from CONFIG_PROTECT
-       protect_mask - list of paths from CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK
-       update_iter - list of update commands as returned from parse_updates()"""
-       config_root = normalize_path(config_root)
-       update_files = {}
-       file_contents = {}
-       myxfiles = ["package.mask", "package.unmask", \
-               "package.keywords", "package.use"]
-       myxfiles += [os.path.join("profile", x) for x in myxfiles]
-       abs_user_config = os.path.join(config_root,
-               USER_CONFIG_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep))
-       recursivefiles = []
-       for x in myxfiles:
-               config_file = os.path.join(abs_user_config, x)
-               if os.path.isdir(config_file):
-                       for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(config_file):
-                               for y in dirs:
-                                       if y.startswith("."):
-                                               dirs.remove(y)
-                               for y in files:
-                                       if y.startswith("."):
-                                               continue
-                                       recursivefiles.append(
-                                               os.path.join(parent, y)[len(abs_user_config) + 1:])
-               else:
-                       recursivefiles.append(x)
-       myxfiles = recursivefiles
-       for x in myxfiles:
-               try:
-                       myfile = open(os.path.join(abs_user_config, x),"r")
-                       file_contents[x] = myfile.readlines()
-                       myfile.close()
-               except IOError:
-                       if file_contents.has_key(x):
-                               del file_contents[x]
-                       continue
-       worldlist = grabfile(os.path.join(config_root, WORLD_FILE))
-       for update_cmd in update_iter:
-               if update_cmd[0] == "move":
-                       old_value, new_value = update_cmd[1], update_cmd[2]
-                       #update world entries:
-                       for x in range(0,len(worldlist)):
-                               #update world entries, if any.
-                               worldlist[x] = \
-                                       dep_transform(worldlist[x], old_value, new_value)
-                       #update /etc/portage/packages.*
-                       for x in file_contents:
-                               for mypos in range(0,len(file_contents[x])):
-                                       line = file_contents[x][mypos]
-                                       if line[0] == "#" or not line.strip():
-                                               continue
-                                       myatom = line.split()[0]
-                                       if myatom.startswith("-"):
-                                               # package.mask supports incrementals
-                                               myatom = myatom[1:]
-                                       if not isvalidatom(myatom):
-                                               continue
-                                       key = dep_getkey(myatom)
-                                       if key == old_value:
-                                               file_contents[x][mypos] = \
-                                                       line.replace(old_value, new_value)
-                                               update_files[x] = 1
-                                               sys.stdout.write("p")
-                                               sys.stdout.flush()
-       write_atomic(os.path.join(config_root, WORLD_FILE), "\n".join(worldlist))
-       protect_obj = ConfigProtect(
-               config_root, protect, protect_mask)
-       for x in update_files:
-               updating_file = os.path.join(abs_user_config, x)
-               if protect_obj.isprotected(updating_file):
-                       updating_file = new_protect_filename(updating_file)
-               try:
-                       write_atomic(updating_file, "".join(file_contents[x]))
-               except PortageException, e:
-                       writemsg("\n!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
-                       writemsg("!!! An error occured while updating a config file:" + \
-                               " '%s'\n" % updating_file, noiselevel=-1)
-                       continue
-def dep_transform(mydep, oldkey, newkey):
-       if dep_getkey(mydep) == oldkey:
-               return mydep.replace(oldkey, newkey, 1)
-       return mydep
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb88f8a51556710311a731d7393b827b29afdc69
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cc5a566b8f074ea70b7aa8ddcf8fd77f7e6a077f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-from portage_exception import PortageException, FileNotFound, \
-       OperationNotPermitted, PermissionDenied, ReadOnlyFileSystem
-import portage_exception
-from portage_dep import isvalidatom
-import os, errno, shlex, stat, string, sys
-       import cPickle
-except ImportError:
-       import pickle as cPickle
-if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
-       from sets import Set as set
-noiselimit = 0
-def writemsg(mystr,noiselevel=0,fd=None):
-       """Prints out warning and debug messages based on the noiselimit setting"""
-       global noiselimit
-       if fd is None:
-               fd = sys.stderr
-       if noiselevel <= noiselimit:
-               fd.write(mystr)
-               fd.flush()
-def writemsg_stdout(mystr,noiselevel=0):
-       """Prints messages stdout based on the noiselimit setting"""
-       writemsg(mystr, noiselevel=noiselevel, fd=sys.stdout)
-def normalize_path(mypath):
-       """ 
-       os.path.normpath("//foo") returns "//foo" instead of "/foo"
-       We dislike this behavior so we create our own normpath func
-       to fix it.
-       """
-       if mypath.startswith(os.path.sep):
-               # posixpath.normpath collapses 3 or more leading slashes to just 1.
-               return os.path.normpath(2*os.path.sep + mypath)
-       else:
-               return os.path.normpath(mypath)
-def grabfile(myfilename, compat_level=0, recursive=0):
-       """This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a list; if a line
-       begins with a #, it is ignored, as are empty lines"""
-       mylines=grablines(myfilename, recursive)
-       newlines=[]
-       for x in mylines:
-               #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line
-               #into single spaces.
-               myline=" ".join(x.split())
-               if not len(myline):
-                       continue
-               if myline[0]=="#":
-                       # Check if we have a compat-level string. BC-integration data.
-                       # '##COMPAT==>N<==' 'some string attached to it'
-                       mylinetest = myline.split("<==",1)
-                       if len(mylinetest) == 2:
-                               myline_potential = mylinetest[1]
-                               mylinetest = mylinetest[0].split("##COMPAT==>")
-                               if len(mylinetest) == 2:
-                                       if compat_level >= int(mylinetest[1]):
-                                               # It's a compat line, and the key matches.
-                                               newlines.append(myline_potential)
-                               continue
-                       else:
-                               continue
-               newlines.append(myline)
-       return newlines
-def map_dictlist_vals(func,myDict):
-       """Performs a function on each value of each key in a dictlist.
-       Returns a new dictlist."""
-       new_dl = {}
-       for key in myDict.keys():
-               new_dl[key] = []
-               new_dl[key] = map(func,myDict[key])
-       return new_dl
-def stack_dictlist(original_dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0):
-       """
-       Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or
-       overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->list.
-       Returns a single dict. Higher index in lists is preferenced.
-       Example usage:
-          >>> from portage_util import stack_dictlist
-               >>> print stack_dictlist( [{'a':'b'},{'x':'y'}])
-               >>> {'a':'b','x':'y'}
-               >>> print stack_dictlist( [{'a':'b'},{'a':'c'}], incremental = True )
-               >>> {'a':['b','c'] }
-               >>> a = {'KEYWORDS':['x86','alpha']}
-               >>> b = {'KEYWORDS':['-x86']}
-               >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b] )
-               >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['x86','alpha','-x86']}
-               >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b], incremental=True)
-               >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['alpha'] }
-               >>> print stack_dictlist( [a,b], incrementals=['KEYWORDS'])
-               >>> { 'KEYWORDS':['alpha'] }
-       @param original_dicts a list of (dictionary objects or None)
-       @type list
-       @param incremental True or false depending on whether new keys should overwrite
-          keys which already exist.
-       @type boolean
-       @param incrementals A list of items that should be incremental (-foo removes foo from
-          the returned dict).
-       @type list
-       @param ignore_none Appears to be ignored, but probably was used long long ago.
-       @type boolean
-       """
-       final_dict = {}
-       for mydict in original_dicts:
-               if mydict is None:
-                       continue
-               for y in mydict.keys():
-                       if not y in final_dict:
-                               final_dict[y] = []
-                       for thing in mydict[y]:
-                               if thing:
-                                       if incremental or y in incrementals:
-                                               if thing == "-*":
-                                                       final_dict[y] = []
-                                                       continue
-                                               elif thing.startswith("-"):
-                                                       try:
-                                                               final_dict[y].remove(thing[1:])
-                                                       except ValueError:
-                                                               pass
-                                                       continue
-                                       if thing not in final_dict[y]:
-                                               final_dict[y].append(thing)
-                       if y in final_dict and not final_dict[y]:
-                               del final_dict[y]
-       return final_dict
-def stack_dicts(dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0):
-       """Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or
-       overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->string.
-       Returns a single dict."""
-       final_dict = None
-       for mydict in dicts:
-               if mydict is None:
-                       if ignore_none:
-                               continue
-                       else:
-                               return None
-               if final_dict is None:
-                       final_dict = {}
-               for y in mydict.keys():
-                       if mydict[y]:
-                               if final_dict.has_key(y) and (incremental or (y in incrementals)):
-                                       final_dict[y] += " "+mydict[y][:]
-                               else:
-                                       final_dict[y]  = mydict[y][:]
-                       mydict[y] = " ".join(mydict[y].split()) # Remove extra spaces.
-       return final_dict
-def stack_lists(lists, incremental=1):
-       """Stacks an array of list-types into one array. Optionally removing
-       distinct values using '-value' notation. Higher index is preferenced.
-       all elements must be hashable."""
-       new_list = {}
-       for x in lists:
-               for y in filter(None, x):
-                       if incremental:
-                               if y == "-*":
-                                       new_list.clear()
-                               elif y.startswith("-"):
-                                       new_list.pop(y[1:], None)
-                               else:
-                                       new_list[y] = True
-                       else:
-                               new_list[y] = True
-       return new_list.keys()
-def grabdict(myfilename, juststrings=0, empty=0, recursive=0, incremental=1):
-       """
-       This function grabs the lines in a file, normalizes whitespace and returns lines in a dictionary
-       @param myfilename: file to process
-       @type myfilename: string (path)
-       @param juststrings: only return strings
-       @type juststrings: Boolean (integer)
-       @param empty: Ignore certain lines
-       @type empty: Boolean (integer)
-       @param recursive: Recursively grab ( support for /etc/portage/package.keywords/* and friends )
-       @type recursive: Boolean (integer)
-       @param incremental: Append to the return list, don't overwrite
-       @type incremental: Boolean (integer)
-       @rtype: Dictionary
-       @returns:
-       1.  Returns the lines in a file in a dictionary, for example:
-               'sys-apps/portage x86 amd64 ppc'
-               would return
-               { "sys-apps/portage" : [ 'x86', 'amd64', 'ppc' ]
-               the line syntax is key : [list of values]
-       """
-       newdict={}
-       for x in grablines(myfilename, recursive):
-               #the split/join thing removes leading and trailing whitespace, and converts any whitespace in the line
-               #into single spaces.
-               if x[0] == "#":
-                       continue
-               myline=x.split()
-               if len(myline) < 2 and empty == 0:
-                       continue
-               if len(myline) < 1 and empty == 1:
-                       continue
-               if incremental:
-                       newdict.setdefault(myline[0], []).extend(myline[1:])
-               else:
-                       newdict[myline[0]] = myline[1:]
-       if juststrings:
-               for k, v in newdict.iteritems():
-                       newdict[k] = " ".join(v)
-       return newdict
-def grabdict_package(myfilename, juststrings=0, recursive=0):
-       pkgs=grabdict(myfilename, juststrings, empty=1, recursive=recursive)
-       # We need to call keys() here in order to avoid the possibility of
-       # "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration"
-       # when an invalid atom is deleted.
-       for x in pkgs.keys():
-               if not isvalidatom(x):
-                       del(pkgs[x])
-                       writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, x),
-                               noiselevel=-1)
-       return pkgs
-def grabfile_package(myfilename, compatlevel=0, recursive=0):
-       pkgs=grabfile(myfilename, compatlevel, recursive=recursive)
-       for x in range(len(pkgs)-1, -1, -1):
-               pkg = pkgs[x]
-               if pkg[0] == "-":
-                       pkg = pkg[1:]
-               if pkg[0] == "*": # Kill this so we can deal the "packages" file too
-                       pkg = pkg[1:]
-               if not isvalidatom(pkg):
-                       writemsg("--- Invalid atom in %s: %s\n" % (myfilename, pkgs[x]),
-                               noiselevel=-1)
-                       del(pkgs[x])
-       return pkgs
-def grablines(myfilename,recursive=0):
-       mylines=[]
-       if recursive and os.path.isdir(myfilename):
-               if myfilename in ["RCS", "CVS", "SCCS"]:
-                       return mylines
-               dirlist = os.listdir(myfilename)
-               dirlist.sort()
-               for f in dirlist:
-                       if not f.startswith(".") and not f.endswith("~"):
-                               mylines.extend(grablines(
-                                       os.path.join(myfilename, f), recursive))
-       else:
-               try:
-                       myfile = open(myfilename, "r")
-                       mylines = myfile.readlines()
-                       myfile.close()
-               except IOError:
-                       pass
-       return mylines
-def writedict(mydict,myfilename,writekey=True):
-       """Writes out a dict to a file; writekey=0 mode doesn't write out
-       the key and assumes all values are strings, not lists."""
-       myfile = None
-       try:
-               myfile = atomic_ofstream(myfilename)
-               if not writekey:
-                       for x in mydict.values():
-                               myfile.write(x+"\n")
-               else:
-                       for x in mydict.keys():
-                               myfile.write("%s %s\n" % (x, " ".join(mydict[x])))
-               myfile.close()
-       except IOError:
-               if myfile is not None:
-                       myfile.abort()
-               return 0
-       return 1
-def getconfig(mycfg, tolerant=0, allow_sourcing=False, expand=True):
-       mykeys={}
-       try:
-               f=open(mycfg,'r')
-       except IOError, e:
-               if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-                       raise
-               return None
-       try:
-               lex = shlex.shlex(f, posix=True)
-               lex.wordchars=string.digits+string.letters+"~!@#$%*_\:;?,./-+{}"     
-               lex.quotes="\"'"
-               if allow_sourcing:
-                       lex.source="source"
-               while 1:
-                       key=lex.get_token()
-                       if key == "export":
-                               key = lex.get_token()
-                       if key is None:
-                               #normal end of file
-                               break;
-                       equ=lex.get_token()
-                       if (equ==''):
-                               #unexpected end of file
-                               #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
-                               if not tolerant:
-                                       writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n",
-                                               noiselevel=-1)
-                                       raise Exception("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": on/before line "+str(lex.lineno))
-                               else:
-                                       return mykeys
-                       elif (equ!='='):
-                               #invalid token
-                               #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
-                               if not tolerant:
-                                       writemsg("!!! Invalid token (not \"=\") "+str(equ)+"\n",
-                                               noiselevel=-1)
-                                       raise Exception("ParseError: Invalid token (not '='): "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno))
-                               else:
-                                       return mykeys
-                       val=lex.get_token()
-                       if val is None:
-                               #unexpected end of file
-                               #lex.error_leader(self.filename,lex.lineno)
-                               if not tolerant:
-                                       writemsg("!!! Unexpected end of config file: variable "+str(key)+"\n",
-                                               noiselevel=-1)
-                                       raise portage_exception.CorruptionError("ParseError: Unexpected EOF: "+str(mycfg)+": line "+str(lex.lineno))
-                               else:
-                                       return mykeys
-                       if expand:
-                               mykeys[key] = varexpand(val, mykeys)
-                       else:
-                               mykeys[key] = val
-       except SystemExit, e:
-               raise
-       except Exception, e:
-               raise portage_exception.ParseError(str(e)+" in "+mycfg)
-       return mykeys
-#cache expansions of constant strings
-def varexpand(mystring,mydict={}):
-       newstring = cexpand.get(" "+mystring, None)
-       if newstring is not None:
-               return newstring
-       """
-       new variable expansion code.  Removes quotes, handles \n, etc.
-       This code is used by the configfile code, as well as others (parser)
-       This would be a good bunch of code to port to C.
-       """
-       numvars=0
-       mystring=" "+mystring
-       #in single, double quotes
-       insing=0
-       indoub=0
-       pos=1
-       newstring=" "
-       while (pos<len(mystring)):
-               if (mystring[pos]=="'") and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
-                       if (indoub):
-                               newstring=newstring+"'"
-                       else:
-                               insing=not insing
-                       pos=pos+1
-                       continue
-               elif (mystring[pos]=='"') and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
-                       if (insing):
-                               newstring=newstring+'"'
-                       else:
-                               indoub=not indoub
-                       pos=pos+1
-                       continue
-               if (not insing): 
-                       #expansion time
-                       if (mystring[pos]=="\n"):
-                               #convert newlines to spaces
-                               newstring=newstring+" "
-                               pos=pos+1
-                       elif (mystring[pos]=="\\"):
-                               #backslash expansion time
-                               if (pos+1>=len(mystring)):
-                                       newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
-                                       break
-                               else:
-                                       a=mystring[pos+1]
-                                       pos=pos+2
-                                       if a=='a':
-                                               newstring=newstring+chr(007)
-                                       elif a=='b':
-                                               newstring=newstring+chr(010)
-                                       elif a=='e':
-                                               newstring=newstring+chr(033)
-                                       elif (a=='f') or (a=='n'):
-                                               newstring=newstring+chr(012)
-                                       elif a=='r':
-                                               newstring=newstring+chr(015)
-                                       elif a=='t':
-                                               newstring=newstring+chr(011)
-                                       elif a=='v':
-                                               newstring=newstring+chr(013)
-                                       elif a!='\n':
-                                               #remove backslash only, as bash does: this takes care of \\ and \' and \" as well
-                                               newstring=newstring+mystring[pos-1:pos]
-                                               continue
-                       elif (mystring[pos]=="$") and (mystring[pos-1]!="\\"):
-                               pos=pos+1
-                               if mystring[pos]=="{":
-                                       pos=pos+1
-                                       braced=True
-                               else:
-                                       braced=False
-                               myvstart=pos
-                               validchars=string.ascii_letters+string.digits+"_"
-                               while mystring[pos] in validchars:
-                                       if (pos+1)>=len(mystring):
-                                               if braced:
-                                                       cexpand[mystring]=""
-                                                       return ""
-                                               else:
-                                                       pos=pos+1
-                                                       break
-                                       pos=pos+1
-                               myvarname=mystring[myvstart:pos]
-                               if braced:
-                                       if mystring[pos]!="}":
-                                               cexpand[mystring]=""
-                                               return ""
-                                       else:
-                                               pos=pos+1
-                               if len(myvarname)==0:
-                                       cexpand[mystring]=""
-                                       return ""
-                               numvars=numvars+1
-                               if mydict.has_key(myvarname):
-                                       newstring=newstring+mydict[myvarname] 
-                       else:
-                               newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
-                               pos=pos+1
-               else:
-                       newstring=newstring+mystring[pos]
-                       pos=pos+1
-       if numvars==0:
-               cexpand[mystring]=newstring[1:]
-       return newstring[1:]    
-def pickle_write(data,filename,debug=0):
-       import os
-       try:
-               myf=open(filename,"w")
-               cPickle.dump(data,myf,-1)
-               myf.flush()
-               myf.close()
-               writemsg("Wrote pickle: "+str(filename)+"\n",1)
-               os.chown(myefn,uid,portage_gid)
-               os.chmod(myefn,0664)
-       except SystemExit, e:
-               raise
-       except Exception, e:
-               return 0
-       return 1
-def pickle_read(filename,default=None,debug=0):
-       import os
-       if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
-               writemsg("pickle_read(): File not readable. '"+filename+"'\n",1)
-               return default
-       data = None
-       try:
-               myf = open(filename)
-               mypickle = cPickle.Unpickler(myf)
-               mypickle.find_global = None
-               data = mypickle.load()
-               myf.close()
-               del mypickle,myf
-               writemsg("pickle_read(): Loaded pickle. '"+filename+"'\n",1)
-       except SystemExit, e:
-               raise
-       except Exception, e:
-               writemsg("!!! Failed to load pickle: "+str(e)+"\n",1)
-               data = default
-       return data
-def dump_traceback(msg, noiselevel=1):
-       import sys, traceback
-       info = sys.exc_info()
-       if not info[2]:
-               stack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1]
-               error = None
-       else:
-               stack = traceback.extract_tb(info[2])
-               error = str(info[1])
-       writemsg("\n====================================\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
-       writemsg("%s\n\n" % msg, noiselevel=noiselevel)
-       for line in traceback.format_list(stack):
-               writemsg(line, noiselevel=noiselevel)
-       if error:
-               writemsg(error+"\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
-       writemsg("====================================\n\n", noiselevel=noiselevel)
-def unique_array(s):
-       """lifted from python cookbook, credit: Tim Peters
-       Return a list of the elements in s in arbitrary order, sans duplicates"""
-       n = len(s)
-       # assume all elements are hashable, if so, it's linear
-       try:
-               return list(set(s))
-       except TypeError:
-               pass
-       # so much for linear.  abuse sort.
-       try:
-               t = list(s)
-               t.sort()
-       except TypeError:
-               pass
-       else:
-               assert n > 0
-               last = t[0]
-               lasti = i = 1
-               while i < n:
-                       if t[i] != last:
-                               t[lasti] = last = t[i]
-                               lasti += 1
-                       i += 1
-               return t[:lasti]
-       # blah.  back to original portage.unique_array
-       u = []
-       for x in s:
-               if x not in u:
-                       u.append(x)
-       return u
-def apply_permissions(filename, uid=-1, gid=-1, mode=-1, mask=-1,
-       stat_cached=None, follow_links=True):
-       """Apply user, group, and mode bits to a file if the existing bits do not
-       already match.  The default behavior is to force an exact match of mode
-       bits.  When mask=0 is specified, mode bits on the target file are allowed
-       to be a superset of the mode argument (via logical OR).  When mask>0, the
-       mode bits that the target file is allowed to have are restricted via
-       logical XOR.
-       Returns True if the permissions were modified and False otherwise."""
-       modified = False
-       if stat_cached is None:
-               try:
-                       if follow_links:
-                               stat_cached = os.stat(filename)
-                       else:
-                               stat_cached = os.lstat(filename)
-               except OSError, oe:
-                       func_call = "stat('%s')" % filename
-                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
-                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
-                       else:
-                               raise
-       if      (uid != -1 and uid != stat_cached.st_uid) or \
-               (gid != -1 and gid != stat_cached.st_gid):
-               try:
-                       if follow_links:
-                               os.chown(filename, uid, gid)
-                       else:
-                               import portage_data
-                               portage_data.lchown(filename, uid, gid)
-                       modified = True
-               except OSError, oe:
-                       func_call = "chown('%s', %i, %i)" % (filename, uid, gid)
-                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
-                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
-                               raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
-                       else:
-                               raise
-       new_mode = -1
-       st_mode = stat_cached.st_mode & 07777 # protect from unwanted bits
-       if mask >= 0:
-               if mode == -1:
-                       mode = 0 # Don't add any mode bits when mode is unspecified.
-               else:
-                       mode = mode & 07777
-               if      (mode & st_mode != mode) or \
-                       ((mask ^ st_mode) & st_mode != st_mode):
-                       new_mode = mode | st_mode
-                       new_mode = (mask ^ new_mode) & new_mode
-       elif mode != -1:
-               mode = mode & 07777 # protect from unwanted bits
-               if mode != st_mode:
-                       new_mode = mode
-       # The chown system call may clear S_ISUID and S_ISGID
-       # bits, so those bits are restored if necessary.
-       if modified and new_mode == -1 and \
-               (st_mode & stat.S_ISUID or st_mode & stat.S_ISGID):
-               if mode == -1:
-                       new_mode = st_mode
-               else:
-                       mode = mode & 07777
-                       if mask >= 0:
-                               new_mode = mode | st_mode
-                               new_mode = (mask ^ new_mode) & new_mode
-                       else:
-                               new_mode = mode
-                       if not (new_mode & stat.S_ISUID or new_mode & stat.S_ISGID):
-                               new_mode = -1
-       if not follow_links and stat.S_ISLNK(stat_cached.st_mode):
-               # Mode doesn't matter for symlinks.
-               new_mode = -1
-       if new_mode != -1:
-               try:
-                       os.chmod(filename, new_mode)
-                       modified = True
-               except OSError, oe:
-                       func_call = "chmod('%s', %s)" % (filename, oct(new_mode))
-                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
-                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
-                               raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
-                       raise
-       return modified
-def apply_stat_permissions(filename, newstat, **kwargs):
-       """A wrapper around apply_secpass_permissions that gets
-       uid, gid, and mode from a stat object"""
-       return apply_secpass_permissions(filename, uid=newstat.st_uid, gid=newstat.st_gid,
-       mode=newstat.st_mode, **kwargs)
-def apply_recursive_permissions(top, uid=-1, gid=-1,
-       dirmode=-1, dirmask=-1, filemode=-1, filemask=-1, onerror=None):
-       """A wrapper around apply_secpass_permissions that applies permissions
-       recursively.  If optional argument onerror is specified, it should be a
-       function; it will be called with one argument, a PortageException instance.
-       Returns True if all permissions are applied and False if some are left
-       unapplied."""
-       if onerror is None:
-               # Default behavior is to dump errors to stderr so they won't
-               # go unnoticed.  Callers can pass in a quiet instance.
-               def onerror(e):
-                       if isinstance(e, OperationNotPermitted):
-                               writemsg("Operation Not Permitted: %s\n" % str(e),
-                                       noiselevel=-1)
-                       elif isinstance(e, FileNotFound):
-                               writemsg("File Not Found: '%s'\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
-                       else:
-                               raise
-       all_applied = True
-       for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top):
-               try:
-                       applied = apply_secpass_permissions(dirpath,
-                               uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=dirmode, mask=dirmask)
-                       if not applied:
-                               all_applied = False
-               except PortageException, e:
-                       all_applied = False
-                       onerror(e)
-               for name in filenames:
-                       try:
-                               applied = apply_secpass_permissions(os.path.join(dirpath, name),
-                                       uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=filemode, mask=filemask)
-                               if not applied:
-                                       all_applied = False
-                       except PortageException, e:
-                               all_applied = False
-                               onerror(e)
-       return all_applied
-def apply_secpass_permissions(filename, uid=-1, gid=-1, mode=-1, mask=-1,
-       stat_cached=None, follow_links=True):
-       """A wrapper around apply_permissions that uses secpass and simple
-       logic to apply as much of the permissions as possible without
-       generating an obviously avoidable permission exception. Despite
-       attempts to avoid an exception, it's possible that one will be raised
-       anyway, so be prepared.
-       Returns True if all permissions are applied and False if some are left
-       unapplied."""
-       if stat_cached is None:
-               try:
-                       if follow_links:
-                               stat_cached = os.stat(filename)
-                       else:
-                               stat_cached = os.lstat(filename)
-               except OSError, oe:
-                       func_call = "stat('%s')" % filename
-                       if oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
-                               raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                               raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
-                       elif oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                               raise FileNotFound(filename)
-                       else:
-                               raise
-       all_applied = True
-       import portage_data # not imported globally because of circular dep
-       if portage_data.secpass < 2:
-               if uid != -1 and \
-               uid != stat_cached.st_uid:
-                       all_applied = False
-                       uid = -1
-               if gid != -1 and \
-               gid != stat_cached.st_gid and \
-               gid not in os.getgroups():
-                       all_applied = False
-                       gid = -1
-       apply_permissions(filename, uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=mode, mask=mask,
-               stat_cached=stat_cached, follow_links=follow_links)
-       return all_applied
-class atomic_ofstream(file):
-       """Write a file atomically via os.rename().  Atomic replacement prevents
-       interprocess interference and prevents corruption of the target
-       file when the write is interrupted (for example, when an 'out of space'
-       error occurs)."""
-       def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', follow_links=True, **kargs):
-               """Opens a temporary in the same directory as filename."""
-               self._aborted = False
-               if follow_links:
-                       canonical_path = os.path.realpath(filename)
-                       self._real_name = canonical_path
-                       tmp_name = "%s.%i" % (canonical_path, os.getpid())
-                       try:
-                               super(atomic_ofstream, self).__init__(tmp_name, mode=mode, **kargs)
-                               return
-                       except (OSError, IOError), e:
-                               if canonical_path == filename:
-                                       raise
-                               writemsg("!!! Failed to open file: '%s'\n" % tmp_name,
-                                       noiselevel=-1)
-                               writemsg("!!! %s\n" % str(e), noiselevel=-1)
-               self._real_name = filename
-               tmp_name = "%s.%i" % (filename, os.getpid())
-               super(atomic_ofstream, self).__init__(tmp_name, mode=mode, **kargs)
-       def close(self):
-               """Closes the temporary file, copies permissions (if possible),
-               and performs the atomic replacement via os.rename().  If the abort()
-               method has been called, then the temp file is closed and removed."""
-               if not self.closed:
-                       try:
-                               super(atomic_ofstream, self).close()
-                               if not self._aborted:
-                                       try:
-                                               apply_stat_permissions(, os.stat(self._real_name))
-                                       except OperationNotPermitted:
-                                               pass
-                                       except FileNotFound:
-                                               pass
-                                       except OSError, oe: # from the above os.stat call
-                                               if oe.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EPERM):
-                                                       pass
-                                               else:
-                                                       raise
-                                       os.rename(, self._real_name)
-                       finally:
-                               # Make sure we cleanup the temp file
-                               # even if an exception is raised.
-                               try:
-                                       os.unlink(
-                               except OSError, oe:
-                                       pass
-       def abort(self):
-               """If an error occurs while writing the file, the user should
-               call this method in order to leave the target file unchanged.
-               This will call close() automatically."""
-               if not self._aborted:
-                       self._aborted = True
-                       self.close()
-       def __del__(self):
-               """If the user does not explicitely call close(), it is
-               assumed that an error has occurred, so we abort()."""
-               if not self.closed:
-                       self.abort()
-               # ensure destructor from the base class is called
-               base_destructor = getattr(super(atomic_ofstream, self), '__del__', None)
-               if base_destructor is not None:
-                       base_destructor()
-def write_atomic(file_path, content):
-       f = None
-       try:
-               f = atomic_ofstream(file_path)
-               f.write(content)
-               f.close()
-       except (IOError, OSError), e:
-               if f:
-                       f.abort()
-               func_call = "write_atomic('%s')" % file_path
-               if e.errno == errno.EPERM:
-                       raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
-               elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                       raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
-               elif e.errno == errno.EROFS:
-                       raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
-               elif e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                       raise FileNotFound(file_path)
-               else:
-                       raise
-def ensure_dirs(dir_path, *args, **kwargs):
-       """Create a directory and call apply_permissions.
-       Returns True if a directory is created or the permissions needed to be
-       modified, and False otherwise."""
-       created_dir = False
-       try:
-               os.makedirs(dir_path)
-               created_dir = True
-       except OSError, oe:
-               func_call = "makedirs('%s')" % dir_path
-               if errno.EEXIST == oe.errno:
-                       pass
-               elif oe.errno == errno.EPERM:
-                       raise OperationNotPermitted(func_call)
-               elif oe.errno == errno.EACCES:
-                       raise PermissionDenied(func_call)
-               elif oe.errno == errno.EROFS:
-                       raise ReadOnlyFileSystem(func_call)
-               else:
-                       raise
-       perms_modified = apply_permissions(dir_path, *args, **kwargs)
-       return created_dir or perms_modified
-class LazyItemsDict(dict):
-       """A mapping object that behaves like a standard dict except that it allows
-       for lazy initialization of values via callable objects.  Lazy items can be
-       overwritten and deleted just as normal items."""
-       def __init__(self, initial_items=None):
-               dict.__init__(self)
-               self.lazy_items = {}
-               if initial_items is not None:
-                       self.update(initial_items)
-       def addLazyItem(self, item_key, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
-               """Add a lazy item for the given key.  When the item is requested,
-               value_callable will be called with *pargs and **kwargs arguments."""
-               self.lazy_items[item_key] = (value_callable, pargs, kwargs)
-               # make it show up in self.keys(), etc...
-               dict.__setitem__(self, item_key, None)
-       def addLazySingleton(self, item_key, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
-               """This is like addLazyItem except value_callable will only be called
-               a maximum of 1 time and the result will be cached for future requests."""
-               class SingletonItem(object):
-                       def __init__(self, value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs):
-                               self._callable = value_callable
-                               self._pargs = pargs
-                               self._kwargs = kwargs
-                               self._called = False
-                       def __call__(self):
-                               if not self._called:
-                                       self._called = True
-                                       self._value = self._callable(*self._pargs, **self._kwargs)
-                               return self._value
-               self.addLazyItem(item_key, SingletonItem(value_callable, *pargs, **kwargs))
-       def update(self, map_obj):
-               if isinstance(map_obj, LazyItemsDict):
-                       for k in map_obj:
-                               if k in map_obj.lazy_items:
-                                       dict.__setitem__(self, k, None)
-                               else:
-                                       dict.__setitem__(self, k, map_obj[k])
-                       self.lazy_items.update(map_obj.lazy_items)
-               else:
-                       dict.update(self, map_obj)
-       def __getitem__(self, item_key):
-               if item_key in self.lazy_items:
-                       value_callable, pargs, kwargs = self.lazy_items[item_key]
-                       return value_callable(*pargs, **kwargs)
-               else:
-                       return dict.__getitem__(self, item_key)
-       def __setitem__(self, item_key, value):
-               if item_key in self.lazy_items:
-                       del self.lazy_items[item_key]
-               dict.__setitem__(self, item_key, value)
-       def __delitem__(self, item_key):
-               if item_key in self.lazy_items:
-                       del self.lazy_items[item_key]
-               dict.__delitem__(self, item_key)
-class ConfigProtect(object):
-       def __init__(self, myroot, protect_list, mask_list):
-               self.myroot = myroot
-               self.protect_list = protect_list
-               self.mask_list = mask_list
-               self.updateprotect()
-       def updateprotect(self):
-               """Update internal state for isprotected() calls.  Nonexistent paths
-               are ignored."""
-               self.protect = []
-               self._dirs = set()
-               for x in self.protect_list:
-                       ppath = normalize_path(
-                               os.path.join(self.myroot, x.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
-                       mystat = None
-                       try:
-                               if stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(ppath).st_mode):
-                                       self._dirs.add(ppath)
-                               self.protect.append(ppath)
-                       except OSError:
-                               # If it doesn't exist, there's no need to protect it.
-                               pass
-               self.protectmask = []
-               for x in self.mask_list:
-                       ppath = normalize_path(
-                               os.path.join(self.myroot, x.lstrip(os.path.sep)))
-                       mystat = None
-                       try:
-                               """Use lstat so that anything, even a broken symlink can be
-                               protected."""
-                               if stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(ppath).st_mode):
-                                       self._dirs.add(ppath)
-                               self.protectmask.append(ppath)
-                               """Now use stat in case this is a symlink to a directory."""
-                               if stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(ppath).st_mode):
-                                       self._dirs.add(ppath)
-                       except OSError:
-                               # If it doesn't exist, there's no need to mask it.
-                               pass
-       def isprotected(self, obj):
-               """Returns True if obj is protected, False otherwise.  The caller must
-               ensure that obj is normalized with a single leading slash.  A trailing
-               slash is optional for directories."""
-               masked = 0
-               protected = 0
-               sep = os.path.sep
-               for ppath in self.protect:
-                       if len(ppath) > masked and obj.startswith(ppath):
-                               if ppath in self._dirs:
-                                       if obj != ppath and not obj.startswith(ppath + sep):
-                                               # /etc/foo does not match /etc/foobaz
-                                               continue
-                               elif obj != ppath:
-                                       # force exact match when CONFIG_PROTECT lists a
-                                       # non-directory
-                                       continue
-                               protected = len(ppath)
-                               #config file management
-                               for pmpath in self.protectmask:
-                                       if len(pmpath) >= protected and obj.startswith(pmpath):
-                                               if pmpath in self._dirs:
-                                                       if obj != pmpath and \
-                                                               not obj.startswith(pmpath + sep):
-                                                               # /etc/foo does not match /etc/foobaz
-                                                               continue
-                                               elif obj != pmpath:
-                                                       # force exact match when CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK lists
-                                                       # a non-directory
-                                                       continue
-                                               #skip, it's in the mask
-                                               masked = len(pmpath)
-               return protected > masked
-def new_protect_filename(mydest, newmd5=None):
-       """Resolves a config-protect filename for merging, optionally
-       using the last filename if the md5 matches.
-       (dest,md5) ==> 'string'            --- path_to_target_filename
-       (dest)     ==> ('next', 'highest') --- next_target and most-recent_target
-       """
-       # config protection filename format:
-       # ._cfg0000_foo
-       # 0123456789012
-       prot_num = -1
-       last_pfile = ""
-       if not os.path.exists(mydest):
-               return mydest
-       real_filename = os.path.basename(mydest)
-       real_dirname  = os.path.dirname(mydest)
-       for pfile in os.listdir(real_dirname):
-               if pfile[0:5] != "._cfg":
-                       continue
-               if pfile[10:] != real_filename:
-                       continue
-               try:
-                       new_prot_num = int(pfile[5:9])
-                       if new_prot_num > prot_num:
-                               prot_num = new_prot_num
-                               last_pfile = pfile
-               except ValueError:
-                       continue
-       prot_num = prot_num + 1
-       new_pfile = normalize_path(os.path.join(real_dirname,
-               "._cfg" + str(prot_num).zfill(4) + "_" + real_filename))
-       old_pfile = normalize_path(os.path.join(real_dirname, last_pfile))
-       if last_pfile and newmd5:
-               import portage_checksum
-               if portage_checksum.perform_md5(
-                       os.path.join(real_dirname, last_pfile)) == newmd5:
-                       return old_pfile
-       return new_pfile
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..570febc0f068e4072e91eecc82078cd4346d77d4
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 63d69bac4b64abc5247574fc516d5a46338f525f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-# -- core Portage functionality
-# Copyright 1998-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-import re
-ver_regexp = re.compile("^(cvs\\.)?(\\d+)((\\.\\d+)*)([a-z]?)((_(pre|p|beta|alpha|rc)\\d*)*)(-r(\\d+))?$")
-suffix_regexp = re.compile("^(alpha|beta|rc|pre|p)(\\d*)$")
-suffix_value = {"pre": -2, "p": 0, "alpha": -4, "beta": -3, "rc": -1}
-endversion_keys = ["pre", "p", "alpha", "beta", "rc"]
-from portage_exception import InvalidData
-def ververify(myver, silent=1):
-       if ver_regexp.match(myver):
-               return 1
-       else:
-               if not silent:
-                       print "!!! syntax error in version: %s" % myver
-               return 0
-vercmp_cache = {}
-def vercmp(ver1, ver2, silent=1):
-       """
-       Compare two versions
-       Example usage:
-               >>> from portage_versions import vercmp
-               >>> vercmp('1.0-r1','1.2-r3')
-               negative number
-               >>> vercmp('1.3','1.2-r3')
-               positive number
-               >>> vercmp('1.0_p3','1.0_p3')
-               0
-       @param pkg1: version to compare with (see ver_regexp in
-       @type pkg1: string (example: "2.1.2-r3")
-       @param pkg2: version to compare againts (see ver_regexp in
-       @type pkg2: string (example: "2.1.2_rc5")
-       @rtype: None or float
-       @return:
-       1. positive if ver1 is greater than ver2
-       2. negative if ver1 is less than ver2 
-       3. 0 if ver1 equals ver2
-       4. None if ver1 or ver2 are invalid (see ver_regexp in
-       """
-       if ver1 == ver2:
-               return 0
-       mykey=ver1+":"+ver2
-       try:
-               return vercmp_cache[mykey]
-       except KeyError:
-               pass
-       match1 = ver_regexp.match(ver1)
-       match2 = ver_regexp.match(ver2)
-       # checking that the versions are valid
-       if not match1 or not match1.groups():
-               if not silent:
-                       print "!!! syntax error in version: %s" % ver1
-               return None
-       if not match2 or not match2.groups():
-               if not silent:
-                       print "!!! syntax error in version: %s" % ver2
-               return None
-       # shortcut for cvs ebuilds (new style)
-       if and not
-               vercmp_cache[mykey] = 1
-               return 1
-       elif and not
-               vercmp_cache[mykey] = -1
-               return -1
-       # building lists of the version parts before the suffix
-       # first part is simple
-       list1 = [int(]
-       list2 = [int(]
-       # this part would greatly benefit from a fixed-length version pattern
-       if len( or len(
-               vlist1 =[1:].split(".")
-               vlist2 =[1:].split(".")
-               for i in range(0, max(len(vlist1), len(vlist2))):
-                       # Implcit .0 is given a value of -1, so that 1.0.0 > 1.0, since it
-                       # would be ambiguous if two versions that aren't literally equal
-                       # are given the same value (in sorting, for example).
-                       if len(vlist1) <= i or len(vlist1[i]) == 0:
-                               list1.append(-1)
-                               list2.append(int(vlist2[i]))
-                       elif len(vlist2) <= i or len(vlist2[i]) == 0:
-                               list1.append(int(vlist1[i]))
-                               list2.append(-1)
-                       # Let's make life easy and use integers unless we're forced to use floats
-                       elif (vlist1[i][0] != "0" and vlist2[i][0] != "0"):
-                               list1.append(int(vlist1[i]))
-                               list2.append(int(vlist2[i]))
-                       # now we have to use floats so 1.02 compares correctly against 1.1
-                       else:
-                               list1.append(float("0."+vlist1[i]))
-                               list2.append(float("0."+vlist2[i]))
-       # and now the final letter
-       if len(
-               list1.append(ord(
-       if len(
-               list2.append(ord(
-       for i in range(0, max(len(list1), len(list2))):
-               if len(list1) <= i:
-                       vercmp_cache[mykey] = -1
-                       return -1
-               elif len(list2) <= i:
-                       vercmp_cache[mykey] = 1
-                       return 1
-               elif list1[i] != list2[i]:
-                       vercmp_cache[mykey] = list1[i] - list2[i]
-                       return list1[i] - list2[i]
-       # main version is equal, so now compare the _suffix part
-       list1 ="_")[1:]
-       list2 ="_")[1:]
-       for i in range(0, max(len(list1), len(list2))):
-               if len(list1) <= i:
-                       s1 = ("p","0")
-               else:
-                       s1 = suffix_regexp.match(list1[i]).groups()
-               if len(list2) <= i:
-                       s2 = ("p","0")
-               else:
-                       s2 = suffix_regexp.match(list2[i]).groups()
-               if s1[0] != s2[0]:
-                       return suffix_value[s1[0]] - suffix_value[s2[0]]
-               if s1[1] != s2[1]:
-                       # it's possible that the s(1|2)[1] == ''
-                       # in such a case, fudge it.
-                       try:                    r1 = int(s1[1])
-                       except ValueError:      r1 = 0
-                       try:                    r2 = int(s2[1])
-                       except ValueError:      r2 = 0
-                       return r1 - r2
-       # the suffix part is equal to, so finally check the revision
-       if
-               r1 = int(
-       else:
-               r1 = 0
-       if
-               r2 = int(
-       else:
-               r2 = 0
-       vercmp_cache[mykey] = r1 - r2
-       return r1 - r2
-def pkgcmp(pkg1, pkg2):
-       """
-       Compare 2 package versions created in pkgsplit format.
-       Example usage:
-               >>> from portage_versions import *
-               >>> pkgcmp(pkgsplit('test-1.0-r1'),pkgsplit('test-1.2-r3'))
-               -1
-               >>> pkgcmp(pkgsplit('test-1.3'),pkgsplit('test-1.2-r3'))
-               1
-       @param pkg1: package to compare with
-       @type pkg1: list (example: ['test', '1.0', 'r1'])
-       @param pkg2: package to compare againts
-       @type pkg2: list (example: ['test', '1.0', 'r1'])
-       @rtype: None or integer
-       @return: 
-               1. None if package names are not the same
-               2. 1 if pkg1 is greater than pkg2
-               3. -1 if pkg1 is less than pkg2 
-               4. 0 if pkg1 equals pkg2
-       """
-       if pkg1[0] != pkg2[0]:
-               return None
-       mycmp=vercmp(pkg1[1],pkg2[1])
-       if mycmp>0:
-               return 1
-       if mycmp<0:
-               return -1
-       r1=float(pkg1[2][1:])
-       r2=float(pkg2[2][1:])
-       if r1>r2:
-               return 1
-       if r2>r1:
-               return -1
-       return 0
-def pkgsplit(mypkg,silent=1):
-       try:
-               if not pkgcache[mypkg]:
-                       return None
-               return pkgcache[mypkg][:]
-       except KeyError:
-               pass
-       myparts=mypkg.split("-")
-       if len(myparts)<2:
-               if not silent:
-                       print "!!! Name error in",mypkg+": missing a version or name part."
-               pkgcache[mypkg]=None
-               return None
-       for x in myparts:
-               if len(x)==0:
-                       if not silent:
-                               print "!!! Name error in",mypkg+": empty \"-\" part."
-                       pkgcache[mypkg]=None
-                       return None
-       #verify rev
-       revok=0
-       myrev=myparts[-1]
-       if len(myrev) and myrev[0]=="r":
-               try:
-                       int(myrev[1:])
-                       revok=1
-               except ValueError: # from int()
-                       pass
-       if revok:
-               verPos = -2
-               revision = myparts[-1]
-       else:
-               verPos = -1
-               revision = "r0"
-       if ververify(myparts[verPos]):
-               if len(myparts)== (-1*verPos):
-                       pkgcache[mypkg]=None
-                       return None
-               else:
-                       for x in myparts[:verPos]:
-                               if ververify(x):
-                                       pkgcache[mypkg]=None
-                                       return None
-                                       #names can't have versiony looking parts
-                       myval=["-".join(myparts[:verPos]),myparts[verPos],revision]
-                       pkgcache[mypkg]=myval
-                       return myval
-       else:
-               pkgcache[mypkg]=None
-               return None
-_valid_category = re.compile("^\w[\w-]*")
-def catpkgsplit(mydata,silent=1):
-       """
-       Takes a Category/Package-Version-Rev and returns a list of each.
-       @param mydata: Data to split
-       @type mydata: string 
-       @param silent: suppress error messages
-       @type silent: Boolean (integer)
-       @rype: list
-       @return:
-       1.  If each exists, it returns [cat, pkgname, version, rev]
-       2.  If cat is not specificed in mydata, cat will be "null"
-       3.  if rev does not exist it will be '-r0'
-       4.  If cat is invalid (specified but has incorrect syntax)
-               an InvalidData Exception will be thrown
-       """
-       # Categories may contain a-zA-z0-9+_- but cannot start with -
-       global _valid_category
-       import portage_dep
-       try:
-               if not catcache[mydata]:
-                       return None
-               return catcache[mydata][:]
-       except KeyError:
-               pass
-       mysplit=mydata.split("/")
-       p_split=None
-       if len(mysplit)==1:
-               retval=["null"]
-               p_split=pkgsplit(mydata,silent=silent)
-       elif len(mysplit)==2:
-               if portage_dep._dep_check_strict and \
-                       not _valid_category.match(mysplit[0]):
-                       raise InvalidData("Invalid category in %s" %mydata )
-               retval=[mysplit[0]]
-               p_split=pkgsplit(mysplit[1],silent=silent)
-       if not p_split:
-               catcache[mydata]=None
-               return None
-       retval.extend(p_split)
-       catcache[mydata]=retval
-       return retval
-def catsplit(mydep):
-        return mydep.split("/", 1)
-def best(mymatches):
-       """Accepts None arguments; assumes matches are valid."""
-       if mymatches is None:
-               return ""
-       if not len(mymatches):
-               return ""
-       bestmatch = mymatches[0]
-       p2 = catpkgsplit(bestmatch)[1:]
-       for x in mymatches[1:]:
-               p1 = catpkgsplit(x)[1:]
-               if pkgcmp(p1, p2) > 0:
-                       bestmatch = x
-                       p2 = catpkgsplit(bestmatch)[1:]
-       return bestmatch
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e05cb3b13ca60f763f5ac786cd181105d475f27
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\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b7ef582e87c6db56b584f8bca81c9dc007320e5a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2001-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-# The format for a tbz2/xpak:
-#  tbz2: tar.bz2 + xpak + (xpak_offset) + "STOP"
-#  xpak: "XPAKPACK" + (index_len) + (data_len) + index + data + "XPAKSTOP"
-# index: (pathname_len) + pathname + (data_offset) + (data_len)
-#        index entries are concatenated end-to-end.
-#  data: concatenated data chunks, end-to-end.
-# (integer) == encodeint(integer)  ===> 4 characters (big-endian copy)
-# '+' means concatenate the fields ===> All chunks are strings
-import sys,os,shutil,errno
-from stat import *
-def addtolist(mylist,curdir):
-       """(list, dir) --- Takes an array(list) and appends all files from dir down
-       the directory tree. Returns nothing. list is modified."""
-       for x in os.listdir("."):
-               if os.path.isdir(x):
-                       os.chdir(x)
-                       addtolist(mylist,curdir+x+"/")
-                       os.chdir("..")
-               else:
-                       if curdir+x not in mylist:
-                               mylist.append(curdir+x)
-def encodeint(myint):
-       """Takes a 4 byte integer and converts it into a string of 4 characters.
-       Returns the characters in a string."""
-       part1=chr((myint >> 24 ) & 0x000000ff)
-       part2=chr((myint >> 16 ) & 0x000000ff)
-       part3=chr((myint >> 8 ) & 0x000000ff)
-       part4=chr(myint & 0x000000ff)
-       return part1+part2+part3+part4
-def decodeint(mystring):
-       """Takes a 4 byte string and converts it into a 4 byte integer.
-       Returns an integer."""
-       myint=0
-       myint=myint+ord(mystring[3])
-       myint=myint+(ord(mystring[2]) << 8)
-       myint=myint+(ord(mystring[1]) << 16)
-       myint=myint+(ord(mystring[0]) << 24)
-       return myint
-def xpak(rootdir,outfile=None):
-       """(rootdir,outfile) -- creates an xpak segment of the directory 'rootdir'
-       and under the name 'outfile' if it is specified. Otherwise it returns the
-       xpak segment."""
-       try:
-               origdir=os.getcwd()
-       except SystemExit, e:
-               raise
-       except:
-               os.chdir("/")
-               origdir="/"
-       os.chdir(rootdir)
-       mylist=[]
-       addtolist(mylist,"")
-       mylist.sort()
-       mydata = {}
-       for x in mylist:
-               a = open(x, "r")
-               mydata[x] =
-               a.close()
-       os.chdir(origdir)
-       xpak_segment = xpak_mem(mydata)
-       if outfile:
-               outf = open(outfile, "w")
-               outf.write(xpak_segment)
-               outf.close()
-       else:
-               return xpak_segment
-def xpak_mem(mydata):
-       """Create an xpack segement from a map object."""
-       indexglob=""
-       indexpos=0
-       dataglob=""
-       datapos=0
-       for x, newglob in mydata.iteritems():
-               mydatasize=len(newglob)
-               indexglob=indexglob+encodeint(len(x))+x+encodeint(datapos)+encodeint(mydatasize)
-               indexpos=indexpos+4+len(x)+4+4
-               dataglob=dataglob+newglob
-               datapos=datapos+mydatasize
-       return "XPAKPACK" \
-       + encodeint(len(indexglob)) \
-       + encodeint(len(dataglob)) \
-       + indexglob \
-       + dataglob \
-       + "XPAKSTOP"
-def xsplit(infile):
-       """(infile) -- Splits the infile into two files.
-       'infile.index' contains the index segment.
-       'infile.dat' contails the data segment."""
-       myfile=open(infile,"r")
-       myfile.close()
-       splits = xsplit_mem(mydat)
-       if not splits:
-               return False
-       myfile=open(infile+".index","w")
-       myfile.write(splits[0])
-       myfile.close()
-       myfile=open(infile+".dat","w")
-       myfile.write(splits[1])
-       myfile.close()
-       return True
-def xsplit_mem(mydat):
-       if mydat[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
-               return None
-       if mydat[-8:]!="XPAKSTOP":
-               return None
-       indexsize=decodeint(mydat[8:12])
-       datasize=decodeint(mydat[12:16])
-       return (mydat[16:indexsize+16], mydat[indexsize+16:-8])
-def getindex(infile):
-       """(infile) -- grabs the index segment from the infile and returns it."""
-       myfile=open(infile,"r")
-       if myheader[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
-               myfile.close()
-               return
-       indexsize=decodeint(myheader[8:12])
-       myfile.close()
-       return myindex
-def getboth(infile):
-       """(infile) -- grabs the index and data segments from the infile.
-       Returns an array [indexSegment,dataSegment]"""
-       myfile=open(infile,"r")
-       if myheader[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
-               myfile.close()
-               return
-       indexsize=decodeint(myheader[8:12])
-       datasize=decodeint(myheader[12:16])
-       myfile.close()
-       return myindex, mydata
-def listindex(myindex):
-       """Print to the terminal the filenames listed in the indexglob passed in."""
-       for x in getindex_mem(myindex):
-               print x
-def getindex_mem(myindex):
-       """Returns the filenames listed in the indexglob passed in."""
-       myindexlen=len(myindex)
-       startpos=0
-       myret=[]
-       while ((startpos+8)<myindexlen):
-               mytestlen=decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos+4])
-               myret=myret+[myindex[startpos+4:startpos+4+mytestlen]]
-               startpos=startpos+mytestlen+12
-       return myret
-def searchindex(myindex,myitem):
-       """(index,item) -- Finds the offset and length of the file 'item' in the
-       datasegment via the index 'index' provided."""
-       mylen=len(myitem)
-       myindexlen=len(myindex)
-       startpos=0
-       while ((startpos+8)<myindexlen):
-               mytestlen=decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos+4])
-               if mytestlen==mylen:
-                       if myitem==myindex[startpos+4:startpos+4+mytestlen]:
-                               #found
-                               datapos=decodeint(myindex[startpos+4+mytestlen:startpos+8+mytestlen]);
-                               datalen=decodeint(myindex[startpos+8+mytestlen:startpos+12+mytestlen]);
-                               return datapos, datalen
-               startpos=startpos+mytestlen+12
-def getitem(myid,myitem):
-       myindex=myid[0]
-       mydata=myid[1]
-       myloc=searchindex(myindex,myitem)
-       if not myloc:
-               return None
-       return mydata[myloc[0]:myloc[0]+myloc[1]]
-def xpand(myid,mydest):
-       myindex=myid[0]
-       mydata=myid[1]
-       try:
-               origdir=os.getcwd()
-       except SystemExit, e:
-               raise
-       except:
-               os.chdir("/")
-               origdir="/"
-       os.chdir(mydest)
-       myindexlen=len(myindex)
-       startpos=0
-       while ((startpos+8)<myindexlen):
-               namelen=decodeint(myindex[startpos:startpos+4])
-               datapos=decodeint(myindex[startpos+4+namelen:startpos+8+namelen]);
-               datalen=decodeint(myindex[startpos+8+namelen:startpos+12+namelen]);
-               myname=myindex[startpos+4:startpos+4+namelen]
-               dirname=os.path.dirname(myname)
-               if dirname:
-                       if not os.path.exists(dirname):
-                               os.makedirs(dirname)
-               mydat=open(myname,"w")
-               mydat.write(mydata[datapos:datapos+datalen])
-               mydat.close()
-               startpos=startpos+namelen+12
-       os.chdir(origdir)
-class tbz2:
-       def __init__(self,myfile):
-               self.file=myfile
-               self.filestat=None
-               self.index=""
-               self.infosize=0
-               self.xpaksize=0
-               self.indexsize=None
-               self.datasize=None
-               self.indexpos=None
-               self.datapos=None
-               self.scan()
-       def decompose(self,datadir,cleanup=1):
-               """Alias for unpackinfo() --- Complement to recompose() but optionally
-               deletes the destination directory. Extracts the xpak from the tbz2 into
-               the directory provided. Raises IOError if scan() fails.
-               Returns result of upackinfo()."""
-               if not self.scan():
-                       raise IOError
-               if cleanup:
-                       self.cleanup(datadir)
-               if not os.path.exists(datadir):
-                       os.makedirs(datadir)
-               return self.unpackinfo(datadir)
-       def compose(self,datadir,cleanup=0):
-               """Alias for recompose()."""
-               return recompose(datadir,cleanup)
-       def recompose(self,datadir,cleanup=0):
-               """Creates an xpak segment from the datadir provided, truncates the tbz2
-               to the end of regular data if an xpak segment already exists, and adds
-               the new segment to the file with terminating info."""
-               xpdata = xpak(datadir)
-               self.recompose_mem(xpdata)
-               if cleanup:
-                       self.cleanup(datadir)
-       def recompose_mem(self, xpdata):
-               self.scan() # Don't care about condition... We'll rewrite the data anyway.
-               myfile=open(self.file,"a+")
-               if not myfile:
-                       raise IOError
-     ,2) # 0,2 or -0,2 just mean EOF.
-               myfile.truncate()
-               myfile.write(xpdata+encodeint(len(xpdata))+"STOP")
-               myfile.flush()
-               myfile.close()
-               return 1
-       def cleanup(self, datadir):
-               datadir_split = os.path.split(datadir)
-               if len(datadir_split) >= 2 and len(datadir_split[1]) > 0:
-                       # This is potentially dangerous,
-                       # thus the above sanity check.
-                       try:
-                               shutil.rmtree(datadir)
-                       except OSError, oe:
-                               if oe.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                                       pass
-                               else:
-                                       raise oe
-       def scan(self):
-               """Scans the tbz2 to locate the xpak segment and setup internal values.
-               This function is called by relevant functions already."""
-               try:
-                       mystat=os.stat(self.file)
-                       if self.filestat:
-                               changed=0
-                               for x in [ST_SIZE, ST_MTIME, ST_CTIME]:
-                                       if mystat[x] != self.filestat[x]:
-                                               changed=1
-                               if not changed:
-                                       return 1
-                       self.filestat=mystat
-                       a=open(self.file,"r")
-             ,2)
-                       self.infosize=0
-                       self.xpaksize=0
-                       if trailer[-4:]!="STOP":
-                               a.close()
-                               return 0
-                       if trailer[0:8]!="XPAKSTOP":
-                               a.close()
-                               return 0
-                       self.infosize=decodeint(trailer[8:12])
-                       self.xpaksize=self.infosize+8
-             ,2)
-                       if header[0:8]!="XPAKPACK":
-                               a.close()
-                               return 0
-                       self.indexsize=decodeint(header[8:12])
-                       self.datasize=decodeint(header[12:16])
-                       self.indexpos=a.tell()
-                       self.datapos=a.tell()
-                       a.close()
-                       return 2
-               except SystemExit, e:
-                       raise
-               except:
-                       return 0
-       def filelist(self):
-               """Return an array of each file listed in the index."""
-               if not self.scan():
-                       return None
-               return getindex_mem(self.index)
-       def getfile(self,myfile,mydefault=None):
-               """Finds 'myfile' in the data segment and returns it."""
-               if not self.scan():
-                       return None
-               myresult=searchindex(self.index,myfile)
-               if not myresult:
-                       return mydefault
-               a=open(self.file,"r")
-     [0],0)
-     [1])
-               a.close()
-               return myreturn
-       def getelements(self,myfile):
-               """A split/array representation of tbz2.getfile()"""
-               mydat=self.getfile(myfile)
-               if not mydat:
-                       return []
-               return mydat.split()
-       def unpackinfo(self,mydest):
-               """Unpacks all the files from the dataSegment into 'mydest'."""
-               if not self.scan():
-                       return 0
-               try:
-                       origdir=os.getcwd()
-               except SystemExit, e:
-                       raise
-               except:
-                       os.chdir("/")
-                       origdir="/"
-               a=open(self.file,"r")
-               if not os.path.exists(mydest):
-                       os.makedirs(mydest)
-               os.chdir(mydest)
-               startpos=0
-               while ((startpos+8)<self.indexsize):
-                       namelen=decodeint(self.index[startpos:startpos+4])
-                       datapos=decodeint(self.index[startpos+4+namelen:startpos+8+namelen]);
-                       datalen=decodeint(self.index[startpos+8+namelen:startpos+12+namelen]);
-                       myname=self.index[startpos+4:startpos+4+namelen]
-                       dirname=os.path.dirname(myname)
-                       if dirname:
-                               if not os.path.exists(dirname):
-                                       os.makedirs(dirname)
-                       mydat=open(myname,"w")
-                       mydat.write(
-                       mydat.close()
-                       startpos=startpos+namelen+12
-               a.close()
-               os.chdir(origdir)
-               return 1
-       def get_data(self):
-               """Returns all the files from the dataSegment as a map object."""
-               if not self.scan():
-                       return 0
-               a = open(self.file, "r")
-               mydata = {}
-               startpos=0
-               while ((startpos+8)<self.indexsize):
-                       namelen=decodeint(self.index[startpos:startpos+4])
-                       datapos=decodeint(self.index[startpos+4+namelen:startpos+8+namelen]);
-                       datalen=decodeint(self.index[startpos+8+namelen:startpos+12+namelen]);
-                       myname=self.index[startpos+4:startpos+4+namelen]
-                       mydata[myname] =
-                       startpos=startpos+namelen+12
-               a.close()
-               return mydata
-       def getboth(self):
-               """Returns an array [indexSegment,dataSegment]"""
-               if not self.scan():
-                       return None
-               a = open(self.file,"r")
-               mydata
-               a.close()
-               return self.index, mydata
new file mode 120000 (symlink)
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..223cb31c9d74afd0e7cfc83d317c125a65f2c703
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file