my $version = '0.1';
my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
+ $gnupg->options->quiet(1);
+ $gnupg->options->batch(1);
my %dispatch = (
'/' => { handler => \&noop,
+ my $default_keyserver = 'hkp://';
+ my $default_keyserver_policy = 'unlessvalid';
# Net::Server log_level goes from 0 to 4
# this is scaled to match.
my %loglevels = (
+ sub get_keyserver_policy {
+ if ($ENV{MSVA_KEYSERVER_POLICY} =~ /^(always|never)$/) {
+ return $1;
+ }
+ msvalog('error', "Not a valid MSVA_KEYSERVER_POLICY):\n %s\n", $ENV{MSVA_KEYSERVER_POLICY});
+ }
+ return $default_keyserver_policy;
+ }
+ sub get_keyserver {
+ # We should read from (first hit wins):
+ # the environment
+ if (exists $ENV{MSVA_KEYSERVER}) {
+ if ($ENV{MSVA_KEYSERVER} =~ /^((hkps?|finger|ldap):\/\/)?$RE{net}{domain}$/) {
+ return $1;
+ }
+ msvalog('error', "Not a valid keyserver (from MSVA_KEYSERVER):\n %s\n", $ENV{MSVA_KEYSERVER});
+ }
+ # FIXME: some msva.conf file (system and user?)
+ # FIXME: the relevant gnupg.conf instead?
+ # the default_keyserver
+ return $default_keyserver;
+ }
+ sub fetch_uid_from_keyserver {
+ my $uid = shift;
+ my $cmd = IO::Handle->new();
+ my $out = IO::Handle->new();
+ my $nul = IO::File->new("< /dev/null");
+ msvalog('debug', "start ks query for UserID: %s", $uid);
+ my $pid = $gnupg->wrap_call
+ ( handles => GnuPG::Handles->new( command => $cmd, stdout => $out, stderr => $nul ),
+ command_args => [ '='.$uid ],
+ commands => [ '--keyserver',
+ get_keyserver(),
+ qw( --no-tty --with-colons --search ) ]
+ );
+ while (my $line = $out->getline()) {
+ msvalog('debug', "from ks query: (%d) %s", $cmd->fileno, $line);
+ if ($line =~ /^info:(\d+):(\d+)/ ) {
+ $cmd->print(join(' ', ($1..$2))."\n");
+ msvalog('debug', 'to ks query: '.join(' ', ($1..$2))."\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # FIXME: can we do something to avoid hanging forever?
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ msvalog('debug', "ks query returns %d\n", POSIX::WEXITSTATUS($?));
+ }
sub reviewcert {
my $data = shift;
return if !ref $data;
$ret->{message} = sprintf('public key size is less than 1000 bits (was: %d bits)', $cert->pubkey_size());
} else {
$ret->{message} = sprintf('Failed to validate "%s" through the OpenPGP Web of Trust.', $uid);
+ my $ks_checked = 0;
+ if (get_keyserver_policy() eq 'always') {
+ fetch_uid_from_keyserver($uid);
+ $ks_checked = 1;
+ }
+ my $afterlocalpass = 0;
+ my $foundvalid = 0;
# needed because $gnupg spawns child processes
$ENV{PATH} = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin';
- # FIXME: check keyservers?
- foreach my $gpgkey ($gnupg->get_public_keys('='.$uid)) {
- my $notvalid = 1;
- if ($gpgkey->usage_flags =~ /A/) {
- # we're only interested in keys that might have a valid
- # authentication key/subkey:
+ while (1) {
+ if ($afterlocalpass) {
+ # while loop termination condition:
+ last if ($foundvalid || $ks_checked || get_keyserver_policy() eq 'never');
+ fetch_uid_from_keyserver($uid);
+ $ks_checked = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $gpgkey ($gnupg->get_public_keys('='.$uid)) {
+ my $notvalid = 1;
foreach my $tryuid ($gpgkey->user_ids) {
if ($tryuid->as_string eq $uid) {
$notvalid = 0
if ($notvalid) {
msvalog('verbose', "got a key that was not fully-valid for UID %s\n", $uid);
} else {
+ $foundvalid = 1;
if ($gpgkey->usage_flags =~ /a/) {
msvalog('verbose', "primary key 0x%s is authentication-capable\n", $gpgkey->hex_id);
if (keycomp($key, $gpgkey)) {
+ $afterlocalpass = 1;
} else {
msvalog('error', "failed to decode %s\n", unpack('H*', $cert->pubkey()));
choose what port to bind to by setting MSVA_PORT. Default is to bind
on an arbitrary open port.
+msva-perl will request information from OpenPGP keyservers. Set
+MSVA_KEYSERVER to declare the keyserver you want it to check with.
+Default is 'hkp://'.
+msva-perl must decide when to check with keyservers (for new keys,
+revocation certificates, new certifications, etc). There are three
+possible options: 'always' means to check with the keyserver on every
+query it receives. 'never' means to never check with a
+keyserver. 'unlessvalid' will only check with the keyserver on a
+specific query if no keys are already locally known to be valid for
+the requested peer. Default is 'unlessvalid'.