source "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/lib/portage/bin}"/
+# funk_up_dir(action, suffix, binary)
+# - action: compress or decompress
+# - suffix: the compression suffix to work with
+# - binary: the program to execute that'll compress/decompress
+# The directory we act on is implied in the ${dir} variable
+funk_up_dir() {
+ local act=$1 suffix=$2 binary=$3
+ local negate=""
+ [[ ${act} == "compress" ]] && negate="!"
+ # first we act on all the files
+ find "${dir}" -type f ${negate} -iname '*.'${suffix} -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 ${binary}
+ ((ret+=$?))
+ find -L "${dir}" -type l | \
+ while read brokenlink ; do
+ olddest=$(readlink "${brokenlink}")
+ [[ ${act} == "compress" ]] \
+ && newdest="${olddest}${suffix}" \
+ || newdest="${olddest%.${suffix}}"
+ rm -f "${brokenlink}"
+ [[ ${act} == "compress" ]] \
+ && ln -snf "${newdest}" "${brokenlink}${suffix}" \
+ || ln -snf "${newdest}" "${brokenlink%.${suffix}}"
+ ((ret+=$?))
+ done
for dir in "$@" ; do
vecho "${0##*/}: $(ecompress --bin) ${dir#${D}}"
- find "${dir}" -type f '!' -name '*'${suffix} -print0 | ${XARGS} -0 ecompress
- ((ret+=$?))
- find -L "${dir}" -type l | \
- while read brokenlink ; do
- olddest=$(readlink "${brokenlink}")
- newdest="${olddest}${suffix}"
- rm -f "${brokenlink}"
- ln -snf "${newdest}" "${brokenlink}${suffix}"
- ((ret+=$?))
- done
+ # not uncommon for packages to compress doc files themselves
+ funk_up_dir "decompress" "Z" "gunzip"
+ funk_up_dir "decompress" "gz" "gunzip"
+ funk_up_dir "decompress" "bz2" "bunzip2"
+ # now lets do our work
+ funk_up_dir "compress" "${suffix}" "ecompress"
exit ${ret}