--- /dev/null
+Code Guidelines
+These are a few guidelines to stick to when modifying or adding code to
+First, read Python's PEP 8: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
+Next, read Portage's DEVELOPING file.
+Next, read Portage's Docstring specs:
+ http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/portage/doc/policies/docstring-spec.xml
+(Portage DEVELOPING overrides PEP 8, so we use tabs instead of spaces.)
+Here are a few clarifications and changes to the above:
+- Do NOT space out to an opening paren (etc). Different tab settings make this
+ difficult to read:
+ BAD:
+ foo = get_foo(keyword1=default,
+ keyword2=default,
+ ...)
+ OK:
+ foo = get_foo(keyword1=default, keyword2=default, keyword3=default,
+ keyword4=default, ...)
+ OK:
+ foo = get_foo(
+ keyword1=default,
+ keyword2=default,
+ ...
+ )
+- Max. line length is strictly 80 characters with a tab length of 4 characters.
+- "The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line
+ continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces" rather than using '\'
+ (PEP 8).
+ Even better than that is pre-defining a snippet of the long line in a
+ variable. So:
+ BAD: (too long)
+ self._descriptions = [e.text for e in self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription")]
+ OK:
+ self._descriptions = \
+ [e.text for e in self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription")]
+ self._descriptions = [
+ e.text for e in self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription")
+ ]
+ BEST: (easiest to read and test)
+ long_descriptions = self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription")
+ self._descriptions = [e.text for e in long_descriptions]
+Same as PEP 8 and Portage's DEVELOPING spec, but make sure to split python
+default libraries, Gentoo system libraries (like portage) and lastly local
+modules (gentoolkit), so:
+ import os
+ import re
+ import portage
+ from portage.versions import catpkgsplit, pkgcmp
+ from gentoolkit import CONFIG
+ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
+ ...
+Always raise exceptions and catch them at the last possible moment. This allows
+API consumers to catch them and decide what to do with them. Do not print an
+error to stderr from inside a consumable. Never "print" an error string, always
+write it to stderr.
+Lastly, if an error is fatal (should be raised all the way up), try to make
+sure it is an errors.Gentoolkit* error. That allows API consumers to catch all
+fatal errors with: except 'gentoolkit.errors.GentoolkitException'. See
+bin/equery to see how we catch those exceptions before they hit the user.
+ BAD:
+ try:
+ result = tree.aux_get(str(self.cpv), [var])
+ except KeyError:
+ sys.stderr.write("aux_get returned unexpected results")
+ # This line raises KeyError if self.cpv not found:
+ result = tree.aux_get(str(self.cpv), [var])
+ try:
+ result = tree.aux_get(str(self.cpv), [var])
+ except KeyError:
+ err = "aux_get returned unexpected results"
+ raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(err)
+Follow this example for any complicated function or method. Don't worry about
+docstring for private methods (like _foo) or methods like __this__. It's
+definitely OK to write docstrings for these methods as well if there's
+something tricky about them, though.
+ def graph_reverse_depends(...):
+ # A ONE-LINE sentence describing the function in simplest terms:
+ """Graph direct reverse dependencies for self.
+ # An optional second paragraph to give more detailed information.
+ # Sometimes an 'Example usage' here can be worth more than a lengthy
+ # description. Examples should be an ACTUAL interpreter session:
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
+ >>> ffmpeg = Dependencies('media-video/ffmpeg-0.5_p20373')
+ >>> # I only care about installed packages that depend on me:
+ ... from gentoolkit.helpers import get_installed_cpvs
+ >>> # I want to pass in a sorted list. We can pass strings or
+ ... # Package or Atom types, so I'll use Package to sort:
+ ... from gentoolkit.package import Package
+ >>> installed = sorted(Package(x) for x in get_installed_cpvs())
+ >>> deptree = ffmpeg.graph_reverse_depends(
+ ... only_direct=False, # Include indirect revdeps
+ ... pkgset=installed) # from installed pkgset
+ >>> len(deptree)
+ 44
+ # Lastly use epydoc's special fields to document further.
+ # See: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/fields.html
+ @type pkgset: iterable
+ @keyword pkgset: sorted pkg cpv strings or anything sublassing
+ L{gentoolkit.cpv.CPV} to use for calculate our revdep graph.
+ @type max_depth: int
+ @keyword max_depth: Maximum depth to recurse if only_direct=False.
+ -1 means no maximum depth;
+ 0 is the same as only_direct=True;
+ >0 means recurse only this many times;
+ @type only_direct: bool
+ @keyword only_direct: to recurse or not to recurse
+ @type printer_fn: callable
+ @keyword printer_fn: If None, no effect. If set, it will be applied to
+ each L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} object as it is added to the results.
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} objects
+ """
+Other concerns:
+- Choose names which are full, clear words (not necessary in small loops).
+- It is NEVER necessary to prefix names with "my". Consider:
+ class FooThinger(object):
+ def __init__(self, foo):
+ self.myfoo = foo
+ Just use FooThinger.foo or FooThinger.orig_foo; "my"foo tells us nothing.
+- Comment and document in simple, unambiguous and non-repetitive English.
+- When adding a TODO, FIXME or XXX comment, please date it and add your name so
+ that other devs know who to ask about the proposed change.
+- Be careful of spelling. DO spell check your source code and be professional
+ when writing comments.