@string{PSCremer = "Cremer, Paul S."}
@string{CCroarkin = "Croarkin, Carroll"}
@string{VCroquette = "Croquette, Vincent"}
+@string{LCCruz = "Cruz, Luis Cruz"}
@string{YCui = "Cui, Y."}
@string{COSB = "Current Opinion in Structural Biology"}
@string{COCB = "Current Opinion in Chemical Biology"}
@string{DASmith = "Smith, D. Alastair"}
@string{HOSmith = "Smith, H. O."}
@string{KBSmith = "Smith, Kathryn B."}
+@string{MDSmith = "Smith, Micholas Dean"}
@string{SSmith = "Smith, S."}
@string{SBSmith = "Smith, S. B."}
@string{TSmith = "Smith, T."}
effects only kick in at higher consentrations.},
+@article{ smith13,
+ author = MDSmith #" and "# LCCruz,
+ title = {Effect of Ionic Aqueous Environments on the Structure and
+ Dynamics of the A$\beta_{21-30}$ Fragment: a Molecular-Dynamics
+ Study.},
+ year = 2013,
+ month = jun,
+ day = 6,
+ address = {Department of Physics, 3141 Chestnut Street,
+ Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104,
+ United States.},
+ journal = JPC:B,
+ volume = 117,
+ number = 22,
+ pages = {6614--6624},
+ issn = {1520-5207},
+ doi = {10.1021/jp312653h},
+ url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23675877},
+ language = {eng},
+ abstract = {The amyloid $\beta$-protein (A$\beta$) has been
+ implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. The role
+ of the structure and dynamics of the central A$\beta_{21-30}$
+ decapeptide region of the full-length A$\beta$ is considered
+ crucial in the aggregation pathway of A$\beta$. Here we report
+ results of isobaric--isothermal (NPT) all-atom explicit water
+ molecular dynamics simulations of the monomeric form of the
+ wild-type A$\beta_{21-30}$ fragment in aqueous salt environments
+ formed by neurobiologically important group IA (\NaCl, \KCl) and
+ group IIA (\CaCl, \MgCl) salts. Our simulations reveal the
+ existence of salt-specific changes to secondary structure
+ propensities, lifetimes, hydrogen bonding, salt-bridge formation,
+ and decapeptide--ion contacts of this decapeptide. These results
+ suggest that aqueous environments with the \CaCl\ salt, and to a
+ much lesser extent the \MgCl\ salt, have profound effects by
+ increasing random coil structure propensities and lifetimes and
+ diminishing intrapeptide hydrogen bonding. These effects are
+ rationalized in terms of direct cation--decapeptide contacts and
+ changes to the hydration-shell water molecules. On the other side
+ of the spectrum, environments with the \NaCl\ and \KCl\ salts have
+ little influence on the decapeptide's secondary structure despite
+ increasing hydrogen bonding, salt-bridge formation, and lifetime
+ of turn structures. The observed enhancement of open structures
+ by group IIA may be of importance in the folding and aggregation
+ pathway of the full-length A$\beta$.},
@article{ dyson05,
author = HJDyson #" and "# PEWright,
title = {Intrinsically unstructured proteins and their functions.},