# worth another look to avoid calling python unnecessariy. Or we could
# just write the whole thing in python. ;)
reduce_incrementals() {
- echo $@ | python -c "import sys
+ echo $@ | python -c "from __future__ import print_function;import sys
for x in sys.stdin.read().split():
if x[0] == '-' and x[1:] in r:
elif x == '-*': r = ['-*']
elif x not in r: r.append(x)
-print ' '.join(r)"
+print(' '.join(r))"
} # }}}
# Function: reduce_incrementals_trump {{{
# Similar to reduce_incrementals but negative flags trump positive
# flags, regardless of which follows which
reduce_incrementals_trump() {
- echo $@ | python -c "import sys
+ echo $@ | python -c "from __future__ import print_function;import sys
for x in sys.stdin.read().split():
if x[0] == '-' and x[1:] in r:
elif x == '-*': r = ['-*']
elif x not in r and not '-'+x in r: r.append(x)
-print ' '.join(r)"
+print(' '.join(r))"
} # }}}
# Function: reduce_package_use {{{
# * - Lines of package atom followed by flags
# (app-editors/vim flag1 flag2 -flag3)
reduce_package_use() {
- echo "${@}" | python -c "import sys,re
+ echo "${@}" | python -c "from __future__ import print_function;import sys,re
h={}; getflags=re.compile(r'(-?[\w*-]+)')
for x in sys.stdin.read().split('\n'):
if not x: continue
elif x == '-*': r = h[pkg] = ['-*']
elif x not in r:
-print '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (pkg,' '.join(flgs)) for pkg,flgs in h.iteritems() if len(flgs)])"
+print('\n'.join(['%s %s' % (pkg,' '.join(flgs)) for pkg,flgs in h.items() if len(flgs)]))"
} # }}}
# Function: get_useflags {{{
if [[ -z "${atoms[@]/[<>=]*/}" ]]; then
echo "${atoms[@]}" | python -c "
-import portage.dep as dep, sys
-print ' '.join(dep.match_to_list('$5-$6',sys.stdin.read().split()))"))
+from __future__ import print_function;import portage.dep as dep, sys
+print(' '.join(dep.match_to_list('$5-$6',sys.stdin.read().split()))"))
flags=$(for atom in ${atoms[@]}; do
[[ -z $atom ]] && continue