# usage- first arg is the number of funcs on the stack to ignore.
# defaults to 1 (ignoring dump_trace)
dump_trace() {
- local funcname="" sourcefile="" lineno="" n e s="yes"
- declare -i strip=1
- if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
- strip=$(( $1 ))
- fi
- eerror "Call stack:"
- for (( n = ${#FUNCNAME[@]} - 1, p = ${#BASH_ARGV[@]} ; n > $strip ; n-- )) ; do
- funcname=${FUNCNAME[${n} - 1]}
- sourcefile=$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[${n}]})
- lineno=${BASH_LINENO[${n} - 1]}
- # Display function arguments
- args=
- if [[ -n "${BASH_ARGV[@]}" ]]; then
- for (( j = 1 ; j <= ${BASH_ARGC[${n} - 1]} ; ++j )); do
- newarg=${BASH_ARGV[$(( p - j - 1 ))]}
- args="${args:+${args} }'${newarg}'"
- done
- (( p -= ${BASH_ARGC[${n} - 1]} ))
- fi
- eerror " ${sourcefile}, line ${lineno}: Called ${funcname}${args:+ ${args}}"
- done
+ local funcname="" sourcefile="" lineno="" n e s="yes"
+ declare -i strip=1
+ if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
+ strip=$(( $1 ))
+ fi
+ eerror "Call stack:"
+ for (( n = ${#FUNCNAME[@]} - 1, p = ${#BASH_ARGV[@]} ; n > $strip ; n-- )) ; do
+ funcname=${FUNCNAME[${n} - 1]}
+ sourcefile=$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[${n}]})
+ lineno=${BASH_LINENO[${n} - 1]}
+ # Display function arguments
+ args=
+ if [[ -n "${BASH_ARGV[@]}" ]]; then
+ for (( j = 1 ; j <= ${BASH_ARGC[${n} - 1]} ; ++j )); do
+ newarg=${BASH_ARGV[$(( p - j - 1 ))]}
+ args="${args:+${args} }'${newarg}'"
+ done
+ (( p -= ${BASH_ARGC[${n} - 1]} ))
+ fi
+ eerror " ${sourcefile}, line ${lineno}: Called ${funcname}${args:+ ${args}}"
+ done
diefunc() {
- local funcname="$1" lineno="$2" exitcode="$3"
- shift 3
- eerror
- eerror "ERROR: $CATEGORY/$PF failed."
- dump_trace 2
- eerror " ${BASH_SOURCE[1]##*/}, line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}: Called die"
- eerror
- eerror "${*:-(no error message)}"
- eerror "If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant."
- [ -n "${PORTAGE_LOG_FILE}" ] && \
- eerror "A complete build log is located at '${PORTAGE_LOG_FILE}'."
- if [ -n "${EBUILD_OVERLAY_ECLASSES}" ] ; then
- eerror "This ebuild used the following eclasses from overlays:"
- local x
- for x in ${EBUILD_OVERLAY_ECLASSES} ; do
- eerror " ${x}"
- done
- fi
- if [ "${EBUILD#${PORTDIR}/}" == "${EBUILD}" ] ; then
- local overlay=${EBUILD%/*}
- overlay=${overlay%/*}
- overlay=${overlay%/*}
- eerror "This ebuild is from an overlay: '${overlay}/'"
- fi
- eerror
- if [ "${EBUILD_PHASE/depend}" == "${EBUILD_PHASE}" ]; then
- local x
- for x in $EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS; do
- ${x} "$@" >&2 1>&2
- done
- fi
- # subshell die support
- exit 1
+ local funcname="$1" lineno="$2" exitcode="$3"
+ shift 3
+ eerror
+ eerror "ERROR: $CATEGORY/$PF failed."
+ dump_trace 2
+ eerror " ${BASH_SOURCE[1]##*/}, line ${BASH_LINENO[0]}: Called die"
+ eerror
+ eerror "${*:-(no error message)}"
+ eerror "If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant."
+ [[ -n ${PORTAGE_LOG_FILE} ]] \
+ && eerror "A complete build log is located at '${PORTAGE_LOG_FILE}'."
+ if [[ -n ${EBUILD_OVERLAY_ECLASSES} ]] ; then
+ eerror "This ebuild used the following eclasses from overlays:"
+ local x
+ for x in ${EBUILD_OVERLAY_ECLASSES} ; do
+ eerror " ${x}"
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ "${EBUILD#${PORTDIR}/}" == "${EBUILD}" ]] ; then
+ local overlay=${EBUILD%/*}
+ overlay=${overlay%/*}
+ overlay=${overlay%/*}
+ eerror "This ebuild is from an overlay: '${overlay}/'"
+ fi
+ eerror
+ if [[ "${EBUILD_PHASE/depend}" == "${EBUILD_PHASE}" ]] ; then
+ local x
+ for x in $EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS; do
+ ${x} "$@" >&2 1>&2
+ done
+ fi
+ # subshell die support
+ exit 1
quiet_mode() {
# Adjust COLS so that eend works properly on a standard BSD console.
[ "${TERM}" = "cons25" ] && COLS=$((${COLS} - 1))
- ENDCOL=$'\e[A\e['${COLS}'C' # Now, ${ENDCOL} will move us to the end of the
- # column; irregardless of character width
+ # Now, ${ENDCOL} will move us to the end of the
+ # column; irregardless of character width
+ ENDCOL=$'\e[A\e['${COLS}'C'
if [ -n "${PORTAGE_COLORMAP}" ] ; then