# add a list of tag or branch names at position pos
# returns the number of names inserted
proc appendrefs {pos ids var} {
- global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs
+ global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs mainheadid
if {[catch {$ctext index $pos}]} {
return 0
lappend tags [list $tag $id]
+ set sep {}
+ set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags]
+ set nutags 0
if {[llength $tags] > $maxrefs} {
- $ctext insert $pos "[mc "many"] ([llength $tags])"
- } else {
- set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags]
- set sep {}
- foreach ti $tags {
- set id [lindex $ti 1]
- set lk link$linknum
- incr linknum
- $ctext tag delete $lk
- $ctext insert $pos $sep
- $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk
- setlink $id $lk
- set sep ", "
+ # If we are displaying heads, and there are too many,
+ # see if there are some important heads to display.
+ # Currently this means "master" and the current head.
+ set itags {}
+ if {$var eq "idheads"} {
+ set utags {}
+ foreach ti $tags {
+ set hname [lindex $ti 0]
+ set id [lindex $ti 1]
+ if {($hname eq "master" || $id eq $mainheadid) &&
+ [llength $itags] < $maxrefs} {
+ lappend itags $ti
+ } else {
+ lappend utags $ti
+ }
+ }
+ set tags $utags
+ if {$itags ne {}} {
+ set str [mc "and many more"]
+ set sep " "
+ } else {
+ set str [mc "many"]
+ }
+ $ctext insert $pos "$str ([llength $tags])"
+ set nutags [llength $tags]
+ set tags $itags
+ }
+ foreach ti $tags {
+ set id [lindex $ti 1]
+ set lk link$linknum
+ incr linknum
+ $ctext tag delete $lk
+ $ctext insert $pos $sep
+ $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk
+ setlink $id $lk
+ set sep ", "
$ctext tag add wwrap "$pos linestart" "$pos lineend"
$ctext conf -state disabled
- return [llength $tags]
+ return [expr {[llength $tags] + $nutags}]
# called when we have finished computing the nearby tags