--- /dev/null
+Make and save logistic growth population data
+from __future__ import division
+import numpy as np
+def logistic_growth(r, K, n0, p=0.1):
+ # Set up population array
+ n = np.zeros((npops, nt))
+ n[:,0] = n0
+ # Loop through all time steps
+ steps = np.arange(1, nt)
+ for i in steps:
+ cat = (np.random.rand(npops) < p) # Random catastrophe 10% of time
+ ni = np.round(n[:,i-1] + r*n[:,i-1]*(1 - n[:,i-1]/K))
+ ni[cat] = n0
+ n[:,i] = ni
+ return n
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ nt = 15
+ npops = 50
+ result = logistic_growth(0.6, 100, 10)
+ np.savetxt('data_pops.csv', result, '%i', ',')