class UnsupportedVersion(VisualCException):
+class UnsupportedArch(VisualCException):
+ pass
class MissingConfiguration(VisualCException):
r'Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup\Microsoft Visual C++\ProductDir']
+def msvc_version_to_maj_min(msvc_version):
+ t = msvc_version.split(".")
+ if not len(t) == 2:
+ raise ValueError("Unrecognized version %s" % msvc_version)
+ try:
+ maj = int(t[0])
+ min = int(t[1])
+ return maj, min
+ except ValueError, e:
+ raise ValueError("Unrecognized version %s" % msvc_version)
+def is_host_target_supported(host_target, msvc_version):
+ """Return True if the given (host, target) tuple is supported given the
+ msvc version.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ host_target: tuple
+ tuple of (canonalized) host-target, e.g. ("x86", "amd64") for cross
+ compilation from 32 bits windows to 64 bits.
+ msvc_version: str
+ msvc version (major.minor, e.g. 10.0)
+ Note
+ ----
+ This only check whether a given version *may* support the given (host,
+ target), not that the toolchain is actually present on the machine.
+ """
+ # We assume that any Visual Studio version supports x86 as a target
+ if host_target != "x86":
+ maj, min = msvc_version_to_maj_min(msvc_version)
+ if maj < 8:
+ return False
+ return True
def find_vc_pdir(msvc_version):
"""Try to find the product directory for the given
elif use_script:
host_platform, target_platform = get_host_target(env)
host_target = (host_platform, target_platform)
+ if not is_host_target_supported(host_target, version):
+ raise UnsupportedVersion(
+ "host, target = %s not supported for MSVC version %s" %
+ (host_target, version))
arg = _HOST_TARGET_ARCH_TO_BAT_ARCH[host_target]
debug('use_script 2 %s, args:%s\n' % (repr(script), arg))