--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class cutCommands:
+ def _plug_init(self):
+ self.cut_basecurrent=None
+ self.cut_basepoints=None
+ def do_cut(self,args):
+ '''
+ (cut.py)
+ Cut the selected signal between two points.
+ With the first parameter you have to select the signal (for FS for example
+ you can select with "0" the approacing curve and 1 for the retracting
+ curve. This depend also on how many set of data you have on the graph).
+ With the second parameter you select the output name file for the selection.
+ The data is arranged in two simple column without a header, the first column
+ is the "x" data and the second the "y".
+ -----------------
+ Syntax: distance "whatset" "namefile"
+ '''
+ if len(args)==0:
+ print "This command need the number of the graph that you want save and a name for the output file."
+ return
+ a=args.split()
+ whatset=int(a[0])
+ outfile=a[1]
+ plot=self._get_displayed_plot()
+ print 'Select two points'
+ points=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=whatset)
+ minbound=min(points[0].index, points[1].index)
+ maxbound=max(points[0].index, points[1].index)
+ boundpoints=[minbound, maxbound]
+ yarr=plot.vectors[whatset][1][boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]]
+ xarr=plot.vectors[whatset][0][boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]]
+ f=open(outfile,'w+')
+ for i in range(len(yarr)):
+ f.write(str(xarr[i])+";"+str(yarr[i])+"\n")
+ f.close()