-Hash: SHA1
DIST asis-3.4.4.tar.bz2 2874938 RMD160 ec6acf720c4fb6a386fa6da8de40f88b5b9f310d SHA1 949725a605ffa92e30cdc53b397483d38078a90c SHA256 2d3546d04839801ef617005e60ee24be9a0004f8481c70e3ea51a17443d094d5
DIST asis-gcc-4.1.1.tar.bz2 2938979 RMD160 08112f7c283543f1350d894ca363da1e7c1d1c7f SHA1 b3ec85d7da9be03d788def2a9c7060e350e06429 SHA256 712674ad21d21c9aec59e3f4db35cb92b01a6fbc1fc80450f801666f0ac2827e
EBUILD asis-gcc-3.4.6.ebuild 4107 RMD160 d372689ea962378ea55b803f0892701260fa8baf SHA1 b273cc78a0e4cf71a4cd113a3a041d099dc5de41 SHA256 dfc62ca0ced2df645c7dc299c29fa56c460f58bcea1ef99453f09f307cef9bc0
MD5 703ed827ce268c3d8bc8382fe722dd94 asis-gcc-4.1.1.ebuild 4608
RMD160 9f1241ee604786638ab61b977cfe13c1890934cf asis-gcc-4.1.1.ebuild 4608
SHA256 c0f88547b8ffe1f030e43cac5d9148b82bef1870b0a68c11b26971766bc39a94 asis-gcc-4.1.1.ebuild 4608
-MISC ChangeLog 628 RMD160 91200371e285bfd2496d27051598ca0ecb266aee SHA1 3e3c4c84836896b6c6058f6793f88644f05aa6f1 SHA256 74c083d8aef3d8825d57d526dca0a45eb01f2d3f8048e4951fcaa4bd5cb028e1
-MD5 ee3fffe1cea3f91baf4a6a1d5caa9d3f ChangeLog 628
-RMD160 91200371e285bfd2496d27051598ca0ecb266aee ChangeLog 628
-SHA256 74c083d8aef3d8825d57d526dca0a45eb01f2d3f8048e4951fcaa4bd5cb028e1 ChangeLog 628
+EBUILD asis-gcc-4.1.2.ebuild 4737 RMD160 6ac8977cb62cd906f98db0de44fbf4af076018e7 SHA1 1564a17dbb4d375e092069d93803a1656908ae80 SHA256 3d104a3fc7544ebb2767d9c04631e5d005767192d2c0df50d8293b640072cb4a
+MD5 d817d1b7ecd038a6d2496a846efd44fc asis-gcc-4.1.2.ebuild 4737
+RMD160 6ac8977cb62cd906f98db0de44fbf4af076018e7 asis-gcc-4.1.2.ebuild 4737
+SHA256 3d104a3fc7544ebb2767d9c04631e5d005767192d2c0df50d8293b640072cb4a asis-gcc-4.1.2.ebuild 4737
+MISC ChangeLog 773 RMD160 8761bd29e6c52df6cc08913f8e320a5cf430f8c8 SHA1 804f7aab5305d9ce318e03914ba976dc0508c218 SHA256 1417f27e56aabbd50d2b02601f1d6ee42fc0dd28750d0dee9c21e3c09768ed54
+MD5 97af5cabd3e4a4693d977d840aa686ef ChangeLog 773
+RMD160 8761bd29e6c52df6cc08913f8e320a5cf430f8c8 ChangeLog 773
+SHA256 1417f27e56aabbd50d2b02601f1d6ee42fc0dd28750d0dee9c21e3c09768ed54 ChangeLog 773
MISC metadata.xml 697 RMD160 bb7db4aaaa1ac14f321b0f2d9958835b29d03cde SHA1 2a40deb3b8729e82013db46498802e6c49708c6f SHA256 d32f466670f99fd6e28bb2c1e1257adac3f78db0d8d325f9507a81f9b9a5f975
MD5 a971e1c05db3ed5d35a404fa7f1cf67b metadata.xml 697
RMD160 bb7db4aaaa1ac14f321b0f2d9958835b29d03cde metadata.xml 697
MD5 c054158f91eabd49bd8f09bf17dc998c files/digest-asis-gcc-4.1.1 250
RMD160 3b90efdfd59dbcc9c30ca5d121cf208d20e835a7 files/digest-asis-gcc-4.1.1 250
SHA256 fc781f068a24f19ebd68aa7068c61bfcf7492c74dd0b2ea200310ee8079cc3e5 files/digest-asis-gcc-4.1.1 250
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 c054158f91eabd49bd8f09bf17dc998c files/digest-asis-gcc-4.1.2 250
+RMD160 3b90efdfd59dbcc9c30ca5d121cf208d20e835a7 files/digest-asis-gcc-4.1.2 250
+SHA256 fc781f068a24f19ebd68aa7068c61bfcf7492c74dd0b2ea200310ee8079cc3e5 files/digest-asis-gcc-4.1.2 250
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ada/asis-gcc/asis-gcc-4.1.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/02/17 12:58:25 george Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic gnatbuild
+DESCRIPTION="The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (semantic analysis and tools tied to compiler). GnuAda version"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+# can reuse the same sources, but we need to force an upgrade
+ doc? ( virtual/tetex
+ app-text/texi2html )"
+# overwriting gnatboot's S
+# Execstack is not nearly as dangerous in Ada as in C and would require a lot of
+# work to work around. See bug #141315.
+ usr/lib/gnat-gcc/*/${SLOT}/adalib/libasis.a
+ usr/*/gnat-gcc-bin/${SLOT}/*"
+# it may be even better to force plain -O2 -pipe -ftracer here
+replace-flags -O3 -O2
+pkg_setup() {
+ currGnat=$(eselect --no-color gnat show | grep "gnat-" | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ if [[ "${currGnat}" != "${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}" ]]; then
+ echo
+ eerror "The active gnat profile does not correspond to the selected"
+ eerror "version of asis! Please install the appropriate gnat (if you"
+ eerror "did not so yet) and run:"
+ eerror "eselect gnat set ${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}"
+ eerror "env-update && source /etc/profile"
+ eerror "and then emerge =dev-ada/asis-${PV} again.."
+ echo
+ die
+ fi
+# we need to avoid calling gnatboot_src_unpack
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+src_compile() {
+ # Build the shared library first, we need -fPIC here
+ gnatmake -Pasis -cargs ${CFLAGS} || die "building libasis.a failed"
+ gnatmake -Pasis_dyn -f -cargs ${CFLAGS} || die "building libasis.so failed"
+ # build tools
+ # we need version.o generated for all the tools
+ gcc -c -o obj/version.o gnat/version.c
+ for fn in gnatelim gnatstub gnatpp ; do
+ pushd tools/${fn}
+ gnatmake -o ${fn} ${fn}-driver.adb -I../../asis/ -I../../gnat/ \
+ -I../tool_utils/ -I../tool_utils/templates/ \
+ -L../../lib -cargs ${CFLAGS} -largs -lasis ../../obj/version.o \
+ || die "building ${fn} failed"
+ popd
+ done
+ pushd tools/gnatmetric
+ gnatmake -o gnatmetric metrics-simple_driver.adb -I../../asis/ -I../../gnat/ \
+ -I../tool_utils/ -I../tool_utils/templates/ \
+ -L../../lib -cargs ${CFLAGS} -largs -lasis ../../obj/version.o \
+ || die "building ${fn} failed"
+ popd
+ pushd tools/adabrowse
+ gcc -c util-nl.c
+ gnatmake -I../../asis -I../../gnat adabrowse -L../../lib -cargs ${CFLAGS} \
+ -largs -lasis ../../obj/version.o || die
+ popd
+ pushd tools/semtools
+ gnatmake -I../../asis -I../../gnat adadep -L../../lib \
+ -cargs ${CFLAGS} -largs -lasis ../../obj/version.o || die
+ gnatmake -I../../asis -I../../gnat adasubst -L../../lib \
+ -cargs ${CFLAGS} -largs -lasis ../../obj/version.o || die
+ popd
+ # common stuff is just docs in this case
+ if use doc; then
+ pushd documentation
+ make all || die "Failed while compiling documentation"
+ for fn in *.ps; do ps2pdf ${fn}; done
+ popd
+ fi
+src_install () {
+ # we need to adjust some vars defined in gnatbuild.eclass so that they use
+ # gnat-gcc instead of asis
+ LIBPATH=${LIBPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
+ BINPATH=${BINPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
+ DATAPATH=${DATAPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
+ # install the lib
+ dodir ${LIBPATH}/adalib
+ chmod 0755 lib_dyn/libasis.so
+ cp lib_dyn/libasis.so ${D}${LIBPATH}/adalib/libasis-${SLOT}.so
+ insinto ${LIBPATH}/adalib
+ doins obj/*.ali
+ chmod 0444 ${D}${LIBPATH}/adalib/*.ali
+ doins lib/libasis.a
+ # make appropriate symlinks
+ pushd ${D}${LIBPATH}/adalib
+ ln -s libasis-${SLOT}.so libasis.so
+ popd
+ # sources
+ insinto ${LIBPATH}/adainclude
+ doins gnat/*.ad[sb]
+ doins asis/*.ad[sb]
+ # tools
+ mkdir -p ${D}${BINPATH}
+ for fn in tools/{adabrowse,gnatelim,gnatstub,gnatpp,gnatmetric}; do
+ cp ${fn}/${fn:6} ${D}${BINPATH}
+ done
+ cp tools/semtools/ada{dep,subst} ${D}${BINPATH}
+ # docs and examples
+ if use doc ; then
+ dodoc documentation/*.{txt,ps}
+ dohtml documentation/*.html
+ # info's should go into gnat-gpl dirs
+ insinto ${DATAPATH}/info/
+ doins documentation/*.info
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ doins -r documentation/*.pdf examples/ tutorial/ templates/
+ # this version also provides wiki contents, may be added at some point,
+ # however it seems to make sense to just use the online wiki..
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ echo
+ elog "The ASIS is installed for the active gnat compiler at gnat's location."
+ elog "No further configuration is necessary. Enjoy."
+ echo