--- /dev/null
+# W. Trevor King, 2009. Released into the public domain.
+# Monitor an unfolding data directory and output a small png of the most
+# recent unfolding curve
+# usage: monfold <unfold_dir>
+# e.g. : monfold ~/rsrch/data/unfold/20090331
+# Requires the inotify-tools package if you're running Ubuntu
+# Running something along the lines of
+# qiv --watch $OUTFILE # run qiv tracing the image file
+# is a useful way to monitor the generated image without constantly
+# grabbing the upper window.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "usage: monfold <unfold_dir>"
+ exit 1
+ACTION="scp $OUTFILE einstein:./public_html/rsrch/monfold.png" # upload to web
+echo "set terminal png
+set output '$OUTFILE'
+plot '$DATALINK' using ((\$1/2**15-1)*10):((\$2/2**15-1)*10)" > "$GPFILE"
+# The way output from the unfolding software works, we get a bunch of
+# files (which are what we want to be monitoring), along with some
+# YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_unfold_<blablabla>
+# files with information we ignore.
+# The files come out sequentially in time, but are written in multiple chunks
+# $ inotifywait -q -m -e CLOSE --exclude '.*unfold_.*' 20090331/
+# 20090331/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE 20090331163023_unfold
+# ...
+# 20090331/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE 20090331163023_unfold
+# 20090331/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE 20090331163044_unfold
+# ...
+# 20090331/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE 20090331163044_unfold
+# Triggering on CLOSE isn't actually a good idea, since our monitoring
+# activity involves reading the new file, which produces a bunch of
+# CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE events. In the loop below we only look at
+# CLOSE_WRITES, and we trigger off the transition from one file to the
+# next, e.g. the 23->44 second example shown above, after which we
+# process the 23 second data.
+# Multiple close events for the same file as data is written in blocks
+while read LINE; do
+ DIR=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $1}'` # has trailing slash
+ EVENT=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $2}'`
+ FILE=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $3}'`
+ if [ "$EVENT" != "CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE" ]; then
+ echo "Error (unexpected event '$EVENT'):"
+ echo "$LINE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$FILE" != "$LASTFILE" ] && [ "$LASTFILE" != "" ]; then
+ # We must have finished writing to $LASTFILE...
+ echo "process $DIR$LASTFILE -> $OUTFILE"
+ gnuplot "$GPFILE"
+ rm "$DATALINK"
+ echo $ACTION
+ fi
+done < <(inotifywait -q -m -e CLOSE_WRITE --exclude '.*unfold_.*' "$DATADIR")
+rm "$GPFILE"