$ python -m cProfile -o profile be [command] [args]
$ python -c "import pstats; p=pstats.Stats('profile'); p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(20)"
-It's often useful to toss::
+If you want to find out who's calling your expensive function
+(e.g. :func:`libbe.util.subproc.invoke`), try::
+ $ python -c "import pstats; p=pstats.Stats('profile'); p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_callers(20)"
+You can also toss::
import sys, traceback
print >> sys.stderr, '-'*60, '\n', '\n'.join(traceback.format_stack()[-10:])
-into expensive functions (e.g. :func:`libbe.util.subproc.invoke`) if
-you're not sure why they're being called.
+into the function itself for a depth-first caller list.