<!ENTITY package SYSTEM "package.docbook">
<!ENTITY package_ebuild SYSTEM "package/ebuild.docbook">
<!ENTITY package_ebuild_phases SYSTEM "package/ebuild/phases.docbook">
+ <!ENTITY package_ebuild_helper_functions SYSTEM "package/ebuild/helper_functions.docbook">
<!ENTITY qa SYSTEM "qa.docbook">
<!ENTITY config SYSTEM "config.docbook">
<!ENTITY config_bashrc SYSTEM "config/bashrc.docbook">
+Show a blank line. Consecutive eblank calls collapse into
+a single blank line.
\fBeinfo\fR \fI"disposable message"\fR
Same as \fBelog\fR, but should be used when the message isn't important to the
user (like progress or status messages during the build process).
\fBewarn\fR \fI"warning message"\fR
Same as \fBeinfo\fR, but should be used when showing a warning to the user.
+\fBeqawarn\fR \fI"QA warning message"\fR
+Same as \fBeinfo\fR, but should be used when showing a QA warning to the user.
\fBeerror\fR \fI"error message"\fR
Same as \fBeinfo\fR, but should be used when showing an error to the user.