Edit =.git/description=.
+** Git notes
* Peripherals
** GitTorrent
One more reason to be running =gpg-agent=.
+** Fun with =git notes=
+*** Creating and showing notes
+Say you have a repository
+ : $ git log
+ : commit 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:28 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : b
+ :
+ : commit 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:18 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : a
+You can attach a single note file (per note namespace) to each commit.
+ : $ git notes add -m 'note on commit a' HEAD^
+ : $ git notes add -m 'note on commit b' HEAD
+ : $ git notes
+ : bb511b3526c2300251c482b6f408248c83f22bff 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : 068f07ddec5dfe0a8f93721acbdd7da87dd94db2 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+The output format is =<note blob sha> <commit sha>=. You can dump a
+note by hand,
+ : $ git show 068f07
+ : note on commit a
+or show the note associated with an object,
+ : $ git notes show HEAD
+ : note on commit b
+or show the notes in a log.
+ : $ git log --notes
+ : commit 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:28 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : b
+ :
+ : Notes:
+ : note on commit b
+ :
+ : commit 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:18 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : a
+ :
+ : Notes:
+ : note on commit a
+*** Altering notes
+You can append new content to an existing note,
+ : $ git notes append -m 'more notes on commit a' HEAD^
+ : $ git notes show HEAD^
+ : note on commit a
+ :
+ : more notes on commit a
+or spawn your =EDITOR= to make changes.
+ : $ EDITOR='sed -i "s/more/many/"' git notes edit HEAD^
+ : $ git notes show HEAD^
+ : note on commit a
+ :
+ : many notes on commit a
+*** Removing notes
+You can remove notes.
+ : $ git notes remove HEAD^
+ : Removing note for object HEAD^
+ : $ git notes
+ : bb511b3526c2300251c482b6f408248c83f22bff 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+*** Note namespaces
+Git notes have their own references in =refs/notes/...=.
+ : $ git notes get-ref
+ : refs/notes/commits
+You can use other namespaces besides =commits=.
+ : $ git notes --ref wtk get-ref
+ : refs/notes/wtk
+ : $ git notes --ref wtk add -m 'wtk note' HEAD
+ : $ git log --notes=wtk
+ : commit 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:28 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : b
+ :
+ : Notes (wtk):
+ : wtk note
+ :
+ : commit 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:18 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : a
+*** Showing notes in the log
+If you want to show multiple namespaces in a single log, just keep
+adding =--notes= arguments.
+ : $ git log --notes=wtk --notes
+ : commit 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:28 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : b
+ :
+ : Notes:
+ : note on commit b
+ :
+ : Notes (wtk):
+ : wtk note
+ :
+ : commit 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:21:18 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : a
+*** Searching notes
+You can search through notes for regular expressions.
+ : $ git grep wtk refs/notes/wtk
+ : refs/notes/wtk:56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94:wtk note
+The output format here is =<ref>:<commit sha>:<matching line>=.
+*** The note branch
+Because the notes are stored in their own branch, they have their own
+commit history.
+ : $ git log -p notes/commits
+ : commit 0625b737c1dd340122478d8e6ae1fe5f8d8ce183
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:25:24 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : Notes removed by 'git notes remove'
+ :
+ : diff --git a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : deleted file mode 100644
+ : index 866bab5..0000000
+ : --- a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : +++ /dev/null
+ : @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
+ : -note on commit a
+ : -
+ : -many notes on commit a
+ :
+ : commit b046ea813f3e5324e0910da5e60b3aa933aee2ff
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:24:55 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : Notes added by 'git notes edit'
+ :
+ : diff --git a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : index 975b66d..866bab5 100644
+ : --- a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : +++ b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+ : note on commit a
+ :
+ : -more notes on commit a
+ : +many notes on commit a
+ :
+ : commit d6f6b1e5c8832552e807bcab723e6eaf07d5e5de
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:24:16 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : Notes added by 'git notes append'
+ :
+ : diff --git a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : index 068f07d..975b66d 100644
+ : --- a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : +++ b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : @@ -1 +1,3 @@
+ : note on commit a
+ : +
+ : +more notes on commit a
+ :
+ : commit 76e670903fcf038b602190a2e0314b265d5a34cf
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:22:28 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : Notes added by 'git notes add'
+ :
+ : diff --git a/56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94 b/56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : new file mode 100644
+ : index 0000000..bb511b3
+ : --- /dev/null
+ : +++ b/56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : @@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ : +note on commit b
+ :
+ : commit 62b129c10cdfc8ec9f9d204dac04a5cf0562dffe
+ : Author: W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+ : Date: Tue Sep 4 13:22:21 2012 -0400
+ :
+ : Notes added by 'git notes add'
+ :
+ : diff --git a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : new file mode 100644
+ : index 0000000..068f07d
+ : --- /dev/null
+ : +++ b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : @@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ : +note on commit a
+You can checkout the note branch just like any other branch.
+ : $ git checkout notes/commits
+Where you will find one file for each note, where the filename is the
+hash of the object that the note is about.
+ : $ ls
+ : 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : $ cat 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : note on commit b
+You can do all your usual manipulations in the note branch, merging,
+rebasing, updating refs, etc.
+ : $ git update-ref refs/notes/commits b046ea
+ : $ git notes
+ : bb511b3526c2300251c482b6f408248c83f22bff 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : 866bab52944f009b3f92c61beea7a8a7fad0e0a2 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+*** Adding notes to non-commit objects
+There's no reason you need to limit your notes to commits. However,
+you'll need the hash for the object you're tagging. Here's how you
+can get a hash for a file:
+ : $ git hash-object a
+ : 78981922613b2afb6025042ff6bd878ac1994e85
+Alternatively, you can list all the files in a directory.
+ : $ ls-tree HEAD^{tree}
+ : 100644 blob 78981922613b2afb6025042ff6bd878ac1994e85 a
+ : 100644 blob 61780798228d17af2d34fce4cfbdf35556832472 b
+Then attach your note to the object directly.
+ : $ git notes add -m 'note on blob a' 789819
+ : $ $ git notes show $(git hash-object a)
+ : note on blob a
+*** Merging notes
+**** Naming remote note references
+It's a good idea to place all of your note references under
+=refs/notes=, because the current (2012-09-04) implementation of
+=expand_notes_ref= in =git/notes.c= is:
+ : void expand_notes_ref(struct strbuf *sb)
+ : {
+ : if (!prefixcmp(sb->buf, "refs/notes/"))
+ : return; /* we're happy */
+ : else if (!prefixcmp(sb->buf, "notes/"))
+ : strbuf_insert(sb, 0, "refs/", 5);
+ : else
+ : strbuf_insert(sb, 0, "refs/notes/", 11);
+ : }
+This means that:
+ : refs/notes/commits → refs/notes/commits
+ : notes/commits → refs/notes/commits
+ : commits → refs/notes/commits
+ : refs/remotes/origin/notes/commits → refs/notes/refs/remotes/origin/notes/commits
+which is probably not what you wanted.
+**** Fast forward merges
+You can check out the note branch and pull/push/merge just like any
+other branch, but there is also a user interface for merging notes
+without bothering to checkout the note branch. To see this in action,
+we'll need to clone our repo.
+ : $ cd ..
+ : $ git clone repo-a repo-b
+ : Cloning into 'repo-b'...
+ : done.
+ : $ cd repo-b
+Git doesn't fetch (or push) notes by default, so we'll have to add a
+ : $ git config --add remote.origin.fetch '+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/remotes/origin/*'
+ : $ git fetch
+ : From ../repo-a
+ : * [new ref] refs/notes/commits -> refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : * [new ref] refs/notes/wtk -> refs/notes/remotes/origin/wtk
+Alrighty, let's make those note's our own.
+ : $ git notes merge origin/notes/commits
+ : fatal: Cannot merge empty notes ref (refs/notes/origin/notes/commits) into empty notes ref (refs/notes/commits)
+Hmm, looks like the initial commit may be troublesome. Let's adopt
+the current remote state.
+ : $ git update-ref refs/notes/commits refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : $ git notes
+ : bb511b3526c2300251c482b6f408248c83f22bff 56db93aebad496c8ec28df0c4c90bed99da57e94
+ : a4c2f4dcfdb7d547bc303282f2678581a9ebf35f 78981922613b2afb6025042ff6bd878ac1994e85
+ : 866bab52944f009b3f92c61beea7a8a7fad0e0a2 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+And make some changes.
+ : EDITOR='sed -i "N;/\nmany/s/\nmany/extra/;P;D"' git notes edit HEAD^
+ : git notes show HEAD^
+ : note on commit a
+ : extra notes on commit a
+Now go back to the original repo and fetch the changes.
+ : $ cd ../repo-a
+ : $ git remote add repo-b ../repo-b
+ : $ git config --add remote.repo-b.fetch '+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/remotes/repo-b/*'
+ : $ git fetch repo-b
+ : remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
+ : remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
+ : remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ : Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
+ : From ../repo-b
+ : * [new branch] master -> repo-b/master
+ : * [new ref] refs/notes/commits -> refs/notes/remotes/repo-b/commits
+ : $ git diff notes/commits notes/remotes/repo-b/commits
+ : diff --git a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : index 866bab5..710e3e0 100644
+ : --- a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : +++ b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
+ : note on commit a
+ : -
+ : -many notes on commit a
+ : +extra notes on commit a
+ : $ git notes merge -v remotes/repo-b/commits
+ : Fast-forward
+**** Resolving conflicts
+Set up conflicting changes.
+ : repo-a$ EDITOR='sed -i "s/extra/tons of/"' git notes edit HEAD^
+ : repo-b$ EDITOR='sed -i "s/extra/lots of/"' git notes edit HEAD^
+ : repo-b$ git fetch
+ : remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
+ : remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
+ : remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ : Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
+ : From ../repo-a
+ : 69e6240..bf61bfc refs/notes/commits -> refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : repo-b$ git diff refs/notes/commits refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : diff --git a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : index 0808976..b847e1d 100644
+ : --- a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : +++ b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
+ : note on commit a
+ : -lots of notes on commit a
+ : +tons of notes on commit a
+Try to merge =repo-a= from =repo-b=.
+ : $ git notes merge refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : Auto-merging notes for 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in notes for object 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : Automatic notes merge failed. Fix conflicts in .git/NOTES_MERGE_WORKTREE and commit the result with 'git notes merge --commit', or abort the merge with 'git notes merge --abort'.
+ : 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : $ cat .git/NOTES_MERGE_WORKTREE/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : note on commit a
+ : <<<<<<< refs/notes/commits
+ : lots of notes on commit a
+ : =======
+ : tons of notes on commit a
+ : >>>>>>> refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : $ emacs .git/NOTES_MERGE_WORKTREE/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : <edit as you see fit>
+ : $ git notes merge --commit
+ : $ git notes show HEAD^
+ : note on commit a
+ : zounds of notes on commit a
+You can also set some useful merge strategies. Lets go back and try
+the merge again. First, undo the merge
+ : $ git update-ref refs/notes/commits refs/notes/commits^
+ : $ git diff refs/notes/commits refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : diff --git a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : index 0808976..b847e1d 100644
+ : --- a/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : +++ b/84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
+ : note on commit a
+ : -lots of notes on commit a
+ : +tons of notes on commit a
+Now merge with a particular strategy.
+ : $ git notes merge --strategy=cat_sort_uniq refs/notes/remotes/origin/commits
+ : Concatenating unique lines in local and remote notes for 84b126ce36567260bef8d0bbea03d426c9b7aa6d
+ : $ git notes show HEAD^
+ : lots of notes on commit a
+ : note on commit a
+ : tons of notes on commit a
+There are more details about the available merge strategies in =git
+notes --help=.
* Troubleshooting
** Git commit hangs with no output