#convert parenthesis to sublists
mysplit = portage_dep.paren_reduce(depstring)
- if mysettings:
- mymasks = set()
- useforce = set([mysettings["ARCH"]])
- if use == "all":
- # These masks are only for repoman. In other cases, relevant masks
- # should have already been applied via config.regenerate(). Also,
- # binary or installed packages may have been built with flags that
- # are now masked, and it would be inconsistent to mask them now.
- # Additionally, myuse may consist of flags from a parent package
- # that is being merged to a $ROOT that is different from the one
- # that mysettings represents.
- mymasks.update(mysettings.usemask)
- mymasks.update(mysettings.archlist())
- mymasks.discard(mysettings["ARCH"])
- useforce.update(mysettings.useforce)
- useforce.difference_update(mymasks)
+ mymasks = set()
+ useforce = set()
+ useforce.add(mysettings["ARCH"])
+ if use == "all":
+ # This masking/forcing is only for repoman. In other cases, relevant
+ # masking/forcing should have already been applied via
+ # config.regenerate(). Also, binary or installed packages may have
+ # been built with flags that are now masked, and it would be
+ # inconsistent to mask them now. Additionally, myuse may consist of
+ # flags from a parent package that is being merged to a $ROOT that is
+ # different from the one that mysettings represents.
+ mymasks.update(mysettings.usemask)
+ mymasks.update(mysettings.archlist())
+ mymasks.discard(mysettings["ARCH"])
+ useforce.update(mysettings.useforce)
+ useforce.difference_update(mymasks)
+ try:
mysplit = portage_dep.use_reduce(mysplit, uselist=myusesplit,
masklist=mymasks, matchall=(use=="all"), excludeall=useforce)
- else:
- mysplit = portage_dep.use_reduce(mysplit,uselist=myusesplit,matchall=(use=="all"))
+ except portage_exception.InvalidDependString, e:
+ return [0, str(e)]
# Do the || conversions
for head in newdeparray[:-1]:
head = head[:-1]
if head[0] == "!":
- head = head[1:]
- if not matchall and head in uselist or head in excludeall:
+ head_key = head[1:]
+ if not matchall and head_key in uselist or \
+ head_key in excludeall:
ismatch = False
elif head not in masklist:
if additions:
- rlist += [target]
+ raise portage_exception.InvalidDependString(
+ "Conditional without parenthesis: '%s?'" % head)
rlist += [head]