-e '/group :doc/,/^end/ s:^:#:' ../Gemfile || die
rm ../Gemfile.lock || die
- # Avoid tests failing due to missing logger setup in activerecord,
- # most likely related to test environment setup.
- rm -f test/activerecord/render_partial_with_record_identification_test.rb || die
- sed -e '1igem "actionpack", "~> 5.2.0"' \
- -e '1igem "activemodel", "~> 5.2.0"' \
- -e '1igem "railties", "~> 5.2.0"' \
+ # Avoid activerecord integration tests because they are very sensitive to the specifics
+ # of the environment.
+ sed -i -e 's/, "test:integration:active_record"//' Rakefile || die
+ sed -e '2igem "actionpack", "~> 5.2.0"' \
+ -e '2igem "activemodel", "~> 5.2.0"' \
+ -e '2igem "railties", "~> 5.2.0"' \
+ -e '/active_record/ s:^:#:' \
-i test/abstract_unit.rb || die