-AUX dummy-templates.php 269 RMD160 7f1362f12b8c73ac8a371e5b00b7d31e7bc36438 SHA1 6f23ad19859256323f53e287cfb7c441cd1a6826 SHA256 3f7a088aa968469652690f47a2d598bd35e8f87e741f322fcb2d5063c8c88e48 size 269
+AUX dummy-templates.php 269 RMD160 7f1362f12b8c73ac8a371e5b00b7d31e7bc36438 SHA1 6f23ad19859256323f53e287cfb7c441cd1a6826 SHA256 3f7a088aa968469652690f47a2d598bd35e8f87e741f322fcb2d5063c8c88e48
MD5 f816ff62dcd7cadf0fae9384ab9618e5 files/dummy-templates.php 269
RMD160 7f1362f12b8c73ac8a371e5b00b7d31e7bc36438 files/dummy-templates.php 269
SHA256 3f7a088aa968469652690f47a2d598bd35e8f87e741f322fcb2d5063c8c88e48 files/dummy-templates.php 269
-DIST wordpress-2.0.1.tar.gz 504946 RMD160 3610b351442c01a495b88da1b9deade13efcf15b SHA256 bb4313f130fe99c5981f2d905b307834957258fa1ff81f8ff186a58e86eb2f58 size 504946
-DIST wordpress-2.0.2.tar.gz 505475 RMD160 15ad43b1ff36d638656b89502be0ad8585a0a614 SHA256 f74975c7ac85878b6a32d1e66ba8913f738895eb68ea9584fec8e87f49f0f676 size 505475
-DIST wordpress-2.0.3.tar.gz 501987 RMD160 3b666552c5e74b833d3b5a7c7b6ba4861e298b33 SHA256 7afd0b1a465feba3567c9e6a0e2b68a593d5a58e64a25afaab19fa8216563b6a size 501987
-EBUILD wordpress-2.0.1.ebuild 2982 RMD160 17f3a7a72cc9076cde171a2f60e9d603efa2ffa2 SHA1 00195aa326c0360d604c4749f4008de25c19c18c SHA256 ddcf3309a5dc386e0de3deb0ed44cfd2543ea3e2195f4bbd37e341a003de99a6 size 2982
-MD5 4e1f470f660e35df9056b0d86e028ee3 wordpress-2.0.1.ebuild 2982
-RMD160 17f3a7a72cc9076cde171a2f60e9d603efa2ffa2 wordpress-2.0.1.ebuild 2982
-SHA256 ddcf3309a5dc386e0de3deb0ed44cfd2543ea3e2195f4bbd37e341a003de99a6 wordpress-2.0.1.ebuild 2982
-EBUILD wordpress-2.0.2.ebuild 2982 RMD160 be80f74153ce1545110475b019db9de544a15cf8 SHA1 916011cb986ef9a852b6556710b0b7cf67ababc8 SHA256 37e599f77933ab8dad66e387d5c3e17c1a58d365b751c7349b1035b670d8e4bb size 2982
-MD5 3b2e696d12e8f77d32969b8c63b8a34f wordpress-2.0.2.ebuild 2982
-RMD160 be80f74153ce1545110475b019db9de544a15cf8 wordpress-2.0.2.ebuild 2982
-SHA256 37e599f77933ab8dad66e387d5c3e17c1a58d365b751c7349b1035b670d8e4bb wordpress-2.0.2.ebuild 2982
-EBUILD wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2982 RMD160 a5054874547cf64409792b51a45a266cfffe18f0 SHA1 f9fd24da00ba3ecf1d9b3c3b5d7c5e39ee3c135d SHA256 c02f7b7911e29a234b70e34299b7e6750374b12c4227c9f8a73bcd4987cb3b52 size 2982
-MD5 cb7f01a700b1c4fce46945f8312842e5 wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2982
-RMD160 a5054874547cf64409792b51a45a266cfffe18f0 wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2982
-SHA256 c02f7b7911e29a234b70e34299b7e6750374b12c4227c9f8a73bcd4987cb3b52 wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2982
-MISC ChangeLog 9270 RMD160 2d5bba1d36fddf361c5ef17555decb53beadc0b0 SHA1 e1fe64cc60b417725894bb1420ac119ad40504b6 SHA256 f95848f85d50b0d517285cf328716026f05e7993b2e23db376673a9962af331b size 9270
-MD5 7bbf391753bab3bcdbb504e9aaf6bd5c ChangeLog 9270
-RMD160 2d5bba1d36fddf361c5ef17555decb53beadc0b0 ChangeLog 9270
-SHA256 f95848f85d50b0d517285cf328716026f05e7993b2e23db376673a9962af331b ChangeLog 9270
-MISC metadata.xml 252 RMD160 d24e7a131db6ea0d35ea0c2dd03baae2702d6fc7 SHA1 0095887db9dbc1c88f8256f943499cf62d59f45c SHA256 84d416249723165c3d38594876a05ec769d0f090043030f88570d129f0199639 size 252
+DIST wordpress-2.0.3.tar.gz 501987 RMD160 3b666552c5e74b833d3b5a7c7b6ba4861e298b33 SHA1 9edd75e56b542d079da0552b73226bda56cca77b SHA256 7afd0b1a465feba3567c9e6a0e2b68a593d5a58e64a25afaab19fa8216563b6a
+EBUILD wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2981 RMD160 8a5a79559bb6e523c6c143cc5954320835d63f14 SHA1 8ba3ceefc7e3add2ca1263e97069a45a17572a8c SHA256 fd350ea12367acbfbddffb1a7d04a6450187764da0a70b20d775d54927c380c5
+MD5 4f55bdd2881e45912083edcef219df92 wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2981
+RMD160 8a5a79559bb6e523c6c143cc5954320835d63f14 wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2981
+SHA256 fd350ea12367acbfbddffb1a7d04a6450187764da0a70b20d775d54927c380c5 wordpress-2.0.3.ebuild 2981
+MISC ChangeLog 9498 RMD160 ba5fc210c1c3321f466206ab6adb34929cd612d2 SHA1 0c7e01781033eca3f3e864ba8c9bd6e09be772a4 SHA256 32e4e63d9372a1b9af999528c7cb939bfa50858d620a64d0e9892b9108f47982
+MD5 8a20e147324162fe20829a5a82dbd4d6 ChangeLog 9498
+RMD160 ba5fc210c1c3321f466206ab6adb34929cd612d2 ChangeLog 9498
+SHA256 32e4e63d9372a1b9af999528c7cb939bfa50858d620a64d0e9892b9108f47982 ChangeLog 9498
+MISC metadata.xml 252 RMD160 d24e7a131db6ea0d35ea0c2dd03baae2702d6fc7 SHA1 0095887db9dbc1c88f8256f943499cf62d59f45c SHA256 84d416249723165c3d38594876a05ec769d0f090043030f88570d129f0199639
MD5 bed9c007e8ee867414a21e2da8e92b3f metadata.xml 252
RMD160 d24e7a131db6ea0d35ea0c2dd03baae2702d6fc7 metadata.xml 252
SHA256 84d416249723165c3d38594876a05ec769d0f090043030f88570d129f0199639 metadata.xml 252
-MD5 e7fcb7479c073a03c3cea877b8cdf74a files/digest-wordpress-2.0.1 247
-RMD160 45d78d66946004769be2bf9f8ff27fd538108994 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.1 247
-SHA256 9defcd47de95e8585e0073be52a6d2349d0161341745c37341fe12451d59d9ea files/digest-wordpress-2.0.1 247
-MD5 f411ac93a01a59c439105c12281da2e3 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.2 247
-RMD160 941a9fef2a1eedd22a8d204bab610f03ffcc9c1e files/digest-wordpress-2.0.2 247
-SHA256 0365915c0bee6bce34299235a5695b2798e6d98e4907fe6060b731d67585b420 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.2 247
MD5 c5f0274de27244abc5f4f7acbcd62341 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.3 247
RMD160 369245a7d0481b10b24c695caaad4c037aeb4427 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.3 247
SHA256 7e89c61da7cc9b0998847315d6d57f7cfa8f8f34a767bb01a4b7948ca17ea877 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.3 247
+++ /dev/null
-MD5 5eb6685eba97c67ccaebc74de30cef4e wordpress-2.0.1.tar.gz 504946
-RMD160 3610b351442c01a495b88da1b9deade13efcf15b wordpress-2.0.1.tar.gz 504946
-SHA256 bb4313f130fe99c5981f2d905b307834957258fa1ff81f8ff186a58e86eb2f58 wordpress-2.0.1.tar.gz 504946
+++ /dev/null
-MD5 8779681ae7e8667154fe599f0261cc7b wordpress-2.0.2.tar.gz 505475
-RMD160 15ad43b1ff36d638656b89502be0ad8585a0a614 wordpress-2.0.2.tar.gz 505475
-SHA256 f74975c7ac85878b6a32d1e66ba8913f738895eb68ea9584fec8e87f49f0f676 wordpress-2.0.2.tar.gz 505475
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/wordpress/wordpress-2.0.1.ebuild,v 1.7 2006/03/18 11:11:10 kugelfang Exp $
-inherit webapp eutils
-#Wordpress releases have a release name tagged on the end of the version on the tar.gz files
-DESCRIPTION="Wordpress php and mysql based CMS system."
-#Latest version is only available in the format!
-#Download is renamed by HTTP Header as wordpress-<version number>.tar.gz
-KEYWORDS="amd64 hppa ppc sparc x86"
- >=dev-db/mysql-3.23.23"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
-# no patch needed anymore
-# epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/login-patch.diff
-src_install() {
- local docs="license.txt readme.html"
- webapp_src_preinst
- einfo "Installing main files"
- cp -r * ${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
- einfo "Done"
- ewarn
- ewarn Please make sure you have register_globals = off set in your /etc/apache2/php.ini file
- ewarn If this is not an option for your web server and you NEED it set to on, then insert the following in your WordPress .htaccess file:
- ewarn php_flag register_globals off
- ewarn
- ewarn
- ewarn You will need to create a table for your WordPress database. This
- ewarn assumes you have some knowledge of MySQL, and already have it
- ewarn installed and configured. If not, please refer to
- ewarn the Gentoo MySQL guide at the following URL:
- ewarn http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/mysql-howto.xml
- ewarn Log in to MySQL, and create a new database called
- ewarn "wordpress". From this point, you will need to edit
- ewarn your wp-config.php file in $DocumentRoot/wordpress/
- ewarn and point to your database. Once this is done, you can log in to
- ewarn WordPress at http://localhost/wordpress
- ewarn
- ewarn
- ewarn If you are upgrading from a previous version BACK UP your
- ewarn database. Once you are done with that, browse to
- ewarn http://localhost/wordpress/admin/wp-upgrade.php and follow
- ewarn the instructions on the screen.
- ewarn
- # handle documentation files
- #
- # NOTE that doc files go into /usr/share/doc as normal; they do NOT
- # get installed per vhost!
- dodoc ${docs}
- for doc in ${docs} INSTALL; do
- rm -f ${doc}
- done
- # Identify the configuration files that this app uses
- # User can want to make changes to these!
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/index.php
- #webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/wp-layout.css
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/wp-admin/menu.php
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
- # Identify any script files that need #! headers adding to run under
- # a CGI script (such as PHP/CGI)
- #
- # for wordpress, we *assume* that all .php files need to have CGI/BIN
- # support added
- # post-install instructions
- #webapp_postinst_txt en ${FILESDIR}/1.2/postinstall-en.txt
- # now strut stuff
- webapp_src_install
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/wordpress/wordpress-2.0.2.ebuild,v 1.6 2006/03/22 20:28:35 killerfox Exp $
-inherit webapp eutils
-#Wordpress releases have a release name tagged on the end of the version on the tar.gz files
-DESCRIPTION="Wordpress php and mysql based CMS system."
-#Latest version is only available in the format!
-#Download is renamed by HTTP Header as wordpress-<version number>.tar.gz
-KEYWORDS="amd64 hppa ppc sparc x86"
- >=dev-db/mysql-3.23.23"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
-# no patch needed anymore
-# epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/login-patch.diff
-src_install() {
- local docs="license.txt readme.html"
- webapp_src_preinst
- einfo "Installing main files"
- cp -r * ${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
- einfo "Done"
- ewarn
- ewarn Please make sure you have register_globals = off set in your /etc/apache2/php.ini file
- ewarn If this is not an option for your web server and you NEED it set to on, then insert the following in your WordPress .htaccess file:
- ewarn php_flag register_globals off
- ewarn
- ewarn
- ewarn You will need to create a table for your WordPress database. This
- ewarn assumes you have some knowledge of MySQL, and already have it
- ewarn installed and configured. If not, please refer to
- ewarn the Gentoo MySQL guide at the following URL:
- ewarn http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/mysql-howto.xml
- ewarn Log in to MySQL, and create a new database called
- ewarn "wordpress". From this point, you will need to edit
- ewarn your wp-config.php file in $DocumentRoot/wordpress/
- ewarn and point to your database. Once this is done, you can log in to
- ewarn WordPress at http://localhost/wordpress
- ewarn
- ewarn
- ewarn If you are upgrading from a previous version BACK UP your
- ewarn database. Once you are done with that, browse to
- ewarn http://localhost/wordpress/admin/wp-upgrade.php and follow
- ewarn the instructions on the screen.
- ewarn
- # handle documentation files
- #
- # NOTE that doc files go into /usr/share/doc as normal; they do NOT
- # get installed per vhost!
- dodoc ${docs}
- for doc in ${docs} INSTALL; do
- rm -f ${doc}
- done
- # Identify the configuration files that this app uses
- # User can want to make changes to these!
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/index.php
- #webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/wp-layout.css
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/wp-admin/menu.php
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
- # Identify any script files that need #! headers adding to run under
- # a CGI script (such as PHP/CGI)
- #
- # for wordpress, we *assume* that all .php files need to have CGI/BIN
- # support added
- # post-install instructions
- #webapp_postinst_txt en ${FILESDIR}/1.2/postinstall-en.txt
- # now strut stuff
- webapp_src_install