svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=3462
vecho ">>> Removing sbit on non registered ${i/${IMAGE}/}"
for x in 5 4 3 2 1 0; do echo -ne "\a"; sleep 0.25 ; done
vecho -ne "\a"
+ ls_ret=$(ls -ldh "${i}")
chmod ugo-s "${i}"
grep ^#${i/${IMAGE}/}$ ${sfconf} > /dev/null || {
# sandbox prevents us from writing directly
# can easly be bypassed using the addwrite() function
addwrite "${sfconf}"
vecho ">>> Appending commented out entry to ${sfconf} for ${PF}"
- ls_ret=$(ls -ldh "${i}")
echo "## ${ls_ret%${IMAGE}*}${ls_ret#*${IMAGE}}" >> ${sfconf}
echo "#${i/${IMAGE}/}" >> ${sfconf}
# no delwrite() eh?