In the general case we cannot guarantee this property against
groups A and F.
-== Why there is no support for passworded channels ==
-We've had support for password authentication to IRC requested, but it
-would be a rather bad fit for irkerd’s usage pattern. The problem
-isn’t that credentials would be difficult to pass to irkerd – an
-optional password field wiuld ve easily enough added to the JSON.
-No, the problem is that once irkerd were to acquire such a credential,
-it would have to do source-address IP checking to know (at a minimum)
-whether the source host of any given notification request is the same
-as one that has presented the password.
-It seems best not gong to go there; the potential for IRC access controls
-becoming leaky seems too high.
== Risks relative to centralized services ==
irker and were written as a replacement for the