final state of the graph. Thus, it's possible that mutually blocking
packages will be installed simultaneously a some point(s) during the
transition from the initial to the final state."""
+ """ It's possible that some of the nodes haven't been added to the
+ fakedb yet, so make sure they're all accounted for."""
+ for node in self.digraph.all_nodes():
+ node_split = node.split()
+ mytype, myroot, mykey = node_split[0:3]
+ if mytype in self.pkg_tree_map:
+ mydb = self.trees[myroot][self.pkg_tree_map[mytype]].dbapi
+ myslot = mydb.aux_get(mykey, ["SLOT"])[0]
+ self.mydbapi[myroot].cpv_inject(mykey, myslot=myslot)
all_blockers = [node for node in self.digraph.all_nodes()
if node.split()[0] == "blocks"]
for blocker in all_blockers: