"ebuild.invalidname":"Ebuild files with a non-parseable or syntactically incorrect name (or using 2.1 versioning extensions)",
"ebuild.namenomatch":"Ebuild files that do not have the same name as their parent directory",
"changelog.missing":"Missing ChangeLog files",
- "ebuild.disjointed":"Ebuilds not added to cvs when the matching digest has been added",
"ebuild.notadded":"Ebuilds that exist but have not been added to cvs",
"ebuild.patches":"PATCHES variable should be a bash array to ensure white space safety",
"changelog.notadded":"ChangeLogs that exist but have not been added to cvs",
#ebuilds and digests added to cvs respectively.
logging.info("checking package %s" % x)
- dadded=[]
s = s[s.rfind("\n") + 1:]
fails["file.UTF8"].append("%s/%s: line %i, just after: '%s'" % (checkdir, y, line, s))
- has_filesdir = True
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(checkdir, "files")):
- has_filesdir = False
if vcs and check_ebuild_notadded:
if vcs == "cvs":
fails["svn.IO_error"].append(checkdir+"svn info")
- if vcs and has_filesdir:
- try:
- if vcs == "cvs":
- myf=open(checkdir+"/files/CVS/Entries","r")
- if vcs == "svn":
- myf=os.popen("svn list "+os.path.normpath(checkdir+"/files"))
- myl=myf.readlines()
- myf.close()
- for l in myl:
- if vcs == "cvs":
- if l[0]!="/":
- continue
- splitl=l[1:].split("/")
- if not len(splitl):
- continue
- if splitl[0][:7]=="digest-":
- dadded.append(splitl[0][7:])
- if vcs == "svn":
- l = l.rstrip();
- if l[-1:] == "/":
- continue
- if l[:7] == "digest-":
- dadded.append(l[7:])
- if vcs == "svn":
- myf=os.popen("svn status "+os.path.normpath(checkdir+"/files"))
- myl=myf.readlines()
- myf.close()
- for l in myl:
- if l[0] == "A":
- l = l.rstrip().split(' ')[-1]
- if l[:7] == "digest-":
- dadded.append(l[7:])
- except IOError:
- if options.mode == 'commit' and vcs == "cvs":
- stats["CVS/Entries.IO_error"] += 1
- fails["CVS/Entries.IO_error"].append(checkdir+"/files/CVS/Entries")
- if options.mode == 'commit' and vcs == "svn":
- stats["svn.IO_error"] += 1
- fails["svn.IO_error"].append(checkdir+"/files svn info")
- continue
mf = Manifest(checkdir, repoman_settings["DISTDIR"])
#ebuild not added to vcs
- if y in dadded:
- stats["ebuild.disjointed"]=stats["ebuild.disjointed"]+1
- fails["ebuild.disjointed"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild")
if myesplit is None or myesplit[0] != x.split("/")[-1]: