+# Some details about the implementation:
+# The dependencies are divided into a hierarchy of classes rooted on
+# Dependency class. You can refer to the code to see which package
+# comes under which type of dependency.
+# The CHECKER dictionary stores information about all the dependencies
+# and CHECKS stores list of the dependencies which are to be checked in
+# the current workshop.
+# In the "__name__ == '__main__'" block, we launch all the checks with
+# check() function, which prints information about the tests as they run
+# and details about the failures after the tests complete. In case of
+# failure, the functions print_system_info() and print_suggestions()
+# are called after this, where the former prints information about the
+# user's system for debugging purposes while the latter prints some
+# suggestions to follow.
from __future__ import print_function # for Python 2.6 compatibility
import distutils.ccompiler as _distutils_ccompiler