can_force = True
+vcs = None
if os.path.isdir("CVS"):
- isCvs = True
+ vcs = "cvs"
+if os.path.isdir(".svn"):
+ vcs = "svn"
-if isCvs and \
+if vcs == "cvs" and \
"commit" == options.mode and \
"RMD160" not in portage.checksum.hashorigin_map:
from portage.util import grablines
del repo_lines
-if options.mode == 'commit' and not options.pretend and not isCvs:
-"Not in a CVS repository; enabling pretend mode.")
+if options.mode == 'commit' and not options.pretend and not vcs:
+"Not in a version controlled repository; enabling pretend mode.")
options.pretend = True
# Reason for this is if they're trying to commit in just $FILESDIR/*, the Manifest needs updating.
# this check ensures that repoman knows where it is, and the manifest recommit is at least possible.
if options.mode == 'commit' and repolevel not in [1,2,3]:
- print red("***")+" Commit attempts *must* be from within a cvs co, category, or package directory."
+ print red("***")+" Commit attempts *must* be from within a vcs co, category, or package directory."
print red("***")+" Attempting to commit from a packages files directory will be blocked for instance."
print red("***")+" This is intended behaviour, to ensure the manifest is recommited for a package."
print red("***")
#this can be problematic if xmllint changes their output
-if options.mode == 'commit' and isCvs:
- utilities.detect_vcs_conflicts(options, vcs="cvs")
+if options.mode == 'commit' and vcs:
+ utilities.detect_vcs_conflicts(options, vcs)
if options.mode == "manifest":
print green("\nRepoMan scours the neighborhood...")
new_ebuilds = set()
-if isCvs:
+if vcs == "cvs":
mycvstree = cvstree.getentries("./", recursive=1)
mynew = cvstree.findnew(mycvstree, recursive=1, basedir="./")
new_ebuilds.update(x for x in mynew if x.endswith(".ebuild"))
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(checkdir, "files")):
has_filesdir = False
- if isCvs:
+ if vcs:
- myf=open(checkdir+"/CVS/Entries","r")
- myl=myf.readlines()
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ myf=open(checkdir+"/CVS/Entries","r")
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ myf=os.popen("svn list")
+ myl=myf.readlines()
+ myf.close()
for l in myl:
- if l[0]!="/":
- continue
- splitl=l[1:].split("/")
- if not len(splitl):
- continue
- if splitl[0][-7:]==".ebuild":
- eadded.append(splitl[0][:-7])
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ if l[0]!="/":
+ continue
+ splitl=l[1:].split("/")
+ if not len(splitl):
+ continue
+ if splitl[0][-7:]==".ebuild":
+ eadded.append(splitl[0][:-7])
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ l = l.rstrip();
+ if l[-1:] == "/":
+ continue
+ if l[-7:] == ".ebuild":
+ eadded.append(l[:-7])
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ myf=os.popen("svn status")
+ myl=myf.readlines()
+ myf.close()
+ for l in myl:
+ if l[0] == "A":
+ l = l.rstrip().split(' ')[-1]
+ if l[-7:] == ".ebuild":
+ eadded.append(l[:-7])
except IOError:
- if options.mode == 'commit':
+ if options.mode == 'commit' and vcs == "cvs":
stats["CVS/Entries.IO_error"] += 1
+ if options.mode == 'commit' and vcs == "svn":
+ stats["svn.IO_error"] += 1
+ fails["svn.IO_error"].append(checkdir+"svn info")
- if isCvs and has_filesdir:
+ if vcs and has_filesdir:
- myf=open(checkdir+"/files/CVS/Entries","r")
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ myf=open(checkdir+"/files/CVS/Entries","r")
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ myf=os.popen("svn list "+os.path.normpath(checkdir+"/files"))
+ myf.close()
for l in myl:
- if l[0]!="/":
- continue
- splitl=l[1:].split("/")
- if not len(splitl):
- continue
- if splitl[0][:7]=="digest-":
- dadded.append(splitl[0][7:])
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ if l[0]!="/":
+ continue
+ splitl=l[1:].split("/")
+ if not len(splitl):
+ continue
+ if splitl[0][:7]=="digest-":
+ dadded.append(splitl[0][7:])
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ l = l.rstrip();
+ if l[-1:] == "/":
+ continue
+ if l[:7] == "digest-":
+ dadded.append(l[7:])
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ myf=os.popen("svn status "+os.path.normpath(checkdir+"/files"))
+ myl=myf.readlines()
+ myf.close()
+ for l in myl:
+ if l[0] == "A":
+ l = l.rstrip().split(' ')[-1]
+ if l[:7] == "digest-":
+ dadded.append(l[7:])
except IOError:
- if options.mode == 'commit':
+ if options.mode == 'commit' and vcs == "cvs":
stats["CVS/Entries.IO_error"] += 1
+ if options.mode == 'commit' and vcs == "svn":
+ stats["svn.IO_error"] += 1
+ fails["svn.IO_error"].append(checkdir+"/files svn info")
mf = Manifest(checkdir, repoman_settings["DISTDIR"])
raise oe
if S_ISDIR(mystat.st_mode):
- if y == "CVS":
+ # !!! VCS "portability" alert! Need some function isVcsDir() or alike !!!
+ if y == "CVS" or y == ".svn":
for z in os.listdir(checkdir+"/files/"+y):
- if z == "CVS":
+ if z == "CVS" or z == ".svn":
# current policy is no files over 20k, this is the check.
if stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(full_path).st_mode) & 0111:
stats["file.executable"] += 1
- if isCvs and y not in eadded:
- #ebuild not added to cvs
+ if vcs and y not in eadded:
+ #ebuild not added to vcs
if y in dadded:
if options.pretend:
print green("RepoMan sez:"), "\"So, you want to play it safe. Good call.\"\n"
- mycvstree=portage.cvstree.getentries("./",recursive=1)
- if isCvs and not mycvstree:
- print "!!! It seems we don't have a cvs tree?"
- sys.exit(3)
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ try:
+ myvcstree=portage.cvstree.getentries("./",recursive=1)
+ myunadded=portage.cvstree.findunadded(myvcstree,recursive=1,basedir="./")
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise # TODO propogate this
+ except:
+ err("Error retrieving CVS tree; exiting.")
- myunadded=portage.cvstree.findunadded(mycvstree,recursive=1,basedir="./")
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ try:
+ svnstatus=os.popen("svn status").readlines()
+ myunadded = [ "./"+elem.rstrip().split()[1] for elem in svnstatus if elem.startswith("?") ]
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise # TODO propogate this
+ except:
+ err("Error retrieving SVN info; exiting.")
if myunadded:
for x in range(len(myunadded)-1,-1,-1):
if myautoadd:
print ">>> Auto-Adding missing digests..."
if options.pretend:
- print "(/usr/bin/cvs add "+" ".join(myautoadd)+")"
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ print "(cvs add "+" ".join(myautoadd)+")"
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ print "(svn add "+" ".join(myautoadd)+")"
- retval=os.system("/usr/bin/cvs add "+" ".join(myautoadd))
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ retval=os.system("cvs add "+" ".join(myautoadd))
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ retval=os.system("svn add "+" ".join(myautoadd))
if retval:
- print "!!! Exiting on cvs (shell) error code:",retval
+ print "!!! Exiting on vcs (shell) error code:",retval
if myunadded:
- print red("!!! The following files are in your cvs tree but are not added to the master")
- print red("!!! tree. Please remove them from the cvs tree or add them to the master tree.")
+ print red("!!! The following files are in your local tree but are not added to the master")
+ print red("!!! tree. Please remove them from the local tree or add them to the master tree.")
for x in myunadded:
print " ",x
- if isCvs:
+ if vcs == "cvs":
bin_blobs = set(portage.cvstree.findoption(mycvstree, bin_blob_pattern,
recursive=1, basedir="./"))
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ svnstatus = os.popen("svn status").readlines()
+ mychanged = [ elem.rstrip()[7:] for elem in svnstatus if elem.startswith("M") ]
+ for manifest in [ file for file in mychanged if '/Manifest' in file ]:
+ mychanged.remove(manifest)
+ mynew = [ elem.rstrip()[7:] for elem in svnstatus if elem.startswith("A") ]
+ myremoved = [ elem.rstrip()[7:] for elem in svnstatus if elem.startswith("D") ]
+ # no idea how to detect binaries in SVN
+ bin_blobs = []
+ if vcs:
if not (mychanged or mynew or myremoved):
print green("RepoMan sez:"), "\"Doing nothing is not always good for QA.\""
# Manifests need to be regenerated after all other commits, so don't commit
# them now even if they have changed.
- mymanifests = [f for f in mychanged if 'Manifest' == os.path.basename(f)]
- mychanged = [f for f in mychanged if 'Manifest' != os.path.basename(f)]
- myupdates=mychanged+mynew
- myheaders=[]
- mydirty=[]
- headerstring="'\$(Header|Id)"
- headerstring+=".*\$'"
+ mymanifests = [f for f in mychanged if "Manifest" == os.path.basename(f)]
+ mychanged = [f for f in mychanged if "Manifest" != os.path.basename(f)]
+ myupdates = mychanged + mynew
+ myheaders = []
+ mydirty = []
+ headerstring = "'\$(Header|Id)"
+ headerstring += ".*\$'"
for myfile in myupdates:
if myfile in bin_blobs:
myout = commands.getstatusoutput("egrep -q "+headerstring+" "+myfile)
- if myout[0]==0:
+ if myout[0] == 0:
print "*",green(str(len(myupdates))),"files being committed...",green(str(len(myheaders))),"have headers that will change."
sys.stderr.write("Failed to insert portage version in message!\n")
portage_version = "Unknown"
- commitmessage += "\n(Portage version: "+str(portage_version)
+ unameout = commands.getstatusoutput("uname -srp")[1]
+ commitmessage+="\n(Portage version: "+str(portage_version)+"/"+vcs+"/"+unameout
if options.force:
commitmessage += ", RepoMan options: --force"
commitmessage += ")"
retval = None
if options.pretend:
- print "(/usr/bin/cvs -q commit -F %s %s)" % \
- (commitmessagefile, " ".join(myfiles))
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ print "(cvs -q commit -F %s %s)" % \
+ (commitmessagefile, " ".join(myfiles))
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ print "(svn commit -F %s %s)" % \
+ (commitmessagefile, " ".join(myfiles))
- retval = spawn(["/usr/bin/cvs", "-q", "commit",
- "-F", commitmessagefile] + myfiles,
- env=os.environ)
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ retval = spawn(["cvs", "-q", "commit",
+ "-F", commitmessagefile] + myfiles,
+ env=os.environ)
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ retval = spawn(["svn", "commit",
+ "-F", commitmessagefile] + myfiles,
+ env=os.environ)
except OSError:
# Force an unsigned commit when more than one Manifest needs to be signed.
if repolevel < 3 and "sign" in repoman_settings.features:
if options.pretend:
- print "(/usr/bin/cvs -q commit -F commitmessagefile)"
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ print "(cvs -q commit -F commitmessagefile)"
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ print "(svn -q commit -F commitmessagefile)"
fd, commitmessagefile = tempfile.mkstemp(".repoman.msg")
mymsg = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
mymsg.write("\n (Unsigned Manifest commit)")
- retval=os.system("/usr/bin/cvs -q commit -F "+commitmessagefile)
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ retval=os.system("cvs -q commit -F "+commitmessagefile)
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ retval=os.system("svn -q commit -F "+commitmessagefile)
except OSError:
if manifest_commit_required or signed:
if options.pretend:
- print "(/usr/bin/cvs -q commit -F commitmessagefile)"
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ print "(cvs -q commit -F commitmessagefile)"
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ print "(svn -q commit -F commitmessagefile)"
fd, commitmessagefile = tempfile.mkstemp(".repoman.msg")
mymsg = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
mymsg.write("\n (Unsigned Manifest commit)")
- retval=os.system("/usr/bin/cvs -q commit -F "+commitmessagefile)
+ if vcs == "cvs":
+ retval=os.system("cvs -q commit -F "+commitmessagefile)
+ if vcs == "svn":
+ retval=os.system("svn -q commit -F "+commitmessagefile)
except OSError:
- if isCvs:
- print "CVS commit complete."
+ if vcs:
+ print "Commit complete."
- print "repoman was too scared by not seeing any familiar cvs file that he forgot to commit anything"
+ print "repoman was too scared by not seeing any familiar version control file that he forgot to commit anything"
print green("RepoMan sez:"), "\"If everyone were like you, I'd be out of business!\"\n"