-DIST cups-pdf_2.6.1.tar.gz 33315 BLAKE2B 8268777d9c604622a801e663f9aac9ea1fd7253ea87f1f65c7954134f7473b7d8baf94cec09c5dd14bb5470df47ea4484cfbd90afb4b0da652395d657011f86d SHA512 60702159907f95e005c93a38551b5aaa65b7e4b8e009b48becf4523d606c4bbb127e81e5acf8519ce4c9aed90b41deb01d80171f3145086351dbd022863a3816
-DIST cups-pdf_3.0.0.tar.gz 29654 BLAKE2B ec1e89eb876161bd2b123568448e9b0075537aacc01623ca2ae5128f946ff2ea797893a009bcf88a1f26af9755d803e57de2271b4cd828fed00e74790f66f9f8 SHA512 14420e50b9ac93d12e75b98ba8c3456d35a3bcce0778eee8308ac7a3c3a987b4dca5a4f140353bd2060a5f0f4d3434c442b00ea309660b4e5a72fe11dba25276
DIST cups-pdf_3.0.1.tar.gz 29754 BLAKE2B f964358c5e465447e703848a697f6c801624a1836e2a0a4026c507c66048cf4bef92327508598ec7e9a356d4f57894a6b610e55b7a9a34e942cf2b88c6c55b85 SHA512 a06580f3056dddbb883c8db0c71b37b883482ae1ac8aa9bcfd85e679c4dcb44278006b7110d2988173d0eeb05b0f19fb39081fad49bf26839235e97fbe27a818
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Provides a virtual printer for CUPS to produce PDF files"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
- app-text/ghostscript-gpl"
-src_compile() {
- cd "${S}"/src
- $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${PN} ${PN}.c || die "Compilation failed."
-src_install() {
- exeinto /usr/libexec/cups/backend
- exeopts -m0700
- doexe src/cups-pdf
- insinto /usr/share/cups/model
- doins extra/CUPS-PDF.ppd
- insinto /etc/cups
- doins extra/cups-pdf.conf
- dodoc ChangeLog README
- newdoc contrib/Contents contrib_Contents
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Please view both the README and contrib_Contents files"
- elog "as you may want to adjust some settings and/or use"
- elog "contributed software. In the latter case you may need"
- elog "to extract some files from the ${P} distfile."
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Provides a virtual printer for CUPS to produce PDF files"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~ppc ~x86"
- net-print/cups
- app-text/ghostscript-gpl
-src_compile() {
- pushd src >/dev/null
- $(tc-getCC) ${LDFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} ${PN}.c -o ${PN} -lcups || die
- popd >/dev/null
-src_install() {
- exeinto /usr/libexec/cups/backend
- exeopts -m0700
- doexe src/cups-pdf
- insinto /etc/cups
- doins extra/cups-pdf.conf
- insinto /usr/share/cups/model
- if use ppds; then
- doins extra/CUPS-PDF_opt.ppd
- else
- doins extra/CUPS-PDF_noopt.ppd
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog README