--- /dev/null
+# emerge-current.sh by Hellf[i]re
+# This script is designed to read the name of the last package compiled.
+# As this script does read the entirety of emerge.log, it will be rather
+# heavy on the CPU. It shouldn't be enough to be noticable on newer (2.0Ghz+)
+# processors, but it still should not be run more often than every 30 seconds.
+# Usage:
+# .conkyrc: ${execi [time] /path/to/script/emerge-current.sh}
+# Usage Example
+# ${execi 30 /home/youruser/scripts/emerge-current.sh}
+tac /var/log/emerge.log |\
+grep 'Compiling' |\
+head |\
+sed -e 's/.*(//' |\
+sed -e 's/::.*)//' |\
+head -n 1 |\
+cut -d \) -f 1
--- /dev/null
+# source: Jeremy_Z @ forums.gentoo.org http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-351806-postdays-0-postorder-asc-start-550.html
+# This script will report the progress of the last emerge command run. It
+# reports the TOTAL percentage complete - not the percentage of the current
+# package. For example, if there are 110 packages currently being emerged, and
+# it is on the 55th package, it will report 50.
+# Usage:
+# .conkyrc: ${execibar [time] /path/to/script/emerge-progress.sh}
+# Usage Example
+# ${execibar 30 /home/youruser/scripts/emerge-progress.sh}
+tail -n 50 /var/log/emerge.log |\
+tac |\
+grep -v "Starting retry" |\
+grep -iE '([0-9]* of [0-9]*)' -o -m 1 |\
+sed -e 's/\(.*\) of \(.*\)/\1 \2/' |\
+awk '{print 100.0*$1/$2}'
--- /dev/null
+# emerge-status.sh by Hellf[i]re
+# This script will report the current status of portage.
+# Usage:
+# .conkyrc: ${execi [time] /path/to/script/emerge-current.sh}
+# Usage Example
+# ${execi 30 /home/youruser/scripts/emerge-current.sh}
+# Known Bugs:
+# 1) If there are two emerges running at once, when the first one finishes
+# running, the script will report the current status as "Completed".
+# 2) If there is a emerge running and you run a search, the script will
+# report the current status as "Completed", until the running emerge
+# moves to the next package, or itself completes.
+# The reasons for this are twofold - one, it's a feature ;) and two, there
+# would be far too much parsing required to find out the current status of
+# every command which is run in parallel.
+STATUS=`tail -n 15 /var/log/emerge.log |\
+grep -iE "Compiling|Cleaning|AUTOCLEAN|completed|search|terminating|rsync" |\
+cut -d ' ' -f "2-" |\
+grep -Ev 'Finished\.|Cleaning up\.\.\.' |\
+tail -n 1`
+#echo "$STATUS"
+if [ "`echo "$STATUS" | grep -i compiling`" != "" ]; then echo Compiling
+elif [ "`echo "$STATUS" | grep -i cleaning`" != "" ]; then echo Cleaning
+elif [ "`echo "$STATUS" | grep -i autoclean`" != "" ]; then echo Autoclean
+elif [ "`echo "$STATUS" | grep -i sync`" != "" ]; then echo Syncing
+elif [ "`echo "$STATUS" | grep -i search`" != "" ]; then echo Searching
+elif [ "`echo "$STATUS" | grep -i completed`" != "" ]; then echo Completed
+elif [ "`echo "$STATUS" | grep -i terminating`" != "" ]; then echo Completed
+else echo Script Error!
--- /dev/null
+use Date::Manip;
+$date = `grep "Sync completed" /var/log/emerge.log | tail -n1 | cut -c-10`;
+$date = &DateCalc("Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT",$date);
+$date = UnixDate("$date","%A %H:%M");
+print "$date";