dyn_package() {
cd "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}/image"
install_mask "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}/image" ${PKG_INSTALL_MASK}
- local pkg_dest="${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2"
- local pkg_tmp="${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2.$$"
+ if [ -d "${PKGDIR}/All" ] ; then
+ local pkg_dest="${PKGDIR}/All/${PF}.tbz2"
+ else
+ local pkg_dest="${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2"
+ fi
+ local pkg_tmp="${pkg_dest}.$$"
local tar_options=""
[ "${PORTAGE_QUIET}" == "1" ] || tar_options="${tar_options} -v"
# Sandbox is disabled in case the user wants to use a symlink
# for $PKGDIR and/or $PKGDIR/All.
export SANDBOX_ON="0"
+ mkdir -p "${pkg_tmp%/*}" || die "mkdir failed"
tar ${tar_options} -cf - . | bzip2 -f > "${pkg_tmp}" || \
die "Failed to create tarball"
cd ..
die "Failed to append metadata to the tbz2 file"
mv -f "${pkg_tmp}" "${pkg_dest}" || die "Failed to move tbz2 to ${pkg_dest}"
- ln -sf "../All/${PF}.tbz2" "${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2" || die "Failed to create symlink in ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}"
+ if [ -d "${PKGDIR}/All" ] ; then
+ ln -sf "../All/${PF}.tbz2" "${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2" || \
+ die "Failed to create symlink in ${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}"
+ fi
vecho ">>> Done."
touch .packaged || die "Failed to 'touch .packaged' in ${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"
actionmap[x]["dep"] = ' '.join(actionmap_deps[x])
if mydo in actionmap.keys():
- if mydo=="package":
- portage.util.ensure_dirs(
- os.path.join(mysettings["PKGDIR"], mysettings["CATEGORY"]))
- portage.util.ensure_dirs(
- os.path.join(mysettings["PKGDIR"], "All"))
retval = spawnebuild(mydo,
actionmap, mysettings, debug, logfile=logfile)
elif mydo=="qmerge":
self.invalids = []
self.settings = settings
self._pkg_paths = {}
+ self._all_directory = os.path.isdir(
+ os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "All"))
def move_ent(self, mylist):
if not self.populated:
use for a given cpv. If a collision will occur with an existing
package from another category, the existing package will be bumped to
${PKGDIR}/${CATEGORY}/${PF}.tbz2 so that both can coexist."""
+ if not self._all_directory:
+ return
if not self.populated:
# Try to avoid the population routine when possible, so that
# FEATURES=buildpkg doesn't always force population.
"populates the binarytree"
if (not os.path.isdir(self.pkgdir) and not getbinpkgs):
return 0
- if (not os.path.isdir(self.pkgdir+"/All") and not getbinpkgs):
- return 0
categories = set(self.settings.categories)
if mypath:
return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)
mycat, mypkg = catsplit(mycpv)
- mypath = os.path.join("All", mypkg + ".tbz2")
- if mypath in self._pkg_paths.values():
+ if self._all_directory:
+ mypath = os.path.join("All", mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ if mypath in self._pkg_paths.values():
+ mypath = os.path.join(mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
+ else:
mypath = os.path.join(mycat, mypkg + ".tbz2")
self._pkg_paths[mycpv] = mypath # cache for future lookups
return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, mypath)