Extract Git::SVN from git-svn into its own .pm file.
authorMichael G. Schwern <schwern@pobox.com>
Thu, 26 Jul 2012 23:22:24 +0000 (16:22 -0700)
committerEric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
Fri, 27 Jul 2012 22:14:53 +0000 (22:14 +0000)
Except for adding the 1; at the end, this is a straight copy & paste.

Tests still pass, but its doubtful Git::SVN will compile on its own
without git-svn being loaded.  Next commit will fix that.

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
perl/Git/SVN.pm [new file with mode: 0644]

index 2e1eb84dd1821c0f96517f34ed6fabd6c293f21b..81d034ae51a522cb5ddea234df16612ff07401bb 100755 (executable)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use vars qw/  $AUTHOR $VERSION
 $AUTHOR = 'Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>';
+use Git::SVN;
 use Git::SVN::Utils qw(fatal can_compress);
 # From which subdir have we been invoked?
@@ -2041,2325 +2042,6 @@ sub gc_directory {
-package Git::SVN;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Fcntl qw/:DEFAULT :seek/;
-use constant rev_map_fmt => 'NH40';
-use vars qw/$default_repo_id $default_ref_id $_no_metadata $_follow_parent
-            $_repack $_repack_flags $_use_svm_props $_head
-            $_use_svnsync_props $no_reuse_existing $_minimize_url
-           $_use_log_author $_add_author_from $_localtime/;
-use Carp qw/croak/;
-use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
-use File::Copy qw/copy/;
-use IPC::Open3;
-use Time::Local;
-use Memoize;  # core since 5.8.0, Jul 2002
-use Memoize::Storable;
-use POSIX qw(:signal_h);
-use Git qw(
-    command
-    command_oneline
-    command_noisy
-    command_output_pipe
-    command_close_pipe
-use Git::SVN::Utils qw(fatal can_compress);
-my $can_use_yaml;
-       $can_use_yaml = eval { require Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML; 1};
-my ($_gc_nr, $_gc_period);
-# properties that we do not log:
-       %SKIP_PROP = map { $_ => 1 } qw/svn:wc:ra_dav:version-url
-                                       svn:special svn:executable
-                                       svn:entry:committed-rev
-                                       svn:entry:last-author
-                                       svn:entry:uuid
-                                       svn:entry:committed-date/;
-       # some options are read globally, but can be overridden locally
-       # per [svn-remote "..."] section.  Command-line options will *NOT*
-       # override options set in an [svn-remote "..."] section
-       no strict 'refs';
-       for my $option (qw/follow_parent no_metadata use_svm_props
-                          use_svnsync_props/) {
-               my $key = $option;
-               $key =~ tr/_//d;
-               my $prop = "-$option";
-               *$option = sub {
-                       my ($self) = @_;
-                       return $self->{$prop} if exists $self->{$prop};
-                       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.$key";
-                       eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
-                       if ($@) {
-                               $self->{$prop} = ${"Git::SVN::_$option"};
-                       } else {
-                               my $v = command_oneline(qw/config --bool/,$k);
-                               $self->{$prop} = $v eq 'false' ? 0 : 1;
-                       }
-                       return $self->{$prop};
-               }
-       }
-END {
-       unlink keys %LOCKFILES if %LOCKFILES;
-       unlink keys %INDEX_FILES if %INDEX_FILES;
-sub resolve_local_globs {
-       my ($url, $fetch, $glob_spec) = @_;
-       return unless defined $glob_spec;
-       my $ref = $glob_spec->{ref};
-       my $path = $glob_spec->{path};
-       foreach (command(qw#for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/#)) {
-               next unless m#^$ref->{regex}$#;
-               my $p = $1;
-               my $pathname = desanitize_refname($path->full_path($p));
-               my $refname = desanitize_refname($ref->full_path($p));
-               if (my $existing = $fetch->{$pathname}) {
-                       if ($existing ne $refname) {
-                               die "Refspec conflict:\n",
-                                   "existing: $existing\n",
-                                   " globbed: $refname\n";
-                       }
-                       my $u = (::cmt_metadata("$refname"))[0];
-                       $u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die
-                         "$refname: '$url' not found in '$u'\n";
-                       if ($pathname ne $u) {
-                               warn "W: Refspec glob conflict ",
-                                    "(ref: $refname):\n",
-                                    "expected path: $pathname\n",
-                                    "    real path: $u\n",
-                                    "Continuing ahead with $u\n";
-                               next;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       $fetch->{$pathname} = $refname;
-               }
-       }
-sub parse_revision_argument {
-       my ($base, $head) = @_;
-       if (!defined $::_revision || $::_revision eq 'BASE:HEAD') {
-               return ($base, $head);
-       }
-       return ($1, $2) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/);
-       return ($::_revision, $::_revision) if ($::_revision =~ /^\d+$/);
-       return ($head, $head) if ($::_revision eq 'HEAD');
-       return ($base, $1) if ($::_revision =~ /^BASE:(\d+)$/);
-       return ($1, $head) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):HEAD$/);
-       die "revision argument: $::_revision not understood by git-svn\n";
-sub fetch_all {
-       my ($repo_id, $remotes) = @_;
-       if (ref $repo_id) {
-               my $gs = $repo_id;
-               $repo_id = undef;
-               $repo_id = $gs->{repo_id};
-       }
-       $remotes ||= read_all_remotes();
-       my $remote = $remotes->{$repo_id} or
-                    die "[svn-remote \"$repo_id\"] unknown\n";
-       my $fetch = $remote->{fetch};
-       my $url = $remote->{url} or die "svn-remote.$repo_id.url not defined\n";
-       my (@gs, @globs);
-       my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url);
-       my $uuid = $ra->get_uuid;
-       my $head = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
-       # ignore errors, $head revision may not even exist anymore
-       eval { $ra->get_log("", $head, 0, 1, 0, 1, sub { $head = $_[1] }) };
-       warn "W: $@\n" if $@;
-       my $base = defined $fetch ? $head : 0;
-       # read the max revs for wildcard expansion (branches/*, tags/*)
-       foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) {
-               defined $remote->{$t} or next;
-               push @globs, @{$remote->{$t}};
-               my $max_rev = eval { tmp_config(qw/--int --get/,
-                                        "svn-remote.$repo_id.${t}-maxRev") };
-               if (defined $max_rev && ($max_rev < $base)) {
-                       $base = $max_rev;
-               } elsif (!defined $max_rev) {
-                       $base = 0;
-               }
-       }
-       if ($fetch) {
-               foreach my $p (sort keys %$fetch) {
-                       my $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$p}, $repo_id, $p);
-                       my $lr = $gs->rev_map_max;
-                       if (defined $lr) {
-                               $base = $lr if ($lr < $base);
-                       }
-                       push @gs, $gs;
-               }
-       }
-       ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument($base, $head);
-       $ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, \@gs, \@globs);
-sub read_all_remotes {
-       my $r = {};
-       my $use_svm_props = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --bool
-           svn.useSvmProps/) };
-       $use_svm_props = $use_svm_props eq 'true' if $use_svm_props;
-       my $svn_refspec = qr{\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*};
-       foreach (grep { s/^svn-remote\.// } command(qw/config -l/)) {
-               if (m!^(.+)\.fetch=$svn_refspec$!) {
-                       my ($remote, $local_ref, $remote_ref) = ($1, $2, $3);
-                       die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' "
-                           . "must start with 'refs/'\n")
-                               unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/};
-                       $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref);
-                       $r->{$remote}->{fetch}->{$local_ref} = $remote_ref;
-                       $r->{$remote}->{svm} = {} if $use_svm_props;
-               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.usesvmprops=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
-                       $r->{$1}->{svm} = {};
-               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.url=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
-                       $r->{$1}->{url} = $2;
-               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.pushurl=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
-                       $r->{$1}->{pushurl} = $2;
-               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.ignore-refs=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
-                       $r->{$1}->{ignore_refs_regex} = $2;
-               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.(branches|tags)=$svn_refspec$!) {
-                       my ($remote, $t, $local_ref, $remote_ref) =
-                                                            ($1, $2, $3, $4);
-                       die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' ($t) "
-                           . "must start with 'refs/'\n")
-                               unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/};
-                       $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref);
-                       my $rs = {
-                           t => $t,
-                           remote => $remote,
-                           path => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($local_ref, 1),
-                           ref => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($remote_ref, 0) };
-                       if (length($rs->{ref}->{right}) != 0) {
-                               die "The '*' glob character must be the last ",
-                                   "character of '$remote_ref'\n";
-                       }
-                       push @{ $r->{$remote}->{$t} }, $rs;
-               }
-       }
-       map {
-               if (defined $r->{$_}->{svm}) {
-                       my $svm;
-                       eval {
-                               my $section = "svn-remote.$_";
-                               $svm = {
-                                       source => tmp_config('--get',
-                                           "$section.svm-source"),
-                                       replace => tmp_config('--get',
-                                           "$section.svm-replace"),
-                               }
-                       };
-                       $r->{$_}->{svm} = $svm;
-               }
-       } keys %$r;
-       foreach my $remote (keys %$r) {
-               foreach ( grep { defined $_ }
-                         map { $r->{$remote}->{$_} } qw(branches tags) ) {
-                       foreach my $rs ( @$_ ) {
-                               $rs->{ignore_refs_regex} =
-                                   $r->{$remote}->{ignore_refs_regex};
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       $r;
-sub init_vars {
-       $_gc_nr = $_gc_period = 1000;
-       if (defined $_repack || defined $_repack_flags) {
-              warn "Repack options are obsolete; they have no effect.\n";
-       }
-sub verify_remotes_sanity {
-       return unless -d $ENV{GIT_DIR};
-       my %seen;
-       foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) {
-               if (m!^svn-remote\.(?:.+)\.fetch=.*:refs/remotes/(\S+)\s*$!) {
-                       if ($seen{$1}) {
-                               die "Remote ref refs/remote/$1 is tracked by",
-                                   "\n  \"$_\"\nand\n  \"$seen{$1}\"\n",
-                                   "Please resolve this ambiguity in ",
-                                   "your git configuration file before ",
-                                   "continuing\n";
-                       }
-                       $seen{$1} = $_;
-               }
-       }
-sub find_existing_remote {
-       my ($url, $remotes) = @_;
-       return undef if $no_reuse_existing;
-       my $existing;
-       foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
-               my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
-               next if $u ne $url;
-               $existing = $repo_id;
-               last;
-       }
-       $existing;
-sub init_remote_config {
-       my ($self, $url, $no_write) = @_;
-       $url =~ s!/+$!!; # strip trailing slash
-       my $r = read_all_remotes();
-       my $existing = find_existing_remote($url, $r);
-       if ($existing) {
-               unless ($no_write) {
-                       print STDERR "Using existing ",
-                                    "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n";
-               }
-               $self->{repo_id} = $existing;
-       } elsif ($_minimize_url) {
-               my $min_url = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url)->minimize_url;
-               $existing = find_existing_remote($min_url, $r);
-               if ($existing) {
-                       unless ($no_write) {
-                               print STDERR "Using existing ",
-                                            "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n";
-                       }
-                       $self->{repo_id} = $existing;
-               }
-               if ($min_url ne $url) {
-                       unless ($no_write) {
-                               print STDERR "Using higher level of URL: ",
-                                            "$url => $min_url\n";
-                       }
-                       my $old_path = $self->{path};
-                       $self->{path} = $url;
-                       $self->{path} =~ s!^\Q$min_url\E(/|$)!!;
-                       if (length $old_path) {
-                               $self->{path} .= "/$old_path";
-                       }
-                       $url = $min_url;
-               }
-       }
-       my $orig_url;
-       if (!$existing) {
-               # verify that we aren't overwriting anything:
-               $orig_url = eval {
-                       command_oneline('config', '--get',
-                                       "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url")
-               };
-               if ($orig_url && ($orig_url ne $url)) {
-                       die "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url already set: ",
-                           "$orig_url\nwanted to set to: $url\n";
-               }
-       }
-       my ($xrepo_id, $xpath) = find_ref($self->refname);
-       if (!$no_write && defined $xpath) {
-               die "svn-remote.$xrepo_id.fetch already set to track ",
-                   "$xpath:", $self->refname, "\n";
-       }
-       unless ($no_write) {
-               command_noisy('config',
-                             "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url", $url);
-               $self->{path} =~ s{^/}{};
-               $self->{path} =~ s{%([0-9A-F]{2})}{chr hex($1)}ieg;
-               command_noisy('config', '--add',
-                             "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.fetch",
-                             "$self->{path}:".$self->refname);
-       }
-       $self->{url} = $url;
-sub find_by_url { # repos_root and, path are optional
-       my ($class, $full_url, $repos_root, $path) = @_;
-       return undef unless defined $full_url;
-       remove_username($full_url);
-       remove_username($repos_root) if defined $repos_root;
-       my $remotes = read_all_remotes();
-       if (defined $full_url && defined $repos_root && !defined $path) {
-               $path = $full_url;
-               $path =~ s#^\Q$repos_root\E(?:/|$)##;
-       }
-       foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
-               my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
-               remove_username($u);
-               next if defined $repos_root && $repos_root ne $u;
-               my $fetch = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{fetch} || {};
-               foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) {
-                       foreach my $globspec (@{$remotes->{$repo_id}->{$t}}) {
-                               resolve_local_globs($u, $fetch, $globspec);
-                       }
-               }
-               my $p = $path;
-               my $rwr = rewrite_root({repo_id => $repo_id});
-               my $svm = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm}
-                       if defined $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm};
-               unless (defined $p) {
-                       $p = $full_url;
-                       my $z = $u;
-                       my $prefix = '';
-                       if ($rwr) {
-                               $z = $rwr;
-                               remove_username($z);
-                       } elsif (defined $svm) {
-                               $z = $svm->{source};
-                               $prefix = $svm->{replace};
-                               $prefix =~ s#^\Q$u\E(?:/|$)##;
-                               $prefix =~ s#/$##;
-                       }
-                       $p =~ s#^\Q$z\E(?:/|$)#$prefix# or next;
-               }
-               foreach my $f (keys %$fetch) {
-                       next if $f ne $p;
-                       return Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$f}, $repo_id, $f);
-               }
-       }
-       undef;
-sub init {
-       my ($class, $url, $path, $repo_id, $ref_id, $no_write) = @_;
-       my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path);
-       if (defined $url) {
-               $self->init_remote_config($url, $no_write);
-       }
-       $self;
-sub find_ref {
-       my ($ref_id) = @_;
-       foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) {
-               next unless m!^svn-remote\.(.+)\.fetch=
-                             \s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$!x;
-               my ($repo_id, $path, $ref) = ($1, $2, $3);
-               if ($ref eq $ref_id) {
-                       $path = '' if ($path =~ m#^\./?#);
-                       return ($repo_id, $path);
-               }
-       }
-       (undef, undef, undef);
-sub new {
-       my ($class, $ref_id, $repo_id, $path) = @_;
-       if (defined $ref_id && !defined $repo_id && !defined $path) {
-               ($repo_id, $path) = find_ref($ref_id);
-               if (!defined $repo_id) {
-                       die "Could not find a \"svn-remote.*.fetch\" key ",
-                           "in the repository configuration matching: ",
-                           "$ref_id\n";
-               }
-       }
-       my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path);
-       if (!defined $self->{path} || !length $self->{path}) {
-               my $fetch = command_oneline('config', '--get',
-                                           "svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch",
-                                           ":$ref_id\$") or
-                    die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch\" ",
-                        "\":$ref_id\$\" in config\n";
-               ($self->{path}, undef) = split(/\s*:\s*/, $fetch);
-       }
-       $self->{path} =~ s{/+}{/}g;
-       $self->{path} =~ s{\A/}{};
-       $self->{path} =~ s{/\z}{};
-       $self->{url} = command_oneline('config', '--get',
-                                      "svn-remote.$repo_id.url") or
-                  die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.url\" in config\n";
-       $self->{pushurl} = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get',
-                                 "svn-remote.$repo_id.pushurl") };
-       $self->rebuild;
-       $self;
-sub refname {
-       my ($refname) = $_[0]->{ref_id} ;
-       # It cannot end with a slash /, we'll throw up on this because
-       # SVN can't have directories with a slash in their name, either:
-       if ($refname =~ m{/$}) {
-               die "ref: '$refname' ends with a trailing slash, this is ",
-                   "not permitted by git nor Subversion\n";
-       }
-       # It cannot have ASCII control character space, tilde ~, caret ^,
-       # colon :, question-mark ?, asterisk *, space, or open bracket [
-       # anywhere.
-       #
-       # Additionally, % must be escaped because it is used for escaping
-       # and we want our escaped refname to be reversible
-       $refname =~ s{([ \%~\^:\?\*\[\t])}{uc sprintf('%%%02x',ord($1))}eg;
-       # no slash-separated component can begin with a dot .
-       # /.* becomes /%2E*
-       $refname =~ s{/\.}{/%2E}g;
-       # It cannot have two consecutive dots .. anywhere
-       # .. becomes %2E%2E
-       $refname =~ s{\.\.}{%2E%2E}g;
-       # trailing dots and .lock are not allowed
-       # .$ becomes %2E and .lock becomes %2Elock
-       $refname =~ s{\.(?=$|lock$)}{%2E};
-       # the sequence @{ is used to access the reflog
-       # @{ becomes %40{
-       $refname =~ s{\@\{}{%40\{}g;
-       return $refname;
-sub desanitize_refname {
-       my ($refname) = @_;
-       $refname =~ s{%(?:([0-9A-F]{2}))}{chr hex($1)}eg;
-       return $refname;
-sub svm_uuid {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       return $self->{svm}->{uuid} if $self->svm;
-       $self->ra;
-       unless ($self->{svm}) {
-               die "SVM UUID not cached, and reading remotely failed\n";
-       }
-       $self->{svm}->{uuid};
-sub svm {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       return $self->{svm} if $self->{svm};
-       my $svm;
-       # see if we have it in our config, first:
-       eval {
-               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
-               $svm = {
-                 source => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-source"),
-                 uuid => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-uuid"),
-                 replace => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-replace"),
-               }
-       };
-       if ($svm && $svm->{source} && $svm->{uuid} && $svm->{replace}) {
-               $self->{svm} = $svm;
-       }
-       $self->{svm};
-sub _set_svm_vars {
-       my ($self, $ra) = @_;
-       return $ra if $self->svm;
-       my @err = ( "useSvmProps set, but failed to read SVM properties\n",
-                   "(svm:source, svm:uuid) ",
-                   "from the following URLs:\n" );
-       sub read_svm_props {
-               my ($self, $ra, $path, $r) = @_;
-               my $props = ($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2];
-               my $src = $props->{'svm:source'};
-               my $uuid = $props->{'svm:uuid'};
-               return undef if (!$src || !$uuid);
-               chomp($src, $uuid);
-               $uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$}i
-                   or die "doesn't look right - svm:uuid is '$uuid'\n";
-               # the '!' is used to mark the repos_root!/relative/path
-               $src =~ s{/?!/?}{/};
-               $src =~ s{/+$}{}; # no trailing slashes please
-               # username is of no interest
-               $src =~ s{(^[a-z\+]*://)[^/@]*@}{$1};
-               my $replace = $ra->{url};
-               $replace .= "/$path" if length $path;
-               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
-               tmp_config("$section.svm-source", $src);
-               tmp_config("$section.svm-replace", $replace);
-               tmp_config("$section.svm-uuid", $uuid);
-               $self->{svm} = {
-                       source => $src,
-                       uuid => $uuid,
-                       replace => $replace
-               };
-       }
-       my $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
-       my $path = $self->{path};
-       my %tried;
-       while (length $path) {
-               unless ($tried{"$self->{url}/$path"}) {
-                       return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
-                       $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1;
-               }
-               $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
-       }
-       die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
-       return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
-       $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1;
-       if ($ra->{repos_root} eq $self->{url}) {
-               die @err, (map { "  $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
-       }
-       # nope, make sure we're connected to the repository root:
-       my $ok;
-       my @tried_b;
-       $path = $ra->{svn_path};
-       $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root});
-       while (length $path) {
-               unless ($tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"}) {
-                       $ok = $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
-                       last if $ok;
-                       $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1;
-               }
-               $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
-       }
-       die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
-       $ok ||= $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
-       $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1;
-       if (!$ok) {
-               die @err, (map { "  $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
-       }
-       Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url});
-sub svnsync {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       return $self->{svnsync} if $self->{svnsync};
-       if ($self->no_metadata) {
-               die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
-                   "'useSvnsyncProps' options set!\n";
-       }
-       if ($self->rewrite_root) {
-               die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ",
-                   "options set!\n";
-       }
-       if ($self->rewrite_uuid) {
-               die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ",
-                   "options set!\n";
-       }
-       my $svnsync;
-       # see if we have it in our config, first:
-       eval {
-               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
-               my $url = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-url");
-               ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or
-                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n";
-               my $uuid = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-uuid");
-               ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or
-                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n";
-               $svnsync = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid }
-       };
-       if ($svnsync && $svnsync->{url} && $svnsync->{uuid}) {
-               return $self->{svnsync} = $svnsync;
-       }
-       my $err = "useSvnsyncProps set, but failed to read " .
-                 "svnsync property: svn:sync-from-";
-       my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist(0);
-       my $url = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-url'} or die $err . "url\n";
-       ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or
-                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n";
-       my $uuid = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-uuid'} or die $err . "uuid\n";
-       ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or
-                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n";
-       my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
-       tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-uuid", $uuid);
-       tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-url", $url);
-       return $self->{svnsync} = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid };
-# this allows us to memoize our SVN::Ra UUID locally and avoid a
-# remote lookup (useful for 'git svn log').
-sub ra_uuid {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       unless ($self->{ra_uuid}) {
-               my $key = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.uuid";
-               my $uuid = eval { tmp_config('--get', $key) };
-               if (!$@ && $uuid && $uuid =~ /^([a-f\d\-]{30,})$/i) {
-                       $self->{ra_uuid} = $uuid;
-               } else {
-                       die "ra_uuid called without URL\n" unless $self->{url};
-                       $self->{ra_uuid} = $self->ra->get_uuid;
-                       tmp_config('--add', $key, $self->{ra_uuid});
-               }
-       }
-       $self->{ra_uuid};
-sub _set_repos_root {
-       my ($self, $repos_root) = @_;
-       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot";
-       $repos_root ||= $self->ra->{repos_root};
-       tmp_config($k, $repos_root);
-       $repos_root;
-sub repos_root {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot";
-       eval { tmp_config('--get', $k) } || $self->_set_repos_root;
-sub ra {
-       my ($self) = shift;
-       my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url});
-       $self->_set_repos_root($ra->{repos_root});
-       if ($self->use_svm_props && !$self->{svm}) {
-               if ($self->no_metadata) {
-                       die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
-                           "'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
-               } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
-                       die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and ",
-                           "'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
-               }
-               $ra = $self->_set_svm_vars($ra);
-               $self->{-want_revprops} = 1;
-       }
-       $ra;
-# prop_walk(PATH, REV, SUB)
-# -------------------------
-# Recursively traverse PATH at revision REV and invoke SUB for each
-# directory that contains a SVN property.  SUB will be invoked as
-# follows:  &SUB(gs, path, props);  where `gs' is this instance of
-# Git::SVN, `path' the path to the directory where the properties
-# `props' were found.  The `path' will be relative to point of checkout,
-# that is, if url://repo/trunk is the current Git branch, and that
-# directory contains a sub-directory `d', SUB will be invoked with `/d/'
-# as `path' (note the trailing `/').
-sub prop_walk {
-       my ($self, $path, $rev, $sub) = @_;
-       $path =~ s#^/##;
-       my ($dirent, undef, $props) = $self->ra->get_dir($path, $rev);
-       $path =~ s#^/*#/#g;
-       my $p = $path;
-       # Strip the irrelevant part of the path.
-       $p =~ s#^/+\Q$self->{path}\E(/|$)#/#;
-       # Ensure the path is terminated by a `/'.
-       $p =~ s#/*$#/#;
-       # The properties contain all the internal SVN stuff nobody
-       # (usually) cares about.
-       my $interesting_props = 0;
-       foreach (keys %{$props}) {
-               # If it doesn't start with `svn:', it must be a
-               # user-defined property.
-               ++$interesting_props and next if $_ !~ /^svn:/;
-               # FIXME: Fragile, if SVN adds new public properties,
-               # this needs to be updated.
-               ++$interesting_props if /^svn:(?:ignore|keywords|executable
-                                                |eol-style|mime-type
-                                                |externals|needs-lock)$/x;
-       }
-       &$sub($self, $p, $props) if $interesting_props;
-       foreach (sort keys %$dirent) {
-               next if $dirent->{$_}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir;
-               $self->prop_walk($self->{path} . $p . $_, $rev, $sub);
-       }
-sub last_rev { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[0] }
-sub last_commit { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[1] }
-# returns the newest SVN revision number and newest commit SHA1
-sub last_rev_commit {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       if (defined $self->{last_rev} && defined $self->{last_commit}) {
-               return ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit});
-       }
-       my $c = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0');
-       if ($c && !$self->use_svm_props && !$self->no_metadata) {
-               my $rev = (::cmt_metadata($c))[1];
-               if (defined $rev) {
-                       ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $c);
-                       return ($rev, $c);
-               }
-       }
-       my $map_path = $self->map_path;
-       unless (-e $map_path) {
-               ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = (undef, undef);
-               return (undef, undef);
-       }
-       my ($rev, $commit) = $self->rev_map_max(1);
-       ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $commit);
-       return ($rev, $commit);
-sub get_fetch_range {
-       my ($self, $min, $max) = @_;
-       $max ||= $self->ra->get_latest_revnum;
-       $min ||= $self->rev_map_max;
-       (++$min, $max);
-sub tmp_config {
-       my (@args) = @_;
-       my $old_def_config = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/config";
-       my $config = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/.metadata";
-       if (! -f $config && -f $old_def_config) {
-               rename $old_def_config, $config or
-                      die "Failed rename $old_def_config => $config: $!\n";
-       }
-       my $old_config = $ENV{GIT_CONFIG};
-       $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $config;
-       $@ = undef;
-       my @ret = eval {
-               unless (-f $config) {
-                       mkfile($config);
-                       open my $fh, '>', $config or
-                           die "Can't open $config: $!\n";
-                       print $fh "; This file is used internally by ",
-                                 "git-svn\n" or die
-                                 "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n";
-                       print $fh "; You should not have to edit it\n" or
-                             die "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n";
-                       close $fh or die "Couldn't close $config: $!\n";
-               }
-               command('config', @args);
-       };
-       my $err = $@;
-       if (defined $old_config) {
-               $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $old_config;
-       } else {
-               delete $ENV{GIT_CONFIG};
-       }
-       die $err if $err;
-       wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
-sub tmp_index_do {
-       my ($self, $sub) = @_;
-       my $old_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
-       $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $self->{index};
-       $@ = undef;
-       my @ret = eval {
-               my ($dir, $base) = ($self->{index} =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
-               mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir;
-               &$sub;
-       };
-       my $err = $@;
-       if (defined $old_index) {
-               $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $old_index;
-       } else {
-               delete $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
-       }
-       die $err if $err;
-       wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
-sub assert_index_clean {
-       my ($self, $treeish) = @_;
-       $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
-               command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish) unless -e $self->{index};
-               my $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
-               my ($y) = (command(qw/cat-file commit/, $treeish) =~
-                          /^tree ($::sha1)/mo);
-               return if $y eq $x;
-               warn "Index mismatch: $y != $x\nrereading $treeish\n";
-               unlink $self->{index} or die "unlink $self->{index}: $!\n";
-               command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish);
-               $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
-               if ($y ne $x) {
-                       fatal "trees ($treeish) $y != $x\n",
-                             "Something is seriously wrong...";
-               }
-       });
-sub get_commit_parents {
-       my ($self, $log_entry) = @_;
-       my (%seen, @ret, @tmp);
-       # legacy support for 'set-tree'; this is only used by set_tree_cb:
-       if (my $ip = $self->{inject_parents}) {
-               if (my $commit = delete $ip->{$log_entry->{revision}}) {
-                       push @tmp, $commit;
-               }
-       }
-       if (my $cur = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0')) {
-               push @tmp, $cur;
-       }
-       if (my $ipd = $self->{inject_parents_dcommit}) {
-               if (my $commit = delete $ipd->{$log_entry->{revision}}) {
-                       push @tmp, @$commit;
-               }
-       }
-       push @tmp, $_ foreach (@{$log_entry->{parents}}, @tmp);
-       while (my $p = shift @tmp) {
-               next if $seen{$p};
-               $seen{$p} = 1;
-               push @ret, $p;
-       }
-       @ret;
-sub rewrite_root {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       return $self->{-rewrite_root} if exists $self->{-rewrite_root};
-       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteRoot";
-       my $rwr = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
-       if ($rwr) {
-               $rwr =~ s#/+$##;
-               if ($rwr !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
-                       die "$rwr is not a valid URL (key: $k)\n";
-               }
-       }
-       $self->{-rewrite_root} = $rwr;
-sub rewrite_uuid {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       return $self->{-rewrite_uuid} if exists $self->{-rewrite_uuid};
-       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteUUID";
-       my $rwid = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
-       if ($rwid) {
-               $rwid =~ s#/+$##;
-               if ($rwid !~ m#^[a-f0-9]{8}-(?:[a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12}$#) {
-                       die "$rwid is not a valid UUID (key: $k)\n";
-               }
-       }
-       $self->{-rewrite_uuid} = $rwid;
-sub metadata_url {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       ($self->rewrite_root || $self->{url}) .
-          (length $self->{path} ? '/' . $self->{path} : '');
-sub full_url {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       $self->{url} . (length $self->{path} ? '/' . $self->{path} : '');
-sub full_pushurl {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       if ($self->{pushurl}) {
-               return $self->{pushurl} . (length $self->{path} ? '/' .
-                      $self->{path} : '');
-       } else {
-               return $self->full_url;
-       }
-sub set_commit_header_env {
-       my ($log_entry) = @_;
-       my %env;
-       foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) {
-               foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) {
-                       $env{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"} = $ENV{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"};
-               }
-       }
-       $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $log_entry->{name};
-       $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $log_entry->{email};
-       $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $log_entry->{date};
-       $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_name})
-                                               ? $log_entry->{commit_name}
-                                               : $log_entry->{name};
-       $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_email})
-                                               ? $log_entry->{commit_email}
-                                               : $log_entry->{email};
-       \%env;
-sub restore_commit_header_env {
-       my ($env) = @_;
-       foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) {
-               foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) {
-                       my $k = "GIT_${ac}_${ned}";
-                       if (defined $env->{$k}) {
-                               $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k};
-                       } else {
-                               delete $ENV{$k};
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-sub gc {
-       command_noisy('gc', '--auto');
-sub do_git_commit {
-       my ($self, $log_entry) = @_;
-       my $lr = $self->last_rev;
-       if (defined $lr && $lr >= $log_entry->{revision}) {
-               die "Last fetched revision of ", $self->refname,
-                   " was r$lr, but we are about to fetch: ",
-                   "r$log_entry->{revision}!\n";
-       }
-       if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($log_entry->{revision})) {
-               croak "$log_entry->{revision} = $c already exists! ",
-                     "Why are we refetching it?\n";
-       }
-       my $old_env = set_commit_header_env($log_entry);
-       my $tree = $log_entry->{tree};
-       if (!defined $tree) {
-               $tree = $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
-                                           command_oneline('write-tree') });
-       }
-       die "Tree is not a valid sha1: $tree\n" if $tree !~ /^$::sha1$/o;
-       my @exec = ('git', 'commit-tree', $tree);
-       foreach ($self->get_commit_parents($log_entry)) {
-               push @exec, '-p', $_;
-       }
-       defined(my $pid = open3(my $msg_fh, my $out_fh, '>&STDERR', @exec))
-                                                                  or croak $!;
-       binmode $msg_fh;
-       # we always get UTF-8 from SVN, but we may want our commits in
-       # a different encoding.
-       if (my $enc = Git::config('i18n.commitencoding')) {
-               require Encode;
-               Encode::from_to($log_entry->{log}, 'UTF-8', $enc);
-       }
-       print $msg_fh $log_entry->{log} or croak $!;
-       restore_commit_header_env($old_env);
-       unless ($self->no_metadata) {
-               print $msg_fh "\ngit-svn-id: $log_entry->{metadata}\n"
-                             or croak $!;
-       }
-       $msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
-       close $msg_fh or croak $!;
-       chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> });
-       close $out_fh or croak $!;
-       waitpid $pid, 0;
-       croak $? if $?;
-       if ($commit !~ /^$::sha1$/o) {
-               die "Failed to commit, invalid sha1: $commit\n";
-       }
-       $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{revision}, $commit, 1);
-       $self->{last_rev} = $log_entry->{revision};
-       $self->{last_commit} = $commit;
-       print "r$log_entry->{revision}" unless $::_q > 1;
-       if (defined $log_entry->{svm_revision}) {
-                print " (\@$log_entry->{svm_revision})" unless $::_q > 1;
-                $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{svm_revision}, $commit,
-                                  0, $self->svm_uuid);
-       }
-       print " = $commit ($self->{ref_id})\n" unless $::_q > 1;
-       if (--$_gc_nr == 0) {
-               $_gc_nr = $_gc_period;
-               gc();
-       }
-       return $commit;
-sub match_paths {
-       my ($self, $paths, $r) = @_;
-       return 1 if $self->{path} eq '';
-       if (my $path = $paths->{"/$self->{path}"}) {
-               return ($path->{action} eq 'D') ? 0 : 1;
-       }
-       $self->{path_regex} ||= qr/^\/\Q$self->{path}\E\//;
-       if (grep /$self->{path_regex}/, keys %$paths) {
-               return 1;
-       }
-       my $c = '';
-       foreach (split m#/#, $self->{path}) {
-               $c .= "/$_";
-               next unless ($paths->{$c} &&
-                            ($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/));
-               if ($self->ra->check_path($self->{path}, $r) ==
-                   $SVN::Node::dir) {
-                       return 1;
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
-sub find_parent_branch {
-       my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_;
-       return undef unless $self->follow_parent;
-       unless (defined $paths) {
-               my $err_handler = $SVN::Error::handler;
-               $SVN::Error::handler = \&Git::SVN::Ra::skip_unknown_revs;
-               $self->ra->get_log([$self->{path}], $rev, $rev, 0, 1, 1,
-                                  sub { $paths = $_[0] });
-               $SVN::Error::handler = $err_handler;
-       }
-       return undef unless defined $paths;
-       # look for a parent from another branch:
-       my @b_path_components = split m#/#, $self->{path};
-       my @a_path_components;
-       my $i;
-       while (@b_path_components) {
-               $i = $paths->{'/'.join('/', @b_path_components)};
-               last if $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
-               unshift(@a_path_components, pop(@b_path_components));
-       }
-       return undef unless defined $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
-       my $branch_from = $i->{copyfrom_path};
-       if (@a_path_components) {
-               print STDERR "branch_from: $branch_from => ";
-               $branch_from .= '/'.join('/', @a_path_components);
-               print STDERR $branch_from, "\n";
-       }
-       my $r = $i->{copyfrom_rev};
-       my $repos_root = $self->ra->{repos_root};
-       my $url = $self->ra->{url};
-       my $new_url = $url . $branch_from;
-       print STDERR  "Found possible branch point: ",
-                     "$new_url => ", $self->full_url, ", $r\n"
-                     unless $::_q > 1;
-       $branch_from =~ s#^/##;
-       my $gs = $self->other_gs($new_url, $url,
-                                $branch_from, $r, $self->{ref_id});
-       my ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1);
-       {
-               my ($base, $head);
-               if (!defined $r0 || !defined $parent) {
-                       ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument(0, $r);
-               } else {
-                       if ($r0 < $r) {
-                               $gs->ra->get_log([$gs->{path}], $r0 + 1, $r, 1,
-                                       0, 1, sub { $base = $_[1] - 1 });
-                       }
-               }
-               if (defined $base && $base <= $r) {
-                       $gs->fetch($base, $r);
-               }
-               ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1);
-       }
-       if (defined $r0 && defined $parent) {
-               print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($self->{ref_id}) $parent\n"
-                            unless $::_q > 1;
-               my $ed;
-               if ($self->ra->can_do_switch) {
-                       $self->assert_index_clean($parent);
-                       print STDERR "Following parent with do_switch\n"
-                                    unless $::_q > 1;
-                       # do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that
-                       # is not included with SVN 1.4.3 (the latest version
-                       # at the moment), so we can't rely on it
-                       $self->{last_rev} = $r0;
-                       $self->{last_commit} = $parent;
-                       $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self, $gs->{path});
-                       $gs->ra->gs_do_switch($r0, $rev, $gs,
-                                             $self->full_url, $ed)
-                         or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
-               } elsif ($self->ra->trees_match($new_url, $r0,
-                                               $self->full_url, $rev)) {
-                       print STDERR "Trees match:\n",
-                                    "  $new_url\@$r0\n",
-                                    "  ${\$self->full_url}\@$rev\n",
-                                    "Following parent with no changes\n"
-                                    unless $::_q > 1;
-                       $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
-                           command_noisy('read-tree', $parent);
-                       });
-                       $self->{last_commit} = $parent;
-               } else {
-                       print STDERR "Following parent with do_update\n"
-                                    unless $::_q > 1;
-                       $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
-                       $self->ra->gs_do_update($rev, $rev, $self, $ed)
-                         or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
-               }
-               print STDERR "Successfully followed parent\n" unless $::_q > 1;
-               return $self->make_log_entry($rev, [$parent], $ed);
-       }
-       return undef;
-sub do_fetch {
-       my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_;
-       my $ed;
-       my ($last_rev, @parents);
-       if (my $lc = $self->last_commit) {
-               # we can have a branch that was deleted, then re-added
-               # under the same name but copied from another path, in
-               # which case we'll have multiple parents (we don't
-               # want to break the original ref, nor lose copypath info):
-               if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) {
-                       push @{$log_entry->{parents}}, $lc;
-                       return $log_entry;
-               }
-               $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
-               $last_rev = $self->{last_rev};
-               $ed->{c} = $lc;
-               @parents = ($lc);
-       } else {
-               $last_rev = $rev;
-               if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) {
-                       return $log_entry;
-               }
-               $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
-       }
-       unless ($self->ra->gs_do_update($last_rev, $rev, $self, $ed)) {
-               die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
-       }
-       $self->make_log_entry($rev, \@parents, $ed);
-sub mkemptydirs {
-       my ($self, $r) = @_;
-       sub scan {
-               my ($r, $empty_dirs, $line) = @_;
-               if (defined $r && $line =~ /^r(\d+)$/) {
-                       return 0 if $1 > $r;
-               } elsif ($line =~ /^  \+empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
-                       $empty_dirs->{$1} = 1;
-               } elsif ($line =~ /^  \-empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
-                       my @d = grep {m[^\Q$1\E(/|$)]} (keys %$empty_dirs);
-                       delete @$empty_dirs{@d};
-               }
-               1; # continue
-       };
-       my %empty_dirs = ();
-       my $gz_file = "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log.gz";
-       if (-f $gz_file) {
-               if (!can_compress()) {
-                       warn "Compress::Zlib could not be found; ",
-                            "empty directories in $gz_file will not be read\n";
-               } else {
-                       my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($gz_file, "rb") or
-                               die "Unable to open $gz_file: $!\n";
-                       my $line;
-                       while ($gz->gzreadline($line) > 0) {
-                               scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $line) or last;
-                       }
-                       $gz->gzclose;
-               }
-       }
-       if (open my $fh, '<', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log") {
-               binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
-               while (<$fh>) {
-                       scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $_) or last;
-               }
-               close $fh;
-       }
-       my $strip = qr/\A\Q$self->{path}\E(?:\/|$)/;
-       foreach my $d (sort keys %empty_dirs) {
-               $d = uri_decode($d);
-               $d =~ s/$strip//;
-               next unless length($d);
-               next if -d $d;
-               if (-e $d) {
-                       warn "$d exists but is not a directory\n";
-               } else {
-                       print "creating empty directory: $d\n";
-                       mkpath([$d]);
-               }
-       }
-sub get_untracked {
-       my ($self, $ed) = @_;
-       my @out;
-       my $h = $ed->{empty};
-       foreach (sort keys %$h) {
-               my $act = $h->{$_} ? '+empty_dir' : '-empty_dir';
-               push @out, "  $act: " . uri_encode($_);
-               warn "W: $act: $_\n";
-       }
-       foreach my $t (qw/dir_prop file_prop/) {
-               $h = $ed->{$t} or next;
-               foreach my $path (sort keys %$h) {
-                       my $ppath = $path eq '' ? '.' : $path;
-                       foreach my $prop (sort keys %{$h->{$path}}) {
-                               next if $SKIP_PROP{$prop};
-                               my $v = $h->{$path}->{$prop};
-                               my $t_ppath_prop = "$t: " .
-                                                   uri_encode($ppath) . ' ' .
-                                                   uri_encode($prop);
-                               if (defined $v) {
-                                       push @out, "  +$t_ppath_prop " .
-                                                  uri_encode($v);
-                               } else {
-                                       push @out, "  -$t_ppath_prop";
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       foreach my $t (qw/absent_file absent_directory/) {
-               $h = $ed->{$t} or next;
-               foreach my $parent (sort keys %$h) {
-                       foreach my $path (sort @{$h->{$parent}}) {
-                               push @out, "  $t: " .
-                                          uri_encode("$parent/$path");
-                               warn "W: $t: $parent/$path ",
-                                    "Insufficient permissions?\n";
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       \@out;
-sub get_tz {
-       # some systmes don't handle or mishandle %z, so be creative.
-       my $t = shift || time;
-       my $gm = timelocal(gmtime($t));
-       my $sign = qw( + + - )[ $t <=> $gm ];
-       return sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $sign, (gmtime(abs($t - $gm)))[2,1]);
-# parse_svn_date(DATE)
-# --------------------
-# Given a date (in UTC) from Subversion, return a string in the format
-# "<TZ Offset> <local date/time>" that Git will use.
-# By default the parsed date will be in UTC; if $Git::SVN::_localtime
-# is true we'll convert it to the local timezone instead.
-sub parse_svn_date {
-       my $date = shift || return '+0000 1970-01-01 00:00:00';
-       my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($date =~ /^(\d{4})\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)T
-                                           (\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\.\d*Z$/x) or
-                                        croak "Unable to parse date: $date\n";
-       my $parsed_date;    # Set next.
-       if ($Git::SVN::_localtime) {
-               # Translate the Subversion datetime to an epoch time.
-               # Begin by switching ourselves to $date's timezone, UTC.
-               my $old_env_TZ = $ENV{TZ};
-               $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC';
-               my $epoch_in_UTC =
-                   POSIX::strftime('%s', $S, $M, $H, $d, $m - 1, $Y - 1900);
-               # Determine our local timezone (including DST) at the
-               # time of $epoch_in_UTC.  $Git::SVN::Log::TZ stored the
-               # value of TZ, if any, at the time we were run.
-               if (defined $Git::SVN::Log::TZ) {
-                       $ENV{TZ} = $Git::SVN::Log::TZ;
-               } else {
-                       delete $ENV{TZ};
-               }
-               my $our_TZ = get_tz();
-               # This converts $epoch_in_UTC into our local timezone.
-               my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year,
-                   $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($epoch_in_UTC);
-               $parsed_date = sprintf('%s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d',
-                                      $our_TZ, $year + 1900, $mon + 1,
-                                      $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
-               # Reset us to the timezone in effect when we entered
-               # this routine.
-               if (defined $old_env_TZ) {
-                       $ENV{TZ} = $old_env_TZ;
-               } else {
-                       delete $ENV{TZ};
-               }
-       } else {
-               $parsed_date = "+0000 $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S";
-       }
-       return $parsed_date;
-sub other_gs {
-       my ($self, $new_url, $url,
-           $branch_from, $r, $old_ref_id) = @_;
-       my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($new_url, $url, $branch_from);
-       unless ($gs) {
-               my $ref_id = $old_ref_id;
-               $ref_id =~ s/\@\d+-*$//;
-               $ref_id .= "\@$r";
-               # just grow a tail if we're not unique enough :x
-               $ref_id .= '-' while find_ref($ref_id);
-               my ($u, $p, $repo_id) = ($new_url, '', $ref_id);
-               if ($u =~ s#^\Q$url\E(/|$)##) {
-                       $p = $u;
-                       $u = $url;
-                       $repo_id = $self->{repo_id};
-               }
-               while (1) {
-                       # It is possible to tag two different subdirectories at
-                       # the same revision.  If the url for an existing ref
-                       # does not match, we must either find a ref with a
-                       # matching url or create a new ref by growing a tail.
-                       $gs = Git::SVN->init($u, $p, $repo_id, $ref_id, 1);
-                       my (undef, $max_commit) = $gs->rev_map_max(1);
-                       last if (!$max_commit);
-                       my ($url) = ::cmt_metadata($max_commit);
-                       last if ($url eq $gs->metadata_url);
-                       $ref_id .= '-';
-               }
-               print STDERR "Initializing parent: $ref_id\n" unless $::_q > 1;
-       }
-       $gs
-sub call_authors_prog {
-       my ($orig_author) = @_;
-       $orig_author = command_oneline('rev-parse', '--sq-quote', $orig_author);
-       my $author = `$::_authors_prog $orig_author`;
-       if ($? != 0) {
-               die "$::_authors_prog failed with exit code $?\n"
-       }
-       if ($author =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*<(.*)>\s*$/) {
-               my ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
-               $email = undef if length $2 == 0;
-               return [$name, $email];
-       } else {
-               die "Author: $orig_author: $::_authors_prog returned "
-                       . "invalid author format: $author\n";
-       }
-sub check_author {
-       my ($author) = @_;
-       if (!defined $author || length $author == 0) {
-               $author = '(no author)';
-       }
-       if (!defined $::users{$author}) {
-               if (defined $::_authors_prog) {
-                       $::users{$author} = call_authors_prog($author);
-               } elsif (defined $::_authors) {
-                       die "Author: $author not defined in $::_authors file\n";
-               }
-       }
-       $author;
-sub find_extra_svk_parents {
-       my ($self, $ed, $tickets, $parents) = @_;
-       # aha!  svk:merge property changed...
-       my @tickets = split "\n", $tickets;
-       my @known_parents;
-       for my $ticket ( @tickets ) {
-               my ($uuid, $path, $rev) = split /:/, $ticket;
-               if ( $uuid eq $self->ra_uuid ) {
-                       my $url = $self->{url};
-                       my $repos_root = $url;
-                       my $branch_from = $path;
-                       $branch_from =~ s{^/}{};
-                       my $gs = $self->other_gs($repos_root."/".$branch_from,
-                                                $url,
-                                                $branch_from,
-                                                $rev,
-                                                $self->{ref_id});
-                       if ( my $commit = $gs->rev_map_get($rev, $uuid) ) {
-                               # wahey!  we found it, but it might be
-                               # an old one (!)
-                               push @known_parents, [ $rev, $commit ];
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       # Ordering matters; highest-numbered commit merge tickets
-       # first, as they may account for later merge ticket additions
-       # or changes.
-       @known_parents = map {$_->[1]} sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @known_parents;
-       for my $parent ( @known_parents ) {
-               my @cmd = ('rev-list', $parent, map { "^$_" } @$parents );
-               my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@cmd);
-               my $new;
-               while ( <$msg_fh> ) {
-                       $new=1;last;
-               }
-               command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx);
-               if ( $new ) {
-                       print STDERR
-                           "Found merge parent (svk:merge ticket): $parent\n";
-                       push @$parents, $parent;
-               }
-       }
-sub lookup_svn_merge {
-       my $uuid = shift;
-       my $url = shift;
-       my $merge = shift;
-       my ($source, $revs) = split ":", $merge;
-       my $path = $source;
-       $path =~ s{^/}{};
-       my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url.$source, $url, $path);
-       if ( !$gs ) {
-               warn "Couldn't find revmap for $url$source\n";
-               return;
-       }
-       my @ranges = split ",", $revs;
-       my ($tip, $tip_commit);
-       my @merged_commit_ranges;
-       # find the tip
-       for my $range ( @ranges ) {
-               my ($bottom, $top) = split "-", $range;
-               $top ||= $bottom;
-               my $bottom_commit = $gs->find_rev_after( $bottom, 1, $top );
-               my $top_commit = $gs->find_rev_before( $top, 1, $bottom );
-               unless ($top_commit and $bottom_commit) {
-                       warn "W:unknown path/rev in svn:mergeinfo "
-                               ."dirprop: $source:$range\n";
-                       next;
-               }
-               if (scalar(command('rev-parse', "$bottom_commit^@"))) {
-                       push @merged_commit_ranges,
-                            "$bottom_commit^..$top_commit";
-               } else {
-                       push @merged_commit_ranges, "$top_commit";
-               }
-               if ( !defined $tip or $top > $tip ) {
-                       $tip = $top;
-                       $tip_commit = $top_commit;
-               }
-       }
-       return ($tip_commit, @merged_commit_ranges);
-sub _rev_list {
-       my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(
-               "rev-list", @_,
-              );
-       my @rv;
-       while ( <$msg_fh> ) {
-               chomp;
-               push @rv, $_;
-       }
-       command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx);
-       @rv;
-sub check_cherry_pick {
-       my $base = shift;
-       my $tip = shift;
-       my $parents = shift;
-       my @ranges = @_;
-       my %commits = map { $_ => 1 }
-               _rev_list("--no-merges", $tip, "--not", $base, @$parents, "--");
-       for my $range ( @ranges ) {
-               delete @commits{_rev_list($range, "--")};
-       }
-       for my $commit (keys %commits) {
-               if (has_no_changes($commit)) {
-                       delete $commits{$commit};
-               }
-       }
-       return (keys %commits);
-sub has_no_changes {
-       my $commit = shift;
-       my @revs = split / /, command_oneline(
-               qw(rev-list --parents -1 -m), $commit);
-       # Commits with no parents, e.g. the start of a partial branch,
-       # have changes by definition.
-       return 1 if (@revs < 2);
-       # Commits with multiple parents, e.g a merge, have no changes
-       # by definition.
-       return 0 if (@revs > 2);
-       return (command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit^{tree}") eq
-               command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit~1^{tree}"));
-sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
-       my $hash = shift;
-       my $path = shift;
-       if ($can_use_yaml) {
-               tie %$hash => 'Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML', "$path.yaml";
-       } else {
-               tie %$hash => 'Memoize::Storable', "$path.db", 'nstore';
-       }
-# The GIT_DIR environment variable is not always set until after the command
-# line arguments are processed, so we can't memoize in a BEGIN block.
-       my $memoized = 0;
-       sub memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions {
-               return if $memoized;
-               $memoized = 1;
-               my $cache_path = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/.caches/";
-               mkpath([$cache_path]) unless -d $cache_path;
-               my %lookup_svn_merge_cache;
-               my %check_cherry_pick_cache;
-               my %has_no_changes_cache;
-               tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%lookup_svn_merge_cache,
-                   "$cache_path/lookup_svn_merge");
-               memoize 'lookup_svn_merge',
-                       SCALAR_CACHE => 'FAULT',
-                       LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%lookup_svn_merge_cache],
-               ;
-               tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%check_cherry_pick_cache,
-                   "$cache_path/check_cherry_pick");
-               memoize 'check_cherry_pick',
-                       SCALAR_CACHE => 'FAULT',
-                       LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%check_cherry_pick_cache],
-               ;
-               tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%has_no_changes_cache,
-                   "$cache_path/has_no_changes");
-               memoize 'has_no_changes',
-                       SCALAR_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%has_no_changes_cache],
-                       LIST_CACHE => 'FAULT',
-               ;
-       }
-       sub unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions {
-               return if not $memoized;
-               $memoized = 0;
-               Memoize::unmemoize 'lookup_svn_merge';
-               Memoize::unmemoize 'check_cherry_pick';
-               Memoize::unmemoize 'has_no_changes';
-       }
-       Memoize::memoize 'Git::SVN::repos_root';
-END {
-       # Force cache writeout explicitly instead of waiting for
-       # global destruction to avoid segfault in Storable:
-       # http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=36087
-       unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions();
-sub parents_exclude {
-       my $parents = shift;
-       my @commits = @_;
-       return unless @commits;
-       my @excluded;
-       my $excluded;
-       do {
-               my @cmd = ('rev-list', "-1", @commits, "--not", @$parents );
-               $excluded = command_oneline(@cmd);
-               if ( $excluded ) {
-                       my @new;
-                       my $found;
-                       for my $commit ( @commits ) {
-                               if ( $commit eq $excluded ) {
-                                       push @excluded, $commit;
-                                       $found++;
-                                       last;
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       push @new, $commit;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       die "saw commit '$excluded' in rev-list output, "
-                               ."but we didn't ask for that commit (wanted: @commits --not @$parents)"
-                                       unless $found;
-                       @commits = @new;
-               }
-       }
-               while ($excluded and @commits);
-       return @excluded;
-# note: this function should only be called if the various dirprops
-# have actually changed
-sub find_extra_svn_parents {
-       my ($self, $ed, $mergeinfo, $parents) = @_;
-       # aha!  svk:merge property changed...
-       memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions();
-       # We first search for merged tips which are not in our
-       # history.  Then, we figure out which git revisions are in
-       # that tip, but not this revision.  If all of those revisions
-       # are now marked as merge, we can add the tip as a parent.
-       my @merges = split "\n", $mergeinfo;
-       my @merge_tips;
-       my $url = $self->{url};
-       my $uuid = $self->ra_uuid;
-       my %ranges;
-       for my $merge ( @merges ) {
-               my ($tip_commit, @ranges) =
-                       lookup_svn_merge( $uuid, $url, $merge );
-               unless (!$tip_commit or
-                               grep { $_ eq $tip_commit } @$parents ) {
-                       push @merge_tips, $tip_commit;
-                       $ranges{$tip_commit} = \@ranges;
-               } else {
-                       push @merge_tips, undef;
-               }
-       }
-       my %excluded = map { $_ => 1 }
-               parents_exclude($parents, grep { defined } @merge_tips);
-       # check merge tips for new parents
-       my @new_parents;
-       for my $merge_tip ( @merge_tips ) {
-               my $spec = shift @merges;
-               next unless $merge_tip and $excluded{$merge_tip};
-               my $ranges = $ranges{$merge_tip};
-               # check out 'new' tips
-               my $merge_base;
-               eval {
-                       $merge_base = command_oneline(
-                               "merge-base",
-                               @$parents, $merge_tip,
-                       );
-               };
-               if ($@) {
-                       die "An error occurred during merge-base"
-                               unless $@->isa("Git::Error::Command");
-                       warn "W: Cannot find common ancestor between ".
-                            "@$parents and $merge_tip. Ignoring merge info.\n";
-                       next;
-               }
-               # double check that there are no missing non-merge commits
-               my (@incomplete) = check_cherry_pick(
-                       $merge_base, $merge_tip,
-                       $parents,
-                       @$ranges,
-                      );
-               if ( @incomplete ) {
-                       warn "W:svn cherry-pick ignored ($spec) - missing "
-                               .@incomplete." commit(s) (eg $incomplete[0])\n";
-               } else {
-                       warn
-                               "Found merge parent (svn:mergeinfo prop): ",
-                                       $merge_tip, "\n";
-                       push @new_parents, $merge_tip;
-               }
-       }
-       # cater for merges which merge commits from multiple branches
-       if ( @new_parents > 1 ) {
-               for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#new_parents; $i++ ) {
-                       for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#new_parents; $j++ ) {
-                               next if $i == $j;
-                               next unless $new_parents[$i];
-                               next unless $new_parents[$j];
-                               my $revs = command_oneline(
-                                       "rev-list", "-1",
-                                       "$new_parents[$i]..$new_parents[$j]",
-                                      );
-                               if ( !$revs ) {
-                                       undef($new_parents[$j]);
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       push @$parents, grep { defined } @new_parents;
-sub make_log_entry {
-       my ($self, $rev, $parents, $ed) = @_;
-       my $untracked = $self->get_untracked($ed);
-       my @parents = @$parents;
-       my $ps = $ed->{path_strip} || "";
-       for my $path ( grep { m/$ps/ } %{$ed->{dir_prop}} ) {
-               my $props = $ed->{dir_prop}{$path};
-               if ( $props->{"svk:merge"} ) {
-                       $self->find_extra_svk_parents
-                               ($ed, $props->{"svk:merge"}, \@parents);
-               }
-               if ( $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"} ) {
-                       $self->find_extra_svn_parents
-                               ($ed,
-                                $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"},
-                                \@parents);
-               }
-       }
-       open my $un, '>>', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log" or croak $!;
-       print $un "r$rev\n" or croak $!;
-       print $un $_, "\n" foreach @$untracked;
-       my %log_entry = ( parents => \@parents, revision => $rev,
-                         log => '');
-       my $headrev;
-       my $logged = delete $self->{logged_rev_props};
-       if (!$logged || $self->{-want_revprops}) {
-               my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist($rev);
-               foreach (sort keys %$rp) {
-                       my $v = $rp->{$_};
-                       if (/^svn:(author|date|log)$/) {
-                               $log_entry{$1} = $v;
-                       } elsif ($_ eq 'svm:headrev') {
-                               $headrev = $v;
-                       } else {
-                               print $un "  rev_prop: ", uri_encode($_), ' ',
-                                         uri_encode($v), "\n";
-                       }
-               }
-       } else {
-               map { $log_entry{$_} = $logged->{$_} } keys %$logged;
-       }
-       close $un or croak $!;
-       $log_entry{date} = parse_svn_date($log_entry{date});
-       $log_entry{log} .= "\n";
-       my $author = $log_entry{author} = check_author($log_entry{author});
-       my ($name, $email) = defined $::users{$author} ? @{$::users{$author}}
-                                                      : ($author, undef);
-       my ($commit_name, $commit_email) = ($name, $email);
-       if ($_use_log_author) {
-               my $name_field;
-               if ($log_entry{log} =~ /From:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) {
-                       $name_field = $1;
-               } elsif ($log_entry{log} =~ /Signed-off-by:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) {
-                       $name_field = $1;
-               }
-               if (!defined $name_field) {
-                       if (!defined $email) {
-                               $email = $name;
-                       }
-               } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*?)\s+<(.*)>/) {
-                       ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
-               } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*)@/) {
-                       ($name, $email) = ($1, $name_field);
-               } else {
-                       ($name, $email) = ($name_field, $name_field);
-               }
-       }
-       if (defined $headrev && $self->use_svm_props) {
-               if ($self->rewrite_root) {
-                       die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ",
-                           "options set!\n";
-               }
-               if ($self->rewrite_uuid) {
-                       die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ",
-                           "options set!\n";
-               }
-               my ($uuid, $r) = $headrev =~ m{^([a-f\d\-]{30,}):(\d+)$}i;
-               # we don't want "SVM: initializing mirror for junk" ...
-               return undef if $r == 0;
-               my $svm = $self->svm;
-               if ($uuid ne $svm->{uuid}) {
-                       die "UUID mismatch on SVM path:\n",
-                           "expected: $svm->{uuid}\n",
-                           "     got: $uuid\n";
-               }
-               my $full_url = $self->full_url;
-               $full_url =~ s#^\Q$svm->{replace}\E(/|$)#$svm->{source}$1# or
-                            die "Failed to replace '$svm->{replace}' with ",
-                                "'$svm->{source}' in $full_url\n";
-               # throw away username for storing in records
-               remove_username($full_url);
-               $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$r $uuid";
-               $log_entry{svm_revision} = $r;
-               $email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
-               $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
-       } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
-               my $full_url = $self->svnsync->{url};
-               $full_url .= "/$self->{path}" if length $self->{path};
-               remove_username($full_url);
-               my $uuid = $self->svnsync->{uuid};
-               $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$rev $uuid";
-               $email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
-               $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
-       } else {
-               my $url = $self->metadata_url;
-               remove_username($url);
-               my $uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra->get_uuid;
-               $log_entry{metadata} = "$url\@$rev " . $uuid;
-               $email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid;
-               $commit_email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid;
-       }
-       $log_entry{name} = $name;
-       $log_entry{email} = $email;
-       $log_entry{commit_name} = $commit_name;
-       $log_entry{commit_email} = $commit_email;
-       \%log_entry;
-sub fetch {
-       my ($self, $min_rev, $max_rev, @parents) = @_;
-       my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = $self->last_rev_commit;
-       my ($base, $head) = $self->get_fetch_range($min_rev, $max_rev);
-       $self->ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, [$self]);
-sub set_tree_cb {
-       my ($self, $log_entry, $tree, $rev, $date, $author) = @_;
-       $self->{inject_parents} = { $rev => $tree };
-       $self->fetch(undef, undef);
-sub set_tree {
-       my ($self, $tree) = (shift, shift);
-       my $log_entry = ::get_commit_entry($tree);
-       unless ($self->{last_rev}) {
-               fatal("Must have an existing revision to commit");
-       }
-       my %ed_opts = ( r => $self->{last_rev},
-                       log => $log_entry->{log},
-                       ra => $self->ra,
-                       tree_a => $self->{last_commit},
-                       tree_b => $tree,
-                       editor_cb => sub {
-                              $self->set_tree_cb($log_entry, $tree, @_) },
-                       svn_path => $self->{path} );
-       if (!Git::SVN::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) {
-               print "No changes\nr$self->{last_rev} = $tree\n";
-       }
-sub rebuild_from_rev_db {
-       my ($self, $path) = @_;
-       my $r = -1;
-       open my $fh, '<', $path or croak "open: $!";
-       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
-       while (<$fh>) {
-               length($_) == 41 or croak "inconsistent size in ($_) != 41";
-               chomp($_);
-               ++$r;
-               next if $_ eq ('0' x 40);
-               $self->rev_map_set($r, $_);
-               print "r$r = $_\n";
-       }
-       close $fh or croak "close: $!";
-       unlink $path or croak "unlink: $!";
-sub rebuild {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       my $map_path = $self->map_path;
-       my $partial = (-e $map_path && ! -z $map_path);
-       return unless ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0');
-       if (!$partial && ($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata)) {
-               my $rev_db = $self->rev_db_path;
-               $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($rev_db);
-               if ($self->use_svm_props) {
-                       my $svm_rev_db = $self->rev_db_path($self->svm_uuid);
-                       $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($svm_rev_db);
-               }
-               $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink;
-               return;
-       }
-       print "Rebuilding $map_path ...\n" if (!$partial);
-       my ($base_rev, $head) = ($partial ? $self->rev_map_max_norebuild(1) :
-               (undef, undef));
-       my ($log, $ctx) =
-           command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list --pretty=raw --reverse/,
-                               ($head ? "$head.." : "") . $self->refname,
-                               '--');
-       my $metadata_url = $self->metadata_url;
-       remove_username($metadata_url);
-       my $svn_uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra_uuid;
-       my $c;
-       while (<$log>) {
-               if ( m{^commit ($::sha1)$} ) {
-                       $c = $1;
-                       next;
-               }
-               next unless s{^\s*(git-svn-id:)}{$1};
-               my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ::extract_metadata($_);
-               remove_username($url);
-               # ignore merges (from set-tree)
-               next if (!defined $rev || !$uuid);
-               # if we merged or otherwise started elsewhere, this is
-               # how we break out of it
-               if (($uuid ne $svn_uuid) ||
-                   ($metadata_url && $url && ($url ne $metadata_url))) {
-                       next;
-               }
-               if ($partial && $head) {
-                       print "Partial-rebuilding $map_path ...\n";
-                       print "Currently at $base_rev = $head\n";
-                       $head = undef;
-               }
-               $self->rev_map_set($rev, $c);
-               print "r$rev = $c\n";
-       }
-       command_close_pipe($log, $ctx);
-       print "Done rebuilding $map_path\n" if (!$partial || !$head);
-       my $rev_db_path = $self->rev_db_path;
-       if (-f $self->rev_db_path) {
-               unlink $self->rev_db_path or croak "unlink: $!";
-       }
-       $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink;
-# rev_map:
-# Tie::File seems to be prone to offset errors if revisions get sparse,
-# it's not that fast, either.  Tie::File is also not in Perl 5.6.  So
-# one of my favorite modules is out :<  Next up would be one of the DBM
-# modules, but I'm not sure which is most portable...
-# This is the replacement for the rev_db format, which was too big
-# and inefficient for large repositories with a lot of sparse history
-# (mainly tags)
-# The format is this:
-#   - 24 bytes for every record,
-#     * 4 bytes for the integer representing an SVN revision number
-#     * 20 bytes representing the sha1 of a git commit
-#   - No empty padding records like the old format
-#     (except the last record, which can be overwritten)
-#   - new records are written append-only since SVN revision numbers
-#     increase monotonically
-#   - lookups on SVN revision number are done via a binary search
-#   - Piping the file to xxd -c24 is a good way of dumping it for
-#     viewing or editing (piped back through xxd -r), should the need
-#     ever arise.
-#   - The last record can be padding revision with an all-zero sha1
-#     This is used to optimize fetch performance when using multiple
-#     "fetch" directives in .git/config
-# These files are disposable unless noMetadata or useSvmProps is set
-sub _rev_map_set {
-       my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_;
-       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
-       my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
-       ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
-       my $wr_offset = 0;
-       if ($size > 0) {
-               sysseek($fh, -24, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
-               my $read = sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) or croak "read: $!";
-               $read == 24 or croak "read only $read bytes (!= 24)";
-               my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
-               if ($last_commit eq ('0' x40)) {
-                       if ($size >= 48) {
-                               sysseek($fh, -48, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
-                               $read = sysread($fh, $buf, 24) or
-                                   croak "read: $!";
-                               $read == 24 or
-                                   croak "read only $read bytes (!= 24)";
-                               ($last_rev, $last_commit) =
-                                   unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
-                               if ($last_commit eq ('0' x40)) {
-                                       croak "inconsistent .rev_map\n";
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if ($last_rev >= $rev) {
-                               croak "last_rev is higher!: $last_rev >= $rev";
-                       }
-                       $wr_offset = -24;
-               }
-       }
-       sysseek($fh, $wr_offset, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
-       syswrite($fh, pack(rev_map_fmt, $rev, $commit), 24) == 24 or
-         croak "write: $!";
-sub _rev_map_reset {
-       my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_;
-       my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev);
-       $c eq $commit or die "_rev_map_reset(@_) commit $c does not match!\n";
-       my $offset = sysseek($fh, 0, SEEK_CUR) or croak "seek: $!";
-       truncate $fh, $offset or croak "truncate: $!";
-sub mkfile {
-       my ($path) = @_;
-       unless (-e $path) {
-               my ($dir, $base) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
-               mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir;
-               open my $fh, '>>', $path or die "Couldn't create $path: $!\n";
-               close $fh or die "Couldn't close (create) $path: $!\n";
-       }
-sub rev_map_set {
-       my ($self, $rev, $commit, $update_ref, $uuid) = @_;
-       defined $commit or die "missing arg3\n";
-       length $commit == 40 or die "arg3 must be a full SHA1 hexsum\n";
-       my $db = $self->map_path($uuid);
-       my $db_lock = "$db.lock";
-       my $sigmask;
-       $update_ref ||= 0;
-       if ($update_ref) {
-               $sigmask = POSIX::SigSet->new();
-               my $signew = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM,
-                       SIGALRM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2);
-               sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $signew, $sigmask) or
-                       croak "Can't block signals: $!";
-       }
-       mkfile($db);
-       $LOCKFILES{$db_lock} = 1;
-       my $sync;
-       # both of these options make our .rev_db file very, very important
-       # and we can't afford to lose it because rebuild() won't work
-       if ($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata) {
-               $sync = 1;
-               copy($db, $db_lock) or die "rev_map_set(@_): ",
-                                          "Failed to copy: ",
-                                          "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n";
-       } else {
-               rename $db, $db_lock or die "rev_map_set(@_): ",
-                                           "Failed to rename: ",
-                                           "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n";
-       }
-       sysopen(my $fh, $db_lock, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)
-            or croak "Couldn't open $db_lock: $!\n";
-       $update_ref eq 'reset' ? _rev_map_reset($fh, $rev, $commit) :
-                                _rev_map_set($fh, $rev, $commit);
-       if ($sync) {
-               $fh->flush or die "Couldn't flush $db_lock: $!\n";
-               $fh->sync or die "Couldn't sync $db_lock: $!\n";
-       }
-       close $fh or croak $!;
-       if ($update_ref) {
-               $_head = $self;
-               my $note = "";
-               $note = " ($update_ref)" if ($update_ref !~ /^\d*$/);
-               command_noisy('update-ref', '-m', "r$rev$note",
-                             $self->refname, $commit);
-       }
-       rename $db_lock, $db or die "rev_map_set(@_): ", "Failed to rename: ",
-                                   "$db_lock => $db ($!)\n";
-       delete $LOCKFILES{$db_lock};
-       if ($update_ref) {
-               sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $sigmask) or
-                       croak "Can't restore signal mask: $!";
-       }
-# If want_commit, this will return an array of (rev, commit) where
-# commit _must_ be a valid commit in the archive.
-# Otherwise, it'll return the max revision (whether or not the
-# commit is valid or just a 0x40 placeholder).
-sub rev_map_max {
-       my ($self, $want_commit) = @_;
-       $self->rebuild;
-       my ($r, $c) = $self->rev_map_max_norebuild($want_commit);
-       $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r;
-sub rev_map_max_norebuild {
-       my ($self, $want_commit) = @_;
-       my $map_path = $self->map_path;
-       stat $map_path or return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
-       sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!";
-       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
-       my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
-       ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
-       if ($size == 0) {
-               close $fh or croak "close: $!";
-               return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
-       }
-       sysseek($fh, -24, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
-       sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!";
-       my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
-       if ($want_commit && $c eq ('0' x40)) {
-               if ($size < 48) {
-                       return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
-               }
-               sysseek($fh, -48, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
-               sysread($fh, $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!";
-               ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
-               if ($c eq ('0'x40)) {
-                       croak "Penultimate record is all-zeroes in $map_path";
-               }
-       }
-       close $fh or croak "close: $!";
-       $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r;
-sub rev_map_get {
-       my ($self, $rev, $uuid) = @_;
-       my $map_path = $self->map_path($uuid);
-       return undef unless -e $map_path;
-       sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!";
-       my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev);
-       close($fh) or croak "close: $!";
-       $c
-sub _rev_map_get {
-       my ($fh, $rev) = @_;
-       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
-       my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
-       ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
-       if ($size == 0) {
-               return undef;
-       }
-       my ($l, $u) = (0, $size - 24);
-       my ($r, $c, $buf);
-       while ($l <= $u) {
-               my $i = int(($l/24 + $u/24) / 2) * 24;
-               sysseek($fh, $i, SEEK_SET) or croak "seek: $!";
-               sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!";
-               my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
-               if ($r < $rev) {
-                       $l = $i + 24;
-               } elsif ($r > $rev) {
-                       $u = $i - 24;
-               } else { # $r == $rev
-                       return $c eq ('0' x 40) ? undef : $c;
-               }
-       }
-       undef;
-# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or
-# before $rev for the current branch.  It will not search any lower
-# than $min_rev.  Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number
-# if found, else (undef, undef).
-sub find_rev_before {
-       my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $min_rev) = @_;
-       --$rev unless $eq_ok;
-       $min_rev ||= 1;
-       my $max_rev = $self->rev_map_max;
-       $rev = $max_rev if ($rev > $max_rev);
-       while ($rev >= $min_rev) {
-               if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) {
-                       return ($rev, $c);
-               }
-               --$rev;
-       }
-       return (undef, undef);
-# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or
-# after $rev for the current branch.  It will not search any higher
-# than $max_rev.  Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number
-# if found, else (undef, undef).
-sub find_rev_after {
-       my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $max_rev) = @_;
-       ++$rev unless $eq_ok;
-       $max_rev ||= $self->rev_map_max;
-       while ($rev <= $max_rev) {
-               if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) {
-                       return ($rev, $c);
-               }
-               ++$rev;
-       }
-       return (undef, undef);
-sub _new {
-       my ($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path) = @_;
-       unless (defined $repo_id && length $repo_id) {
-               $repo_id = $default_repo_id;
-       }
-       unless (defined $ref_id && length $ref_id) {
-               # Access the prefix option from the git-svn main program if it's loaded.
-               my $prefix = defined &::opt_prefix ? ::opt_prefix() : "";
-               $_[2] = $ref_id =
-                            "refs/remotes/$prefix$default_ref_id";
-       }
-       $_[1] = $repo_id;
-       my $dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$ref_id";
-       # Older repos imported by us used $GIT_DIR/svn/foo instead of
-       # $GIT_DIR/svn/refs/remotes/foo when tracking refs/remotes/foo
-       if ($ref_id =~ m{^refs/remotes/(.*)}) {
-               my $old_dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$1";
-               if (-d $old_dir && ! -d $dir) {
-                       $dir = $old_dir;
-               }
-       }
-       $_[3] = $path = '' unless (defined $path);
-       mkpath([$dir]);
-       bless {
-               ref_id => $ref_id, dir => $dir, index => "$dir/index",
-               path => $path, config => "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/config",
-               map_root => "$dir/.rev_map", repo_id => $repo_id }, $class;
-# for read-only access of old .rev_db formats
-sub unlink_rev_db_symlink {
-       my ($self) = @_;
-       my $link = $self->rev_db_path;
-       $link =~ s/\.[\w-]+$// or croak "missing UUID at the end of $link";
-       if (-l $link) {
-               unlink $link or croak "unlink: $link failed!";
-       }
-sub rev_db_path {
-       my ($self, $uuid) = @_;
-       my $db_path = $self->map_path($uuid);
-       $db_path =~ s{/\.rev_map\.}{/\.rev_db\.}
-           or croak "map_path: $db_path does not contain '/.rev_map.' !";
-       $db_path;
-# the new replacement for .rev_db
-sub map_path {
-       my ($self, $uuid) = @_;
-       $uuid ||= $self->ra_uuid;
-       "$self->{map_root}.$uuid";
-sub uri_encode {
-       my ($f) = @_;
-       $f =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9\*!\:_\./\-])#uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))#eg;
-       $f
-sub uri_decode {
-       my ($f) = @_;
-       $f =~ s#%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})#chr(hex($1))#eg;
-       $f
-sub remove_username {
-       $_[0] =~ s{^([^:]*://)[^@]+@}{$1};
 package Git::SVN::Log;
 use strict;
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN.pm b/perl/Git/SVN.pm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c71c041
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2319 @@
+package Git::SVN;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Fcntl qw/:DEFAULT :seek/;
+use constant rev_map_fmt => 'NH40';
+use vars qw/$default_repo_id $default_ref_id $_no_metadata $_follow_parent
+            $_repack $_repack_flags $_use_svm_props $_head
+            $_use_svnsync_props $no_reuse_existing $_minimize_url
+           $_use_log_author $_add_author_from $_localtime/;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
+use File::Copy qw/copy/;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use Time::Local;
+use Memoize;  # core since 5.8.0, Jul 2002
+use Memoize::Storable;
+use POSIX qw(:signal_h);
+use Git qw(
+    command
+    command_oneline
+    command_noisy
+    command_output_pipe
+    command_close_pipe
+use Git::SVN::Utils qw(fatal can_compress);
+my $can_use_yaml;
+       $can_use_yaml = eval { require Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML; 1};
+my ($_gc_nr, $_gc_period);
+# properties that we do not log:
+       %SKIP_PROP = map { $_ => 1 } qw/svn:wc:ra_dav:version-url
+                                       svn:special svn:executable
+                                       svn:entry:committed-rev
+                                       svn:entry:last-author
+                                       svn:entry:uuid
+                                       svn:entry:committed-date/;
+       # some options are read globally, but can be overridden locally
+       # per [svn-remote "..."] section.  Command-line options will *NOT*
+       # override options set in an [svn-remote "..."] section
+       no strict 'refs';
+       for my $option (qw/follow_parent no_metadata use_svm_props
+                          use_svnsync_props/) {
+               my $key = $option;
+               $key =~ tr/_//d;
+               my $prop = "-$option";
+               *$option = sub {
+                       my ($self) = @_;
+                       return $self->{$prop} if exists $self->{$prop};
+                       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.$key";
+                       eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
+                       if ($@) {
+                               $self->{$prop} = ${"Git::SVN::_$option"};
+                       } else {
+                               my $v = command_oneline(qw/config --bool/,$k);
+                               $self->{$prop} = $v eq 'false' ? 0 : 1;
+                       }
+                       return $self->{$prop};
+               }
+       }
+END {
+       unlink keys %LOCKFILES if %LOCKFILES;
+       unlink keys %INDEX_FILES if %INDEX_FILES;
+sub resolve_local_globs {
+       my ($url, $fetch, $glob_spec) = @_;
+       return unless defined $glob_spec;
+       my $ref = $glob_spec->{ref};
+       my $path = $glob_spec->{path};
+       foreach (command(qw#for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/#)) {
+               next unless m#^$ref->{regex}$#;
+               my $p = $1;
+               my $pathname = desanitize_refname($path->full_path($p));
+               my $refname = desanitize_refname($ref->full_path($p));
+               if (my $existing = $fetch->{$pathname}) {
+                       if ($existing ne $refname) {
+                               die "Refspec conflict:\n",
+                                   "existing: $existing\n",
+                                   " globbed: $refname\n";
+                       }
+                       my $u = (::cmt_metadata("$refname"))[0];
+                       $u =~ s!^\Q$url\E(/|$)!! or die
+                         "$refname: '$url' not found in '$u'\n";
+                       if ($pathname ne $u) {
+                               warn "W: Refspec glob conflict ",
+                                    "(ref: $refname):\n",
+                                    "expected path: $pathname\n",
+                                    "    real path: $u\n",
+                                    "Continuing ahead with $u\n";
+                               next;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       $fetch->{$pathname} = $refname;
+               }
+       }
+sub parse_revision_argument {
+       my ($base, $head) = @_;
+       if (!defined $::_revision || $::_revision eq 'BASE:HEAD') {
+               return ($base, $head);
+       }
+       return ($1, $2) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/);
+       return ($::_revision, $::_revision) if ($::_revision =~ /^\d+$/);
+       return ($head, $head) if ($::_revision eq 'HEAD');
+       return ($base, $1) if ($::_revision =~ /^BASE:(\d+)$/);
+       return ($1, $head) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):HEAD$/);
+       die "revision argument: $::_revision not understood by git-svn\n";
+sub fetch_all {
+       my ($repo_id, $remotes) = @_;
+       if (ref $repo_id) {
+               my $gs = $repo_id;
+               $repo_id = undef;
+               $repo_id = $gs->{repo_id};
+       }
+       $remotes ||= read_all_remotes();
+       my $remote = $remotes->{$repo_id} or
+                    die "[svn-remote \"$repo_id\"] unknown\n";
+       my $fetch = $remote->{fetch};
+       my $url = $remote->{url} or die "svn-remote.$repo_id.url not defined\n";
+       my (@gs, @globs);
+       my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url);
+       my $uuid = $ra->get_uuid;
+       my $head = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
+       # ignore errors, $head revision may not even exist anymore
+       eval { $ra->get_log("", $head, 0, 1, 0, 1, sub { $head = $_[1] }) };
+       warn "W: $@\n" if $@;
+       my $base = defined $fetch ? $head : 0;
+       # read the max revs for wildcard expansion (branches/*, tags/*)
+       foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) {
+               defined $remote->{$t} or next;
+               push @globs, @{$remote->{$t}};
+               my $max_rev = eval { tmp_config(qw/--int --get/,
+                                        "svn-remote.$repo_id.${t}-maxRev") };
+               if (defined $max_rev && ($max_rev < $base)) {
+                       $base = $max_rev;
+               } elsif (!defined $max_rev) {
+                       $base = 0;
+               }
+       }
+       if ($fetch) {
+               foreach my $p (sort keys %$fetch) {
+                       my $gs = Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$p}, $repo_id, $p);
+                       my $lr = $gs->rev_map_max;
+                       if (defined $lr) {
+                               $base = $lr if ($lr < $base);
+                       }
+                       push @gs, $gs;
+               }
+       }
+       ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument($base, $head);
+       $ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, \@gs, \@globs);
+sub read_all_remotes {
+       my $r = {};
+       my $use_svm_props = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --bool
+           svn.useSvmProps/) };
+       $use_svm_props = $use_svm_props eq 'true' if $use_svm_props;
+       my $svn_refspec = qr{\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*};
+       foreach (grep { s/^svn-remote\.// } command(qw/config -l/)) {
+               if (m!^(.+)\.fetch=$svn_refspec$!) {
+                       my ($remote, $local_ref, $remote_ref) = ($1, $2, $3);
+                       die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' "
+                           . "must start with 'refs/'\n")
+                               unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/};
+                       $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref);
+                       $r->{$remote}->{fetch}->{$local_ref} = $remote_ref;
+                       $r->{$remote}->{svm} = {} if $use_svm_props;
+               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.usesvmprops=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+                       $r->{$1}->{svm} = {};
+               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.url=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+                       $r->{$1}->{url} = $2;
+               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.pushurl=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+                       $r->{$1}->{pushurl} = $2;
+               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.ignore-refs=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
+                       $r->{$1}->{ignore_refs_regex} = $2;
+               } elsif (m!^(.+)\.(branches|tags)=$svn_refspec$!) {
+                       my ($remote, $t, $local_ref, $remote_ref) =
+                                                            ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+                       die("svn-remote.$remote: remote ref '$remote_ref' ($t) "
+                           . "must start with 'refs/'\n")
+                               unless $remote_ref =~ m{^refs/};
+                       $local_ref = uri_decode($local_ref);
+                       my $rs = {
+                           t => $t,
+                           remote => $remote,
+                           path => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($local_ref, 1),
+                           ref => Git::SVN::GlobSpec->new($remote_ref, 0) };
+                       if (length($rs->{ref}->{right}) != 0) {
+                               die "The '*' glob character must be the last ",
+                                   "character of '$remote_ref'\n";
+                       }
+                       push @{ $r->{$remote}->{$t} }, $rs;
+               }
+       }
+       map {
+               if (defined $r->{$_}->{svm}) {
+                       my $svm;
+                       eval {
+                               my $section = "svn-remote.$_";
+                               $svm = {
+                                       source => tmp_config('--get',
+                                           "$section.svm-source"),
+                                       replace => tmp_config('--get',
+                                           "$section.svm-replace"),
+                               }
+                       };
+                       $r->{$_}->{svm} = $svm;
+               }
+       } keys %$r;
+       foreach my $remote (keys %$r) {
+               foreach ( grep { defined $_ }
+                         map { $r->{$remote}->{$_} } qw(branches tags) ) {
+                       foreach my $rs ( @$_ ) {
+                               $rs->{ignore_refs_regex} =
+                                   $r->{$remote}->{ignore_refs_regex};
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       $r;
+sub init_vars {
+       $_gc_nr = $_gc_period = 1000;
+       if (defined $_repack || defined $_repack_flags) {
+              warn "Repack options are obsolete; they have no effect.\n";
+       }
+sub verify_remotes_sanity {
+       return unless -d $ENV{GIT_DIR};
+       my %seen;
+       foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) {
+               if (m!^svn-remote\.(?:.+)\.fetch=.*:refs/remotes/(\S+)\s*$!) {
+                       if ($seen{$1}) {
+                               die "Remote ref refs/remote/$1 is tracked by",
+                                   "\n  \"$_\"\nand\n  \"$seen{$1}\"\n",
+                                   "Please resolve this ambiguity in ",
+                                   "your git configuration file before ",
+                                   "continuing\n";
+                       }
+                       $seen{$1} = $_;
+               }
+       }
+sub find_existing_remote {
+       my ($url, $remotes) = @_;
+       return undef if $no_reuse_existing;
+       my $existing;
+       foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
+               my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
+               next if $u ne $url;
+               $existing = $repo_id;
+               last;
+       }
+       $existing;
+sub init_remote_config {
+       my ($self, $url, $no_write) = @_;
+       $url =~ s!/+$!!; # strip trailing slash
+       my $r = read_all_remotes();
+       my $existing = find_existing_remote($url, $r);
+       if ($existing) {
+               unless ($no_write) {
+                       print STDERR "Using existing ",
+                                    "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n";
+               }
+               $self->{repo_id} = $existing;
+       } elsif ($_minimize_url) {
+               my $min_url = Git::SVN::Ra->new($url)->minimize_url;
+               $existing = find_existing_remote($min_url, $r);
+               if ($existing) {
+                       unless ($no_write) {
+                               print STDERR "Using existing ",
+                                            "[svn-remote \"$existing\"]\n";
+                       }
+                       $self->{repo_id} = $existing;
+               }
+               if ($min_url ne $url) {
+                       unless ($no_write) {
+                               print STDERR "Using higher level of URL: ",
+                                            "$url => $min_url\n";
+                       }
+                       my $old_path = $self->{path};
+                       $self->{path} = $url;
+                       $self->{path} =~ s!^\Q$min_url\E(/|$)!!;
+                       if (length $old_path) {
+                               $self->{path} .= "/$old_path";
+                       }
+                       $url = $min_url;
+               }
+       }
+       my $orig_url;
+       if (!$existing) {
+               # verify that we aren't overwriting anything:
+               $orig_url = eval {
+                       command_oneline('config', '--get',
+                                       "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url")
+               };
+               if ($orig_url && ($orig_url ne $url)) {
+                       die "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url already set: ",
+                           "$orig_url\nwanted to set to: $url\n";
+               }
+       }
+       my ($xrepo_id, $xpath) = find_ref($self->refname);
+       if (!$no_write && defined $xpath) {
+               die "svn-remote.$xrepo_id.fetch already set to track ",
+                   "$xpath:", $self->refname, "\n";
+       }
+       unless ($no_write) {
+               command_noisy('config',
+                             "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url", $url);
+               $self->{path} =~ s{^/}{};
+               $self->{path} =~ s{%([0-9A-F]{2})}{chr hex($1)}ieg;
+               command_noisy('config', '--add',
+                             "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.fetch",
+                             "$self->{path}:".$self->refname);
+       }
+       $self->{url} = $url;
+sub find_by_url { # repos_root and, path are optional
+       my ($class, $full_url, $repos_root, $path) = @_;
+       return undef unless defined $full_url;
+       remove_username($full_url);
+       remove_username($repos_root) if defined $repos_root;
+       my $remotes = read_all_remotes();
+       if (defined $full_url && defined $repos_root && !defined $path) {
+               $path = $full_url;
+               $path =~ s#^\Q$repos_root\E(?:/|$)##;
+       }
+       foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
+               my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
+               remove_username($u);
+               next if defined $repos_root && $repos_root ne $u;
+               my $fetch = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{fetch} || {};
+               foreach my $t (qw/branches tags/) {
+                       foreach my $globspec (@{$remotes->{$repo_id}->{$t}}) {
+                               resolve_local_globs($u, $fetch, $globspec);
+                       }
+               }
+               my $p = $path;
+               my $rwr = rewrite_root({repo_id => $repo_id});
+               my $svm = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm}
+                       if defined $remotes->{$repo_id}->{svm};
+               unless (defined $p) {
+                       $p = $full_url;
+                       my $z = $u;
+                       my $prefix = '';
+                       if ($rwr) {
+                               $z = $rwr;
+                               remove_username($z);
+                       } elsif (defined $svm) {
+                               $z = $svm->{source};
+                               $prefix = $svm->{replace};
+                               $prefix =~ s#^\Q$u\E(?:/|$)##;
+                               $prefix =~ s#/$##;
+                       }
+                       $p =~ s#^\Q$z\E(?:/|$)#$prefix# or next;
+               }
+               foreach my $f (keys %$fetch) {
+                       next if $f ne $p;
+                       return Git::SVN->new($fetch->{$f}, $repo_id, $f);
+               }
+       }
+       undef;
+sub init {
+       my ($class, $url, $path, $repo_id, $ref_id, $no_write) = @_;
+       my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path);
+       if (defined $url) {
+               $self->init_remote_config($url, $no_write);
+       }
+       $self;
+sub find_ref {
+       my ($ref_id) = @_;
+       foreach (command(qw/config -l/)) {
+               next unless m!^svn-remote\.(.+)\.fetch=
+                             \s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$!x;
+               my ($repo_id, $path, $ref) = ($1, $2, $3);
+               if ($ref eq $ref_id) {
+                       $path = '' if ($path =~ m#^\./?#);
+                       return ($repo_id, $path);
+               }
+       }
+       (undef, undef, undef);
+sub new {
+       my ($class, $ref_id, $repo_id, $path) = @_;
+       if (defined $ref_id && !defined $repo_id && !defined $path) {
+               ($repo_id, $path) = find_ref($ref_id);
+               if (!defined $repo_id) {
+                       die "Could not find a \"svn-remote.*.fetch\" key ",
+                           "in the repository configuration matching: ",
+                           "$ref_id\n";
+               }
+       }
+       my $self = _new($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path);
+       if (!defined $self->{path} || !length $self->{path}) {
+               my $fetch = command_oneline('config', '--get',
+                                           "svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch",
+                                           ":$ref_id\$") or
+                    die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.fetch\" ",
+                        "\":$ref_id\$\" in config\n";
+               ($self->{path}, undef) = split(/\s*:\s*/, $fetch);
+       }
+       $self->{path} =~ s{/+}{/}g;
+       $self->{path} =~ s{\A/}{};
+       $self->{path} =~ s{/\z}{};
+       $self->{url} = command_oneline('config', '--get',
+                                      "svn-remote.$repo_id.url") or
+                  die "Failed to read \"svn-remote.$repo_id.url\" in config\n";
+       $self->{pushurl} = eval { command_oneline('config', '--get',
+                                 "svn-remote.$repo_id.pushurl") };
+       $self->rebuild;
+       $self;
+sub refname {
+       my ($refname) = $_[0]->{ref_id} ;
+       # It cannot end with a slash /, we'll throw up on this because
+       # SVN can't have directories with a slash in their name, either:
+       if ($refname =~ m{/$}) {
+               die "ref: '$refname' ends with a trailing slash, this is ",
+                   "not permitted by git nor Subversion\n";
+       }
+       # It cannot have ASCII control character space, tilde ~, caret ^,
+       # colon :, question-mark ?, asterisk *, space, or open bracket [
+       # anywhere.
+       #
+       # Additionally, % must be escaped because it is used for escaping
+       # and we want our escaped refname to be reversible
+       $refname =~ s{([ \%~\^:\?\*\[\t])}{uc sprintf('%%%02x',ord($1))}eg;
+       # no slash-separated component can begin with a dot .
+       # /.* becomes /%2E*
+       $refname =~ s{/\.}{/%2E}g;
+       # It cannot have two consecutive dots .. anywhere
+       # .. becomes %2E%2E
+       $refname =~ s{\.\.}{%2E%2E}g;
+       # trailing dots and .lock are not allowed
+       # .$ becomes %2E and .lock becomes %2Elock
+       $refname =~ s{\.(?=$|lock$)}{%2E};
+       # the sequence @{ is used to access the reflog
+       # @{ becomes %40{
+       $refname =~ s{\@\{}{%40\{}g;
+       return $refname;
+sub desanitize_refname {
+       my ($refname) = @_;
+       $refname =~ s{%(?:([0-9A-F]{2}))}{chr hex($1)}eg;
+       return $refname;
+sub svm_uuid {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       return $self->{svm}->{uuid} if $self->svm;
+       $self->ra;
+       unless ($self->{svm}) {
+               die "SVM UUID not cached, and reading remotely failed\n";
+       }
+       $self->{svm}->{uuid};
+sub svm {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       return $self->{svm} if $self->{svm};
+       my $svm;
+       # see if we have it in our config, first:
+       eval {
+               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+               $svm = {
+                 source => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-source"),
+                 uuid => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-uuid"),
+                 replace => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-replace"),
+               }
+       };
+       if ($svm && $svm->{source} && $svm->{uuid} && $svm->{replace}) {
+               $self->{svm} = $svm;
+       }
+       $self->{svm};
+sub _set_svm_vars {
+       my ($self, $ra) = @_;
+       return $ra if $self->svm;
+       my @err = ( "useSvmProps set, but failed to read SVM properties\n",
+                   "(svm:source, svm:uuid) ",
+                   "from the following URLs:\n" );
+       sub read_svm_props {
+               my ($self, $ra, $path, $r) = @_;
+               my $props = ($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2];
+               my $src = $props->{'svm:source'};
+               my $uuid = $props->{'svm:uuid'};
+               return undef if (!$src || !$uuid);
+               chomp($src, $uuid);
+               $uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$}i
+                   or die "doesn't look right - svm:uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+               # the '!' is used to mark the repos_root!/relative/path
+               $src =~ s{/?!/?}{/};
+               $src =~ s{/+$}{}; # no trailing slashes please
+               # username is of no interest
+               $src =~ s{(^[a-z\+]*://)[^/@]*@}{$1};
+               my $replace = $ra->{url};
+               $replace .= "/$path" if length $path;
+               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+               tmp_config("$section.svm-source", $src);
+               tmp_config("$section.svm-replace", $replace);
+               tmp_config("$section.svm-uuid", $uuid);
+               $self->{svm} = {
+                       source => $src,
+                       uuid => $uuid,
+                       replace => $replace
+               };
+       }
+       my $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
+       my $path = $self->{path};
+       my %tried;
+       while (length $path) {
+               unless ($tried{"$self->{url}/$path"}) {
+                       return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+                       $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1;
+               }
+               $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
+       }
+       die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
+       return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+       $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1;
+       if ($ra->{repos_root} eq $self->{url}) {
+               die @err, (map { "  $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
+       }
+       # nope, make sure we're connected to the repository root:
+       my $ok;
+       my @tried_b;
+       $path = $ra->{svn_path};
+       $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root});
+       while (length $path) {
+               unless ($tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"}) {
+                       $ok = $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+                       last if $ok;
+                       $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1;
+               }
+               $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
+       }
+       die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
+       $ok ||= $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+       $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1;
+       if (!$ok) {
+               die @err, (map { "  $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
+       }
+       Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url});
+sub svnsync {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       return $self->{svnsync} if $self->{svnsync};
+       if ($self->no_metadata) {
+               die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
+                   "'useSvnsyncProps' options set!\n";
+       }
+       if ($self->rewrite_root) {
+               die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ",
+                   "options set!\n";
+       }
+       if ($self->rewrite_uuid) {
+               die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ",
+                   "options set!\n";
+       }
+       my $svnsync;
+       # see if we have it in our config, first:
+       eval {
+               my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+               my $url = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-url");
+               ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or
+                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n";
+               my $uuid = tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-uuid");
+               ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or
+                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+               $svnsync = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid }
+       };
+       if ($svnsync && $svnsync->{url} && $svnsync->{uuid}) {
+               return $self->{svnsync} = $svnsync;
+       }
+       my $err = "useSvnsyncProps set, but failed to read " .
+                 "svnsync property: svn:sync-from-";
+       my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist(0);
+       my $url = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-url'} or die $err . "url\n";
+       ($url) = ($url =~ m{^([a-z\+]+://\S+)$}) or
+                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n";
+       my $uuid = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-uuid'} or die $err . "uuid\n";
+       ($uuid) = ($uuid =~ m{^([0-9a-f\-]{30,})$}i) or
+                  die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+       my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+       tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-uuid", $uuid);
+       tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-url", $url);
+       return $self->{svnsync} = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid };
+# this allows us to memoize our SVN::Ra UUID locally and avoid a
+# remote lookup (useful for 'git svn log').
+sub ra_uuid {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       unless ($self->{ra_uuid}) {
+               my $key = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.uuid";
+               my $uuid = eval { tmp_config('--get', $key) };
+               if (!$@ && $uuid && $uuid =~ /^([a-f\d\-]{30,})$/i) {
+                       $self->{ra_uuid} = $uuid;
+               } else {
+                       die "ra_uuid called without URL\n" unless $self->{url};
+                       $self->{ra_uuid} = $self->ra->get_uuid;
+                       tmp_config('--add', $key, $self->{ra_uuid});
+               }
+       }
+       $self->{ra_uuid};
+sub _set_repos_root {
+       my ($self, $repos_root) = @_;
+       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot";
+       $repos_root ||= $self->ra->{repos_root};
+       tmp_config($k, $repos_root);
+       $repos_root;
+sub repos_root {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.reposRoot";
+       eval { tmp_config('--get', $k) } || $self->_set_repos_root;
+sub ra {
+       my ($self) = shift;
+       my $ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url});
+       $self->_set_repos_root($ra->{repos_root});
+       if ($self->use_svm_props && !$self->{svm}) {
+               if ($self->no_metadata) {
+                       die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
+                           "'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
+               } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
+                       die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and ",
+                           "'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
+               }
+               $ra = $self->_set_svm_vars($ra);
+               $self->{-want_revprops} = 1;
+       }
+       $ra;
+# prop_walk(PATH, REV, SUB)
+# -------------------------
+# Recursively traverse PATH at revision REV and invoke SUB for each
+# directory that contains a SVN property.  SUB will be invoked as
+# follows:  &SUB(gs, path, props);  where `gs' is this instance of
+# Git::SVN, `path' the path to the directory where the properties
+# `props' were found.  The `path' will be relative to point of checkout,
+# that is, if url://repo/trunk is the current Git branch, and that
+# directory contains a sub-directory `d', SUB will be invoked with `/d/'
+# as `path' (note the trailing `/').
+sub prop_walk {
+       my ($self, $path, $rev, $sub) = @_;
+       $path =~ s#^/##;
+       my ($dirent, undef, $props) = $self->ra->get_dir($path, $rev);
+       $path =~ s#^/*#/#g;
+       my $p = $path;
+       # Strip the irrelevant part of the path.
+       $p =~ s#^/+\Q$self->{path}\E(/|$)#/#;
+       # Ensure the path is terminated by a `/'.
+       $p =~ s#/*$#/#;
+       # The properties contain all the internal SVN stuff nobody
+       # (usually) cares about.
+       my $interesting_props = 0;
+       foreach (keys %{$props}) {
+               # If it doesn't start with `svn:', it must be a
+               # user-defined property.
+               ++$interesting_props and next if $_ !~ /^svn:/;
+               # FIXME: Fragile, if SVN adds new public properties,
+               # this needs to be updated.
+               ++$interesting_props if /^svn:(?:ignore|keywords|executable
+                                                |eol-style|mime-type
+                                                |externals|needs-lock)$/x;
+       }
+       &$sub($self, $p, $props) if $interesting_props;
+       foreach (sort keys %$dirent) {
+               next if $dirent->{$_}->{kind} != $SVN::Node::dir;
+               $self->prop_walk($self->{path} . $p . $_, $rev, $sub);
+       }
+sub last_rev { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[0] }
+sub last_commit { ($_[0]->last_rev_commit)[1] }
+# returns the newest SVN revision number and newest commit SHA1
+sub last_rev_commit {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       if (defined $self->{last_rev} && defined $self->{last_commit}) {
+               return ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit});
+       }
+       my $c = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0');
+       if ($c && !$self->use_svm_props && !$self->no_metadata) {
+               my $rev = (::cmt_metadata($c))[1];
+               if (defined $rev) {
+                       ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $c);
+                       return ($rev, $c);
+               }
+       }
+       my $map_path = $self->map_path;
+       unless (-e $map_path) {
+               ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = (undef, undef);
+               return (undef, undef);
+       }
+       my ($rev, $commit) = $self->rev_map_max(1);
+       ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $commit);
+       return ($rev, $commit);
+sub get_fetch_range {
+       my ($self, $min, $max) = @_;
+       $max ||= $self->ra->get_latest_revnum;
+       $min ||= $self->rev_map_max;
+       (++$min, $max);
+sub tmp_config {
+       my (@args) = @_;
+       my $old_def_config = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/config";
+       my $config = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/.metadata";
+       if (! -f $config && -f $old_def_config) {
+               rename $old_def_config, $config or
+                      die "Failed rename $old_def_config => $config: $!\n";
+       }
+       my $old_config = $ENV{GIT_CONFIG};
+       $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $config;
+       $@ = undef;
+       my @ret = eval {
+               unless (-f $config) {
+                       mkfile($config);
+                       open my $fh, '>', $config or
+                           die "Can't open $config: $!\n";
+                       print $fh "; This file is used internally by ",
+                                 "git-svn\n" or die
+                                 "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n";
+                       print $fh "; You should not have to edit it\n" or
+                             die "Couldn't write to $config: $!\n";
+                       close $fh or die "Couldn't close $config: $!\n";
+               }
+               command('config', @args);
+       };
+       my $err = $@;
+       if (defined $old_config) {
+               $ENV{GIT_CONFIG} = $old_config;
+       } else {
+               delete $ENV{GIT_CONFIG};
+       }
+       die $err if $err;
+       wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
+sub tmp_index_do {
+       my ($self, $sub) = @_;
+       my $old_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
+       $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $self->{index};
+       $@ = undef;
+       my @ret = eval {
+               my ($dir, $base) = ($self->{index} =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
+               mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir;
+               &$sub;
+       };
+       my $err = $@;
+       if (defined $old_index) {
+               $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $old_index;
+       } else {
+               delete $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
+       }
+       die $err if $err;
+       wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
+sub assert_index_clean {
+       my ($self, $treeish) = @_;
+       $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
+               command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish) unless -e $self->{index};
+               my $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
+               my ($y) = (command(qw/cat-file commit/, $treeish) =~
+                          /^tree ($::sha1)/mo);
+               return if $y eq $x;
+               warn "Index mismatch: $y != $x\nrereading $treeish\n";
+               unlink $self->{index} or die "unlink $self->{index}: $!\n";
+               command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish);
+               $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
+               if ($y ne $x) {
+                       fatal "trees ($treeish) $y != $x\n",
+                             "Something is seriously wrong...";
+               }
+       });
+sub get_commit_parents {
+       my ($self, $log_entry) = @_;
+       my (%seen, @ret, @tmp);
+       # legacy support for 'set-tree'; this is only used by set_tree_cb:
+       if (my $ip = $self->{inject_parents}) {
+               if (my $commit = delete $ip->{$log_entry->{revision}}) {
+                       push @tmp, $commit;
+               }
+       }
+       if (my $cur = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0')) {
+               push @tmp, $cur;
+       }
+       if (my $ipd = $self->{inject_parents_dcommit}) {
+               if (my $commit = delete $ipd->{$log_entry->{revision}}) {
+                       push @tmp, @$commit;
+               }
+       }
+       push @tmp, $_ foreach (@{$log_entry->{parents}}, @tmp);
+       while (my $p = shift @tmp) {
+               next if $seen{$p};
+               $seen{$p} = 1;
+               push @ret, $p;
+       }
+       @ret;
+sub rewrite_root {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       return $self->{-rewrite_root} if exists $self->{-rewrite_root};
+       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteRoot";
+       my $rwr = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
+       if ($rwr) {
+               $rwr =~ s#/+$##;
+               if ($rwr !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
+                       die "$rwr is not a valid URL (key: $k)\n";
+               }
+       }
+       $self->{-rewrite_root} = $rwr;
+sub rewrite_uuid {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       return $self->{-rewrite_uuid} if exists $self->{-rewrite_uuid};
+       my $k = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.rewriteUUID";
+       my $rwid = eval { command_oneline(qw/config --get/, $k) };
+       if ($rwid) {
+               $rwid =~ s#/+$##;
+               if ($rwid !~ m#^[a-f0-9]{8}-(?:[a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12}$#) {
+                       die "$rwid is not a valid UUID (key: $k)\n";
+               }
+       }
+       $self->{-rewrite_uuid} = $rwid;
+sub metadata_url {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       ($self->rewrite_root || $self->{url}) .
+          (length $self->{path} ? '/' . $self->{path} : '');
+sub full_url {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       $self->{url} . (length $self->{path} ? '/' . $self->{path} : '');
+sub full_pushurl {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       if ($self->{pushurl}) {
+               return $self->{pushurl} . (length $self->{path} ? '/' .
+                      $self->{path} : '');
+       } else {
+               return $self->full_url;
+       }
+sub set_commit_header_env {
+       my ($log_entry) = @_;
+       my %env;
+       foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) {
+               foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) {
+                       $env{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"} = $ENV{"GIT_${ac}_${ned}"};
+               }
+       }
+       $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $log_entry->{name};
+       $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $log_entry->{email};
+       $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = $log_entry->{date};
+       $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_name})
+                                               ? $log_entry->{commit_name}
+                                               : $log_entry->{name};
+       $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = (defined $log_entry->{commit_email})
+                                               ? $log_entry->{commit_email}
+                                               : $log_entry->{email};
+       \%env;
+sub restore_commit_header_env {
+       my ($env) = @_;
+       foreach my $ned (qw/NAME EMAIL DATE/) {
+               foreach my $ac (qw/AUTHOR COMMITTER/) {
+                       my $k = "GIT_${ac}_${ned}";
+                       if (defined $env->{$k}) {
+                               $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k};
+                       } else {
+                               delete $ENV{$k};
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+sub gc {
+       command_noisy('gc', '--auto');
+sub do_git_commit {
+       my ($self, $log_entry) = @_;
+       my $lr = $self->last_rev;
+       if (defined $lr && $lr >= $log_entry->{revision}) {
+               die "Last fetched revision of ", $self->refname,
+                   " was r$lr, but we are about to fetch: ",
+                   "r$log_entry->{revision}!\n";
+       }
+       if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($log_entry->{revision})) {
+               croak "$log_entry->{revision} = $c already exists! ",
+                     "Why are we refetching it?\n";
+       }
+       my $old_env = set_commit_header_env($log_entry);
+       my $tree = $log_entry->{tree};
+       if (!defined $tree) {
+               $tree = $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
+                                           command_oneline('write-tree') });
+       }
+       die "Tree is not a valid sha1: $tree\n" if $tree !~ /^$::sha1$/o;
+       my @exec = ('git', 'commit-tree', $tree);
+       foreach ($self->get_commit_parents($log_entry)) {
+               push @exec, '-p', $_;
+       }
+       defined(my $pid = open3(my $msg_fh, my $out_fh, '>&STDERR', @exec))
+                                                                  or croak $!;
+       binmode $msg_fh;
+       # we always get UTF-8 from SVN, but we may want our commits in
+       # a different encoding.
+       if (my $enc = Git::config('i18n.commitencoding')) {
+               require Encode;
+               Encode::from_to($log_entry->{log}, 'UTF-8', $enc);
+       }
+       print $msg_fh $log_entry->{log} or croak $!;
+       restore_commit_header_env($old_env);
+       unless ($self->no_metadata) {
+               print $msg_fh "\ngit-svn-id: $log_entry->{metadata}\n"
+                             or croak $!;
+       }
+       $msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
+       close $msg_fh or croak $!;
+       chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> });
+       close $out_fh or croak $!;
+       waitpid $pid, 0;
+       croak $? if $?;
+       if ($commit !~ /^$::sha1$/o) {
+               die "Failed to commit, invalid sha1: $commit\n";
+       }
+       $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{revision}, $commit, 1);
+       $self->{last_rev} = $log_entry->{revision};
+       $self->{last_commit} = $commit;
+       print "r$log_entry->{revision}" unless $::_q > 1;
+       if (defined $log_entry->{svm_revision}) {
+                print " (\@$log_entry->{svm_revision})" unless $::_q > 1;
+                $self->rev_map_set($log_entry->{svm_revision}, $commit,
+                                  0, $self->svm_uuid);
+       }
+       print " = $commit ($self->{ref_id})\n" unless $::_q > 1;
+       if (--$_gc_nr == 0) {
+               $_gc_nr = $_gc_period;
+               gc();
+       }
+       return $commit;
+sub match_paths {
+       my ($self, $paths, $r) = @_;
+       return 1 if $self->{path} eq '';
+       if (my $path = $paths->{"/$self->{path}"}) {
+               return ($path->{action} eq 'D') ? 0 : 1;
+       }
+       $self->{path_regex} ||= qr/^\/\Q$self->{path}\E\//;
+       if (grep /$self->{path_regex}/, keys %$paths) {
+               return 1;
+       }
+       my $c = '';
+       foreach (split m#/#, $self->{path}) {
+               $c .= "/$_";
+               next unless ($paths->{$c} &&
+                            ($paths->{$c}->{action} =~ /^[AR]$/));
+               if ($self->ra->check_path($self->{path}, $r) ==
+                   $SVN::Node::dir) {
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
+sub find_parent_branch {
+       my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_;
+       return undef unless $self->follow_parent;
+       unless (defined $paths) {
+               my $err_handler = $SVN::Error::handler;
+               $SVN::Error::handler = \&Git::SVN::Ra::skip_unknown_revs;
+               $self->ra->get_log([$self->{path}], $rev, $rev, 0, 1, 1,
+                                  sub { $paths = $_[0] });
+               $SVN::Error::handler = $err_handler;
+       }
+       return undef unless defined $paths;
+       # look for a parent from another branch:
+       my @b_path_components = split m#/#, $self->{path};
+       my @a_path_components;
+       my $i;
+       while (@b_path_components) {
+               $i = $paths->{'/'.join('/', @b_path_components)};
+               last if $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
+               unshift(@a_path_components, pop(@b_path_components));
+       }
+       return undef unless defined $i && defined $i->{copyfrom_path};
+       my $branch_from = $i->{copyfrom_path};
+       if (@a_path_components) {
+               print STDERR "branch_from: $branch_from => ";
+               $branch_from .= '/'.join('/', @a_path_components);
+               print STDERR $branch_from, "\n";
+       }
+       my $r = $i->{copyfrom_rev};
+       my $repos_root = $self->ra->{repos_root};
+       my $url = $self->ra->{url};
+       my $new_url = $url . $branch_from;
+       print STDERR  "Found possible branch point: ",
+                     "$new_url => ", $self->full_url, ", $r\n"
+                     unless $::_q > 1;
+       $branch_from =~ s#^/##;
+       my $gs = $self->other_gs($new_url, $url,
+                                $branch_from, $r, $self->{ref_id});
+       my ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1);
+       {
+               my ($base, $head);
+               if (!defined $r0 || !defined $parent) {
+                       ($base, $head) = parse_revision_argument(0, $r);
+               } else {
+                       if ($r0 < $r) {
+                               $gs->ra->get_log([$gs->{path}], $r0 + 1, $r, 1,
+                                       0, 1, sub { $base = $_[1] - 1 });
+                       }
+               }
+               if (defined $base && $base <= $r) {
+                       $gs->fetch($base, $r);
+               }
+               ($r0, $parent) = $gs->find_rev_before($r, 1);
+       }
+       if (defined $r0 && defined $parent) {
+               print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($self->{ref_id}) $parent\n"
+                            unless $::_q > 1;
+               my $ed;
+               if ($self->ra->can_do_switch) {
+                       $self->assert_index_clean($parent);
+                       print STDERR "Following parent with do_switch\n"
+                                    unless $::_q > 1;
+                       # do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that
+                       # is not included with SVN 1.4.3 (the latest version
+                       # at the moment), so we can't rely on it
+                       $self->{last_rev} = $r0;
+                       $self->{last_commit} = $parent;
+                       $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self, $gs->{path});
+                       $gs->ra->gs_do_switch($r0, $rev, $gs,
+                                             $self->full_url, $ed)
+                         or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
+               } elsif ($self->ra->trees_match($new_url, $r0,
+                                               $self->full_url, $rev)) {
+                       print STDERR "Trees match:\n",
+                                    "  $new_url\@$r0\n",
+                                    "  ${\$self->full_url}\@$rev\n",
+                                    "Following parent with no changes\n"
+                                    unless $::_q > 1;
+                       $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
+                           command_noisy('read-tree', $parent);
+                       });
+                       $self->{last_commit} = $parent;
+               } else {
+                       print STDERR "Following parent with do_update\n"
+                                    unless $::_q > 1;
+                       $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
+                       $self->ra->gs_do_update($rev, $rev, $self, $ed)
+                         or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
+               }
+               print STDERR "Successfully followed parent\n" unless $::_q > 1;
+               return $self->make_log_entry($rev, [$parent], $ed);
+       }
+       return undef;
+sub do_fetch {
+       my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_;
+       my $ed;
+       my ($last_rev, @parents);
+       if (my $lc = $self->last_commit) {
+               # we can have a branch that was deleted, then re-added
+               # under the same name but copied from another path, in
+               # which case we'll have multiple parents (we don't
+               # want to break the original ref, nor lose copypath info):
+               if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) {
+                       push @{$log_entry->{parents}}, $lc;
+                       return $log_entry;
+               }
+               $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
+               $last_rev = $self->{last_rev};
+               $ed->{c} = $lc;
+               @parents = ($lc);
+       } else {
+               $last_rev = $rev;
+               if (my $log_entry = $self->find_parent_branch($paths, $rev)) {
+                       return $log_entry;
+               }
+               $ed = Git::SVN::Fetcher->new($self);
+       }
+       unless ($self->ra->gs_do_update($last_rev, $rev, $self, $ed)) {
+               die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
+       }
+       $self->make_log_entry($rev, \@parents, $ed);
+sub mkemptydirs {
+       my ($self, $r) = @_;
+       sub scan {
+               my ($r, $empty_dirs, $line) = @_;
+               if (defined $r && $line =~ /^r(\d+)$/) {
+                       return 0 if $1 > $r;
+               } elsif ($line =~ /^  \+empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
+                       $empty_dirs->{$1} = 1;
+               } elsif ($line =~ /^  \-empty_dir: (.+)$/) {
+                       my @d = grep {m[^\Q$1\E(/|$)]} (keys %$empty_dirs);
+                       delete @$empty_dirs{@d};
+               }
+               1; # continue
+       };
+       my %empty_dirs = ();
+       my $gz_file = "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log.gz";
+       if (-f $gz_file) {
+               if (!can_compress()) {
+                       warn "Compress::Zlib could not be found; ",
+                            "empty directories in $gz_file will not be read\n";
+               } else {
+                       my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($gz_file, "rb") or
+                               die "Unable to open $gz_file: $!\n";
+                       my $line;
+                       while ($gz->gzreadline($line) > 0) {
+                               scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $line) or last;
+                       }
+                       $gz->gzclose;
+               }
+       }
+       if (open my $fh, '<', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log") {
+               binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+               while (<$fh>) {
+                       scan($r, \%empty_dirs, $_) or last;
+               }
+               close $fh;
+       }
+       my $strip = qr/\A\Q$self->{path}\E(?:\/|$)/;
+       foreach my $d (sort keys %empty_dirs) {
+               $d = uri_decode($d);
+               $d =~ s/$strip//;
+               next unless length($d);
+               next if -d $d;
+               if (-e $d) {
+                       warn "$d exists but is not a directory\n";
+               } else {
+                       print "creating empty directory: $d\n";
+                       mkpath([$d]);
+               }
+       }
+sub get_untracked {
+       my ($self, $ed) = @_;
+       my @out;
+       my $h = $ed->{empty};
+       foreach (sort keys %$h) {
+               my $act = $h->{$_} ? '+empty_dir' : '-empty_dir';
+               push @out, "  $act: " . uri_encode($_);
+               warn "W: $act: $_\n";
+       }
+       foreach my $t (qw/dir_prop file_prop/) {
+               $h = $ed->{$t} or next;
+               foreach my $path (sort keys %$h) {
+                       my $ppath = $path eq '' ? '.' : $path;
+                       foreach my $prop (sort keys %{$h->{$path}}) {
+                               next if $SKIP_PROP{$prop};
+                               my $v = $h->{$path}->{$prop};
+                               my $t_ppath_prop = "$t: " .
+                                                   uri_encode($ppath) . ' ' .
+                                                   uri_encode($prop);
+                               if (defined $v) {
+                                       push @out, "  +$t_ppath_prop " .
+                                                  uri_encode($v);
+                               } else {
+                                       push @out, "  -$t_ppath_prop";
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       foreach my $t (qw/absent_file absent_directory/) {
+               $h = $ed->{$t} or next;
+               foreach my $parent (sort keys %$h) {
+                       foreach my $path (sort @{$h->{$parent}}) {
+                               push @out, "  $t: " .
+                                          uri_encode("$parent/$path");
+                               warn "W: $t: $parent/$path ",
+                                    "Insufficient permissions?\n";
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       \@out;
+sub get_tz {
+       # some systmes don't handle or mishandle %z, so be creative.
+       my $t = shift || time;
+       my $gm = timelocal(gmtime($t));
+       my $sign = qw( + + - )[ $t <=> $gm ];
+       return sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $sign, (gmtime(abs($t - $gm)))[2,1]);
+# parse_svn_date(DATE)
+# --------------------
+# Given a date (in UTC) from Subversion, return a string in the format
+# "<TZ Offset> <local date/time>" that Git will use.
+# By default the parsed date will be in UTC; if $Git::SVN::_localtime
+# is true we'll convert it to the local timezone instead.
+sub parse_svn_date {
+       my $date = shift || return '+0000 1970-01-01 00:00:00';
+       my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($date =~ /^(\d{4})\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)T
+                                           (\d\d)\:(\d\d)\:(\d\d)\.\d*Z$/x) or
+                                        croak "Unable to parse date: $date\n";
+       my $parsed_date;    # Set next.
+       if ($Git::SVN::_localtime) {
+               # Translate the Subversion datetime to an epoch time.
+               # Begin by switching ourselves to $date's timezone, UTC.
+               my $old_env_TZ = $ENV{TZ};
+               $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC';
+               my $epoch_in_UTC =
+                   POSIX::strftime('%s', $S, $M, $H, $d, $m - 1, $Y - 1900);
+               # Determine our local timezone (including DST) at the
+               # time of $epoch_in_UTC.  $Git::SVN::Log::TZ stored the
+               # value of TZ, if any, at the time we were run.
+               if (defined $Git::SVN::Log::TZ) {
+                       $ENV{TZ} = $Git::SVN::Log::TZ;
+               } else {
+                       delete $ENV{TZ};
+               }
+               my $our_TZ = get_tz();
+               # This converts $epoch_in_UTC into our local timezone.
+               my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year,
+                   $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($epoch_in_UTC);
+               $parsed_date = sprintf('%s %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d',
+                                      $our_TZ, $year + 1900, $mon + 1,
+                                      $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
+               # Reset us to the timezone in effect when we entered
+               # this routine.
+               if (defined $old_env_TZ) {
+                       $ENV{TZ} = $old_env_TZ;
+               } else {
+                       delete $ENV{TZ};
+               }
+       } else {
+               $parsed_date = "+0000 $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S";
+       }
+       return $parsed_date;
+sub other_gs {
+       my ($self, $new_url, $url,
+           $branch_from, $r, $old_ref_id) = @_;
+       my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($new_url, $url, $branch_from);
+       unless ($gs) {
+               my $ref_id = $old_ref_id;
+               $ref_id =~ s/\@\d+-*$//;
+               $ref_id .= "\@$r";
+               # just grow a tail if we're not unique enough :x
+               $ref_id .= '-' while find_ref($ref_id);
+               my ($u, $p, $repo_id) = ($new_url, '', $ref_id);
+               if ($u =~ s#^\Q$url\E(/|$)##) {
+                       $p = $u;
+                       $u = $url;
+                       $repo_id = $self->{repo_id};
+               }
+               while (1) {
+                       # It is possible to tag two different subdirectories at
+                       # the same revision.  If the url for an existing ref
+                       # does not match, we must either find a ref with a
+                       # matching url or create a new ref by growing a tail.
+                       $gs = Git::SVN->init($u, $p, $repo_id, $ref_id, 1);
+                       my (undef, $max_commit) = $gs->rev_map_max(1);
+                       last if (!$max_commit);
+                       my ($url) = ::cmt_metadata($max_commit);
+                       last if ($url eq $gs->metadata_url);
+                       $ref_id .= '-';
+               }
+               print STDERR "Initializing parent: $ref_id\n" unless $::_q > 1;
+       }
+       $gs
+sub call_authors_prog {
+       my ($orig_author) = @_;
+       $orig_author = command_oneline('rev-parse', '--sq-quote', $orig_author);
+       my $author = `$::_authors_prog $orig_author`;
+       if ($? != 0) {
+               die "$::_authors_prog failed with exit code $?\n"
+       }
+       if ($author =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*<(.*)>\s*$/) {
+               my ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
+               $email = undef if length $2 == 0;
+               return [$name, $email];
+       } else {
+               die "Author: $orig_author: $::_authors_prog returned "
+                       . "invalid author format: $author\n";
+       }
+sub check_author {
+       my ($author) = @_;
+       if (!defined $author || length $author == 0) {
+               $author = '(no author)';
+       }
+       if (!defined $::users{$author}) {
+               if (defined $::_authors_prog) {
+                       $::users{$author} = call_authors_prog($author);
+               } elsif (defined $::_authors) {
+                       die "Author: $author not defined in $::_authors file\n";
+               }
+       }
+       $author;
+sub find_extra_svk_parents {
+       my ($self, $ed, $tickets, $parents) = @_;
+       # aha!  svk:merge property changed...
+       my @tickets = split "\n", $tickets;
+       my @known_parents;
+       for my $ticket ( @tickets ) {
+               my ($uuid, $path, $rev) = split /:/, $ticket;
+               if ( $uuid eq $self->ra_uuid ) {
+                       my $url = $self->{url};
+                       my $repos_root = $url;
+                       my $branch_from = $path;
+                       $branch_from =~ s{^/}{};
+                       my $gs = $self->other_gs($repos_root."/".$branch_from,
+                                                $url,
+                                                $branch_from,
+                                                $rev,
+                                                $self->{ref_id});
+                       if ( my $commit = $gs->rev_map_get($rev, $uuid) ) {
+                               # wahey!  we found it, but it might be
+                               # an old one (!)
+                               push @known_parents, [ $rev, $commit ];
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       # Ordering matters; highest-numbered commit merge tickets
+       # first, as they may account for later merge ticket additions
+       # or changes.
+       @known_parents = map {$_->[1]} sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @known_parents;
+       for my $parent ( @known_parents ) {
+               my @cmd = ('rev-list', $parent, map { "^$_" } @$parents );
+               my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@cmd);
+               my $new;
+               while ( <$msg_fh> ) {
+                       $new=1;last;
+               }
+               command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx);
+               if ( $new ) {
+                       print STDERR
+                           "Found merge parent (svk:merge ticket): $parent\n";
+                       push @$parents, $parent;
+               }
+       }
+sub lookup_svn_merge {
+       my $uuid = shift;
+       my $url = shift;
+       my $merge = shift;
+       my ($source, $revs) = split ":", $merge;
+       my $path = $source;
+       $path =~ s{^/}{};
+       my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url.$source, $url, $path);
+       if ( !$gs ) {
+               warn "Couldn't find revmap for $url$source\n";
+               return;
+       }
+       my @ranges = split ",", $revs;
+       my ($tip, $tip_commit);
+       my @merged_commit_ranges;
+       # find the tip
+       for my $range ( @ranges ) {
+               my ($bottom, $top) = split "-", $range;
+               $top ||= $bottom;
+               my $bottom_commit = $gs->find_rev_after( $bottom, 1, $top );
+               my $top_commit = $gs->find_rev_before( $top, 1, $bottom );
+               unless ($top_commit and $bottom_commit) {
+                       warn "W:unknown path/rev in svn:mergeinfo "
+                               ."dirprop: $source:$range\n";
+                       next;
+               }
+               if (scalar(command('rev-parse', "$bottom_commit^@"))) {
+                       push @merged_commit_ranges,
+                            "$bottom_commit^..$top_commit";
+               } else {
+                       push @merged_commit_ranges, "$top_commit";
+               }
+               if ( !defined $tip or $top > $tip ) {
+                       $tip = $top;
+                       $tip_commit = $top_commit;
+               }
+       }
+       return ($tip_commit, @merged_commit_ranges);
+sub _rev_list {
+       my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(
+               "rev-list", @_,
+              );
+       my @rv;
+       while ( <$msg_fh> ) {
+               chomp;
+               push @rv, $_;
+       }
+       command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx);
+       @rv;
+sub check_cherry_pick {
+       my $base = shift;
+       my $tip = shift;
+       my $parents = shift;
+       my @ranges = @_;
+       my %commits = map { $_ => 1 }
+               _rev_list("--no-merges", $tip, "--not", $base, @$parents, "--");
+       for my $range ( @ranges ) {
+               delete @commits{_rev_list($range, "--")};
+       }
+       for my $commit (keys %commits) {
+               if (has_no_changes($commit)) {
+                       delete $commits{$commit};
+               }
+       }
+       return (keys %commits);
+sub has_no_changes {
+       my $commit = shift;
+       my @revs = split / /, command_oneline(
+               qw(rev-list --parents -1 -m), $commit);
+       # Commits with no parents, e.g. the start of a partial branch,
+       # have changes by definition.
+       return 1 if (@revs < 2);
+       # Commits with multiple parents, e.g a merge, have no changes
+       # by definition.
+       return 0 if (@revs > 2);
+       return (command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit^{tree}") eq
+               command_oneline("rev-parse", "$commit~1^{tree}"));
+sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
+       my $hash = shift;
+       my $path = shift;
+       if ($can_use_yaml) {
+               tie %$hash => 'Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML', "$path.yaml";
+       } else {
+               tie %$hash => 'Memoize::Storable', "$path.db", 'nstore';
+       }
+# The GIT_DIR environment variable is not always set until after the command
+# line arguments are processed, so we can't memoize in a BEGIN block.
+       my $memoized = 0;
+       sub memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions {
+               return if $memoized;
+               $memoized = 1;
+               my $cache_path = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/.caches/";
+               mkpath([$cache_path]) unless -d $cache_path;
+               my %lookup_svn_merge_cache;
+               my %check_cherry_pick_cache;
+               my %has_no_changes_cache;
+               tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%lookup_svn_merge_cache,
+                   "$cache_path/lookup_svn_merge");
+               memoize 'lookup_svn_merge',
+                       SCALAR_CACHE => 'FAULT',
+                       LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%lookup_svn_merge_cache],
+               ;
+               tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%check_cherry_pick_cache,
+                   "$cache_path/check_cherry_pick");
+               memoize 'check_cherry_pick',
+                       SCALAR_CACHE => 'FAULT',
+                       LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%check_cherry_pick_cache],
+               ;
+               tie_for_persistent_memoization(\%has_no_changes_cache,
+                   "$cache_path/has_no_changes");
+               memoize 'has_no_changes',
+                       SCALAR_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%has_no_changes_cache],
+                       LIST_CACHE => 'FAULT',
+               ;
+       }
+       sub unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions {
+               return if not $memoized;
+               $memoized = 0;
+               Memoize::unmemoize 'lookup_svn_merge';
+               Memoize::unmemoize 'check_cherry_pick';
+               Memoize::unmemoize 'has_no_changes';
+       }
+       Memoize::memoize 'Git::SVN::repos_root';
+END {
+       # Force cache writeout explicitly instead of waiting for
+       # global destruction to avoid segfault in Storable:
+       # http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=36087
+       unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions();
+sub parents_exclude {
+       my $parents = shift;
+       my @commits = @_;
+       return unless @commits;
+       my @excluded;
+       my $excluded;
+       do {
+               my @cmd = ('rev-list', "-1", @commits, "--not", @$parents );
+               $excluded = command_oneline(@cmd);
+               if ( $excluded ) {
+                       my @new;
+                       my $found;
+                       for my $commit ( @commits ) {
+                               if ( $commit eq $excluded ) {
+                                       push @excluded, $commit;
+                                       $found++;
+                                       last;
+                               }
+                               else {
+                                       push @new, $commit;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       die "saw commit '$excluded' in rev-list output, "
+                               ."but we didn't ask for that commit (wanted: @commits --not @$parents)"
+                                       unless $found;
+                       @commits = @new;
+               }
+       }
+               while ($excluded and @commits);
+       return @excluded;
+# note: this function should only be called if the various dirprops
+# have actually changed
+sub find_extra_svn_parents {
+       my ($self, $ed, $mergeinfo, $parents) = @_;
+       # aha!  svk:merge property changed...
+       memoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions();
+       # We first search for merged tips which are not in our
+       # history.  Then, we figure out which git revisions are in
+       # that tip, but not this revision.  If all of those revisions
+       # are now marked as merge, we can add the tip as a parent.
+       my @merges = split "\n", $mergeinfo;
+       my @merge_tips;
+       my $url = $self->{url};
+       my $uuid = $self->ra_uuid;
+       my %ranges;
+       for my $merge ( @merges ) {
+               my ($tip_commit, @ranges) =
+                       lookup_svn_merge( $uuid, $url, $merge );
+               unless (!$tip_commit or
+                               grep { $_ eq $tip_commit } @$parents ) {
+                       push @merge_tips, $tip_commit;
+                       $ranges{$tip_commit} = \@ranges;
+               } else {
+                       push @merge_tips, undef;
+               }
+       }
+       my %excluded = map { $_ => 1 }
+               parents_exclude($parents, grep { defined } @merge_tips);
+       # check merge tips for new parents
+       my @new_parents;
+       for my $merge_tip ( @merge_tips ) {
+               my $spec = shift @merges;
+               next unless $merge_tip and $excluded{$merge_tip};
+               my $ranges = $ranges{$merge_tip};
+               # check out 'new' tips
+               my $merge_base;
+               eval {
+                       $merge_base = command_oneline(
+                               "merge-base",
+                               @$parents, $merge_tip,
+                       );
+               };
+               if ($@) {
+                       die "An error occurred during merge-base"
+                               unless $@->isa("Git::Error::Command");
+                       warn "W: Cannot find common ancestor between ".
+                            "@$parents and $merge_tip. Ignoring merge info.\n";
+                       next;
+               }
+               # double check that there are no missing non-merge commits
+               my (@incomplete) = check_cherry_pick(
+                       $merge_base, $merge_tip,
+                       $parents,
+                       @$ranges,
+                      );
+               if ( @incomplete ) {
+                       warn "W:svn cherry-pick ignored ($spec) - missing "
+                               .@incomplete." commit(s) (eg $incomplete[0])\n";
+               } else {
+                       warn
+                               "Found merge parent (svn:mergeinfo prop): ",
+                                       $merge_tip, "\n";
+                       push @new_parents, $merge_tip;
+               }
+       }
+       # cater for merges which merge commits from multiple branches
+       if ( @new_parents > 1 ) {
+               for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#new_parents; $i++ ) {
+                       for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#new_parents; $j++ ) {
+                               next if $i == $j;
+                               next unless $new_parents[$i];
+                               next unless $new_parents[$j];
+                               my $revs = command_oneline(
+                                       "rev-list", "-1",
+                                       "$new_parents[$i]..$new_parents[$j]",
+                                      );
+                               if ( !$revs ) {
+                                       undef($new_parents[$j]);
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       push @$parents, grep { defined } @new_parents;
+sub make_log_entry {
+       my ($self, $rev, $parents, $ed) = @_;
+       my $untracked = $self->get_untracked($ed);
+       my @parents = @$parents;
+       my $ps = $ed->{path_strip} || "";
+       for my $path ( grep { m/$ps/ } %{$ed->{dir_prop}} ) {
+               my $props = $ed->{dir_prop}{$path};
+               if ( $props->{"svk:merge"} ) {
+                       $self->find_extra_svk_parents
+                               ($ed, $props->{"svk:merge"}, \@parents);
+               }
+               if ( $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"} ) {
+                       $self->find_extra_svn_parents
+                               ($ed,
+                                $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"},
+                                \@parents);
+               }
+       }
+       open my $un, '>>', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log" or croak $!;
+       print $un "r$rev\n" or croak $!;
+       print $un $_, "\n" foreach @$untracked;
+       my %log_entry = ( parents => \@parents, revision => $rev,
+                         log => '');
+       my $headrev;
+       my $logged = delete $self->{logged_rev_props};
+       if (!$logged || $self->{-want_revprops}) {
+               my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist($rev);
+               foreach (sort keys %$rp) {
+                       my $v = $rp->{$_};
+                       if (/^svn:(author|date|log)$/) {
+                               $log_entry{$1} = $v;
+                       } elsif ($_ eq 'svm:headrev') {
+                               $headrev = $v;
+                       } else {
+                               print $un "  rev_prop: ", uri_encode($_), ' ',
+                                         uri_encode($v), "\n";
+                       }
+               }
+       } else {
+               map { $log_entry{$_} = $logged->{$_} } keys %$logged;
+       }
+       close $un or croak $!;
+       $log_entry{date} = parse_svn_date($log_entry{date});
+       $log_entry{log} .= "\n";
+       my $author = $log_entry{author} = check_author($log_entry{author});
+       my ($name, $email) = defined $::users{$author} ? @{$::users{$author}}
+                                                      : ($author, undef);
+       my ($commit_name, $commit_email) = ($name, $email);
+       if ($_use_log_author) {
+               my $name_field;
+               if ($log_entry{log} =~ /From:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) {
+                       $name_field = $1;
+               } elsif ($log_entry{log} =~ /Signed-off-by:\s+(.*\S)\s*\n/i) {
+                       $name_field = $1;
+               }
+               if (!defined $name_field) {
+                       if (!defined $email) {
+                               $email = $name;
+                       }
+               } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*?)\s+<(.*)>/) {
+                       ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
+               } elsif ($name_field =~ /(.*)@/) {
+                       ($name, $email) = ($1, $name_field);
+               } else {
+                       ($name, $email) = ($name_field, $name_field);
+               }
+       }
+       if (defined $headrev && $self->use_svm_props) {
+               if ($self->rewrite_root) {
+                       die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ",
+                           "options set!\n";
+               }
+               if ($self->rewrite_uuid) {
+                       die "Can't have both 'useSvmProps' and 'rewriteUUID' ",
+                           "options set!\n";
+               }
+               my ($uuid, $r) = $headrev =~ m{^([a-f\d\-]{30,}):(\d+)$}i;
+               # we don't want "SVM: initializing mirror for junk" ...
+               return undef if $r == 0;
+               my $svm = $self->svm;
+               if ($uuid ne $svm->{uuid}) {
+                       die "UUID mismatch on SVM path:\n",
+                           "expected: $svm->{uuid}\n",
+                           "     got: $uuid\n";
+               }
+               my $full_url = $self->full_url;
+               $full_url =~ s#^\Q$svm->{replace}\E(/|$)#$svm->{source}$1# or
+                            die "Failed to replace '$svm->{replace}' with ",
+                                "'$svm->{source}' in $full_url\n";
+               # throw away username for storing in records
+               remove_username($full_url);
+               $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$r $uuid";
+               $log_entry{svm_revision} = $r;
+               $email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
+               $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
+       } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
+               my $full_url = $self->svnsync->{url};
+               $full_url .= "/$self->{path}" if length $self->{path};
+               remove_username($full_url);
+               my $uuid = $self->svnsync->{uuid};
+               $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$rev $uuid";
+               $email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
+               $commit_email ||= "$author\@$uuid";
+       } else {
+               my $url = $self->metadata_url;
+               remove_username($url);
+               my $uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra->get_uuid;
+               $log_entry{metadata} = "$url\@$rev " . $uuid;
+               $email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid;
+               $commit_email ||= "$author\@" . $uuid;
+       }
+       $log_entry{name} = $name;
+       $log_entry{email} = $email;
+       $log_entry{commit_name} = $commit_name;
+       $log_entry{commit_email} = $commit_email;
+       \%log_entry;
+sub fetch {
+       my ($self, $min_rev, $max_rev, @parents) = @_;
+       my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = $self->last_rev_commit;
+       my ($base, $head) = $self->get_fetch_range($min_rev, $max_rev);
+       $self->ra->gs_fetch_loop_common($base, $head, [$self]);
+sub set_tree_cb {
+       my ($self, $log_entry, $tree, $rev, $date, $author) = @_;
+       $self->{inject_parents} = { $rev => $tree };
+       $self->fetch(undef, undef);
+sub set_tree {
+       my ($self, $tree) = (shift, shift);
+       my $log_entry = ::get_commit_entry($tree);
+       unless ($self->{last_rev}) {
+               fatal("Must have an existing revision to commit");
+       }
+       my %ed_opts = ( r => $self->{last_rev},
+                       log => $log_entry->{log},
+                       ra => $self->ra,
+                       tree_a => $self->{last_commit},
+                       tree_b => $tree,
+                       editor_cb => sub {
+                              $self->set_tree_cb($log_entry, $tree, @_) },
+                       svn_path => $self->{path} );
+       if (!Git::SVN::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) {
+               print "No changes\nr$self->{last_rev} = $tree\n";
+       }
+sub rebuild_from_rev_db {
+       my ($self, $path) = @_;
+       my $r = -1;
+       open my $fh, '<', $path or croak "open: $!";
+       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+       while (<$fh>) {
+               length($_) == 41 or croak "inconsistent size in ($_) != 41";
+               chomp($_);
+               ++$r;
+               next if $_ eq ('0' x 40);
+               $self->rev_map_set($r, $_);
+               print "r$r = $_\n";
+       }
+       close $fh or croak "close: $!";
+       unlink $path or croak "unlink: $!";
+sub rebuild {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       my $map_path = $self->map_path;
+       my $partial = (-e $map_path && ! -z $map_path);
+       return unless ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0');
+       if (!$partial && ($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata)) {
+               my $rev_db = $self->rev_db_path;
+               $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($rev_db);
+               if ($self->use_svm_props) {
+                       my $svm_rev_db = $self->rev_db_path($self->svm_uuid);
+                       $self->rebuild_from_rev_db($svm_rev_db);
+               }
+               $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink;
+               return;
+       }
+       print "Rebuilding $map_path ...\n" if (!$partial);
+       my ($base_rev, $head) = ($partial ? $self->rev_map_max_norebuild(1) :
+               (undef, undef));
+       my ($log, $ctx) =
+           command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list --pretty=raw --reverse/,
+                               ($head ? "$head.." : "") . $self->refname,
+                               '--');
+       my $metadata_url = $self->metadata_url;
+       remove_username($metadata_url);
+       my $svn_uuid = $self->rewrite_uuid || $self->ra_uuid;
+       my $c;
+       while (<$log>) {
+               if ( m{^commit ($::sha1)$} ) {
+                       $c = $1;
+                       next;
+               }
+               next unless s{^\s*(git-svn-id:)}{$1};
+               my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ::extract_metadata($_);
+               remove_username($url);
+               # ignore merges (from set-tree)
+               next if (!defined $rev || !$uuid);
+               # if we merged or otherwise started elsewhere, this is
+               # how we break out of it
+               if (($uuid ne $svn_uuid) ||
+                   ($metadata_url && $url && ($url ne $metadata_url))) {
+                       next;
+               }
+               if ($partial && $head) {
+                       print "Partial-rebuilding $map_path ...\n";
+                       print "Currently at $base_rev = $head\n";
+                       $head = undef;
+               }
+               $self->rev_map_set($rev, $c);
+               print "r$rev = $c\n";
+       }
+       command_close_pipe($log, $ctx);
+       print "Done rebuilding $map_path\n" if (!$partial || !$head);
+       my $rev_db_path = $self->rev_db_path;
+       if (-f $self->rev_db_path) {
+               unlink $self->rev_db_path or croak "unlink: $!";
+       }
+       $self->unlink_rev_db_symlink;
+# rev_map:
+# Tie::File seems to be prone to offset errors if revisions get sparse,
+# it's not that fast, either.  Tie::File is also not in Perl 5.6.  So
+# one of my favorite modules is out :<  Next up would be one of the DBM
+# modules, but I'm not sure which is most portable...
+# This is the replacement for the rev_db format, which was too big
+# and inefficient for large repositories with a lot of sparse history
+# (mainly tags)
+# The format is this:
+#   - 24 bytes for every record,
+#     * 4 bytes for the integer representing an SVN revision number
+#     * 20 bytes representing the sha1 of a git commit
+#   - No empty padding records like the old format
+#     (except the last record, which can be overwritten)
+#   - new records are written append-only since SVN revision numbers
+#     increase monotonically
+#   - lookups on SVN revision number are done via a binary search
+#   - Piping the file to xxd -c24 is a good way of dumping it for
+#     viewing or editing (piped back through xxd -r), should the need
+#     ever arise.
+#   - The last record can be padding revision with an all-zero sha1
+#     This is used to optimize fetch performance when using multiple
+#     "fetch" directives in .git/config
+# These files are disposable unless noMetadata or useSvmProps is set
+sub _rev_map_set {
+       my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_;
+       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+       my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
+       ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
+       my $wr_offset = 0;
+       if ($size > 0) {
+               sysseek($fh, -24, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+               my $read = sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) or croak "read: $!";
+               $read == 24 or croak "read only $read bytes (!= 24)";
+               my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+               if ($last_commit eq ('0' x40)) {
+                       if ($size >= 48) {
+                               sysseek($fh, -48, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+                               $read = sysread($fh, $buf, 24) or
+                                   croak "read: $!";
+                               $read == 24 or
+                                   croak "read only $read bytes (!= 24)";
+                               ($last_rev, $last_commit) =
+                                   unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+                               if ($last_commit eq ('0' x40)) {
+                                       croak "inconsistent .rev_map\n";
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if ($last_rev >= $rev) {
+                               croak "last_rev is higher!: $last_rev >= $rev";
+                       }
+                       $wr_offset = -24;
+               }
+       }
+       sysseek($fh, $wr_offset, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+       syswrite($fh, pack(rev_map_fmt, $rev, $commit), 24) == 24 or
+         croak "write: $!";
+sub _rev_map_reset {
+       my ($fh, $rev, $commit) = @_;
+       my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev);
+       $c eq $commit or die "_rev_map_reset(@_) commit $c does not match!\n";
+       my $offset = sysseek($fh, 0, SEEK_CUR) or croak "seek: $!";
+       truncate $fh, $offset or croak "truncate: $!";
+sub mkfile {
+       my ($path) = @_;
+       unless (-e $path) {
+               my ($dir, $base) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
+               mkpath([$dir]) unless -d $dir;
+               open my $fh, '>>', $path or die "Couldn't create $path: $!\n";
+               close $fh or die "Couldn't close (create) $path: $!\n";
+       }
+sub rev_map_set {
+       my ($self, $rev, $commit, $update_ref, $uuid) = @_;
+       defined $commit or die "missing arg3\n";
+       length $commit == 40 or die "arg3 must be a full SHA1 hexsum\n";
+       my $db = $self->map_path($uuid);
+       my $db_lock = "$db.lock";
+       my $sigmask;
+       $update_ref ||= 0;
+       if ($update_ref) {
+               $sigmask = POSIX::SigSet->new();
+               my $signew = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM,
+                       SIGALRM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2);
+               sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $signew, $sigmask) or
+                       croak "Can't block signals: $!";
+       }
+       mkfile($db);
+       $LOCKFILES{$db_lock} = 1;
+       my $sync;
+       # both of these options make our .rev_db file very, very important
+       # and we can't afford to lose it because rebuild() won't work
+       if ($self->use_svm_props || $self->no_metadata) {
+               $sync = 1;
+               copy($db, $db_lock) or die "rev_map_set(@_): ",
+                                          "Failed to copy: ",
+                                          "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n";
+       } else {
+               rename $db, $db_lock or die "rev_map_set(@_): ",
+                                           "Failed to rename: ",
+                                           "$db => $db_lock ($!)\n";
+       }
+       sysopen(my $fh, $db_lock, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)
+            or croak "Couldn't open $db_lock: $!\n";
+       $update_ref eq 'reset' ? _rev_map_reset($fh, $rev, $commit) :
+                                _rev_map_set($fh, $rev, $commit);
+       if ($sync) {
+               $fh->flush or die "Couldn't flush $db_lock: $!\n";
+               $fh->sync or die "Couldn't sync $db_lock: $!\n";
+       }
+       close $fh or croak $!;
+       if ($update_ref) {
+               $_head = $self;
+               my $note = "";
+               $note = " ($update_ref)" if ($update_ref !~ /^\d*$/);
+               command_noisy('update-ref', '-m', "r$rev$note",
+                             $self->refname, $commit);
+       }
+       rename $db_lock, $db or die "rev_map_set(@_): ", "Failed to rename: ",
+                                   "$db_lock => $db ($!)\n";
+       delete $LOCKFILES{$db_lock};
+       if ($update_ref) {
+               sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $sigmask) or
+                       croak "Can't restore signal mask: $!";
+       }
+# If want_commit, this will return an array of (rev, commit) where
+# commit _must_ be a valid commit in the archive.
+# Otherwise, it'll return the max revision (whether or not the
+# commit is valid or just a 0x40 placeholder).
+sub rev_map_max {
+       my ($self, $want_commit) = @_;
+       $self->rebuild;
+       my ($r, $c) = $self->rev_map_max_norebuild($want_commit);
+       $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r;
+sub rev_map_max_norebuild {
+       my ($self, $want_commit) = @_;
+       my $map_path = $self->map_path;
+       stat $map_path or return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
+       sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!";
+       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+       my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
+       ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
+       if ($size == 0) {
+               close $fh or croak "close: $!";
+               return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
+       }
+       sysseek($fh, -24, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+       sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!";
+       my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+       if ($want_commit && $c eq ('0' x40)) {
+               if ($size < 48) {
+                       return $want_commit ? (0, undef) : 0;
+               }
+               sysseek($fh, -48, SEEK_END) or croak "seek: $!";
+               sysread($fh, $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!";
+               ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+               if ($c eq ('0'x40)) {
+                       croak "Penultimate record is all-zeroes in $map_path";
+               }
+       }
+       close $fh or croak "close: $!";
+       $want_commit ? ($r, $c) : $r;
+sub rev_map_get {
+       my ($self, $rev, $uuid) = @_;
+       my $map_path = $self->map_path($uuid);
+       return undef unless -e $map_path;
+       sysopen(my $fh, $map_path, O_RDONLY) or croak "open: $!";
+       my $c = _rev_map_get($fh, $rev);
+       close($fh) or croak "close: $!";
+       $c
+sub _rev_map_get {
+       my ($fh, $rev) = @_;
+       binmode $fh or croak "binmode: $!";
+       my $size = (stat($fh))[7];
+       ($size % 24) == 0 or croak "inconsistent size: $size";
+       if ($size == 0) {
+               return undef;
+       }
+       my ($l, $u) = (0, $size - 24);
+       my ($r, $c, $buf);
+       while ($l <= $u) {
+               my $i = int(($l/24 + $u/24) / 2) * 24;
+               sysseek($fh, $i, SEEK_SET) or croak "seek: $!";
+               sysread($fh, my $buf, 24) == 24 or croak "read: $!";
+               my ($r, $c) = unpack(rev_map_fmt, $buf);
+               if ($r < $rev) {
+                       $l = $i + 24;
+               } elsif ($r > $rev) {
+                       $u = $i - 24;
+               } else { # $r == $rev
+                       return $c eq ('0' x 40) ? undef : $c;
+               }
+       }
+       undef;
+# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or
+# before $rev for the current branch.  It will not search any lower
+# than $min_rev.  Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number
+# if found, else (undef, undef).
+sub find_rev_before {
+       my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $min_rev) = @_;
+       --$rev unless $eq_ok;
+       $min_rev ||= 1;
+       my $max_rev = $self->rev_map_max;
+       $rev = $max_rev if ($rev > $max_rev);
+       while ($rev >= $min_rev) {
+               if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) {
+                       return ($rev, $c);
+               }
+               --$rev;
+       }
+       return (undef, undef);
+# Finds the first svn revision that exists on (if $eq_ok is true) or
+# after $rev for the current branch.  It will not search any higher
+# than $max_rev.  Returns the git commit hash and svn revision number
+# if found, else (undef, undef).
+sub find_rev_after {
+       my ($self, $rev, $eq_ok, $max_rev) = @_;
+       ++$rev unless $eq_ok;
+       $max_rev ||= $self->rev_map_max;
+       while ($rev <= $max_rev) {
+               if (my $c = $self->rev_map_get($rev)) {
+                       return ($rev, $c);
+               }
+               ++$rev;
+       }
+       return (undef, undef);
+sub _new {
+       my ($class, $repo_id, $ref_id, $path) = @_;
+       unless (defined $repo_id && length $repo_id) {
+               $repo_id = $default_repo_id;
+       }
+       unless (defined $ref_id && length $ref_id) {
+               # Access the prefix option from the git-svn main program if it's loaded.
+               my $prefix = defined &::opt_prefix ? ::opt_prefix() : "";
+               $_[2] = $ref_id =
+                            "refs/remotes/$prefix$default_ref_id";
+       }
+       $_[1] = $repo_id;
+       my $dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$ref_id";
+       # Older repos imported by us used $GIT_DIR/svn/foo instead of
+       # $GIT_DIR/svn/refs/remotes/foo when tracking refs/remotes/foo
+       if ($ref_id =~ m{^refs/remotes/(.*)}) {
+               my $old_dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$1";
+               if (-d $old_dir && ! -d $dir) {
+                       $dir = $old_dir;
+               }
+       }
+       $_[3] = $path = '' unless (defined $path);
+       mkpath([$dir]);
+       bless {
+               ref_id => $ref_id, dir => $dir, index => "$dir/index",
+               path => $path, config => "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/config",
+               map_root => "$dir/.rev_map", repo_id => $repo_id }, $class;
+# for read-only access of old .rev_db formats
+sub unlink_rev_db_symlink {
+       my ($self) = @_;
+       my $link = $self->rev_db_path;
+       $link =~ s/\.[\w-]+$// or croak "missing UUID at the end of $link";
+       if (-l $link) {
+               unlink $link or croak "unlink: $link failed!";
+       }
+sub rev_db_path {
+       my ($self, $uuid) = @_;
+       my $db_path = $self->map_path($uuid);
+       $db_path =~ s{/\.rev_map\.}{/\.rev_db\.}
+           or croak "map_path: $db_path does not contain '/.rev_map.' !";
+       $db_path;
+# the new replacement for .rev_db
+sub map_path {
+       my ($self, $uuid) = @_;
+       $uuid ||= $self->ra_uuid;
+       "$self->{map_root}.$uuid";
+sub uri_encode {
+       my ($f) = @_;
+       $f =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9\*!\:_\./\-])#uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))#eg;
+       $f
+sub uri_decode {
+       my ($f) = @_;
+       $f =~ s#%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})#chr(hex($1))#eg;
+       $f
+sub remove_username {
+       $_[0] =~ s{^([^:]*://)[^@]+@}{$1};
index 3478103c9476d963809ac3eb7c6b3c8d79504774..a628582bcae7205121725b29b5e71353204a93a5 100644 (file)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ instdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(prefix)/lib)
 modules += Git
 modules += Git/I18N
+modules += Git/SVN
 modules += Git/SVN/Memoize/YAML
 modules += Git/SVN/Fetcher
 modules += Git/SVN/Editor