- "zlib", the compression library. Git won't build without it.
+ - "ssh" is used to push and pull over the net.
+ - A POSIX-compliant shell is required to run many scripts needed
+ for everyday use (e.g. "bisect", "pull").
+ - "Perl" is needed to use some of the features (e.g. preparing a
+ partial commit using "git add -i/-p", interacting with svn
+ repositories with "git svn").
- "openssl". Unless you specify otherwise, you'll get the SHA1
library from here.
- "wish", the Tcl/Tk windowing shell is used in gitk to show the
history graphically, and in git-gui.
- - "ssh" is used to push and pull over the net
- - "perl" and POSIX-compliant shells are needed to use most of
- the bare-bones Porcelainish scripts.
- Some platform specific issues are dealt with Makefile rules,
but depending on your specific installation, you may not
have all the libraries/tools needed, or you may have