forces (\cref{eq:sawsim:x-total}), which was also suggested by
\citet{staple08}. Force curves simulated using different models to
describe the folded domains yielded almost identical unfolding force
-distributions (data not shown, TODO: show data).
+distributions (data not shown).% TODO: show data
As an alternative to modeling the folded domains explicitly or
ignoring them completely, another approach is to subtract the
time dependence of the deflection to an exponential
function\citep{jones05}. For a $200\U{$\mu$m}$ rectangular cantilever
with a bending spring constant of $20\U{pN/nm}$, the measured
-relaxation time in water is $\sim50\U{$\mu$/s}$ (data not shown.
-TODO: show data). This relatively large relaxation time constant
-makes the cantilever act as a low-pass filter and also causes a lag in
-the force measurement.
+relaxation time in water is $\sim50\U{$\mu$/s}$ (data not shown).
+% TODO: show data
+This relatively large relaxation time constant makes the cantilever
+act as a low-pass filter and also causes a lag in the force
\nomenclature{$\eta$}{Dynamic viscocity (\cref{eq:sawsim:tau-wlc}).}
used unfolding model due to its simplicity and its applicability to
various biopolymers\citep{rief98}, other theoretical models have been
proposed to interpret mechanical unfolding data. For example,
+\citet{walton08} uses a stiffness-corrected Bell model.
\citet{schlierf06} used the mechanical unfolding data of the protein
ddFLN4 to demonstrate that Kramers' diffusion model (in the
spatial-diffusion-limited case, a.k.a. the Smoluchowski
formulation has less to say about the underlying energy landscape, but
it may be more robust in the face of noisy data.
-Other tension models in use include a stiffness-corrected
-Bell model\citep{walton08}, and TODO.
How to choose which unfolding model to use? For proteins with
relatively narrow folded and transition states, the Bell model
provides a good approximation, and it is the model used by the vast