# Copyright 2002-2009 Gentoo Foundation; 2008-2009 Various authors (see AUTHORS)
# Distributed under the GPL v2
+ 13 Jan 2009; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org>
+ modules/catalyst_support.py:
+ Try to import portage.util before portage_util
09 Jan 2009; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org> TODO:
Add note about metadata_overlay being default in 2.1.6
return snakeoil.fileutils.read_bash_dict(mymakeconffile, sourcing_command="source")
except ImportError:
- import portage_util
- return portage_util.getconfig(mymakeconffile, tolerant=1, allow_sourcing=True)
- except ImportError:
- myf=open(mymakeconffile,"r")
- mylines=myf.readlines()
- myf.close()
- return parse_makeconf(mylines)
+ import portage.util
+ return portage.util.getconfig(mymakeconffile, tolerant=1, allow_sourcing=True)
+ except:
+ try:
+ import portage_util
+ return portage_util.getconfig(mymakeconffile, tolerant=1, allow_sourcing=True)
+ except ImportError:
+ myf=open(mymakeconffile,"r")
+ mylines=myf.readlines()
+ myf.close()
+ return parse_makeconf(mylines)
raise CatalystError, "Could not parse make.conf file "+mymakeconffile