[ -z "${MODE}" ] && MODE="showhelp" # available operation modes: showhelp, showversion, showdesc, showflags, modify
-E | --enable) MODE="modify"; ACTION="add";;
-D | --disable) MODE="modify"; ACTION="remove";;
-P | --prune) MODE="modify"; ACTION="prune";;
+ -p | --package) MODE="modify"; shift; PACKAGE=${1}; SCOPE="local";;
echo "ERROR: unknown option ${1} specified."
- get_useflags
+ get_portageuseflags
-error() {
- echo "ERROR: ${1}"
+fatal() {
+ echo -e "${*}" | sed -e "s/^/ERROR: /g"
set +f
exit 1
+error() {
+ echo -e "${*}" | sed -e "s/^/ERROR: /g"
+warn() {
+ echo -e "${*}" | sed -e "s/^/WARNING: /g"
get_real_path() {
set -P
cd "$1"
set +P
+# Function: check_sanity {{{
+# Performs some basic system sanity checks
check_sanity() {
# file permission tests
local descdir
- [ ! -r "${MAKE_CONF_PATH}" ] && error "${MAKE_CONF_PATH} is not readable"
- [ ! -r "${MAKE_GLOBALS_PATH}" ] && error "${MAKE_GLOBALS_PATH} is not readable"
- [ ! -h "${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH}" ] && error "${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH} is not a symlink"
- [ -z "$(get_portdir)" ] && error "\$PORTDIR couldn't be determined"
- [ ! -d "${descdir}" ] && error "${descdir} does not exist or is not a directory"
- [ ! -r "${descdir}/use.desc" ] && error "${descdir}/use.desc is not readable"
- [ ! -r "${descdir}/use.local.desc" ] && error "${descdir}/use.local.desc is not readable"
+ [ ! -r "${MAKE_CONF_PATH}" ] && fatal "${MAKE_CONF_PATH} is not readable"
+ [ ! -r "${MAKE_GLOBALS_PATH}" ] && fatal "${MAKE_GLOBALS_PATH} is not readable"
+ [ ! -h "${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH}" ] && fatal "${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH} is not a symlink"
+ [ -z "$(get_portdir)" ] && fatal "\$PORTDIR couldn't be determined"
+ [ ! -d "${descdir}" ] && fatal "${descdir} does not exist or is not a directory"
+ [ ! -r "${descdir}/use.desc" ] && fatal "${descdir}/use.desc is not readable"
+ [ ! -r "${descdir}/use.local.desc" ] && fatal "${descdir}/use.local.desc is not readable"
for make_defaults in $(get_all_make_defaults); do
- [ ! -r "$make_defaults" ] && error "$_make_defaults is not readable"
+ [ ! -r "$make_defaults" ] && fatal "$_make_defaults is not readable"
-# [ ! -r "$(get_make_defaults)" ] && error "$(get_make_defaults) is not readable"
- [ "${MODE}" == "modify" -a ! -w "${MAKE_CONF_PATH}" ] && error ""${MAKE_CONF_PATH}" is not writable"
+ [ "${MODE}" == "modify" -a ! -w "${MAKE_CONF_PATH}" ] && fatal ""${MAKE_CONF_PATH}" is not writable"
+ [ "${MODE}" == "modify" -a -s "${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}" -a ! -w "${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}" ] && fatal ""${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}" is not writable"
+} # }}}
showhelp() {
cat << HELP
Syntax: ${PROGRAM_NAME} <option> [suboptions] [useflaglist]
-E, --enable - enable the given useflags
-D, --disable - disable the given useflags
-P, --prune - remove all references to the given flags from
- make.conf to revert to default settings
+ make.conf and package.use to revert to default
+ settings
+ -p, --package - used with -E, -D, to apply to a specific
+ package only
-Notes: ${PROGRAM_NAME} currently only works for global flags defined
- in make.globals, make.defaults or make.conf, it doesn't handle
- use.defaults, use.mask or package.use yet (see portage(5) for details on
- these files). It also might have issues with cascaded profiles.
- If multiple options are specified only the last one will be used.
+Notes: ${PROGRAM_NAME} currently works for global flags defined
+ in make.globals, make.defaults, make.conf, use.force, and use.mask
+ and local flags defined in package.use and individual package ebuilds.
+ It might have issues with cascaded profiles. If multiple options are
+ specified only the last one will be used.
+# Function: reduce_incrementals {{{
# remove duplicate flags from the given list in both positive and negative forms
# (but unlike portage always keep the last value even if it's negative)
# Otherwise the status flags could be incorrect if a flag appers multiple times in
elif x[0] != '-' and '-'+x in r:
- elif x == '-*':
- r = []
- r.append(x)
- elif x not in r:
+ elif x == '-*': r = ['-*']
+ elif x not in r: r.append(x)
+print ' '.join(r)"
+} # }}}
+# Function: reduce_incrementals_trump {{{
+# Similar to reduce_incrementals but negative flags trump positive
+# flags, regardless of which follows which
+reduce_incrementals_trump() {
+ echo $@ | python -c "import sys
+for x in
+ if x[0] == '-' and x[1:] in r:
+ r.remove(x[1:])
+ elif x == '-*': r = ['-*']
+ elif x not in r and not '-'+x in r: r.append(x)
print ' '.join(r)"
+} # }}}
+# Function: reduce_package_use {{{
+# Similar to reduce_incrementals except converts lines from package atoms
+# in /etc/portage/package.use files to lines of "pkg {[-]flag}*"
+# Arguments:
+# * - Lines of package atom followed by flags
+# (app-editors/vim flag1 flag2 -flag3)
+reduce_package_use() {
+ echo "${@}" | python -c "import sys,re
+h={}; getflags=re.compile(r'(-?[\w*-]+)')
+for x in'\n'):
+ if not x: continue
+ parts = x.lstrip().split(' ',1)
+ if len(parts)==1: continue
+ pkg=parts[0]
+ flags = getflags.findall(parts[1])
+ if not pkg in h: h[pkg]=[]
+ r=h[pkg]
+ for x in flags:
+ if x[0] == '-' and x[1:] in r:
+ r.remove(x[1:])
+ r.append(x)
+ elif x[0] != '-' and '-'+x in r:
+ r.remove('-'+x)
+ r.append(x)
+ elif x == '-*': r = h[pkg] = ['-*']
+ elif x not in r:
+ r.append(x)
+print '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (pkg,' '.join(flgs)) for pkg,flgs in h.iteritems() if len(flgs)])"
+} # }}}
-# the following function creates a bash array ACTIVE_FLAGS that contains the
-# global use flags, indexed by origin: 0: environment, 1: make.conf,
-# 2: make.defaults, 3: make.globals
+# Function: get_useflags {{{
+# Creates a bash array ACTIVE_FLAGS that contains the global use flags,
+# indexed by origin: 0: environment, 1: make.conf, 2: make.defaults,
+# 3: make.globals, and local use flags, indexed by origin: 4: package.use,
+# 5: ebuild IUSE, 6: use.mask, 7: use.force,
+# 9: flags indicated active by emerge --info (get_portageuseflags)
get_useflags() {
+ if [[ -z ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]} && ( $SCOPE == "local" || -z $SCOPE ) ]]; then
+ # Parse through /etc/portage/package.use
+ if [[ -d ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} ]]; then
+ | sed -re "s/ *#.*$//g" -e "s/^ *$//g" )"
+ elif [[ -e ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} ]]; then
+ # JWM, 23/12/2009: I edited this following line but I'm not sure if it's 100% correct.
+ ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]="$( sed -re "s/ *#.*$//g" -e "s/^ *$//g" \
+ fi
+ # Simplify ACTIVE_FLAGS[4] to be lines of pkg {[-]flag}*
+ ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]="$(reduce_package_use "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]}")"
+ #
+ # ACTIVE_FLAGS[5] reserved for USE flags defined in ebuilds and
+ # is generated/maintained in the get_useflaglist_ebuild() function
+ fi
# only calculate once as calling emerge is painfully slow
[ -n "${USE_FLAGS_CALCULATED}" ] && return
# backup portdir so get_portdir() doesn't give false results later
ACTIVE_FLAGS[0]="$(reduce_incrementals ${USE})"
source "${MAKE_CONF_PATH}"
for x in $(get_all_make_defaults); do
source "${x}"
- ACTIVE_FLAGS[2]="$(reduce_incrementals ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[2]} ${USE})"
+ ACTIVE_FLAGS[2]="$(reduce_incrementals ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[2]})"
ACTIVE_FLAGS[3]="$(reduce_incrementals ${USE})"
+ #
+ # Traverse through use.mask and use.force (0.5s)
+ # Flip signs of use.mask (it's interpreted oppositely),
+ ACTIVE_FLAGS[6]=$(reduce_incrementals_trump \
+ $(cat $(traverse_profile "use.mask") | sed -re "/^#.*$/{d}") \
+ | sed -re "s/(^| )-[^ ]*//g" -e "s/(^| )([a-z0-9])/ -\2/g")
+ ACTIVE_FLAGS[7]=$(reduce_incrementals \
+ $(cat $(traverse_profile "use.force") \
+ | sed -re "/^#.*$/ {d}"))
+} # }}}
+# Function: get_portageuseflags # {{{
+# Fetch USE flags reported active by Portage
+get_portageuseflags() {
+ # only calculate once as calling emerge is painfully slow
+ [ -n "${_PORTAGE_USE_FLAGS_CALCULATED}" ] && return
# get the currently active USE flags as seen by portage, this has to be after
# restoring USE or portage won't see the original environment
- ACTIVE_FLAGS[9]="$(emerge --info | grep 'USE=' | cut -b 5- | sed -e 's:"::g')" #'
+ # Bug 181309, emerge may complain if EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ask" is set
+ ACTIVE_FLAGS[9]="$(emerge --ignore-default-opts --info | grep 'USE=' | cut -b 5- | sed -e 's:"::g')" #'
+} # }}}
-# get the list of all known USE flags by reading use.desc and/or use.local.desc
-# (depending on the value of $SCOPE)
+# Function: get_useflaglist {{{
+# Get the list of all known USE flags by reading use.desc and/or
+# use.local.desc (depending on the value of $SCOPE). Also searches any
+# registered overlays after searching the main portage tree first.
+# Use flags visible in both the main tree and overlays are trumped by
+# the main tree. Overlays are indicated by brackets [xxx] at the
+# beginning of the description.
+# Returns:
+# (written to stdout) Sorted, unique list of system-wide USE flags and
+# descriptions. Flags defined in overlays have the overlay in brackets
+# prepended to the descriptions.
+# Environment:
+# SCOPE - [local|global] constrain search to local (use.local.desc) or
+# global (use.desc)
get_useflaglist() {
local descdir
+ local overlay
+ for profiledir in ${ALL_PORTDIRS[@]}; do
+ descdir="${profiledir}/profiles"
+ if [[ -z ${SCOPE} || ${SCOPE} == "global" ]]; then
+ [[ ! -s "${descdir}/use.desc" ]] && continue
+ egrep "^[^# ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.desc"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${SCOPE} || ${SCOPE} == "local" ]]; then
+ [[ ! -s "${descdir}/use.local.desc" ]] && continue
+ egrep "^[^# :]+:[^ ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.local.desc" \
+ | cut -d: -f 2
+ fi
+ done | cut -d " " -f1 | sort --field=":" --key=1,1 --unique
+} # }}}
- descdir="$(get_portdir)/profiles"
- if [ -z "${SCOPE}" -o "${SCOPE}" == "global" ]; then
- egrep "^[^# ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.desc" | cut -d\ -f 1
- fi
- if [ -z "${SCOPE}" -o "${SCOPE}" == "local" ]; then
- egrep "^[^# :]+:[^ ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.local.desc" | cut -d: -f 2 | cut -d\ -f 1
+# Function: get_useflaglist_ebuild {{{
+# Builds USE flag information for specified package atom into
+# ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]. For the atom, the versions available are found, and
+# for each, the corresponding SLOT, IUSE are stored along with which
+# overlay the ebuild lives in. Considering that the pieces of information
+# may be required in any order or any subsets, it is intended for the
+# function to cache the information and it be retrieved from
+# ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]. So the format of ACTIVE_FLAGS[5] is newline-separated
+# list of:
+# category/packge;version;SLOT;IUSE;overlay
+# Arguments:
+# $1 - Package atom to lookup (app-editor/vim)
+# Returns:
+# Nothing significant
+# Environment:
+# PORTDIR - Root of portage tree
+# ACTIVE_FLAGS - Array of current use flag info
+get_useflaglist_ebuild() {
+ local known=$(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]}" | egrep "^${1}")
+ if [[ -n $known ]]; then
+ # No need to recache
+ return
+ local pkg=$(echo ${1} | cut -d/ -f2)
+ declare append
+ for portdir in ${ALL_PORTDIRS[@]}; do
+ # Open the ebuild file and retrieve defined USE flags
+ [[ ! -d "$portdir/${1}" ]] && continue
+ append=$(echo -n $portdir/${1}/*.ebuild "" \
+ | perl -pne "s:$portdir/${1}/${pkg}-(([^.]|\.(?!e))+)\.ebuild:\1:g" \
+ | while read -d " " version; do
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ if [[ $portdir == $PORTDIR ]]; then
+ overlay=""
+ else
+ if [[ -s $(dirname ${portdir}/repo_name) ]]; then
+ overlay="$(cat "${portdir}/profiles/repo_name")"
+ else
+ # XXX: May be better to use full path
+ overlay="$(basename "${portdir}")"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -d "$portdir/metadata/cache" ]]; then
+ echo "!!! Metadata cache not found. You need to run " >&2
+ echo "!!! 'egencache --repo=$overlay --update'" >&2
+ echo "!!! to generate metadata for your overlays" >&2
+ return 1
+ elif [[ ! -e "$portdir/metadata/cache/${1}-$version" ]]; then
+ # Repo does not have this particular package
+ continue
+ fi
+ iuse=$(head -11 "$portdir/metadata/cache/${1}-$version"|tail -1)
+ slot=$(head -3 "$portdir/metadata/cache/${1}-$version"|tail -1)
+ echo "${1};${version};${slot};${iuse};${overlay}"
+ done
+ )
+ if [[ -z ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]} ]]; then ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]="$append"
+ else ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]="${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]}"$'\n'"$append"
+ fi
+ done
+} # }}}
-# get all make.defaults by traversing the cascaded profile directories
-get_all_make_defaults() {
+# Function: traverse_profile {{{
+# General method of collecting the contents of a profile
+# component by traversing through the cascading profile
+# Arguments:
+# $1 - Filename (make.profile)
+# [$2] - Current directory (unspecified means to start at the top)
+traverse_profile() {
local curdir
local parent
local rvalue
- curdir="${1:-$(get_real_path ${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH})}"
+ curdir="${2:-$(get_real_path ${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH})}"
- [ -f "${curdir}/make.defaults" ] && rvalue="${curdir}/make.defaults ${rvalue}"
- if [ -f "${curdir}/parent" ]; then
+ [[ -f "${curdir}/${1}" ]] && rvalue="${curdir}/${1} ${rvalue}"
+ if [[ -f "${curdir}/parent" ]]; then
for parent in $(egrep -v '(^#|^ *$)' ${curdir}/parent); do
- pdir="$(get_real_path ${curdir}/${parent})"
- rvalue="$(get_all_make_defaults ${pdir}) ${rvalue}"
+ # Bug 231394, handle parent path being absolute
+ if [[ ${parent:0:1} == "/" ]]; then
+ pdir="$(get_real_path ${parent})"
+ else
+ pdir="$(get_real_path ${curdir}/${parent})"
+ fi
+ rvalue="$(traverse_profile ${1} ${pdir}) ${rvalue}"
echo "${rvalue}"
+} # }}}
-# get the path to make.defaults by traversing the cascaded profile directories
-get_make_defaults() {
- local curdir
- local parent
- curdir="${1:-$(get_real_path ${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH})}"
- if [ ! -f "${curdir}/make.defaults" -a -f "${curdir}/parent" ]; then
- for parent in $(egrep -v '(^#|^ *$)' ${curdir}/parent); do
- if [ -f "$(get_make_defaults ${curdir}/${parent})" ]; then
- curdir="${curdir}/${parent}"
- break
- fi
- done
+# Function: get_all_make_defaults {{{
+# Det all make.defaults by traversing the cascaded profile directories
+get_all_make_defaults() {
+ if [[ -z $MAKE_DEFAULTS ]]; then
+ MAKE_DEFAULTS=$(traverse_profile "make.defaults")
+} # }}}
- echo "${curdir}/make.defaults"
+# Function: get_flagstatus_helper # {{{
+# Little helper function to get the status of a given flag in one of the
+# ACTIVE_FLAGS elements.
+# Returns:
+# (Written to STDOUT) Flag active status (+/-) or default string given
+# in argument 4 or an empty space
-# little helper function to get the status of a given flag in one of the
-# ACTIVE_FLAGS elements. Arguments are 1: flag to test, 2: index of ACTIVE_FLAGS,
-# 3: echo value for positive (and as lowercase for negative) test result,
-# 4 (optional): echo value for "missing" test result, defaults to blank
+# Arguments:
+# 1 - flag to test
+# 2 - index of ACTIVE_FLAGS
+# 3 - echo value for positive (and as lowercase for negative) test result
+# 4 - (optional) echo value for "missing" test result, defaults to blank
get_flagstatus_helper() {
- if echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[${2}]} " | grep " ${1} " > /dev/null; then
- echo -n "${3}"
- elif echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[${2}]} " | grep " -${1} " > /dev/null; then
- echo -n "$(echo ${3} | tr [[:upper:]] [[:lower:]])"
+ if [[ -z ${flags} ]]; then
+ local flags=${ACTIVE_FLAGS[${2}]}
+ fi
+ local flag=$(echo " $flags " | grep -Eo " [+-]?${1} ")
+ if [[ ${flag:1:1} == "-" ]]; then
+ echo -e -n "${3}" | tr [:upper:]+ [:lower:]-
+ elif [[ -n ${flag} ]]; then
+ echo -e -n "${3}"
echo -n "${4:- }"
+} # }}}
+# Function: get_flagstatus_helper_pkg # {{{
+# Entry to get_flagstatus_helper for packages which will fetch use
+# flags set in package.use for the package and pass them on to
+# get_flagstatus_helper. Also correcly handles lines in package.use
+# specified for individual package versions
+get_flagstatus_helper_pkg() {
+ if [[ -z ${2} ]]; then
+ echo -ne "${4:- }"
+ return
+ elif [[ -z ${flags} ]]; then
+ # If no atoms are matchers (start with >,<,=, then they all match
+ atoms=($2)
+ if [[ -z "${atoms[@]/[<>=]*/}" ]]; then
+ atoms=($(
+ echo "${atoms[@]}" | python -c "
+import portage.dep as dep, sys
+print ' '.join(dep.match_to_list('$5-$6',"))
+ fi
+ flags=$(for atom in ${atoms[@]}; do
+ [[ -z $atom ]] && continue
+ echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]}" | \
+ grep "^ *$atom" | cut -d\ -f2-
+ done)
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${5} || -z ${flags} ]]; then
+ echo -e -n "${4:- }"
+ return
+ fi
+ get_flagstatus_helper "$@"
+} # }}}
+# Function: get_flagstatus_helper_ebuild {{{
+# get_flagstatus_helper replacement for packages to fetch ebuild USE flag
+# activation status.
+# Returns:
+# (Written to STDOUT) Flag active status (+/-) or default string given
+# in argument 4 or an empty space. If USE flag is not defined in the list
+# of flags (2), an '!' is written
+# Arguments:
+# 1 - flag to test
+# 2 - IUSE line from ebuild file
+# 3 - echo value for positive (and as lowercase for negative) test result
+# 4 - (optional) echo value for "missing" test result, defaults to blank space
+get_flagstatus_helper_ebuild() {
+ local flags=$(echo $2 | cut -d\" -f2)
+ local flag=$(echo " $flags " | grep -Eo " [+-]?$1 ")
+ if [[ ${flag:1:1} == "+" ]]; then
+ echo -en "${3}"
+ elif [[ ${flag:1:1} == "-" ]]; then
+ echo -en "${3}" | tr [:upper:]+ [:lower:]-
+ elif [[ -z $flag ]]; then
+ echo -en "!"
+ else
+ echo -en "${4:- }"
+ fi
+} # }}}
-# prints a status string for the given flag, each column indicating the presence
-# for portage, in the environment, in make.conf, in make.defaults and in make.globals.
-# full positive value would be "[+ECDG]", full negative value would be [-ecdg],
-# full missing value would be "[- ]" (portage only sees present or not present)
+# Function: get_flagstatus {{{
+# Prints a status string for the given flag, each column indicating the presence
+# for portage, in the environment, in make.conf, in make.defaults, in
+# make.globals, and in use.force and flipped in use.mask.
+# Arguments:
+# 1 - use flag for which to retrieve status
+# Returns:
+# 0 (True) if flag is active, 1 (False) if not active
+# Outputs:
+# Full positive value would be "[+ECDGFm] ", full negative value would be [-ecdgfM],
+# full missing value would be "[- ] " (portage only sees present or not present)
get_flagstatus() {
- echo -n '['
- get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 9 "+" "-"
- get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 0 "E"
- get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 1 "C"
- get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 2 "D"
- get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 3 "G"
- echo -n '] '
+ local E=$(get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 0 "E")
+ local C=$(get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 1 "C")
+ local D=$(get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 2 "D")
+ local G=$(get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 3 "G")
+ local M=$(get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 6 "M")
+ local F=$(get_flagstatus_helper "${1}" 7 "F")
+ # Use flags are disabled by default
+ ACTIVE="-"
+ #
+ # Use flag precedence is defined (at least) at:
+ #
+ for location in "E" "C" "D" "G" "F" "M"; do
+ if [[ ${!location} == $location ]]; then
+ ACTIVE="+"
+ break
+ elif [[ ${!location} != " " ]]; then
+ ACTIVE="-"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -n "[${ACTIVE:--}$E$C$D$G$F$M] "
+ [[ $ACTIVE == "+" ]]; return $?
+} # }}}
+# Function: get_flagstatus_pkg {{{
+# Outputs local flag status information for a specific package and perhaps
+# specific package version.
+# Arguments:
+# 1 - flag (gtk)
+# 2 - package atom (www-client/elinks)
+# 3 - +/- whether flag is enabled by global configuration files
+# 4 - (Optional) version of package to evaluate (empty means all versions)
+# Outputs:
+# Flag status for package.use and ebuild, slot and version, and overlay
+# the version lives is if not PORTDIR
+# Full positive would be "[+PB]", full negative would be "[-pb], and full
+# missing would be "[? ]", question because the sign will default to the
+# sign of the global status of the flag
+get_flagstatus_pkg() {
+ #
+ # Pre-cache the use flags declared in ebuilds first.
+ # This is required as calling it inside a $() seems to
+ # prevent caching of results into $ACTIVE_FLAGS array
+ get_useflaglist_ebuild ${2}
+ #
+ # Get list of ebuilds available for this package. The
+ # get_useflaglist_ebuild() function stores them in $ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]
+ # with the package name leading the lines. The other information
+ # is in the same line, semi-colon (;) separated. The fields are
+ # package;version;SLOT;IUSE;overlay
+ #
+ # Fetch package atoms and flags from package.use only once
+ local atoms=$(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]}" | \
+ grep -Eo "^ *[<>]?=?${2}(-[0-9rp._*-]*)?")
+ local IFS=$'\n'; for pkgline in $(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]}" | grep "^$2" \
+ | sort -t \; -k2,2 -V); do
+ OIFS=$IFS; IFS=";"; INFO=($pkgline); IFS=$OIFS;
+ local version=${INFO[1]}
+ [[ -n $4 && $4 != $version ]] && continue
+ local slot=${INFO[2]}
+ local iuse=${INFO[3]}
+ if [[ $slot == '0' || $slot == "" ]]; then
+ slot="";
+ else
+ slot="($(echo ${slot} | cut -d\" -f2)) "
+ fi
+ local overlay=${INFO[4]}
+ [[ -n $overlay ]] && overlay="[$overlay]"
+ #
+ # Fetch enabled status for this version
+ local P=$(get_flagstatus_helper_pkg "${1}" "${atoms}" "P" "" "${2}" "${version}")
+ local B=$(get_flagstatus_helper_ebuild "${1}" "${iuse}" "B" "" "${2}" "${version}")
+ ACTIVE=${3}
+ for location in "P" "B"; do
+ if [[ ${!location} == $location ]]; then
+ ACTIVE="+"
+ elif [[ ${!location} == "!" ]]; then
+ break
+ elif [[ ${!location} != " " ]]; then
+ ACTIVE="-"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $UNUSED == 1 ]]; then
+ echo " ${slot}${version} ${overlay}"
+ else
+ echo " [${ACTIVE:-${3:- }}$P$B] ${slot}${version} ${overlay}"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+} # }}}
+# Function: get_portdir {{{
# faster replacement to `portageq portdir`
+# Outputs:
+# Location of portage tree root
get_portdir() {
if [ -z "${PORTDIR}" ]; then
echo "${PORTDIR}"
+} # }}}
+# This won't change while the script is running, so cache it
+# Function: get_all_overlays {{{
+# Outputs list of portage overlays as defined in the PORTDIR_OVERLAY
+# variable defined in make.conf
+get_all_overlays() {
+ use_backup="${USE}"
+ source "${MAKE_CONF_PATH}"
+ USE="${use_backup}"
+} # }}}
+ALL_PORTDIRS=( "$PORTDIR" $(get_all_overlays) )
+# Function: array_contains {{{
+# PHP-style array_contains function.
+# Arguments:
+# 1 - haystack
+# 2 - needle
+# Returns:
+# 0 (True) if needle in haystack, null (False) otherwise
+array_contains() {
+ for i in $1; do [[ $i == $2 ]] && return 0; done
+ return
+} # }}}
+# Function: showdesc {{{
# This function takes a list of use flags and shows the status and
# the description for each one, honoring $SCOPE
+# Arguments:
+# * - USE flags for which to display descriptions. Undefined means to
+# display descriptions for all known USE flags
+# Environment:
+# SCOPE - defines whether to output local or global USE flag descriptions
+# Empty means to display both
+# Outputs:
+# (STDOUT) Flag description(s) for given USE flags
showdesc() {
local descdir
local current_desc
local found_one
local args
+ set -f
if [ -z "${SCOPE}" ]; then
- descdir="$(get_portdir)/profiles"
+ local useflags=( $(echo "$(get_useflaglist)") )
[ "${SCOPE}" == "global" ] && echo "global use flags (searching: ${args})"
[ "${SCOPE}" == "local" ] && echo "local use flags (searching: ${args})"
echo "************************************************************"
+ set +f
if [ "${args}" == "*" ]; then
- args="$(get_useflaglist | sort -u)"
+ args="${useflags[*]}"
set ${args}
- while [ -n "${1}" ]; do
- if [ "${SCOPE}" == "global" ]; then
- if grep "^${1} *-" "${descdir}/use.desc" > /dev/null; then
+ while [[ -n "${1}" ]]; do
+ if [[ "${SCOPE}" == "global" ]]; then
+ if array_contains "${useflags[*]}" "$1"; then
get_flagstatus "${1}"
+ # XXX: Handle overlay
+ grep "^${1} *-" ${ALL_PORTDIRS[@]/%//profiles/use.desc} 2> /dev/null \
+ | sed -re "s/^([^:]+)://"
- grep "^${1} *-" "${descdir}/use.desc"
# local flags are a bit more complicated as there can be multiple
# entries per flag and we can't pipe into printf
- if [ "${SCOPE}" == "local" ]; then
- if grep ":${1} *-" "${descdir}/use.local.desc" > /dev/null; then
+ if [[ "${SCOPE}" == "local" ]]; then
+ if array_contains "${useflags[*]}" "$1"; then
- grep ":${1} *-" "${descdir}/use.local.desc" \
- | sed -e "s/^\([^:]\+\):\(${1}\) *- *\(.\+\)/\1|\2|\3/g" \
- | while read line; do
- pkg="$(echo $line | cut -d\| -f 1)"
- flag="$(echo $line | cut -d\| -f 2)"
- desc="$(echo $line | cut -d\| -f 3)"
- get_flagstatus "${flag}"
- printf "%s (%s):\n%s\n\n" "${flag}" "${pkg}" "${desc}"
- done
+ # Fetch all the packages data using this flag
+ infos=$( grep ":${1} *-" ${ALL_PORTDIRS[@]/%//profiles/use.local.desc} 2> /dev/null \
+ | sed -re "s/^([^:]+):([^:]+):(${1}) *- *(.+)/\1|\2|\3|\4/g")
+ OIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'; infos=($infos); IFS=$OIFS;
+ for line in "${infos[@]}"; do
+ OIFS=$IFS; IFS="|"; line=($line); IFS=$OIFS
+ pkg=${line[1]}
+ flag=${line[2]}
+ desc=${line[3]}
+ if get_flagstatus "${flag}"; then
+ ACTIVE="+"
+ else
+ ACTIVE="-"
+ fi
+ printf "%s\n" "${flag}"
+ printf "%s: %s\n" "${pkg}" "${desc}" \
+ | fold --width=$((${COLUMNS:-80}-10)) -s | sed -e "s/^/ /g"
+ get_flagstatus_pkg "${flag}" "${pkg}" "${ACTIVE}"
+ done
- if [ ${foundone} == 0 ]; then
+ if [[ ${foundone} == 0 ]]; then
echo "no matching entries found"
+} # }}}
+# Function: showinstdesc {{{
# Works like showdesc() but displays only descriptions of which the appropriate
# ebuild is installed and prints the name of those packages.
+# Arguments:
+# * - USE flags for which to display descriptions. Undefined means to
+# display descriptions for all known USE flags
+# Environment:
+# SCOPE - defines whether to output local or global USE flag descriptions
+# Empty means to display both
+# Outputs:
+# (STDOUT) Flag description(s) for given USE flags along with installed
+# packages
showinstdesc() {
local descdir
local current_desc
case "${SCOPE}" in
- "global") echo "global use flags (searching: ${args})";;
- "local") echo "local use flags (searching: ${args})";;
+ "global") echo "global use flags (searching: ${args[@]})";;
+ "local") echo "local use flags (searching: ${args[@]})";;
*) SCOPE="global" showinstdesc "${args[@]}"
SCOPE="local" showinstdesc "${args[@]}"
# print name only if package is installed
# NOTE: If we implement bug #114086 's enhancement we can just use the
# exit status of equery instead of a subshell and pipe to wc -l
- if [ $(equery -q -C list -i -e "${pkg}" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+ # Bug 274472, -e is the default
+ if [ $(equery -q -C list -i "${pkg}" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
- get_flagstatus "${flag}"
+ get_flagstatus "${flag}" "${pkg}"
IFS=': '
printf "%s (%s):\n%s\n\n" "${flag}" "${pkg}" "${desc#- }"
echo "no matching entries found"
+} # }}}
+# Function: showflags {{{
# show a list of all currently active flags and where they are activated
showflags() {
local args
set ${args}
+ get_portageuseflags
while [ -n "${1}" ]; do
if echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[9]} " | grep " ${1} " > /dev/null; then
get_flagstatus ${1}
+ if echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]} " | egrep -e " -?${1} " > /dev/null; then
+ for pkg in $( echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]}" | \
+ egrep " -?${1} " | cut -d " " -f 2); do
+ printf "%-20s" ${1}
+ SCOPE="local" get_flagstatus ${1} "${pkg}"
+ printf "(%s)\n" ${pkg}
+ done;
+ fi
+} # }}}
# two small helpers to add or remove a flag from a USE string
add_flag() {
+ if [[ -n $(echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[6]} " | grep " -${1} ") ]]; then
+ error "Use flag \"${1}\" is masked and should not be added" \
+ "to make.conf."
+ # Bug #104396 -- Only add use flags defined in use.desc and use.local.desc
+ elif [[ -z $(echo " $(get_useflaglist) " | grep " -?${1} ") ]]; then
+ error "Use flag \"${1}\" is not defined in use.desc and should" \
+ "not be added\nto make.conf."
+ else
+ fi
remove_flag() {
+# Function: clean_package_use {{{
+# Simple utility to remove empty files from package.use
+clean_package_use() {
+if [[ -d ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} ]]; then
+ for f in $(find ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} -size 0); do
+ echo "Removing empty file ""${f}"""
+ rm ${f}
+ done;
+} # }}}
+# Function: scrub_use_flag {{{
+# Utility to remove a use flag from a file in package.use[/]
+# Arguments:
+# 1 - File
+# 2 - Use flag
+# Environment:
+# PACKAGE - Package atom for which to remove flag
+scrub_use_flag() {
+ local atom_re="^[<>]?=?([a-z][\da-z/-]+[a-z])(-[0-9pr._*-]+)?"
+ local filename=${1}
+ # Ignore leading - on flag
+ local flag=${2#*-}
+ local pkg=$(echo "${PACKAGE}" | sed -re "s/${atom_re}/\1/")
+ local pkg_re="[<>]?=?${pkg}(-[\dpr._*-]+)?"
+ while read line; do
+ # Skip (preserve) comments on their own lines
+ if [[ -z $(echo "${line}" | sed -re "s/^ *#.*$//") ]]; then
+ echo "${line}"
+ # Detect if requested package is defined on this line
+ elif [[ -n ${PACKAGE} ]]; then
+ if [[ -n $(echo "${line}" | grep -Ee "${pkg_re}") ]]; then
+ # If this is the only (remaining) use flag defined
+ # for this package, then remove the whole line
+ if [[ -z $(echo "${line}" | \
+ grep -Ee "${pkg_re} *-?${flag} *$") ]]; then
+ # Remove flag from this line
+ echo "${line}" | sed -re "s/ *-?\b${flag}\b//"
+ fi
+ else
+ # Passthru
+ echo "${line}"
+ fi
+ # If line only has this use flag, let it be removed
+ # (used if PACKAGE is not defined -- from pruning)
+ elif [[ -z $(echo ${line} | \
+ grep -re "[^#]*${atom_re}.*-?${flag}") ]]; then
+ # Remove flag from this line
+ echo "${line}" | sed -re "s/-?\b${flag}\b//"
+ else
+ # Passthru
+ echo "${line}"
+ fi
+ done > "${filename}.new" < "${filename}"
+ mv "${filename}.new" "${filename}"
+} # }}}
+# Function: modify_package {{{
+# Adds and removes USE flags from individual packages by modifying
+# files in package.use. It supports package.use both as a file and
+# and as a folder. Also handles "enabling" as removing a disabled flag from
+# a file, and "disabling" a globally enabled flag by adding a negative to
+# a file. Also warns about unused and unknown flags, and about flags
+# already enabled, disabled, or masked.
+# Arguments:
+# * - USE flag(s) to add or remove
+# Environment:
+# PACKAGE - Package for which to add (-E) or remove (-D) the USE
+# flag(s)
+modify_package() {
+ get_useflags
+ local atom_re="^[<>]?=?([a-z][\da-z/-]+[a-z])(-[0-9pr._*-]+)?"
+ local pkg=$(echo "${PACKAGE}" | sed -re "s/${atom_re}/\1/")
+ local V=$(echo "${PACKAGE}" | sed -re "s/${atom_re}/\2/")
+ local pkg_re="[<>]?=?${pkg}(-[\dpr._*-]+)?"
+ local all_flags=$(SCOPE= get_useflaglist)
+ # Shift at top rather than bottom to support 'continue'
+ set " " ${*}
+ while [[ -n ${2} ]]; do
+ shift
+ local flag=${1}
+ ACTIVE="-"
+ #
+ # Fetch flag ACTIVE status (+,-,null)
+ get_flagstatus "${flag}" "${pkg}" > /dev/null
+ # XXX: If V is not given, is this necessary? Should it use the version
+ # that would be installed by emerge?
+ get_flagstatus_pkg "${flag}" "${pkg}" "${ACTIVE}" "${V}" > /dev/null
+ #
+ # --- Sanity checks
+ # (1) make sure ${pkg} exists in portdir
+ if [[ ! -d "$(get_portdir)/${pkg}" ]]; then
+ fatal "Package \"${pkg}\" does not exist"
+ #
+ # (2) make sure ${flag} is defined in get_useflaglist
+ elif ! array_contains "$all_flags" ${flag}; then
+ warn "USE flag \"${flag}\" does not exist"
+ # Don't bail just because of this, just warn
+ # (3) make sure use flag is valid for the package
+ elif [[ -z $(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]} " | grep -Ee "^${pkg_re}" \
+ | grep -Ee "[; ][+-]?${flag}") ]]; then
+ # XXX: Handle version or version wildcard?
+ warn "USE flag \"${flag}\" is not used by $PACKAGE"
+ # Don't necessarily bail for this, just warn
+ fi
+ # If flag is enabled in portage USE flags (emerge --info),
+ # then "remove"ing the flag should be replaced with adding
+ # the negative flag instead
+ if [[ "${ACTION}" == "remove" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${ACTIVE:-${GLOBAL_ACTIVE}}" == "+" ]]; then
+ flag="-${flag}"
+ ACTION="add"
+ else
+ error "USE flag \"$flag\" is already disabled for $PACKAGE"
+ continue
+ fi
+ # If flag is currently disabled for the package requested
+ # to be enabled in, then "remove" the negative
+ elif [[ "${ACTION}" == "add" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${ACTIVE}" == "-" ]]; then
+ # If flag is masked, it should be added to package.mask, instead
+ # of package.use. For now, yield a warning and quit
+ if [[ -n $(echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[6]}" | grep "$flag") ]]; then
+ error "USE flag \"$flag\" is masked. Enabling in package.use will" \
+ "\nbe ineffective. You may have an incorrect profile selected."
+ continue
+ elif [[ -n $(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]}" | grep "^$PACKAGE" \
+ | grep " -$flag") ]]; then
+ iuse=$(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]} " | grep -Ee "^${pkg_re}" \
+ | cut -d ";" -f4 | egrep -o "[+-]?${flag}")
+ # Ensure the flag is disabled in the ebuild _and_ in package.use,
+ # if so, enable it in package.use
+ if [[ "${iuse}" =~ "+" ]]; then
+ # The flag is currently disabled by package.use only, so remove the
+ # disablement
+ flag="-${flag}"
+ ACTION="remove"
+ fi
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${ACTIVE:-${GLOBAL_ACTIVE:--}}" == "+" ]]; then
+ # XXX: Perhaps look at indicating where it is enabled
+ error "USE flag \"$flag\" is already enabled for $PACKAGE"
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ case "${ACTION}" in
+ "add")
+ local filename
+ if [[ -d ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} ]]; then
+ # Use naming convention of package.use/package
+ filename="${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}/${pkg#*/}"
+ if [[ ! -s "${filename}" ]]; then
+ # Create new file to contain flag
+ echo "${PACKAGE} ${flag}" > "${filename}"
+ echo "Adding \"${PACKAGE}[${flag}]\" use flag to new file ""${filename}"""
+ continue
+ fi
+ else
+ # Add to package.use file instead
+ filename="${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}"
+ # Create as necessary
+ touch "${filename}"
+ fi
+ # Walk through the file and add the flag manually
+ echo "Adding \"${PACKAGE}[${flag}]\" use flag in \"${filename}\""
+ local added=0
+ while read line; do
+ if [[ -n $(echo "${line}" | egrep -re "^[^#]*${pkg_re}") ]]; then
+ echo $(reduce_package_use "${line} ${flag}")
+ added=1
+ else
+ # Passthru
+ echo "${line}"
+ fi
+ done < "${filename}" > "${filename}.new"
+ mv "${filename}.new" "${filename}"
+ if [[ ${added} -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "${PACKAGE} ${flag}" >> "${filename}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "remove")
+ local filename
+ if [[ -d ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} ]]; then
+ # Scan for file containing named package and use flag
+ filename=$(egrep -rle "${pkg_re}.*[^-]${flag}( |$)" "${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}")
+ if [[ -z "${filename}" ]]; then
+ error ""${flag}" is not defined for package "${PACKAGE}""
+ continue
+ fi
+ else
+ # Remove from package.use instead
+ filename=${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}
+ # Create as necessary
+ touch "${filename}"
+ fi
+ # Scrub use flag from matched files
+ for f in ${filename}; do
+ # Remove current flags in file
+ echo "Removing \"${PACKAGE}[${flag}]\" use flag in \"${f}\""
+ scrub_use_flag ${f} ${flag}
+ done
+ # Remove empty files
+ clean_package_use
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+} # }}}
+# Function: modify {{{
# USE flag modification function. Mainly a loop with calls to add_flag and
# remove_flag to create a new USE string which is then inserted into make.conf.
modify() {
+ if [[ -n ${PACKAGE} ]]; then
+ modify_package ${*}
+ return;
+ fi;
if [ -z "${*}" ]; then
if [ "${ACTION}" != "prune" ]; then
echo "WARNING: no USE flags listed for modification, do you really"
elif echo " ${NEW_MAKE_CONF_USE} " | grep " -${1} " > /dev/null; then
remove_flag "-${1}"
+ # Locate use flag in package.use
+ local filename
+ if [[ -d ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} ]]; then
+ filename=$( egrep -rle "-?\b${1}\b" "${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}")
+ else
+ # Scrub from package.use file
+ filename=${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}
+ fi
+ # Scrub use flag from matched files
+ for f in ${filename}; do
+ # Remove current flags in file
+ echo "Disabling ""${1}"" use flag in ""${f}"""
+ scrub_use_flag ${f} ${1}
+ done;
+ # Remove empty files from package.use
+ clean_package_use
(while [ "$x" -eq "0" ]; do
read -r line
- [ "${line:0:4}" == "USE=" ] && inuse=1
+ # Bug 275362 - Handle the case where make.conf includes:
+ # USE="
+ # a b
+ # "
+ # Consume USE=" when detected so the quote won't be detected
+ # as the ending quote
+ if [ "${line:0:4}" == "USE=" ]; then inuse=1; line=${line:5}; fi
[ "${inuse}" == "0" ] && echo -E "${line}"
if [ "${inuse}" == "1" ] && echo "${line}" | egrep '" *(#.*)?$' > /dev/null; then
echo -n 'USE="'
fi ) < "${MAKE_CONF_BACKUP_PATH}" | sed -e 's:\\ $:\\:' > "${MAKE_CONF_PATH}"
echo "${MAKE_CONF_PATH} was modified, a backup copy has been placed at ${MAKE_CONF_BACKUP_PATH}"
+} # }}}
##### main program comes now #####
set -f
parse_arguments "$@"
+set +f
-set +f
+# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: