--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+import fs_template
+import cache_errors
+import errno, os, stat
+from mappings import LazyLoad, ProtectedDict
+from template import reconstruct_eclasses
+from portage_util import writemsg, apply_secpass_permissions
+from portage_data import portage_gid
+from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as db_module
+DBError = db_module.Error
+class database(fs_template.FsBased):
+ autocommits = False
+ synchronous = False
+ # cache_bytes is used together with page_size (set at sqlite build time)
+ # to calculate the number of pages requested, according to the following
+ # equation: cache_bytes = page_bytes * page_count
+ cache_bytes = 1024 * 1024 * 10
+ _db_module = db_module
+ _db_error = DBError
+ _db_table = None
+ def __init__(self, *args, **config):
+ super(database, self).__init__(*args, **config)
+ self._allowed_keys = ["_mtime_", "_eclasses_"] + self._known_keys
+ self.location = os.path.join(self.location,
+ self.label.lstrip(os.path.sep).rstrip(os.path.sep))
+ if not os.path.exists(self.location):
+ self._ensure_dirs()
+ config.setdefault("autocommit", self.autocommits)
+ config.setdefault("cache_bytes", self.cache_bytes)
+ config.setdefault("synchronous", self.synchronous)
+ self._db_init_connection(config)
+ self._db_init_structures()
+ def _db_escape_string(self, s):
+ """meta escaping, returns quoted string for use in sql statements"""
+ return "'%s'" % str(s).replace("\\","\\\\").replace("'","''")
+ def _db_init_connection(self, config):
+ self._dbpath = self.location + ".sqlite"
+ #if os.path.exists(self._dbpath):
+ # os.unlink(self._dbpath)
+ try:
+ self._ensure_dirs()
+ self._db_connection = self._db_module.connect(database=self._dbpath)
+ self._db_cursor = self._db_connection.cursor()
+ self._db_cursor.execute("PRAGMA encoding = %s" % self._db_escape_string("UTF-8"))
+ if not apply_secpass_permissions(self._dbpath, gid=portage_gid, mode=070, mask=02):
+ raise cache_errors.InitializationError(self.__class__, "can't ensure perms on %s" % self._dbpath)
+ self._db_init_cache_size(config["cache_bytes"])
+ self._db_init_synchronous(config["synchronous"])
+ except self._db_error, e:
+ raise cache_errors.InitializationError(self.__class__, e)
+ def _db_init_structures(self):
+ self._db_table = {}
+ self._db_table["packages"] = {}
+ mytable = "portage_packages"
+ self._db_table["packages"]["table_name"] = mytable
+ self._db_table["packages"]["package_id"] = "internal_db_package_id"
+ self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"] = "portage_package_key"
+ self._db_table["packages"]["internal_columns"] = \
+ [self._db_table["packages"]["package_id"],
+ self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"]]
+ create_statement = []
+ create_statement.append("CREATE TABLE")
+ create_statement.append(mytable)
+ create_statement.append("(")
+ table_parameters = []
+ table_parameters.append("%s INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" % self._db_table["packages"]["package_id"])
+ table_parameters.append("%s TEXT" % self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"])
+ for k in self._allowed_keys:
+ table_parameters.append("%s TEXT" % k)
+ table_parameters.append("UNIQUE(%s)" % self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"])
+ create_statement.append(",".join(table_parameters))
+ create_statement.append(")")
+ self._db_table["packages"]["create"] = " ".join(create_statement)
+ self._db_table["packages"]["columns"] = \
+ self._db_table["packages"]["internal_columns"] + \
+ self._allowed_keys
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ for k, v in self._db_table.iteritems():
+ if self._db_table_exists(v["table_name"]):
+ create_statement = self._db_table_get_create(v["table_name"])
+ if create_statement != v["create"]:
+ writemsg("sqlite: dropping old table: %s\n" % v["table_name"])
+ cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % v["table_name"])
+ cursor.execute(v["create"])
+ else:
+ cursor.execute(v["create"])
+ def _db_table_exists(self, table_name):
+ """return true/false dependant on a tbl existing"""
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\"table\" AND name=%s" % \
+ self._db_escape_string(table_name))
+ return len(cursor.fetchall()) == 1
+ def _db_table_get_create(self, table_name):
+ """return true/false dependant on a tbl existing"""
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=%s" % \
+ self._db_escape_string(table_name))
+ return cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
+ def _db_init_cache_size(self, cache_bytes):
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute("PRAGMA page_size")
+ page_size=int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
+ # number of pages, sqlite default is 2000
+ cache_size = cache_bytes / page_size
+ cursor.execute("PRAGMA cache_size = %d" % cache_size)
+ cursor.execute("PRAGMA cache_size")
+ actual_cache_size = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
+ del cursor
+ if actual_cache_size != cache_size:
+ raise cache_errors.InitializationError(self.__class__,"actual cache_size = "+actual_cache_size+" does does not match requested size of "+cache_size)
+ def _db_init_synchronous(self, synchronous):
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = %d" % synchronous)
+ cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous")
+ actual_synchronous=int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
+ del cursor
+ if actual_synchronous!=synchronous:
+ raise cache_errors.InitializationError(self.__class__,"actual synchronous = "+actual_synchronous+" does does not match requested value of "+synchronous)
+ def __getitem__(self, cpv):
+ if not self.has_key(cpv):
+ raise KeyError(cpv)
+ def curry(*args):
+ def callit(*args2):
+ return args[0](*args[1:]+args2)
+ return callit
+ return ProtectedDict(LazyLoad(curry(self._pull, cpv)))
+ def _pull(self, cpv):
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute("select * from %s where %s=%s" % \
+ (self._db_table["packages"]["table_name"],
+ self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"],
+ self._db_escape_string(cpv)))
+ result = cursor.fetchall()
+ if len(result) == 1:
+ pass
+ elif len(result) == 0:
+ raise KeyError(cpv)
+ else:
+ raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, "key is not unique")
+ d = {}
+ internal_columns = self._db_table["packages"]["internal_columns"]
+ column_index = -1
+ for k in self._db_table["packages"]["columns"]:
+ column_index +=1
+ if k not in internal_columns:
+ d[k] = result[0][column_index]
+ # XXX: The resolver chokes on unicode strings so we convert them here.
+ for k in d.keys():
+ try:
+ d[k]=str(d[k]) # convert unicode strings to normal
+ except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
+ pass #writemsg("%s: %s\n" % (cpv, str(e)))
+ if "_eclasses_" in d:
+ d["_eclasses_"] = reconstruct_eclasses(cpv, d["_eclasses_"])
+ for x in self._known_keys:
+ d.setdefault(x,'')
+ return d
+ def _setitem(self, cpv, values):
+ update_statement = []
+ update_statement.append("REPLACE INTO %s" % self._db_table["packages"]["table_name"])
+ update_statement.append("(")
+ update_statement.append(','.join([self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"]] + self._allowed_keys))
+ update_statement.append(")")
+ update_statement.append("VALUES")
+ update_statement.append("(")
+ values_parameters = []
+ values_parameters.append(self._db_escape_string(cpv))
+ for k in self._allowed_keys:
+ values_parameters.append(self._db_escape_string(values.get(k, '')))
+ update_statement.append(",".join(values_parameters))
+ update_statement.append(")")
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ try:
+ s = " ".join(update_statement)
+ cursor.execute(s)
+ except self._db_error, e:
+ writemsg("%s: %s\n" % (cpv, str(e)))
+ raise
+ def commit(self):
+ self._db_connection.commit()
+ def _delitem(self, cpv):
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s=%s" % \
+ (self._db_table["packages"]["table_name"],
+ self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"],
+ self._db_escape_string(cpv)))
+ def has_key(self, cpv):
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute(" ".join(
+ ["SELECT %s FROM %s" %
+ (self._db_table["packages"]["package_id"],
+ self._db_table["packages"]["table_name"]),
+ "WHERE %s=%s" % (
+ self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"],
+ self._db_escape_string(cpv))]))
+ result = cursor.fetchall()
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ return False
+ elif len(result) == 1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ raise cache_errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, "key is not unique")
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ """generator for walking the dir struct"""
+ cursor = self._db_cursor
+ cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM %s" % \
+ (self._db_table["packages"]["package_key"],
+ self._db_table["packages"]["table_name"]))
+ result = cursor.fetchall()
+ key_list = [x[0] for x in result]
+ del result
+ while key_list:
+ yield key_list.pop()