if myslot not in slotmap:
slotmap[myslot] = {}
slotmap[myslot][localtree.dbapi.cpv_counter(mypkg)] = mypkg
+ for mypkg in vartree.dbapi.cp_list(
+ portage.dep_getkey(mymatch[0])):
+ myslot = vartree.getslot(mypkg)
+ if myslot not in slotmap:
+ slotmap[myslot] = {}
+ slotmap[myslot][vartree.dbapi.cpv_counter(mypkg)] = mypkg
for myslot in slotmap:
counterkeys = slotmap[myslot].keys()
if not counterkeys:
del counterkeys[-1]
+ for counter in counterkeys[:]:
+ mypkg = slotmap[myslot][counter]
+ if mypkg not in mymatch:
+ counterkeys.remove(counter)
+ pkgmap[mykey]["protected"].add(
+ slotmap[myslot][counter])
#be pretty and get them in order of merge:
for ckey in counterkeys:
mypkg = slotmap[myslot][ckey]