.. by making use of copy_binaries
# Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Id$
+ 16 Apr 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> gen_initramfs.sh:
+ Support a non-static cryptsetup binary (bug #409277)
09 Apr 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> defaults/initrd.scripts,
defaults/keymaps/keymapList, defaults/keymaps/sf.map:
Add keymap "sf" from Pentoo
[ -x "${_luks_source}" ] \
|| gen_die "$(printf "${_luks_error_format}" "no file ${_luks_source}")"
- is_static "${_luks_source}" \
- || gen_die "$(printf "${_luks_error_format}" "${_luks_source} not a static binary")"
print_info 1 "Including LUKS support"
- cp "${_luks_source}" ${TEMP}/initramfs-luks-temp${_luks_dest}
- chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-luks-temp${_luks_dest}"
+ copy_binaries "${TEMP}/initramfs-luks-temp/" /sbin/cryptsetup
find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" \