# ChangeLog for sci-geosciences/gpsd
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog,v 1.25 2007/01/14 23:01:11 nerdboy Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog,v 1.26 2007/01/18 06:39:28 nerdboy Exp $
+ 18 Jan 2007; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> gpsd-2.34.ebuild:
+ Added missing include file (bug 162361) and fixed up einfo.
14 Jan 2007; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> files/gpsd.conf,
- reverted to strict config setup, since gpsd requires the device parameter
+ Reverted to strict config setup, since gpsd requires the device parameter
when using the init script to start gpsd with an existing device (even a
usb device).
14 Jan 2007; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> files/gpsd.conf,
files/gpsd.init, +gpsd-2.34.ebuild:
- version bump with new devices and use flags, plus streamlined config and
+ Version bump with new devices and use flags, plus streamlined config and
minimal install option (disable other use flags and enable minimal).
08 Jan 2007; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> -gpsd-2.33.ebuild:
QA: Removed unused versions.
05 Nov 2006; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> files/gpsd.conf:
- corrected path in config file (only affects non-usb usage)
+ Corrected path in config file (only affects non-usb usage).
24 Oct 2006; Steve Arnold <nerdboy@gentoo.org> files/gpsd.init,
MD5 77df33d3e7dcbaa839956f8c14d83ced gpsd-2.33-r1.ebuild 4016
RMD160 666cc110956f1ed83e78355c578aecbb41f02b9b gpsd-2.33-r1.ebuild 4016
SHA256 49658dddfbfca446351cdd8d5a889026e54755f4bfbef927f0074f94d20d4073 gpsd-2.33-r1.ebuild 4016
-EBUILD gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3524 RMD160 c1eb77beb119169d9b7a56b930138ac4e10f15a4 SHA1 a2138bf7ff7f3bb6d50a50080cde96b2aa7a60d0 SHA256 408accdd9c3d77bb2551eca2fb24f4a504d81ecb75c6c80016ae0f24767e69c7
-MD5 8594fdfac66472f20aa051adfee5a7e5 gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3524
-RMD160 c1eb77beb119169d9b7a56b930138ac4e10f15a4 gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3524
-SHA256 408accdd9c3d77bb2551eca2fb24f4a504d81ecb75c6c80016ae0f24767e69c7 gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3524
-MISC ChangeLog 5237 RMD160 4b3d5477640c691c0b96a320a0ca9085eb7aadd0 SHA1 3533142d5dafe5e1b9ca8dca8902eb819bc47576 SHA256 4980e5cd229cac395b6e5075e61ccf842b5d6965ea947f71881b98bf08d1b8d4
-MD5 2cd49fc88443477ef9ae596be1a47758 ChangeLog 5237
-RMD160 4b3d5477640c691c0b96a320a0ca9085eb7aadd0 ChangeLog 5237
-SHA256 4980e5cd229cac395b6e5075e61ccf842b5d6965ea947f71881b98bf08d1b8d4 ChangeLog 5237
+EBUILD gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3968 RMD160 39d3bd6dff016d0c815bba22a57ed4e67cd8aeb5 SHA1 9422a8af7c684c3097dcf5953d9ce8cb08c923bd SHA256 004ab5e8dd577495c23cebb88c5cd21d0bc659b487045ea54ee621c2108b0cca
+MD5 eac44ccb41ff98c9a64e95022ff671a8 gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3968
+RMD160 39d3bd6dff016d0c815bba22a57ed4e67cd8aeb5 gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3968
+SHA256 004ab5e8dd577495c23cebb88c5cd21d0bc659b487045ea54ee621c2108b0cca gpsd-2.34.ebuild 3968
+MISC ChangeLog 5368 RMD160 e9714883718bf6dc0228640b4a922621c3a62cb4 SHA1 208ce2d9107c6c3deecb70e2f32a7fba863475f3 SHA256 bc32b5cb4572980ad88aa9b6e275e127a44e68787b7fad6d7cd439d5b1b3a291
+MD5 553df33418751d71a1df6edaa649e26f ChangeLog 5368
+RMD160 e9714883718bf6dc0228640b4a922621c3a62cb4 ChangeLog 5368
+SHA256 bc32b5cb4572980ad88aa9b6e275e127a44e68787b7fad6d7cd439d5b1b3a291 ChangeLog 5368
MISC metadata.xml 432 RMD160 5af3627f9b65a58e04c58e031fcc8d911aa9d9e1 SHA1 548e9d03dacdcc4beac0d58deac74e40b9dc96e1 SHA256 5076d78647d5149ffa3fb8795e8736a785929ae0c218d80938df272a1a57b14b
MD5 25f6cd5c06fe86c497e9e2b67a789d35 metadata.xml 432
RMD160 5af3627f9b65a58e04c58e031fcc8d911aa9d9e1 metadata.xml 432
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/gpsd-2.34.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/01/14 22:15:46 nerdboy Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/gpsd-2.34.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/01/18 06:39:28 nerdboy Exp $
inherit eutils autotools distutils
newconfd ${FILESDIR}/gpsd.conf gpsd
newinitd ${FILESDIR}/gpsd.init gpsd
if use X ; then
insinto /etc/X11/app-defaults
newins xgps.ad Xgps
newins xgpsspeed.ad Xgpsspeed
dobin logextract
diropts "-m0644"
if use python ; then
exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages
doexe gps.py gpsfake.py gpspacket.so
+ # add missing include file (see bug #162361)
+ insinto /usr/include
+ doins gpsd_config.h
pkg_postinst() {
einfo ""
- einfo "This version of gpsd no longer requires updates many devices and"
- einfo "should no longer require any specific arguments. The gpsd daemon"
- einfo "should now start first. You should probably have >=udev-096-r1"
- einfo "for hotplug and general usb device detection to work correctly."
+ einfo "This version of gpsd adds additional GPS device support, almost"
+ einfo "all of which is enabled by default, except those controlled by"
+ einfo "the USE flags for TNT and iTrax/iTalk support. The minimal flag"
+ einfo "enables the embedded device (ie, small footprint) support, but"
+ einfo "you'll need to modify the ebuild if you need to change either"
+ einfo "the number of clients or the number of devices. Although pps"
+ einfo "is enabled, it still needs the correct kernel patches. You"
+ einfo "should probably have >=udev-096-r1 for hotplugging and general"
+ einfo "usb device detection to work correctly (ie, without hotplug)."
einfo ""
einfo "Different GPS devices require the corresponding kernel options"
einfo "to be enabled, such as USB_SERIAL_GARMIN, or a USB serial driver"