# Pyrex Scanner
-#import pickle
-import cPickle as pickle
import os
import platform
import stat
trace_scanner = 0
scanner_debug_flags = 0
scanner_dump_file = None
-binary_lexicon_pickle = 1
-notify_lexicon_unpickling = 0
-notify_lexicon_pickling = 1
lexicon = None
-def hash_source_file(path):
- # Try to calculate a hash code for the given source file.
- # Returns an empty string if the file cannot be accessed.
- #print "Hashing", path ###
- try:
- from hashlib import md5 as new_md5
- except ImportError:
- from md5 import new as new_md5
- f = None
- try:
- try:
- f = open(path, "rU")
- text = f.read()
- except IOError, e:
- print("Unable to hash scanner source file (%s)" % e)
- return ""
- finally:
- if f:
- f.close()
- # Normalise spaces/tabs. We don't know what sort of
- # space-tab substitution the file may have been
- # through, so we replace all spans of spaces and
- # tabs by a single space.
- import re
- text = re.sub("[ \t]+", " ", text)
- hash = new_md5(text.encode("ASCII")).hexdigest()
- return hash
-def open_pickled_lexicon(expected_hash):
- # Try to open pickled lexicon file and verify that
- # it matches the source file. Returns the opened
- # file if successful, otherwise None. ???
- global lexicon_pickle
- f = None
- result = None
- if os.path.exists(lexicon_pickle):
- try:
- f = open(lexicon_pickle, "rb")
- actual_hash = pickle.load(f)
- if actual_hash == expected_hash:
- result = f
- f = None
- else:
- print("Lexicon hash mismatch:") ###
- print(" expected " + expected_hash) ###
- print(" got " + actual_hash) ###
- except (IOError, pickle.UnpicklingError), e:
- print("Warning: Unable to read pickled lexicon " + lexicon_pickle)
- print(e)
- if f:
- f.close()
- return result
-def try_to_unpickle_lexicon():
- global lexicon, lexicon_pickle, lexicon_hash
- dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- source_file = os.path.join(dir, "Lexicon.py")
- lexicon_hash = hash_source_file(source_file)
- lexicon_pickle = os.path.join(dir, "Lexicon.pickle")
- f = open_pickled_lexicon(lexicon_hash)
- if f:
- if notify_lexicon_unpickling:
- t0 = time()
- print("Unpickling lexicon...")
- try:
- lexicon = pickle.load(f)
- except Exception, e:
- print "WARNING: Exception while loading lexicon pickle, regenerating"
- print e
- lexicon = None
- f.close()
- if notify_lexicon_unpickling:
- t1 = time()
- print("Done (%.2f seconds)" % (t1 - t0))
-def create_new_lexicon():
- global lexicon
- t0 = time()
- print("Creating lexicon...")
- lexicon = make_lexicon()
- t1 = time()
- print("Done (%.2f seconds)" % (t1 - t0))
-def pickle_lexicon():
- f = None
- try:
- f = open(lexicon_pickle, "wb")
- except IOError:
- print("Warning: Unable to save pickled lexicon in " + lexicon_pickle)
- if f:
- if notify_lexicon_pickling:
- t0 = time()
- print("Pickling lexicon...")
- pickle.dump(lexicon_hash, f, binary_lexicon_pickle)
- pickle.dump(lexicon, f, binary_lexicon_pickle)
- f.close()
- if notify_lexicon_pickling:
- t1 = time()
- print("Done (%.2f seconds)" % (t1 - t0))
def get_lexicon():
global lexicon
- if not lexicon and plex_version is None:
- try_to_unpickle_lexicon()
if not lexicon:
- create_new_lexicon()
- if plex_version is None:
- pickle_lexicon()
+ lexicon = make_lexicon()
return lexicon
cython_dir = os.path.join(get_python_lib(prefix=''), 'Cython')
compiler_dir = os.path.join(cython_dir, 'Compiler')
setup_args['data_files'] = [
- (compiler_dir, ['Cython/Compiler/Lexicon.pickle']),
(cython_dir, [ f for pattern in
for f in glob.glob(pattern) ])]
- setup_args['package_data'] = {'Cython.Compiler' : ['Lexicon.pickle'],
- 'Cython' : ['Includes/*.pxd',
+ setup_args['package_data'] = {'Cython' : ['Includes/*.pxd',