If we have more than our desired number of objects and we try to
open the "Do you want to repack now?" dialog we cannot include a
-parent . argument if the main window has not been mapped yet.
On Mac OS X it appears this window isn't mapped right away, so we
had better hang avoid including it.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
if {[reponame] ne {}} {
append title " ([reponame])"
- return [tk_messageBox \
- -parent . \
+ set cmd [list tk_messageBox \
-icon question \
-type yesno \
-title $title \
-message $msg]
+ if {[winfo ismapped .]} {
+ lappend cmd -parent .
+ }
+ eval $cmd
proc hook_failed_popup {hook msg} {