-inherit kde.org kde5-functions xdg
+inherit flag-o-matic kde.org kde5-functions xdg
case ${KDE_AUTODEPS} in
inherit cmake-utils
+ # If set to "false", do nothing.
+ # For any other value, assume the package is using KDEInstallDirs macro and switch
+ case ${KDE_DEBUG} in
+ false) ;;
+ *)
+ IUSE+=" debug"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case ${KDE_TEST} in
+ false) ;;
+ *)
+ IUSE+=" test"
+ DEPEND+=" test? ( dev-qt/qttest:5 )"
+ ;;
+ esac
# all packages need breeze/oxygen icons for basic iconset, bug #564838
[[ -z ${ECM_TEST} ]] && ECM_TEST=${KDE_TEST}
inherit ecm
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_unpack src_prepare src_configure src_compile src_test src_install pkg_preinst pkg_postinst pkg_postrm
+# @FUNCTION: _kde5_strip_handbook_translations
+# If LINGUAS is defined, enable only the requested translations when required.
+_kde5_strip_handbook_translations() {
+ if ! [[ -v LINGUAS ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local lang po
+ for po in ${ECM_PO_DIRS}; do
+ if [[ -d ${po} ]] ; then
+ pushd ${po} > /dev/null || die
+ local lang
+ for lang in *; do
+ if [[ -e ${lang} ]] && ! has ${lang/.po/} ${LINGUAS} ; then
+ case ${lang} in
+ cmake_modules | \
+ CMakeLists.txt | \
+ ${PN}.pot) ;;
+ *) rm -r ${lang} || die ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ -e CMakeLists.txt ]] ; then
+ cmake_comment_add_subdirectory ${lang}
+ sed -e "/add_subdirectory([[:space:]]*${lang}\/.*[[:space:]]*)/d" \
+ -i CMakeLists.txt || die
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ popd > /dev/null || die
+ fi
+ done
# @FUNCTION: kde5_pkg_pretend
# Checks if the active compiler meets the minimum version requirements.
kde5_src_prepare() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
case ${KDE_AUTODEPS} in
- false) cmake-utils_src_prepare ;;
+ false)
+ cmake-utils_src_prepare
+ _kde5_strip_handbook_translations
+ # only build unit tests when required
+ if ! { in_iuse test && use test; } ; then
+ if [[ ${KDE_TEST} = forceoptional ]] ; then
+ punt_bogus_dep Qt5 Test
+ # if forceoptional, also cover non-kde categories
+ cmake_comment_add_subdirectory autotests test tests
+ elif [[ ${CATEGORY} = kde-frameworks || ${CATEGORY} = kde-plasma || ${CATEGORY} = kde-apps ]] ; then
+ cmake_comment_add_subdirectory autotests test tests
+ fi
+ fi
+ # in frameworks, tests = manual tests so never build them
+ if [[ ${CATEGORY} = kde-frameworks ]] && [[ ${PN} != extra-cmake-modules ]]; then
+ cmake_comment_add_subdirectory tests
+ fi
+ ;;
*) ecm_src_prepare ;;
kde5_src_configure() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
case ${KDE_AUTODEPS} in
- false) cmake-utils_src_configure ;;
+ false)
+ # we rely on cmake-utils.eclass to append -DNDEBUG too
+ if in_iuse debug && ! use debug; then
+ append-cppflags -DQT_NO_DEBUG
+ fi
+ local cmakeargs
+ if in_iuse test && ! use test ; then
+ cmakeargs+=( -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF )
+ if [[ ${KDE_TEST} = optional ]] ; then
+ cmakeargs+=( -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt5Test=ON )
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ECM_KDEINSTALLDIRS} != false ]] ; then
+ cmakeargs+=(
+ # install mkspecs in the same directory as qt stuff
+ # move handbook outside of doc dir, bug 667138
+ )
+ fi
+ # allow the ebuild to override what we set here
+ mycmakeargs=("${cmakeargs[@]}" "${mycmakeargs[@]}")
+ cmake-utils_src_configure
+ ;;
*) ecm_src_configure ;;