proc resetvarcs {view} {
global varcid varccommits parents children vseedcount ordertok
+ global vshortids
foreach vid [array names varcid $view,*] {
unset varcid($vid)
unset children($vid)
unset parents($vid)
+ foreach vid [array names vshortids $view,*] {
+ unset vshortids($vid)
+ }
# some commits might have children but haven't been seen yet
foreach vid [array names children $view,*] {
unset children($vid)
proc insertrow {id p v} {
global cmitlisted children parents varcid varctok vtokmod
global varccommits ordertok commitidx numcommits curview
- global targetid targetrow
+ global targetid targetrow vshortids
readcommit $id
set vid $v,$id
set parents($vid) [list $p]
set a [newvarc $v $id]
set varcid($vid) $a
+ lappend vshortids($v,[string range $id 0 3]) $id
if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} {
modify_arc $v $a
global commitidx commitdata vdatemode
global parents children curview hlview
global idpending ordertok
- global varccommits varcid varctok vtokmod vfilelimit
+ global varccommits varcid varctok vtokmod vfilelimit vshortids
set stuff [read $fd 500000]
# git log doesn't terminate the last commit with a null...
set id [lindex $ids 0]
set vid $view,$id
+ lappend vshortids($view,[string range $id 0 3]) $id
if {!$listed && $updating && ![info exists varcid($vid)] &&
$vfilelimit($view) ne {}} {
# git log doesn't rewrite parents for unlisted commits
# and are present in the current view.
# This is fairly slow...
proc longid {prefix} {
- global varcid curview
+ global varcid curview vshortids
set ids {}
- foreach match [array names varcid "$curview,$prefix*"] {
- lappend ids [lindex [split $match ","] 1]
+ if {[string length $prefix] >= 4} {
+ set vshortid $curview,[string range $prefix 0 3]
+ if {[info exists vshortids($vshortid)]} {
+ foreach id $vshortids($vshortid) {
+ if {[string match "$prefix*" $id]} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $ids $id] < 0} {
+ lappend ids $id
+ if {[llength $ids] >= 2} break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach match [array names varcid "$curview,$prefix*"] {
+ lappend ids [lindex [split $match ","] 1]
+ if {[llength $ids] >= 2} break
+ }
return $ids