# Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Id$
+ 02 Jun 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> arch/x86/modules_load,
+ arch/x86_64/modules_load, defaults/modules_load:
+ Make sure that cbc.ko and aes*.ko needed for cbc-essiv:sha256 (=default) disk
+ encryption are included with the initramfs (bug #416973)
28 May 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> gen_funcs.sh:
Fix an e2fsprogs compilation leftover (bug #417095), reported by Juergen Rose
MODULES_FS="ext2 ext3 ext4 btrfs reiserfs jfs nfs xfs zfs fuse"
# Crypto
+MODULES_CRYPTO="sha256_generic cbc aes_generic aes_586 aesni-intel"
MODULES_FS="ext2 ext3 ext4 btrfs reiserfs jfs nfs xfs zfs fuse"
# Crypto
+MODULES_CRYPTO="sha256_generic cbc aes_generic aes-x86_64 aesni-intel"