This should be quite handy for doing automated testing of the
emacs-based functionality in notmuch. This function invokes emacs with
the necessary command-line arguments, (to run in batch mode with no
local initialization, to load the notmuch code from the source
directory, and to ensure an 80-column width).
argument. This is primarily meant for use during the
development of a new test script.
+ test_emacs <emacs-lisp-expressions>
+ This function executes the provided emacs lisp script within
+ emacs. The script can be a sequence of emacs lisp expressions,
+ (that is, they will be evaluated within a progn form). The lisp
+ expressions can call `message' to generate output on stdout to be
+ examined by the calling test script.
Your test script must have test_done at the end. Its purpose
+test_emacs () {
+ emacs_code="$1"
+ emacs --batch --no-site-file --directory ../../emacs --load notmuch.el --eval "(progn (set-frame-width (window-frame (get-buffer-window)) 80) ${emacs_code})"
find_notmuch_path ()