Removed these as they are moved to the appropriate target directories
authorEric Edgar <>
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 21:26:27 +0000 (21:26 +0000)
committerEric Edgar <>
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 21:26:27 +0000 (21:26 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// d1e1f19c-881f-0410-ab34-b69fee027534

livecd/runscript-support/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript-support/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript-support/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript-support/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript-support/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript/ [deleted file]
livecd/runscript/ [deleted file]

diff --git a/livecd/runscript-support/ b/livecd/runscript-support/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 39f106e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript-support/Attic/,v 1.6 2004/12/16 17:51:23 wolf31o2 Exp $
-# we grab our configuration
-source "${clst_gamecd_conf}" || exit 1
-# here we replace out game information into several files
-sed -i -e "s:livecd:gamecd:" /etc/hosts
-sed -i -e "s:##GAME_NAME:${GAME_NAME}:" /etc/motd
-# here we setup our xinitrc
-echo "exec ${GAME_EXECUTABLE}" > /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
-# we add spind to default here since we don't want the CD to spin down
-rc-update add spind default
diff --git a/livecd/runscript-support/ b/livecd/runscript-support/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 6ffcbf8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript-support/Attic/,v 1.25 2005/03/07 21:14:42 wolf31o2 Exp $
-die() {
-       echo "$1"
-       exit 1
-build_kernel() {
-       # default genkernel args
-       GK_ARGS="${clst_livecd_gk_mainargs} \
-                        ${clst_livecd_gk_kernargs} \
-                        --no-mountboot \
-                        --kerneldir=/usr/src/linux \
-                        --kernel-config=/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.config \
-                        --minkernpackage=/usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${clst_kname}-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2 all"
-       # extra genkernel options that we have to test for
-       if [ "${clst_livecd_splash_type}" == "bootsplash" -a -n "${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" ]
-       then
-               GK_ARGS="${GK_ARGS} --bootsplash=${clst_livecd_splash_theme}"
-       fi
-       if [ "${clst_livecd_splash_type}" == "gensplash" -a -n "${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" ]
-       then
-               GK_ARGS="${GK_ARGS} --gensplash=${clst_livecd_splash_theme}"
-       fi
-       if [ -n "${clst_CCACHE}" ]
-       then
-               GK_ARGS="${GK_ARGS} --kernel-cc=/usr/lib/ccache/bin/gcc --utils-cc=/usr/lib/ccache/bin/gcc"
-       fi
-       if [  -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.postconf" ]
-       then
-               for x in $( cat /var/tmp/${clst_kname}.postconf )
-               do
-                       clst_kernel_postconf="${clst_kernel_postconf} ${x}"
-               done
-       fi
-       if [ -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.packages" ]
-       then
-               for x in $( cat /var/tmp/${clst_kname}.packages )
-               do
-                       clst_kernel_merge="${clst_kernel_merge} ${x}"
-               done
-       fi
-       if [ "${clst_livecd_devmanager}" == "udev" ]
-       then
-               GK_ARGS="${GK_ARGS} --udev"
-       else
-               GK_ARGS="${GK_ARGS} --no-udev"
-       fi
-       # build with genkernel using the set options
-       # callback and postconf are put here to avoid escaping issues
-       if [ -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.packages" -a \
-       -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.postconf" ]
-       then
-               genkernel --callback="emerge ${clst_kernel_merge}" \
-                       --postconf="emerge ${clst_kernel_postconf}" \
-                       ${GK_ARGS} || exit 1
-       elif [ -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.packages" ]
-       then
-               genkernel --callback="emerge ${clst_kernel_merge}" \
-                       ${GK_ARGS} || exit 1
-       elif [ -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.postconf" ]
-       then
-               genkernel --postconf="emerge ${clst_kernel_postconf}" \
-                       ${GK_ARGS} || exit 1
-       else
-               genkernel ${GK_ARGS} || exit 1
-       fi
-       # pack up the modules for resuming
-       if [ -n "${clst_KERNCACHE}" ]
-       then
-               tar cjpf /usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${1}-modules-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2 \
-                       /lib/modules/${1} || die "Could not package kernel modules, exiting"
-       fi
-# Script to build each kernel, kernel-related packages
-source /etc/profile
-[ -n "${clst_ENVSCRIPT}" ] && source /tmp/envscript
-export CONFIG_PROTECT="-*"
-rm -f /usr/src/linux
-#set the timezone for the kernel build
-rm /etc/localtime
-ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime
-[ -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.use" ] && export USE="$( cat /var/tmp/${clst_kname}.use )" || unset USE
-[ -e "/var/tmp/${clst_kname}.gk_kernargs" ] && source /var/tmp/${clst_kname}.gk_kernargs
-# Don't use pkgcache here, as the kernel source may get emerge with different USE variables
-# (and thus different patches enabled/disabled.) Also, there's no real benefit in using the
-# pkgcache for kernel source ebuilds.
-emerge "${clst_ksource}" || exit 1
-[ ! -e /usr/src/linux ] && die "Can't find required directory /usr/src/linux"
-#if catalyst has set NULL_VALUE, extraversion wasn't specified so we skip this part
-if [ "${clst_kextversion}" != "NULL_VALUE" ]
-       sed -i -e "s:EXTRAVERSION \(=.*\):EXTRAVERSION \1-${clst_kextversion}:" /usr/src/linux/Makefile
-if [ -n "${clst_CCACHE}" ]
-       #enable ccache for genkernel
-       export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin:${PATH}"
-# grep out the kernel version so that we can do our modules magic
-VER=`grep ^VERSION\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | awk '{ print $3 };'`
-PAT=`grep ^PATCHLEVEL\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | awk '{ print $3 };'`
-SUB=`grep ^SUBLEVEL\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | awk '{ print $3 };'`
-EXV=`grep ^EXTRAVERSION\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | sed -e "s/EXTRAVERSION =//" -e "s/ //g"`
-# kernel building happens here
-# does the old config exist? if it does not, we build by default
-if [ -e "/usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${clst_kname}-${clst_version_stamp}.config" ]
-       # test to see if the kernel .configs are the same, if so, then we skip kernel building
-       test1=$(md5sum /var/tmp/${clst_kname}.config | cut -d " " -f 1)
-       test2=$(md5sum /usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${clst_kname}-${clst_version_stamp}.config | cut -d " " -f 1)
-       if [ "${test1}" == "${test2}" -a -n "${clst_KERNCACHE}" ]
-       then
-               echo
-               echo "No kernel configuration change, skipping kernel build..."
-               echo
-               sleep 5
-               # unpack our modules to the LiveCD fs
-               echo
-               echo "Unpacking kernel modules from the previous build..."
-               echo
-               [ ! -d /lib/modules ] && mkdir /lib/modules
-               tar xjpf /usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${clst_fudgeuname}-modules-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2 \
-                       -C / || die "Could not unpack kernel modules"
-       else
-               build_kernel ${clst_fudgeuname}
-       fi
-       build_kernel ${clst_fudgeuname}
-/sbin/modules-update --assume-kernel=${clst_fudgeuname}
-#now the unmerge... (wipe db entry)
-#emerge -C ${clst_ksource}
-unset USE
-# keep the config around so that we can resume at some point
-if [ -n "${clst_KERNCACHE}" ]
-       cp /var/tmp/${clst_kname}.config \
-       /usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${clst_kname}-${clst_version_stamp}.config
diff --git a/livecd/runscript-support/ b/livecd/runscript-support/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 4699800..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript-support/Attic/,v 1.35 2005/03/30 17:29:13 wolf31o2 Exp $
-source /etc/profile
-# allow root logins to the livecd by default
-if [ -e /etc/sshd/sshd_config ]
-       sed -i 's:^#PermitRootLogin\ yes:PermitRootLogin\ yes:' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-# turn off udev tarball
-sed -i 's:RC_DEVICE_TARBALL="yes":RC_DEVICE_TARBALL="no":' /etc/conf.d/rc
-# turn bashlogin shells to actual login shells
-sed -i 's:exec -l /bin/bash:exec -l /bin/bash -l:' /bin/bashlogin
-# default programs that we always want to start
-rc-update del iptables default
-rc-update del netmount default
-rc-update add autoconfig default
-rc-update del keymaps
-rc-update del serial
-rc-update del consolefont
-rc-update add modules default
-rc-update add pwgen default
-[ -e /etc/init.d/bootsplash ] && rc-update add bootsplash default
-[ -e /etc/init.d/splash ] && rc-update add splash default
-[ -e /etc/init.d/sysklogd ] && rc-update add sysklogd default
-[ -e /etc/init.d/metalog ] && rc-update add metalog default
-[ -e /etc/init.d/syslog-ng ] && rc-update add syslog-ng default
-[ -e /etc/init.d/alsasound ] && rc-update add alsasound default
-# Comment out current getty settings
-sed -i -e '/^c[0-9]/ s/^/#/' /etc/inittab
-# Add our own getty settings
-for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6
-       echo "c${x}:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -nl /bin/bashlogin 38400 tty${x} linux" >> /etc/inittab
-# perform any rcadd then any rcdel
-if [ -n "${clst_livecd_rcadd}" ] || [ -n "${clst_livecd_rcdel}" ]
-       if [ -n "${clst_livecd_rcadd}" ]
-       then
-               for x in ${clst_livecd_rcadd}
-               do
-                       rc-update add "${x%%:*}" "${x##*:}"
-               done
-       fi
-       if [ -n "${clst_livecd_rcdel}" ]
-       then
-               for x in ${clst_livecd_rcdel}
-               do
-                       rc-update del "${x%%:*}" "${x##*:}"
-               done
-       fi
-# clean up the time and set to GMT
-rm -rf /etc/localtime
-cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT /etc/localtime
-# setup the hostname
-echo "livecd" > /etc/hostname
-echo "gentoo" > /etc/dnsdomainname
-#sed -i 's:localhost:livecd.gentoo localhost:' /etc/hosts
-echo "        livecd.gentoo livecd localhost" > /etc/hosts
-# setup sudoers
-[ -e /etc/sudoers ] && sed -i '/NOPASSWD: ALL/ s/^# //' /etc/sudoers
-# setup dhcp on all detected ethernet devices
-echo "iface_eth0=\"dhcp\""> /etc/conf.d/net
-echo "iface_eth1=\"dhcp\"" >> /etc/conf.d/net
-echo "iface_eth2=\"dhcp\"" >> /etc/conf.d/net
-echo "iface_eth3=\"dhcp\"" >> /etc/conf.d/net
-echo "iface_eth4=\"dhcp\"" >> /etc/conf.d/net
-# setup links for ethernet devices
-cd /etc/init.d
-ln -sf net.eth0 net.eth1
-ln -sf net.eth0 net.eth2
-ln -sf net.eth0 net.eth3
-ln -sf net.eth0 net.eth4
-# add this for hwsetup/mkx86config
-mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig
-# fstab tweaks
-echo "tmpfs    /                                       tmpfs   defaults        0 0" > /etc/fstab
-echo "tmpfs    /lib/firmware                   tmpfs   defaults        0 0" >> /etc/fstab
-echo "tmpfs /usr/portage                       tmpfs   defaults        0 0" >> /etc/fstab
-# if /usr/lib/X11/xkb/compiled then make it tmpfs
-if [ -d /usr/lib/X11/xkb/compiled ]
-       echo "tmpfs     /usr/lib/X11/xkb/compiled       tmpfs   defaults        0 0" >> /etc/fstab
-# devfs tweaks
-sed -i '/dev-state/ s:^:#:' /etc/devfsd.conf
-# tweak the livecd fstab so that users know not to edit it
-mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old
-echo "####################################################" >> /etc/fstab
-echo "## ATTENTION: THIS IS THE FSTAB ON THE LIVECD     ##" >> /etc/fstab     
-echo "## PLEASE EDIT THE FSTAB at /mnt/gentoo/etc/fstab ##" >> /etc/fstab     
-echo "####################################################" >> /etc/fstab
-cat /etc/fstab.old >> /etc/fstab
-rm /etc/fstab.old
-# add some helpful aliases
-echo "alias cp='cp -i'" >> /etc/profile
-echo "alias mv='mv -i'" >> /etc/profile
-echo "alias rm='rm -i'" >> /etc/profile
-echo "alias ls='ls --color=auto'" >> /etc/profile
-echo "alias grep='grep --color=auto'" >> /etc/profile
-# make sure we have the latest pci and hotplug ids
-if [ -d /usr/share/hwdata ]
-       [ -f /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids ] && rm -f /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids
-       [ -f /usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids ] && rm -f /usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids
-       ln -s /usr/share/misc/pci.ids /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids
-       ln -s /usr/share/misc/usb.ids /usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids
-# setup opengl in /etc (if configured)
-[ -x /usr/sbin/openglify ] && /usr/sbin/openglify
-# touch /etc/asound.state if alsa is configured
-[ -d /proc/asound/card0 ] && touch /etc/asound.state
-# tweak the motd for gentoo releases 
-if [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-release-universal" ]
-       cat /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/universal.motd.txt \
-               /etc/minimal.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-       sed -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux Universal Installation CD!:' /etc/motd
-if [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-release-minimal" ]
-       cat /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/minimal.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-       sed -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux Minimal Installation CD!:' /etc/motd
-if [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-release-environmental" ]
-       cat /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/universal.motd.txt \
-               /etc/minimal.motd.txt /etc/environmental.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-       sed -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux LiveCD Environment!:' /etc/motd
-if [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-gamecd" ]
-       cat /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/gamecd.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-       sed -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux ##GAME_NAME GameCD!:' /etc/motd
-rm -f /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/universal.motd.txt /etc/minimal.motd.txt /etc/environmental.motd.txt /etc/gamecd.motd.txt
-# setup splash/bootsplash (if called for)
-if [ "${clst_livecd_splash_type}" == "bootsplash" -a -n "${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" ]
-       if [ -d /etc/bootsplash/${clst_livecd_splash_theme} ]
-       then
-               sed -i 's:BOOTSPLASH_THEME=\"gentoo\":BOOTSPLASH_THEME=\"${clst_livecd_splash_theme}\":' /etc/conf.d/bootsplash
-               rm /etc/bootsplash/default
-               ln -s "/etc/bootsplash/${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" /etc/bootsplash/default
-       else
-               echo "Error, cannot setup bootsplash theme ${clst_livecd_splash_theme}"
-               exit 1
-       fi
-elif [ "${clst_livecd_splash_type}" == "gensplash" -a -n "${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" ]
-       if [ -d /etc/splash/${clst_livecd_splash_theme} ]
-       then
-               sed -i 's:# SPLASH_THEME="gentoo":SPLASH_THEME=\"${clst_livecd_splash_theme}\":' /etc/conf.d/splash
-               rm /etc/splash/default
-               ln -s /etc/splash/${clst_livecd_splash_theme} /etc/splash/default
-       else
-               echo "Error, cannot setup splash theme ${clst_livecd_splash_theme}"
-               exit 1
-       fi
-# Create firmware directory if it does not exist
-[ ! -d /lib/firmware ] && mkdir -p /lib/firmware
-# tar up the firmware so that it does not get clobbered by the livecd mounts
-if [ -n "$(ls /lib/firmware)" ]
-       cd /lib/firmware
-       if [ -n "$(ls /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware)" ]
-       then
-               cp /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/* /lib/firmware
-       fi
-       tar cvjpf /lib/firmware.tar.bz2 .
-       rm -f /lib/firmware/*
-       mkdir -p /usr/lib/hotplug
-       ln -sf /lib/firmware /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware
diff --git a/livecd/runscript-support/ b/livecd/runscript-support/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 4cd6d99..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript-support/Attic/,v 1.4 2005/02/28 23:21:09 wolf31o2 Exp $
-source /etc/profile
-#emerge -C genkernel
-find /lib/modules -name modules.dep -exec touch {} \;
diff --git a/livecd/runscript-support/ b/livecd/runscript-support/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 009d186..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript-support/Attic/,v 1.12 2005/03/29 17:09:49 wolf31o2 Exp $
-source /etc/profile
-if [ ! -x /usr/share/genkernel/genkernel ]
-       emerge -k -b genkernel
-install -d /usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries
-rm -f /usr/src/linux
-if [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-release-minimal" ] \
-|| [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-release-universal" ]
-       sed -i 's/initramfs_data.cpio.gz /initramfs_data.cpio.gz -r 1024x768 /'\
-       /usr/share/genkernel/genkernel
diff --git a/livecd/runscript/ b/livecd/runscript/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 400c639..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript/Attic/,v 1.10 2005/03/09 00:22:05 wolf31o2 Exp $
-case $1 in
-       kernel)
-       ;;
-       preclean)
-               # Add entries for ttyS0 and ttyS1 to /etc/inittab.
-               echo "t0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttyS0 vt100" >> ${clst_chroot_path}/etc/inittab
-               echo "t1:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttyS1 vt100" >> ${clst_chroot_path}/etc/inittab
-       ;;
-       clean)
-       ;;
-       bootloader)
-               # Create a filesystem tree for the ISO at
-               # ${clst_cdroot_path}. We extract the "cdtar" to this directory,
-               # which will normally contains a pre-built binary
-               # boot-loader/filesystem skeleton for the ISO. 
-               cdtar=${clst_livecd_cdtar}
-               [ -z "$cdtar" ] && die "Required key livecd/cdtar not specified, exiting"
-               tar xjpvf ${cdtar} -C ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Couldn't extract cdtar ${cdtar}"
-               # Here is where we poke in our identifier
-               touch ${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd
-               [ -z "${clst_boot_kernel}" ] && die "Required key boot/kernel not specified, exiting"
-               # unpack the kernel(s) that were built in
-               first=""
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       kbinary="${clst_chroot_path}/usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${x}-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2"
-                       [ ! -e "${kbinary}" ] && die "Can't find kernel tarball at ${kbinary}"
-                       tar xjvf ${kbinary} -C ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot
-                       # change kernel name from "kernel" to "gentoo", for example
-                       mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/kernel* ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/${x}
-                       # change initrd name from "initrd" to "gentoo.igz", for example
-                       mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/initrd* ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/${x}.igz
-               done
-               # figure out what device manager we are using and handle it accordingly
-               if [ "${clst_livecd_devmanager}" == "udev" ]
-               then
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} udev nodevfs"
-               else
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} noudev devfs"
-               fi
-               acfg=${clst_cdroot_path}/etc/aboot.conf
-               bctr=0
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       echo -n "${bctr}:/boot/${x} " >> ${acfg}
-                       echo -n "initrd=/boot/${x}.igz root=/dev/ram0 " >> ${acfg}
-                       echo "init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} cdroot" >> ${acfg}
-                       ((bctr=${bctr}+1))
-               done
-       ;;
-       cdfs)
-       ;;
-       iso)
-               # this is for the livecd-final target, and calls the proper
-               # command to build the iso file
-               case ${clst_livecd_cdfstype} in
-                       zisofs)
-                               mkisofs -J -R -l -z -V "${iso_volume_id}" -o ${2} ${clst_cdroot_path}  || die "Cannot make ISO image"
-                       ;;
-                       *)
-                               mkisofs -J -R -l -o ${2} ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Cannot make ISO image"
-                       ;;
-               esac
-               isomarkboot ${2} /boot/bootlx
-       ;;
diff --git a/livecd/runscript/ b/livecd/runscript/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5f71327..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript/Attic/,v 1.25 2005/03/29 18:53:32 wolf31o2 Exp $
-#return codes to be used by archscript
-die() {
-       echo "$1"
-       exit 1
-case ${clst_livecd_cdfstype} in
-       zisofs)
-               cmdline_opts="looptype=zisofs loop=/zisofs"
-               ;;
-       normal)
-               cmdline_opts="looptype=normal loop=/livecd.loop"
-               ;;
-       noloop)
-               cmdline_opts="looptype=noloop"
-               ;;
-       squashfs)
-               cmdline_opts="looptype=squashfs loop=/livecd.squashfs"
-               ;;
-       gcloop)
-               cmdline_opts="looptype=gcloop loop=/livecd.gcloop"
-               ;;
-source ${clst_livecd_archscript}
-create_normal_loop() {
-               #We get genkernel-built kernels and initrds in place, create the loopback fs on 
-               #$clst_cdroot_path, mount it, copy our bootable filesystem over, umount it, and 
-               #we then have a ready-to-burn ISO tree at $clst_cdroot_path.
-               echo "Calculating size of loopback filesystem..."
-               loopsize=`du -ks ${clst_chroot_path} | cut -f1`
-               [ "${loopsize}" = "0" ] && loopsize=1
-               # Add 4MB for filesystem slop
-               loopsize=`expr ${loopsize} + 4096`
-               echo "Creating loopback file..."
-               dd if=/dev/zero of=${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd.loop bs=1k count=${loopsize} || die "livecd.loop creation failure"
-               mke2fs -m 0 -F -q ${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd.loop || die "Couldn't create ext2 filesystem"
-               install -d ${clst_cdroot_path}/loopmount
-               sync; sync; sleep 3 #try to work around 2.6.0+ loopback bug
-               mount -t ext2 -o loop ${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd.loop ${clst_cdroot_path}/loopmount || die "Couldn't mount loopback ext2 filesystem"
-               sync; sync; sleep 3 #try to work around 2.6.0+ loopback bug
-               echo "cp -a ${clst_chroot_path}/* ${clst_cdroot_path}/loopmount"
-               cp -a ${clst_chroot_path}/* ${clst_cdroot_path}/loopmount 
-               [ $? -ne 0 ] && { umount ${clst_cdroot_path}/loopmount; die "Couldn't copy files to loopback ext2 filesystem"; }
-               umount ${clst_cdroot_path}/loopmount || die "Couldn't unmount loopback ext2 filesystem"
-               rm -rf ${clst_cdroot_path}/loopmount
-               #now, $clst_cdroot_path should contain a proper bootable image for our iso, including
-               #boot loader and loopback filesystem.
-create_zisofs() {
-       rm -rf "${clst_cdroot_path}/zisofs" > /dev/null 2>&1
-       echo "Creating zisofs..."
-       mkzftree -z 9 -p2 "${clst_chroot_path}" "${clst_cdroot_path}/zisofs" || die "Could not run mkzftree, did you emerge zisofs"
-create_noloop() {
-       echo "Copying files for image (no loop)..."
-       cp -a "${clst_chroot_path}"/* "${clst_cdroot_path}" || die "Could not copy files to image (no loop)"
-create_gcloop() {
-       create_normal_loop
-       compress_gcloop_ucl -b 131072 -c 10 "${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd.loop" "${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd.gcloop" || die "compress_gcloop_ucl failed, did you emerge gcloop?"
-       rm -f "${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd.loop"
-       # only a gcloop image should exist in cdroot path
-create_squashfs() {
-       echo "Creating squashfs..."
-       mksquashfs "${clst_chroot_path}" "${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd.squashfs" -noappend || die "mksquashfs failed, did you emerge squashfs-tools?"
-case $1 in
-       kernel)
-               shift
-               numkernels="$1"
-               shift
-               # setup genkernel and do any pre-kernel merge opts
-               cp -a ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/runscript-support/ ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp
-               ${clst_CHROOT} ${clst_chroot_path} /tmp/ || exit 1
-               rm -f ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-               # the kernel merge process is done in a chroot
-               cp -a ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/runscript-support/ ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp
-               count=0
-               while [ ${count} -lt ${numkernels} ]
-               do
-                       export clst_kname="$1"
-                       shift
-                       export clst_ksource="$1"
-                       shift
-                       export clst_kextversion="$1"
-                       shift
-               ${clst_CHROOT} ${clst_chroot_path} /tmp/ || exit 1
-               count=$(( ${count} + 1 ))
-               done
-               rm -f ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-               # clean up genkernel and do any post-kernel merge opts
-               cp -a ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/runscript-support/ ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp
-               ${clst_CHROOT} ${clst_chroot_path} /tmp/ || exit 1
-               rm -f ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-               ;;
-       preclean)
-               # move over the motd (if applicable)
-               if [ -n "${clst_livecd_motd}" ]
-               then
-                       cp -a ${clst_livecd_motd} ${clst_chroot_path}/etc/motd
-               else
-                       cp -a ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/generic.motd.txt \
-                               ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/universal.motd.txt \
-                               ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/minimal.motd.txt \
-                               ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/environmental.motd.txt \
-                               ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/gamecd.motd.txt \
-                               ${clst_chroot_path}/etc
-               fi
-               # move over the xinitrc (if applicable)
-               if [ -n "${clst_livecd_xinitrc}" ]
-               then
-                       cp -a ${clst_livecd_xinitrc} ${clst_chroot_path}/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
-               fi
-               # move over the environment
-               cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/livecd-bashrc \
-                       ${clst_chroot_path}/root/.bashrc
-               cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/livecd-bash_profile \
-                       ${clst_chroot_path}/root/.bash_profile
-               cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/livecd-local.start \
-                       ${clst_chroot_path}/etc/conf.d/local.start
-               mkdir -p /usr/share/faces
-               cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/gentoo.png \
-                       ${clst_chroot_path}/usr/share/faces
-               # touch /etc/startx if our livecd/type requires it
-               if [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-gamecd" ] #\
-               #|| [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-release-environmental" ]
-               then
-                       touch ${clst_chroot_path}/etc/startx
-               fi
-               # now, finalize and tweak the livecd fs (inside of the chroot)
-               cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/runscript-support/ ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp
-               ${clst_CHROOT} ${clst_chroot_path} /tmp/ || exit 1
-               rm -f ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-               # execute if we're a gamecd
-               if [ "${clst_livecd_type}" = "gentoo-gamecd" ]
-               then
-                       cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/runscript-support/ ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp
-                       ${clst_CHROOT} ${clst_chroot_path} /tmp/ || exit 1
-                       rm -f ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-               fi
-               # if the user has their own fs update script, execute it
-               if [ -n "${clst_livecd_fsscript}" ]
-               then
-                       cp ${clst_livecd_fsscript} ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-                       chmod 755 ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-                       ${clst_CHROOT} ${clst_chroot_path} /tmp/ || exit 1
-                       rm -f ${clst_chroot_path}/tmp/
-               fi
-               ;;
-       clean)
-               find ${clst_chroot_path}/usr/lib -iname "*.pyc" -exec rm -f {} \;
-               ;;
-       bootloader)
-               ;;
-       cdfs)
-               loopret=1
-               if [ "${clst_livecd_cdfstype}" = "normal" ]
-               then
-                       create_normal_loop
-                       loopret=$?
-               elif [ "${clst_livecd_cdfstype}" = "zisofs" ]
-               then
-                       create_zisofs
-                       loopret=$?
-               elif [ "${clst_livecd_cdfstype}" = "noloop" ]
-               then
-                       create_noloop
-                       loopret=$?
-               elif [ "${clst_livecd_cdfstype}" = "gcloop" ]
-               then
-                       create_gcloop
-                       loopret=$?
-               elif [ "${clst_livecd_cdfstype}" = "squashfs" ]
-               then
-                       create_squashfs
-                       loopret=$?
-               fi              
-               exit $loopret
-               ;;
-       iso)
-               ;;
-exit 0 
diff --git a/livecd/runscript/ b/livecd/runscript/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6e3543..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript/Attic/,v 1.9 2005/03/09 00:22:05 wolf31o2 Exp $
-case $1 in
-       kernel)
-       ;;
-       preclean)
-       ;;
-       clean)
-       ;;
-       bootloader)
-               # CDFSTYPE and loop_opts are exported from the default
-               # runscript
-               # Create a filesystem tree for the ISO at $clst_cdroot_path.
-               # We extract the "cdtar" to this directory, which will normally contains a pre-built
-               # binary boot-loader/filesystem skeleton for the ISO. 
-               cdtar=${clst_livecd_cdtar}
-               [ -z "$cdtar" ] && die "Required key livecd/cdtar not specified, exiting"
-               tar xjpvf ${cdtar} -C ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Couldn't extract cdtar ${cdtar}"
-               # Here is where we poke in our identifier
-               touch ${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd
-               [ -z "$clst_boot_kernel" ] && die "Required key boot/kernel not specified, exiting"
-               # install our kernel(s) that were built in
-               first=""
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       kbinary="${clst_chroot_path}/usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${x}-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2"       
-                       if [ -z "$first" ]
-                       then
-                               # grab name of first kernel
-                               first="${x}"
-                       fi
-                       [ ! -e "${kbinary}" ] && die "Can't find kernel tarball at ${kbinary}"
-                       tar xjvf ${kbinary} -C ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot
-               done
-               # figure out what device manager we are using and handle it accordingly
-               if [ "${clst_livecd_devmanager}" == "udev" ]
-               then
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} udev nodevfs"
-               else
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} noudev devfs"
-               fi
-               # THIS SHOULD BE IMPROVED !
-               mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/kernel* ${clst_cdroot_path}/vmlinux
-               mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/initrd* ${clst_cdroot_path}/initrd
-               icfg=${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/palo.conf
-               kmsg=${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/kernels.msg
-               hmsg=${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/help.msg
-               echo "--commandline=0/${first} initrd=${x}.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts}" >> ${icfg}
-               echo "--bootloader=boot/iplboot" >> ${icfg}
-               echo "--ramdisk=boot/${x}.igz" >> ${icfg}
-#              for x in $clst_boot_kernel
-#              do
-#                      eval custom_kopts=\$${x}_kernelopts
-#                      echo "APPENDING CUSTOM KERNEL ARGS: ${custom_kopts}"
-#                      echo >> $icfg
-#                      echo "label $x" >> $icfg
-#                      echo "  kernel $x" >> $icfg
-#                      echo "  append initrd=$x.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} ${custom_kopts} cdroot vga=0x317 splash=silent" >> $icfg
-#                      echo >> $icfg
-#                      echo "   $x" >> $kmsg
-#                      echo "label $x-nofb" >> $icfg
-#                      echo "  kernel $x" >> $icfg
-#                      echo "  append initrd=$x.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} ${custom_kopts} cdroot" >> $icfg
-#                      echo >> $icfg
-#                      echo "   ${x}-nofb" >> $kmsg
-#              done
-       ;;
-       cdfs)
-       ;;
-       iso)
-               #this is for the livecd-stage2 target, and calls the proper command to build the iso file
-               mkisofs -J -R -l -V "${iso_volume_id} -o ${2} ${clst_cdroot_path}  || die "Cannot make ISO image"
-               palo -f boot/palo.conf -C ${2}
-       ;;
diff --git a/livecd/runscript/ b/livecd/runscript/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6451f0e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript/Attic/,v 1.10 2005/03/19 17:46:39 wolf31o2 Exp $
-case $1 in
-       kernel)
-       ;;
-       preclean)
-       ;;
-       clean)
-       ;;
-       bootloader)
-               # PPC requirements: 
-               # -----------------
-               # The specs indicate the kernels to be build. We need to put
-               # those kernels and the corresponding initrd.img.gz(s) in the
-               # /boot directory. This directory contains a message boot.msg 
-               # containing some info to be displayed on boot, a configuration
-               # (yaboot.conf) specifying the boot options (kernel/initrd 
-               # combinations). The boot directory also contains a file called
-               # yaboot, which normally gets copied from the live environment.
-               # For now we supply a prebuilt file, prebuilt configuration 
-               # and prebuilt boot message. This can be enhanced later on
-               # but the following suffices for now:
-               cdtar=${clst_livecd_cdtar}
-               [ -z "${cdtar}" ] && die "Required key livecd/cdtar not defined, exiting"
-               tar xjpvf ${cdtar} -C ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Couldn't extract cdtar ${cdtar}"
-               # Here is where we poke in our identifier
-               touch ${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd
-               [ -z "${clst_boot_kernel}" ] && die "Required key boot/kernel not defined, exiting."
-               first=""
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       kbinary="${clst_chroot_path}/usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${x}-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2"
-                       if [ -z "${first}" ]
-                       then
-                               # grab name of first kernel
-                               first="${x}"
-                       fi
-                       [ ! -e "${kbinary}" ] && die  "Can't find kernel tarball at ${kbinary}"
-                       tar xjvf ${kbinary} -C ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot
-                       # change kernel name from "kernel" to "gentoo", for example
-                       mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/kernel* ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/${x}
-                       # change initrd name from "initrd" to "gentoo.igz", for example
-                       mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/initrd* ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/${x}.igz
-               done
-       ;;
-       cdfs)
-       ;;
-       iso)
-               # The name of the iso should be retrieved from the specs.
-               mkisofs -J -r -l -netatalk -hfs -probe -map ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/map.hfs -part -no-desktop -hfs-volid "${iso_volume_id}" -hfs-bless ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot -V "${iso_volume_id}" -o ${2} ${clst_cdroot_path}
-       ;;
diff --git a/livecd/runscript/ b/livecd/runscript/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0f5df87..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript/Attic/,v 1.11 2005/03/09 00:22:05 wolf31o2 Exp $
-case $1 in
-       kernel)
-       ;;
-       preclean)
-       ;;
-       clean)
-       ;;
-       bootloader)
-               # Create a filesystem tree for the ISO at
-               # $clst_cdroot_path. We extract the "cdtar" to this directory,
-               # which will normally contains a pre-built binary
-               # boot-loader/filesystem skeleton for the ISO. 
-               cdtar=${clst_livecd_cdtar}
-               [ -z "$cdtar" ] && die "Required key livecd/cdtar not defined, exiting"
-               tar xjpvf ${cdtar} -C ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Couldn't extract cdtar ${cdtar}"
-               # Here is where we poke in our identifier
-               touch ${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd
-               [ -z "$clst_boot_kernel" ] && die "Required key boot/kernel not defined, exiting"
-               # install the kernels built in
-               first=""
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       kbinary="${clst_chroot_path}/usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${x}-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2"       
-                       if [ -z "${first}" ]
-                       then
-                               # grab name of first kernel
-                               first="${x}"
-                       fi
-                       [ ! -e "${kbinary}" ] && die "Can't find kernel tarball at ${kbinary}"
-                       tar xjvf ${kbinary} -C ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot
-                       # change kernel name from "kernel" to "gentoo", for example
-                       mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/kernel-* ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/${x}
-                       # change initrd name from "initrd" to "gentoo.igz", for example
-                       mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/initrd* ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/${x}.igz
-               done
-               # figure out what device manager we are using and handle it accordingly
-               if [ "${clst_livecd_devmanager}" == "udev" ]
-               then
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} udev nodevfs"
-               else
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} noudev devfs"
-               fi
-               scfg=${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/silo.conf
-               echo "default=\"help\"" > ${scfg}
-               echo "message=\"/boot/boot.msg\"" >> ${scfg}
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       echo >> ${icfg}
-                       echo "image=\"/boot/${x}\"" >> ${scfg}
-                       echo -e "\tlabel=\"${x}\"" >> ${scfg}
-                       echo -e "\tappend=\"initrd=/boot/${x}.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} cdroot\"" >> ${scfg}
-               done
-               echo "image=\"cat /boot/silo.conf\"" >> ${scfg}
-               echo -e "label=\"config\"" >> ${scfg}
-               echo "image=\"cat /boot/video.msg\"" >> ${scfg}
-               echo -e "label=\"video\"" >> ${scfg}
-               echo "image=\"cat /boot/help.msg\"" >> ${scfg}
-               echo -e "label=\"help\"" >> ${scfg}
-       ;;
-       cdfs)
-       ;;
-       iso)
-               # Old silo + patched mkisofs fubar magic
-               # Only silo 1.2.x seems to work for most hardware
-               # Seems silo 1.3.x+ breaks on newer machines
-               # when booting from CD (current as of silo 1.4.8)
-               mv ${clst_cdroot_path}/boot/mkisofs.sparc.fu /tmp
-               /tmp/mkisofs.sparc.fu -o ${2} -D -r -pad -quiet -S 'boot/cd.b' -B '/boot/second.b' -s '/boot/silo.conf' -V "${iso_volume_id}" ${clst_cdroot_path}  || die "Cannot make ISO image"
-               rm /tmp/mkisofs.sparc.fu
-       ;;
diff --git a/livecd/runscript/ b/livecd/runscript/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8887ab8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript/Attic/,v 1.24 2005/03/09 00:22:05 wolf31o2 Exp $
-case $1 in
-       kernel)
-               ;;
-       preclean)
-               ;;
-       clean)
-               ;;
-       bootloader)
-               # CDFSTYPE and loop_opts are exported from the default
-               # runscript
-               # Time to create a filesystem tree for the ISO at $clst_cdroot_path.
-               # We extract the "cdtar" to this directory, which will normally contains a pre-built
-               # binary boot-loader/filesystem skeleton for the ISO. 
-               cdtar=${clst_livecd_cdtar}
-               [ -z "${cdtar}" ] && die "Required key livecd/cdtar not defined, exiting"
-               tar xjpvf ${cdtar} -C ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Couldn't extract cdtar ${cdtar}"
-               # Here is where we poke in our identifier
-               touch ${clst_cdroot_path}/livecd
-               [ -z "${clst_boot_kernel}" ] && die "Required key boot/kernel not defined, exiting."
-               first=""
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       kbinary="${clst_chroot_path}/usr/portage/packages/gk_binaries/${x}-${clst_version_stamp}.tar.bz2"
-                       if [ -z "${first}" ]
-                       then
-                               # grab name of first kernel
-                               first="${x}"
-                       fi
-                       # unpack the kernel that was compiled in
-                       [ ! -e "${kbinary}" ] && die "Can't find kernel tarball at ${kbinary}"
-                       tar xjvf "${kbinary}" -C "${clst_cdroot_path}"/isolinux
-                       #change kernel name from "kernel" to "gentoo", for example
-                       mv "${clst_cdroot_path}"/isolinux/kernel* "${clst_cdroot_path}"/isolinux/"${x}"
-                       #change initrd name from "initrd" to "gentoo.igz", for example
-                       mv "${clst_cdroot_path}"/isolinux/initrd* "${clst_cdroot_path}"/isolinux/"${x}".igz
-               done
-               # the rest of this function sets up the config file for isolinux
-               icfg=${clst_cdroot_path}/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
-               kmsg=${clst_cdroot_path}/isolinux/kernels.msg
-               hmsg=${clst_cdroot_path}/isolinux/help.msg
-               echo "default ${first}" > ${icfg}
-               echo "timeout 150" >> ${icfg}
-               echo "prompt 1" >> ${icfg}
-               echo "display boot.msg" >> ${icfg}
-               echo "F1 kernels.msg" >> ${icfg}
-               echo "F2 help.msg" >> ${icfg}
-               # figure out what device manager we are using and handle it accordingly
-               if [ "${clst_livecd_devmanager}" == "udev" ]
-               then
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} udev nodevfs"
-               else
-                       cmdline_opts="${cmdline_opts} noudev devfs"
-               fi      
-               echo "Available kernels:" > ${kmsg}
-               cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/x86-help.msg ${hmsg}
-               for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
-               do
-                       eval custom_kopts=\$${x}_kernelopts
-                       echo "APPENDING CUSTOM KERNEL ARGS: ${custom_kopts}"
-                       echo >> ${icfg}
-                       echo "label ${x}" >> ${icfg}
-                       echo "  kernel ${x}" >> ${icfg}
-                       if [ "${clst_livecd_splash_type}" == "gensplash" -a -n "${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" ]
-                       then
-                               echo "  append initrd=${x}.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} ${custom_kopts} cdroot vga=791 dokeymap splash=silent,theme:${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" >> ${icfg}
-                       else
-                               echo "  append initrd=${x}.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} ${custom_kopts} cdroot vga=791 dokeymap splash=silent" >> ${icfg}
-                       fi
-                       echo >> ${icfg}
-                       echo "   ${x}" >> ${kmsg}
-                       echo "label ${x}-nofb" >> ${icfg}
-                       echo "  kernel ${x}" >> ${icfg}
-                       echo "  append initrd=${x}.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} ${custom_kopts} cdroot" >> ${icfg}
-                       echo >> ${icfg}
-                       echo "   ${x}-nofb" >> ${kmsg}
-               done
-               if [ -f ${clst_cdroot_path}/isolinux/memtest86 ]
-               then
-                       echo >> $icfg
-                       echo "   memtest86" >> $kmsg
-                       echo "label memtest86" >> $icfg
-                       echo "  kernel memtest86" >> $icfg
-               fi
-               ;;
-       cdfs)
-               ;;
-       iso)
-               #this is for the livecd-stage2 target, and calls the proper command
-               # to build the iso file
-               case ${clst_livecd_cdfstype} in
-                       zisofs)
-                               mkisofs -J -R -l -V "${iso_volume_id}" -o  ${2} -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -z ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Cannot make ISO image"
-                       ;;
-                       *)
-                               mkisofs -J -R -l -V "${iso_volume_id}" -o  ${2} -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table ${clst_cdroot_path} || die "Cannot make ISO image"
-                       ;;
-               esac
-               ;;