"IUSE.invalid":"This ebuild has a variable in IUSE that is not in the use.desc or use.local.desc file",
"LICENSE.invalid":"This ebuild is listing a license that doesnt exist in portages license/ dir.",
"KEYWORDS.invalid":"This ebuild contains KEYWORDS that are not listed in profiles/arch.list or for which no valid profile was found",
+ "RESTRICT.invalid":"This ebuild contains invalid RESTRICT values.",
"ebuild.nostable":"There are no ebuilds that are marked as stable for your ARCH",
"ebuild.allmasked":"All ebuilds are masked for this package (Package level only)",
"ebuild.majorsyn":"This ebuild has a major syntax error that may cause the ebuild to fail partially or fully",
+valid_restrict = frozenset(["binchecks", "bindist", "fetch", "mirror",
+ "primaryuri", "strip", "test", "userpriv"])
stats["KEYWORDS.invalid"] += 1
fails["KEYWORDS.invalid"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s (profile invalid)" % mykey)
+ #restrict checks
+ myrestrict = set(myaux["RESTRICT"].split())
+ mybadrestrict = myrestrict.difference(valid_restrict)
+ if mybadrestrict:
+ stats["RESTRICT.invalid"] += len(mybadrestrict)
+ for mybad in mybadrestrict:
+ fails["RESTRICT.invalid"].append(x+"/"+y+".ebuild: %s" % mybad)
#syntax checks
myear = time.gmtime(os.stat(checkdir+"/"+y+".ebuild")[ST_MTIME])[0]
gentoo_copyright = re.compile(r'^# Copyright ((1999|200\d)-)?' + str(myear) + r' Gentoo Foundation')