-DIST mktwpol-0.2.6.tar.gz 55328 BLAKE2B a5998dcdd947288c0761fb4ef53cfca9de5b022a53f07fbfa7cb8023d0086471cd9a1ef822a3ff45931098acaedb2b94df2f882cc3bbadc18942293679d6816d SHA512 58d739bf789f7e25678adb19cc2d05bf98920d4f42a761f2c1fc45c72ac9080def9f2533f63c10dfea50f5d8428f7d4a19760a38dcc34bff9aaeb6fdd7e89434
DIST mktwpol-1.0.0.tar.gz 59748 BLAKE2B 954d86774bf5e88612dc67f0ee29b637da188f64a8203b8aa84511e940db059afce0e993f4a703429688e29e964e5efc53a21b32f1ead3cee70bb7f056fc62a4 SHA512 f7a04bb3acdada6407e3e422e26ba2c0c454f10011a2848d0c8e962996e135a381c893f7fcdea67e1a3a23f503eb2071448beca05b7ca90e179d2a28173a973e
DIST mktwpol-1.0.1.tar.gz 60491 BLAKE2B 66d7db396bbf7e5b2c4dd537ac9bcd387298ae733348b63c6d5cb6df79e9440ea751c27eccec66978371fa81a17929d25fcfbeca6787abf8b49f087b54a6468d SHA512 aa44af97533f130b89b83c6f2a8878d290770b677f6fb9fe654b033f57fcfb3d063a6a6ddf29599aa066452d75911cf8053d65b21c37e322851a10f4381cb33d
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-DESCRIPTION="Bash scripts to install tripwire and generate tripwire policy files"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- sed -i -e 's|/usr/local|/usr|' Makefile || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog
- elog "Installation and setup of tripwire ..."
- elog " - Run: \`twsetup.sh\`"
- elog
- elog "Maintenance of tripwire as packages are added and/or deleted ..."
- elog " - Run: \`mktwpol.sh -u\` to update tripwire policy and database"
- elog
- elog "Mktwpol is packaged with multiple policy-rules-generating files."
- elog "The default \"rules file\" is installed in /etc/tripwire"
- elog "Alternatives are installed in /usr/share/doc/${P}"
- elog "To use an alternative \"rules file\" ..."
- elog "copy it to /etc/tripwire, uncompress it, and \`touch\` it ..."
- elog
- elog "\`cp /usr/share/doc/${P}/mktwpol*.rules.bz2 /etc/tripwire\`"
- elog "\`bunzip2 /etc/tripwire/mktwpol*.rules.bz2\`"
- elog
- elog "mktwpol.sh uses the rules file with the most recent date."
- elog "Use \`touch\` to choose between multiple rules files."
- elog