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+[[!meta title="Encrypted password file and other news"]]
+[[!meta date="2008-07-22 20:46:31"]]
+I've been forgetting passwords recently, so I'm
+upgrading from the “card in my wallet” method to the
+“GnuPG via Emacs using EasyPG” method. Basically
+[jao's method](http://emacs.wordpress.com/2008/07/18/keeping-your-secrets-secret/)
+without Org-mode.
+[Org-mode](http://orgmode.org/) looks pretty cool, but I've got
+Debian's default Emacs21 on a few of my machines (Org-mode is bundled
+in versions ≥ 22), and I didn't want to install Org-mode on all of
+In other news, simulation testing moves along slowly. The constant
+unfolding rate leads to the expected exponetial decay, and Bell-model
+unfolding of a single domain matches the expected unfolding force
+histogram, which is all I've come up with so far for for theoretical
+unfolding-force histograms. For Kramers' overdamped integral form,
+I'm comparing my simulation's *k(F)* to Kramers' original predictions,
+but things aren't matching up yet. Work continues...
+On a competely unrelated note, I recently ran across Emacs' `Meta-q`
+command for nicely breaking paragraphs, and it's a gem. Especially
+useful for replying to seperate parts of other people's
+really-long-lined emails ;).
+[[!tag linux]]